public static string ReadAll(this MQMessage @this) { var message = @this.ReadString(@this.DataLength); @this.Seek(0); return(message); }
internal override bool IsLast(MQMessage message) { cfh.Initialize(message); String current = null; int count = this.cfh.ParameterCount; while (count > 0) { PcfParameter p = PcfParameter.NextParameter(message); int id = p.Parameter; if (id == MQC.MQBACF_RESPONSE_SET) { this.set.Add(p.GetStringValue()); } else if (id == MQC.MQBACF_RESPONSE_ID) { current = p.GetStringValue(); this.set.Add(current); } count--; } message.Seek(0); if ((this.cfh.Control == 1) && (current != null)) { this.set.Remove(current); } return(this.set.Count == 0); }
protected MQMessage[] Send(int command, PCFParameter[] parameters) { if (parameters == null) { throw new Exception("Must specify parameters!"); } MQQueue queue = this.qMgr.AccessQueue("SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE", 0x2021); MQMessage message = new MQMessage(); message.ReplyToQueueName = queue.Name; message.MessageType = 1; message.Feedback = 0; message.Format = "MQADMIN "; message.Report = 0; MQCFH.Write(message, command, parameters.Length); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) { parameters[i].Write(message); } MQQueue queue2 = this.qMgr.AccessQueue(this.qMgr.CommandInputQueueName, 0x2030); MQPutMessageOptions pmo = new MQPutMessageOptions(); pmo.Options = 0x40; queue2.Put(message, pmo); MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions(); gmo.Options = 0x2001; gmo.WaitInterval = this.waitInterval; gmo.MatchOptions = 2; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); MQMessage message2 = null; int compCode = 0; int reason = 0; int num4 = 1; do { message2 = new MQMessage(); message2.CorrelationId = message.MessageId; queue.Get(message2, gmo); message2.SkipBytes(20); num4 = message2.ReadInt4(); compCode = message2.ReadInt4(); reason = message2.ReadInt4(); message2.Seek(0); if (compCode != 0) { throw new PCFException(compCode, reason); } list.Add(message2); }while (num4 == 0); queue2.Close(); queue.Close(); return((MQMessage[])list.ToArray(typeof(MQMessage))); }
/// <summary> /// Helper method to read a message from an MQ Series queue /// </summary> /// /// <param name="queueManagerName">The name of the MQ Series queue manager</param> /// <param name="queueName">The name of the MQ Series queue to read from</param> /// <param name="waitDelay">The time to wait for the message to be read from the queue</param> /// <param name="context">The BizUnit context object which holds state and is passed between test steps</param> /// <param name="msgID">[out] the MQ Series message ID</param> /// <returns>String containing the data from the MQ series message</returns> static public string ReadMessage(string queueManagerName, string queueName, int waitDelay, Context context, out byte[] msgID) { MQQueueManager queueManager = null; MQQueue receiveQueue = null; string message = null; try { context.LogInfo("Opening queue manager: \"{0}\"", queueManagerName); queueManager = new MQQueueManager(queueManagerName); context.LogInfo("Opening queue: \"{0}\"", queueName); receiveQueue = queueManager.AccessQueue(queueName, MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF + MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING); MQMessage mqMsg = new MQMessage(); MQGetMessageOptions mqMsgOpts = new MQGetMessageOptions(); mqMsgOpts.WaitInterval = waitDelay * 1000; mqMsgOpts.Options = MQC.MQGMO_WAIT; context.LogInfo("Reading message from queue '{0}'.", queueName); receiveQueue.InhibitGet = MQC.MQQA_GET_ALLOWED; receiveQueue.Get(mqMsg, mqMsgOpts); if (mqMsg.Format.CompareTo(MQC.MQFMT_STRING) == 0) { mqMsg.Seek(0); message = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mqMsg.ReadBytes(mqMsg.MessageLength)); msgID = mqMsg.MessageId; } else { throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Unsupported message format: '{0}' read from queue: {1}.", mqMsg.Format, queueName)); } } finally { if (receiveQueue != null) { receiveQueue.Close(); } if (queueManager != null) { queueManager.Close(); } } return(message); }
internal override bool IsLast(MQMessage message) { message.SkipBytes(20); var end = message.ReadInt4() != 0; var compCode = message.ReadInt4(); var reason = message.ReadInt4(); message.Seek(0); if (compCode != 0) { throw new PcfException(compCode, reason); } return(end); }
/// <summary> /// Helper method to read a message from an MQ Series queue /// </summary> /// /// <param name="queueManagerName">The name of the MQ Series queue manager</param> /// <param name="queueName">The name of the MQ Series queue to read from</param> /// <param name="waitDelay">The time to wait for the message to be read from the queue</param> /// <param name="context">The BizUnit context object which holds state and is passed between test steps</param> /// <param name="msgID">[out] the MQ Series message ID</param> /// <returns>String containing the data from the MQ series message</returns> static public string ReadMessage(string queueManagerName, string queueName, int waitDelay, Context context, out byte[] msgID) { MQQueueManager queueManager = null; MQQueue receiveQueue = null; string message = null; try { context.LogInfo("Opening queue manager: \"{0}\"", queueManagerName); queueManager = new MQQueueManager(queueManagerName); context.LogInfo("Opening queue: \"{0}\"", queueName); receiveQueue = queueManager.AccessQueue(queueName, MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF + MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING); MQMessage mqMsg = new MQMessage(); MQGetMessageOptions mqMsgOpts = new MQGetMessageOptions(); mqMsgOpts.WaitInterval = waitDelay*1000; mqMsgOpts.Options = MQC.MQGMO_WAIT; context.LogInfo("Reading message from queue '{0}'.", queueName); receiveQueue.Get(mqMsg,mqMsgOpts); if(mqMsg.Format.CompareTo(MQC.MQFMT_STRING)==0) { mqMsg.Seek(0); message = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mqMsg.ReadBytes(mqMsg.MessageLength)); msgID = mqMsg.MessageId; } else { throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Unsupported message format: '{0}' read from queue: {1}.", mqMsg.Format, queueName)); } } finally { if (receiveQueue != null) { receiveQueue.Close(); } if (queueManager != null) { queueManager.Close(); } } return message; }
private MQMessage CopyMDFromOldMsgIntoReportMsg(MQMessage oldMsg, MQMessage newMsg, int putOpts) { MQMessage message; uint method = 0x231; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { oldMsg, newMsg, putOpts }); try { if (((oldMsg.Report & 0x4000) != 0) && ((oldMsg.Report & 0x8000000) != 0)) { newMsg.Report = 0x8000000; } else { newMsg.Report = 0; } newMsg.MessageType = 4; if ((oldMsg.Report & 0x4000) != 0) { newMsg.Expiry = oldMsg.Expiry; } else { newMsg.Expiry = -1; } if ((oldMsg.Report & 0x40) != 0) { newMsg.CorrelationId = oldMsg.CorrelationId; } else if ((putOpts & 0x80) == 0) { newMsg.CorrelationId = oldMsg.CorrelationId; } newMsg.ReplyToQueueName = ""; newMsg.ReplyToQueueManagerName = ""; byte[] b = new byte[oldMsg.MessageLength]; oldMsg.Seek(0); oldMsg.ReadFully(ref b); newMsg.Write(b); message = newMsg; } finally { base.TrExit(method); } return(message); }
private MQMessage CopyMDFromOldMsgIntoFwdMsg(MQMessage oldMsg, MQMessage newMsg) { MQMessage message; uint method = 0x22f; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { oldMsg, newMsg }); try { newMsg.AccountingToken = oldMsg.AccountingToken; newMsg.ApplicationIdData = oldMsg.ApplicationIdData; newMsg.ApplicationOriginData = oldMsg.ApplicationOriginData; newMsg.CharacterSet = oldMsg.CharacterSet; newMsg.CorrelationId = oldMsg.CorrelationId; newMsg.Encoding = oldMsg.Encoding; newMsg.Expiry = oldMsg.Expiry; newMsg.Feedback = oldMsg.Feedback; newMsg.Format = oldMsg.Format; newMsg.GroupId = oldMsg.GroupId; newMsg.MessageFlags = oldMsg.MessageFlags; newMsg.MessageId = oldMsg.MessageId; newMsg.MessageSequenceNumber = oldMsg.MessageSequenceNumber; newMsg.MessageType = oldMsg.MessageType; newMsg.Offset = oldMsg.Offset; newMsg.OriginalLength = oldMsg.OriginalLength; newMsg.Persistence = oldMsg.Persistence; newMsg.Priority = oldMsg.Priority; newMsg.PutApplicationName = oldMsg.PutApplicationName; newMsg.PutApplicationType = oldMsg.PutApplicationType; newMsg.PutDateTime = oldMsg.PutDateTime; newMsg.ReplyToQueueManagerName = oldMsg.ReplyToQueueManagerName; newMsg.ReplyToQueueName = oldMsg.ReplyToQueueName; newMsg.Report = oldMsg.Report; newMsg.UserId = oldMsg.UserId; byte[] b = new byte[oldMsg.MessageLength]; oldMsg.Seek(0); oldMsg.ReadFully(ref b); newMsg.Write(b); message = newMsg; } finally { base.TrExit(method); } return(message); }
/// <summary> /// Helper method to read a message from an MQ Series queue /// </summary> /// <param name="queueManagerName">The name of the MQ Series queue manager</param> /// <param name="queueName">The name of the MQ Series queue to read from</param> /// <param name="waitDelay">The time to wait for the message to be read from the queue</param> /// <param name="context">The BizUnit context object which holds state and is passed between test steps</param> /// <param name="msgID">[out] the MQ Series message ID</param> /// <returns>String containing the data from the MQ series message</returns> public static string ReadMessage(string queueManagerName, string queueName, int waitDelay, Context context, out byte[] msgID) { string message = null; context.LogInfo("Opening queue manager: \"{0}\"", queueManagerName); using (var queueManager = new MQQueueManager(queueManagerName)) { context.LogInfo("Opening queue: \"{0}\"", queueName); using ( var receiveQueue = queueManager.AccessQueue(queueName, MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF + MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING)) { var mqMsg = new MQMessage(); var mqMsgOpts = new MQGetMessageOptions { WaitInterval = waitDelay * 1000, Options = MQC.MQGMO_WAIT }; context.LogInfo("Reading message from queue '{0}'.", queueName); receiveQueue.Get(mqMsg, mqMsgOpts); if (mqMsg.Format.CompareTo(MQC.MQFMT_STRING) == 0) { mqMsg.Seek(0); message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mqMsg.ReadBytes(mqMsg.MessageLength)); msgID = mqMsg.MessageId; } else { throw new NotSupportedException( string.Format("Unsupported message format: '{0}' read from queue: {1}.", mqMsg.Format, queueName)); } } } return(message); }
public void Get(MQMessage message, MQGetMessageOptions gmo, int maxMsgSize) { uint method = 0x7a; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { message, gmo, maxMsgSize }); int dataLength = 0; byte[] buffer = null; int options = -1; bool flag = true; int compCode = 0; int reason = 0; try { if (message == null) { base.throwNewMQException(2, 0x7ea); } if (gmo == null) { base.throwNewMQException(2, 0x88a); } if (maxMsgSize < 0) { base.throwNewMQException(2, 0x7d5); } options = gmo.Options; if ((gmo.Options & 0x1006) == 0) { base.TrText(method, "Setting explicit NO_SYNCPOINT"); gmo.Options |= 4; } if (base.qMgr.CommandLevel >= 700) { flag = (options & 0x1e000000) == 0; if (((options & 0x8000000) != 0) || flag) { gmo.Options &= -134217729; gmo.Options |= 0x2000000; } } if ((Transaction.Current != null) && !base.qMgr.IsXAEnabled) { base.qMgr.IsXAEnabled = true; } int characterSet = message.CharacterSet; if (!base.qMgr.IsHconnValid) { base.throwNewMQException(2, 0x7e2); } message.ClearMessage(); if (maxMsgSize == 0) { int num7 = gmo.Options; MQBase.MQMD targetMqmd = new MQBase.MQMD(); this.CopyMQMD(, ref targetMqmd); maxMsgSize = defaultMaxMsgSize; buffer = new byte[maxMsgSize]; gmo.Options &= -65; if ((num7 & 0x4000) == 0x4000) { MQLPIGetOpts lpiGetOpts = new MQLPIGetOpts(); lpiGetOpts.SetOptions(lpiGetOpts.GetOptions() | MQLPIGetOpts.lpiGETOPT_FULL_MESSAGE); ((NmqiSP)base.qMgr.nmqiConnector).zstMQGET(base.qMgr.hConn, base.objectHandle.HOBJ, ref, ref gmo, maxMsgSize, buffer, out dataLength, lpiGetOpts, out compCode, out reason); } else { base.qMgr.nmqiConnector.MQGET(base.qMgr.hConn, base.hObj,, gmo, maxMsgSize, buffer, out dataLength, out compCode, out reason); } if (0x7da == reason) { maxMsgSize = dataLength; buffer = new byte[maxMsgSize]; base.qMgr.nmqiConnector.MQGET(base.qMgr.hConn, base.hObj,, gmo, maxMsgSize, buffer, out dataLength, out compCode, out reason); } while ((compCode != 0) && (0x820 == reason)) { gmo.Options = num7; MQBase.MQMD structMQMD =; this.CopyMQMD(targetMqmd, ref structMQMD); = structMQMD; maxMsgSize = dataLength; buffer = new byte[maxMsgSize]; gmo.Options &= -65; base.qMgr.nmqiConnector.MQGET(base.qMgr.hConn, base.hObj,, gmo, maxMsgSize, buffer, out dataLength, out compCode, out reason); } if ((0x848 == reason) || (0x88e == reason)) { string objectId = "Server Binding convert message"; byte[] outString = null; int outLength = 0; uint bytesConverted = 0; if (CommonServices.ConvertString(objectId,, characterSet, buffer, dataLength, out outString, ref outLength, 0, out bytesConverted) == 0) { buffer = outString; maxMsgSize = outLength; dataLength = outLength; compCode = 0; reason = 0; } } } else { buffer = new byte[maxMsgSize]; base.qMgr.nmqiConnector.MQGET(base.qMgr.hConn, base.hObj,, gmo, maxMsgSize, buffer, out dataLength, out compCode, out reason); } byte[] b = buffer; if (compCode == 0) { bool flag2 = false; if (base.qMgr.CommandLevel >= 700) { if (flag) { if (this.propControl != 3) { flag2 = true; } } else if ((options & 0x8000000) != 0) { flag2 = true; } if (flag2 && (dataLength > 0x24)) { b = this.PerformMsgProcessingAfterGet(ref message, buffer, (dataLength > buffer.Length) ? buffer.Length : dataLength); dataLength = b.Length; } } } message.totalMessageLength = dataLength; if (dataLength > 0) { message.Write(b, 0, (dataLength < maxMsgSize) ? dataLength : maxMsgSize); message.Seek(0); } if (compCode != 0) { base.qMgr.CheckHConnHealth(reason); base.throwNewMQException(compCode, reason); } } catch (MQException exception) { compCode = exception.CompCode; reason = exception.Reason; throw exception; } catch (Exception exception2) { base.TrException(method, exception2); compCode = 2; reason = 0x893; throw exception2; } finally { base.unsafe_compCode = compCode; base.unsafe_reason = reason; gmo.Options = options; base.TrExit(method); } }
/// <summary> /// ITestStep.Execute() implementation /// </summary> /// <param name='context'>The context for the test, this holds state that is passed beteen tests</param> public override void Execute(Context context) { MQQueueManager queueManager = null; MQQueue receiveQueue = null; string message = null; var bLookForMessage = true; var bFound = false; var cnt = 0; try { // Remote or not? if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HostName)) { context.LogInfo("Host to connect to: \"{0}\" on port \"{1}\" with channel \"{2}\"", HostName, Port, Channel); MQEnvironment.Hostname = HostName; MQEnvironment.Port = Port; MQEnvironment.Channel = Channel; } context.LogInfo("Opening queue manager: \"{0}\"", QueueManager); queueManager = new MQQueueManager(QueueManager); context.LogInfo("Opening queue: \"{0}\" - remote queue: \"{1}\"", Queue, RemoteQueue); receiveQueue = queueManager.AccessQueue(Queue, MQC.MQOO_INPUT_SHARED + MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING + MQC.MQOO_BROWSE + MQC.MQOO_SET); MQMessage mqMsg = new MQMessage(); MQGetMessageOptions mqMsgOpts = new MQGetMessageOptions(); mqMsgOpts.WaitInterval = WaitTimeout * 1000; mqMsgOpts.Options = MQC.MQGMO_WAIT + MQC.MQGMO_BROWSE_FIRST; mqMsgOpts.MatchOptions = MQC.MQMO_NONE; context.LogInfo("Browsing queue '{0}'.", Queue); // Loop until the required message is found while (!bFound) { if (cnt > 0) { mqMsgOpts.Options = MQC.MQGMO_WAIT + MQC.MQGMO_BROWSE_NEXT; } try { receiveQueue.InhibitGet = MQC.MQQA_GET_ALLOWED; receiveQueue.Get(mqMsg, mqMsgOpts); cnt++; } catch (MQException mqe) { if (mqe.ReasonCode == MQC.MQRC_NO_MSG_AVAILABLE) { break; } throw; } if ((mqMsg.Format.CompareTo(MQC.MQFMT_STRING) != 0) && (mqMsg.Format.CompareTo(MQC.MQFMT_XMIT_Q_HEADER) != 0)) { throw new NotSupportedException( string.Format("Unsupported message format: '{0}' read from queue: {1}.", mqMsg.Format, Queue)); } else { mqMsg.Seek(0); if (mqMsg.Format.CompareTo(MQC.MQFMT_XMIT_Q_HEADER) == 0) { var strucId = mqMsg.ReadString(4); var version = mqMsg.ReadInt(); var remoteQName = mqMsg.ReadString(48); var remoteQMgrName = mqMsg.ReadString(48); /* * struct tagMQMD { * MQCHAR4 StrucId; // Structure identifier * MQLONG Version; // Structure version number * MQLONG Report; // Options for report messages * MQLONG MsgType; // Message type * MQLONG Expiry; // Message lifetime * MQLONG Feedback; // Feedback or reason code * MQLONG Encoding; // Numeric encoding of message data * MQLONG CodedCharSetId; // Character set identifier of message data * MQCHAR8 Format; // Format name of message data * MQLONG Priority; // Message priority * MQLONG Persistence; // Message persistence * MQBYTE24 MsgId; // Message identifier * MQBYTE24 CorrelId; // Correlation identifier * MQLONG BackoutCount; // Backout counter * MQCHAR48 ReplyToQ; // Name of reply queue * MQCHAR48 ReplyToQMgr; // Name of reply queue manager * MQCHAR12 UserIdentifier; // User identifier * MQBYTE32 AccountingToken; // Accounting token * MQCHAR32 ApplIdentityData; // Application data relating to identity * MQLONG PutApplType; // Type of application that put the message * MQCHAR28 PutApplName; // Name of application that put the message * MQCHAR8 PutDate; // Date when message was put * MQCHAR8 PutTime; // Time when message was put * MQCHAR4 ApplOriginData; // Application data relating to origin * } */ var bytesMqmd = mqMsg.ReadBytes(324); } message = mqMsg.ReadLine(); //message = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mqMsg.ReadBytes(mqMsg.MessageLength)); context.LogData("MQSeries output message:", message); if ((null == SubSteps) || (SubSteps.Count == 0)) { bLookForMessage = false; } else { // Validate data... var msgData = StreamHelper.LoadMemoryStream(message); msgData.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Check it against the validate steps to see if it matches one of them foreach (var subStep in SubSteps) { try { // Try the validation and catch the exception var strm = subStep.Execute(msgData, context); bFound = true; } catch { } } } } } } finally { if (receiveQueue != null) { receiveQueue.Close(); } if (queueManager != null) { queueManager.Close(); } } context.LogInfo("Number of messages found: {0}, in queue '{1}'", cnt, Queue); switch (ExpectedNumberOfMessages) { case -1: break; default: if (ExpectedNumberOfMessages != cnt) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Queue '{2}' contained: {0} messages, but the step expected: {1} messages", cnt, ExpectedNumberOfMessages, Queue)); } break; } if (!bFound && bLookForMessage && (ExpectedNumberOfMessages > 0)) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Message not found in Queue '{0}', found {1} messages", Queue, cnt)); } }
public void Get(MQMessage message, MQGetMessageOptions gmo, int maxMsgSize, int spigmo) { uint method = 550; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { message, gmo, maxMsgSize, spigmo }); int num2 = 0; bool flag = false; int dataLength = 0; byte[] buffer = null; int compCode = 0; int reason = 0; try { NmqiSP nmqiConnector = (NmqiSP)base.qMgr.nmqiConnector; if (message == null) { base.throwNewMQException(2, 0x7ea); } if (gmo == null) { base.throwNewMQException(2, 0x88a); } if (maxMsgSize < 0) { base.throwNewMQException(2, 0x7d5); } MQSPIGetOpts spigo = new MQSPIGetOpts(spigmo); int options = gmo.Options; int characterSet = message.CharacterSet; int num7 = gmo.Options; if ((num7 & 0x8000000) != 0) { gmo.Options &= -134217729; gmo.Options |= 0x2000000; } else if ((((num7 & 0x10000000) == 0) && ((num7 & 0x2000000) == 0)) && ((num7 & 0x4000000) == 0)) { gmo.Options |= 0x2000000; } message.ClearMessage(); num2 = gmo.Options; flag = true; if ((gmo.Options & 0x1006) == 0) { gmo.Options |= 4; } if (maxMsgSize == 0) { int num8 = gmo.Options; MQBase.MQMD targetMqmd = new MQBase.MQMD(); base.CopyMQMD(, ref targetMqmd); maxMsgSize = MQDestination.defaultMaxMsgSize; buffer = new byte[maxMsgSize]; gmo.Options &= -65; nmqiConnector.SPIGet(base.qMgr.hConn, base.objectHandle.HOBJ, ref, ref gmo, ref spigo, maxMsgSize, buffer, out dataLength, out compCode, out reason); while ((1 == compCode) && (0x820 == reason)) { gmo.Options = num8; MQBase.MQMD structMQMD =; base.CopyMQMD(targetMqmd, ref structMQMD); = structMQMD; maxMsgSize = dataLength; buffer = new byte[maxMsgSize]; gmo.Options &= -65; nmqiConnector.SPIGet(base.qMgr.hConn, base.objectHandle.HOBJ, ref, ref gmo, ref spigo, maxMsgSize, buffer, out dataLength, out compCode, out reason); } gmo.Options = num8; } else { buffer = new byte[maxMsgSize]; nmqiConnector.SPIGet(base.qMgr.hConn, base.objectHandle.HOBJ, ref, ref gmo, ref spigo, maxMsgSize, buffer, out dataLength, out compCode, out reason); } if (compCode != 2) { this.spiQueueEmpty = spigo.QueueEmpty != 0; message.spiInherited = spigo.Inherited != 0; message.spiQTime = spigo.QTime; } else { this.spiQueueEmpty = false; message.spiInherited = false; message.spiQTime = 0L; } byte[] b = null; if (compCode != 2) { if ((options & 0x2000000) == 0) { b = base.PerformMsgProcessingAfterGet(ref message, buffer, (dataLength > buffer.Length) ? buffer.Length : dataLength); } else { b = buffer; } dataLength = b.Length; } gmo.Options = options; message.totalMessageLength = dataLength; if (dataLength > 0) { message.Write(b, 0, (dataLength < maxMsgSize) ? dataLength : maxMsgSize); message.Seek(0); } if (compCode != 0) { base.qMgr.CheckHConnHealth(reason); base.throwNewMQException(compCode, reason); } } catch (MQException exception) { compCode = exception.CompCode; reason = exception.Reason; throw exception; } finally { if (flag) { gmo.Options = num2; } base.unsafe_compCode = compCode; base.unsafe_reason = reason; base.TrExit(method); } }
private MQMessage CopyMDFromOldMsgIntoReplyMsg(MQMessage oldMsg, MQMessage newMsg, int putOpts) { MQMessage message; uint method = 560; this.TrEntry(method, new object[] { oldMsg, newMsg, putOpts }); try { if (((oldMsg.Report & 0x4000) != 0) && ((oldMsg.Report & 0x8000000) != 0)) { newMsg.Report = 0x8000000; } else { newMsg.Report = 0; } newMsg.MessageType = 2; if ((oldMsg.Report & 0x4000) != 0) { newMsg.Expiry = oldMsg.Expiry; } else { newMsg.Expiry = -1; } newMsg.Feedback = 0; if ((oldMsg.Report & 0x80) != 0) { newMsg.MessageId = oldMsg.MessageId; } else if ((putOpts & 0x40) == 0) { newMsg.MessageId = MQC.MQMI_NONE; } if ((oldMsg.Report & 0x40) != 0) { newMsg.CorrelationId = oldMsg.CorrelationId; } else if ((putOpts & 0x80) == 0) { newMsg.CorrelationId = oldMsg.CorrelationId; } newMsg.ReplyToQueueName = ""; newMsg.ReplyToQueueManagerName = ""; newMsg.GroupId = MQC.MQGI_NONE; newMsg.MessageSequenceNumber = 1; newMsg.Offset = 0; newMsg.MessageFlags = 0; newMsg.OriginalLength = -1; byte[] b = new byte[oldMsg.MessageLength]; oldMsg.Seek(0); oldMsg.ReadFully(ref b); newMsg.Write(b); message = newMsg; } finally { base.TrExit(method); } return(message); }