예제 #1
        private void InitComposition()
            // Get our Compositor as well as the ScrollViewer that corresponds to
            // to our ListView. Then get the CompositionPropertySet that corresponds
            // to the ScrollViewer.
            var compositor          = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(this).Compositor;
            var scrollViewer        = MainListView.GetChildOfType <ScrollViewer>();
            var scrollerPropertySet = ElementCompositionPreview.GetScrollViewerManipulationPropertySet(scrollViewer);

            // Construct our parallax expression using the property set we got from the
            // ScrollViewer. Also we make sure to clamp the result so that the image doesn't
            // go off the screen/window.
            var expression = compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation("Clamp(scroller.Translation.Y * parallaxFactor, -608, 999)");

            expression.SetScalarParameter("parallaxFactor", 0.3f);
            expression.SetReferenceParameter("scroller", scrollerPropertySet);

            // Assign our expression to the visual that represents our BackgroundImage.
            var backgroundVisual = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(BackgroundImage);

            backgroundVisual.StartAnimation("Offset.Y", expression);

            // Get the visual that represents our HeaderTextBlock and also set up part
            // of our expression.
            var    textVisual = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(HeaderTextBlock);
            String progress   = "Clamp(visual.Offset.Y / -100.0, 0.0, 1.0)";

            // Create the expression and add in our progress string.
            var textExpression = compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation("Lerp(Vector3(0, 200, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0), " + progress + ")");

            textExpression.SetReferenceParameter("visual", backgroundVisual);

            // Assign our expression to the text visual.
            textVisual.StartAnimation("Offset", textExpression);