예제 #1
        private static void Main(string[] args)
             *    This simple console application contains an example of how the file type identifier is used.
             *    A file magic number mapping is instantiated and configured to contain the magic numbers for a PDF file.
             *    A file type identifier is instantiated with this mapping, enabling it to recognize PDF files.
             *    The input loop asks the user for a file path and, using the file type identifier, tells the user
             *    whether the provided file was a PDF or not.

            // Instantiate a mapping of the file magic numbers that should be recognized
            var fileMagicNumberMapping = new MagicNumberMapping();

            // Add the file magic numbers for the PDF file type
            fileMagicNumberMapping.AddMagicNumbers(DocumentMagicNumbers.PDFMagicNumbers, DocumentMagicNumbers.PDF);
            // If more types of files should be recognized, they can be added to the file magic number mapping here

            // Instantiate a new file type identifier with the configure file magic number mapping
            var fileTypeIdentifier = new FileTypeIdentifier(fileMagicNumberMapping);

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("Input the path to a file that should be identified: ");
                var inputFilePath = Console.ReadLine();

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputFilePath))
                    Console.WriteLine("No input was provided...");

                if (!File.Exists(inputFilePath))
                    Console.WriteLine($"File at path '{inputFilePath}' does not exist!");

                string identifiedFileType = null;

                // Open a read Stream for the provided file
                using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(inputFilePath))
                    identifiedFileType = fileTypeIdentifier.GetFileType(fileStream);

                // Now, if the provided file is a PDF, it will be recognized by the file type identifier!
                if (identifiedFileType != null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"File type recognized! The type of this file is '{identifiedFileType}'");
                // If the file is not a PDF, the type is unknown to the identifier
                    Console.WriteLine("The file type identifier was not configured to recognize this type of file!");
        public void AddMagicNumbers_SingleElement_ArgumentException_Tests(byte?[] magicNumber, string fileType)
            // Arrange
            var magicNumbers       = new byte?[][] { magicNumber };
            var magicNumberMapping = new MagicNumberMapping();

            magicNumberMapping.FileMagicNumberMappingTable.Should().BeEmpty("there should not be any existing mappings");

            // Act
            Action act = () => magicNumberMapping.AddMagicNumbers(magicNumbers, fileType);

            // Assert
            act.Should().Throw <ArgumentException>("the input is bad and should provoke an exception");
        public void AddMagicNumbers_Positive()
            // Arrange
            var magicNumbers = new[] { new byte?[] { 1, null, 3 }, new byte?[] { 1, null, 4 } };
            var fileType     = "test";

            // Act
            var magicNumberMapping = new MagicNumberMapping();

            magicNumberMapping.AddMagicNumbers(magicNumbers, fileType);

            // Assert
            magicNumberMapping.FileMagicNumberMappingTable.Should().HaveCount(2, "two mappings should have been added");