protected string ApiTest() { string result = "\n" + CatalogFilename + ": "; string tempDisplay = ProgressText; ProgressText += result + "Rows to export..."; StopWatch exportWatch = new StopWatch(true); #if MAGENTO_API_AVAILABLE #region Static Trevor if (static_proxy && m_alias.Equals("Trevor")) { MagentoService Mclient = new MagentoService(); string MsessionId = ""; //---------------------CATALOG EXPORT---------------------------- try { MsessionId = Mclient.login(m_apiUserName, m_apiKey); catalogProductEntity[] plist = Mclient.catalogProductList(MsessionId, null, ""); if (plist.Length < 1) throw new Exception("No products available"); //TODO: create catalog file header string type = ""; foreach (catalogProductEntity p in plist) { string pid = p.product_id; if (p.type.Equals("simple")) //only export combined items or else simple items with no parents { bool isChild = false; catalogProductLinkEntity[] plinks = Mclient.catalogProductLinkList(MsessionId, "grouped", pid, "id"); foreach (catalogProductLinkEntity pl in plinks) if (pl.type.Equals("configurable")) { isChild = true; break; } if (isChild) continue; } else type += p.type + " "; string pname =; string patt1 = ""; bool first = true; foreach (string cid in p.category_ids) { if (first) first = false; else patt1 += ","; patt1 += cid; } catalogProductReturnEntity pinfo = Mclient.catalogProductInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", null, "id"); catalogProductReturnEntity pPriceInfo = Mclient.catalogProductGetSpecialPrice(MsessionId, pid, "", "id"); string patt2 = ""; string pprice = pPriceInfo.price; ; if ((pPriceInfo.special_from_date != null) && (pinfo.special_to_date != null)) { DateTime saleStart = DateTime.Parse(pPriceInfo.special_from_date); DateTime saleEnd = DateTime.Parse(pPriceInfo.special_to_date); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if (now >= saleStart && now <= saleEnd) pprice = pPriceInfo.special_price; } string pfilter = ""; string plink = pinfo.url_key; string pimage = ""; string psku = pinfo.sku; catalogProductImageEntity pimageinfo = null; try { pimageinfo = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", "", "id"); } catch { } if (pimageinfo != null) { pimage = pimageinfo.url; } } } catch { } //---------------------SALES EXPORT---------------------------- try { //salesOrderEntity[] sorders = Mclient.salesOrderList(MsessionId, null); salesOrderEntity[] sorders = Mclient.salesOrderList(MsessionId, null); if (sorders.Length > 0) { //TODO: create header line for sales export foreach (salesOrderEntity s in sorders) { string customerid = s.customer_id; if (s.customer_is_guest.Equals("1")) { customerid = s.customer_email; if (customerid == null || customerid.Length < 1) customerid = s.increment_id; } string date = s.created_at; salesOrderEntity sinfo = Mclient.salesOrderInfo(MsessionId, s.increment_id); foreach (salesOrderItemEntity item in sinfo.items) { string productid = item.product_id; string quantity = item.qty_ordered; int len = quantity.IndexOf("."); if (len > 0) quantity = quantity.Substring(0, len); //remove fractional part //TODO: add line to sales data here } } //TODO: upload sales data } } catch { } } #endregion #endif #region Static GoStore Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient Mclient = new Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient(); string MsessionId = ""; //---------------------CATALOG EXPORT---------------------------- try { //login //MsessionId = Mclient.login(m_apiUserName, m_apiKey); MsessionId = Mclient.login("4Tell", "4tellsoftware"); //condomania //Get API calls available apiEntity[] resources = Mclient.resources(MsessionId); //resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("resources", sessionID); //Type t = resultObj.GetType(); //XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(t); //XElement resources = xs.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //TODO: check each CallMethod to make sure it is in this list... //Set product attributes to fetch catalogProductRequestAttributes prodAttributes = new catalogProductRequestAttributes(); string[] attributes = { "sku", "url_key", "price", "special_price", "special_from_date", "special_to_date", "parent_item_id" }; prodAttributes.attributes = attributes; //filters prodFilters = new filters(); //associativeEntity[] filterList = new associativeEntity[1]; //filterList[0].key = ""; //filterList[0].value = ""; //loop through all products StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + ProductRecord.Header()); catalogProductEntity[] plist; Mclient.catalogProductList(out plist, MsessionId, null, ""); string type = ""; int maxCid = 0; foreach (catalogProductEntity p in plist) { string pid = p.product_id; if (p.type.Equals("simple")) //only export combined items or else simple items with no parents { //bool isChild = false; //catalogProductLinkEntity[] plinks = Mclient.catalogProductLinkList(MsessionId, "grouped", pid, "id"); //foreach (catalogProductLinkEntity pl in plinks) // if (pl.type.Equals("configurable")) // { // isChild = true; // break; // } //if (isChild) continue; } else type += p.type + " "; string pname =; string patt1 = ""; bool first = true; foreach (string cid in p.category_ids) { if (first) first = false; else patt1 += ","; patt1 += cid; int id = Convert.ToInt32(cid); if (id > maxCid) maxCid = id; } string patt2 = ""; catalogProductReturnEntity pinfo = Mclient.catalogProductInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", prodAttributes, "id"); string pprice = pinfo.price; ; if ((pinfo.special_from_date != null) && (pinfo.special_to_date != null)) { DateTime saleStart = DateTime.Parse(pinfo.special_from_date); DateTime saleEnd = DateTime.Parse(pinfo.special_to_date); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if (now >= saleStart && now <= saleEnd) pprice = pinfo.special_price; } string pfilter = ""; string plink = pinfo.url_key; string pimage = ""; string psku = pinfo.sku; catalogProductImageEntity pimageinfo = null; try { pimageinfo = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", "", "id"); } catch { try { pimageinfo = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo(MsessionId, psku, "", "", "sku"); } catch { } } if (pimageinfo != null) { pimage = pimageinfo.url; } data.Append(pid + "\t" + pname + "\t" + patt1 + "\t" + patt2 + "\t" + pprice + "\t" + pfilter + "\t" + plink + "\t" + pimage + "\t" + psku + "\r\n"); } result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, CatalogFilename, data); //get cat info result += "\n" + Att1Filename + ": "; ProgressText = tempDisplay + result + "Exporting..."; catalogCategoryInfo cinfo; StringBuilder csb = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + AttributeRecord.Header()); for (int cid = 1; cid <= maxCid; cid++) { try { cinfo = Mclient.catalogCategoryInfo(MsessionId, cid, "", null); csb.Append(cid.ToString() + "\t" + + "\r\n"); } catch { csb.Append(cid.ToString() + "\t" + cid.ToString() + "\r\n"); } } result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, Att1Filename, csb); ProgressText = tempDisplay + result; } catch { } //try //{ // //catalogCategoryTree ctree = Mclient.catalogCategoryTree(MsessionId, "", ""); // catalogCategoryTree ctree = Mclient.catalogCategoryTree(MsessionId, "0", ""); //} //catch { } //try //{ // //catalogCategoryEntityNoChildren[] clist = Mclient.catalogCategoryLevel(MsessionId, "", "", ""); // catalogCategoryEntityNoChildren[] clist = Mclient.catalogCategoryLevel(MsessionId, "", "", ""); //} //catch { } //try //{ // //catalogCategoryEntityNoChildren[] clist = Mclient.catalogCategoryLevel(MsessionId, "", "", ""); // catalogCategoryEntityNoChildren[] clist = Mclient.catalogCategoryLevel(MsessionId, "", "", ""); //} //catch { } //try //{ // //catalogCategoryInfo cinfo = Mclient.catalogCategoryInfo(MsessionId, 0, "CurrentView", null); // catalogCategoryInfo cinfo = Mclient.catalogCategoryInfo(MsessionId, 4, "", null); //} //catch { } //try //{ // //catalogProductAttributeSetEntity[] pasList = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeSetList(MsessionId); // //...this one works! // catalogProductAttributeSetEntity[] pasList = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeSetList(MsessionId); //} //catch { } //---------------------SALES EXPORT---------------------------- try { DateTime exportDate = DateTime.Now; //pass this date in string salesFileName = string.Format(SalesFilenameFormat, exportDate.ToString("yyyy-MM")); result += "\n" + salesFileName + ": "; StringBuilder salesData = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + SalesRecord.Header()); //create filter to get sales for this month only string fromDate = string.Format("{0:0000}-{1:00}-01 00:00:00", exportDate.Year, exportDate.Month); string toDate = string.Format("{0:0000}-{1:00}-01 00:00:00", exportDate.Year, exportDate.Month + 1); filters monthFilter = new filters(); monthFilter.complex_filter = new complexFilter[2]; monthFilter.complex_filter[0] = new complexFilter(); monthFilter.complex_filter[0].key = "created_at"; monthFilter.complex_filter[0].value = new associativeEntity(); monthFilter.complex_filter[0].value.key = "from"; monthFilter.complex_filter[0].value.value = fromDate; monthFilter.complex_filter[1] = new complexFilter(); monthFilter.complex_filter[1].key = "created_at"; monthFilter.complex_filter[1].value = new associativeEntity(); monthFilter.complex_filter[1].value.key = "to"; monthFilter.complex_filter[1].value.value = toDate; //get list of sales orders salesOrderEntity[] sorders = Mclient.salesOrderList(MsessionId, monthFilter); if (sorders.Length > 0) { //TODO: create header line for sales export foreach (salesOrderEntity s in sorders) { string customerid = s.customer_id; if (s.customer_is_guest.Equals("1")) { customerid = s.customer_email; if (customerid == null || customerid.Length < 1) customerid = s.increment_id; } string date = s.created_at; //get list of items purchased on each sales order salesOrderEntity sinfo = Mclient.salesOrderInfo(MsessionId, s.increment_id); foreach (salesOrderItemEntity item in sinfo.items) { string productid = item.product_id; string quantity = item.qty_ordered; int len = quantity.IndexOf("."); if (len > 0) quantity = quantity.Substring(0, len); //remove fractional part //add line to sales data salesData.Append(customerid + "\t" + productid + "\t" + quantity + "\t" + date + "\r\n"); } } //upload sales data result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, salesFileName, salesData); } } catch { } #endregion return result; }
protected override string GetCatalog() { string h2 = ""; StringBuilder data = null; string filename = "Catalog.txt"; string result = "\n" + filename + ": "; string tempDisplay = ProgressText; ProgressText += result + "Rows to export..."; StopWatch exportWatch = new StopWatch(true); //--------DEBUG USING STATIC------ bool static_proxy = false; //-------------------------------- #if MAGENTO_API_AVAILABLE #region Static Trevor if (static_proxy && m_alias.Equals("Trevor")) { MagentoService Mclient = new MagentoService(); string MsessionId = ""; //---------------------CATALOG EXPORT---------------------------- try { MsessionId = Mclient.login(m_apiUserName, m_apiKey); catalogProductEntity[] plist = Mclient.catalogProductList(MsessionId, null, ""); if (plist.Length < 1) throw new Exception("No products available"); //TODO: create catalog file header string type = ""; foreach (catalogProductEntity p in plist) { string pid = p.product_id; if (p.type.Equals("simple")) //only export combined items or else simple items with no parents { bool isChild = false; catalogProductLinkEntity[] plinks = Mclient.catalogProductLinkList(MsessionId, "grouped", pid, "id"); foreach (catalogProductLinkEntity pl in plinks) if (pl.type.Equals("configurable")) { isChild = true; break; } if (isChild) continue; } else type += p.type + " "; string pname =; string patt1 = ""; bool first = true; foreach (string cid in p.category_ids) { if (first) first = false; else patt1 += ","; patt1 += cid; } catalogProductReturnEntity pinfo = Mclient.catalogProductInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", null, "id"); catalogProductReturnEntity pPriceInfo = Mclient.catalogProductGetSpecialPrice(MsessionId, pid, "", "id"); string patt2 = ""; string pprice = pPriceInfo.price; ; if ((pPriceInfo.special_from_date != null) && (pinfo.special_to_date != null)) { DateTime saleStart = DateTime.Parse(pPriceInfo.special_from_date); DateTime saleEnd = DateTime.Parse(pPriceInfo.special_to_date); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if (now >= saleStart && now <= saleEnd) pprice = pPriceInfo.special_price; } string pfilter = ""; string plink = pinfo.url_key; string pimage = ""; string psku = pinfo.sku; catalogProductImageEntity pimageinfo = null; try { pimageinfo = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", "", "id"); } catch { } if (pimageinfo != null) { pimage = pimageinfo.url; } } } catch { } //---------------------SALES EXPORT---------------------------- try { //salesOrderEntity[] sorders = Mclient.salesOrderList(MsessionId, null); salesOrderEntity[] sorders = Mclient.salesOrderList(MsessionId, null); if (sorders.Length > 0) { //TODO: create header line for sales export foreach (salesOrderEntity s in sorders) { string customerid = s.customer_id; if (s.customer_is_guest.Equals("1")) { customerid = s.customer_email; if (customerid == null || customerid.Length < 1) customerid = s.increment_id; } string date = s.created_at; salesOrderEntity sinfo = Mclient.salesOrderInfo(MsessionId, s.increment_id); foreach (salesOrderItemEntity item in sinfo.items) { string productid = item.product_id; string quantity = item.qty_ordered; int len = quantity.IndexOf("."); if (len > 0) quantity = quantity.Substring(0, len); //remove fractional part //TODO: add line to sales data here } } //TODO: upload sales data } } catch { } } #endregion #endif #region Static GoStore if (static_proxy && m_alias.Equals("WSTea")) { Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient Mclient = new Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortTypeClient(); string MsessionId = ""; //---------------------CATALOG EXPORT---------------------------- try { //login MsessionId = Mclient.login(m_apiUserName, m_apiKey); //Set product attributes to fetch catalogProductRequestAttributes prodAttributes = new catalogProductRequestAttributes(); string[] attributes = { "sku", "url_key", "price", "special_price", "special_from_date", "special_to_date", "parent_item_id" }; prodAttributes.attributes = attributes; //filters prodFilters = new filters(); //associativeEntity[] filterList = new associativeEntity[1]; //filterList[0].key = ""; //filterList[0].value = ""; //loop through all products h2 = "Product ID\tName\tAtt1 ID\tAtt2 ID\tPrice\tFilter\tLink\tImage Link\tStandard Code\r\n"; //product catalog second header line data = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + h2); catalogProductEntity[] plist; Mclient.catalogProductList(out plist, MsessionId, null, ""); //string type = ""; int maxCid = 0; foreach (catalogProductEntity p in plist) { string pid = p.product_id; catalogProductLinkEntity[] plinks = Mclient.catalogProductLinkList(MsessionId, "parent", pid, "id"); if (plinks != null) continue; //is a child //if (p.type.Equals("simple")) //only export combined items or else simple items with no parents //{ // bool isChild = false; // catalogProductLinkEntity[] plinks = Mclient.catalogProductLinkList(MsessionId, "grouped", pid, "id"); // foreach (catalogProductLinkEntity pl in plinks) // if (pl.type.Equals("configurable")) // { // isChild = true; // break; // } // if (isChild) continue; //} //else // type += p.type + " "; string pname =; string patt1 = ""; bool first = true; foreach (string cid in p.category_ids) { if (first) first = false; else patt1 += ","; patt1 += cid; int id = Convert.ToInt32(cid); if (id > maxCid) maxCid = id; } string patt2 = ""; catalogProductReturnEntity pinfo = Mclient.catalogProductInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", prodAttributes, "id"); string pprice = pinfo.price; ; if ((pinfo.special_from_date != null) && (pinfo.special_to_date != null)) { DateTime saleStart = DateTime.Parse(pinfo.special_from_date); DateTime saleEnd = DateTime.Parse(pinfo.special_to_date); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if (now >= saleStart && now <= saleEnd) pprice = pinfo.special_price; } string pfilter = ""; string plink = pinfo.url_key; string pimage = ""; string psku = pinfo.sku; catalogProductImageEntity pimageinfo = null; try { pimageinfo = Mclient.catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo(MsessionId, pid, "", "", "id"); } catch { } if (pimageinfo != null) { pimage = pimageinfo.url; } data.Append(pid + "\t" + pname + "\t" + patt1 + "\t" + patt2 + "\t" + pprice + "\t" + pfilter + "\t" + plink + "\t" + pimage + "\t" + psku + "\r\n"); } result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, filename, data); //get cat info filename = "Attribute1Names.txt"; result += "\n" + filename + ": "; ProgressText = tempDisplay + result + "Exporting..."; catalogCategoryInfo cinfo; h2 = "Att ID\tName\r\n"; StringBuilder csb = new StringBuilder(CommonHeader + h2); for (int cid = 1; cid <= maxCid; cid++) { try { cinfo = Mclient.catalogCategoryInfo(MsessionId, cid, "", null); csb.Append(cid.ToString() + "\t" + + "\r\n"); } catch { csb.Append(cid.ToString() + "\t" + cid.ToString() + "\r\n"); } } result += m_boostService.WriteTable(m_alias, filename, csb); ProgressText = tempDisplay + result; } catch { } } #endregion #region Dynamic GoStore if (!static_proxy) { // DynamicProxy proxy = GetSoapProxy(m_wsdlUrl, "Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_HandlerPortType"); if (proxy == null) throw new Exception("Unable to create SOAP proxy for Magento"); //login to get a session id object resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("login", m_apiUserName, m_apiKey); string sessionID = resultObj.ToString(); //Type t; //XmlSerializer xs; //---------------------CATALOG EXPORT---------------------------- try { //Get catalog details resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("resources", sessionID); XElement resources = XmlSerializerExtension.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //t = resultObj.GetType(); //xs = new XmlSerializer(t); //XElement resources = xs.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //TODO: check each CallMethod to make sure it is in this list... //catalog_product.list catalogProductList resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("catalog_product.list", sessionID); XElement products = XmlSerializerExtension.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //catalogProductEntity[] //t = resultObj.GetType(); //xs = new XmlSerializer(t); //XElement products = xs.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //catalogProductEntity[] foreach (XElement product in products.Elements("catalogProductEntity")) { string pid = ""; string pname = ""; string patt1 = ""; try { pid = Client.GetValue(product, "product_id"); pname = Client.GetValue(product, "name"); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { bool first = true; foreach (XElement cat in product.Elements("category_ids")) { if (first) first = false; else patt1 += ","; patt1 += Client.GetValue(cat, "id"); } } catch (Exception ex) { } XElement pinfo = null; //#if MAGENTO_API_AVAILABLE catalogProductRequestAttributes a = new catalogProductRequestAttributes(); string[] attributes = { "sku", "url_key", "price", "special_price", "special_from_date", "special_to_date" }; a.attributes = attributes; XElement request = XmlSerializerExtension.SerializeAsXElement(a); //t = a.GetType(); //xs = new XmlSerializer(t); //XElement request = xs.SerializeAsXElement(a); string patt2 = ""; string pprice = ""; try { // catalogProductInfo resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("", sessionID, pid, a, "id"); pinfo = XmlSerializerExtension.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //catalogProductReturnEntity //t = resultObj.GetType(); //xs = new XmlSerializer(t); //pinfo = xs.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //catalogProductReturnEntity pprice = Client.GetValue(pinfo, "price"); XElement xFromDate = pinfo.Element("special_from_date"); XElement xToDate = pinfo.Element("special_from_date"); if ((xFromDate != null) && (xToDate != null)) { DateTime saleStart = DateTime.Parse(xFromDate.Value); DateTime saleEnd = DateTime.Parse(xToDate.Value); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if (now >= saleStart && now <= saleEnd) pprice = Client.GetValue(pinfo, "special_price"); } } catch (Exception ex) { } //#endif string pfilter = ""; string plink = ""; string psku = ""; string pimage = ""; try { plink = Client.GetValue(pinfo, "url_key"); psku = Client.GetValue(pinfo, "sku"); XElement pimageinfo = null; // catalogProductAttributeMediaInfo resultObj = proxy.CallMethod("", sessionID, pid, "", "", "id"); pimageinfo = XmlSerializerExtension.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //catalogProductImageEntity //t = resultObj.GetType(); //xs = new XmlSerializer(t); //pimageinfo = xs.SerializeAsXElement(resultObj); //catalogProductImageEntity if (pimageinfo != null) { pimage = Client.GetValue(pimageinfo, "url"); } } catch { } } } catch (Exception ex) { string errMsg = "Error extracting catalog: " + ex.Message; if (ex.InnerException != null) errMsg += "\nInner Exception" + ex.InnerException.Message; result += "\n" + errMsg; } } #endregion return result; }