예제 #1
        private static List <Material> GetMaterialsMesh(ref MFnMesh Mesh, ref MDagPath Path)
            // Get materials for this mesh
            var Result = new List <Material>();

            // Fetch data
            var Shaders       = new MObjectArray();
            var ShaderIndices = new MIntArray();

            Mesh.getConnectedShaders(Path.instanceNumber, Shaders, ShaderIndices);

            // Iterate and add
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)Shaders.length; i++)
                // Find plug
                var ShaderNode = new MFnDependencyNode(Shaders[i]);
                var ShaderPlug = ShaderNode.findPlug("surfaceShader");
                var MatPlug    = new MPlugArray();
                ShaderPlug.connectedTo(MatPlug, true, false);

                if (MatPlug.length > 0)
                    Result.Add(new Material(CleanNodeName(new MFnDependencyNode(MatPlug[0].node).name)));

예제 #2
        private MFnSkinCluster getMFnSkinCluster(MFnMesh mFnMesh)
            MFnSkinCluster mFnSkinCluster = null;

            MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();

            foreach (MPlug connection in connections)
                MObject source = connection.source.node;
                if (source != null)
                    if (source.hasFn(MFn.Type.kSkinClusterFilter))
                        mFnSkinCluster = new MFnSkinCluster(source);

                    if ((mFnSkinCluster == null) && (source.hasFn(MFn.Type.kSet) || source.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPolyNormalPerVertex)))
                        mFnSkinCluster = getMFnSkinCluster(source);

예제 #3
 public static void PrintPlugs(MPlugArray plugs)
     for (int i = 0; i < plugs.length; i++)
         Debug.Log(i + ":" + plugs[i].name);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Init the list influentNodesBySkin of a skin cluster.
        /// By find the kjoint that are connected to the skin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skin">the skin cluster</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The list of skin kjoint
        /// </returns>
        private List <MObject> GetInfluentNodes(MFnSkinCluster skin)
            if (influentNodesBySkin.ContainsKey(skin))

            List <MObject> influentNodes = new List <MObject>();

            // Get all influenting nodes
            MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();

            foreach (MPlug connection in connections)
                MObject source = connection.source.node;
                if (source != null && source.hasFn(MFn.Type.kJoint))
                    if (influentNodes.Count(node => Equals(node, source)) == 0)
            influentNodesBySkin.Add(skin, influentNodes);

예제 #5
        public static void RemoveUnusedTextures(MSelectionList list)
            if (list == null)
                Debug.Log("list null");
            List <MObject> deleteList = new List <MObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
                MObject mo = new MObject();
                list.getDependNode((uint)i, mo);
                MFnDependencyNode imageNode     = new MFnDependencyNode(mo);
                MPlug             texOutputPlug = imageNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_fileTexOutputColor);
                MPlugArray        destPlugs     = new MPlugArray();
                if (destPlugs.Count == 0)
                    Debug.Log("remove no use:" + imageNode.absoluteName);
                    Debug.Log("still used:" + imageNode.absoluteName);
                    for (int j = 0; j < destPlugs.length; j++)
                        Debug.Log(" by:" + destPlugs[0].partialName(true));
예제 #6
        public MObject findShadingEngine(MObject node)
        //	Description:
        //		Given the material MObject this method will
        //	return the shading group that it is assigned to.
        //	if there is no shading group associated with
        //	the material than a null MObject is apssed back.
            MFnDependencyNode nodeFn          = new MFnDependencyNode(node);
            MPlug             srcPlug         = nodeFn.findPlug("outColor");
            MPlugArray        nodeConnections = new MPlugArray();

            srcPlug.connectedTo(nodeConnections, false, true);
            //loop through the connections
            //and find the shading engine node that
            //it is connected to
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeConnections.length; i++)
                if (nodeConnections[i].node.hasFn(MFn.Type.kShadingEngine))

            //no shading engine associated so return a
            //null MObject
            return(new MObject());
예제 #7
        public static MFnDependencyNode GetPlace2dTextureForTex(MFnDependencyNode imageNode, bool createIfNotExist = true)
            if (imageNode == null)
                Debug.Log("image Node null");
            MPlug      uvPlug      = imageNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_texFileUVCoord);
            MPlugArray sourcePlugs = new MPlugArray();

            uvPlug.connectedTo(sourcePlugs, true, false);
            if (sourcePlugs.length == 0)
                //no input
                if (createIfNotExist)
                    MFnDependencyNode place2dTexNode = CreateShadingNode(ShadingNodeType.Utility, "place2dTexture");
                    MPlug             p2tUVOut       = place2dTexNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_place2dOutUV);
                    string            nodeName       = place2dTexNode.absoluteName;
                    MDGModifier       dgModifier     = new MDGModifier();
                    dgModifier.connect(p2tUVOut, uvPlug);
                return(new MFnDependencyNode(sourcePlugs[0].node));
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Originally written in C++ by RobTheBloke.
        /// See https://nccastaff.bournemouth.ac.uk/jmacey/RobTheBloke/www/research/maya/mfnmesh.htm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shadingEngine"></param>
        /// <returns>The shader name.</returns>
        private static MObjectArray GetMaterials(MObject shadingEngine)
            // attach a function set to the shading engine
            var fn = new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine);

            // get access to the surfaceShader attribute. This will be connected to
            // lambert , phong nodes etc.
            var sShader = fn.findPlug("surfaceShader");

            // will hold the connections to the surfaceShader attribute
            var materials = new MPlugArray();

            // get the material connected to the surface shader
            sShader.connectedTo(materials, true, false);
            var materialsObjects = new MObjectArray();

            if (materials.Count <= 0)
            // if we found a material
            foreach (var plug in materials)
예제 #9
		public maTranslator()
			fBrokenConnSrcs = new MPlugArray();
			fBrokenConnDests = new MPlugArray();

			fDefaultNodes = new MObjectArray();

			fInstanceChildren = new MDagPathArray();
			fInstanceParents = new MDagPathArray();

			fParentingRequired = new MDagPathArray();
예제 #10
        public static MPlug getConnection(this MFnDependencyNode mFnDependencyNode, string name)
            MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();

            foreach (MPlug connection in connections)
                if (connection.name == (mFnDependencyNode.name + "." + name))
예제 #11
        public static void StuckNClothTimeWhenNotDynamic(MFnDependencyNode dn)
            MPlug plug_isDynamic   = dn.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nCloth_isDynamic);
            MPlug plug_currentTime = dn.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nCloth_currentTime);

            if (plug_isDynamic != null && plug_currentTime != null)
                MPlugArray inputArr_currentTime = new MPlugArray();
                plug_currentTime.connectedTo(inputArr_currentTime, true, false);
                MFnDependencyNode dn_time = new MFnDependencyNode(inputArr_currentTime[0].node);

                BindAttr.ProjectPlug(plug_isDynamic, dn_time.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nClothTime_nodeState), 0, 1, (int)ConstantValue.TimeNodeState.Stuck, (int)ConstantValue.TimeNodeState.Normal);
예제 #12
        public static void BindNCloth(MSelectionList selecteList = null)
            if (selecteList == null)
                selecteList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList();
            int count = (int)selecteList.length;

            if (count <= 1)
                //Debug.Log("ncloth control switch target: select [ctl,ncloth0,ncloth1...]");
                //Debug.Log("ncloth control switch target count:" + count);
            MDagPath ctlDag = new MDagPath();

            selecteList.getDagPath(0, ctlDag);
            MFnDependencyNode dn_ctl = new MFnDependencyNode(ctlDag.node);

            BasicFunc.IterateSelectedDags((dag) =>
                //Debug.Log("ncloth control set for:"+dag.fullPathName);
                MPlug ctlNewAttrPlug = BindAttr.AddBoolAttr(dn_ctl, "Dynamic_" + dag.partialPathName, true, "", false);
                MFnDependencyNode dn_nCloth = new MFnDependencyNode(dag.node);
                MPlug plug_isDynamic        = dn_nCloth.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nCloth_isDynamic);
                MPlug plug_currentTime      = dn_nCloth.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nCloth_currentTime);
                if (plug_isDynamic != null && plug_currentTime != null)
                    MPlugArray inputArr_currentTime = new MPlugArray();
                    plug_currentTime.connectedTo(inputArr_currentTime, true, false);
                    MFnDependencyNode dn_time = new MFnDependencyNode(inputArr_currentTime[0].node);

                    BindAttr.ProjectPlug(plug_isDynamic, dn_time.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nClothTime_nodeState), 0, 1, (int)ConstantValue.TimeNodeState.Stuck, (int)ConstantValue.TimeNodeState.Normal);
                BasicFunc.ConnectPlug(ctlNewAttrPlug, plug_isDynamic);
            }, MFn.Type.kNCloth, selecteList);

            //List<string> nclothNameList = new List<string>();
            //foreach (MDagPath dag in nclothList.DagPaths())
            //    nclothNameList.Add()
예제 #13
        void Print(MFnDependencyNode dependencyNode, int logRank, string title)
            // prints
            RaiseVerbose(title, logRank);

            PrintAttributes(dependencyNode, logRank + 1);

            RaiseVerbose("Connections", logRank + 1);
            MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();

            try {
                RaiseVerbose("connections.Count=" + connections.Count, logRank + 2);
                foreach (MPlug connection in connections)
                    MObject source = connection.source.node;

                    MPlugArray destinations = new MPlugArray();

                    if (source != null && source.hasFn(MFn.Type.kDependencyNode))
                        MFnDependencyNode node = new MFnDependencyNode(source);
                        RaiseVerbose("name=" + connection.name + "    partialName=" + connection.partialName(false, false, false, true) + "    source=" + node.name + "    source.apiType=" + source.apiType, logRank + 2);
                        RaiseVerbose("name=" + connection.name, logRank + 2);

                    RaiseVerbose("destinations.Count=" + destinations.Count, logRank + 3);
                    foreach (MPlug destination in destinations)
                        MObject destinationObject = destination.node;
                        if (destinationObject != null && destinationObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kDependencyNode))
                            MFnDependencyNode node = new MFnDependencyNode(destinationObject);
                            RaiseVerbose("destination=" + node.name + "    destination.apiType=" + destinationObject.apiType, logRank + 3);

                            if (destinationObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kShadingEngine))
                                PrintAttributes(node, logRank + 4);
            catch {}
예제 #14
        public static MSelectionList GetMaterialsWithTex(MFnDependencyNode imageNode)
            MPlug      plug      = imageNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_fileTexOutputColor);
            MPlugArray destPlugs = new MPlugArray();


            MSelectionList newSelection = new MSelectionList();

            for (int i = 0; i < destPlugs.length; i++)
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// The MEL command only return name and not fullPathName. Unfortunatly you need the full path name to differentiate two nodes with the same names.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skin">The skin cluster</param>
        /// <param name="transform">The transform above the mesh</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The array with the node full path names.
        /// </returns>
        private MStringArray GetBoneFullPathName(MFnSkinCluster skin, MFnTransform transform)
            int logRank = 3;

            // Get the bone names that influence the mesh
            // We need to keep this order as we will use an other mel command to get the weight influence
            MStringArray mayaInfluenceNames = new MStringArray();

            MGlobal.executeCommand($"skinCluster -q -influence {transform.name}", mayaInfluenceNames);

            List <string> boneFullPathNames = new List <string>();
            MPlugArray    connections       = new MPlugArray();

            // Get the bone full path names of the skin cluster
            foreach (MObject node in GetInfluentNodes(skin))
                boneFullPathNames.Add((new MFnDagNode(node)).fullPathName);

            // Change the name to the fullPathName. And check that they all share the same root node.
            string rootName = "";

            for (int index = 0; index < mayaInfluenceNames.Count; index++)
                string name              = mayaInfluenceNames[index];
                string name_substring    = "|" + name;
                int    indexFullPathName = boneFullPathNames.FindIndex(fullPathName => fullPathName.EndsWith(name_substring));
                mayaInfluenceNames[index] = boneFullPathNames[indexFullPathName];

                if (index == 0)
                    rootName = mayaInfluenceNames[index].Split('|')[1];
                    RaiseVerbose($"rootName: {rootName}", logRank + 1);
                RaiseVerbose($"{index}: {name} => {mayaInfluenceNames[index]}", logRank + 1);

                if (!mayaInfluenceNames[index].StartsWith($"|{rootName}|") && !mayaInfluenceNames[index].Equals($"|{rootName}"))
                    RaiseError($"Bones don't share the same root node. {rootName} != {mayaInfluenceNames[index].Split('|')[1]}", logRank);

예제 #16
        // The setDependentsDirty() method allows attributeAffects relationships
        // in a much more general way than via MPxNode::attributeAffects
        // which is limited to static attributes only.
        // The setDependentsDirty() method allows relationships to be established
        // between any combination of dynamic and static attributes.
        // Within a setDependentsDirty() implementation you get passed in the
        // plug which is being set dirty, and then, based upon which plug it is,
        // you may choose to dirty any other plugs by adding them to the
        // affectedPlugs list.
        // In almost all cases, the relationships you set up will be fixed for
        // the duration of Maya, such as "A affects B". However, you can also
        // set up relationships which depend upon some external factor, such
        // as the current frame number, the time of day, if maya was invoked in
        // batch mode, etc. These sorts of relationships are straightforward to
        // implement in your setDependentsDirty() method.
        // There may also be situations where you need to look at values in the
        // dependency graph. It is VERY IMPORTANT that when accessing DG values
        // you do not cause a DG evaluation. This is because your setDependentsDirty()
        // method is called during dirty processing and causing an evalutaion could
        // put Maya into an infinite loop. The only safe way to look at values
        // on plugs is via the MDataBlock::outputValue() which does not trigger
        // an evaluation. It is recommeneded that you only look at plugs whose
        // values are constant or you know have already been computed.
        // For this example routine, we will only implement the simplest case
        // of a relationship.
        public override void setDependentsDirty(MPlug plugBeingDirtied, MPlugArray affectedPlugs)
            MObject           thisNode   = thisMObject();
            MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode = new MFnDependencyNode(thisNode);

            if (plugBeingDirtied.partialName() == "A")
                // "A" is dirty, so mark "B" dirty if "B" exists.
                // This implements the relationship "A affects B".
                MGlobal.displayInfo("affects::setDependentsDirty, \"A\" being dirtied");
                MPlug pB = fnThisNode.findPlug("B");
                MGlobal.displayInfo("\t\t... dirtying \"B\"\n");

예제 #17
        private MFnDependencyNode getBabylonMaterialNode(MFnDependencyNode materialDependencyNode)
            // Retreive connection
            MPlug      connectionOutColor = materialDependencyNode.getConnection("outColor");
            MPlugArray destinations       = new MPlugArray();


            // Retreive all Babylon Attributes dependency nodes
            List <MFnDependencyNode> babylonAttributesNodes = new List <MFnDependencyNode>();

            foreach (MPlug destination in destinations)
                MObject destinationObject = destination.node;

                if (destinationObject != null && destinationObject.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPluginHardwareShader))
                    MFnDependencyNode babylonAttributesDependencyNode = new MFnDependencyNode(destinationObject);

                    if (babylonAttributesDependencyNode.typeId.id == babylonStandardMaterialNode.id ||
                        babylonAttributesDependencyNode.typeId.id == babylonStingrayPBSMaterialNode.id ||
                        babylonAttributesDependencyNode.typeId.id == babylonAiStandardSurfaceMaterialNode.id)

            if (babylonAttributesNodes.Count == 0)
                // Occurs only if the user explicitly create a connection with several babylon attributes nodes.
                if (babylonAttributesNodes.Count > 1)
                    RaiseWarning("Babylon attributes node attached to a material should be unique. The first one is going to be used.", 2);

                // Return the first shading engine node
예제 #18
        private MFnSkinCluster getMFnSkinCluster(MObject mObject)
            MFnSkinCluster mFnSkinCluster = null;

            MFnDependencyNode mFnDependencyNode = new MFnDependencyNode(mObject);
            MPlugArray        connections       = new MPlugArray();

            for (int index = 0; index < connections.Count && mFnSkinCluster == null; index++)
                MObject source = connections[index].source.node;
                if (source != null && source.hasFn(MFn.Type.kSkinClusterFilter))
                    mFnSkinCluster = new MFnSkinCluster(source);

예제 #19
        void Print(MFnDependencyNode dependencyNode, int logRank, string title)
            // prints
            RaiseVerbose(title, logRank);
            RaiseVerbose("Attributes", logRank + 1);
            for (uint i = 0; i < dependencyNode.attributeCount; i++)
                MObject attribute = dependencyNode.attribute(i);

                if (attribute.hasFn(MFn.Type.kAttribute))
                    MFnAttribute mFnAttribute = new MFnAttribute(attribute);
                    RaiseVerbose("name=" + mFnAttribute.name, logRank + 2);
            RaiseVerbose("Connections", logRank + 1);
            MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();

            try {
                RaiseVerbose("connections.Count=" + connections.Count, logRank + 2);
                foreach (MPlug connection in connections)
                    MObject source = connection.source.node;
                    if (source != null && source.hasFn(MFn.Type.kDependencyNode))
                        MFnDependencyNode node = new MFnDependencyNode(source);
                        RaiseVerbose("name=" + connection.name + "    source=" + node.name, logRank + 2);
                        RaiseVerbose("name=" + connection.name, logRank + 2);
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #20
        public static void DeleteUnusedMats(MSelectionList list)
            if (list == null)
                Debug.Log("list null");
            List <MFnDependencyNode> deleteList = new List <MFnDependencyNode>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
                MObject mo = new MObject();
                list.getDependNode((uint)i, mo);
                MFnDependencyNode matNode = new MFnDependencyNode(mo);
                MPlug             plug    = matNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_matColorOutput);
                MPlugArray        plugArr = new MPlugArray();
                if (plugArr.Count > 0)
                    MFnDependencyNode sgNode = new MFnDependencyNode(plugArr[0].node);

                    MPlug plug_dagSetMemebers = sgNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_dagSetMembers);
                    Debug.Log("numelements:" + plug_dagSetMemebers.numElements);
                    if (plug_dagSetMemebers.numElements == 0)
예제 #21
        static bool CopyShaderParam(MPlug from, MPlug to, ShaderParamType spt = ShaderParamType.Color)
            if (from == null || to == null)
            MPlugArray plugArr = new MPlugArray();

            from.connectedTo(plugArr, true, false);
            if (plugArr.length == 0)
                switch (spt)
                case ShaderParamType.Color:

                case ShaderParamType.Float:
                MDGModifier dGModifier = new MDGModifier();
                dGModifier.connect(from.source, to);
예제 #22
        public Material MakeMaterial(MFnMesh fnMesh)
            MaterialGroup matGroup =new MaterialGroup () ;

            MObjectArray shaders =new MObjectArray() ;
            MIntArray indices =new MIntArray () ;
            fnMesh.getConnectedShaders (0, shaders, indices) ;
            for ( int i =0 ; i < shaders.length ; i++ ) {
                MFnDependencyNode shaderGroup =new MFnDependencyNode (shaders [i]) ;
                MPlug shaderPlug =shaderGroup.findPlug ("surfaceShader") ;
                MPlugArray connections =new MPlugArray () ;
                shaderPlug.connectedTo (connections, true, false) ;
                for ( int u =0 ; u < connections.length ; u++ ) {
                    MFnDependencyNode depNode =new MFnDependencyNode (connections [u].node) ;

                    //MPlug colorPlug =depNode.findPlug ("color") ;
                    //MColor mcolor =new MColor () ;
                    ///*MPlugArray cc =new MPlugArray () ;
                    //colorPlug.connectedTo (cc, true , false) ;
                    //if ( cc.length > 0 ) {
                    //    // Plug is driven by an input connection.
                    //    for ( int v =0 ; v < cc.length ; v++ ) {
                    //        MPlug color2Plug =cc [v] ;
                    //        Console.WriteLine (color2Plug.numChildren) ;
                    //        color2Plug.child (0).getValue (mcolor.r) ;
                    //        color2Plug.child (1).getValue (mcolor.g) ;
                    //        color2Plug.child (2).getValue (mcolor.b) ;
                    //        //color2Plug.child (3).getValue (mcolor.a) ;
                    //    }
                    //} else {*/
                    //    mcolor.r =colorPlug.child (0).asFloat () ;
                    //    mcolor.g =colorPlug.child (1).asFloat () ;
                    //    mcolor.b =colorPlug.child (2).asFloat () ;
                    //    //colorPlug.child (3).getValue (mcolor.a) ;

                    //MPlug trPlug =depNode.findPlug ("transparency") ;
                    //float transparency =1.0f - trPlug.child (0).asFloat () ;
                    ////return new DiffuseMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (transparency, mcolor.r, mcolor.g, mcolor.b))) ;

                    //DiffuseMaterial diffuse =new DiffuseMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (transparency, mcolor.r, mcolor.g, mcolor.b))) ;
                    //colorPlug =depNode.findPlug ("ambientColor") ;
                    //mcolor.r =colorPlug.child (0).asFloat () ;
                    //mcolor.g =colorPlug.child (1).asFloat () ;
                    //mcolor.b =colorPlug.child (2).asFloat () ;
                    //diffuse.AmbientColor =Color.FromScRgb (transparency, mcolor.r, mcolor.g, mcolor.b) ;
                    //matGroup.Children.Add (diffuse) ;

                    //colorPlug =depNode.findPlug ("specularColor") ;
                    //mcolor.r =colorPlug.child (0).asFloat () ;
                    //mcolor.g =colorPlug.child (1).asFloat () ;
                    //mcolor.b =colorPlug.child (2).asFloat () ;
                    //MPlug powerPlug =depNode.findPlug ("cosinePower") ;

                    //SpecularMaterial specular =new SpecularMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f, mcolor.r, mcolor.g, mcolor.b)), powerPlug.asDouble ()) ;
                    //matGroup.Children.Add (specular) ;

                    //EmissiveMaterial emissive =new EmissiveMaterial () ;
                    //matGroup.Children.Add (emissive) ;

                    try {
                        MFnLambertShader lambert =new MFnLambertShader (connections [u].node) ;

                        SolidColorBrush brush =new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - lambert.transparency.r, lambert.color.r, lambert.color.g, lambert.color.b)) ;
                        brush.Opacity =1.0f - lambert.transparency.r ;
                        DiffuseMaterial diffuse =new DiffuseMaterial (brush) ;
                        diffuse.AmbientColor =Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - lambert.ambientColor.a, lambert.ambientColor.r, lambert.ambientColor.g, lambert.ambientColor.b) ;
                        // no more attributes
                        matGroup.Children.Add (diffuse) ;

                        // No specular color

                        EmissiveMaterial emissive =new EmissiveMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - lambert.incandescence.a, lambert.incandescence.r, lambert.incandescence.g, lambert.incandescence.b))) ;
                        // no more attributes
                        matGroup.Children.Add (emissive) ;
                    } catch {

                    //try {
                    //    MFnReflectShader reflect =new MFnReflectShader (connections [u].node) ;

                    //    SpecularMaterial specular =new SpecularMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - reflect.specularColor.a, reflect.specularColor.r, reflect.specularColor.g, reflect.specularColor.b)), reflect.cosPower) ;
                    //    // no more attributes
                    //    matGroup.Children.Add (specular) ;
                    //} catch {

                    try {
                        MFnPhongShader phong =new MFnPhongShader (connections [u].node) ;

                        //See Lambert
                        //SolidColorBrush brush =new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.transparency.r, phong.color.r, phong.color.g, phong.color.b)) ;
                        //brush.Opacity =1.0f - phong.transparency.r ;
                        //DiffuseMaterial diffuse =new DiffuseMaterial (brush) ;
                        //diffuse.AmbientColor =Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.ambientColor.a, phong.ambientColor.r, phong.ambientColor.g, phong.ambientColor.b) ;
                        //// no more attributes
                        //matGroup.Children.Add (diffuse) ;

                        SpecularMaterial specular =new SpecularMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.specularColor.a, phong.specularColor.r, phong.specularColor.g, phong.specularColor.b)), phong.cosPower) ;
                        // no more attributes
                        matGroup.Children.Add (specular) ;

                        //See Lambert
                        //EmissiveMaterial emissive =new EmissiveMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.incandescence.a, phong.incandescence.r, phong.incandescence.g, phong.incandescence.b))) ;
                        //// no more attributes
                        //matGroup.Children.Add (emissive) ;
                    } catch {

                    // todo
                    //try {
                    //    MFnBlinnShader phong =new MFnBlinnShader (connections [u].node) ;

                    //    //See Lambert
                    //    //SolidColorBrush brush =new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.transparency.r, phong.color.r, phong.color.g, phong.color.b)) ;
                    //    //brush.Opacity =1.0f - phong.transparency.r ;
                    //    //DiffuseMaterial diffuse =new DiffuseMaterial (brush) ;
                    //    //diffuse.AmbientColor = Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.ambientColor.a, phong.ambientColor.r, phong.ambientColor.g, phong.ambientColor.b) ;
                    //    //// no more attributes
                    //    //matGroup.Children.Add (diffuse) ;

                    //    //See Lambert
                    //    //EmissiveMaterial emissive =new EmissiveMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.incandescence.a, phong.incandescence.r, phong.incandescence.g, phong.incandescence.b))) ;
                    //    //// no more attributes
                    //    //matGroup.Children.Add (emissive) ;
                    //} catch {

            // Default to Blue
            if ( matGroup.Children.Count == 0 )
                 matGroup.Children.Add (new DiffuseMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromRgb (0, 0, 255)))) ;
            return (matGroup) ;
예제 #23
        public static bool CombineSameTextures(MSelectionList list, bool deleteRepeated = true)
            if (!BasicFunc.CheckSelectionList(list, 2))
                Debug.Log("please choose at least 2 materials");

            //string texFilePath = "";
            //List<string> texFilePaths = new List<string>();
            Dictionary <string, int> combineDic     = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            List <MPlug>             texOutputPlugs = new List <MPlug>();

            MDGModifier    dGModifier = new MDGModifier();
            List <MObject> deleteList = new List <MObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
                MObject texObject = new MObject();
                list.getDependNode((uint)i, texObject);
                //MImage img = new MImage();
                //img.readFromTextureNode(texObject, MImage.MPixelType.kUnknown);
                MFnDependencyNode texDN         = new MFnDependencyNode(texObject);
                MPlug             texPlug       = texDN.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_fileTexPath);
                MPlug             texOutputPlug = texDN.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_fileTexOutputColor);
                //Debug.Log("texplug name:" + texPlug.name);
                string filePath = texPlug.asString();
                //Debug.Log("path:" + filePath);
                if (combineDic.ContainsKey(filePath))
                    int targetIndex = combineDic[filePath];
                    //Debug.Log("combine " + i + " to " + targetIndex);

                    MPlugArray destPlugs = new MPlugArray();
                    for (int j = 0; j < destPlugs.Count; j++)
                        //Debug.Log("texPlugs[targetIndex]:" + texOutputPlugs[targetIndex].name + " , destPlugs[j]" + destPlugs[j].name);
                        dGModifier.disconnect(texOutputPlug, destPlugs[j]);
                        dGModifier.connect(texOutputPlugs[targetIndex], destPlugs[j]);
                    combineDic.Add(filePath, i);
            if (deleteRepeated)
                for (int i = 0; i < deleteList.Count; i++)
예제 #24
        public void Create(SKLFile skl)
            MSelectionList   currentSelection         = MGlobal.activeSelectionList;
            MItSelectionList currentSelectionIterator = new MItSelectionList(currentSelection, MFn.Type.kMesh);
            MDagPath         meshDagPath = new MDagPath();

            if (currentSelectionIterator.isDone)
                MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - No mesh selected!");
                throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - No mesh selected!");

                if (!currentSelectionIterator.isDone)
                    MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - More than one mesh selected!");
                    throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - More than one mesh selected!");

            MFnMesh mesh = new MFnMesh(meshDagPath);

            //Find Skin Cluster
            MPlug      inMeshPlug        = mesh.findPlug("inMesh");
            MPlugArray inMeshConnections = new MPlugArray();

            inMeshPlug.connectedTo(inMeshConnections, true, false);
            if (inMeshConnections.length == 0)
                MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - Failed to find Skin Cluster!");
                throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - Failed to find Skin Cluster!");

            MPlug          outputGeometryPlug = inMeshConnections[0];
            MFnSkinCluster skinCluster        = new MFnSkinCluster(outputGeometryPlug.node);
            MDagPathArray  influenceDagPaths  = new MDagPathArray();
            uint           influenceCount     = skinCluster.influenceObjects(influenceDagPaths);

            MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Create - Influence Count: " + influenceCount);

            //Get SKL Influence Indices
            MIntArray sklInfluenceIndices = new MIntArray(influenceCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < influenceCount; i++)
                MDagPath jointDagPath = influenceDagPaths[i];


                //Loop through Joint DAG Paths, if we find a math for the influence, write the index
                for (int j = 0; j < skl.JointDagPaths.Count; j++)
                    if (jointDagPath.equalEqual(skl.JointDagPaths[j]))
                        MGlobal.displayInfo("Found coresponding DAG path");
                        sklInfluenceIndices[i] = j;

            //Add Influence indices to SKL File
            MIntArray maskInfluenceIndex = new MIntArray(influenceCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < influenceCount; i++)
                maskInfluenceIndex[i] = i;

            MObjectArray shaders = new MObjectArray();
            MIntArray    polygonShaderIndices = new MIntArray();

            mesh.getConnectedShaders(meshDagPath.isInstanced ? meshDagPath.instanceNumber : 0, shaders, polygonShaderIndices);

            uint shaderCount = shaders.length;

            if (shaderCount > 32) //iirc 32 is the limit of how many submeshes there can be for an SKN file
                MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - You've exceeded the maximum limit of 32 shaders");
                throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - You've exceeded the maximum limit of 32 shaders");

            MIntArray vertexShaders = new MIntArray();

            ValidateMeshTopology(mesh, meshDagPath, polygonShaderIndices, ref vertexShaders, shaderCount);

            //Get Weights
            MFnSingleIndexedComponent vertexIndexedComponent = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent();
            MObject   vertexComponent    = vertexIndexedComponent.create(MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent);
            MIntArray groupVertexIndices = new MIntArray((uint)mesh.numVertices);

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.numVertices; i++)
                groupVertexIndices[i] = i;

            MDoubleArray weights = new MDoubleArray();
            uint         weightsInfluenceCount = 0;

            skinCluster.getWeights(meshDagPath, vertexComponent, weights, ref weightsInfluenceCount);

            //Check if vertices don't have more than 4 influences and normalize weights
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.numVertices; i++)
                int    vertexInfluenceCount = 0;
                double weightSum            = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < weightsInfluenceCount; j++)
                    double weight = weights[(int)(i * weightsInfluenceCount) + j];
                    if (weight != 0)
                        weightSum += weight;

                if (vertexInfluenceCount > 4)
                    MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - Mesh contains a vertex with more than 4 influences");
                    throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - Mesh contains a vertex with more than 4 influences");

                //Normalize weights
                for (int j = 0; j < weightsInfluenceCount; j++)
                    weights[(int)(i * influenceCount) + j] /= weightSum;

            List <MIntArray>         shaderVertexIndices = new List <MIntArray>();
            List <List <SKNVertex> > shaderVertices      = new List <List <SKNVertex> >();
            List <MIntArray>         shaderIndices       = new List <MIntArray>();

            for (int i = 0; i < shaderCount; i++)
                shaderVertexIndices.Add(new MIntArray());
                shaderVertices.Add(new List <SKNVertex>());
                shaderIndices.Add(new MIntArray());

            MItMeshVertex meshVertexIterator = new MItMeshVertex(meshDagPath);

            for (meshVertexIterator.reset(); !meshVertexIterator.isDone; meshVertexIterator.next())
                int index  = meshVertexIterator.index();
                int shader = vertexShaders[index];
                if (shader == -1)
                    MGlobal.displayWarning("SKNFile:Create - Mesh contains a vertex with no shader");

                MPoint       pointPosition = meshVertexIterator.position(MSpace.Space.kWorld);
                Vector3      position      = new Vector3((float)pointPosition.x, (float)pointPosition.y, (float)pointPosition.z);
                MVectorArray normals       = new MVectorArray();
                MIntArray    uvIndices     = new MIntArray();
                Vector3      normal        = new Vector3();
                byte[]       weightIndices = new byte[4];
                float[]      vertexWeights = new float[4];


                //Normalize normals
                for (int i = 0; i < normals.length; i++)
                    normal.X += (float)normals[i].x;
                    normal.Y += (float)normals[i].y;
                    normal.Z += (float)normals[i].z;

                normal.X /= normals.length;
                normal.Y /= normals.length;
                normal.Z /= normals.length;

                //Get Weight Influences and Weights
                int weightsFound = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < weightsInfluenceCount && weightsFound < 4; j++)
                    double weight = weights[(int)(index * weightsInfluenceCount) + j];

                    if (weight != 0)
                        weightIndices[weightsFound] = (byte)maskInfluenceIndex[j];
                        vertexWeights[weightsFound] = (float)weight;

                //Get unique UVs
                if (uvIndices.length != 0)
                    List <int> seen = new List <int>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < uvIndices.length; j++)
                        int uvIndex = uvIndices[j];
                        if (!seen.Contains(uvIndex))

                            float u = 0;
                            float v = 0;
                            mesh.getUV(uvIndex, ref u, ref v);

                            SKNVertex vertex = new SKNVertex(position, weightIndices, vertexWeights, normal, new Vector2(u, 1 - v));
                            vertex.UVIndex = uvIndex;

                    MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - Mesh contains a vertex with no UVs");
                    throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - Mesh contains a vertex with no UVs");

            //Convert from Maya indices to data indices
            int       currentIndex = 0;
            MIntArray dataIndices  = new MIntArray((uint)mesh.numVertices, -1);

            for (int i = 0; i < shaderCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < shaderVertexIndices[i].length; j++)
                    int index = shaderVertexIndices[i][j];
                    if (dataIndices[index] == -1)
                        dataIndices[index]             = currentIndex;
                        shaderVertices[i][j].DataIndex = currentIndex;
                        shaderVertices[i][j].DataIndex = dataIndices[index];



            MItMeshPolygon polygonIterator = new MItMeshPolygon(meshDagPath);

            for (polygonIterator.reset(); !polygonIterator.isDone; polygonIterator.next())
                int polygonIndex = (int)polygonIterator.index();
                int shaderIndex  = polygonShaderIndices[polygonIndex];

                MIntArray   indices = new MIntArray();
                MPointArray points  = new MPointArray();
                polygonIterator.getTriangles(points, indices);

                if (polygonIterator.hasUVsProperty)
                    MIntArray vertices   = new MIntArray();
                    MIntArray newIndices = new MIntArray(indices.length, -1);

                    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++)
                        int dataIndex = dataIndices[vertices[i]];
                        int uvIndex;
                        polygonIterator.getUVIndex(i, out uvIndex);

                        if (dataIndex == -1 || dataIndex >= this.Vertices.Count)
                            MGlobal.displayError("SKNFIle:Create - Data Index outside of range");
                            throw new Exception("SKNFIle:Create - Data Index outside of range");

                        for (int j = dataIndex; j < this.Vertices.Count; j++)
                            if (this.Vertices[j].DataIndex != dataIndex)
                                MGlobal.displayError("SKNFIle:Create - Can't find corresponding face vertex in data");
                                throw new Exception("SKNFIle:Create - Can't find corresponding face vertex in data");
                            else if (this.Vertices[j].UVIndex == uvIndex)
                                for (int k = 0; k < indices.length; k++)
                                    if (indices[k] == vertices[i])
                                        newIndices[k] = j;


                    for (int i = 0; i < newIndices.length; i++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)

            uint startIndex  = 0;
            uint startVertex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < shaderCount; i++)
                MPlug      shaderPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shaders[i]).findPlug("surfaceShader");
                MPlugArray plugArray  = new MPlugArray();
                shaderPlug.connectedTo(plugArray, true, false);

                string name        = new MFnDependencyNode(plugArray[0].node).name;
                uint   indexCount  = shaderIndices[i].length;
                uint   vertexCount = shaderVertexIndices[i].length;

                //Copy indices to SKLFile
                for (int j = 0; j < indexCount; j++)

                this.Submeshes.Add(new SKNSubmesh(name, startVertex, vertexCount, startIndex, indexCount));

                startIndex  += indexCount;
                startVertex += vertexCount;

            MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Create - Created SKN File");
예제 #25
		public override void doIt(MArgList args)
			// parse the command arguments

			uint count = 0;
			// if the character flag was used, create the clip on the specified
			// character, otherwise, create a character
			MFnCharacter fnCharacter = new MFnCharacter();
			if (fCharacter.isNull)
				MSelectionList activeList = new MSelectionList();
				if (0 == activeList.length)
					throw new ApplicationException("Empty Active Selection List.");

				// create a character using the selection list
				fCharacter = fnCharacter.create(activeList, MFnSet.Restriction.kNone);

			// Get the array of members of the character. We will create a clip
			// for them.
			MPlugArray plugs = new MPlugArray();

			// Now create a animCurves to use as a clip for the character.
			// The curves will be set up between frames 0 and 10;
			MTime start = new MTime(0.0);
			MTime duration = new MTime(10.0);
			MObjectArray clipCurves = new MObjectArray();

			for (count = 0; count < plugs.length; ++count)
				// Now create a bunch of animCurves to use as a clip for the
				// character
				MFnAnimCurve fnCurve = new MFnAnimCurve();
				MObject curve = fnCurve.create(MFnAnimCurve.AnimCurveType.kAnimCurveTL); // plugType);
				fnCurve.addKeyframe(start, 5.0);
				fnCurve.addKeyframe(duration, 15.0);

			// Create a source clip node and add the animation to it
			MFnClip fnClipCreate = new MFnClip();
			MObject sourceClip = fnClipCreate.createSourceClip(start, duration, fMod);
			fnCharacter.attachSourceToCharacter(sourceClip, fMod);
			for (count = 0; count < plugs.length; ++count)
				MPlug animPlug = plugs[(int)count];
				fnCharacter.addCurveToClip(clipCurves[(int)count], sourceClip, animPlug, fMod);

			// instance the clip
			MTime schedStart = new MTime(15.0);
			MObject instancedClip = fnClipCreate.createInstancedClip(sourceClip, schedStart, fMod);
			fnCharacter.attachInstanceToCharacter(instancedClip, fMod);

			// instance the clip a second time, at time 30
			schedStart.value = 30.0;
			MObject instancedClip2 = fnClipCreate.createInstancedClip(sourceClip, schedStart, fMod);
			fnCharacter.attachInstanceToCharacter(instancedClip2, fMod);

예제 #26
        public void Load(string name, SKLFile skl = null)
            MIntArray        polygonIndexCounts = new MIntArray((uint)this.Indices.Count / 3);
            MIntArray        polygonIndices     = new MIntArray((uint)this.Indices.Count);
            MFloatPointArray vertices           = new MFloatPointArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count);
            MFloatArray      arrayU             = new MFloatArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count);
            MFloatArray      arrayV             = new MFloatArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count);
            MVectorArray     normals            = new MVectorArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count);
            MIntArray        normalIndices      = new MIntArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count);
            MFnMesh          mesh        = new MFnMesh();
            MDagPath         meshDagPath = new MDagPath();
            MDGModifier      modifier    = new MDGModifier();
            MFnSet           set         = new MFnSet();

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Indices.Count / 3; i++)
                polygonIndexCounts[i] = 3;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Indices.Count; i++)
                polygonIndices[i] = this.Indices[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Vertices.Count; i++)
                SKNVertex vertex = this.Vertices[i];

                vertices[i]      = new MFloatPoint(vertex.Position.X, vertex.Position.Y, vertex.Position.Z);
                arrayU[i]        = vertex.UV.X;
                arrayV[i]        = 1 - vertex.UV.Y;
                normals[i]       = new MVector(vertex.Normal.X, vertex.Normal.Y, vertex.Normal.Z);
                normalIndices[i] = i;

            //Assign mesh data
            mesh.create(this.Vertices.Count, this.Indices.Count / 3, vertices, polygonIndexCounts, polygonIndices, arrayU, arrayV, MObject.kNullObj);
            mesh.setVertexNormals(normals, normalIndices);
            mesh.assignUVs(polygonIndexCounts, polygonIndices);

            //Set names
            MFnTransform transformNode = new MFnTransform(mesh.parent(0));

            transformNode.setName("transform_" + name);

            //Get render partition
            MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Searching for Render Partition");
            MItDependencyNodes itDependencyNodes = new MItDependencyNodes(MFn.Type.kPartition);
            MFnPartition       renderPartition   = new MFnPartition();
            bool foundRenderPartition            = false;

            for (; !itDependencyNodes.isDone; itDependencyNodes.next())
                MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Iterating through partition: " + renderPartition.name + " IsRenderPartition: " + renderPartition.isRenderPartition);
                if (renderPartition.name == "renderPartition" && renderPartition.isRenderPartition)
                    MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Found render partition");
                    foundRenderPartition = true;

            //Create Materials
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Submeshes.Count; i++)
                MFnDependencyNode dependencyNode = new MFnDependencyNode();
                MFnLambertShader  lambertShader  = new MFnLambertShader();
                SKNSubmesh        submesh        = this.Submeshes[i];
                MObject           shader         = lambertShader.create(true);

                lambertShader.color = MaterialProvider.GetMayaColor(i);

                MObject shadingEngine = dependencyNode.create("shadingEngine", submesh.Name + "_SG");
                MObject materialInfo  = dependencyNode.create("materialInfo", submesh.Name + "_MaterialInfo");
                if (foundRenderPartition)
                    MPlug partitionPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).findPlug("partition");
                    MPlug setsPlug      = MayaHelper.FindFirstNotConnectedElement(renderPartition.findPlug("sets"));
                    modifier.connect(partitionPlug, setsPlug);
                    MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Couldn't find Render Partition for mesh: " + name + "." + submesh.Name);

                MPlug outColorPlug      = lambertShader.findPlug("outColor");
                MPlug surfaceShaderPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).findPlug("surfaceShader");
                modifier.connect(outColorPlug, surfaceShaderPlug);

                MPlug messagePlug      = new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).findPlug("message");
                MPlug shadingGroupPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(materialInfo).findPlug("shadingGroup");
                modifier.connect(messagePlug, shadingGroupPlug);


                MFnSingleIndexedComponent component = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent();
                MObject   faceComponent             = component.create(MFn.Type.kMeshPolygonComponent);
                MIntArray groupPolygonIndices       = new MIntArray();
                uint      endIndex = (submesh.StartIndex + submesh.IndexCount) / 3;
                for (uint j = submesh.StartIndex / 3; j < endIndex; j++)

                set.addMember(meshDagPath, faceComponent);

            if (skl == null)
                MFnSkinCluster skinCluster             = new MFnSkinCluster();
                MSelectionList jointPathsSelectionList = new MSelectionList();

                for (int i = 0; i < skl.Influences.Count; i++)
                    short    jointIndex = skl.Influences[i];
                    SKLJoint joint      = skl.Joints[jointIndex];

                    MGlobal.displayInfo(string.Format("SKNFile:Load:Bind - Added joint [{0}] {1} to binding selection", joint.ID, joint.Name));

                MGlobal.executeCommand("skinCluster -mi 4 -tsb -n skinCluster_" + name);

                MPlug      inMeshPlug        = mesh.findPlug("inMesh");
                MPlugArray inMeshConnections = new MPlugArray();
                inMeshPlug.connectedTo(inMeshConnections, true, false);

                if (inMeshConnections.length == 0)
                    MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Load:Bind - Failed to find the created Skin Cluster");
                    throw new Exception("SKNFile:Load:Bind - Failed to find the created Skin Cluster");

                MPlug         outputGeometryPlug = inMeshConnections[0];
                MDagPathArray influencesDagPaths = new MDagPathArray();


                MIntArray influenceIndices = new MIntArray((uint)skl.Influences.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < skl.Influences.Count; i++)
                    MDagPath influencePath = skl.JointDagPaths[skl.Influences[i]];

                    for (int j = 0; j < skl.Influences.Count; j++)
                        if (influencesDagPaths[j].partialPathName == influencePath.partialPathName)
                            influenceIndices[i] = j;
                            MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNReader:Load:Bind - Added Influence Joint: " + i + " -> " + j);

                MFnSingleIndexedComponent singleIndexedComponent = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent();
                MObject   vertexComponent    = singleIndexedComponent.create(MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent);
                MIntArray groupVertexIndices = new MIntArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count);

                for (int i = 0; i < this.Vertices.Count; i++)
                    groupVertexIndices[i] = i;

                MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("setAttr {0}.normalizeWeights 0", skinCluster.name));

                MDoubleArray weights = new MDoubleArray((uint)(this.Vertices.Count * skl.Influences.Count));
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Vertices.Count; i++)
                    SKNVertex vertex = this.Vertices[i];

                    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                        double weight    = vertex.Weights[j];
                        int    influence = vertex.BoneIndices[j];

                        if (weight != 0)
                            weights[(i * skl.Influences.Count) + influence] = weight;

                skinCluster.setWeights(meshDagPath, vertexComponent, influenceIndices, weights, false);
                MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("setAttr {0}.normalizeWeights 1", skinCluster.name));
                MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("skinPercent -normalize true {0} {1}", skinCluster.name, mesh.name));
예제 #27
        //    Description:
        //        Given the material MObject this method will
        //    return the shading group that it is assigned to.
        //    if there is no shading group associated with
        //    the material than a null MObject is apssed back.
        public MObject findShadingEngine(MObject node)
            MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(node);
            MPlug srcPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("outColor");
            MPlugArray nodeConnections = new MPlugArray();
            srcPlug.connectedTo(nodeConnections, false, true);
            //loop through the connections
            //and find the shading engine node that
            //it is connected to
            for(int i = 0; i < nodeConnections.length; i++)
                    return nodeConnections[i].node;

            //no shading engine associated so return a
            //null MObject
            return new MObject();
예제 #28
		public override void doIt(MArgList args)
			MSelectionList list = new MSelectionList();

			if ( args.length > 0 ) {
				// Arg list is > 0 so use objects that were passes in
				uint last = args.length;
				for ( uint i = 0; i < last; i++ ) {
					// Attempt to find all of the objects matched
					// by the string and add them to the list
					string argStr = args.asString(i);
			} else {
				// Get arguments from Maya's selection list.

			MObject node = new MObject();
			MObjectArray nodePath = new MObjectArray();
			MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode();
			MFnDependencyNode dgNodeFnSet = new MFnDependencyNode();

			for (MItSelectionList iter = new MItSelectionList(list); !iter.isDone; iter.next()) {


				// The following code shows how to navigate the DG manually without
				// using an iterator.  First, find the attribute that you are
				// interested.  Then connect a plug to it and see where the plug
				// connected to.  Once you get all the connections, you can choose
				// which route you want to go.
				// In here, we wanted to get to the nodes that instObjGroups connected
				// to since we know that the shadingEngine connects to the instObjGroup
				// attribute.

				nodeFn.setObject( node );
				MObject iogAttr = null;
				try {
					iogAttr = nodeFn.attribute("instObjGroups");
				} catch (Exception) {
					MGlobal.displayInfo(nodeFn.name + ": is not a renderable object, skipping");

				MPlug iogPlug = new MPlug(node, iogAttr);
				MPlugArray iogConnections = new MPlugArray();

				// instObjGroups is a multi attribute.  In this example, just the
				// first connection will be tried.
				if (!iogPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(0).connectedTo(iogConnections, false, true)) {
					MGlobal.displayInfo(nodeFn.name + ": is not in a shading group, skipping");

				// Now we would like to traverse the DG starting from the shadingEngine
				// since most likely all file texture nodes will be found.  Note the
				// filter used to initialize the DG iterator.  There are lots of filter
				// type available in MF.Type that you can choose to suite your needs.
				bool foundATexture = false;
				for ( int i=0; i < iogConnections.length; i++ ) {

					MObject currentNode = iogConnections[i].node;

					// Note that upon initialization, the current pointer of the
					// iterator already points to the first valid node.
					MItDependencyGraph dgIt = new MItDependencyGraph(currentNode,
					if (dgIt == null)


					for ( ; !dgIt.isDone; dgIt.next() ) {

						MObject thisNode = dgIt.thisNode();
						try {
						} catch (Exception) {

						// append the starting node.
						dumpInfo( thisNode, dgNodeFnSet, nodePath );
						foundATexture = true;

				if ( !foundATexture ) {
					MGlobal.displayInfo(nodeFn.name + ": is not connected to a file texture");
예제 #29
        public override bool shouldBeUsedFor(MObject sourceNode, MObject destinationNode, MPlug sourcePlug, MPlug destinationPlug)
            bool result = false;

                //if the source node was a lambert
                //than we will check the downstream connections to see
                //if a slope shader is assigned to it.
                MObject shaderNode = new MObject();
                MFnDependencyNode src = new MFnDependencyNode(sourceNode);
                MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();

                for(int i = 0; i < connections.length; i++)
                    //check the incoming connections to this plug
                    MPlugArray connectedPlugs = new MPlugArray();
                    connections[i].connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false);
                    for(int j = 0; j < connectedPlugs.length; j++)
                        //if the incoming node is a slope shader than
                        //set shaderNode equal to it and break out of the inner
                        if(new MFnDependencyNode(connectedPlugs[j].node).typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")
                            shaderNode = connectedPlugs[j].node;

                    //if the shaderNode is not null
                    //than we have found a slopeShaderNodeCSharp
                        //if the destination node is a mesh than we will take
                        //care of this connection so set the result to true
                        //and break out of the outer loop
                            result = true;

            if (new MFnDependencyNode(sourceNode).typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")
            //if the sourceNode is a slope shader than check what we
            //are dropping on to
                    result = true;
                else if (destinationNode.hasFn(MFn.Type.kMesh))
                    result = true;

            return result;
예제 #30
        public static StaticObject Create()
            MDagPath         meshDagPath       = new MDagPath();
            MItSelectionList selectionIterator = MayaHelper.GetActiveSelectionListIterator(MFn.Type.kMesh);

            MFnMesh mesh = new MFnMesh(meshDagPath);

            if (!selectionIterator.isDone)
                MGlobal.displayError("StaticObject:Create - More than 1 mesh is selected");
                throw new Exception("StaticObject:Create - More than 1 mesh is selected");

            if (!mesh.IsTriangulated())
                MGlobal.displayError("StaticObject:Create - Mesh isn't triangulated");
                throw new Exception("StaticObject:Create - Mesh isn't triangulated");
            if (mesh.ContainsHoles())
                MGlobal.displayError("StaticObject:Create - Mesh Contains holes");
                throw new Exception("StaticObject:Create - Mesh Contains holes");

            MayaMeshData             meshData    = mesh.GetMeshData();
            Dictionary <int, string> shaderNames = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            List <StaticObjectFace>  faces       = new List <StaticObjectFace>();

            //Build Shader Name map
            for (int i = 0; i < meshData.ShaderIndices.Count; i++)
                int shaderIndex = meshData.ShaderIndices[i];

                if (!shaderNames.ContainsKey(shaderIndex))
                    MPlug      shaderPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(meshData.Shaders[shaderIndex]).findPlug("surfaceShader");
                    MPlugArray plugArray  = new MPlugArray();

                    shaderPlug.connectedTo(plugArray, true, false);

                    MFnDependencyNode material = new MFnDependencyNode(shaderPlug[0].node);

                    shaderNames.Add(shaderIndex, material.name);

            //Construct faces
            int currentIndex = 0;

            for (int polygonIndex = 0; polygonIndex < mesh.numPolygons; polygonIndex++)
                int    shaderIndex = meshData.ShaderIndices[polygonIndex];
                uint[] faceIndices =
                    (uint)meshData.TriangleVertices[currentIndex + 1],
                    (uint)meshData.TriangleVertices[currentIndex + 2]
                Vector2[] uvs =
                    new Vector2(meshData.UArray[currentIndex],         1 - meshData.VArray[currentIndex]),
                    new Vector2(meshData.UArray[currentIndex + 1], 1 - meshData.VArray[currentIndex + 1]),
                    new Vector2(meshData.UArray[currentIndex + 2], 1 - meshData.VArray[currentIndex + 2])

                faces.Add(new StaticObjectFace(faceIndices, shaderNames[shaderIndex], uvs));
                currentIndex += 3;

            return(new StaticObject(CreateSubmeshes(meshData.VertexArray.ToVector3List(), new List <ColorRGBA4B>(), faces)));
예제 #31
        //    Description:
        //        Overloaded function from MPxDragAndDropBehavior
        //    this method will handle the connection between the slopeShaderNodeCSharp and the shader it is
        //    assigned to as well as any meshes that it is assigned to.
        public override void connectNodeToNode(MObject sourceNode, MObject destinationNode, bool force)
            MFnDependencyNode src = new MFnDependencyNode(sourceNode);

            //if we are dragging from a lambert
            //we want to check what we are dragging
                //MObject shaderNode;
                MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();
                MObjectArray shaderNodes = new MObjectArray();

                //if the source node was a lambert
                //than we will check the downstream connections to see
                //if a slope shader is assigned to it.
                int i;
                for(i = 0; i < connections.length; i++)
                    //check the incoming connections to this plug
                    MPlugArray connectedPlugs = new MPlugArray();
                    connections[i].connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false);
                    for(uint j = 0; j < connectedPlugs.length; j++)
                        //if the incoming node is a slope shader than
                        //append the node to the shaderNodes array
                        MObject currentnode = connectedPlugs[i].node;
                        if (new MFnDependencyNode(currentnode).typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")

                //if we found a shading node
                //than check the destination node
                //type to see if it is a mesh
                if(shaderNodes.length > 0)
                    MFnDependencyNode dest = new MFnDependencyNode(destinationNode);
                        //if the node is a mesh than for each slopeShaderNodeCSharp
                        //connect the worldMesh attribute to the dirtyShaderPlug
                        //attribute to force an evaluation of the node when the mesh
                        for(i = 0; i < shaderNodes.length; i++)
                            MPlug srcPlug = dest.findPlug("worldMesh");
                            MPlug destPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shaderNodes[i]).findPlug("dirtyShaderPlug");

                            if(!srcPlug.isNull && !destPlug.isNull)
                                string cmd = "connectAttr -na ";
                                cmd += srcPlug.name + " ";
                                cmd += destPlug.name;

                                    // in slopeShaderBehavior.cpp, this may excute failed but continue on the following code, so we catch it.
                                catch (System.Exception)
                                    MGlobal.displayError("ExcuteCommand (" + cmd + ") failed.");

                        //get the shading engine so we can assign the shader
                        //to the mesh after doing the connection
                        MObject shadingEngine = findShadingEngine(sourceNode);

                        //if there is a valid shading engine than make
                        //the connection
                            string cmd = "sets -edit -forceElement ";
                            cmd += new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).name + " ";
                            cmd += new MFnDagNode(destinationNode).partialPathName;
            else if (src.typeName == "slopeShaderNodeCSharp")
            //if we are dragging from a slope shader
            //than we want to see what we are dragging onto
                    //if the user is dragging onto a mesh
                    //than make the connection from the worldMesh
                    //to the dirtyShader plug on the slopeShaderNodeCSharp
                    MFnDependencyNode dest = new MFnDependencyNode(destinationNode);
                    MPlug srcPlug = dest.findPlug("worldMesh");
                    MPlug destPlug = src.findPlug("dirtyShaderPlug");
                    if(!srcPlug.isNull && !destPlug.isNull)
                        string cmd = "connectAttr -na ";
                        cmd += srcPlug.name + " ";
                        cmd += destPlug.name;

예제 #32
        public override void doIt(MArgList args)
            MSelectionList list = new MSelectionList();

            if (args.length > 0)
                // Arg list is > 0 so use objects that were passes in
                uint last = args.length;
                for (uint i = 0; i < last; i++)
                    // Attempt to find all of the objects matched
                    // by the string and add them to the list
                    string argStr = args.asString(i);
                // Get arguments from Maya's selection list.

            MObject           node        = new MObject();
            MObjectArray      nodePath    = new MObjectArray();
            MFnDependencyNode nodeFn      = new MFnDependencyNode();
            MFnDependencyNode dgNodeFnSet = new MFnDependencyNode();

            for (MItSelectionList iter = new MItSelectionList(list); !iter.isDone; iter.next())

                // The following code shows how to navigate the DG manually without
                // using an iterator.  First, find the attribute that you are
                // interested.  Then connect a plug to it and see where the plug
                // connected to.  Once you get all the connections, you can choose
                // which route you want to go.
                // In here, we wanted to get to the nodes that instObjGroups connected
                // to since we know that the shadingEngine connects to the instObjGroup
                // attribute.

                MObject iogAttr = null;
                try {
                    iogAttr = nodeFn.attribute("instObjGroups");
                } catch (Exception) {
                    MGlobal.displayInfo(nodeFn.name + ": is not a renderable object, skipping");

                MPlug      iogPlug        = new MPlug(node, iogAttr);
                MPlugArray iogConnections = new MPlugArray();

                // instObjGroups is a multi attribute.  In this example, just the
                // first connection will be tried.
                if (!iogPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(0).connectedTo(iogConnections, false, true))
                    MGlobal.displayInfo(nodeFn.name + ": is not in a shading group, skipping");

                // Now we would like to traverse the DG starting from the shadingEngine
                // since most likely all file texture nodes will be found.  Note the
                // filter used to initialize the DG iterator.  There are lots of filter
                // type available in MF.Type that you can choose to suite your needs.
                bool foundATexture = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < iogConnections.length; i++)
                    MObject currentNode = iogConnections[i].node;

                    // Note that upon initialization, the current pointer of the
                    // iterator already points to the first valid node.
                    MItDependencyGraph dgIt = new MItDependencyGraph(currentNode,
                    if (dgIt == null)


                    for ( ; !dgIt.isDone; dgIt.next())
                        MObject thisNode = dgIt.thisNode();
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception) {

                        // append the starting node.
                        dumpInfo(thisNode, dgNodeFnSet, nodePath);
                        foundATexture = true;

                if (!foundATexture)
                    MGlobal.displayInfo(nodeFn.name + ": is not connected to a file texture");
예제 #33
		public override void setDependentsDirty(MPlug plug, MPlugArray plugArray)
		// Description
		//	Horribly abuse the purpose of this method to notify the Viewport 2.0
		//  renderer that something about this shape has changed and that it should
		//  be retranslated.
			// if the dirty attribute is the output mesh then we need to signal the
			// the renderer that it needs to update the object

			if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(inputSurface) ) {
예제 #34
		// The setDependentsDirty() method allows attributeAffects relationships
		// in a much more general way than via MPxNode::attributeAffects
		// which is limited to static attributes only.
		// The setDependentsDirty() method allows relationships to be established
		// between any combination of dynamic and static attributes.
		// Within a setDependentsDirty() implementation you get passed in the
		// plug which is being set dirty, and then, based upon which plug it is,
		// you may choose to dirty any other plugs by adding them to the
		// affectedPlugs list.
		// In almost all cases, the relationships you set up will be fixed for
		// the duration of Maya, such as "A affects B". However, you can also
		// set up relationships which depend upon some external factor, such
		// as the current frame number, the time of day, if maya was invoked in
		// batch mode, etc. These sorts of relationships are straightforward to
		// implement in your setDependentsDirty() method.
		// There may also be situations where you need to look at values in the
		// dependency graph. It is VERY IMPORTANT that when accessing DG values
		// you do not cause a DG evaluation. This is because your setDependentsDirty()
		// method is called during dirty processing and causing an evalutaion could
		// put Maya into an infinite loop. The only safe way to look at values
		// on plugs is via the MDataBlock::outputValue() which does not trigger
		// an evaluation. It is recommeneded that you only look at plugs whose
		// values are constant or you know have already been computed.
		// For this example routine, we will only implement the simplest case
		// of a relationship.
		public override void setDependentsDirty(MPlug plugBeingDirtied, MPlugArray affectedPlugs)
			MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
			MFnDependencyNode fnThisNode = new MFnDependencyNode(thisNode);

			if (plugBeingDirtied.partialName() == "A") {
				// "A" is dirty, so mark "B" dirty if "B" exists.
				// This implements the relationship "A affects B".
				MGlobal.displayInfo("affects::setDependentsDirty, \"A\" being dirtied");
				MPlug pB = fnThisNode.findPlug("B");
				MGlobal.displayInfo("\t\t... dirtying \"B\"\n");

예제 #35
        public override void doIt(MArgList args)
            MArgDatabase argData;

            MPxCommandSyntaxFlagAttribute MyAttribute =
                (MPxCommandSyntaxFlagAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(NodeInfoCmd), typeof(MPxCommandSyntaxFlagAttribute));

            MSyntax syntax = new MSyntax();
            if (MyAttribute != null)
                syntax.addFlag(MyAttribute.ShortFlag, MyAttribute.LongFlag);
                syntax.addFlag(kQuietFlag, kQuietFlagLong);

                argData = new MArgDatabase(syntax, args);
            catch (System.Exception ex)

            MSelectionList selectList = MGlobal.activeSelectionList;

            foreach (MObject node in selectList.DependNodes())
                MFnDependencyNode depFn = new MFnDependencyNode();

                string nodename = depFn.name;
                nodename +=":";
                printType(node, nodename);

                MPlugArray connectedPlugs = new MPlugArray();
                catch (System.Exception ex)

                uint numberOfPlugs = connectedPlugs.length;

                string msgFmt = MStringResource.getString(NodeInfoCmd.rConnFound);
                MGlobal.displayInfo( String.Format(msgFmt, Convert.ToString(numberOfPlugs)) );

                string pInfoMsg = MStringResource.getString(NodeInfoCmd.rPlugInfo);
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPlugs; i++ )
                    MPlug plug = connectedPlugs[i];
                    string pInfo = plug.info;


                    MPlugArray array = new MPlugArray();
                    plug.connectedTo(array, true, false);
                    string dInfoMsg = MStringResource.getString(rPlugDestOf);
                    for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++ )
                        MObject mnode = array[j].node;
                        printType(mnode, dInfoMsg);

예제 #36
        public override void doIt(MArgList args)
            // parse the command arguments

            uint count = 0;
            // if the character flag was used, create the clip on the specified
            // character, otherwise, create a character
            MFnCharacter fnCharacter = new MFnCharacter();

            if (fCharacter.isNull)
                MSelectionList activeList = new MSelectionList();
                if (0 == activeList.length)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Empty Active Selection List.");

                // create a character using the selection list
                fCharacter = fnCharacter.create(activeList, MFnSet.Restriction.kNone);

            // Get the array of members of the character. We will create a clip
            // for them.
            MPlugArray plugs = new MPlugArray();


            // Now create a animCurves to use as a clip for the character.
            // The curves will be set up between frames 0 and 10;
            MTime        start      = new MTime(0.0);
            MTime        duration   = new MTime(10.0);
            MObjectArray clipCurves = new MObjectArray();

            for (count = 0; count < plugs.length; ++count)
                // Now create a bunch of animCurves to use as a clip for the
                // character
                MFnAnimCurve fnCurve = new MFnAnimCurve();
                MObject      curve   = fnCurve.create(MFnAnimCurve.AnimCurveType.kAnimCurveTL);          // plugType);
                fnCurve.addKeyframe(start, 5.0);
                fnCurve.addKeyframe(duration, 15.0);

            // Create a source clip node and add the animation to it
            MFnClip fnClipCreate = new MFnClip();
            MObject sourceClip   = fnClipCreate.createSourceClip(start, duration, fMod);

            fnCharacter.attachSourceToCharacter(sourceClip, fMod);
            for (count = 0; count < plugs.length; ++count)
                MPlug animPlug = plugs[(int)count];
                fnCharacter.addCurveToClip(clipCurves[(int)count], sourceClip, animPlug, fMod);

            // instance the clip
            MTime   schedStart    = new MTime(15.0);
            MObject instancedClip = fnClipCreate.createInstancedClip(sourceClip, schedStart, fMod);

            fnCharacter.attachInstanceToCharacter(instancedClip, fMod);

            // instance the clip a second time, at time 30
            schedStart.value = 30.0;
            MObject instancedClip2 = fnClipCreate.createInstancedClip(sourceClip, schedStart, fMod);

            fnCharacter.attachInstanceToCharacter(instancedClip2, fMod);

예제 #37
        public static void ConvertToRSMaterial(MFnDependencyNode matNode, bool deleteOrigin)
            //replace output to shadingEngine
            MPlug      plug_matColorOutput     = matNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_matColorOutput);
            MPlugArray plugArr_matColorOutDest = new MPlugArray();

            //get textures
            MPlug plug_matColorInput   = matNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_matColorInput);
            MPlug plug_matTransparency = matNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_matTransparency);

            MFnDependencyNode rsArchiNode = CreateShadingNode(ShadingNodeType.Shader, ConstantValue.nodeName_RS_Architectural);

            if (matNode.name.StartsWith("mat_"))
                rsArchiNode.setName("rs" + matNode.name);
                rsArchiNode.setName("rsmat_" + matNode.name);
            MPlug       plug_rsArchiDiffuse     = rsArchiNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_RS_diffuse);
            MPlug       plug_rsArchiTransColor  = rsArchiNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_RS_transColor);
            MPlug       plug_rsArchiTransWeight = rsArchiNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_RS_transWeight);
            MPlug       plug_rsArchiOutColor    = rsArchiNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_RS_outColor);
            MDGModifier dGModifier = new MDGModifier();

            for (int i = 0; i < plugArr_matColorOutDest.length; i++)
                dGModifier.disconnect(plug_matColorOutput, plugArr_matColorOutDest[i]);
                dGModifier.connect(plug_rsArchiOutColor, plugArr_matColorOutDest[i]);

            CopyShaderParam(plug_matColorInput, plug_rsArchiDiffuse);
            //if (plug_matColorInput.source == null)
            //    plug_rsArchiDiffuse.child(0).setFloat(plug_matColorInput.child(0).asFloat());
            //    plug_rsArchiDiffuse.child(1).setFloat(plug_matColorInput.child(1).asFloat());
            //    plug_rsArchiDiffuse.child(2).setFloat(plug_matColorInput.child(2).asFloat());
            //    dGModifier.connect(plug_matColorInput.source, plug_rsArchiDiffuse);

            CopyShaderParam(plug_matTransparency, plug_rsArchiTransColor);
            if (plug_matTransparency.child(0).asFloat() == 0 && plug_matTransparency.child(1).asFloat() == 0 && plug_matTransparency.child(2).asFloat() == 0)
            //if (plug_matTransparency.source == null)
            //    //plug_rsArchiTransColor.setValue(plug_matColorInput.asMObject());
            //    float matTransparency = plug_matTransparency.asFloat();
            //    if (matTransparency == 0)
            //    {
            //        plug_rsArchiTransWeight.setFloat(0);
            //        plug_rsArchiTransColor.child(0).setFloat(0);
            //        plug_rsArchiTransColor.child(1).setFloat(0);
            //        plug_rsArchiTransColor.child(2).setFloat(0);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        plug_rsArchiTransWeight.setFloat(1);
            //        plug_rsArchiTransColor.child(0).setFloat(plug_matTransparency.child(0).asFloat());
            //        plug_rsArchiTransColor.child(1).setFloat(plug_matTransparency.child(1).asFloat());
            //        plug_rsArchiTransColor.child(2).setFloat(plug_matTransparency.child(2).asFloat());
            //    }
            //    dGModifier.connect(plug_matTransparency.source, plug_rsArchiTransColor);
            //    plug_rsArchiTransWeight.setFloat(1);
            if (deleteOrigin)
예제 #38
		// Write the 'connectAttr' commands for all of a node's incoming
		// connections.
		protected void writeNodeConnections(FileStream f, MObject node)
			MFnDependencyNode	nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(node);
			MPlugArray			plugs = new MPlugArray();

            catch (Exception)

			uint numBrokenConns = fBrokenConnSrcs.length;
			uint numPlugs = plugs.length;
			int i;
			string result = "";
			for (i = 0; i < numPlugs; i++)
				// We only care about connections where we are the destination.
				MPlug		destPlug = plugs[i];
				MPlugArray	srcPlug = new MPlugArray();

				destPlug.connectedTo(srcPlug, true, false);

				if (srcPlug.length > 0)
					MObject				srcNode = srcPlug[0].node;
					MFnDependencyNode	srcNodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(srcNode);

					// Don't write the connection if the source is not writable...
					if (!srcNodeFn.canBeWritten) continue;

					// or the connection was made in a referenced file...
					if (destPlug.isFromReferencedFile) continue;

					// or the plug is procedural...
					if (destPlug.isProcedural) continue;

					// or it is a connection between a default node and a shared
					// node (because those will get set up automatically).
					if (srcNodeFn.isDefaultNode && nodeFn.isShared) continue;

					result += "connectAttr \"";

					// Default nodes get a colon at the start of their names.
					if (srcNodeFn.isDefaultNode) result += ":";

					result += (srcPlug[0].partialName(true)
					  + "\" \"");

					if (nodeFn.isDefaultNode) result += ":";

					result += (destPlug.partialName(true)
					  + "\"");

					// If the src plug is also one from which a broken
					// connection originated, then add the "-rd/referenceDest" flag
					// to the command.  That will help Maya to better adjust if the
					// referenced file has changed the next time it is loaded.
					if (srcNodeFn.isFromReferencedFile)
						int j;

						for (j = 0; j < numBrokenConns; j++)
							if (fBrokenConnSrcs[j] == srcPlug[0])
								result += (" -rd \""
								  + fBrokenConnDests[j].partialName(true)
								  + "\"");


					// If the plug is locked, then add a "-l/lock" flag to the
					// command.
					if (destPlug.isLocked) result += " -l on";

					// If the destination attribute is a multi for which index
					// does not matter, then we must add the "-na/nextAvailable"
					// flag to the command.
					MObject			attr = destPlug.attribute;
					MFnAttribute	attrFn = new MFnAttribute(attr);

					if (!attrFn.indexMatters) result += " -na";

					result += (";" + "\n");
			writeString(f, result);
예제 #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Get TRS and visiblity animations of the transform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transform">Transform above mesh/camera/light</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <BabylonAnimation> GetAnimation(MFnTransform transform)
            // Animations
            MPlugArray   connections  = new MPlugArray();
            MStringArray animCurvList = new MStringArray();
            MIntArray    keysTime     = new MIntArray();
            MDoubleArray keysValue    = new MDoubleArray();

            MFloatArray translateValues  = new MFloatArray();
            MFloatArray rotateValues     = new MFloatArray();
            MFloatArray scaleValues      = new MFloatArray();
            MFloatArray visibilityValues = new MFloatArray();
            MFloatArray keyTimes         = new MFloatArray();

            List <BabylonAnimationKey> keys             = new List <BabylonAnimationKey>();
            List <BabylonAnimation>    animationsObject = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            //Get the animCurve
            MGlobal.executeCommand("listConnections -type \"animCurve\" " + transform.fullPathName + ";", animCurvList);

            List <AnimCurvData> animCurvesData = new List <AnimCurvData>();

            foreach (String animCurv in animCurvList)
                AnimCurvData animCurvData = new AnimCurvData();

                animCurvData.animCurv = animCurv;

                //Get the key time for each curves
                MGlobal.executeCommand("keyframe -q " + animCurv + ";", keysTime);

                //Get the value for each curves
                MGlobal.executeCommand("keyframe - q -vc -absolute " + animCurv + ";", keysValue);

                if (animCurv.EndsWith("translateZ") || animCurv.EndsWith("rotateX") || animCurv.EndsWith("rotateY"))
                    for (int index = 0; index < keysTime.Count; index++)
                        // Switch coordinate system at object level
                        animCurvData.valuePerFrame.Add(keysTime[index], (float)keysValue[index] * -1.0f);
                    for (int index = 0; index < keysTime.Count; index++)
                        animCurvData.valuePerFrame.Add(keysTime[index], (float)keysValue[index]);

            string[] mayaAnimationProperties    = new string[] { "translate", "rotate", "scale" };
            string[] babylonAnimationProperties = new string[] { "position", "rotationQuaternion", "scaling" };
            string[] axis = new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z" };

            // Init TRS default values
            Dictionary <string, float> defaultValues = new Dictionary <string, float>();

            float[] position           = null;
            float[] rotationQuaternion = null;
            float[] rotation           = null;
            float[] scaling            = null;
            GetTransform(transform, ref position, ref rotationQuaternion, ref rotation, ref scaling); // coordinate system already switched
            defaultValues.Add("translateX", position[0]);
            defaultValues.Add("translateY", position[1]);
            defaultValues.Add("translateZ", position[2]);
            defaultValues.Add("rotateX", rotation[0]);
            defaultValues.Add("rotateY", rotation[1]);
            defaultValues.Add("rotateZ", rotation[2]);
            defaultValues.Add("scaleX", scaling[0]);
            defaultValues.Add("scaleY", scaling[1]);
            defaultValues.Add("scaleZ", scaling[2]);

            for (int indexAnimationProperty = 0; indexAnimationProperty < mayaAnimationProperties.Length; indexAnimationProperty++)
                string mayaAnimationProperty = mayaAnimationProperties[indexAnimationProperty];

                // Retreive animation curves data for current animation property
                // Ex: all "translate" data are "translateX", "translateY", "translateZ"
                List <AnimCurvData> animDataProperty = animCurvesData.Where(data => data.animCurv.Contains(mayaAnimationProperty)).ToList();

                if (animDataProperty.Count == 0)
                    // Property is not animated

                // Get all frames for this property
                List <int> framesProperty = new List <int>();
                foreach (var animData in animDataProperty)
                framesProperty = framesProperty.Distinct().ToList();

                // Get default values for this property
                BabylonAnimationKey lastBabylonAnimationKey = new BabylonAnimationKey();
                lastBabylonAnimationKey.frame  = 0;
                lastBabylonAnimationKey.values = new float[] { defaultValues[mayaAnimationProperty + "X"], defaultValues[mayaAnimationProperty + "Y"], defaultValues[mayaAnimationProperty + "Z"] };

                // Compute all values for this property
                List <BabylonAnimationKey> babylonAnimationKeys = new List <BabylonAnimationKey>();
                foreach (var frameProperty in framesProperty)
                    BabylonAnimationKey babylonAnimationKey = new BabylonAnimationKey();

                    // Frame
                    babylonAnimationKey.frame = frameProperty;

                    // Values
                    float[] valuesProperty = new float[3];
                    for (int indexAxis = 0; indexAxis < axis.Length; indexAxis++)
                        AnimCurvData animCurvDataAxis = animDataProperty.Find(data => data.animCurv.EndsWith(axis[indexAxis]));

                        float value;
                        if (animCurvDataAxis != null && animCurvDataAxis.valuePerFrame.ContainsKey(frameProperty))
                            value = animCurvDataAxis.valuePerFrame[frameProperty];
                            value = lastBabylonAnimationKey.values[indexAxis];
                        valuesProperty[indexAxis] = value;
                    babylonAnimationKey.values = valuesProperty.ToArray();

                    // Update last known values
                    lastBabylonAnimationKey = babylonAnimationKey;

                // Convert euler to quaternion angles
                if (indexAnimationProperty == 1) // Rotation
                    foreach (var babylonAnimationKey in babylonAnimationKeys)
                        BabylonVector3    eulerAngles      = BabylonVector3.FromArray(babylonAnimationKey.values);
                        BabylonQuaternion quaternionAngles = eulerAngles.toQuaternion();
                        babylonAnimationKey.values = quaternionAngles.ToArray();

                var keysFull = new List <BabylonAnimationKey>(babylonAnimationKeys);

                // Optimization
                OptimizeAnimations(babylonAnimationKeys, true);

                // Ensure animation has at least 2 frames
                if (IsAnimationKeysRelevant(keys))
                    // Create BabylonAnimation
                    string babylonAnimationProperty = babylonAnimationProperties[indexAnimationProperty];
                    animationsObject.Add(new BabylonAnimation()
                        dataType       = indexAnimationProperty == 1 ? (int)BabylonAnimation.DataType.Quaternion : (int)BabylonAnimation.DataType.Vector3,
                        name           = babylonAnimationProperty + " animation",
                        framePerSecond = 30,
                        loopBehavior   = (int)BabylonAnimation.LoopBehavior.Cycle,
                        property       = babylonAnimationProperty,
                        keys           = babylonAnimationKeys.ToArray(),
                        keysFull       = keysFull

예제 #40
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mDagPath">DAG path to the transform above camera</param>
        /// <param name="babylonScene"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BabylonNode ExportCamera(MDagPath mDagPath, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            RaiseMessage(mDagPath.partialPathName, 1);

            // Transform above camera
            MFnTransform mFnTransform = new MFnTransform(mDagPath);

            // Camera direct child of the transform
            MFnCamera mFnCamera = null;

            for (uint i = 0; i < mFnTransform.childCount; i++)
                MObject childObject = mFnTransform.child(i);
                if (childObject.apiType == MFn.Type.kCamera)
                    var _mFnCamera = new MFnCamera(childObject);
                    if (!_mFnCamera.isIntermediateObject)
                        mFnCamera = _mFnCamera;
            if (mFnCamera == null)
                RaiseError("No camera found has child of " + mDagPath.fullPathName);

            // --- prints ---
            #region prints

            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera data", 2);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.eyePoint(MSpace.Space.kWorld).toString()=" + mFnCamera.eyePoint(MSpace.Space.kTransform).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.viewDirection(MSpace.Space.kWorld).toString()=" + mFnCamera.viewDirection(MSpace.Space.kTransform).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.upDirection(MSpace.Space.kWorld).toString()=" + mFnCamera.upDirection(MSpace.Space.kTransform).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.rightDirection(MSpace.Space.kWorld).toString()=" + mFnCamera.rightDirection(MSpace.Space.kTransform).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.centerOfInterestPoint(MSpace.Space.kWorld).toString()=" + mFnCamera.centerOfInterestPoint(MSpace.Space.kTransform).toString(), 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.centerOfInterest=" + mFnCamera.centerOfInterest, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.aspectRatio=" + mFnCamera.aspectRatio, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.horizontalFieldOfView=" + mFnCamera.horizontalFieldOfView, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.verticalFieldOfView=" + mFnCamera.verticalFieldOfView, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.horizontalFieldOfView / mFnCamera.verticalFieldOfView=" + mFnCamera.horizontalFieldOfView / mFnCamera.verticalFieldOfView, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.focalLength=" + mFnCamera.focalLength, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.nearFocusDistance=" + mFnCamera.nearFocusDistance, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.nearClippingPlane=" + mFnCamera.nearClippingPlane, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.unnormalizedNearClippingPlane=" + mFnCamera.unnormalizedNearClippingPlane, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.farFocusDistance=" + mFnCamera.farFocusDistance, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.farClippingPlane=" + mFnCamera.farClippingPlane, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.unnormalizedFarClippingPlane=" + mFnCamera.unnormalizedFarClippingPlane, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.isClippingPlanes=" + mFnCamera.isClippingPlanes, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.isIntermediateObject=" + mFnCamera.isIntermediateObject, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.focusDistance=" + mFnCamera.focusDistance, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.isStereo=" + mFnCamera.isStereo, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.eyeOffset=" + mFnCamera.eyeOffset, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.shutterAngle=" + mFnCamera.shutterAngle, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.isDepthOfField=" + mFnCamera.isDepthOfField, 3);
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | mFnCamera.renderPanZoom=" + mFnCamera.renderPanZoom, 3);

            Print(mFnTransform, 2, "Print ExportCamera mFnTransform");

            Print(mFnCamera, 2, "Print ExportCamera mFnCamera");


            if (IsCameraExportable(mFnCamera, mDagPath) == false)

            var babylonCamera = new BabylonCamera {
                name = mFnTransform.name, id = mFnTransform.uuid().asString()

            // Hierarchy
            ExportHierarchy(babylonCamera, mFnTransform);

            // Position / rotation
            RaiseVerbose("BabylonExporter.Camera | ExportTransform", 2);
            float[] position           = null;
            float[] rotationQuaternion = null;
            float[] rotation           = null;
            float[] scaling            = null;
            GetTransform(mFnTransform, ref position, ref rotationQuaternion, ref rotation, ref scaling);
            babylonCamera.position = position;
            if (_exportQuaternionsInsteadOfEulers)
                babylonCamera.rotationQuaternion = rotationQuaternion;
            babylonCamera.rotation = rotation;

            // Field of view of babylon is the vertical one
            babylonCamera.fov = (float)mFnCamera.verticalFieldOfView;

            // Clipping planes
            babylonCamera.minZ = (float)mFnCamera.nearClippingPlane;
            babylonCamera.maxZ = (float)mFnCamera.farClippingPlane;
            // Constraints on near clipping plane
            if (babylonCamera.minZ == 0.0f)
                babylonCamera.minZ = 0.1f;

            // TODO - Retreive from Maya
            //// Type
            //babylonCamera.type = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_type", "FreeCamera");

            //// Control
            //babylonCamera.speed = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_speed", 1.0f);
            //babylonCamera.inertia = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_inertia", 0.9f);

            //// Collisions
            //babylonCamera.checkCollisions = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");
            //babylonCamera.applyGravity = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_applygravity");
            //babylonCamera.ellipsoid = cameraNode.MaxNode.GetVector3Property("babylonjs_ellipsoid");

            // Target
            MFnTransform target            = null;
            MObject      cameraGroupObject = mFnCamera.findPlug("centerOfInterest").source.node;
            if (cameraGroupObject.apiType == MFn.Type.kLookAt)
                MFnDependencyNode cameraGroup = new MFnDependencyNode(cameraGroupObject);

                // Retreive the camera aim transform
                MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();
                foreach (MPlug connection in connections)
                    if (connection.name.EndsWith("targetParentMatrix")) // ugly
                        MObject connectionSourceObject = connection.source.node;
                        target = new MFnTransform(connectionSourceObject);
            if (target != null)
                babylonCamera.lockedTargetId = target.uuid().asString();

            //// TODO - Check if should be local or world
            //var vDir = new MVector(0, 0, -1);
            //var transformationMatrix = new MTransformationMatrix(mFnTransform.transformationMatrix);
            //vDir *= transformationMatrix.asMatrix(1);
            //vDir = vDir.Add(position);
            //babylonCamera.target = new[] { vDir.X, vDir.Y, vDir.Z };

            // Animations
            if (target == null)
                ExportNodeAnimation(babylonCamera, mFnTransform);
                ExportNodeAnimationFrameByFrame(babylonCamera, mFnTransform);

            RaiseMessage("BabylonExporter.Camera | done", 2);

예제 #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the Maya texture animation of a MFnDependencyNode in Babylon animations
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textureDependencyNode">The MFnDependencyNode of the texture</param>
        /// <returns>A list of texture animation</returns>
        public List <BabylonAnimation> GetTextureAnimations(MFnDependencyNode textureDependencyNode)
            List <BabylonAnimation> animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            // Look for a "place2dTexture" object in the connections of the node.
            // The "place2dTexture" object contains the animation parameters
            MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray();


            int    index          = 0;
            string place2dTexture = null;

            while (index < connections.Count && place2dTexture == null)
                MPlug   connection = connections[index];
                MObject source     = connection.source.node;
                if (source != null && source.hasFn(MFn.Type.kPlace2dTexture))
                    MFnDependencyNode node = new MFnDependencyNode(source);
                    place2dTexture = node.name;

            if (place2dTexture != null)
                IDictionary <string, string> properties = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    ["offsetU"] = "uOffset",
                    ["offsetU"] = "uOffset",
                    ["offsetV"] = "vOffset",
                    ["repeatU"] = "uScale",
                    ["repeatV"] = "vScale"

                // Get the animation for each properties
                for (index = 0; index < properties.Count; index++)
                    KeyValuePair <string, string> property = properties.ElementAt(index);
                    BabylonAnimation animation             = GetAnimationFloat(place2dTexture, property.Key, property.Value);

                    if (animation != null)

                // For the rotation, convert degree to radian
                BabylonAnimation rotationAnimation = GetAnimationFloat(place2dTexture, "rotateFrame", "wAng");
                if (rotationAnimation != null)
                    BabylonAnimationKey[] keys = rotationAnimation.keys;
                    for (index = 0; index < keys.Length; index++)
                        var key = keys[index];
                        key.values[0] *= (float)(Math.PI / 180d);

예제 #42
        // Description
        //    Horribly abuse the purpose of this method to notify the Viewport 2.0
        //  renderer that something about this shape has changed and that it should
        //  be retranslated.
        public override void setDependentsDirty(MPlug plug, MPlugArray plugArray)
            // if the dirty attribute is the output mesh then we need to signal the
            // the renderer that it needs to update the object

            if ( plug.attribute.equalEqual(inputSurface) ) {
예제 #43
		public MObject findShadingEngine(MObject node)
		//	Description:
		//		Given the material MObject this method will
		//	return the shading group that it is assigned to.
		//	if there is no shading group associated with
		//	the material than a null MObject is apssed back.
			MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(node);
			MPlug srcPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("outColor");
			MPlugArray nodeConnections = new MPlugArray();
			srcPlug.connectedTo(nodeConnections, false, true);
			//loop through the connections
			//and find the shading engine node that
			//it is connected to
			for(int i = 0; i < nodeConnections.length; i++)
					return nodeConnections[i].node;

			//no shading engine associated so return a
			//null MObject
			return new MObject();