private IEnumerator DestroyObject() { //Play a random congratulatory sound AudioSource audio = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false; audio.clip = m_Sounds[m_MainController.GetRandomNum(0, m_Sounds.Length)]; audio.Play(); //Wait until the audio has finished playing yield return(new WaitForSeconds(audio.clip.length)); //Destroy the oxygen character so the player can keep on moving audio.Stop(); Destroy(gameObject); }
private IEnumerator DestroyObject() { //Play the lose a life sound AudioSource audio = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false; audio.clip = m_Sounds[m_MainController.GetRandomNum(0, m_Sounds.Length)]; audio.Play(); //Wait until the audio has played yield return(new WaitForSeconds(audio.clip.length)); //Destroy the game object so the player can keep playing audio.Stop(); Destroy(gameObject); }
private void MakeObstacle() { //Choose a random obstacle from the list of obstacles to place int obstacleNum = m_GameController.GetRandomNum(0, m_Obstacles.Length); GameObject obstacle = m_Obstacles[obstacleNum]; //Instantiate the obstacle and rotate the obstacle to a random rotation GameObject instantiatedObstacle = Instantiate(obstacle, transform.position, transform.rotation); instantiatedObstacle.transform.Rotate(0f, m_GameController.GetComponent <MainErythrocyteGameController>().GetRandomNum(0, 360), 0f, Space.Self); //Set the player, controller and parent of the obstacle instantiatedObstacle.GetComponent <ObstacleController>().SetPlayer(m_PlayerCollider); instantiatedObstacle.GetComponent <ObstacleController>().SetMainController(m_GameController); instantiatedObstacle.transform.SetParent(transform); }