예제 #1
            internal DownloadInfo(Uri magnetUri, TorrentManager torrentManager, int priority, TorrentState?state = null)
                if (MagnetLink.FromUri(magnetUri).InfoHash != torrentManager.InfoHash)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("TorrentManager doesn't match Magnet");

                MagnetUri = magnetUri;
                Name      = torrentManager.Torrent?.Name ?? torrentManager.InfoHash.ToHex();
                Started   = torrentManager.StartTime;
                Progress  = torrentManager.PartialProgress;
                Peers     = torrentManager.Peers.Available;
                Seeds     = torrentManager.Peers.Seeds;
                Leechs    = torrentManager.Peers.Leechs;
                Files     = torrentManager.Torrent?.Files.Select(x => x.FullPath).ToArray() ?? new string[0];
                State     = GetState(torrentManager, state);
                Size      = torrentManager.Torrent?.Size ?? 0;
                Priority  = priority;

                DownloadedBytes = torrentManager.Monitor?.DataBytesDownloaded ?? 0;
                UploadedBytes   = torrentManager.Monitor?.DataBytesUploaded ?? 0;

                DownloadSpeed = torrentManager.Monitor.DownloadSpeed;
                UploadSpeed   = torrentManager.Monitor.UploadSpeed;

                MaxConnections = torrentManager.Settings.MaximumConnections;
예제 #2
        public void Download(Uri magnetUri, int priority = 0)
            var magnetLink = MagnetLink.FromUri(magnetUri);
            PrioritizedTorrentManager torrentManager = null;

            lock (listLock)
                if (this.Torrents.ContainsKey(magnetUri))

                var torrent = GetTorrentFile(magnetLink);
                if (torrent != null)
                    torrentManager = new PrioritizedTorrentManager(priority, torrent, Path.Combine(this.DownloadPath, magnetLink.Name), new TorrentSettings());
                    torrentManager = new PrioritizedTorrentManager(priority, magnetLink, Path.Combine(this.DownloadPath, magnetLink.Name), new TorrentSettings(), Path.Combine(this.CachePath, $"{magnetLink.InfoHash.ToHex()}.torrent"));

                //torrentManager = new PrioritizedTorrentManager(priority, magnetLink, Path.Combine(this.DownloadPath, magnetLink.Name), new TorrentSettings(), Path.Combine(this.CachePath, $"{magnetLink.InfoHash.ToHex()}.torrent"));

                this.Torrents.Add(magnetUri, torrentManager);

예제 #3
 public MagnetSource(Uri uri, ClientEngine engine, IEnumerable <string> announceUrls) : base(uri)
     this.engine       = engine;
     this.announceUrls = announceUrls;
     link = MagnetLink.FromUri(Uri);
예제 #4
        private static async Task StartEngine(IEnumerable <Uri> magnetUris)
            // Create the settings which the engine will use
            // downloadsPath - this is the path where we will save all the files to
            // port - this is the port we listen for connections on
            EngineSettings engineSettings = new EngineSettings
                SavePath   = downloadsPath,
                ListenPort = port

            //engineSettings.GlobalMaxUploadSpeed = 30 * 1024;
            //engineSettings.GlobalMaxDownloadSpeed = 100 * 1024;
            //engineSettings.MaxReadRate = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

            // Create the default settings which a torrent will have.
            TorrentSettings torrentDefaults = new TorrentSettings();

            // Create an instance of the engine.
            engine = new ClientEngine(engineSettings);

            byte[] nodes = Array.Empty <byte>();
                nodes = File.ReadAllBytes(dhtNodeFile);
                Console.WriteLine("No existing dht nodes could be loaded");

            DhtEngine dht = new DhtEngine(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port));
            await engine.RegisterDhtAsync(dht);

            // This starts the Dht engine but does not wait for the full initialization to
            // complete. This is because it can take up to 2 minutes to bootstrap, depending
            // on how many nodes time out when they are contacted.
            await engine.DhtEngine.StartAsync(nodes);

            // If the SavePath does not exist, we want to create it.
            if (!Directory.Exists(engine.Settings.SavePath))

            // If the torrentsPath does not exist, we want to create it
            if (!Directory.Exists(torrentsPath))

            BEncodedDictionary fastResume;

                fastResume = BEncodedValue.Decode <BEncodedDictionary>(File.ReadAllBytes(fastResumeFile));
                fastResume = new BEncodedDictionary();

            // For each magnet uri, load it into the engine.
            foreach (Uri magnetUri in magnetUris)
                MagnetLink magnet = MagnetLink.FromUri(magnetUri);

                // When any preprocessing has been completed, you create a TorrentManager
                // which you then register with the engine.
                TorrentManager manager = new TorrentManager(magnet, downloadsPath, torrentDefaults, torrentsPath);
                if (fastResume.ContainsKey(magnet.InfoHash.ToHex()))
                    manager.LoadFastResume(new FastResume((BEncodedDictionary)fastResume[magnet.InfoHash.ToHex()]));
                await engine.Register(manager);

                // Store the torrent manager in our list so we can access it later
                manager.PeersFound += manager_PeersFound;

            // If we loaded no torrents, just exit.
            if (torrents.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No torrents found");

            // For each torrent manager we loaded and stored in our list, hook into the events
            // in the torrent manager and start the engine.
            foreach (TorrentManager manager in torrents)
                manager.PeerConnected += (o, e) => {
                    lock (listener)
                        listener.WriteLine($"Connection succeeded: {e.Peer.Uri}");
                manager.ConnectionAttemptFailed += (o, e) => {
                    lock (listener)
                            $"Connection failed: {e.Peer.ConnectionUri} - {e.Reason} - {e.Peer.AllowedEncryption}");
                // Every time a piece is hashed, this is fired.
                manager.PieceHashed += (object o, PieceHashedEventArgs e) =>
                    lock (listener)
                        listener.WriteLine($"Piece Hashed: {e.PieceIndex} - {(e.HashPassed ? "Pass" : "Fail")}");

                // Every time the state changes (Stopped -> Seeding -> Downloading -> Hashing) this is fired
                manager.TorrentStateChanged += (object o, TorrentStateChangedEventArgs e) =>
                    lock (listener)
                        listener.WriteLine($"OldState: {e.OldState} NewState: {e.NewState}");

                // Every time the tracker's state changes, this is fired
                manager.TrackerManager.AnnounceComplete += (sender, e) => {
                    listener.WriteLine($"{e.Successful}: {e.Tracker}");

                // Start the torrentmanager. The file will then hash (if required) and begin downloading/seeding
                await manager.StartAsync();

            // While the torrents are still running, print out some stats to the screen.
            // Details for all the loaded torrent managers are shown.
            int           i       = 0;
            bool          running = true;
            StringBuilder sb      = new StringBuilder(1024);

            while (running)
                if ((i++) % 10 == 0)
                    sb.Remove(0, sb.Length);
                    running = torrents.Exists(m => m.State != TorrentState.Stopped);

                    AppendFormat(sb, "Total Download Rate: {0:0.00}kB/sec", engine.TotalDownloadSpeed / 1024.0);
                    AppendFormat(sb, "Total Upload Rate:   {0:0.00}kB/sec", engine.TotalUploadSpeed / 1024.0);
                    AppendFormat(sb, "Disk Read Rate:      {0:0.00} kB/s", engine.DiskManager.ReadRate / 1024.0);
                    AppendFormat(sb, "Disk Write Rate:     {0:0.00} kB/s", engine.DiskManager.WriteRate / 1024.0);
                    AppendFormat(sb, "Total Read:         {0:0.00} kB", engine.DiskManager.TotalRead / 1024.0);
                    AppendFormat(sb, "Total Written:      {0:0.00} kB", engine.DiskManager.TotalWritten / 1024.0);
                    AppendFormat(sb, "Open Connections:    {0}", engine.ConnectionManager.OpenConnections);

                    foreach (TorrentManager manager in torrents)
                        AppendFormat(sb, "State:           {0}", manager.State);
                        AppendFormat(sb, "Name:            {0}", manager.Torrent == null ? "MetaDataMode" : manager.Torrent.Name);
                        AppendFormat(sb, "Progress:           {0:0.00}", manager.Progress);
                        AppendFormat(sb, "Download Speed:     {0:0.00} kB/s", manager.Monitor.DownloadSpeed / 1024.0);
                        AppendFormat(sb, "Upload Speed:       {0:0.00} kB/s", manager.Monitor.UploadSpeed / 1024.0);
                        AppendFormat(sb, "Total Downloaded:   {0:0.00} MB", manager.Monitor.DataBytesDownloaded / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
                        AppendFormat(sb, "Total Uploaded:     {0:0.00} MB", manager.Monitor.DataBytesUploaded / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
                        MonoTorrent.Client.Tracker.ITracker tracker = manager.TrackerManager.CurrentTracker;
                        //AppendFormat(sb, "Tracker Status:     {0}", tracker == null ? "<no tracker>" : tracker.State.ToString());
                        AppendFormat(sb, "Warning Message:    {0}", tracker == null ? "<no tracker>" : tracker.WarningMessage);
                        AppendFormat(sb, "Failure Message:    {0}", tracker == null ? "<no tracker>" : tracker.FailureMessage);
                        if (manager.PieceManager != null)
                            AppendFormat(sb, "Current Requests:   {0}", await manager.PieceManager.CurrentRequestCountAsync());

                        foreach (PeerId p in await manager.GetPeersAsync())
                            AppendFormat(sb, "\t{2} - {1:0.00}/{3:0.00}kB/sec - {0}", p.Uri,
                                         p.Monitor.DownloadSpeed / 1024.0,
                                         p.Monitor.UploadSpeed / 1024.0);

                        AppendFormat(sb, "", null);
                        if (manager.Torrent != null)
                            foreach (TorrentFile file in manager.Torrent.Files)
                                AppendFormat(sb, "{1:0.00}% - {0}", file.Path, file.BitField.PercentComplete);
