예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            // Prepare alias path
            string aliasPath = Path;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasPath))
                aliasPath = "/%";
            aliasPath = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(aliasPath);

            // Prepare site name
            string siteName = SiteName;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(siteName))
                siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;

            // Prepare culture code
            string cultureCode = CultureCode;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureCode))
                cultureCode = LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode;

            // Comments filter properties
            srcComments.SelectOnlyApproved = SelectOnlyApproved;
            srcComments.SiteName           = siteName;
            srcComments.WhereCondition     = WhereCondition;
            srcComments.OrderBy            = OrderBy;
            srcComments.TopN             = SelectTopN;
            srcComments.SelectedColumns  = Columns;
            srcComments.FilterName       = ValidationHelper.GetString(GetValue("WebPartControlID"), ID);
            srcComments.SourceFilterName = FilterName;

            // Caching properties
            srcComments.CacheItemName     = CacheItemName;
            srcComments.CacheDependencies = CacheDependencies;
            srcComments.CacheMinutes      = CacheMinutes;

            // Document filter properties
            srcComments.UseDocumentFilter         = UseDocumentFilter;
            srcComments.DocumentsWhereCondition   = DocumentsWhereCondition;
            srcComments.CombineWithDefaultCulture = CombineWithDefaultCulture;
            srcComments.CultureCode         = cultureCode;
            srcComments.SelectOnlyPublished = SelectOnlyPublished;
            srcComments.MaxRelativeLevel    = MaxRelativeLevel;
            srcComments.Path = aliasPath;
예제 #2
    private TreeNode GetDocument(UserInfo user)
        var tree = new TreeProvider(user);
        var node = tree.SelectSingleNode(SiteName, MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path), CultureCode, false, null, false, CheckPermissions);

        if ((node != null) && (PortalContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.LiveSite))
            node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(node, tree);

예제 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns Correct URL of the 'Set permissions' dialog.
    /// </summary>
    private string GetPermissionsDialogUrl(string nodeAliasPath)
        string url = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/Content/FormControls/Documents/ChangePermissions/ChangePermissions.aspx");

        // Use current document path if not set
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeAliasPath) && (DocumentContext.CurrentDocument != null))
            nodeAliasPath = DocumentContext.CurrentDocument.NodeAliasPath;
        nodeIdFromPath = TreePathUtils.GetNodeIdByAliasPath(SiteName, MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(nodeAliasPath));
        url            = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, "nodeid", nodeIdFromPath.ToString());
        url            = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, "hash", QueryHelper.GetHash(url));
예제 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        // WAI validation
        lblSearch.ResourceString = "ForumSearch.SearchWord";
        lblSearch.Attributes.Add("style", "display: none;");

        btnGo.Text = GetString("ForumSearch.Go");
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(AdvancedSearchPath))
            lnkAdvanceSearch.NavigateUrl = ResolveUrl(DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(AdvancedSearchPath)));
            lnkAdvanceSearch.Visible     = true;
            lnkAdvanceSearch.Text        = GetString("ForumSearch.AdvanceSearch");
            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                txtSearch.Text = QueryHelper.GetString("searchtext", txtSearch.Text);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the control properties.
 /// </summary>
 protected void SetupControl()
     if (StopProcessing)
         newBlog.StopProcessing = true;
         // Set new blog properties
         newBlog.BlogParentPath             = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(BlogParentPath);
         newBlog.RedirectToNewBlog          = RedirectToNewBlog;
         newBlog.BlogAllowAnonymousComments = BlogAllowAnonymousComments;
         newBlog.BlogModerateComments       = BlogModerateComments;
         newBlog.BlogOpenCommentsFor        = BlogOpenCommentsFor;
         newBlog.BlogSendCommentsToEmail    = BlogSendCommentsToEmail;
         newBlog.BlogSideColumnText         = BlogSideColumnText;
         newBlog.BlogTeaser = BlogTeaser;
         newBlog.BlogUseCAPTCHAForComments = BlogUseCAPTCHAForComments;
         newBlog.BlogModerators            = BlogModerators;
         newBlog.NewBlogTemplate           = NewBlogTemplate;
         newBlog.CheckPermissions          = CheckPermissions;
예제 #6
 private void SetupControl()
     if (StopProcessing)
         // Do nothing
         libraryElem.StopProcessing = true;
         // Initialize document library control
         libraryElem.LibraryPath = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(LibraryPath);
         libraryElem.CombineWithDefaultCulture = CombineWithDefaultCulture;
         libraryElem.PageSize          = PageSize;
         libraryElem.OrderBy           = OrderBy;
         libraryElem.DocumentForm      = DocumentForm;
         libraryElem.CacheDependencies = CacheDependencies;
         libraryElem.CacheItemName     = CacheItemName;
         libraryElem.CacheMinutes      = CacheMinutes;
         libraryElem.ZeroRowsText      = ZeroRowsText;
         libraryElem.CheckPermissions  = CheckPermissions;
         libraryElem.ComponentName     = WebPartID;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes control properties.
 /// </summary>
 protected void SetupControl()
     if (StopProcessing)
         // Do nothing
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Path))
             Path = DocumentContext.CurrentAliasPath;
         srcAttach.Path                = TreePathUtils.EnsureSingleNodePath(MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path));
         srcAttach.OrderBy             = OrderBy;
         srcAttach.TopN                = SelectTopN;
         srcAttach.WhereCondition      = WhereCondition;
         srcAttach.SelectedColumns     = Columns;
         srcAttach.FilterName          = ValidationHelper.GetString(GetValue("WebPartControlID"), ID);
         srcAttach.SourceFilterName    = FilterName;
         srcAttach.GetBinary           = false;
         srcAttach.AttachmentGroupGUID = AttachmentGroupGUID;
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CultureCode))
             srcAttach.CultureCode = DocumentContext.CurrentDocumentCulture.CultureCode;
             srcAttach.CultureCode = CultureCode;
         srcAttach.CombineWithDefaultCulture = CombineWithDefaultCulture;
         srcAttach.CheckPermissions          = CheckPermissions;
         srcAttach.CacheItemName             = CacheItemName;
         srcAttach.CacheMinutes          = CacheMinutes;
         srcAttach.CacheDependencies     = CacheDependencies;
         srcAttach.LoadPagesIndividually = LoadPagesIndividually;
    /// <summary>
    /// Setups grid where condition to filter out by given restrictions.
    /// </summary>
    private void SetupGridFilterWhereCondition()
        string where = String.Empty;

        // Set proper base where condition
        switch (ListingType)
        case ListingTypeEnum.CheckedOut:
            where = "DocumentCheckedOutByUserID = @UserID";

        case ListingTypeEnum.MyDocuments:
            where = "NodeOwner = @UserID";

        case ListingTypeEnum.RecentDocuments:
            where = "((DocumentCreatedByUserID = @UserID OR DocumentModifiedByUserID = @UserID OR DocumentCheckedOutByUserID = @UserID))";

        case ListingTypeEnum.PendingDocuments:
            where = "DocumentWorkflowStepID IN (SELECT StepID FROM CMS_WorkflowStep WHERE " + WorkflowStepInfoProvider.GetWorkflowPendingStepsWhereCondition(currentUserInfo, new SiteInfoIdentifier(SiteName)).ToString(false) + ")";

        case ListingTypeEnum.OutdatedDocuments:
            where = "DocumentCreatedByUserID = @UserID OR DocumentModifiedByUserID = @UserID OR DocumentCheckedOutByUserID = @UserID";

        case ListingTypeEnum.All:
            where = String.Format("(UserID1 = {0} OR  UserID2 = {0} OR UserID3 = {0})", currentUserInfo.UserID);

        gridElem.WhereCondition = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(gridElem.WhereCondition, where);

        // Selected site filter
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SiteName) && (SiteName != UniGrid.ALL))
            selectedSiteInfo = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(SiteName);
            if (selectedSiteInfo != null)
                gridElem.WhereCondition = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(gridElem.WhereCondition, SOURCE_NODESITEID + " = " + selectedSiteInfo.SiteID);

        // Site running filter
        if ((SiteName == UniGrid.ALL) && DisplayOnlyRunningSites)
            gridElem.WhereCondition = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(gridElem.WhereCondition, "NodeSiteID IN (SELECT SiteID FROM CMS_Site WHERE SiteStatus = 'RUNNING')");

        // Path filter
        if (Path != String.Empty)
            gridElem.WhereCondition = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(gridElem.WhereCondition, ((ListingType == ListingTypeEnum.All) ? SOURCE_DOCUMENTNAMEPATH : SOURCE_NODEALIASPATH) + " LIKE N'" + SqlHelper.EscapeQuotes(MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path)) + "'");

        // Document type filer
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DocumentType))
            string classNames = DocumentTypeHelper.GetClassNames(DocumentType);
            gridElem.WhereCondition = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(gridElem.WhereCondition, SqlHelper.GetWhereCondition <string>(SOURCE_CLASSNAME, classNames.Split(';'), true));

        // Document name filter
        if (DocumentName != String.Empty)
            gridElem.WhereCondition = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(gridElem.WhereCondition, SOURCE_DOCUMENTNAME + " LIKE N'%" + SqlHelper.EscapeLikeText(SqlHelper.EscapeQuotes(DocumentName)) + "%'");
예제 #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Perform search.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Search()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            // Check if the search was triggered
            bool searchAllowed = SearchOnEachPageLoad || QueryHelper.Contains("searchtext");

            // Get query strings
            string searchText = QueryHelper.GetString("searchtext", "");
            // Check whether string passes text requirements settings
            bool searchTextIsNotEmptyOrNotRequired = (!SearchTextRequired || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText));

            // Proceed when search was triggered and search text is passing requirements settings.
            // Requirements setting could be overriden on this level by obsolete web.config key. The reason is backward compatibility.
            // Search text required web part setting was introduced after this web.config key. Key default value was at the time set to true.
            // This default value had the same effect as this new web part setting. When somenone changed the web.config key to false and then upgraded the solution,
            // required wep part setting with default value true would override previous behaviour. That's the reason why this obsolete key can override this setting.
            if (searchAllowed && (searchTextIsNotEmptyOrNotRequired || !SearchHelper.SearchOnlyWhenContentPresent))
                string         searchMode     = QueryHelper.GetString("searchMode", "");
                SearchModeEnum searchModeEnum = searchMode.ToEnum <SearchModeEnum>();

                // Get current culture
                string culture = CultureCode;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(culture))
                    culture = ValidationHelper.GetString(ViewState["CultureCode"], LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode);

                // Get default culture
                string defaultCulture = CultureHelper.GetDefaultCultureCode(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

                // Resolve path
                string path = Path;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    path = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path);

                if (PortalContext.ViewMode.IsLiveSite())
                    if (AnalyticsHelper.JavascriptLoggingEnabled(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName))
                        string script = "WebServiceCall('" + URLHelper.GetAbsoluteUrl("~/CMSPages/WebAnalyticsService.asmx") +
                                        "','LogSearch', '{\"keyword\":" +
                                        // Serialize raw search text to encode '<' and similar characters, then escape '\'
                                        new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(searchText).Replace(@"\", @"\\") +
                                        ", \"pageGUID\":\"" + DocumentContext.CurrentPageInfo.DocumentGUID + "\"}')";
                        ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(string), "logSearch", script, true);
                        // Log on site keywords
                        AnalyticsHelper.LogOnSiteSearchKeywords(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, DocumentContext.CurrentAliasPath, culture, searchText, 0, 1);

                // Prepare search text
                var docCondition = new DocumentSearchCondition(DocumentTypes, culture, defaultCulture, CombineWithDefaultCulture);

                var searchCond = SearchCondition;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterSearchCondition) && (searchModeEnum == SearchModeEnum.AnyWordOrSynonyms))
                    // Make sure the synonyms are expanded before the filter condition is applied (filter condition is Lucene syntax, cannot be expanded)
                    searchCond     = SearchSyntaxHelper.ExpandWithSynonyms(searchCond, docCondition.Culture);
                    searchModeEnum = SearchModeEnum.AnyWord;

                var condition = new SearchCondition(searchCond + FilterSearchCondition, searchModeEnum, SearchOptions, docCondition, DoFuzzySearch);

                searchText = SearchSyntaxHelper.CombineSearchCondition(searchText, condition);

                // Get positions and ranges for search method
                int startPosition     = 0;
                int numberOfProceeded = 100;
                int displayResults    = 100;
                if (pgr.PageSize != 0 && pgr.GroupSize != 0)
                    // Reset pager if needed
                    if (mResetPager)
                        pgr.CurrentPage = 1;

                    startPosition = (pgr.CurrentPage - 1) * pgr.PageSize;
                    // Only results covered by current page group are proccessed (filtered) for performance reasons. This may cause decrease of the number of results while paging.
                    numberOfProceeded = (((pgr.CurrentPage / pgr.GroupSize) + 1) * pgr.PageSize * pgr.GroupSize) + pgr.PageSize;
                    displayResults    = pgr.PageSize;

                if ((MaxResults > 0) && (numberOfProceeded > MaxResults))
                    numberOfProceeded = MaxResults;

                // Combine regular search sort with filter sort
                string srt       = ValidationHelper.GetString(SearchSort, String.Empty).Trim();
                string filterSrt = ValidationHelper.GetString(FilterSearchSort, String.Empty).Trim();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filterSrt))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(srt))
                        srt += ", ";

                    srt += filterSrt;

                // Prepare parameters
                SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters
                    SearchFor                 = searchText,
                    SearchSort                = srt,
                    Path                      = path,
                    ClassNames                = DocumentTypes,
                    CurrentCulture            = culture,
                    DefaultCulture            = defaultCulture,
                    CombineWithDefaultCulture = CombineWithDefaultCulture,
                    CheckPermissions          = CheckPermissions,
                    SearchInAttachments       = SearchInAttachments,
                    User                      = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser,
                    SearchIndexes             = Indexes,
                    StartingPosition          = startPosition,
                    DisplayResults            = displayResults,
                    NumberOfProcessedResults  = numberOfProceeded,
                    NumberOfResults           = 0,
                    AttachmentWhere           = AttachmentsWhere,
                    AttachmentOrderBy         = AttachmentsOrderBy,
                    BlockFieldOnlySearch      = BlockFieldOnlySearch,

                // Search
                DataSet results = SearchHelper.Search(parameters);

                int numberOfResults = parameters.NumberOfResults;

                if ((MaxResults > 0) && (numberOfResults > MaxResults))
                    numberOfResults = MaxResults;

                // Fill repeater with results
                repSearchResults.DataSource = results;
                repSearchResults.PagerForceNumberOfResults = numberOfResults;
                PagerForceNumberOfResults = numberOfResults;

                // Call page binding event
                if (OnPageBinding != null)
                    OnPageBinding(this, null);

                // Show now results found ?
                if (numberOfResults == 0)
                    if (ShowParsingErrors)
                        Exception searchError = SearchContext.LastError;
                        if (searchError != null)
                            ShowError(GetString("smartsearch.searcherror") + " " + searchError.Message);
                    lblNoResults.Text    = NoResultsText;
                    lblNoResults.Visible = true;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchTextValidationFailedText) && searchAllowed)
                    lblNoResults.Text    = SearchTextValidationFailedText;
                    lblNoResults.Visible = true;
                    Visible = false;

            // Invoke search completed event
            if (OnSearchCompleted != null)
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            subscriptionElem.StopProcessing = true;
            // Build the actions string
            string actionsString = (CreateEventEnabled ? "|CREATEDOC" : "") +
                                   (DeleteEventEnabled ? "|DELETEDOC" : "") +
                                   (UpdateEventEnabled ? "|UPDATEDOC" : "");

            actionsString = actionsString.TrimStart('|');

            // Get the actions
            string[] actions = actionsString.Split(new char[] { '|' });
            if (actions.Length > 0)
                // Inititalize subscriptionElem control
                subscriptionElem.GatewayNames        = GatewayNames;
                subscriptionElem.EventSource         = "Content";
                subscriptionElem.EventDescription    = EventDescription;
                subscriptionElem.EventObjectID       = 0;
                subscriptionElem.EventData1          = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path) ? "/%" : MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path));
                subscriptionElem.EventData2          = DocumentTypes;
                subscriptionElem.SubscriptionUseHTML = SubscriptionUseHTML;

                // If "#current#" is set, then get current site ID
                if (SiteName == "#current#")
                    subscriptionElem.SubscriptionSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
                // If "-" as global is not set, then try to find the site
                else if (SiteName != "-")
                    // Try to find given site
                    SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(SiteName);
                    if (si != null)
                        subscriptionElem.SubscriptionSiteID = si.SiteID;

                // Initialize SubscriptionInfo objects
                NotificationSubscriptionInfo[] subscriptions = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo[actions.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < actions.Length; i++)
                    NotificationSubscriptionInfo nsi = new NotificationSubscriptionInfo();
                    nsi.SubscriptionEventCode = actions[i];

                    // Get correct template name and event display name
                    string currentDisplayName  = string.Empty;
                    string currentTemplateName = string.Empty;
                    switch (actions[i].ToLowerCSafe())
                    case "createdoc":
                        currentDisplayName  = CreateEventDisplayName;
                        currentTemplateName = CreateEventTemplateName;

                    case "deletedoc":
                        currentDisplayName  = DeleteEventDisplayName;
                        currentTemplateName = DeleteEventTemplateName;

                    case "updatedoc":
                        currentDisplayName  = UpdateEventDisplayName;
                        currentTemplateName = UpdateEventTemplateName;

                    // Get correct template
                    NotificationTemplateInfo nti = GetTemplateInfo(currentTemplateName);
                    if (nti != null)
                        nsi.SubscriptionTemplateID = nti.TemplateID;

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentDisplayName))
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = TextHelper.LimitLength(String.Format(GetString("notifications.contentsubscription.name"),
                                                                                                (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path) ? "/%" : Path),
                                                                                                (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DocumentTypes) ? GetString("notifications.contentsubscription.alldoctypes") : DocumentTypes),
                                                                                                actions[i]), 250, wholeWords: true, cutLocation: CutTextEnum.Middle);
                        nsi.SubscriptionEventDisplayName = currentDisplayName;
                    subscriptions[i] = nsi;
                subscriptionElem.Subscriptions = subscriptions;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing

            GroupInfo group = CommunityContext.CurrentGroup;
            if (group != null)
                string path = (GroupsSecurityAccessPath == "") ? GroupInfoProvider.GetGroupSecurityAccessPath(group.GroupName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName) : GroupsSecurityAccessPath;
                string url  = URLHelper.ResolveUrl(DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(path)));
                if (UseQueryString)
                    url = URLHelper.UpdateParameterInUrl(url, "groupid", group.GroupID.ToString());

                // Check whether group is approved
                if (!group.GroupApproved)
                    // Check permissions for current user
                    switch (group.GroupAccess)
                    // Anybody can view the content
                    case SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers:

                    // Site members can view the content
                    case SecurityAccessEnum.AuthenticatedUsers:
                        if (!AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated())

                    // Only group members can view the content
                    case SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers:
                        if (!MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsGroupMember(group.GroupID))
                Visible = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            editForm.StopProcessing = true;
            editForm.Visible = false;
            pnlEdit.Visible = false;

            var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

            // Get the document
            TreeNode node = TreeHelper.GetDocument(SiteName, MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path), CultureCode, false, null, false, CheckPermissions, currentUser);
            if (node != null)
                bool authorized = false;

                // Check user group
                switch (AllowUsers)
                    case UserContributionAllowUserEnum.All:
                        authorized = true;

                    case UserContributionAllowUserEnum.Authenticated:
                        authorized = AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated();

                    case UserContributionAllowUserEnum.DocumentOwner:
                        authorized = (node.NodeOwner == currentUser.UserID);

                bool authorizedDelete = authorized;

                // Check control access permissions
                if (authorized && CheckPermissions)
                    // Node owner has always permissions
                    if (node.NodeOwner != currentUser.UserID)
                        authorized &= (currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, new NodePermissionsEnum[] { NodePermissionsEnum.Read, NodePermissionsEnum.Modify }) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed);
                        authorizedDelete &= (currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, new NodePermissionsEnum[] { NodePermissionsEnum.Read, NodePermissionsEnum.Delete }) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed);
                    authorized |= currentUser.IsGlobalAdministrator;
                    authorizedDelete |= currentUser.IsGlobalAdministrator;

                // Do not allow edit for virtual user
                if (currentUser.IsVirtual)
                    authorized = false;
                    authorizedDelete = false;

                // Display form if authorized
                if (authorized || authorizedDelete)
                    // Set visibility of the edit and delete buttons
                    pnlEdit.Visible = true;
                    btnEdit.Visible = btnEdit.Visible && authorized;
                    btnDelete.Visible = btnDelete.Visible && AllowDelete && authorizedDelete;
                    editForm.LogActivity = LogActivity;
                    editForm.ComponentName = WebPartID;

                    if (pnlForm.Visible)
                        editForm.StopProcessing = false;
                        editForm.AllowDelete = AllowDelete;
                        editForm.CheckPermissions = CheckPermissions;
                        editForm.NodeID = node.NodeID;
                        editForm.SiteName = SiteName;
                        editForm.CultureCode = CultureCode;
                        editForm.AlternativeFormName = AlternativeFormName;
                        editForm.ValidationErrorMessage = ValidationErrorMessage;
                        editForm.CMSForm.IsLiveSite = true;

                        // Reload data

                    editForm.OnAfterApprove += editForm_OnAfterChange;
                    editForm.OnAfterReject += editForm_OnAfterChange;
                    editForm.OnAfterDelete += editForm_OnAfterChange;
                    editForm.CMSForm.OnAfterSave += CMSForm_OnAfterSave;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            ucDataSource.StopProcessing = true;
            ucRepeater.DataBindByDefault = false;
            ucPager.PageControl          = ucRepeater.ID;

            ucDataSource.GetBinary = false;

            // Basic control properties
            ucRepeater.HideControlForZeroRows = HideControlForZeroRows;
            ucRepeater.ZeroRowsText           = ZeroRowsText;

            // Data source properties
            ucDataSource.WhereCondition            = WhereCondition;
            ucDataSource.OrderBy                   = OrderBy;
            ucDataSource.FilterName                = FilterName;
            ucDataSource.CacheItemName             = CacheItemName;
            ucDataSource.CacheDependencies         = CacheDependencies;
            ucDataSource.CacheMinutes              = CacheMinutes;
            ucDataSource.AttachmentGroupGUID       = AttachmentGroupGUID;
            ucDataSource.CheckPermissions          = CheckPermissions;
            ucDataSource.CombineWithDefaultCulture = CombineWithDefaultCulture;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CultureCode))
                ucDataSource.CultureCode = DocumentContext.CurrentDocumentCulture.CultureCode;
                ucDataSource.CultureCode = CultureCode;

            ucDataSource.Path     = TreePathUtils.EnsureSingleNodePath(MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path));
            ucDataSource.SiteName = SiteName;
            ucDataSource.TopN     = TopN;

            // UniPager properties
            ucPager.PageSize       = PageSize;
            ucPager.GroupSize      = GroupSize;
            ucPager.QueryStringKey = QueryStringKey;
            ucPager.DisplayFirstLastAutomatically    = DisplayFirstLastAutomatically;
            ucPager.DisplayPreviousNextAutomatically = DisplayPreviousNextAutomatically;
            ucPager.HidePagerForSinglePage           = HidePagerForSinglePage;

            switch (PagingMode.ToLowerCSafe())
            case "postback":
                ucPager.PagerMode = UniPagerMode.PostBack;

                ucPager.PagerMode = UniPagerMode.Querystring;

            // Effect properties
            ucRepeater.ItemHTMLBefore        = ItemHTMLBefore;
            ucRepeater.ItemHTMLAfter         = ItemHTMLAfter;
            ucRepeater.ItemHTMLSeparator     = ItemHTMLSeparator;
            ucRepeater.HideLayoutForZeroRows = HideLayoutForZeroRows;
            ucRepeater.ScriptFiles           = ScriptFiles;
            ucRepeater.InitScript            = InitScript;
            ucRepeater.CSSFiles  = CSSFiles;
            ucRepeater.InlineCSS = InlineCSS;

            // Setup repeater and pager templates
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets parent node ID.
    /// </summary>
    private TreeNode GetParentNode()
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

        return(tree.SelectSingleNode(SiteName, MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(NewDocumentPath), TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES));
    private void ReloadData()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            gridDocs.StopProcessing = true;
            editDoc.StopProcessing  = true;
            if (((AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.Authenticated) || (AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.DocumentOwner)) &&
                // Not authenticated, do not display anything
                pnlList.Visible = false;
                pnlEdit.Visible = false;

                StopProcessing = true;

                // Hide document list
                gridDocs.Visible = false;

                // If the list of documents should be displayed ...
                if (DisplayList)
                    // Get all documents of the current user
                    TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

                    // Generate additional where condition
                    WhereCondition condition = new WhereCondition(WhereCondition);

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClassNames))
                        condition.WhereIn("ClassName", ClassNames.Split(new[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

                    // Add user condition
                    if (AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.DocumentOwner)
                        condition.WhereEquals("NodeOwner", MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID);

                    // Get the documents
                    var query =

                    TreeProvider.SetQueryCultures(query, CultureCode, CombineWithDefaultCulture);

                    // Do not apply published from / to columns to make sure the published information is correctly evaluated
                    query.Properties.ExcludedVersionedColumns = new[] { "DocumentPublishFrom", "DocumentPublishTo" };

                    var ds = query.Result;

                    if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                        // Display and initialize grid if datasource is not empty
                        gridDocs.Visible            = true;
                        gridDocs.DataSource         = ds;
                        gridDocs.OrderBy            = OrderBy;
                        editDoc.AlternativeFormName = AlternativeFormName;

                bool isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = false;
                if (ParentNode != null)
                    // Check if single class name is set
                    string className = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AllowedChildClasses) && !AllowedChildClasses.Contains(";")) ? AllowedChildClasses : null;

                    // Check user's permission to create new document if allowed
                    isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = !CheckPermissions || MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsAuthorizedToCreateNewDocument(ParentNodeID, className);
                    // Check group's permission to create new document if allowed
                    isAuthorizedToCreateDoc &= CheckGroupPermission("createpages");

                    if (!CheckDocPermissionsForInsert && CheckPermissions)
                        // If document permissions are not required check create permission on parent document
                        isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(ParentNode, NodePermissionsEnum.Create) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed;

                    if (AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.DocumentOwner)
                        if (VirtualContext.ReadonlyMode)
                            isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = false;
                            // Check if user is document owner (or global admin)
                            isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = isAuthorizedToCreateDoc &&
                                                      ((ParentNode.NodeOwner == MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID) ||

                // Enable/disable inserting new document
                pnlNewDoc.Visible = (isAuthorizedToCreateDoc && AllowInsert);

                if (!gridDocs.Visible && !pnlNewDoc.Visible && pnlList.Visible)
                    // Not authenticated to create new docs and grid is hidden
                    StopProcessing = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            editForm.StopProcessing = true;
            editForm.Visible        = false;
            pnlEdit.Visible = false;

            var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

            // Get the document
            TreeNode node = TreeHelper.GetDocument(SiteName, MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path), CultureCode, false, null, false, CheckPermissions, currentUser);
            if (node != null)
                bool authorized = false;

                // Check allowed users
                switch (AllowUsers)
                case UserContributionAllowUserEnum.All:
                    authorized = true;

                case UserContributionAllowUserEnum.Authenticated:
                    authorized = AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated();

                case UserContributionAllowUserEnum.DocumentOwner:
                    authorized = (node.NodeOwner == currentUser.UserID);

                bool authorizedDelete = authorized;

                // Check control access permission
                if (authorized && CheckPermissions)
                    // Node owner has always permission
                    if (node.NodeOwner != currentUser.UserID)
                        authorized       &= (currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, new NodePermissionsEnum[] { NodePermissionsEnum.Read, NodePermissionsEnum.Modify }) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed);
                        authorizedDelete &= (currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, new NodePermissionsEnum[] { NodePermissionsEnum.Read, NodePermissionsEnum.Delete }) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed);

                // Check group permissions
                authorized       &= CheckGroupPermission("editpages");
                authorizedDelete &= CheckGroupPermission("deletepages");
                // Global admin has always permission
                authorized       |= currentUser.IsGlobalAdministrator;
                authorizedDelete |= currentUser.IsGlobalAdministrator;

                // Do not allow edit for virtual user
                if (currentUser.IsVirtual)
                    authorized       = false;
                    authorizedDelete = false;

                // Display form if authorized
                if (authorized || authorizedDelete)
                    pnlEdit.Visible = true;

                    // Set visibility of edit and delete buttons
                    btnEdit.Visible   = btnEdit.Visible && authorized;
                    btnDelete.Visible = btnDelete.Visible && AllowDelete && authorizedDelete;

                    if ((!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) && ((btnEdit.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) || (btnDelete.Text.Trim() == string.Empty)))
                        // Initialize labels and css classes
                        btnEdit.ResourceString   = EditButtonText;
                        btnEdit.CssClass         = "EditContributionEdit";
                        btnDelete.ResourceString = DeleteButtonText;
                        btnDelete.CssClass       = "EditContributionDelete";

                    editForm.ComponentName = WebPartID;
                    editForm.LogActivity   = LogActivity;

                    if (pnlForm.Visible)
                        editForm.StopProcessing         = false;
                        editForm.AllowDelete            = AllowDelete && CheckGroupPermission("deletepages");
                        editForm.CheckPermissions       = CheckPermissions;
                        editForm.NodeID                 = node.NodeID;
                        editForm.SiteName               = SiteName;
                        editForm.CultureCode            = CultureCode;
                        editForm.AlternativeFormName    = AlternativeFormName;
                        editForm.ValidationErrorMessage = ValidationErrorMessage;
                        editForm.CMSForm.IsLiveSite     = true;

                        editForm.OnAfterApprove      += editForm_OnAfterChange;
                        editForm.OnAfterReject       += editForm_OnAfterChange;
                        editForm.OnAfterDelete       += editForm_OnAfterChange;
                        editForm.CMSForm.OnAfterSave += CMSForm_OnAfterSave;

                        // Reload data
예제 #17
    /// <summary>
    /// OK click handler (Proceed registration).
    /// </summary>
    private void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string currentSiteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;

        string[] siteList = { currentSiteName };

        // If AssignToSites field set
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(AssignToSites))
            siteList = AssignToSites.Split(';');

        if ((PageManager.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.Design) || (HideOnCurrentPage) || (!IsVisible))
            // Do not process
            // Ban IP addresses which are blocked for registration
            if (!BannedIPInfoProvider.IsAllowed(currentSiteName, BanControlEnum.Registration))
                lblError.Visible = true;
                lblError.Text    = GetString("banip.ipisbannedregistration");

            // Check if captcha is required and verify captcha text
            if (DisplayCaptcha && !captchaElem.IsValid())
                // Display error message if captcha text is not valid
                lblError.Visible = true;
                lblError.Text    = GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.captchaError");

            string userName       = String.Empty;
            string nickName       = String.Empty;
            string firstName      = String.Empty;
            string lastName       = String.Empty;
            string emailValue     = String.Empty;
            string pwd            = string.Empty;
            string confPassword   = string.Empty;
            string educationLevel = String.Empty;
            string interestArea   = String.Empty;
            string industry       = String.Empty;
            string referralSource = string.Empty;

            // Check duplicate user
            // 1. Find appropriate control and get its value (i.e. user name)
            // 2. Try to find user info
            //FormEngineUserControl txtUserName = formUser.FieldControls["UserName"];
            //if (txtUserName != null)
            //    userName = ValidationHelper.GetString(txtUserName.Value, String.Empty);

            FormEngineUserControl txtEmail = formUser.FieldControls["Email"];
            if (txtEmail != null)
                emailValue = ValidationHelper.GetString(txtEmail.Value, String.Empty);
                userName   = emailValue;

            // If user name and e-mail aren't filled stop processing and display error.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(emailValue))
                formUser.StopProcessing = true;
                lblError.Visible        = true;
                lblError.Text           = GetString("customregistrationform.usernameandemail");
                formUser.Data.SetValue("UserName", userName);

            //check if email is valid
            if (!ValidationHelper.IsEmail(txtEmail.Text.ToLowerCSafe()))
                lblError.Visible = true;
                lblError.Text    = GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.EmailIsNotValid");

            FormEngineUserControl txtNickName = formUser.FieldControls["UserNickName"];
            if (txtNickName != null)
                nickName = ValidationHelper.GetString(txtNickName.Value, String.Empty);

            FormEngineUserControl txtFirstName = formUser.FieldControls["FirstName"];
            if (txtFirstName != null)
                firstName = ValidationHelper.GetString(txtFirstName.Value, String.Empty);

            FormEngineUserControl txtLastName = formUser.FieldControls["LastName"];
            if (txtLastName != null)
                lastName = ValidationHelper.GetString(txtLastName.Value, String.Empty);

            FormEngineUserControl txtPwd = formUser.FieldControls["UserPassword"];
            if (txtPwd != null)
                pwd = ValidationHelper.GetString(txtPwd.Value, String.Empty);

            FormEngineUserControl txtConfPassword = formUser.FieldControls["ReenterPassword"];
            if (txtConfPassword != null)
                confPassword = ValidationHelper.GetString(txtConfPassword.Value, String.Empty);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pwd) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(confPassword))
                lblError.Visible = true;
                lblError.Text    = "please enter password with confirmation";

            if (pwd != confPassword)
                lblError.Visible = true;
                lblError.Text    = "Password doesn't match";

            if (validateFields(formUser.FieldControls["UserPassword"].Value.ToString()))
                // Test if "global" or "site" user exists.
                SiteInfo si     = SiteContext.CurrentSite;
                UserInfo siteui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(UserInfoProvider.EnsureSitePrefixUserName(userName, si));
                if ((UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(userName) != null) || (siteui != null))
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    lblError.Text    = GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.UserAlreadyExists").Replace("%%name%%", HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(Functions.GetFormattedUserName(userName, true)));

                // Check for reserved user names like administrator, sysadmin, ...
                if (UserInfoProvider.NameIsReserved(currentSiteName, userName))
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    lblError.Text    = GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.UserNameReserved").Replace("%%name%%", HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(Functions.GetFormattedUserName(userName, true)));

                if (UserInfoProvider.NameIsReserved(currentSiteName, nickName))
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    lblError.Text    = GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.UserNameReserved").Replace("%%name%%", HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(nickName));

                // Check limitations for site members
                if (!UserInfoProvider.LicenseVersionCheck(RequestContext.CurrentDomain, FeatureEnum.SiteMembers, ObjectActionEnum.Insert, false))
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    lblError.Text    = GetString("License.MaxItemsReachedSiteMember");

                // Check whether email is unique if it is required
                if (!UserInfoProvider.IsEmailUnique(emailValue, siteList, 0))
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    lblError.Text    = GetString("UserInfo.EmailAlreadyExist");

                // Validate and save form with new user data
                if (!formUser.Save())
                    // Return if saving failed

                // Get user info from form
                UserInfo ui = (UserInfo)formUser.Info;

                // Add user prefix if settings is on
                // Ensure site prefixes
                if (UserInfoProvider.UserNameSitePrefixEnabled(currentSiteName))
                    ui.UserName = UserInfoProvider.EnsureSitePrefixUserName(userName, si);

                ui.Enabled         = EnableUserAfterRegistration;
                ui.UserURLReferrer = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.URLReferrer;
                ui.UserCampaign    = AnalyticsHelper.Campaign;


                // Fill optionally full user name
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ui.FullName))
                    ui.FullName = UserInfoProvider.GetFullName(ui.FirstName, ui.MiddleName, ui.LastName);

                // Ensure nick name
                if (ui.UserNickName.Trim() == String.Empty)
                    ui.UserNickName = Functions.GetFormattedUserName(ui.UserName, true);

                ui.UserSettings.UserRegistrationInfo.IPAddress = RequestContext.UserHostAddress;
                ui.UserSettings.UserRegistrationInfo.Agent     = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent;
                ui.UserSettings.UserLogActivities        = true;
                ui.UserSettings.UserShowIntroductionTile = true;

                // Check whether confirmation is required
                bool requiresConfirmation = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetBoolValue(currentSiteName + ".CMSRegistrationEmailConfirmation");
                bool requiresAdminApprove = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetBoolValue(currentSiteName + ".CMSRegistrationAdministratorApproval");
                if (!requiresConfirmation)
                    // If confirmation is not required check whether administration approval is reqiures
                    if (requiresAdminApprove)
                        ui.Enabled = false;
                        ui.UserSettings.UserWaitingForApproval = true;
                    // EnableUserAfterRegistration is overrided by requiresConfirmation - user needs to be confirmed before enable
                    ui.Enabled = false;

                // Set user's starting alias path
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StartingAliasPath))
                    ui.UserStartingAliasPath = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(StartingAliasPath);

                // Get user password and save it in apropriate format after form save
                string password = ValidationHelper.GetString(ui.GetValue("UserPassword"), String.Empty);
                UserInfoProvider.SetPassword(ui, password);

                var customerToken = PersonifyRegistered(emailValue, password, firstName, lastName);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerToken))
                    var    roles      = GetImsroles(customerToken);
                    string groupslist = "";
                    if (roles.Length > 0)
                        foreach (string s in roles)
                            if (s.Length > 0)
                                groupslist += s + ",";

                    //we need this mispelling.
                    groupslist += "peronifyUser" + ",";

                    new LoginUsertokentico().AddUserToRole(ui, groupslist, true, false);

                // Prepare macro data source for email resolver
                UserInfo userForMail = ui.Clone();
                userForMail.SetValue("UserPassword", string.Empty);

                object[] data = new object[1];
                data[0] = userForMail;

                // Prepare resolver for notification and welcome emails
                MacroResolver resolver = MacroContext.CurrentResolver;

                #region "Welcome Emails (confirmation, waiting for approval)"

                bool error = false;
                EmailTemplateInfo template = null;

                // Prepare macro replacements
                string[,] replacements = new string[6, 2];
                replacements[0, 0]     = "confirmaddress";
                replacements[0, 1]     = AuthenticationHelper.GetRegistrationApprovalUrl(ApprovalPage, ui.UserGUID, currentSiteName, NotifyAdministrator);
                replacements[1, 0]     = "username";
                replacements[1, 1]     = userName;
                replacements[2, 0]     = "password";
                replacements[2, 1]     = password;
                replacements[3, 0]     = "Email";
                replacements[3, 1]     = emailValue;
                replacements[4, 0]     = "FirstName";
                replacements[4, 1]     = firstName;
                replacements[5, 0]     = "LastName";
                replacements[5, 1]     = lastName;

                // Set resolver

                // Email message
                EmailMessage emailMessage = new EmailMessage();
                emailMessage.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.Default;
                emailMessage.Recipients  = ui.Email;

                // Send welcome message with username and password, with confirmation link, user must confirm registration
                if (requiresConfirmation)
                    template             = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("RegistrationConfirmation", currentSiteName);
                    emailMessage.Subject = GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationConfirmationEmailSubject");
                // Send welcome message with username and password, with information that user must be approved by administrator
                else if (SendWelcomeEmail)
                    if (requiresAdminApprove)
                        template             = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Membership.RegistrationWaitingForApproval", currentSiteName);
                        emailMessage.Subject = GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationWaitingForApprovalSubject");
                    // Send welcome message with username and password, user can logon directly
                        template             = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Membership.Registration", currentSiteName);
                        emailMessage.Subject = GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationSubject");

                if (template != null)
                    emailMessage.From = EmailHelper.GetSender(template, SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetStringValue(currentSiteName + ".CMSNoreplyEmailAddress"));
                    // Enable macro encoding for body
                    resolver.Settings.EncodeResolvedValues = true;
                    emailMessage.Body = resolver.ResolveMacros(template.TemplateText);
                    // Disable macro encoding for plaintext body and subject
                    resolver.Settings.EncodeResolvedValues = false;
                    emailMessage.PlainTextBody             = resolver.ResolveMacros(template.TemplatePlainText);
                    emailMessage.Subject = resolver.ResolveMacros(EmailHelper.GetSubject(template, emailMessage.Subject));

                    emailMessage.CcRecipients  = template.TemplateCc;
                    emailMessage.BccRecipients = template.TemplateBcc;

                        EmailHelper.ResolveMetaFileImages(emailMessage, template.TemplateID, EmailTemplateInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, ObjectAttachmentsCategories.TEMPLATE);
                        // Send the e-mail immediately
                        EmailSender.SendEmail(currentSiteName, emailMessage, true);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        EventLogProvider.LogException("E", "RegistrationForm - SendEmail", ex);
                        error = true;

                // If there was some error, user must be deleted
                if (error)
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    lblError.Text    = GetString("RegistrationForm.UserWasNotCreated");

                    // Email was not send, user can't be approved - delete it


                #region "Administrator notification email"

                // Notify administrator if enabled and email confirmation is not required
                if (!requiresConfirmation && NotifyAdministrator && (FromAddress != String.Empty) && (ToAddress != String.Empty))
                    EmailTemplateInfo mEmailTemplate = null;

                    if (requiresAdminApprove)
                        mEmailTemplate = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Registration.Approve", currentSiteName);
                        mEmailTemplate = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Registration.New", currentSiteName);

                    if (mEmailTemplate == null)
                        EventLogProvider.LogEvent(EventType.ERROR, "RegistrationForm", "GetEmailTemplate", eventUrl: RequestContext.RawURL);
                        // E-mail template ok
                        replacements       = new string[4, 2];
                        replacements[0, 0] = "firstname";
                        replacements[0, 1] = ui.FirstName;
                        replacements[1, 0] = "lastname";
                        replacements[1, 1] = ui.LastName;
                        replacements[2, 0] = "email";
                        replacements[2, 1] = ui.Email;
                        replacements[3, 0] = "username";
                        replacements[3, 1] = userName;

                        // Set resolver
                        // Enable macro encoding for body
                        resolver.Settings.EncodeResolvedValues = true;

                        EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage();
                        message.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.Default;
                        message.From        = EmailHelper.GetSender(mEmailTemplate, FromAddress);
                        message.Recipients  = ToAddress;
                        message.Body        = resolver.ResolveMacros(mEmailTemplate.TemplateText);
                        // Disable macro encoding for plaintext body and subject
                        resolver.Settings.EncodeResolvedValues = false;
                        message.Subject       = resolver.ResolveMacros(EmailHelper.GetSubject(mEmailTemplate, GetString("RegistrationForm.EmailSubject")));
                        message.PlainTextBody = resolver.ResolveMacros(mEmailTemplate.TemplatePlainText);

                        message.CcRecipients  = mEmailTemplate.TemplateCc;
                        message.BccRecipients = mEmailTemplate.TemplateBcc;

                            // Attach template meta-files to e-mail
                            EmailHelper.ResolveMetaFileImages(message, mEmailTemplate.TemplateID, EmailTemplateInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, ObjectAttachmentsCategories.TEMPLATE);
                            EmailSender.SendEmail(currentSiteName, message);
                            EventLogProvider.LogEvent(EventType.ERROR, "Membership", "RegistrationEmail");


                #region "Web analytics"

                // Track successful registration conversion
                if (TrackConversionName != String.Empty)
                    if (AnalyticsHelper.AnalyticsEnabled(currentSiteName) && AnalyticsHelper.TrackConversionsEnabled(currentSiteName) && !AnalyticsHelper.IsIPExcluded(currentSiteName, RequestContext.UserHostAddress))
                        HitLogProvider.LogConversions(currentSiteName, LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode, TrackConversionName, 0, ConversionValue);

                // Log registered user if confirmation is not required
                if (!requiresConfirmation)
                    AnalyticsHelper.LogRegisteredUser(currentSiteName, ui);


                #region "On-line marketing - activity"

                // Log registered user if confirmation is not required
                if (!requiresConfirmation)
                    Activity activity = new ActivityRegistration(ui, DocumentContext.CurrentDocument, AnalyticsContext.ActivityEnvironmentVariables);
                    if (activity.Data != null)
                        activity.Data.ContactID = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetUserLoginContactID(ui);

                    // Log login activity
                    if (ui.Enabled)
                        // Log activity
                        int      contactID     = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetUserLoginContactID(ui);
                        Activity activityLogin = new ActivityUserLogin(contactID, ui, DocumentContext.CurrentDocument, AnalyticsContext.ActivityEnvironmentVariables);


                #region "Site and roles addition and authentication"

                string[] roleList = AssignRoles.Split(';');

                foreach (string siteName in siteList)
                    // Add new user to the current site
                    UserInfoProvider.AddUserToSite(ui.UserName, siteName);
                    foreach (string roleName in roleList)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(roleName))
                            String sn = roleName.StartsWithCSafe(".") ? String.Empty : siteName;

                            // Add user to desired roles
                            if (RoleInfoProvider.RoleExists(roleName, sn))
                                UserInfoProvider.AddUserToRole(ui.UserName, roleName, sn);
                if (ui.Enabled)
                    if (this.AutoLoginAfterRegistration)
                        Session["UserName"]   = userName;
                        Session["Password"]   = password;
                        Session["RememberMe"] = true;
                        Session["RetryCount"] = null;

                        if (this.Request.QueryString["ReturnURL"] != null)
                            var returnURL = this.Request.QueryString["ReturnURL"];

                            Session["ReturnURL"] = returnURL;
                        else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RedirectToURL))
                            var returnURL = this.Request.QueryString["ReturnURL"];

                            Session["ReturnURL"] = returnURL;
                        Response.Redirect("~/sso/ssohandler.aspx", true);
                    else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.LoginURL))
                        Response.Redirect(string.Format(this.LoginURL, userName), true);
                    else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RedirectToURL))
                        Response.Redirect(this.RedirectToURL, true);

                lblError.Visible = false;
    private void ReloadData()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            gridDocs.StopProcessing = true;
            editDoc.StopProcessing  = true;
            if (((AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.Authenticated) || (AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.DocumentOwner)) &&
                // Not authenticated, do not display anything
                pnlList.Visible = false;
                pnlEdit.Visible = false;

                StopProcessing = true;

                // Hide document list
                gridDocs.Visible = false;

                // If the list of documents should be displayed ...
                if (DisplayList)
                    // Get all documents of the current user
                    TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

                    // Generate additional where condition
                    string classWhere = null;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClassNames))
                        // Remove ending semicolon
                        classWhere = ClassNames.TrimEnd(';');
                        // Replace single apostrophs
                        classWhere = SqlHelper.GetSafeQueryString(classWhere, false);
                        // Replace ; with ','
                        classWhere = classWhere.Replace(";", "','");
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(classWhere))
                            classWhere = String.Format("ClassName IN ('{0}')", classWhere);

                    string where = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(WhereCondition, classWhere);

                    // Add user condition
                    if (AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.DocumentOwner)
                        where = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(where, "NodeOwner = " + MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID);

                    // Ensure that required columns are included in "Columns" list
                    string columns = EnsureColumns();

                    // Get the documents
                    DataSet ds = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments(SiteName, MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path), CultureCode, CombineWithDefaultCulture, null, where, OrderBy, MaxRelativeLevel, SelectOnlyPublished, 0, columns, tree);
                    if (CheckPermissions)
                        ds = TreeSecurityProvider.FilterDataSetByPermissions(ds, NodePermissionsEnum.Read, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

                    if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                        // Display and initialize grid if datasource is not empty
                        gridDocs.Visible            = true;
                        gridDocs.DataSource         = ds;
                        gridDocs.OrderBy            = OrderBy;
                        editDoc.AlternativeFormName = AlternativeFormName;

                bool isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = false;
                if (ParentNode != null)
                    // Check if single class name is set
                    string className = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AllowedChildClasses) && !AllowedChildClasses.Contains(";")) ? AllowedChildClasses : null;

                    // Check user's permission to create new document if allowed
                    isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = !CheckPermissions || MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsAuthorizedToCreateNewDocument(ParentNodeID, className);
                    // Check group's permission to create new document if allowed
                    isAuthorizedToCreateDoc &= CheckGroupPermission("createpages");

                    if (!CheckDocPermissionsForInsert && CheckPermissions)
                        // If document permissions are not required check create permission on parent document
                        isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(ParentNode, NodePermissionsEnum.Create) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed;

                    if (AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.DocumentOwner)
                        // Do not allow documents creation under virtual user
                        if (MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsVirtual)
                            isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = false;
                            // Check if user is document owner (or global admin)
                            isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = isAuthorizedToCreateDoc && ((ParentNode.NodeOwner == MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID) || MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsGlobalAdministrator);

                // Enable/disable inserting new document
                pnlNewDoc.Visible = (isAuthorizedToCreateDoc && AllowInsert);

                if (!gridDocs.Visible && !pnlNewDoc.Visible && pnlList.Visible)
                    // Not authenticated to create new docs and grid is hidden
                    StopProcessing = true;

예제 #19
    void formUser_OnAfterSave(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Get user info from form
        UserInfo ui = (UserInfo)formUser.Data;

        // Add user prefix if settings is on
        // Ensure site prefixes
        if (UserInfoProvider.UserNameSitePrefixEnabled(CurrentSiteName))
            ui.UserName = UserInfoProvider.EnsureSitePrefixUserName(ui.UserName, SiteContext.CurrentSite);

        ui.Enabled         = EnableUserAfterRegistration;
        ui.UserURLReferrer = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.URLReferrer;
        ui.UserCampaign    = Service <ICampaignService> .Entry().CampaignCode;


        // Fill optionally full user name
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ui.FullName))
            ui.FullName = UserInfoProvider.GetFullName(ui.FirstName, ui.MiddleName, ui.LastName);

        // Ensure nick name
        if (ui.UserNickName.Trim() == String.Empty)
            ui.UserNickName = Functions.GetFormattedUserName(ui.UserName, true);

        ui.UserSettings.UserRegistrationInfo.IPAddress = RequestContext.UserHostAddress;
        ui.UserSettings.UserRegistrationInfo.Agent     = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent;
        ui.UserSettings.UserLogActivities        = true;
        ui.UserSettings.UserShowIntroductionTile = true;

        // Check whether confirmation is required
        if (!ConfirmationRequired)
            // If confirmation is not required check whether administration approval is required
            if (AdminApprovalRequired)
                ui.Enabled = false;
                ui.UserSettings.UserWaitingForApproval = true;
            // EnableUserAfterRegistration is overridden by requiresConfirmation - user needs to be confirmed before enable
            ui.Enabled = false;

        // Set user's starting alias path
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StartingAliasPath))
            ui.UserStartingAliasPath = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(StartingAliasPath);

        // Get user password and save it in appropriate format after form save
        string password = ValidationHelper.GetString(ui.GetValue("UserPassword"), String.Empty);

        UserInfoProvider.SetPassword(ui, password);

        if (!ConfirmationRequired)

        SendRegistrationEmail(ui, password);

        if (ui.Enabled)
            AuthenticationHelper.AuthenticateUser(ui.UserName, true);

        var displayMessage = DisplayMessage.Trim();

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(displayMessage))
            // Redirect after user registration, first try to use RedirectToURL property
            if (RedirectToURL != String.Empty)

            // RedirectToURL property is not set, try to use ReturnURL query string
            string returnUrl = QueryHelper.GetString("ReturnURL", String.Empty);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl) && (returnUrl.StartsWithCSafe("~") || returnUrl.StartsWithCSafe("/") || QueryHelper.ValidateHash("hash", "aliaspath")))

        pnlRegForm.Visible = false;
예제 #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            partPlaceholder.CheckPermissions = CheckPermissions;
            partPlaceholder.CacheMinutes     = CacheMinutes;

            // Load content only when default page template or path is defined
            string templateName = PageTemplate;
            string path         = Path;

            if ((templateName != "") || (path != ""))
                ViewModeEnum viewMode = ViewModeEnum.Unknown;

                // Process template only if the control is on the last hierarchy page
                PageInfo         currentPage = PagePlaceholder.PageInfo;
                PageInfo         usePage;
                PageTemplateInfo ti = null;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    // Use the same page
                    usePage = PagePlaceholder.PageInfo;

                    if (UseDefaultTemplateOnSubPages || (currentPage.ChildPageInfo == null) || (currentPage.ChildPageInfo.UsedPageTemplateInfo == null) || (currentPage.ChildPageInfo.UsedPageTemplateInfo.PageTemplateId == 0))
                        ti = PageTemplateInfoProvider.GetPageTemplateInfo(templateName);
                    // Resolve the path first
                    path = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(path);

                    // Get specific page
                    usePage = PageInfoProvider.GetPageInfo(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, path, LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode, null, SiteContext.CurrentSite.CombineWithDefaultCulture);
                    if (PortalManager.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.LiveSite)
                        viewMode = ViewModeEnum.Preview;

                        // Set design mode for document's placeholder if is currently displayed
                        TreeNode tn = DocumentContext.CurrentDocument;
                        if ((tn != null) && (PortalContext.ViewMode == ViewModeEnum.Design) && tn.NodeAliasPath.EqualsCSafe(path, true))
                            viewMode = ViewModeEnum.Design;

                        // Get latest version data of current document content
                        if (usePage != null)

                    // Get the appropriate page template
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(templateName))
                        ti = (usePage != null) ? usePage.UsedPageTemplateInfo : null;
                        ti = PageTemplateInfoProvider.GetPageTemplateInfo(templateName);

                if ((usePage != null) && (ti != null))
                    // If same template as current page, avoid cycling
                    if (ti.PageTemplateId == currentPage.UsedPageTemplateInfo.PageTemplateId)
                        lblError.Text    = GetString("WebPart.PagePlaceHolder.CurrentTemplateNotAllowed");
                        lblError.Visible = true;
                        usePage = usePage.Clone();

                        // Setup the page template
                        int templateId = ti.PageTemplateId;

                        usePage.UsedPageTemplateInfo = ti;

                        // Load the current page info with the template and document
                        if (viewMode != ViewModeEnum.Unknown)
                            partPlaceholder.ViewMode = viewMode;

                        partPlaceholder.UsingDefaultPageTemplate = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateName);
                        partPlaceholder.UsingDefaultDocument     = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(path);
                        partPlaceholder.PageLevel = PagePlaceholder.PageLevel;
예제 #21
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            rssFeed.StopProcessing     = true;
            srcProducts.StopProcessing = true;
            string feedCodeName = URLHelper.GetSafeUrlPart(FeedName, SiteName);
            // RSS feed properties
            rssFeed.FeedName            = feedCodeName;
            rssFeed.FeedLink            = URLHelper.GetAbsoluteUrl(URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(RequestContext.CurrentURL, QueryStringKey, feedCodeName));
            rssFeed.LinkText            = LinkText;
            rssFeed.LinkIcon            = LinkIcon;
            rssFeed.FeedTitle           = FeedTitle;
            rssFeed.FeedDescription     = FeedDescription;
            rssFeed.FeedLanguage        = FeedLanguage;
            rssFeed.EnableAutodiscovery = EnableRSSAutodiscovery;
            rssFeed.QueryStringKey      = QueryStringKey;
            rssFeed.HeaderXML           = HeaderXML;
            rssFeed.FooterXML           = FooterXML;

            // Datasource properties
            srcProducts.WhereCondition   = WhereCondition;
            srcProducts.OrderBy          = OrderBy;
            srcProducts.TopN             = SelectTopN;
            srcProducts.SourceFilterName = FilterName;
            srcProducts.SelectedColumns  = Columns;

            // Prepare alias path
            string aliasPath = Path;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasPath))
                aliasPath = "/%";
            aliasPath = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(aliasPath);

            // Prepare site name
            string siteName = SiteName;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(siteName))
                siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;

            // Prepare culture code
            string cultureCode = CultureCode;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureCode))
                cultureCode = LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode;

            // Document filter properties
            srcProducts.SiteName                  = siteName;
            srcProducts.UseDocumentFilter         = UseDocumentFilter;
            srcProducts.DocumentsWhereCondition   = DocumentsWhereCondition;
            srcProducts.CombineWithDefaultCulture = CombineWithDefaultCulture;
            srcProducts.CultureCode               = cultureCode;
            srcProducts.SelectOnlyPublished       = SelectOnlyPublished;
            srcProducts.MaxRelativeLevel          = MaxRelativeLevel;
            srcProducts.Path = aliasPath;

            // Cache properties
            rssFeed.CacheItemName         = CacheItemName;
            rssFeed.CacheDependencies     = CacheDependencies;
            rssFeed.CacheMinutes          = CacheMinutes;
            srcProducts.CacheItemName     = CacheItemName;
            srcProducts.CacheDependencies = CacheDependencies;
            srcProducts.CacheMinutes      = CacheMinutes;

            // Transformation properties
            rssFeed.TransformationName = TransformationName;

            // Datasource properties
            rssFeed.DataSourceControl = srcProducts;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            ucAttachments.StopProcessing = true;
            ucAttachments.GetBinary = false;

            // Basic control properties
            ucAttachments.HideControlForZeroRows = HideControlForZeroRows;
            ucAttachments.ZeroRowsText           = ZeroRowsText;

            // Data source properties
            ucAttachments.WhereCondition            = WhereCondition;
            ucAttachments.OrderBy                   = OrderBy;
            ucAttachments.FilterName                = FilterName;
            ucAttachments.CacheItemName             = CacheItemName;
            ucAttachments.CacheDependencies         = CacheDependencies;
            ucAttachments.CacheMinutes              = CacheMinutes;
            ucAttachments.AttachmentGroupGUID       = AttachmentGroupGUID;
            ucAttachments.CheckPermissions          = CheckPermissions;
            ucAttachments.CombineWithDefaultCulture = CombineWithDefaultCulture;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CultureCode))
                ucAttachments.CultureCode = DocumentContext.CurrentDocumentCulture.CultureCode;
                ucAttachments.CultureCode = CultureCode;

            ucAttachments.Path     = TreePathUtils.EnsureSingleNodePath(MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path));
            ucAttachments.SiteName = SiteName;
            ucAttachments.TopN     = TopN;

            #region "Repeater template properties"

            // Apply transformations if they exist
            ucAttachments.TransformationName = TransformationName;
            ucAttachments.AlternatingItemTransformationName = AlternatingItemTransformationName;
            ucAttachments.FooterTransformationName          = FooterTransformationName;
            ucAttachments.HeaderTransformationName          = HeaderTransformationName;
            ucAttachments.SeparatorTransformationName       = SeparatorTransformationName;


            // UniPager properties
            ucAttachments.PageSize       = PageSize;
            ucAttachments.GroupSize      = GroupSize;
            ucAttachments.QueryStringKey = QueryStringKey;
            ucAttachments.DisplayFirstLastAutomatically    = DisplayFirstLastAutomatically;
            ucAttachments.DisplayPreviousNextAutomatically = DisplayPreviousNextAutomatically;
            ucAttachments.HidePagerForSinglePage           = HidePagerForSinglePage;
            switch (PagingMode.ToLowerCSafe())
            case "postback":
                ucAttachments.PagingMode = UniPagerMode.PostBack;

                ucAttachments.PagingMode = UniPagerMode.Querystring;

            #region "UniPager template properties"

            // UniPager template properties
            ucAttachments.PagesTemplate         = PagesTemplate;
            ucAttachments.CurrentPageTemplate   = CurrentPageTemplate;
            ucAttachments.SeparatorTemplate     = SeparatorTemplate;
            ucAttachments.FirstPageTemplate     = FirstPageTemplate;
            ucAttachments.LastPageTemplate      = LastPageTemplate;
            ucAttachments.PreviousPageTemplate  = PreviousPageTemplate;
            ucAttachments.NextPageTemplate      = NextPageTemplate;
            ucAttachments.PreviousGroupTemplate = PreviousGroupTemplate;
            ucAttachments.NextGroupTemplate     = NextGroupTemplate;
            ucAttachments.LayoutTemplate        = LayoutTemplate;

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
                // Prepare alias path
                aliasPath = AliasPath;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasPath))
                    aliasPath = "/%";
                aliasPath = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(aliasPath);

                // Prepare site name
                siteName = SiteName;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(siteName))
                    siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;

                // Prepare culture code
                cultureCode = CultureCode;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cultureCode))
                    cultureCode = LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode;

                // Base URL of the links
                string url;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DocumentListPath))
                    url = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                    url = DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(DocumentListPath));
                url = UrlResolver.ResolveUrl(url);

                string renderedTags = null;

                // Try to get data from cache
                using (var cs = new CachedSection <string>(ref renderedTags, CacheMinutes, true, CacheItemName, "tagcloud", TagGroupName, OrderBy, SelectTopN, url, TagSeparator, QueryStringName, MaxTagSize, MinTagSize, "documents", siteName, aliasPath, CacheHelper.GetCultureCacheKey(cultureCode), CombineWithDefaultCulture, WhereCondition, SelectOnlyPublished, MaxRelativeLevel))
                    if (cs.LoadData)
                        // Get the correct range
                        int maxSize = Math.Max(MaxTagSize, MinTagSize);
                        int minSize = Math.Min(MaxTagSize, MinTagSize);

                        // Get the tags
                        SiteInfo si     = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(siteName);
                        int      siteId = 0;
                        if (si != null)
                            siteId = si.SiteID;

                        // Get tag group info
                        tgi = TagGroupInfoProvider.GetTagGroupInfo(TagGroupName, siteId);

                        // Get the data
                        DataSet ds = null;
                        if (!UseDocumentFilter)
                            // Get the tag group
                            if (tgi != null)
                                // Get the tags for group
                                ds = TagInfoProvider.GetTags("TagGroupID = " + tgi.TagGroupID, OrderBy, SelectTopN);
                            // Get the tags for documents
                            string comleteWhere = TreeProvider.GetCompleteWhereCondition(siteName, aliasPath, cultureCode, CombineWithDefaultCulture, WhereCondition, SelectOnlyPublished, MaxRelativeLevel);
                            ds = TagInfoProvider.GetTags(TagGroupName, siteId, comleteWhere, OrderBy, SelectTopN);

                        // DS must have at least three columns (fist for IDs, second for names, third for counts)
                        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                            // First we need to find the maximum and minimum
                            int max = Int32.MinValue;
                            int min = Int32.MaxValue;
                            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                int tagCount = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["TagCount"], 0);
                                max = Math.Max(tagCount, max);
                                min = Math.Min(tagCount, min);

                            // Now generate the tags
                            int count = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

                            StringBuilder sb    = new StringBuilder(count * 100);
                            int           index = 0;

                            // Process the tags
                            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                if (index > 0)
                                    sb.Append(TagSeparator + "\n");

                                // Count the percentage and get the final size of the tag
                                int tagCount  = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["TagCount"], 0);
                                int val       = (min == max ? 100 : (((tagCount - min) * 100) / (max - min)));
                                int pixelSize = minSize + ((val * (maxSize - minSize)) / 100);

                                // Create the link with query string parameter
                                string paramUrl = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, QueryStringName, ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["TagID"], ""));
                                sb.Append("<span><a href=\"" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(paramUrl) + "\" style=\"font-size:" + pixelSize.ToString() + "px;\" >" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(dr["TagName"].ToString()) + "</a></span>");


                            renderedTags = sb.ToString();

                        // Save to cache
                        if (cs.Cached)
                            cs.CacheDependency = GetCacheDependency();

                        cs.Data = renderedTags;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(renderedTags))
                    // Ensure no data behavior
                    if (HideControlForZeroRows)
                        Visible = false;
                        renderedTags = ZeroRowsText;

                // Display the tags
                ltlTags.Text = renderedTags;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Display the error
                ltlTags.Text = "<div style=\"color: red\">" + ex.Message + "</div>";
예제 #24
    /// <summary>
    /// Perform search.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Search()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            // Check if the search was triggered
            bool searchAllowed = SearchOnEachPageLoad || QueryHelper.Contains("searchtext");

            // Get query strings
            string searchText = QueryHelper.GetString("searchtext", "");
            // Check whether string passes text requirements settings
            bool searchTextIsNotEmptyOrNotRequired = (!SearchTextRequired || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText));

            // Proceed when search was triggered and search text is passing requirements settings.
            // Requirements setting could be overridden on this level by obsolete web.config key. The reason is backward compatibility.
            // Search text required web part setting was introduced after this web.config key. Key default value was at the time set to true.
            // This default value had the same effect as this new web part setting. When someone changed the web.config key to false and then upgraded the solution,
            // required web part setting with default value true would override previous behavior. That's the reason why this obsolete key can override this setting.
            if (searchAllowed && (searchTextIsNotEmptyOrNotRequired || !SearchHelper.SearchOnlyWhenContentPresent))
                string         searchMode     = QueryHelper.GetString("searchMode", "");
                SearchModeEnum searchModeEnum = EnumStringRepresentationExtensions.ToEnum <SearchModeEnum>(searchMode);

                // Get current culture
                string culture = CultureCode;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(culture))
                    culture = ValidationHelper.GetString(ViewState["CultureCode"], LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode);

                var siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;

                // Get default culture
                string defaultCulture = CultureHelper.GetDefaultCultureCode(siteName);

                // Resolve path
                string path = Path;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                    path = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path);

                // Prepare search text
                var docCondition = new DocumentSearchCondition(DocumentTypes, culture, defaultCulture, CombineWithDefaultCulture);

                var searchCond = SearchCondition;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterSearchCondition) && (searchModeEnum == SearchModeEnum.AnyWordOrSynonyms))
                    // Make sure the synonyms are expanded before the filter condition is applied (filter condition is Lucene syntax, cannot be expanded)
                    searchCond = SearchSyntaxHelper.ExpandWithSynonyms(searchCond, docCondition.Culture);

                var condition = new SearchCondition(searchCond + FilterSearchCondition, searchModeEnum, SearchOptions, docCondition, DoFuzzySearch);

                searchText = SearchSyntaxHelper.CombineSearchCondition(searchText, condition);

                // Get positions and ranges for search method
                int startPosition     = 0;
                int numberOfProceeded = 100;
                int displayResults    = 100;
                if (pgr.PageSize != 0 && pgr.GroupSize != 0)
                    // Reset pager if needed
                    if (mResetPager)
                        pgr.CurrentPage = 1;

                    startPosition = (pgr.CurrentPage - 1) * pgr.PageSize;
                    // Only results covered by current page group are proccessed (filtered) for performance reasons. This may cause decrease of the number of results while paging.
                    numberOfProceeded = (((pgr.CurrentPage / pgr.GroupSize) + 1) * pgr.PageSize * pgr.GroupSize) + pgr.PageSize;
                    displayResults    = pgr.PageSize;

                if ((MaxResults > 0) && (numberOfProceeded > MaxResults))
                    numberOfProceeded = MaxResults;

                // Combine regular search sort with filter sort
                string srt       = ValidationHelper.GetString(SearchSort, String.Empty).Trim();
                string filterSrt = ValidationHelper.GetString(FilterSearchSort, String.Empty).Trim();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filterSrt))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(srt))
                        srt += ", ";

                    srt += filterSrt;

                // Prepare parameters
                SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters
                    SearchFor                 = searchText,
                    SearchSort                = srt,
                    Path                      = path,
                    ClassNames                = DocumentTypes,
                    CurrentCulture            = culture,
                    DefaultCulture            = defaultCulture,
                    CombineWithDefaultCulture = CombineWithDefaultCulture,
                    CheckPermissions          = CheckPermissions,
                    SearchInAttachments       = SearchInAttachments,
                    User                      = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser,
                    SearchIndexes             = Indexes,
                    StartingPosition          = startPosition,
                    DisplayResults            = displayResults,
                    NumberOfProcessedResults  = numberOfProceeded,
                    NumberOfResults           = 0,
                    AttachmentWhere           = AttachmentsWhere,
                    AttachmentOrderBy         = AttachmentsOrderBy,
                    BlockFieldOnlySearch      = BlockFieldOnlySearch,

                // Search
                var results = SearchHelper.Search(parameters);

                int numberOfResults = parameters.NumberOfResults;
                if ((MaxResults > 0) && (numberOfResults > MaxResults))
                    numberOfResults = MaxResults;

                // Limit displayed results according to MaxPages property
                var maxDisplayedResultsOnMaxPages = MaxPages * PageSize;
                // Apply only if MaxPages and PageSize properties are set
                if ((maxDisplayedResultsOnMaxPages > 0) && (numberOfResults > maxDisplayedResultsOnMaxPages))
                    numberOfResults = maxDisplayedResultsOnMaxPages;

                // Fill repeater with results
                repSearchResults.DataSource = results.Items;
                repSearchResults.PagerForceNumberOfResults = numberOfResults;
                PagerForceNumberOfResults = numberOfResults;

                // Call page binding event
                if (OnPageBinding != null)
                    OnPageBinding(this, null);

                // Show no results found ?
                if (numberOfResults == 0)
                    if (ShowParsingErrors)
                        Exception searchError = results.LastError;
                        if (searchError != null)
                            ShowError(GetString("smartsearch.searcherror") + " " + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(searchError.Message));
                    lblNoResults.Text    = NoResultsText;
                    lblNoResults.Visible = true;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchTextValidationFailedText) && searchAllowed)
                    lblNoResults.Text    = SearchTextValidationFailedText;
                    lblNoResults.Visible = true;
                    Visible = false;

            // Invoke search completed event
            if (OnSearchCompleted != null)
예제 #25
    /// <summary>
    /// SignOut handler.
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnSignOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do not process
            if (AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated())
                string redirectUrl = RedirectToUrl;

                // If the user has registered Windows Live ID
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserSettings.WindowsLiveID))
                    // Get data from auth cookie
                    string[] userData = AuthenticationHelper.GetUserDataFromAuthCookie();

                    // If user has logged in using Windows Live ID, then sign him out from Live too
                    if ((userData != null) && (Array.IndexOf(userData, "liveidlogin") >= 0))
                        string siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;

                        // Get LiveID settings
                        string appId  = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetValue(siteName + ".CMSApplicationID");
                        string secret = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetValue(siteName + ".CMSApplicationSecret");

                        // Check valid Windows LiveID parameters
                        if ((appId != string.Empty) && (secret != string.Empty))
                            WindowsLiveLogin wll = new WindowsLiveLogin(appId, secret);

                            // Redirect to Windows Live and back to "home" page
                            string defaultAliasPath = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetValue(siteName + ".CMSDefaultAliasPath");
                            string url = DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(defaultAliasPath);
                            redirectUrl = wll.GetLogoutUrl(URLHelper.GetAbsoluteUrl(url));

                PortalContext.ViewMode = ViewModeEnum.LiveSite;

                string returnUrl = null;
                string signInUrl = null;

                if (SignInUrl != "")
                    signInUrl = ResolveUrl(DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(SignInUrl)));
                    signInUrl = AuthenticationHelper.GetSecuredAreasLogonPage(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

                if (ReturnPath != "")
                    returnUrl = ResolveUrl(DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(ReturnPath)));
                    returnUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;

                if (signInUrl != "")
                    // Prevent multiple returnUrl parameter
                    returnUrl = URLHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(returnUrl, "returnUrl");
                    URLHelper.Redirect(UrlResolver.ResolveUrl(URLHelper.UpdateParameterInUrl(signInUrl, "returnurl", Server.UrlEncode(returnUrl))));
    /// <summary>
    /// Setups control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        // Check StopProcessing property
        if (StopProcessing)
            Visible = false;
            if (!ObjectFactory <ILicenseService> .StaticSingleton().IsFeatureAvailable(FeatureEnum.OnlineUsers))



            DataSet users       = null;
            bool    transLoaded = false;

            // Load transformation
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TransformationName))
                repUsers.ItemTemplate = TransformationHelper.LoadTransformation(this, TransformationName);
                transLoaded           = true;

            if ((transLoaded) || (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Path)))
                // Try to get data from cache
                using (var cs = new CachedSection <DataSet>(ref users, CacheMinutes, true, CacheItemName, "onlineusers", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, SelectTopN, Columns, Path))
                    if (cs.LoadData)
                        // Get the data
                        users = SessionManager.GetOnlineUsers(null, null, SelectTopN, Columns, MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path), SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, false, false);

                        // Prepare the cache dependency
                        if (cs.Cached)
                            cs.CacheDependency = GetCacheDependency();

                        cs.Data = users;

                // Data bind
                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(users))
                    // Set to repeater
                    repUsers.DataSource = users;

            int authenticated = 0;
            int publicUsers   = 0;

            string numbers = string.Empty;

            // Get or generate cache item name
            string cacheItemNameNumbers = CacheItemName;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cacheItemNameNumbers))
                cacheItemNameNumbers += "Number";

            // Try to get data from cache
            using (var cs = new CachedSection <string>(ref numbers, CacheMinutes, true, cacheItemNameNumbers, "onlineusersnumber", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, Path))
                if (cs.LoadData)
                    // Get the data
                    SessionManager.GetUsersNumber(CurrentSiteName, MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(Path), false, false, out publicUsers, out authenticated);

                    // Save to the cache
                    if (cs.Cached)
                        cs.CacheDependency = GetCacheDependency();

                    cs.Data = publicUsers.ToString() + ";" + authenticated.ToString();
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(numbers))
                    // Retrieved from cache
                    string[] nums = numbers.Split(';');

                    publicUsers   = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nums[0], 0);
                    authenticated = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nums[1], 0);

            // Check if at least one user is online
            if ((publicUsers + authenticated) == 0)
                ltrAdditionaInfos.Text = NoUsersOnlineText;
                ltrAdditionaInfos.Text = string.Format(AdditionalInfoText, publicUsers + authenticated, publicUsers, authenticated);

예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets URL from given path.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">Node alias path</param>
 private string GetUrl(string path)
예제 #28
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            // Initialize properties
            string script = "";

            // Set current user
            currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

            // Get Enable Friends setting
            bool friendsEnabled = UIHelper.IsFriendsModuleEnabled(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

            // Initialize strings
            lnkSignIn.Text                 = SignInText;
            lnkJoinCommunity.Text          = JoinCommunityText;
            lnkMyProfile.Text              = MyProfileText;
            lnkEditMyProfile.Text          = EditMyProfileText;
            btnSignOut.Text                = SignOutText;
            lnkCreateNewGroup.Text         = CreateNewGroupText;
            lnkCreateNewBlog.Text          = CreateNewBlogText;
            lnkJoinGroup.Text              = JoinGroupText;
            lnkLeaveGroup.Text             = LeaveGroupText;
            lnkRejectFriendship.Text       = RejectFriendshipText;
            requestFriendshipElem.LinkText = RequestFriendshipText;
            lnkSendMessage.Text            = SendMessageText;
            lnkAddToContactList.Text       = AddToContactListText;
            lnkAddToIgnoreList.Text        = AddToIgnoreListText;
            lnkInviteToGroup.Text          = InviteGroupText;
            lnkManageGroup.Text            = ManageGroupText;
            lnkMyMessages.Text             = MyMessagesText;
            lnkMyFriends.Text              = MyFriendsText;
            lnkMyInvitations.Text          = MyInvitationsText;
            lnkMyTasks.Text                = MyTasksText;

            // If current user is public...
            if (currentUser.IsPublic())
                // Display Sign In link if set so
                if (DisplaySignIn)
                    // SignInPath returns URL - because of settings value
                    lnkSignIn.NavigateUrl = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(SignInPath);
                    pnlSignIn.Visible     = true;
                    pnlSignInOut.Visible  = true;

                // Display Join the community link if set so
                if (DisplayJoinCommunity)
                    lnkJoinCommunity.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(JoinCommunityPath);
                    pnlJoinCommunity.Visible     = true;
                    pnlPersonalLinks.Visible     = true;
            // If user is logged in
                // Display Sign out link if set so
                if (DisplaySignOut && !RequestHelper.IsWindowsAuthentication())
                    pnlSignOut.Visible   = true;
                    pnlSignInOut.Visible = true;

                // Display Edit my profile link if set so
                if (DisplayEditMyProfileLink)
                    lnkEditMyProfile.NavigateUrl = URLHelper.ResolveUrl(DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(GroupMemberInfoProvider.GetMemberManagementPath(currentUser.UserName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)));
                    pnlEditMyProfile.Visible     = true;
                    pnlProfileLinks.Visible      = true;

                // Display My profile link if set so
                if (DisplayMyProfileLink)
                    lnkMyProfile.NavigateUrl = URLHelper.ResolveUrl(DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(GroupMemberInfoProvider.GetMemberProfilePath(currentUser.UserName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)));
                    pnlMyProfile.Visible     = true;
                    pnlProfileLinks.Visible  = true;

                // Display Create new group link if set so
                if (DisplayCreateNewGroup)
                    lnkCreateNewGroup.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(CreateNewGroupPath);
                    pnlCreateNewGroup.Visible     = true;
                    pnlGroupLinks.Visible         = true;

                // Display Create new blog link if set so
                if (DisplayCreateNewBlog)
                    // Check that Community Module is present
                    var entry = ModuleManager.GetModule(ModuleName.BLOGS);
                    if (entry != null)
                        lnkCreateNewBlog.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(CreateNewBlogPath);
                        pnlCreateNewBlog.Visible     = true;
                        pnlBlogLinks.Visible         = true;

                // Display My messages link
                if (DisplayMyMessages)
                    lnkMyMessages.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(MyMessagesPath);
                    pnlMyMessages.Visible     = true;
                    pnlPersonalLinks.Visible  = true;

                // Display My friends link
                if (DisplayMyFriends && friendsEnabled)
                    lnkMyFriends.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(MyFriendsPath);
                    pnlMyFriends.Visible     = true;
                    pnlPersonalLinks.Visible = true;

                // Display My invitations link
                if (DisplayMyInvitations)
                    lnkMyInvitations.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(MyInvitationsPath);
                    pnlMyInvitations.Visible     = true;
                    pnlPersonalLinks.Visible     = true;

                // Display My tasks link
                if (DisplayMyTasks)
                    lnkMyTasks.NavigateUrl   = GetUrl(MyTasksPath);
                    pnlMyTasks.Visible       = true;
                    pnlPersonalLinks.Visible = true;

                GroupMemberInfo gmi = null;

                if (CommunityContext.CurrentGroup != null)
                    // Get group info from community context
                    GroupInfo currentGroup = CommunityContext.CurrentGroup;

                    if (DisplayGroupLinks)
                        script += "function ReloadPage(){" + ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "") + "}";

                        // Display Join group link if set so and user is visiting a group page
                        gmi = GetGroupMember(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, currentGroup.GroupID);
                        if (gmi == null)
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(JoinGroupPath))
                                script += "function JoinToGroupRequest() {\n" +
                                          "modalDialog('" + AuthenticationHelper.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Groups/CMSPages/JoinTheGroup.aspx") + "?groupid=" + currentGroup.GroupID + "','requestJoinToGroup', 500, 180); \n" +
                                          " } \n";

                                lnkJoinGroup.Attributes.Add("onclick", "JoinToGroupRequest();return false;");
                                lnkJoinGroup.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                                lnkJoinGroup.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(JoinGroupPath);
                            pnlJoinGroup.Visible  = true;
                            pnlGroupLinks.Visible = true;
                        else if ((gmi.MemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Approved) || (MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsGlobalAdministrator))
                        // Display Leave the group link if user is the group member
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LeaveGroupPath))
                                script += "function LeaveTheGroupRequest() {\n" +
                                          "modalDialog('" + AuthenticationHelper.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Groups/CMSPages/LeaveTheGroup.aspx") + "?groupid=" + currentGroup.GroupID + "','requestLeaveThGroup', 500, 180); \n" +
                                          " } \n";

                                lnkLeaveGroup.Attributes.Add("onclick", "LeaveTheGroupRequest();return false;");
                                lnkLeaveGroup.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                                lnkLeaveGroup.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(LeaveGroupPath);

                            pnlLeaveGroup.Visible = true;
                            pnlGroupLinks.Visible = true;

                    // Display Manage the group link if set so and user is logged as group administrator and user is visiting a group page
                    if (DisplayManageGroup && (currentUser.IsGroupAdministrator(currentGroup.GroupID) || (currentUser.IsGlobalAdministrator)))
                        lnkManageGroup.NavigateUrl = ResolveUrl(DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(GroupInfoProvider.GetGroupManagementPath(currentGroup.GroupName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)));
                        pnlManageGroup.Visible     = true;
                        pnlGroupLinks.Visible      = true;

                if (DisplayInviteToGroup)
                    // Get group info from community context
                    GroupInfo currentGroup = CommunityContext.CurrentGroup;

                    // Get user info from site context
                    UserInfo siteContextUser = MembershipContext.CurrentUserProfile;

                    // Display invite to group link for user who is visiting a group page
                    if (currentGroup != null)
                        // Get group user
                        if (gmi == null)
                            gmi = GetGroupMember(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, currentGroup.GroupID);

                        if (((gmi != null) && (gmi.MemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Approved)) || (MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsGlobalAdministrator))
                            pnlInviteToGroup.Visible = true;

                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(InviteGroupPath))
                                script += "function InviteToGroup() {\n modalDialog('" + AuthenticationHelper.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Groups/CMSPages/InviteToGroup.aspx") + "?groupid=" + currentGroup.GroupID + "','inviteToGroup', 800, 450); \n } \n";
                                lnkInviteToGroup.Attributes.Add("onclick", "InviteToGroup();return false;");
                                lnkInviteToGroup.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                                lnkInviteToGroup.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(InviteGroupPath);
                    // Display invite to group link for user who is visiting another user's page
                    else if ((siteContextUser != null) && (siteContextUser.UserName != currentUser.UserName) && (GroupInfoProvider.GetUserGroupsCount(currentUser, SiteContext.CurrentSite) != 0))
                        pnlInviteToGroup.Visible = true;

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(InviteGroupPath))
                            script += "function InviteToGroup() {\n modalDialog('" + AuthenticationHelper.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Groups/CMSPages/InviteToGroup.aspx") + "?invitedid=" + siteContextUser.UserID + "','inviteToGroup', 700, 400); \n } \n";
                            lnkInviteToGroup.Attributes.Add("onclick", "InviteToGroup();return false;");
                            lnkInviteToGroup.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                            lnkInviteToGroup.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(InviteGroupPath);

                if (SiteContext.CurrentUser != null)
                    // Get user info from site context
                    UserInfo siteContextUser = MembershipContext.CurrentUserProfile;

                    // Display Friendship link if set so and user is visiting an user's page
                    if (DisplayFriendshipLinks && (currentUser.UserID != siteContextUser.UserID) && friendsEnabled)
                        FriendshipStatusEnum status = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.HasFriend(siteContextUser.UserID);
                        switch (status)
                        case FriendshipStatusEnum.Approved:
                            // Friendship rejection
                            script += "function ShortcutFriendshipReject(id) { \n" +
                                      "modalDialog('" + AuthenticationHelper.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Friends/CMSPages/Friends_Reject.aspx") + "?userid=" + currentUser.UserID + "&requestid=' + id , 'rejectFriend', 410, 270); \n" +
                                      " } \n";

                            lnkRejectFriendship.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShortcutFriendshipReject('" + siteContextUser.UserID + "');return false;");
                            lnkRejectFriendship.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                            pnlRejectFriendship.Visible     = true;
                            pnlFriendshipLinks.Visible      = true;

                        case FriendshipStatusEnum.None:
                            requestFriendshipElem.UserID          = currentUser.UserID;
                            requestFriendshipElem.RequestedUserID = siteContextUser.UserID;
                            pnlFriendshipLink.Visible             = true;
                            pnlFriendshipLinks.Visible            = true;

                    // Show messaging links if enabled
                    if (MessagingPresent && (currentUser.UserID != siteContextUser.UserID))
                        // Display Send message link if user is visiting an user's page
                        if (DisplaySendMessage)
                            // Send private message
                            script += "function ShortcutPrivateMessage(id) { \n" +
                                      "modalDialog('" + AuthenticationHelper.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Messaging/CMSPages/SendMessage.aspx") + "?userid=" + currentUser.UserID + "&requestid=' + id , 'sendMessage', 390, 390); \n" +
                                      " } \n";

                            lnkSendMessage.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShortcutPrivateMessage('" + siteContextUser.UserID + "');return false;");
                            lnkSendMessage.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                            pnlSendMessage.Visible     = true;
                            pnlMessageLinks.Visible    = true;

                        // Display Add to contact list link if user is visiting an user's page
                        if (DisplayAddToContactList)
                            // Check if user is in contact list
                            bool isInContactList = ModuleCommands.MessagingIsInContactList(currentUser.UserID, siteContextUser.UserID);

                            // Add to actions
                            if (!isInContactList)
                                lnkAddToContactList.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ShortcutAddToContactList('" + siteContextUser.UserID + "')");
                                lnkAddToContactList.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                                pnlAddToContactList.Visible     = true;
                                pnlMessageLinks.Visible         = true;

                                // Add to contact list
                                script += "function ShortcutAddToContactList(usertoadd) { \n" +
                                          "var confirmation = confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("messaging.contactlist.addconfirmation")) + ");" +
                                          "if(confirmation)" +
                                          "{" +
                                          "selectedIdElem = document.getElementById('" + hdnSelectedId.ClientID + "'); \n" +
                                          "if (selectedIdElem != null) { selectedIdElem.value = usertoadd;}" +
                                          ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "addtocontactlist", false) +
                                          "} return false;}\n";

                        // Display Add to ignore list link if user is visiting an user's page
                        if (DisplayAddToIgnoreList)
                            // Check if user is in ignore list
                            bool isInIgnoreList = ModuleCommands.MessagingIsInIgnoreList(currentUser.UserID, siteContextUser.UserID);

                            // Add to ignore list
                            if (!isInIgnoreList)
                                lnkAddToIgnoreList.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ShortcutAddToIgnoretList('" + siteContextUser.UserID + "')");
                                lnkAddToIgnoreList.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                                pnlAddToIgnoreList.Visible     = true;
                                pnlMessageLinks.Visible        = true;

                                // Add to ignore list
                                script += "function ShortcutAddToIgnoretList(usertoadd) { \n" +
                                          "var confirmation = confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("messaging.ignorelist.addconfirmation")) + ");" +
                                          "if(confirmation)" +
                                          "{" +
                                          "selectedIdElem = document.getElementById('" + hdnSelectedId.ClientID + "'); \n" +
                                          "if (selectedIdElem != null) { selectedIdElem.value = usertoadd;}" +
                                          ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "addtoignorelist", false) +
                                          "} return false; } \n";

            // Register menu management scripts
            ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "Shortcuts_" + ClientID, ScriptHelper.GetScript(script));

            // Register the dialog script
예제 #29
    /// <summary>
    /// OK click handler (Proceed registration).
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (PortalContext.IsDesignMode(PortalContext.ViewMode) || (HideOnCurrentPage) || (!IsVisible))
            // Do not process
            String siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;

            #region "Banned IPs"

            // Ban IP addresses which are blocked for registration
            if (!BannedIPInfoProvider.IsAllowed(siteName, BanControlEnum.Registration))


            #region "Check Email & password"

            string[] siteList = { siteName };

            // If AssignToSites field set
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(AssignToSites))
                siteList = AssignToSites.Split(';');

            // Check whether another user with this user name (which is effectively email) does not exist
            UserInfo ui     = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(txtEmail.Text);
            SiteInfo si     = SiteContext.CurrentSite;
            UserInfo siteui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(UserInfoProvider.EnsureSitePrefixUserName(txtEmail.Text, si));

            if ((ui != null) || (siteui != null))
                ShowError(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.UserAlreadyExists").Replace("%%name%%", HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(txtEmail.Text)));

            // Check whether password is same
            if (passStrength.Text != txtConfirmPassword.Text)

            if ((PasswordMinLength > 0) && (passStrength.Text.Length < PasswordMinLength))
                ShowError(String.Format(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.PasswordMinLength"), PasswordMinLength));

            if (!passStrength.IsValid())

            if ((!txtEmail.IsValid()) || (txtEmail.Text.Length > EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH))
                ShowError(String.Format(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.EmailIsNotValid"), EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH));


            #region "Captcha"

            // Check if captcha is required and verify captcha text
            if (DisplayCaptcha && !scCaptcha.IsValid())
                // Display error message if catcha text is not valid


            #region "User properties"

            var userEmail = txtEmail.Text.Trim();

            ui = new UserInfo();
            ui.PreferredCultureCode = "";
            ui.Email          = userEmail;
            ui.FirstName      = txtFirstName.Text.Trim();
            ui.LastName       = txtLastName.Text.Trim();
            ui.FullName       = UserInfoProvider.GetFullName(ui.FirstName, String.Empty, ui.LastName);
            ui.MiddleName     = "";
            ui.UserMFRequired = chkUseMultiFactorAutentization.Checked;

            // User name as put by user (no site prefix included)
            var plainUserName = userEmail;
            ui.UserName = plainUserName;

            // Check if the given email can be used as user name
            if (!ValidationHelper.IsUserName(plainUserName))
                ShowError(String.Format(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.UserNameNotValid"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(plainUserName)));

            // Ensure site prefixes
            if (UserInfoProvider.UserNameSitePrefixEnabled(siteName))
                ui.UserName = UserInfoProvider.EnsureSitePrefixUserName(plainUserName, si);

            ui.Enabled         = EnableUserAfterRegistration;
            ui.UserURLReferrer = CookieHelper.GetValue(CookieName.UrlReferrer);
            ui.UserCampaign    = Service <ICampaignService> .Entry().CampaignCode;

            ui.SiteIndependentPrivilegeLevel = UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.None;

            ui.UserSettings.UserRegistrationInfo.IPAddress = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
            ui.UserSettings.UserRegistrationInfo.Agent     = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent;

            // Check whether confirmation is required
            bool requiresConfirmation = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetBoolValue(siteName + ".CMSRegistrationEmailConfirmation");
            bool requiresAdminApprove = false;

            if (!requiresConfirmation)
                // If confirmation is not required check whether administration approval is required
                requiresAdminApprove = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetBoolValue(siteName + ".CMSRegistrationAdministratorApproval");
                if (requiresAdminApprove)
                    ui.Enabled = false;
                    ui.UserSettings.UserWaitingForApproval = true;
                // EnableUserAfterRegistration is overridden by requiresConfirmation - user needs to be confirmed before enable
                ui.Enabled = false;

            // Set user's starting alias path
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StartingAliasPath))
                ui.UserStartingAliasPath = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(StartingAliasPath);


            #region "Reserved names"

            // Check for reserved user names like administrator, sysadmin, ...
            if (UserInfoProvider.NameIsReserved(siteName, plainUserName))
                ShowError(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.UserNameReserved").Replace("%%name%%", HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(Functions.GetFormattedUserName(ui.UserName, true))));

            if (UserInfoProvider.NameIsReserved(siteName, ui.UserNickName))
                ShowError(GetString("Webparts_Membership_RegistrationForm.UserNameReserved").Replace("%%name%%", HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ui.UserNickName)));


            #region "License limitations"

            string errorMessage = String.Empty;
            UserInfoProvider.CheckLicenseLimitation(ui, ref errorMessage);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))


            // Check whether email is unique if it is required
            if (!UserInfoProvider.IsEmailUnique(userEmail, siteList, 0))

            // Set password
            UserInfoProvider.SetPassword(ui, passStrength.Text);

            #region "Welcome Emails (confirmation, waiting for approval)"

            bool error = false;
            EmailTemplateInfo template = null;

            string emailSubject = null;
            // Send welcome message with username and password, with confirmation link, user must confirm registration
            if (requiresConfirmation)
                template     = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("RegistrationConfirmation", siteName);
                emailSubject = EmailHelper.GetSubject(template, GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationConfirmationEmailSubject"));
            // Send welcome message with username and password, with information that user must be approved by administrator
            else if (SendWelcomeEmail)
                if (requiresAdminApprove)
                    template     = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Membership.RegistrationWaitingForApproval", siteName);
                    emailSubject = EmailHelper.GetSubject(template, GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationWaitingForApprovalSubject"));
                // Send welcome message with username and password, user can logon directly
                    template     = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Membership.Registration", siteName);
                    emailSubject = EmailHelper.GetSubject(template, GetString("RegistrationForm.RegistrationSubject"));

            if (template != null)
                // Create relation between contact and user. This ensures that contact will be correctly recognized when user approves registration (if approval is required)
                int contactId = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID();
                if (contactId > 0)
                    ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingCreateRelation(ui.UserID, MembershipType.CMS_USER, contactId);

                // Email message
                EmailMessage email = new EmailMessage();
                email.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.Default;
                email.Recipients  = ui.Email;
                email.From        = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetValue(siteName + ".CMSNoreplyEmailAddress");
                email.Subject     = emailSubject;

                    var resolver = MembershipResolvers.GetMembershipRegistrationResolver(ui, AuthenticationHelper.GetRegistrationApprovalUrl(ApprovalPage, ui.UserGUID, siteName, NotifyAdministrator));
                    EmailSender.SendEmailWithTemplateText(siteName, email, template, resolver, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    EventLogProvider.LogException("E", "RegistrationForm - SendEmail", ex);
                    error = true;

            // If there was some error, user must be deleted
            if (error)

                // Email was not send, user can't be approved - delete it


            #region "Administrator notification email"

            // Notify administrator if enabled and e-mail confirmation is not required
            if (!requiresConfirmation && NotifyAdministrator && (FromAddress != String.Empty) && (ToAddress != String.Empty))
                EmailTemplateInfo mEmailTemplate;
                if (SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetBoolValue(siteName + ".CMSRegistrationAdministratorApproval"))
                    mEmailTemplate = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Registration.Approve", siteName);
                    mEmailTemplate = EmailTemplateProvider.GetEmailTemplate("Registration.New", siteName);

                if (mEmailTemplate == null)
                    // Log missing e-mail template
                    EventLogProvider.LogEvent(EventType.ERROR, "RegistrationForm", "GetEmailTemplate", eventUrl: RequestContext.RawURL);
                    EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage();
                    message.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.Default;
                    message.From        = EmailHelper.GetSender(mEmailTemplate, FromAddress);
                    message.Recipients  = ToAddress;
                    message.Subject     = GetString("RegistrationForm.EmailSubject");

                        MacroResolver resolver = MembershipResolvers.GetRegistrationResolver(ui);
                        EmailSender.SendEmailWithTemplateText(siteName, message, mEmailTemplate, resolver, false);
                        EventLogProvider.LogEvent(EventType.ERROR, "Membership", "RegistrationEmail");


            #region "Web analytics"

            // Track successful registration conversion
            if (TrackConversionName != String.Empty)
                if (AnalyticsHelper.AnalyticsEnabled(siteName) && !AnalyticsHelper.IsIPExcluded(siteName, RequestContext.UserHostAddress))
                    // Log conversion
                    HitLogProvider.LogConversions(siteName, LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode, TrackConversionName, 0, ConversionValue);

            // Log registered user if confirmation is not required
            if (!requiresConfirmation)
                AnalyticsHelper.LogRegisteredUser(siteName, ui);


            #region "On-line marketing - activity"

            // Log registered user if confirmation is not required
            if (!requiresConfirmation)
                MembershipActivityLogger.LogRegistration(ui.UserName, DocumentContext.CurrentDocument);
                // Log login activity
                if (ui.Enabled)
                    MembershipActivityLogger.LogLogin(ui.UserName, DocumentContext.CurrentDocument);


            #region "Roles & authentication"

            string[] roleList = AssignRoles.Split(';');

            foreach (string sn in siteList)
                // Add new user to the current site
                UserInfoProvider.AddUserToSite(ui.UserName, sn);
                foreach (string roleName in roleList)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(roleName))
                        String s = roleName.StartsWith(".", StringComparison.Ordinal) ? "" : sn;

                        // Add user to desired roles
                        if (RoleInfoProvider.RoleExists(roleName, s))
                            UserInfoProvider.AddUserToRole(ui.UserName, roleName, s);

            if (DisplayMessage.Trim() != String.Empty)
                pnlForm.Visible = false;
                lblText.Visible = true;
                lblText.Text    = DisplayMessage;
                if (ui.Enabled)
                    AuthenticationHelper.AuthenticateUser(ui.UserName, true);

                if (RedirectToURL != String.Empty)

                else if (QueryHelper.GetString("ReturnURL", "") != String.Empty)
                    string url = QueryHelper.GetString("ReturnURL", "");

                    // Do url decode
                    url = Server.UrlDecode(url);

                    // Check that url is relative path or hash is ok
                    if (url.StartsWith("~", StringComparison.Ordinal) || url.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) || QueryHelper.ValidateHash("hash", "aliaspath"))
                    // Absolute path with wrong hash
                        URLHelper.Redirect(AdministrationUrlHelper.GetErrorPageUrl("dialogs.badhashtitle", "dialogs.badhashtext"));


            lblError.Visible = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            // Initialize properties
            string script = "";

            // Set current user
            currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

            // Initialize strings
            lnkSignIn.Text         = SignInText;
            lnkJoinCommunity.Text  = JoinCommunityText;
            lnkMyProfile.Text      = MyProfileText;
            lnkEditMyProfile.Text  = EditMyProfileText;
            btnSignOut.Text        = SignOutText;
            lnkCreateNewGroup.Text = CreateNewGroupText;
            lnkCreateNewBlog.Text  = CreateNewBlogText;
            lnkJoinGroup.Text      = JoinGroupText;
            lnkLeaveGroup.Text     = LeaveGroupText;
            lnkInviteToGroup.Text  = InviteGroupText;
            lnkManageGroup.Text    = ManageGroupText;
            lnkMyInvitations.Text  = MyInvitationsText;

            // If current user is public...
            if (currentUser.IsPublic())
                // Display Sign In link if set so
                if (DisplaySignIn)
                    // SignInPath returns URL - because of settings value
                    lnkSignIn.NavigateUrl = MacroResolver.ResolveCurrentPath(SignInPath);
                    pnlSignIn.Visible     = true;
                    pnlSignInOut.Visible  = true;

                // Display Join the community link if set so
                if (DisplayJoinCommunity)
                    lnkJoinCommunity.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(JoinCommunityPath);
                    pnlJoinCommunity.Visible     = true;
                    pnlPersonalLinks.Visible     = true;
            // If user is logged in
                // Display Sign out link if set so
                if (DisplaySignOut && !AuthenticationMode.IsWindowsAuthentication())
                    pnlSignOut.Visible   = true;
                    pnlSignInOut.Visible = true;

                // Display Edit my profile link if set so
                if (DisplayEditMyProfileLink)
                    lnkEditMyProfile.NavigateUrl = UrlResolver.ResolveUrl(DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(GroupMemberInfoProvider.GetMemberManagementPath(currentUser.UserName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)));
                    pnlEditMyProfile.Visible     = true;
                    pnlProfileLinks.Visible      = true;

                // Display My profile link if set so
                if (DisplayMyProfileLink)
                    lnkMyProfile.NavigateUrl = UrlResolver.ResolveUrl(DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(GroupMemberInfoProvider.GetMemberProfilePath(currentUser.UserName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)));
                    pnlMyProfile.Visible     = true;
                    pnlProfileLinks.Visible  = true;

                // Display Create new group link if set so
                if (DisplayCreateNewGroup)
                    lnkCreateNewGroup.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(CreateNewGroupPath);
                    pnlCreateNewGroup.Visible     = true;
                    pnlGroupLinks.Visible         = true;

                // Display Create new blog link if set so
                if (DisplayCreateNewBlog)
                    // Check that Community Module is present
                    var entry = ModuleManager.GetModule(ModuleName.BLOGS);
                    if (entry != null)
                        lnkCreateNewBlog.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(CreateNewBlogPath);
                        pnlCreateNewBlog.Visible     = true;
                        pnlBlogLinks.Visible         = true;

                // Display My invitations link
                if (DisplayMyInvitations)
                    lnkMyInvitations.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(MyInvitationsPath);
                    pnlMyInvitations.Visible     = true;
                    pnlPersonalLinks.Visible     = true;

                GroupMemberInfo gmi = null;

                if (CommunityContext.CurrentGroup != null)
                    // Get group info from community context
                    GroupInfo currentGroup = CommunityContext.CurrentGroup;

                    if (DisplayGroupLinks)
                        // Display Join group link if set so and user is visiting a group page
                        gmi = GetGroupMember(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, currentGroup.GroupID);
                        if (gmi == null)
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(JoinGroupPath))
                                script += "function JoinToGroupRequest() {\n" +
                                          "modalDialog('" + ApplicationUrlHelper.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Groups/CMSPages/JoinTheGroup.aspx") + "?groupid=" + currentGroup.GroupID + "','requestJoinToGroup', 500, 180); \n" +
                                          " } \n";

                                lnkJoinGroup.Attributes.Add("onclick", "JoinToGroupRequest();return false;");
                                lnkJoinGroup.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                                lnkJoinGroup.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(JoinGroupPath);
                            pnlJoinGroup.Visible  = true;
                            pnlGroupLinks.Visible = true;
                        else if ((gmi.MemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Approved) || (MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Admin)))
                        // Display Leave the group link if user is the group member
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(LeaveGroupPath))
                                script += "function LeaveTheGroupRequest() {\n" +
                                          "modalDialog('" + ApplicationUrlHelper.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Groups/CMSPages/LeaveTheGroup.aspx") + "?groupid=" + currentGroup.GroupID + "','requestLeaveThGroup', 500, 180); \n" +
                                          " } \n";

                                lnkLeaveGroup.Attributes.Add("onclick", "LeaveTheGroupRequest();return false;");
                                lnkLeaveGroup.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                                lnkLeaveGroup.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(LeaveGroupPath);

                            pnlLeaveGroup.Visible = true;
                            pnlGroupLinks.Visible = true;

                    // Display Manage the group link if set so and user is logged as group administrator and user is visiting a group page
                    if (DisplayManageGroup && (currentUser.IsGroupAdministrator(currentGroup.GroupID) || (currentUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Admin))))
                        lnkManageGroup.NavigateUrl = ResolveUrl(DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(GroupInfoProvider.GetGroupManagementPath(currentGroup.GroupName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)));
                        pnlManageGroup.Visible     = true;
                        pnlGroupLinks.Visible      = true;

                // Get user info from site context
                UserInfo siteContextUser = MembershipContext.CurrentUserProfile;

                if (DisplayInviteToGroup)
                    // Get group info from community context
                    GroupInfo currentGroup = CommunityContext.CurrentGroup;

                    // Display invite to group link for user who is visiting a group page
                    if (currentGroup != null)
                        // Get group user
                        if (gmi == null)
                            gmi = GetGroupMember(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, currentGroup.GroupID);

                        if (((gmi != null) && (gmi.MemberStatus == GroupMemberStatus.Approved)) || (MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Admin)))
                            pnlInviteToGroup.Visible = true;

                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(InviteGroupPath))
                                script += "function InviteToGroup() {\n modalDialog('" + ApplicationUrlHelper.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Groups/CMSPages/InviteToGroup.aspx") + "?groupid=" + currentGroup.GroupID + "','inviteToGroup', 800, 450); \n } \n";
                                lnkInviteToGroup.Attributes.Add("onclick", "InviteToGroup();return false;");
                                lnkInviteToGroup.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                                lnkInviteToGroup.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(InviteGroupPath);
                    // Display invite to group link for user who is visiting another user's page
                    else if ((siteContextUser != null) && (siteContextUser.UserName != currentUser.UserName) && (GroupInfoProvider.GetUserGroupsCount(currentUser, SiteContext.CurrentSite) != 0))
                        pnlInviteToGroup.Visible = true;

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(InviteGroupPath))
                            script += "function InviteToGroup() {\n modalDialog('" + ApplicationUrlHelper.ResolveDialogUrl("~/CMSModules/Groups/CMSPages/InviteToGroup.aspx") + "?invitedid=" + siteContextUser.UserID + "','inviteToGroup', 700, 400); \n } \n";
                            lnkInviteToGroup.Attributes.Add("onclick", "InviteToGroup();return false;");
                            lnkInviteToGroup.NavigateUrl = RequestContext.CurrentURL;
                            lnkInviteToGroup.NavigateUrl = GetUrl(InviteGroupPath);

            // Register menu management scripts
            ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "Shortcuts_" + ClientID, ScriptHelper.GetScript(script));

            // Register the dialog script