public bool M_Vendor_Delete(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { Dictionary <string, ValuePair> dic = new Dictionary <string, ValuePair> { { "@VendorCD", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCD } }, { "@ChangeDate", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.ChangeDate } }, { "@Operator", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.InsertOperator } }, { "@Program", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.ProgramID } }, { "@PC", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.PC } }, { "@OperateMode", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.ProcessMode } }, { "@KeyItem", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCD + "" + mve.ChangeDate } }, }; UseTransaction = true; return(InsertUpdateDeleteData(dic, "M_Vendor_Delete")); }
public DataTable M_Vendor_Search(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { Dictionary <string, ValuePair> dic = new Dictionary <string, ValuePair> { { "@ChangeDate", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.Date, value2 = mve.ChangeDate } }, { "@DisplayKBN", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.DisplayKBN } }, { "@VendorCDFrom", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCDFrom } }, { "@VendorCDTo", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCDTo } }, { "@VendorName", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorName } }, { "@VendorKana", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorKana } }, { "@DeleteFlg", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.DeleteFlg } }, }; UseTransaction = true; return(SelectData(dic, "M_Vendor_Search")); }
/// <summary> /// 表示ボタンを押下時GridViewにデータを表示する処理 /// </summary> private void F11() { dgvPurchaseSearch.DataSource = null; if (ErrorCheck()) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scSupplier.TxtCode.Text)) { M_Vendor_Entity mve = new M_Vendor_Entity() { VendorCD = scSupplier.TxtCode.Text, ChangeDate = scSupplier.ChangeDate.ToString() }; string aa = scSupplier.TxtCode.Text; payeeflg = dpurchase_bl.SelectPayeeFlg(mve); } dpde = GetSearchInfo(); DataTable dtPurchase = dpurchase_bl.D_Purchase_Search(dpde); if (dtPurchase.Rows.Count > 0) { dgvPurchaseSearch.Refresh(); dgvPurchaseSearch.DataSource = dtPurchase; dgvPurchaseSearch.Enabled = true; dgvPurchaseSearch.Focus(); Btn_F10.Enabled = true; } else { dpurchase_bl.ShowMessage("E128"); dgvPurchaseSearch.DataSource = null; } } }
public bool M_Vendor_SelectTop1(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { DataTable dt = mvdl.M_Vendor_SelectTop1(mve); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { mve.VendorCD = dt.Rows[0]["VendorCD"].ToString(); mve.VendorName = dt.Rows[0]["VendorName"].ToString(); mve.ShoguchiFlg = dt.Rows[0]["ShoguchiFlg"].ToString(); mve.VendorLongName1 = dt.Rows[0]["VendorLongName1"].ToString(); mve.VendorLongName2 = dt.Rows[0]["VendorLongName2"].ToString(); mve.VendorPostName = dt.Rows[0]["VendorPostName"].ToString(); mve.VendorPositionName = dt.Rows[0]["VendorPositionName"].ToString(); mve.VendorStaffName = dt.Rows[0]["VendorStaffName"].ToString(); mve.VendorKana = dt.Rows[0]["VendorKana"].ToString(); mve.VendorFlg = dt.Rows[0]["VendorFlg"].ToString(); mve.PayeeFlg = dt.Rows[0]["PayeeFlg"].ToString(); mve.MoneyPayeeFlg = dt.Rows[0]["MoneyPayeeFlg"].ToString(); mve.PayeeCD = dt.Rows[0]["PayeeCD"].ToString(); mve.MoneyPayeeCD = dt.Rows[0]["MoneyPayeeCD"].ToString(); mve.ZipCD1 = dt.Rows[0]["ZipCD1"].ToString(); mve.ZipCD2 = dt.Rows[0]["ZipCD2"].ToString(); mve.Address1 = dt.Rows[0]["Address1"].ToString(); mve.Address2 = dt.Rows[0]["Address2"].ToString(); mve.MailAddress1 = dt.Rows[0]["MailAddress1"].ToString(); mve.MailAddress2 = dt.Rows[0]["MailAddress2"].ToString(); mve.MailAddress3 = dt.Rows[0]["MailAddress3"].ToString(); mve.TelephoneNO = dt.Rows[0]["TelephoneNO"].ToString(); mve.FaxNO = dt.Rows[0]["FaxNO"].ToString(); mve.PaymentCloseDay = dt.Rows[0]["PaymentCloseDay"].ToString(); mve.PaymentPlanKBN = dt.Rows[0]["PaymentPlanKBN"].ToString(); mve.PaymentPlanDay = dt.Rows[0]["PaymentPlanDay"].ToString(); mve.HolidayKBN = dt.Rows[0]["HolidayKBN"].ToString(); mve.BankCD = dt.Rows[0]["BankCD"].ToString(); mve.BranchCD = dt.Rows[0]["BranchCD"].ToString(); mve.KouzaKBN = dt.Rows[0]["KouzaKBN"].ToString(); mve.KouzaNO = dt.Rows[0]["KouzaNO"].ToString(); mve.KouzaMeigi = dt.Rows[0]["KouzaMeigi"].ToString(); mve.KouzaCD = dt.Rows[0]["KouzaCD"].ToString(); mve.TaxTiming = dt.Rows[0]["TaxTiming"].ToString(); mve.TaxFractionKBN = dt.Rows[0]["TaxFractionKBN"].ToString(); mve.AmountFractionKBN = dt.Rows[0]["AmountFractionKBN"].ToString(); mve.NetFlg = dt.Rows[0]["NetFlg"].ToString(); mve.EDIFlg = dt.Rows[0]["EDIFlg"].ToString(); mve.LastOrderDate = dt.Rows[0]["LastOrderDate"].ToString(); mve.StaffCD = dt.Rows[0]["StaffCD"].ToString(); mve.AnalyzeCD1 = dt.Rows[0]["AnalyzeCD1"].ToString(); mve.AnalyzeCD2 = dt.Rows[0]["AnalyzeCD2"].ToString(); mve.AnalyzeCD3 = dt.Rows[0]["AnalyzeCD3"].ToString(); mve.DisplayOrder = dt.Rows[0]["DisplayOrder"].ToString(); mve.NotDisplyNote = dt.Rows[0]["NotDisplyNote"].ToString(); mve.DisplayNote = dt.Rows[0]["DisplayNote"].ToString(); mve.DeleteFlg = dt.Rows[0]["DeleteFlg"].ToString(); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public M_Vendor_Entity M_Vendor_Select(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { DataTable dtVendor = mvdl.M_Vendor_Select(mve); if (dtVendor.Rows.Count > 0) { mve.ShoguchiFlg = dtVendor.Rows[0]["ShoguchiFlg"].ToString(); mve.VendorName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["VendorName"].ToString(); mve.VendorShortName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["VendorShortName"].ToString(); // Add By SawLay mve.VendorKana = dtVendor.Rows[0]["VendorKana"].ToString(); mve.VendorLongName1 = dtVendor.Rows[0]["VendorLongName1"].ToString(); mve.VendorLongName2 = dtVendor.Rows[0]["VendorLongName2"].ToString(); mve.VendorPostName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["VendorPostName"].ToString(); mve.VendorPositionName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["VendorPositionName"].ToString(); mve.VendorStaffName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["VendorStaffName"].ToString(); mve.ZipCD1 = dtVendor.Rows[0]["ZipCD1"].ToString(); mve.ZipCD2 = dtVendor.Rows[0]["ZipCD2"].ToString(); mve.Address1 = dtVendor.Rows[0]["Address1"].ToString(); mve.Address2 = dtVendor.Rows[0]["Address2"].ToString(); mve.MailAddress1 = dtVendor.Rows[0]["MailAddress1"].ToString(); mve.TelephoneNO = dtVendor.Rows[0]["TelephoneNO"].ToString(); mve.FaxNO = dtVendor.Rows[0]["FaxNO"].ToString(); mve.PayeeCD = dtVendor.Rows[0]["PayeeCD"].ToString(); mve.payeeName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["payeeName"].ToString(); mve.MoneyPayeeCD = dtVendor.Rows[0]["MoneyPayeeCD"].ToString(); mve.moneypayeeName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["moneypayeeName"].ToString(); mve.PaymentCloseDay = dtVendor.Rows[0]["PaymentCloseDay"].ToString(); mve.PaymentPlanKBN = dtVendor.Rows[0]["PaymentPlanKBN"].ToString(); mve.PaymentPlanDay = dtVendor.Rows[0]["PaymentPlanDay"].ToString(); mve.HolidayKBN = dtVendor.Rows[0]["HolidayKBN"].ToString(); mve.TaxTiming = dtVendor.Rows[0]["TaxTiming"].ToString(); mve.TaxFractionKBN = dtVendor.Rows[0]["TaxFractionKBN"].ToString(); mve.AmountFractionKBN = dtVendor.Rows[0]["AmountFractionKBN"].ToString(); mve.BankCD = dtVendor.Rows[0]["BankCD"].ToString(); mve.BankName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["BankName"].ToString(); mve.BranchCD = dtVendor.Rows[0]["BranchCD"].ToString(); mve.BranchName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["BranchName"].ToString(); mve.KouzaKBN = dtVendor.Rows[0]["KouzaKBN"].ToString(); mve.KouzaNO = dtVendor.Rows[0]["KouzaNO"].ToString(); mve.KouzaMeigi = dtVendor.Rows[0]["KouzaMeigi"].ToString(); mve.KouzaCD = dtVendor.Rows[0]["KouzaCD"].ToString(); mve.KouzaName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["KouzaName"].ToString(); mve.NetFlg = dtVendor.Rows[0]["NetFlg"].ToString(); mve.EDIFlg = dtVendor.Rows[0]["EDIFlg"].ToString(); mve.EDIVendorCD = dtVendor.Rows[0]["EDIVendorCD"].ToString(); mve.StaffCD = dtVendor.Rows[0]["StaffCD"].ToString(); mve.StaffName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["StaffName"].ToString(); mve.AnalyzeCD1 = dtVendor.Rows[0]["AnalyzeCD1"].ToString(); mve.AnalyzeCD2 = dtVendor.Rows[0]["AnalyzeCD2"].ToString(); mve.AnalyzeCD3 = dtVendor.Rows[0]["AnalyzeCD3"].ToString(); mve.DisplayOrder = dtVendor.Rows[0]["DisplayOrder"].ToString(); mve.DisplayNote = dtVendor.Rows[0]["DisplayNote"].ToString(); mve.NotDisplyNote = dtVendor.Rows[0]["NotDisplyNote"].ToString(); mve.DeleteFlg = dtVendor.Rows[0]["DeleteFlg"].ToString(); return(mve); } return(null); }
public MasterTouroku_ShiireKakeritsu() { InitializeComponent(); mskbl = new MasterTouroku_ShiireKakeritsu_BL(); moe = new M_OrderRate_Entity(); mve = new M_Vendor_Entity(); mbe = new M_Brand_Entity(); dvMain = new DataView(); }
private void F11() { if (ErrorCheck()) { mve = GetData(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = ssbl.M_Vendor_Search(mve); gvSupplier.DataSource = dt; } }
public String SelectPayeeFlg(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { DataTable dt = mv_dl.M_Vendor_PayeeFlg_Select(mve); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(dt.Rows[0]["PayeeFlg"].ToString()); } return(string.Empty); }
public DataTable M_Vendor_PayeeFlg_Select(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { Dictionary <string, ValuePair> dic = new Dictionary <string, ValuePair> { { "@VendorCD", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCD } }, }; UseTransaction = true; return(SelectData(dic, "M_Vendor_PayeeFlg_Select")); }
private M_Vendor_Entity GetData() { mve = new M_Vendor_Entity { ChangeDate = lblChangeDate.Text, DisplayKBN = radioButton1.Checked ? "0" : "1", VendorCDFrom = txtSupplierFrom.Text, VendorCDTo = txtSupplierTo.Text, VendorName = txtSupplierName.Text, VendorKana = txtKanaName.Text, DeleteFlg = "0", }; return(mve); }
public M_Vendor_Entity M_Vendor_IsExists(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { M_Vendor_DL mvdl = new M_Vendor_DL(); DataTable dtVendor = mvdl.M_Vendor_IsExists(mve); if (dtVendor.Rows.Count <= 0) { return(null); } else { mve.VendorName = dtVendor.Rows[0]["VendorName"].ToString(); return(mve); } }
public DataTable MoneyPayee_Select(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { Dictionary <string, ValuePair> dic = new Dictionary <string, ValuePair> { { "@VendorCD", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.MoneyPayeeCD } }, { "@ChangeDate", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.Date, value2 = mve.ChangeDate } } }; UseTransaction = true; return(SelectData(dic, "MoneyPayee_Select")); }
public DataTable M_Vendor_SelectForPayeeCD(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { string sp = "M_Vendor_SelectForPayeeCD"; Dictionary <string, ValuePair> dic = new Dictionary <string, ValuePair> { { "@VendorCD", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCD } }, { "@ChangeDate", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.ChangeDate } } }; return(SelectData(dic, sp)); }
public DataTable M_Vendor_DataSelect(M_Vendor_Entity mve) // For NyuukaShoukai (pnz) { Dictionary <string, ValuePair> dic = new Dictionary <string, ValuePair> { { "@VendorCD", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCD } }, { "@ChangeDate", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.Date, value2 = mve.ChangeDate } } }; UseTransaction = true; return(SelectData(dic, "M_Vendor_DataSelect")); }
public bool M_Vendor_Search(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { DataTable dt = mvdl.M_Vendor_Search(mve); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { mve.VendorCD = dt.Rows[0]["VendorCD"].ToString(); mve.VendorName = dt.Rows[0]["VendorName"].ToString(); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public DataTable M_Vendor_IsExists(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { Dictionary <string, ValuePair> dic = new Dictionary <string, ValuePair>(); dic.Add("@VendorCD", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCD }); dic.Add("@ChangeDate", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.Date, value2 = mve.ChangeDate }); dic.Add("@DeleteFlg", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.TinyInt, value2 = mve.DeleteFlg }); UseTransaction = true; return(SelectData(dic, "M_Vendor_IsExists")); }
public bool M_Vendor_SelectForPayeeCD(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { DataTable dt = mvdl.M_Vendor_SelectForPayeeCD(mve); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { mve.VendorCD = dt.Rows[0]["VendorCD"].ToString(); mve.VendorName = dt.Rows[0]["VendorName"].ToString(); mve.TaxTiming = dt.Rows[0]["TaxTiming"].ToString(); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public DataTable M_Vendor_SelectForSiharaiNyuuroku(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { Dictionary <string, ValuePair> dic = new Dictionary <string, ValuePair> { { "@VendorCD", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCD } }, { "@ChangeDate", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.Date, value2 = mve.ChangeDate } }, { "@MoneyPayeeFlg", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.TinyInt, value2 = mve.MoneyPayeeFlg } } }; UseTransaction = true; return(SelectData(dic, "M_Vendor_SelectForSiharaiNyuuroku")); }
private void F11() { if (ErrorCheck()) { mve = GetSearchInfo(); DataTable dt = vbl.M_SearchVendor(mve); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { dgvSearchVendor.DataSource = dt; } else { vbl.ShowMessage("E128"); dgvSearchVendor.DataSource = null; txtChangeDate.Focus(); } } }
private M_Vendor_Entity GetSearchInfo() { string[] strlist = txtNotDisplayNote.Text.Split(','); mve = new M_Vendor_Entity() { VendorKBN = lblVendorKBN.Text, ChangeDate = txtChangeDate.Text, VendorName = txtVendorName.Text, VendorKana = txtVendorKana.Text, NotDisplyNote = txtNotDisplayNote.Text, VendorCDFrom = txtSupplierNoFrom.Text, VendorCDTo = txtSupplierNoTo.Text, Keyword1 = (strlist.Length > 0) ? strlist[0].ToString() : "", Keyword2 = (strlist.Length > 1) ? strlist[1].ToString() : "", Keyword3 = (strlist.Length > 2) ? strlist[2].ToString() : "", }; return(mve); }
private bool CheckDetail(int index) { switch (index) { case (int)EIndex.MakerCD: //入力なければチェックなし if (detailControls[index].Text == "") { ScMaker.LabelText = ""; return(true); } else { //仕入先マスタデータチェック Vendor_BL mbl = new Vendor_BL(); M_Vendor_Entity mse = new M_Vendor_Entity { VendorCD = detailControls[index].Text, ChangeDate = ckM_Label1.Text }; bool ret = mbl.M_Vendor_SelectTop1(mse); if (ret) { ScMaker.LabelText = mse.VendorName; } else { //E136 mbl.ShowMessage("E136"); ScMaker.LabelText = ""; return(false); } } break; case (int)EIndex.BrandName: break; } return(true); }
public DataTable M_Vendor_SelectTop1(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { string sp = "M_Vendor_SelectTop1"; Dictionary <string, ValuePair> dic = new Dictionary <string, ValuePair> { { "@VendorCD", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCD } }, { "@ChangeDate", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.ChangeDate } }, { "@VendorFlg", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorFlg } }, //{ "@PayeeFlg", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.PayeeFlg } }, //{ "@MoneyPayeeFlg", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.MoneyPayeeFlg } }, }; return(SelectData(dic, sp)); }
public DataTable M_SearchVendor(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { Dictionary <string, ValuePair> dic = new Dictionary <string, ValuePair> { { "@ChangeDate", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.Date, value2 = mve.ChangeDate } }, { "@VendorKBN", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.TinyInt, value2 = mve.VendorKBN } }, { "@VendorName", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorName } }, { "@VendorKana", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorKana } }, { "@VendorCDFrom", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCDFrom } }, { "@VendorCDTo", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.VendorCDTo } }, { "@NotDisplayNote", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.NotDisplyNote } }, { "@keyword1", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.Keyword1 } }, { "@keyword2", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.Keyword2 } }, { "@keyword3", new ValuePair { value1 = SqlDbType.VarChar, value2 = mve.Keyword3 } } }; UseTransaction = true; return(SelectData(dic, "M_SearchVendor")); }
public DataTable M_Vendor_Select(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { return(mvdl.M_Vendor_SelectForSiharaiNyuuroku(mve)); }
/// <summary> /// HEAD部のコードチェック /// </summary> /// <param name="index"></param> /// <param name="set">画面展開なしの場合:falesに設定する</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool CheckDetail(int index, bool set = true) { bool ret; switch (index) { case (int)EIndex.OrderDateFrom: case (int)EIndex.OrderDateTo: case (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanDateFrom: case (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanDateTo: case (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanMonthFrom: case (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanMonthTo: if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { return(true); } string strYmd = ""; switch (index) { case (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanMonthFrom: case (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanMonthTo: strYmd = bbl.FormatDate(detailControls[index].Text + "/01"); break; default: strYmd = bbl.FormatDate(detailControls[index].Text); break; } //日付として正しいこと(Be on the correct date)E103 //if (!bbl.CheckDate(strYmd)) //{ // //E103 // bbl.ShowMessage("E103"); // return false; //} //switch (index) //{ // case (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanMonthFrom: // case (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanMonthTo: // detailControls[index].Text = strYmd.Substring(0, 7); // break; // default: // detailControls[index].Text = strYmd; // break; //} //見積日(From) ≧ 見積日(To)である場合Error if (index == (int)EIndex.OrderDateTo || index == (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanDateTo || index == (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanMonthTo) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index - 1].Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { int result = detailControls[index].Text.CompareTo(detailControls[index - 1].Text); if (result < 0) { bbl.ShowMessage("E104"); detailControls[index].Focus(); return(false); } } } //発注日のどちらかに入力があった場合に、未確定分、完売、不要のチェックボックスの入力を可能にする if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[(int)EIndex.OrderDateFrom].Text) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[(int)EIndex.OrderDateTo].Text)) { ChkMikakutei.Enabled = true; ChkKanbai.Enabled = true; ChkFuyo.Enabled = true; } break; case (int)EIndex.OrderCD: //入力無くても良い(It is not necessary to input) if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { //情報ALLクリア ClearCustomerInfo(); return(true); } //[M_Vendor_Select] M_Vendor_Entity mve = new M_Vendor_Entity { VendorCD = detailControls[index].Text, VendorFlg = "1", ChangeDate = bbl.GetDate() }; Vendor_BL sbl = new Vendor_BL(); ret = sbl.M_Vendor_SelectTop1(mve); if (ret) { if (mve.DeleteFlg == "1") { bbl.ShowMessage("E119"); //顧客情報ALLクリア ClearCustomerInfo(); return(false); } ScOrderCD.LabelText = mve.VendorName; } else { bbl.ShowMessage("E101"); //顧客情報ALLクリア ClearCustomerInfo(); return(false); } break; case (int)EIndex.StoreCD: //選択必須(Entry required) if (!RequireCheck(new Control[] { detailControls[index] })) { return(false); } else { if (!base.CheckAvailableStores(CboStoreCD.SelectedValue.ToString())) { bbl.ShowMessage("E141"); CboStoreCD.Focus(); return(false); } } break; } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// HEAD部のコードチェック /// </summary> /// <param name="index"></param> /// <param name="set">画面展開なしの場合:falesに設定する</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool CheckDetail(int index, bool set = true) { if (detailControls[index].GetType().Equals(typeof(CKM_Controls.CKM_TextBox))) { if (((CKM_Controls.CKM_TextBox)detailControls[index]).isMaxLengthErr) { return(false); } } switch (index) { case (int)EIndex.DayStart: case (int)EIndex.DayEnd: case (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanDateFrom: case (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanDateTo: case (int)EIndex.ArrivalDateFrom: case (int)EIndex.ArrivalDateTo: case (int)EIndex.PurchaseDateFrom: case (int)EIndex.PurchaseDateTo: if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { return(true); } detailControls[index].Text = bbl.FormatDate(detailControls[index].Text); //日付として正しいこと(Be on the correct date)E103 if (!bbl.CheckDate(detailControls[index].Text)) { //E103 bbl.ShowMessage("E103"); return(false); } //見積日(From) ≧ 見積日(To)である場合Error if (index == (int)EIndex.DayEnd || index == (int)EIndex.ArrivalPlanDateTo || index == (int)EIndex.ArrivalDateTo || index == (int)EIndex.PurchaseDateTo) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index - 1].Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { int result = detailControls[index].Text.CompareTo(detailControls[index - 1].Text); if (result < 0) { bbl.ShowMessage("E104"); detailControls[index].Focus(); return(false); } } } break; case (int)EIndex.StoreCD: if (CboStoreCD.SelectedIndex == -1) { bbl.ShowMessage("E102"); CboStoreCD.Focus(); return(false); } else { //店舗権限のチェック if (!base.CheckAvailableStores(CboStoreCD.SelectedValue.ToString())) { bbl.ShowMessage("E141"); CboStoreCD.Focus(); return(false); } } break; case (int)EIndex.VendorCD: if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { ScVendor.LabelText = ""; return(true); } //string ymd = detailControls[(int)EIndex.] //[M_VendorCD_Select] M_Vendor_Entity mce = new M_Vendor_Entity { VendorCD = detailControls[index].Text, VendorFlg = "1", ChangeDate = bbl.GetDate() }; Vendor_BL sbl = new Vendor_BL(); bool ret = sbl.M_Vendor_SelectTop1(mce); if (ret) { ScVendor.LabelText = mce.VendorName; } else { bbl.ShowMessage("E101"); ScVendor.LabelText = ""; return(false); } break; } return(true); }
private bool CheckDetail(int index) { bool ret; switch (index) { case (int)EIndex.VendorCd: if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { ScMaker.LabelText = ""; return(true); } else { M_Vendor_Entity mve = new M_Vendor_Entity { VendorCD = detailControls[index].Text, ChangeDate = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ChangeDate) ? sbl.GetDate() : this.ChangeDate, DeleteFlg = "0" }; Vendor_BL vbl = new Vendor_BL(); ret = vbl.M_Vendor_SelectTop1(mve); if (ret) { ScMaker.LabelText = mve.VendorName; } else { sbl.ShowMessage("E101"); ScMaker.LabelText = ""; return(false); } } break; case (int)EIndex.BrandCD: if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { ScBrand.LabelText = ""; } else { //[M_Brand] M_Brand_Entity mme = new M_Brand_Entity { //ChangeDate = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ChangeDate) ? sbl.GetDate() : this.ChangeDate, BrandCD = detailControls[index].Text }; Brand_BL bbl = new Brand_BL(); ret = bbl.M_Brand_Select(mme); if (ret) { ScBrand.LabelText = mme.BrandName; } else { //E101 sbl.ShowMessage("E101"); ScBrand.LabelText = ""; return(false); } } break; case (int)EIndex.SportsCD: if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { ScSports.LabelText = ""; } else { //以下の条件でM_MultiPorposeが存在しない場合、エラー //[M_MultiPorpose] M_MultiPorpose_Entity mme = new M_MultiPorpose_Entity { ID = MultiPorpose_BL.ID_SPORTS, Key = detailControls[index].Text, ChangeDate = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ChangeDate) ? sbl.GetDate() : this.ChangeDate }; MultiPorpose_BL mbl = new MultiPorpose_BL(); DataTable dt = mbl.M_MultiPorpose_Select(mme); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ScSports.LabelText = dt.Rows[0]["Char1"].ToString(); } else { //E101 sbl.ShowMessage("E101"); ScSports.LabelText = ""; return(false); } } break; //case (int)EIndex.ClassificationA: // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) // { // scClassificationA.LabelText = ""; // } // else // { // //以下の条件でM_ClassificationAが存在しない場合、エラー // //[M_ClassificationA] // M_Classification_Entity mce = new M_Classification_Entity // { // ClassificationA = detailControls[index].Text // }; // Classification_BL mbl = new Classification_BL(); // ret = mbl.M_ClassificationA_Select(mce); // if (ret) // { // scClassificationA.LabelText = mce.ClassificationAName; // } // else // { // //E101 // sbl.ShowMessage("E101"); // scClassificationA.LabelText = ""; // return false; // } // } // break; //case (int)EIndex.ClassificationB: // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) // { // scClassificationB.LabelText = ""; // } // else // { // //以下の条件でM_ClassificationBが存在しない場合、エラー // //[M_ClassificationB] // M_Classification_Entity mce = new M_Classification_Entity // { // ClassificationA = detailControls[index - 1].Text, // ClassificationB = detailControls[index].Text // }; // Classification_BL mbl = new Classification_BL(); // ret = mbl.M_ClassificationB_Select(mce); // if (ret) // { // scClassificationA.LabelText = mce.ClassificationAName; // scClassificationB.LabelText = mce.ClassificationBName; // } // else // { // //E101 // sbl.ShowMessage("E101"); // scClassificationB.LabelText = ""; // return false; // } // } // break; //case (int)EIndex.ClassificationC: // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) // { // scClassificationC.LabelText = ""; // } // else // { // //以下の条件でM_ClassificationCが存在しない場合、エラー // //[M_ClassificationC] // M_Classification_Entity mce = new M_Classification_Entity // { // ClassificationA = detailControls[index - 2].Text, // ClassificationB = detailControls[index - 1].Text, // ClassificationC = detailControls[index].Text // }; // Classification_BL mbl = new Classification_BL(); // ret = mbl.M_ClassificationC_Select(mce); // if (ret) // { // scClassificationA.LabelText = mce.ClassificationAName; // scClassificationB.LabelText = mce.ClassificationBName; // scClassificationC.LabelText = mce.ClassificationCName; // } // else // { // //E101 // sbl.ShowMessage("E101"); // scClassificationC.LabelText = ""; // return false; // } // } // break; case (int)EIndex.DayStart: case (int)EIndex.DayEnd: case (int)EIndex.InputStart: case (int)EIndex.InputEnd: case (int)EIndex.UpdateStart: case (int)EIndex.UpdateEnd: if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { return(true); } detailControls[index].Text = this.sbl.FormatDate(detailControls[index].Text); //日付として正しいこと(Be on the correct date)E103 if (!this.sbl.CheckDate(detailControls[index].Text)) { //E103 this.sbl.ShowMessage("E103"); return(false); } //見積日(From) ≧ 見積日(To)である場合Error if (index == (int)EIndex.DayEnd || index == (int)EIndex.InputEnd || index == (int)EIndex.UpdateEnd) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index - 1].Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { int result = detailControls[index].Text.CompareTo(detailControls[index - 1].Text); if (result < 0) { //E106 this.sbl.ShowMessage("E104"); detailControls[index].Focus(); return(false); } } } break; } return(true); }
private bool CheckDetail(int index) { switch (index) { case (int)EIndex.DayStart: case (int)EIndex.DayEnd: if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { return(true); } detailControls[index].Text = snbl.FormatDate(detailControls[index].Text); //日付として正しいこと(Be on the correct date)E103 if (!snbl.CheckDate(detailControls[index].Text)) { //E103 snbl.ShowMessage("E103"); return(false); } //(From) ≧ (To)である場合Error if (index == (int)EIndex.DayEnd) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index - 1].Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { int result = detailControls[index].Text.CompareTo(detailControls[index - 1].Text); if (result < 0) { //E106 snbl.ShowMessage("E104"); detailControls[index].Focus(); return(false); } } ScCustomer.ChangeDate = detailControls[index].Text; } break; case (int)EIndex.StoreCD: if (CboStoreCD.SelectedValue.Equals("-1")) { snbl.ShowMessage("E102"); CboStoreCD.Focus(); return(false); } else { //店舗権限のチェック、引数で処理可能店舗の配列をセットしたい if (!base.CheckAvailableStores(CboStoreCD.SelectedValue.ToString())) { snbl.ShowMessage("E141"); CboStoreCD.Focus(); return(false); } } break; case (int)EIndex.StaffCD: if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { ScStaff.LabelText = ""; return(true); } //スタッフマスター(M_Staff)に存在すること //[M_Staff] M_Staff_Entity mse = new M_Staff_Entity { StaffCD = detailControls[index].Text, ChangeDate = snbl.GetDate() // detailControls[(int)EIndex.MitsumoriDate].Text }; Staff_BL bl = new Staff_BL(); bool ret = bl.M_Staff_Select(mse); if (ret) { ScStaff.LabelText = mse.StaffName; } else { snbl.ShowMessage("E101"); ScStaff.LabelText = ""; return(false); } break; case (int)EIndex.VendorCD: if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(detailControls[index].Text)) { ScCustomer.LabelText = ""; return(true); } //[M_VendorCD_Select] M_Vendor_Entity mce = new M_Vendor_Entity { VendorCD = detailControls[index].Text, ChangeDate = snbl.GetDate() }; Vendor_BL sbl = new Vendor_BL(); ret = sbl.M_Vendor_SelectTop1(mce); if (ret) { ScCustomer.LabelText = mce.VendorName; } else { snbl.ShowMessage("E101"); ScCustomer.LabelText = ""; return(false); } break; } return(true); }
public DataTable M_Vendor_ZipCodeSelect(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { return(mvdl.M_Vendor_ZipCodeSelect(mve)); }
public bool M_Vendor_Delete(M_Vendor_Entity mve) { return(mvdl.M_Vendor_Delete(mve)); }