public static IList <string> Headers(this MailItem mailItem, string name) { var headers = mailItem.Headers(); if (headers.Contains(name)) { return(headers[name].ToList()); } return(new List <string>()); }
private string GenerateReportBody(MailItem reportedMailItem) { var emailHeadersTable = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var header in reportedMailItem.Headers()) { foreach (var value in header) { emailHeadersTable.AppendFormat(Resources.EmailHeaderTableRowHtml, header.Key, value); } } var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(; body = body.Replace(String.Format("{0}{1}{0}", Constants.EMAIL_TOKEN_SEPERATOR, Constants.EMAIL_HEADERS_TOKEN), emailHeadersTable.ToString()); return(body); }
private void CreateNewMailToSecurityTeam(IRibbonControl control) { Selection selection = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveExplorer().Selection; if (selection.Count == 1) // Check that selection is not empty. { object selectedItem = selection[1]; // Index is one-based. Object mailItemObj = selectedItem as Object; MailItem mailItem = null; // selectedItem as MailItem; if (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem) { mailItem = selectedItem as MailItem; } MailItem tosend = (MailItem)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem); tosend.Attachments.Add(mailItemObj); #region create mail from default try { tosend.To = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail; tosend.Subject = "[User Alert] Suspicious mail"; tosend.CC = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail_cc; tosend.BCC = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail_bcc; #region retrieving message header string allHeaders = ""; if (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem) { string[] preparedByArray = mailItem.Headers("X-PreparedBy"); string preparedBy; if (preparedByArray.Length == 1) { preparedBy = preparedByArray[0]; } else { preparedBy = ""; } allHeaders = mailItem.HeaderString(); } else { string typeFound = "unknown"; typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem) ? "MailItem" : typeFound; if (typeFound == "unknown") { typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.MeetingItem) ? "MeetingItem" : typeFound; } if (typeFound == "unknown") { typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.ContactItem) ? "ContactItem" : typeFound; } if (typeFound == "unknown") { typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.AppointmentItem) ? "AppointmentItem" : typeFound; } if (typeFound == "unknown") { typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.TaskItem) ? "TaskItem" : typeFound; } allHeaders = "Selected Outlook item was not a mail (" + typeFound + "), no header extracted"; } #endregion string SwordPhishURL = SwordphishObject.SetHeaderIDtoURL(allHeaders); if (SwordPhishURL != SwordphishObject.NoHeaderFound) { string SwordPhishAnswer = SwordphishObject.SendNotification(SwordPhishURL); } else { tosend.Body = "Hello, I received the attached email and I think it is suspicious"; tosend.Body += "\n"; tosend.Body += "I think this mail is malicious for the following reasons:"; tosend.Body += "\n"; tosend.Body += "Please analyze and provide some feedback."; tosend.Body += "\n"; tosend.Body += "\n"; tosend.Body += GetCurrentUserInfos(); tosend.Body += "\n\nMessage headers: \n--------------\n" + allHeaders + "\n\n"; tosend.Save(); tosend.Display(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Using default template" + ex.Message); MailItem mi = (MailItem)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem); mi.To = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail; mi.Subject = "Security addin error"; String txt = ("An error occured, please notify your security contact and give him/her the following information: " + ex); mi.Body = txt; mi.Save(); mi.Display(); } } else if (selection.Count < 1) // Check that selection is not empty. { MessageBox.Show("Please select one mail."); } else if (selection.Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select only one mail to be raised to the security team."); } else { MessageBox.Show("Bad luck... this case has not been identified by the dev"); } }
private void CreateNewMailToSecurityTeam(IRibbonControl control) { Selection selection = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveExplorer().Selection; if (selection.Count == 1) // Check that selection is not empty. { object selectedItem = selection[1]; // Index is one-based. Object mailItemObj = selectedItem as Object; MailItem mailItem = null; // selectedItem as MailItem; if (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem) { mailItem = selectedItem as MailItem; } MailItem tosend = (MailItem)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem); tosend.Attachments.Add(mailItemObj); #region create mail from default try { tosend.To = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail; tosend.Subject = Resources.EmailSubject; tosend.CC = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail_cc; tosend.BCC = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail_bcc; #region retrieving message header string allHeaders = ""; if (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem) { string[] preparedByArray = mailItem.Headers("X-PreparedBy"); string preparedBy; if (preparedByArray.Length == 1) { preparedBy = preparedByArray[0]; } else { preparedBy = ""; } allHeaders = mailItem.HeaderString(); } else { string typeFound = "unknown"; typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem) ? "MailItem" : typeFound; if (typeFound == "unknown") { typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.MeetingItem) ? "MeetingItem" : typeFound; } if (typeFound == "unknown") { typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.ContactItem) ? "ContactItem" : typeFound; } if (typeFound == "unknown") { typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.AppointmentItem) ? "AppointmentItem" : typeFound; } if (typeFound == "unknown") { typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.TaskItem) ? "TaskItem" : typeFound; } allHeaders = Resources.ItemNotMail; } #endregion string SwordPhishURL = SwordphishObject.SetHeaderIDtoURL(allHeaders); if (SwordPhishURL != SwordphishObject.NoHeaderFound) { string SwordPhishAnswer = SwordphishObject.SendNotification(SwordPhishURL); } else { tosend.Body = Resources.EmailBody_line1; //"Hello, I received the attached email and I think it is suspicious"; tosend.Body += "\n"; tosend.Body += Resources.EmailBody_line2; //"I think this mail is malicious for the following reasons:"; tosend.Body += "\n"; tosend.Body += Resources.EmailBody_YourReason; tosend.Body += "\n"; tosend.Body += Resources.EmailBody_line3; //"Please analyze and provide some feedback."; tosend.Body += "\n"; tosend.Body += "\n"; tosend.Body += GetCurrentUserInfos(); tosend.Body += "\n\n" + Resources.EmailBody_msgHeader + ": \n--------------\n" + allHeaders + "\n\n"; tosend.Save(); tosend.Display(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.UsingDefaultTemplate + ex.Message, Resources.MsgBox_Title); MailItem mi = (MailItem)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem); mi.To = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail; mi.Subject = Resources.ErrorSubject; String txt = (Resources.ErrorText + ex); mi.Body = txt; mi.Save(); mi.Display(); } } else if (selection.Count < 1) // Check that selection is not empty. { MessageBox.Show(Resources.MsgSelectOneMail, Resources.MsgBox_Title); } else if (selection.Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.MsgSelectOnlyOneMail, Resources.MsgBox_Title); } else { MessageBox.Show(Resources.MsgBadLuck, Resources.MsgBox_Title); } }