public void Update(MTG mtg) { BoardInfo info = new BoardInfo(); info.Import(mtg); BoardViewerController <BoardInfo> .Update(info); }
public void Import(MTG mtg) { objects = new Dictionary <string, ObjectInfo>(); foreach (var kvp in mtg.objects) { var obj = new ObjectInfo(); obj.Import(kvp.Value); objects.Add(kvp.Key.GuidString, obj); } players = new List <PlayerInfo>(); foreach (Player player in mtg.players) { var info = new PlayerInfo(); info.Import(player); players.Add(info); } battlefield = GetZoneInfo(mtg.battlefield); theStack = GetZoneInfo(mtg.theStack); exile = GetZoneInfo(mtg.exile); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var ogre = new MTGLib.MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes() { name = "Onakke Ogre", manaCost = new ManaCost( 2, ManaSymbol.Red ), power = 4, toughness = 2, cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGLib.MTGObject.CardType> { MTGLib.MTGObject.CardType.Creature }, subTypes = new HashSet <MTGLib.MTGObject.SubType> { MTGLib.MTGObject.SubType.Ogre, MTGLib.MTGObject.SubType.Warrior } }; var knight = new MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes() { name = "Fireborn Knight", manaCost = new ManaCost( ManaSymbol.HybridBoros, ManaSymbol.HybridBoros, ManaSymbol.HybridBoros, ManaSymbol.HybridBoros ), power = 2, toughness = 3, cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGObject.CardType.Creature }, subTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.SubType> { MTGObject.SubType.Human, MTGObject.SubType.Knight }, // double strike goes here activatedAbilities = new List <ActivatedAbility> { new ActivatedAbility( new CostEvent.CostGen[] { () => { return(EventContainerPayManaCost.Auto(new ManaCost( ManaSymbol.HybridBoros, ManaSymbol.HybridBoros, ManaSymbol.HybridBoros, ManaSymbol.HybridBoros ))); } }, new EffectEvent.Effect[] { (source, targets, callback) => { MTG mtg_ = MTG.Instance; mtg_.continuousEffects.Add( new ContinuousEffect( source, ContinuousEffect.Duration.EndOfTurn, new ContinuousEffect.DurationData { turn = mtg_.turn.turnCount }, new Modification[] { new PowerMod { value = 1, operation = Modification.Operation.Add, specificOID = source }, new ToughnessMod { value = 1, operation = Modification.Operation.Add, specificOID = source } } ) ); } } ) } }; var landfall = new MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes() { name = "Landfall Enchantment", manaCost = new ManaCost(), cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGObject.CardType.Enchantment }, triggeredAbilities = new List <TriggeredAbility> { new TriggeredAbility <MoveZoneEvent>( (source, mtgevent) => { if (mtgevent.newZone != MTG.Instance.battlefield) { return(false); } var trigobj = MTG.Instance.objects[mtgevent.oid]; var sourceobj = MTG.Instance.objects[source]; return(trigobj.attr.controller == sourceobj.attr.controller); }, new EffectEvent.Effect[] { (source, targets, callback) => { var damage = 1; var target = targets[0].SetTargets[0]; callback(new DealDamageEvent(source, target, damage)); } }, new Target[] { Target.AnyTarget } ) } }; var island = new MTGLib.MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes() { name = "Island", cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGObject.CardType.Land }, superTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.SuperType> { MTGObject.SuperType.Basic }, subTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.SubType> { MTGObject.SubType.Island }, activatedAbilities = new List <ActivatedAbility> { new ManaAbility( new CostEvent.CostGen[] { () => { return(new TapSelfCostEvent()); } }, new EffectEvent.Effect[] { (source, targets, callback) => { int controller = MTG.Instance.objects[source].attr.controller; callback(EventContainerAddMana.Auto(source, controller, ManaSymbol.Blue)); } } ) } }; var mountain = new MTGLib.MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes() { name = "Mountain", cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGObject.CardType.Land }, superTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.SuperType> { MTGObject.SuperType.Basic }, subTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.SubType> { MTGObject.SubType.Mountain }, activatedAbilities = new List <ActivatedAbility> { new ManaAbility( new CostEvent.CostGen[] { () => { return(new TapSelfCostEvent()); } }, new EffectEvent.Effect[] { (source, targets, callback) => { int controller = MTG.Instance.objects[source].attr.controller; callback(EventContainerAddMana.Auto(source, controller, ManaSymbol.Red)); } } ) } }; var crab = new MTGLib.MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes() { name = "Wishcoin Crab", manaCost = new ManaCost( 3, ManaSymbol.Blue ), power = 2, toughness = 5, cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGLib.MTGObject.CardType.Creature }, subTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.SubType> { MTGLib.MTGObject.SubType.Crab } }; var izzetSignet = new MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes() { name = "Izzet Signet", manaCost = new ManaCost(2), cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGObject.CardType.Artifact }, activatedAbilities = new List <ActivatedAbility> { new ManaAbility( new CostEvent.CostGen[] { () => { return(new TapSelfCostEvent()); }, () => { return(EventContainerPayManaCost.Auto(new ManaCost(1))); } }, new EffectEvent.Effect[] { (source, targets, callback) => { int controller = MTG.Instance.objects[source].attr.controller; callback(EventContainerAddMana.Auto(source, controller, ManaSymbol.Red, ManaSymbol.Blue)); } } ) } }; var bolt = new MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes() { name = "Lightning Bolt", manaCost = new ManaCost(ManaSymbol.Red), cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGObject.CardType.Instant }, spellAbilities = new List <ResolutionAbility> { new ResolutionAbility( new EffectEvent.Effect[] { (source, targets, callback) => { var damage = 3; var target = targets[0].SetTargets[0]; callback(new DealDamageEvent(source, target, damage)); } }, new Target[] { Target.AnyTarget } ) } }; var lib1 = new List <MTGLib.MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes>(); var lib2 = new List <MTGLib.MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes>(); for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { lib1.Add(mountain); lib2.Add(island); } for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) { lib1.Add(ogre); lib1.Add(landfall); lib2.Add(crab); lib2.Add(izzetSignet); } var mtg = new MTG(lib1, lib2); mtg.Start(); BoardViewer boardViewer = new BoardViewer(); Thread boardViewerThread = new Thread(boardViewer.Run); boardViewerThread.Name = "Board Viewer Thread"; boardViewerThread.Start(); boardViewer.Update(mtg); Thread gameLoopThread = new Thread(mtg.GameLoop); gameLoopThread.Name = "Game Loop Thread"; gameLoopThread.Start(); while (true) { mtg.ChoiceNewEvent.WaitOne(); boardViewer.Update(mtg); Choice choice = mtg.CurrentUnresolvedChoice; if (choice is PriorityChoice cast) { if (cast.Options.Count == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Single choice - autoresolving."); cast.Resolve(new List <PriorityOption>(cast.Options)); } } if (!choice.Resolved) { choice.ConsoleResolve(); } mtg.ResolveChoice(choice); } }
public void ReverseCastTest() { var mountain = new MTGLib.MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes { name = "Mountain", cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGObject.CardType.Land }, superTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.SuperType> { MTGObject.SuperType.Basic }, subTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.SubType> { MTGObject.SubType.Mountain }, activatedAbilities = new List <ActivatedAbility> { new ManaAbility( new CostEvent.CostGen[] { () => { return(new TapSelfCostEvent()); } }, new EffectEvent.Effect[] { (source, targets, callback) => { int controller = MTG.Instance.objects[source].attr.controller; callback(EventContainerAddMana.Auto(source, controller, ManaSymbol.Red)); } } ) } }; var weirdartifact = new MTGLib.MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes { name = "Weird", cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGObject.CardType.Artifact }, activatedAbilities = new List <ActivatedAbility> { new ManaAbility( new CostEvent.CostGen[] { () => { return(new TapSelfCostEvent()); }, () => { return(EventContainerPayManaCost.Auto(new ManaCost(1))); } }, new EffectEvent.Effect[] { (source, targets, callback) => { int controller = MTG.Instance.objects[source].attr.controller; var mana = new ManaCost(3); callback(EventContainerAddMana.Auto(source, controller, mana)); callback(EventContainerDrawCards.Auto(source, controller, 2)); } } ) } }; var megacreature = new MTGLib.MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes { name = "Mega Creature", cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGObject.CardType.Creature }, power = 20, toughness = 20, manaCost = new ManaCost(10) }; var lib = new List <MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes>(); for (int x = 0; x < 15; x++) { lib.Add(mountain); lib.Add(weirdartifact); lib.Add(megacreature); } var mtg = new MTG(lib, lib); var mountain1OID = mtg.DebugTutor("Mountain", 0, mtg.battlefield); var mountain2OID = mtg.DebugTutor("Mountain", 0, mtg.battlefield); var weirdOID = mtg.DebugTutor("Weird", 0, mtg.battlefield); var creatureOID = mtg.DebugTutor("Mega Creature", 0, mtg.players[0].hand); mtg.Start(); Thread gameLoopThread = new Thread(mtg.GameLoop); gameLoopThread.Start(); var pass = new PriorityOption { type = PriorityOption.OptionType.PassPriority }; mtg.ChoiceNewEvent.WaitOne(); Choice choice; // Pass until first main { while (mtg.turn.phase.type != Phase.PhaseType.Main1) { choice = mtg.CurrentUnresolvedChoice; if (choice is PriorityChoice cast) { cast.Resolve(pass); } else { Assert.Fail(); } mtg.ResolveChoice(choice); mtg.ChoiceNewEvent.WaitOne(); } Assert.AreEqual(mtg.turn.phase.type, Phase.PhaseType.Main1); } // main1 priority choice - cast spell { choice = mtg.CurrentUnresolvedChoice; if (choice is PriorityChoice cast) { foreach (var option in cast.Options) { if (option.type == PriorityOption.OptionType.CastSpell && option.source == creatureOID) { cast.Resolve(option); break; } } } else { Assert.Fail(); } } Assert.IsTrue(choice.Resolved); mtg.ResolveChoice(choice); mtg.ChoiceNewEvent.WaitOne(); // Mana payment choice {1} for cast - activate weird { choice = mtg.CurrentUnresolvedChoice; if (choice is ManaChoice cast) { foreach (var option in cast.Options) { if (option.type == ManaChoiceOption.OptionType.ActivateManaAbility && option.manaAbilitySource == weirdOID) { cast.Resolve(option); break; } } } else { Assert.Fail(); } } Assert.IsTrue(choice.Resolved); mtg.ResolveChoice(choice); mtg.ChoiceNewEvent.WaitOne(); // Mana payment choice {1} for weird artifact - activate mountain 1 { choice = mtg.CurrentUnresolvedChoice; if (choice is ManaChoice cast) { foreach (var option in cast.Options) { if (option.type == ManaChoiceOption.OptionType.ActivateManaAbility && option.manaAbilitySource == mountain1OID) { cast.Resolve(option); } } } else { Assert.Fail(); } } Assert.IsTrue(choice.Resolved); mtg.ResolveChoice(choice); mtg.ChoiceNewEvent.WaitOne(); // Mana payment choice {1} for weird artifact - use {R} { choice = mtg.CurrentUnresolvedChoice; if (choice is ManaChoice cast) { foreach (var option in cast.Options) { if (option.type == ManaChoiceOption.OptionType.UseMana && option.manaSymbol == ManaSymbol.Red) { cast.Resolve(option); } } } else { Assert.Fail(); } } int cardcount = mtg.players[0].hand.Count; Assert.IsTrue(choice.Resolved); mtg.ResolveChoice(choice); mtg.ChoiceNewEvent.WaitOne(); // Weird artifact resolves and draws cards Assert.IsTrue(mtg.objects[weirdOID].permanentStatus.tapped); Assert.IsTrue(mtg.objects[mountain1OID].permanentStatus.tapped); Assert.IsFalse(mtg.objects[mountain2OID].permanentStatus.tapped); Assert.AreEqual(mtg.players[0].hand.Count, cardcount + 2); // Mana paymanet choice {1} - use mana from weird { choice = mtg.CurrentUnresolvedChoice; if (choice is ManaChoice cast) { foreach (var option in cast.Options) { if (option.type == ManaChoiceOption.OptionType.UseMana && option.manaSymbol == ManaSymbol.Generic) { cast.Resolve(option); break; } } } else { Assert.Fail(); } } Assert.IsTrue(choice.Resolved); mtg.ResolveChoice(choice); mtg.ChoiceNewEvent.WaitOne(); Assert.IsTrue(mtg.objects[weirdOID].permanentStatus.tapped); Assert.IsTrue(mtg.objects[mountain1OID].permanentStatus.tapped); Assert.IsFalse(mtg.objects[mountain2OID].permanentStatus.tapped); Assert.AreEqual(mtg.players[0].manaPool.Count, 2); // *NEW* Mana payment choice {1} - activate mountain 2 { choice = mtg.CurrentUnresolvedChoice; if (choice is ManaChoice cast) { foreach (var option in cast.Options) { if (option.type == ManaChoiceOption.OptionType.ActivateManaAbility && option.manaAbilitySource == mountain2OID) { cast.Resolve(option); } } } else { Assert.Fail(); } } Assert.IsTrue(choice.Resolved); mtg.ResolveChoice(choice); mtg.ChoiceNewEvent.WaitOne(); // Mana payment choice {1} - use {R} { choice = mtg.CurrentUnresolvedChoice; if (choice is ManaChoice cast) { foreach (var option in cast.Options) { if (option.type == ManaChoiceOption.OptionType.UseMana && option.manaSymbol == ManaSymbol.Red) { cast.Resolve(option); break; } } } else { Assert.Fail(); } } Assert.IsTrue(choice.Resolved); mtg.ResolveChoice(choice); mtg.ChoiceNewEvent.WaitOne(); Assert.IsTrue(mtg.objects[weirdOID].permanentStatus.tapped); Assert.IsTrue(mtg.objects[mountain1OID].permanentStatus.tapped); Assert.IsTrue(mtg.objects[mountain2OID].permanentStatus.tapped); Assert.AreEqual(mtg.players[0].hand.Count, cardcount + 2); // Mana payment for {1} - cancel { choice = mtg.CurrentUnresolvedChoice; if (choice is ManaChoice cast) { cast.Cancel(); } else { Assert.Fail(); } } Assert.IsTrue(choice.Resolved); mtg.ResolveChoice(choice); mtg.ChoiceNewEvent.WaitOne(); // Mountain 2 gets reverted Assert.IsFalse(mtg.objects[mountain2OID].permanentStatus.tapped); // Weird oid is not reverted - it drew cards Assert.IsTrue(mtg.objects[weirdOID].permanentStatus.tapped); Assert.IsTrue(mtg.objects[mountain1OID].permanentStatus.tapped); // The card draw isn't reverted, and the spell is returned to hand Assert.AreEqual(mtg.players[0].hand.Count, cardcount + 3); // We still have 3 mana Assert.AreEqual(mtg.players[0].manaPool.Count, 3); }
public void TestMTG() { var mtg = new MTG(); Assert.ReferenceEquals(MTG.Instance, mtg); }
public void TestModifications() { var mtg = new MTG(); MTGObject testobj = new MTGObject(new MTGObject.BaseCardAttributes { name = "Test Creature", cardTypes = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGObject.CardType.Creature }, manaCost = new ManaCost(2, ManaSymbol.Blue, ManaSymbol.Red), power = 1, toughness = 1 });; mtg.CreateObject(testobj); mtg.CalculateBoardState(); Assert.AreEqual(testobj.attr.power, 1); Assert.AreEqual(testobj.attr.toughness, 1); var contEffect = new ContinuousEffect(null, ContinuousEffect.Duration.Infinite); // All creatures get +2/+0 contEffect.AddModification( new PowerMod { value = 2, operation = Modification.Operation.Add, condition = (obj) => { if (!obj.attr.cardTypes.Contains(MTGObject.CardType.Creature)) { return(false); } return(true); } } ); // All creatures get -0/-1 contEffect.AddModification( new ToughnessMod { value = 1, operation = Modification.Operation.Subtract, condition = (obj) => { if (!obj.attr.cardTypes.Contains(MTGObject.CardType.Creature)) { return(false); } return(true); } } ); mtg.continuousEffects.Add(contEffect); mtg.CalculateBoardState(); Assert.AreEqual(testobj.attr.power, 3); Assert.AreEqual(testobj.attr.toughness, 0); // All blue creatures are green contEffect = new ContinuousEffect(null, ContinuousEffect.Duration.Infinite); contEffect.AddModification( new ColorMod { value = Color.Green, operation = Modification.Operation.Override, condition = (obj) => { if (!obj.attr.cardTypes.Contains(MTGObject.CardType.Creature)) { return(false); } if (!obj.attr.color.HasColor(Color.Blue)) { return(false); } return(true); } } ); mtg.continuousEffects.Clear(); mtg.continuousEffects.Add(contEffect); mtg.CalculateBoardState(); Assert.AreEqual(testobj.identity, Color.Green); // All creatures are artifacts contEffect.AddModification( new CardTypeMod { value = new HashSet <MTGObject.CardType> { MTGObject.CardType.Artifact }, operation = Modification.Operation.Override } ); mtg.continuousEffects.Clear(); mtg.continuousEffects.Add(contEffect); // Type is before color, so the color mod should fail as // the object is now an artifact mtg.CalculateBoardState(); Assert.AreEqual(testobj.identity, Color.Izzet); }