/// <summary> /// 获取类别 /// </summary> void getinfo() { ddlbigcategorylist.Items.Clear(); MSProductCategoryDAL categoryDal = new MSProductCategoryDAL(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = categoryDal.GetSecHandCategoryList(" and UpID='' and CsecHand=" + ishand); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].NewRow(); dr["ID"] = ""; dr["Cname"] = "--请选择类别--"; dt.Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0); ddlbigcategorylist.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; ddlbigcategorylist.DataTextField = "Cname"; ddlbigcategorylist.DataValueField = "ID"; ddlbigcategorylist.DataBind(); MSCustomersDAL customerDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); if (Session["customerID"] != null && Session["customerID"].ToString() != "") { phone = customerDal.GetCustomerValueByID("Phone", Session["customerID"].ToString()).ToString(); } UserPhone.Value = phone; }
void showdetailinfo() { MSShopDAL shopdal = new MSShopDAL(); DataSet ds = shopdal.GetMSShopDetail(strID); MSShop shopmodel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <MSShop>(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]); hd_content.Value = shopmodel.ShopDesc; MSCustomersDAL customerDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); userphone.Text = customerDal.GetCustomerValueByID("Phone", shopmodel.UID).ToString(); shopname.Text = shopmodel.ShopName; if (shopmodel.ShopLogo != null && shopmodel.ShopLogo != "") { img0.Src = "../../PalmShop/ShopCode/" + shopmodel.ShopLogo; oldimg = shopmodel.ShopLogo; } if (shopmodel.ShopBackImg != null && shopmodel.ShopBackImg != "") { img1.Src = "../../PalmShop/ShopCode/" + shopmodel.ShopBackImg; oldbackimg = shopmodel.ShopBackImg; } wxname.Text = shopmodel.WXName; wxnum.Text = shopmodel.WXNum; if (strAction == "show") { this.btnReset.Visible = false; this.btnSave.Visible = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 订单收货 /// </summary> void ReceiveOrder() { string oid = string.Empty; if (Request["oid"] != null && Request["oid"] != "") { oid = Common.Common.NoHtml(Request["oid"]); } if (oid != null && oid != "") { MSProductOrderDAL OrderDal = new MSProductOrderDAL(); if (OrderDal.UpdateOrderState("isReceive", oid)) { string buyName = string.Empty; try { buyName = OrderDal.GetOrderValueByID("BuyName", oid).ToString(); if (strOpenID == null || strOpenID == "") { string customerid = OrderDal.GetOrderDetailValueByOID("CustomerID", oid).ToString(); MSCustomersDAL CustomerDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); try { strOpenID = CustomerDal.GetCustomerValueByID("OpenID", customerid).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } } WeiXinCore.WeiXin wx = WXHelper.CreateWeiXinInstanceBySiteCode("VYIGO"); List <TemplateMessageParam> paramList = new List <TemplateMessageParam>(); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("first", "尊敬的" + buyName)); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("OrderSn", oid)); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("OrderStatus", "已收货")); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("Remark", "请关注公众号【vgo2013】进入“服务中心进行查询”查看完整信息")); wx.SendTemplateMessage(strOpenID, "wmrxCKRq1hG3cHR0BXsuUnNq1chcbVosqYLqlsBBRCc", "http://www.vgo2013.com/PalmShop/ShopCode/CustomerOrder.aspx?receive=1", paramList.ToArray(), ""); MSOrderLogDAL.AddMSOrderLog("提示客户订单【" + oid + "】已确认收货,发送模板消息到客户OpenID【" + strOpenID + "】"); } catch (Exception) { } Response.Write("{\"success\":true}"); } else { Response.Write("{\"error\":true,\"msg\":\"操作失败,请稍后再操作\"}"); } } else { Response.Write("{\"error\":true,\"msg\":\"操作失败,请稍后再操作\"}"); } Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取用户OpenID /// </summary> void GetUserOpenID() { if (null == Request.QueryString["state"]) { //return; } else { strSiteCode = Common.Common.NoHtml(Request.QueryString["state"].ToString()); Session["strSiteCode"] = strSiteCode; } string code = Request.QueryString["code"] as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { WXConfigDAL dal = new WXConfigDAL(); Model.WeiXin.WXConfig wxConfig = dal.GetWXConfigBySiteCode(strSiteCode); if (wxConfig != null) { WeiXinCore.Models.WeiXinConfig weixinConfig = new WeiXinCore.Models.WeiXinConfig() { ID = wxConfig.WXID, Name = wxConfig.WXName, Token = wxConfig.WXToken, AppId = wxConfig.WXAppID, AppSecret = wxConfig.WXAppSecret }; WeiXinCore.WeiXin weixin = new WeiXinCore.WeiXin(weixinConfig); Oauth2AccessToken oauth2AccessToken = weixin.GetOauth2AccessToken(code); if (oauth2AccessToken != null) { strOpenID = oauth2AccessToken.OpenID; } } else { strOpenID = code; } } if (strOpenID == null || strOpenID == "") { if (Session["customerID"] != null && Session["customerID"].ToString() != "") { MSCustomersDAL CustomerDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); try { strOpenID = CustomerDal.GetCustomerValueByID("OpenID", Session["customerID"].ToString()).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } } } if (strOpenID != null && strOpenID != "") { Session["OpenID"] = strOpenID; } }
void GetOpenId() { if (customid != null && customid != "") { MSCustomersDAL CustomerDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); openid = CustomerDal.GetCustomerValueByID("OpenID", customid).ToString(); Session["OpenID"] = openid; } else { openid = ""; } }
void GetOpenId() { if (customerid != null && customerid != "") { MSCustomersDAL CustomerDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); strOpenID = CustomerDal.GetCustomerValueByID("OpenID", customerid).ToString(); Session["OpenID"] = strOpenID; } else { strOpenID = ""; } }
/// <summary> /// 图集上传 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> bool SaveImages() { bool result = false; if (customerid != null && customerid != "") { MSCustomersDAL customer = new MSCustomersDAL(); phone = customer.GetCustomerValueByID("Phone", customerid).ToString() + "/"; } HttpFileCollection files = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files; try { MSProductAtlas atlasModel = new MSProductAtlas(); MSProductAtlasDAL atlasDal = new MSProductAtlasDAL(); atlasModel.PID = pid; for (int iFile = 0; iFile < files.Count; iFile++) { //检查文件扩展名字 HttpPostedFile postedFile = files[iFile]; string fileName, fileExtension, file_oldid, file_id; //取出精确到毫秒的时间做文件的名称 string my_file_id = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + iFile.ToString(); fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName); fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName); file_id = my_file_id + fileExtension; if (fileName != "" && fileName != null) { fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName); string saveurl, modelimgurl; saveurl = modelimgurl = "Atlas/" + phone; saveurl = Server.MapPath(saveurl); if (!Directory.Exists(saveurl)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveurl); } int length = postedFile.ContentLength; if (length > 512000) { file_oldid = "old" + file_id; postedFile.SaveAs(saveurl + file_oldid); JQDialog.ystp(saveurl + file_oldid, saveurl + file_id, 15); File.Delete(saveurl + file_oldid); } else { postedFile.SaveAs(saveurl + file_id); } atlasModel.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToUpper(); if (iFile == 0) { if (!atlasDal.IsExitDefaultImg(pid)) { atlasModel.IsDefault = 1; } } atlasModel.ImgState = 0; atlasModel.PimgUrl = modelimgurl + file_id; atlasModel.AtlasName = ""; if (atlasDal.AddMSProductAtlas(atlasModel)) { result = true; } } } } catch (System.Exception Ex) { result = false; } return(result); }
public override void OnPaySucceed(AliWapPayCallBackInfo info) { ExceptionLog log = new ExceptionLog(); log.Message = string.Format("订单号:{0},支付宝交易号:{1}", info.out_trade_no, info.trade_no); ExceptionLogDAL.InsertExceptionLog(log); if (info.result.ToLower() == "success") { oid = info.out_trade_no; payid = info.trade_no; MSProductOrderDAL ptitleDal = new MSProductOrderDAL(); int paystate = 0; try { paystate = Convert.ToInt32(ptitleDal.GetOrderValueByID("PayState", info.out_trade_no).ToString()); } catch (Exception) { } if (paystate == 0) { bool updatepayway = ptitleDal.UpdateOrderPayWay(info.out_trade_no, "alipay"); bool updateOrderNum = MSProductOrderDAL.UpdateOrderPayState(info.out_trade_no, "1"); MSOrderLogDAL.AddMSOrderLog("订单【" + info.out_trade_no + "】支付成功,支付方式:支付宝支付"); if (updatepayway == true && updateOrderNum == true) { string countcost = string.Empty; string pid = string.Empty; string pname = string.Empty; #region -获取用户数据 string strOpenID = string.Empty; string customerid = string.Empty; try { customerid = ptitleDal.GetOrderValueByID("CustomerID", info.out_trade_no).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } if (customerid != null && customerid != "") { MSCustomersDAL CustomerDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); try { strOpenID = CustomerDal.GetCustomerValueByID("OpenID", customerid).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } } #endregion #region -获取产品信息 try { countcost = ptitleDal.GetOrderDetailValueByOID("UnitCost", info.out_trade_no).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } try { pid = ptitleDal.GetOrderDetailValueByOID("PID", info.out_trade_no).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } if (pid != null && pid != "") { MSProductDAL ProductDal = new MSProductDAL(); pname = ProductDal.GetMSProductVaueByID("Ptitle", pid).ToString(); } #endregion string strSiteCode = GetSiteCode(); WXConfigDAL dal = new WXConfigDAL(); WeiXinCore.WeiXin wx = WXHelper.CreateWeiXinInstanceBySiteCode(strSiteCode); List <TemplateMessageParam> paramList = new List <TemplateMessageParam>(); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("first", "我们已收到您的货款,订单号为:" + info.out_trade_no + ";我们将尽快为您打包商品,请耐心等待: )")); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("orderMoneySum", countcost + " 元")); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("orderProductName", pname)); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("Remark", "如有问题请致电400-885-5790或直接在微信留言,小V将第一时间为您服务!")); wx.SendTemplateMessage(strOpenID, "IR3TlAC2Y3lW0jaksuPRwHrVHe5nmbWRcD6ZeUPZPlA", "http://www.vgo2013.com/PalmShop/ShopCode/OrderDetail.aspx?oid=" + info.out_trade_no, paramList.ToArray(), ""); MSOrderLogDAL.AddMSOrderLog("发送模板消息到客户OpenID为【" + strOpenID + "】大致为:我们已收到您的货款" + countcost + "元,产品名称【" + pname + "】我们将尽快为您打包商品,请耐心等待: )"); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 把购物车添加到订单 /// </summary> void setAddOrder() { string uname = string.Empty; string uphone = string.Empty; string address = string.Empty; string payway = string.Empty; string carryway = string.Empty; string countcost = string.Empty; string leavemsg = string.Empty; string zipcode = string.Empty; string num = string.Empty; #region --------------获取请求信息--------------- if (Request["num"] != null && Request["num"] != "") { num = Request["num"]; } if (Request["uname"] != null && Request["uname"] != "") { uname = Common.Common.NoHtml(Request["uname"]); } if (Request["uphone"] != null && Request["uphone"] != "") { uphone = Common.Common.NoHtml(Request["uphone"]); } if (Request["address"] != null && Request["address"] != "") { address = Request["address"]; } if (Request["payway"] != null && Request["payway"] != "") { payway = Common.Common.NoHtml(Request["payway"]); } if (Request["carryway"] != null && Request["carryway"] != "") { carryway = Common.Common.NoHtml(Request["carryway"]); } if (Request["countcost"] != null && Request["countcost"] != "") { countcost = Common.Common.NoHtml(Request["countcost"]); } if (Request["leavemsg"] != null && Request["leavemsg"] != "") { leavemsg = Common.Common.NoHtml(Request["leavemsg"]); } if (Request["zipcode"] != null && Request["zipcode"] != "") { zipcode = Common.Common.NoHtml(Request["zipcode"]); } #endregion if (customid.Trim() != null && customid.Trim() != "") { MSShoppingCartDAL cartDal = new MSShoppingCartDAL(); MSProductOrderDAL OrderDal = new MSProductOrderDAL(); if (OrderDal.ExistOrderByUID(customid, strpid)) { Response.Write("{\"error\":true,\"exist\":true}"); } else { try { string strOrdernum = cartDal.SubOrder(customid, uname, uphone, leavemsg, address, zipcode, strpid, countcost, num, mid); if (strOrdernum != null && strOrdernum != "") { strSiteCode = "VYIGO"; MSOrderLogDAL.AddMSOrderLog("客户【" + customid + "】下单成功,订单号为【" + strOrdernum + "】"); MSProductDAL productDal = new MSProductDAL(); string pnam = string.Empty; if (strpid != null && strpid != "") { pnam = productDal.GetMSProductVaueByID("Ptitle", strpid).ToString(); } #region -发消息到店铺注册用户 string p_uid = string.Empty; string p_openid = string.Empty; if (strpid != null && strpid != "") { try { p_uid = productDal.GetMSProductVaueByID("CustomerID", strpid).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } } if (p_uid != null && p_uid != "") { MSCustomersDAL P_UDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); try { p_openid = P_UDal.GetCustomerValueByID("OpenID", p_uid).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } } if (p_openid != null && p_openid != "" && strSiteCode != null && strSiteCode != "") { JQDialog.SendWeiXinMsg(strSiteCode, p_openid, "亲爱的店长大人,您的宝贝【" + pnam + "】已于" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH:mm:ss") + "被" + uname + "成功买下,单号【" + strOrdernum + "】赶紧去小店看看吧!"); } MSOrderLogDAL.AddMSOrderLog("下单成功,通知到OpenID为【" + p_openid + "】的店长"); #endregion #region -产品属性 MSProductParaDAL paraDal = new MSProductParaDAL(); int stock = 0; if (paraDal.ExistMSPPara("", strpid) && mid != null && mid != "") { try { stock = int.Parse(paraDal.GetMSPParaValueByID("Stock", mid).ToString()); } catch (Exception) { } if (stock > 0) { int buynum = 0; try { buynum = Convert.ToInt32(quantity); } catch (Exception) { } if (buynum != 0 && buynum < stock) { stock = stock - buynum; paraDal.UpdateStock(stock, mid); } } } #endregion DataSet orderds = cartDal.GetMyOrderDetail(strOrdernum); string payinfo = string.Empty; string productname = string.Empty; //用户购买的商品名称 string ordernum = string.Empty; //订单号 if (orderds != null && orderds.Tables.Count > 0 && orderds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { productname = orderds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Ptitle"].ToString(); ordernum = orderds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); //payinfo= WapPayHelper.BuildRequest(productname, ordernum, countcost, customid); } if (productname.Trim() != null && productname.Trim() != "" && ordernum != null && ordernum != "") { //Response.Write("{\"success\":true,\"payinfo\":\"" + payinfo + "\"}"); Response.Write("{\"success\":true,\"pname\":\"" + productname + "\",\"ordernum\":\"" + ordernum + "\",\"countcost\":\"" + countcost + "\",\"customid\":\"" + customid + "\",\"openid\":\"" + openid + "\"}"); } } else { Response.Write("{\"error\":true,\"msg\":\"操作失败,重新操作\"}"); } } catch (Exception) { Response.Write("{\"error\":true,\"msg\":\"操作失败,重新操作\"}"); } } } else { setCookies(); Response.Write("{\"error\":true,\"msg\":\"操作失败,请登录后再操作\",\"loginurl\":\"UserLogin.aspx\"}"); } Response.End(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { errormsg = ""; #region ------------获取请求信息---------------- if (Request["pname"] != null && Request["pname"] != "") { pname = Request["pname"]; } if (Request["ordernum"] != null && Request["ordernum"] != "") { ordernum = Request["ordernum"]; } if (Request["countcost"] != null && Request["countcost"] != "") { countcost = Request["countcost"]; } if (Request["customid"] != null && Request["customid"] != "") { customid = Request["customid"]; } #endregion #region -获取用户openid if (Session["OpenID"] == null || Session["OpenID"].ToString() == "") { if (customid != null && customid != "") { MSCustomersDAL customerDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); try { strOpenID = customerDal.GetCustomerValueByID("OpenID", customid).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } } } else { strOpenID = Session["OpenID"].ToString(); } #endregion if (Request["action"] != null && Request["action"] != "") { action = Request["action"]; string strSiteCode = "VYIGO"; WXJSAPIPay wxpay = new WXJSAPIPay(strSiteCode); MSProductOrderDAL ptitleDal = new MSProductOrderDAL(); switch (action.Trim().ToLower()) { case "alipay": //ptitleDal.UpdateOrderPayWay(ordernum, "alipay"); //payway= WapPayHelper.BuildRequest(pname, ordernum, countcost, customid); AliWapPay pay = new AliWapPay("VYIGO"); string notify_url = "http://www.vgo2013.com/PalmShop/ShopCode/NotifyUrl.aspx"; string call_back_url = "http://www.vgo2013.com/PalmShop/ShopCode/Alipayreturn.aspx"; pay.DirectAliWayPay(this.Response, pname, ordernum, countcost, customid, call_back_url, notify_url); break; case "wxpay": ptitle = ptitleDal.GetOrderTitleByOID(ordernum); strIP = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; decimal countcostx = decimal.Parse(countcost); int v = (Int32)Math.Round(countcostx * 100, 0); try { wxpay.DirectWXJSAPIPay(this.Response, ptitle, ordernum, v, strIP, strOpenID, "http://www.vgo2013.com/PalmShop/ShopCode/PayState.aspx", null, ""); } catch (Exception emsg) { errormsg = JQDialog.alertOKMsgBox(5, emsg.Message, "", "error"); } break; } } GetHtmlPage(); } }
/// <summary> /// 提交订单 /// </summary> void submitOrder() { string oid = string.Empty; string cid = string.Empty; string cname = string.Empty; #region -获取页面请求值 try { oid = Request.Form.Get("ordernum").ToString(); } catch (Exception) { oid = ""; } try { cname = Request.Form.Get("cname").ToString(); } catch (Exception) { cname = ""; } try { cid = Request.Form.Get("cid").ToString(); } catch (Exception) { cid = ""; } #endregion strSiteCode = "VYIGO"; string customerid = string.Empty; string openid = string.Empty; if (oid != null && oid != "" && cid != null && cid != "") { MSOrderLogistics olModel = new MSOrderLogistics(); MSOrderLogisticsDAL olDal = new MSOrderLogisticsDAL(); MSProductOrderDAL OrderDal = new MSProductOrderDAL(); olModel.ID = cid; olModel.OID = oid; olModel.CName = cname; customerid = OrderDal.GetOrderValueByID("CustomerID", oid).ToString(); if (customerid != null && customerid != "") { MSCustomersDAL customerDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); openid = customerDal.GetCustomerValueByID("OpenID", customerid).ToString(); } if (olDal.AddOrderLogistics(olModel) && OrderDal.UpdateOrderState("IsSend", oid)) { string buyName = string.Empty; try { buyName = OrderDal.GetOrderValueByID("BuyName", oid).ToString(); WeiXinCore.WeiXin wx = WXHelper.CreateWeiXinInstanceBySiteCode(strSiteCode); List <TemplateMessageParam> paramList = new List <TemplateMessageParam>(); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("first", "亲,宝贝已经启程了,好想快点来到你身边")); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("delivername", cname)); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("ordername", cid)); paramList.Add(new TemplateMessageParam("remark", "请关注公众号【vgo2013】进入“快点我”查看完整物流信息")); SendTemplateMessageReturnObj temobj = wx.SendTemplateMessage(openid, "k4eMeEtKReeDvDRFAf8-Li9FuuHkaFPP1xQI6t3Jomo", "http://www.vgo2013.com/PalmShop/ShopCode/CopyOrder.aspx?oid=" + oid, paramList.ToArray(), ""); MSOrderLogDAL.AddMSOrderLog("提示客户订单【" + oid + "】已经发货,发送模板消息到客户OpenID【" + openid + "】"); bool flag = true; if (flag) { } } catch { } errormsg = JQDialog.alertOKMsgBox(3, "操作成功!", "OrderDelivery.aspx", "succeed"); } else { errormsg = JQDialog.alertOKMsgBoxGoBack(3, "操作失败,请重新操作!", false); } } else { errormsg = JQDialog.alertOKMsgBoxGoBack(3, "操作失败,请重新操作!", false); } }
void PrintPhoto(string imgsrc) { string imgname = string.Empty; string[] imgarray = imgsrc.Split('.'); imgname = imgarray[0]; string openid = string.Empty; if (userid != null && userid != "") { MSCustomersDAL customerDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); try { openid = customerDal.GetCustomerValueByID("OpenID", userid).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } } if (openid == null || openid == "") { openid = strID; } DAL.HP.PhotoDAL dalPhoto = new DAL.HP.PhotoDAL(); //照片处理 strSFilePath = "../../PalmShop/ShopCode/" + imgsrc; strFilePath = imgsrc; string[] urls = strSFilePath.Split('.'); string _url = openid + "." + urls.Last(); string saveurl = "../../HP_Photo/"; saveurl = Server.MapPath(saveurl); if (!Directory.Exists(saveurl)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveurl); } string inputurl = Server.MapPath("../../PalmShop/ShopCode/") + strFilePath; string outputurl = Server.MapPath("../../HP_Photo/") + _url; int width = 260; int height = 310; System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(inputurl, System.IO.FileMode.Open); //ZoomAuto(fs, outputurl,width, height, "", ""); CutForCustom(fs, outputurl, width, height, 100); fs.Close(); string SiteCode = "VYIGO"; if (Session["strSiteCode"].ToString() != null && Session["strSiteCode"].ToString() != "") { SiteCode = Session["strSiteCode"].ToString(); } // DAL.HP.PrintCodeDAL dalPrintCode = new DAL.HP.PrintCodeDAL(); // DataSet printds = dalPrintCode.AddPrintCode(1, SiteCode,"0000", "2014-01-01", "2019-12-31"); //string strPID = string.Empty; //if (printds != null && printds.Tables.Count > 0 && printds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //{ // strPID = printds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); //} string strPID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); Model.HP.Photo modelPhoto = new Model.HP.Photo() { ID = strPID, OpenId = openid, SiteCode = SiteCode, ClientID = "WSY01", PrintCode = "1111", Img = openid + "." + imgsrc.Split('.').Last(), AttachText = AttachText.Text + "\r\n" }; dalPhoto.InsertInfo(modelPhoto); //插入V币记录 if (userid != null && userid != "" && strPID != null && strPID != "") { int award = GetAwardChance(); MSVAcct msvModel = new MSVAcct(); MSVAcctDAL msvDal = new MSVAcctDAL(); MSVAcctDetail msvdetailModel = new MSVAcctDetail(); MSVAcctDetailDAL msvdetailDal = new MSVAcctDetailDAL(); if (!msvDal.ExistMSVAcct(userid, SiteCode)) { msvModel.CustID = userid; msvModel.SiteCode = SiteCode; msvModel.V_Amont = award; msvDal.AddMSVAcct(msvModel); } else { int count = Convert.ToInt32(msvDal.GetMSVAcct("V_Amont", userid).ToString()); count = count + award; msvModel.CustID = userid; msvModel.SiteCode = SiteCode; msvModel.V_Amont = count; msvDal.UpdateMSVAcct(msvModel); } msvdetailModel.CustID = userid; msvdetailModel.Amount = award; msvdetailModel.ChargeType = "首次购物"; msvdetailModel.Ext_Fld1 = strPID; msvdetailModel.SiteCode = SiteCode; msvdetailDal.AddMSVAcctDetail(msvdetailModel); } //插入活动券 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(openid)) { string strGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); DAL.ACT.CouponDAL cdal = new DAL.ACT.CouponDAL(); if (!cdal.ExistCoupon(SiteCode, "56DBFD79AFF94FD6B0FE7E72CE7589E6", openid)) { Model.ACT.Coupon coupon = null; coupon = new Model.ACT.Coupon() { ID = strGuid, SiteCode = SiteCode, SiteActivityID = "56DBFD79AFF94FD6B0FE7E72CE7589E6", OpenID = openid, CouponStatus = 0 }; cdal.InsertInfo(coupon); } } }
protected void uploadbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 信息判断 if (Session["customerID"] != null && Session["customerID"].ToString() != "") { MSCustomersDAL customerDal = new MSCustomersDAL(); phone = customerDal.GetCustomerValueByID("phone", Session["customerID"].ToString()).ToString(); } else { JQDialog.SetCookies("pageurl", "PubSecHandEdit.aspx?ishand=" + ishand, 2); errorscript = JQDialog.alertOKMsgBox(5, "操作失败<br/>请登录后再操作!", "UserLogin.aspx", "error"); return; } MSProduct productModel = new MSProduct(); if (setpvalue.Value.Trim() != null && setpvalue.Value.Trim() != "") { productModel.Cid = setpvalue.Value; } if (pdesc.Value.Trim() != null && pdesc.Value.Trim() != "") { productModel.Pcontent = pdesc.Value; } if (price.Value.Trim() != null && price.Value.Trim() != "") { productModel.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(price.Value); } if (ptitle.Value.Trim() != null && ptitle.Value.Trim() != "") { productModel.Ptitle = ptitle.Value; } if (price.Value.Trim() != null && price.Value.Trim() != "") { productModel.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(price.Value); } #endregion productModel.ID = pid; productModel.IsSecHand = ishand; productModel.Pstate = 0; productModel.Review = Review; productModel.CustomerID = Session["customerID"].ToString(); MSProductDAL productDal = new MSProductDAL(); MSShopContacts contactModel = new MSShopContacts(); MSShopContactsDAL contactDal = new MSShopContactsDAL(); contactModel.PID = pid; contactModel.IsDel = 0; contactModel.SID = ""; contactModel.NickName = UserName.Value; contactModel.Phone = UserPhone.Value; bool contactflag = false; if (contactDal.ExistContact("", "", "", pid)) { contactModel.ID = contactID; contactflag = contactDal.UpdateMSSContacts(contactModel); } else { contactModel.ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToUpper(); contactflag = contactDal.AddMSSContacts(contactModel); } if (productDal.UpdateMSProduct(productModel) && SaveImages()) { errorscript = JQDialog.alertOKMsgBox(3, "操作成功!", "MySecHand.aspx", "error"); } else { errorscript = JQDialog.alertOKMsgBox(4, "操作失败,请核对后再操作!", "", "error"); return; } }