private void OnlinePayment(string orderNumber) { var objSecurePage = new SecurePage(); _objCommon = new Common(); var objCrypto = new ClsCrypto(ClsSecurity.GetPasswordPhrase(Common.PassPhraseOne, Common.PassPhraseTwo)); var objMailTemplates = new MailTemplates(); string transactionDetails = "You have selected the payment mode through Online Payment of" + " " + "Rs." + " " + hdnAmount.Value + "/- "; var userDetails = UserManagerProvider.Instance.GetUserListById(objSecurePage.LoggedInUserId); var objCarProduct = new Common().GetProductForCart(0, Request["id"] == null ? orderNumber : null, Request["id"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Request["id"]) : 0); var mail = new MailMessage { From = new MailAddress(ApplicationSettings.Instance.Email), Subject = "Product Order Number:" + orderNumber }; var body = objMailTemplates.SendProductConfirmationMail(objSecurePage.LoggedInUserName, orderNumber, transactionDetails, objCarProduct.Tables[0]); mail.Body = body; mail.To.Add(objSecurePage.LoggedInUserEmailId); mail.Bcc.Add(ClsSingelton.bccDirectAdmission); Utils.SendMailMessageAsync(mail); var sp = userDetails.First(); var objUserRegistrationProperty = new UserRegistrationProperty { UserFullName = objSecurePage.LoggedInUserName, UserGender = sp.UserGender, UserEmailid = objSecurePage.LoggedInUserEmailId, MobileNo = objSecurePage.LoggedInUserMobile, PhoneNo = sp.PhoneNo, UserId = objSecurePage.LoggedInUserId, CourseId = sp.CourseId, UserCategoryId = objSecurePage.LoggedInUserType, UserDOB = sp.UserDOB, UserStatus = true, UserPassword = sp.UserPassword, UserPincode = txtPincode.Text.Trim(), UserCorrespondenceAddress = txtAddress.Text.Trim() }; var errMsg = ""; var i = UserManagerProvider.Instance.UpdateUserInfo(objUserRegistrationProperty, 1, out errMsg); var amount = hdnAmount.Value; var myUtility = new libfuncs(); Merchant_Id.Value = "M_shi18022_18022"; Amount.Value = amount; Order_Id.Value = orderNumber + DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss"); Redirect_Url.Value = Request["id"] != null ? Utils.AbsoluteWebRoot + "account/paymentconfirmation.aspx?CID=" + objCrypto.Encrypt(objSecurePage.LoggedInUserEmailId) + "&orderNumber=" + objCrypto.Encrypt(orderNumber) + "&UID=" + objCrypto.Encrypt(objSecurePage.LoggedInUserId.ToString() + "&Amount=" + amount + "&id=" + Request["id"]) : Utils.AbsoluteWebRoot + "account/paymentconfirmation.aspx?CID=" + objCrypto.Encrypt(objSecurePage.LoggedInUserEmailId) + "&orderNumber=" + objCrypto.Encrypt(orderNumber) + "&UID=" + objCrypto.Encrypt(objSecurePage.LoggedInUserId.ToString()); var workingKey = ClsSingelton.WorkingKey.Trim(); Checksum.Value = myUtility.getchecksum(Merchant_Id.Value, Order_Id.Value, Amount.Value, Redirect_Url.Value, workingKey); billing_cust_name.Value = objSecurePage.LoggedInUserName; billing_cust_address.Value = txtAddress.Text.Trim(); billing_cust_state.Value = txtState.Text; billing_cust_country.Value = "India"; billing_cust_tel.Value = objSecurePage.LoggedInUserMobile; billing_cust_email.Value = objSecurePage.LoggedInUserEmailId; delivery_cust_name.Value = ""; delivery_cust_address.Value = ""; delivery_cust_state.Value = ""; delivery_cust_country.Value = ""; delivery_cust_tel.Value = ""; billing_cust_city.Value = txtCity.Text; billing_zip_code.Value = txtPincode.Text.Trim(); delivery_cust_city.Value = ""; delivery_zip_code.Value = ""; _objConsulling = new Consulling(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, typeof(Page), "YourUniqueScriptKey", "PostDForm();", true); }
protected void btnFinish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { var objSecurePage = new SecurePage(); _objCommon = new Common(); var objMailTemplates = new MailTemplates(); string tranctionDetails; var orderNumber = "ADMJPROD" + DateTime.Now.Year + "UID" + objSecurePage.LoggedInUserId.ToString(); var i = new Common().UpdateOrderIdForProduct(objSecurePage.LoggedInUserId, false, Request["id"] == null? orderNumber:null, rbtnPaymentType.SelectedItem.ToString(), Request["id"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Request["id"]) : 0); switch (rbtnPaymentType.SelectedValue) { case "0": tranctionDetails = " You have selected the payment mode through cheque. Please make an account payee cheque of Rs." + lblCash1.Text + " in favour of <b>" + " " + " </b>"; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + " <br /><br /> Mention your Reference Id(Application form number), Name, Phone No, Email-id, at the back of the cheque."; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + "<br /><br />To confirm the payment, please send your cheque at the following address (Via Speed/Registered Post) "; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + " <br /><br />" + "<br />"; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + "74 Amrit Chamber, 2nd floor, <br />" + " 202-204 Scindia House Connaught Place, <br />" + " New Delhi-110001. <br />" + " Contact us : +91 - 9999 261 633, 9654 722 013 , 011-43391978<br/>"; break; case "1": tranctionDetails = "You have selected the payment mode through DD.<br/> "; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + " <b>Make a single Demand Draft</b> (DD) of Rs." + lblCash1.Text + " in favour of <b>" + " Admissionjankari com" + "</b>Payable at <b>Delhi.</b>"; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + " <br /><br /> To confirm the payment, please send your Demand Draft at the following address (Via Speed/Registered Post)"; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + "<br /><br />" + " <br />"; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + "74 Amrit Chamber, 2nd floor, <br />" + " 202-204 Scindia House Connaught Place, <br />" + " New Delhi-110001. <br />" + " Contact us : +91-11-43391978, +91-8800567711, +91-8800567733<br/>"; break; case "2": { const string bankName = "Account Name:"; const string ddNumber = "00032 0000 44418"; tranctionDetails = "You have selected the payment mode through cash. You will need to deposit Rs." + lblCash1.Text + " in the nearest HDFC Bank in the following account. <br/><br/> "; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + bankName + "<br/>"; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + "Account Number :" + ddNumber + " <br/>"; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + "RTGS/IFSC/NEFT Code: HDFC0000003 <br/>"; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + "Branch:Kasturba Gandhi Marg,New Delhi<br/>"; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + " <br /><br /> To confirm the payment, please send your pay-in-slip at the following address (Via Speed/Registered Post)"; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + "<br /><br />" + ""; tranctionDetails = tranctionDetails + "74 Amrit Chamber, 2nd floor, <br />" + " 202-204 Scindia House Connaught Place, <br />" + " New Delhi-110001. <br />" + " Contact us : +91-11-43391978, +91-8800567711, +91-8800567733<br/>"; } break; default: tranctionDetails = "You have selected the payment mode through Online Payment of" + " " + "Rs." + " " + hdnAmount.Value + "/- "; OnlinePayment(orderNumber); break; } var objCarProduct = new Common().GetProductForCart(0, Request["id"] == null ? orderNumber : null, Request["id"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Request["id"]) : 0); var mail = new MailMessage { From = new MailAddress(ApplicationSettings.Instance.Email), Subject = "Product Order Number:" + orderNumber }; var body = objMailTemplates.SendProductConfirmationMail(objSecurePage.LoggedInUserName, orderNumber, tranctionDetails, objCarProduct.Tables[0]); mail.Body = body; mail.To.Add(objSecurePage.LoggedInUserEmailId); mail.Bcc.Add(ClsSingelton.bccDirectAdmission); Utils.SendMailMessageAsync(mail); if (rbtnPaymentType.SelectedValue != "OnPayment") { Response.Redirect(Utils.AbsoluteWebRoot + "account/paymentconfirmation.aspx?mode=other", true); } } }