예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the PCF associated with the given CFUID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfuid">The CFUID to look up the PCF type with.</param>
        /// <param name="pcf">Stores the resulting PCF.</param>
        /// <param name="update">Determines if the PCF should have it's pose and state updated.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.Ok</c> if a valid PCF was found.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.InvalidParam</c> if failed due to an invalid input parameter.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.PrivilegeDenied</c> if necessary privilege is missing.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure</c> if failed due to other internal error.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.PassableWorldLowMapQuality</c> if map quality is too low for content persistence. Continue building the map.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.PassableWorldUnableToLocalize</c> if currently unable to localize into any map. Continue building the map.
        /// </returns>
        public static MLResult FindPCFByCFUID(MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID cfuid, out PCF pcf, bool update = true)
            pcf = null;
            if (MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.IsValidInstance())
                if (_instance.mapAllPCFs.ContainsKey(cfuid))
                    pcf = _instance.mapAllPCFs[cfuid];
                    if (update)
                        MLResult updateResult = pcf.Update();
                        if (!updateResult.IsOk)
                            MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID failed to update the found PCF. Reason: {0}", updateResult);


                    MLResult result = FindAllPCFs(out List <PCF> list, update: false);
                    if (result.IsOk)
                        pcf = list.Find(PCF => PCF.CFUID == cfuid);
                        if (update && pcf != null)
                            MLResult updateResult = pcf.Update();
                            if (!updateResult.IsOk)
                                MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID failed to update the found PCF. Reason: {0}", updateResult);

                        if (result.Result == MLResult.Code.PassableWorldLowMapQuality || result.Result == MLResult.Code.PassableWorldUnableToLocalize)
                            MLPluginLog.WarningFormat("Map quality not sufficient enough for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID. Reason: {0}", result);
                            MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID failed. Reason: {0}", result);

                MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID failed. Reason: No Instance for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.");
                return(MLResult.Create(MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure, "MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID failed. Reason: No Instance for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames."));
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the PCF associated with the given CFUID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfuid">The CFUID to look up the PCF type with.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">Delegate used to return the resulting MLResult.Result and the closest found PCF.</param>
        /// <param name="update">Determines if the PCF should have it's pose and state updated.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.Ok</c> if a valid PCF was found.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure</c> if failed due to no API instance being found.
        /// </returns>
        public static MLResult FindPCFByCFUID(MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID cfuid, OnFoundSinglePCFDelegate callback, bool update = true)
            if (MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.IsValidInstance())
                if (_instance.mapAllPCFs.ContainsKey(cfuid))
                    PCF pcf = _instance.mapAllPCFs[cfuid];
                    if (update)
                        MLResult updateResult = pcf.Update();
                        if (!updateResult.IsOk)
                            MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID failed to update the found PCF. Reason: {0}", updateResult);
                            callback(MLResult.Code.PassableWorldNotFound, pcf);

                    callback(MLResult.Code.Ok, pcf);
                    QueryFilter queryFilter = QueryFilter.Create();
                    queryFilter.TypesMask  = PCF.Types.SingleUserSingleSession | PCF.Types.SingleUserMultiSession | PCF.Types.MultiUserMultiSession;
                    queryFilter.MaxResults = int.MaxValue;
                    queryFilter.Sorted     = false;

                    FindPCFsByFilter(queryFilter, update: update, callback: (MLResult.Code resultCode, List <PCF> pcfList) =>
                        PCF pcfWithCFUID = pcfList.Find(pcf => pcf.CFUID == cfuid);
                        if (pcfWithCFUID != null)
                            if (update)
                                MLResult updateResult = pcfWithCFUID.Update();
                                if (!updateResult.IsOk)
                                    MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID failed to update the found PCF. Reason: {0}", updateResult);
                                    callback(MLResult.Code.PassableWorldNotFound, pcfWithCFUID);
                            callback(MLResult.Code.Ok, pcfWithCFUID);
                            callback(resultCode, null);

                MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID failed. Reason: No Instance for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.");
                return(MLResult.Create(MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure, "MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID failed. Reason: No Instance for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames."));
예제 #3
    // -- Utility methods to convert between MLCoordinateFrameUID and a strings. Will be replaced in future SDK updates with API -- //

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the GUID based on the values of this MLCoordinateFrameUID.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The calculated GUID.</returns>
    public static Guid PCFUIDToGuid(MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID frameUID)
        byte[] high = BitConverter.GetBytes(frameUID.First);
        byte[] low  = BitConverter.GetBytes(frameUID.Second);
        ulong newFirst = BitConverter.ToUInt64(high, 0);

        return(new Guid((int)(newFirst >> 32 & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF), (short)(newFirst >> 16 & 0x000000000000FFFF), (short)(newFirst & 0x000000000000FFFF), low));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the object corresponding to the given ID or creates a new one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meshID">The ID of the mesh in question.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly generated mesh object.</returns>
        private MeshObject GetOrCreateGameObject(MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID meshID, out bool newMesh)
            newMesh = !meshObjMap.TryGetValue(meshID, out MeshObject meshObj);
            if (newMesh)
                meshObj          = new MeshObject();
                meshObj.Obj      = Instantiate(MeshPrefab, MeshParent);
                meshObj.Obj.name = string.Format("Mesh {0}", meshID);
                meshObjMap.Add(meshID, meshObj);

예제 #5
        private IEnumerator Restore_Relocalize(string pcfCFUID)
            MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID cfuid = SerializationUtilities.StringToCFUID(pcfCFUID);

            while (true)
                MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID(cfuid, out pcfAnchor);

                if (pcfAnchor == null)
                    //we didn't find the pcf we needed this time:
                    if (_restoreAttempt < _maxRestoreAttempts)
                        Debug.Log($"Previous PCF not located.  Trying again.  Attempt: {_restoreAttempt}/{_maxRestoreAttempts}");
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(_restoreRetryDelay));
                        Debug.Log($"Failed to locate PCF attempt: {_restoreAttempt}/{_maxRestoreAttempts}.  Creating new Playspace.");
                        yield break;
                    yield return(null);
                    //deserialize meshes:
                    string[]  meshData     = PlayerPrefs.GetString(_sessionMeshKey).Split('|');
                    Vector3[] wallVerts    = SerializationUtilities.Deserialize <Vector3[]>(meshData[0]);
                    int[]     wallTris     = SerializationUtilities.Deserialize <int[]>(meshData[1]);
                    Vector3[] floorVerts   = SerializationUtilities.Deserialize <Vector3[]>(meshData[2]);
                    int[]     floorTris    = SerializationUtilities.Deserialize <int[]>(meshData[3]);
                    Vector3[] ceilingVerts = SerializationUtilities.Deserialize <Vector3[]>(meshData[4]);

                    BuildGeometry(wallVerts, wallTris, floorVerts, floorTris, ceilingVerts);

                    yield break;
예제 #6
    public static MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID PCFUIDFromString(string s)
        Guid   guid          = Guid.Parse(s);
        string guidString    = guid.ToString("N");
        ulong  flippedFirst  = ulong.Parse(guidString.Substring(0, 16), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
        ulong  flippedSecond = ulong.Parse(guidString.Substring(16, 16), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

        byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(flippedFirst);
        ulong first = BitConverter.ToUInt64(bytes, 0);

        bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(flippedSecond);
        ulong second = BitConverter.ToUInt64(bytes, 0);

        MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID cfuid = new MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID();
        cfuid.First  = first;
        cfuid.Second = second;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the type of the PCF associated with the given CFUID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cfuid">The CFUID to look up the PCF type with.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Stores the type of PCF associated with the given CFUID.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.Ok</c> if a valid PCF was found.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.InvalidParam</c> if failed due to an invalid input parameter.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.PrivilegeDenied</c> if necessary privilege is missing.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure</c> if failed due to other internal error.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.PassableWorldLowMapQuality</c> if map quality is too low for content persistence. Continue building the map.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.PassableWorldNotFound</c> if the passed CFUID is not available.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.PassableWorldUnableToLocalize</c> if currently unable to localize into any map. Continue building the map.
        /// </returns>
        public static MLResult GetPCFTypeByCFUID(MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID cfuid, out PCF.Types type)
            type = 0;

            if (MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.IsValidInstance())
                    NativeBindings.FrameStateNative nativeState = NativeBindings.FrameStateNative.Create();
                    MLResult.Code resultCode = NativeBindings.MLPersistentCoordinateFramesGetFrameState(_instance.nativeTracker, in cfuid, ref nativeState);
                    if (!MLResult.IsOK(resultCode))
                        if (resultCode == MLResult.Code.PassableWorldLowMapQuality || resultCode == MLResult.Code.PassableWorldUnableToLocalize)
                            MLPluginLog.WarningFormat("Map quality not sufficient enough for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.GetPCFTypeByCFUID. Reason: {0}", MLResult.CodeToString(resultCode));
                            MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.GetPCFTypeByCFUID failed. Reason: {0}", MLResult.CodeToString(resultCode));

                        return(MLResult.Create(resultCode, string.Format("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.GetPCFTypeByCFUID failed. Reason: {0}", MLResult.CodeToString(resultCode))));
                        type = nativeState.Type;
                catch (EntryPointNotFoundException)
                    MLPluginLog.Error("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.GetPCFTypeByCFUID failed. Reason: API symbols not found.");
                    return(MLResult.Create(MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure, "MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.GetPCFTypeByCFUID failed. Reason: API symbols not found."));
                MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.GetPCFTypeByCFUID failed. Reason: No Instance for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.");
                return(MLResult.Create(MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure, "MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.GetPCFTypeByCFUID failed. Reason: No Instance for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames."));
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PCF" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The CFUID to give to the PCF.</param>
 public PCF(MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID id)
     this.cfuid = id;
예제 #9
        private bool locateAndReBindToPCFAnchor()
            bool result = false;

            /// Iterate the persisted bindings that are stored locally on the device
            List <TransformBinding> storedBindings = TransformBinding.storage.Bindings;
            List <TransformBinding> staleBindings  = new List <TransformBinding>();

            foreach (TransformBinding storedBinding in storedBindings)
                /// Get the Coordinate Frame Unique Identifier
                this.coordinateFrameUID = storedBinding.PCF.CFUID;

                /// Find the PCF (Persistent Coordinate Frame) aka "The Anchor"
                MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFByCFUID(coordinateFrameUID, out MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.PCF pcf);

                /// Gets the MLResult from the last query for the PCF's pose. It could be one of the following:
                /// <c>MLResult.Code.Pending</c> -
                /// <c>MLResult.Code.Ok</c> - Position/Orientation is reliable.
                /// Otherwise - Position/Orientation is unreliable.
                switch (pcf.CurrentResultCode)
                case MLResult.Code.Pending:     // Position/Orientation does not exist.

                case MLResult.Code.Ok:      // Position/Orientation is reliable, but pcf may be null
                    if (pcf == null)
                        print("Found stored PCF -- Rebinding");
                        this.transformBinding = storedBinding;
                        this.transformBinding.Bind(pcf, this.transform, true);
                        this.pcf = pcf;

                        result = true;

                default:        // Position/Orientation is unreliable.

            foreach (TransformBinding staleBinding in staleBindings)

            if (!result)
                print("Failed to locate stored binding.");

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MLArucoTracker.Marker" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The id of this marker.</param>
 /// <param name="cfuid">The CFUID associated with this marker.</param>
 public Marker(int id, MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID cfuid)
     this.id    = id;
     this.cfuid = cfuid;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns filtered list of PCFs based on the parameters of the given queryFilter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryFilter">Parameters used to curate the returned values.</param>
        /// <param name="pcfList">Stores the resulting list of PCFs.</param>
        /// <param name="update">Determines if the PCFs should have their pose updated.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.Ok</c> if all the PCFs from the current map have been found successfully.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.PrivilegeDenied</c> if necessary privilege is missing.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure</c> if failed due to other internal error.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.PassableWorldLowMapQuality</c> if map quality is too low for content persistence. Continue building the map.
        /// MLResult.Result will be <c>MLResult.Code.PassableWorldUnableToLocalize</c> if currently unable to localize into any map. Continue building the map.
        /// </returns>
        public static MLResult FindPCFsByFilter(QueryFilter queryFilter, out List <PCF> pcfList, bool update = true)
            pcfList = new List <PCF>();

            if (MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.IsValidInstance())
                    uint          numPCFs    = 0;
                    MLResult.Code resultCode = NativeBindings.MLPersistentCoordinateFrameGetCount(_instance.nativeTracker, ref numPCFs);

                    if (MLResult.IsOK(resultCode) && numPCFs > 0)
                        MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID[] cfuidArray = new MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID[numPCFs];
                        NativeBindings.QueryFilterNative queryFilterNative        = NativeBindings.QueryFilterNative.Create();
                        queryFilterNative.Data = queryFilter;

                        uint cfuidCount = 0;

                        //// With these conditions the user is asking for all PCFs, no need to use the slower filtered query call.
                        if (queryFilter.TypesMask == (PCF.Types.SingleUserSingleSession | PCF.Types.SingleUserMultiSession | PCF.Types.MultiUserMultiSession) &&
                            queryFilter.Radius <= 0 && !queryFilter.Sorted)
                            resultCode = NativeBindings.MLPersistentCoordinateFrameGetAllEx(_instance.nativeTracker, numPCFs, cfuidArray);
                            cfuidCount = (uint)cfuidArray.Length;
                            resultCode = NativeBindings.MLPersistentCoordinateFrameQuery(_instance.nativeTracker, in queryFilterNative, cfuidArray, out cfuidCount);

                        if (MLResult.IsOK(resultCode))
                            for (int i = 0; i < cfuidCount; ++i)
                                MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID pcfCFUID = cfuidArray[i];
                                if (!pcfCFUID.Equals(MagicLeapNativeBindings.MLCoordinateFrameUID.EmptyFrame))
                                    PCF pcf = null;
                                    if (_instance.mapAllPCFs.ContainsKey(pcfCFUID))
                                        pcf = _instance.mapAllPCFs[pcfCFUID];
                                        pcf = new PCF(pcfCFUID);
                                        _instance.mapAllPCFs.Add(pcfCFUID, pcf);


                                    if (update)
                                        MLResult result = pcf.Update();
                                        if (!result.IsOk)
                                            MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFsByFilter failed to update the found PCF with CFUID {0}, Reason: {1}", pcf.CFUID, result);

                            if (resultCode == MLResult.Code.PassableWorldLowMapQuality || resultCode == MLResult.Code.PassableWorldUnableToLocalize)
                                MLPluginLog.WarningFormat("Map quality not sufficient enough for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFsByFilter. Reason: {0}", MLResult.CodeToString(resultCode));
                                MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFsByFilter failed. Reason: {0}", MLResult.CodeToString(resultCode));

                            return(MLResult.Create(resultCode, string.Format("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFsByFilter failed. Reason: {0}", MLResult.CodeToString(resultCode))));
                        if (resultCode == MLResult.Code.PassableWorldLowMapQuality || resultCode == MLResult.Code.PassableWorldUnableToLocalize)
                            MLPluginLog.WarningFormat("Map quality not sufficient enough for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFsByFilter. Reason: {0}", MLResult.CodeToString(resultCode));
                            MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFsByFilter failed. Reason: {0}", MLResult.IsOK(resultCode) ? "No PCFs could be found." : MLResult.CodeToString(resultCode));

                        return(MLResult.Create(resultCode, string.Format("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFsByFilter failed. Reason: {0}", MLResult.IsOK(resultCode) ? "No PCFs could be found." : MLResult.CodeToString(resultCode))));
                catch (EntryPointNotFoundException)
                    MLPluginLog.Error("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFsByFilter failed. Reason: API symbols not found.");
                    return(MLResult.Create(MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure, "MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFsByFilter failed. Reason: API symbols not found."));
                MLPluginLog.ErrorFormat("MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFsByFilter failed. Reason: No Instance for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.");
                return(MLResult.Create(MLResult.Code.UnspecifiedFailure, "MLPersistentCoordinateFrames.FindPCFsByFilter failed. Reason: No Instance for MLPersistentCoordinateFrames."));