public MObject findShadingEngine(MObject node) // // Description: // Given the material MObject this method will // return the shading group that it is assigned to. // if there is no shading group associated with // the material than a null MObject is apssed back. // { MFnDependencyNode nodeFn = new MFnDependencyNode(node); MPlug srcPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("outColor"); MPlugArray nodeConnections = new MPlugArray(); srcPlug.connectedTo(nodeConnections, false, true); //loop through the connections //and find the shading engine node that //it is connected to // for (int i = 0; i < nodeConnections.length; i++) { if (nodeConnections[i].node.hasFn(MFn.Type.kShadingEngine)) { return(nodeConnections[i].node); } } //no shading engine associated so return a //null MObject // return(new MObject()); }
public static MFnDependencyNode GetPlace2dTextureForTex(MFnDependencyNode imageNode, bool createIfNotExist = true) { if (imageNode == null) { Debug.Log("image Node null"); return(null); } MPlug uvPlug = imageNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_texFileUVCoord); MPlugArray sourcePlugs = new MPlugArray(); uvPlug.connectedTo(sourcePlugs, true, false); if (sourcePlugs.length == 0) { //no input if (createIfNotExist) { MFnDependencyNode place2dTexNode = CreateShadingNode(ShadingNodeType.Utility, "place2dTexture"); MPlug p2tUVOut = place2dTexNode.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_place2dOutUV); string nodeName = place2dTexNode.absoluteName; MDGModifier dgModifier = new MDGModifier(); dgModifier.connect(p2tUVOut, uvPlug); dgModifier.doIt(); return(place2dTexNode); } else { return(null); } } else { return(new MFnDependencyNode(sourcePlugs[0].node)); } }
public static void StuckNClothTimeWhenNotDynamic(MFnDependencyNode dn) { MPlug plug_isDynamic = dn.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nCloth_isDynamic); MPlug plug_currentTime = dn.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nCloth_currentTime); if (plug_isDynamic != null && plug_currentTime != null) { MPlugArray inputArr_currentTime = new MPlugArray(); plug_currentTime.connectedTo(inputArr_currentTime, true, false); MFnDependencyNode dn_time = new MFnDependencyNode(inputArr_currentTime[0].node); BindAttr.ProjectPlug(plug_isDynamic, dn_time.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nClothTime_nodeState), 0, 1, (int)ConstantValue.TimeNodeState.Stuck, (int)ConstantValue.TimeNodeState.Normal); } }
public static void BindNCloth(MSelectionList selecteList = null) { if (selecteList == null) { selecteList = BasicFunc.GetSelectedList(); } int count = (int)selecteList.length; if (count <= 1) { //Debug.Log("ncloth control switch target: select [ctl,ncloth0,ncloth1...]"); return; } else { //Debug.Log("ncloth control switch target count:" + count); } MDagPath ctlDag = new MDagPath(); selecteList.getDagPath(0, ctlDag); selecteList.remove(0); MFnDependencyNode dn_ctl = new MFnDependencyNode(ctlDag.node); BasicFunc.IterateSelectedDags((dag) => { //Debug.Log("ncloth control set for:"+dag.fullPathName); MPlug ctlNewAttrPlug = BindAttr.AddBoolAttr(dn_ctl, "Dynamic_" + dag.partialPathName, true, "", false); dag.extendToShape(); MFnDependencyNode dn_nCloth = new MFnDependencyNode(dag.node); MPlug plug_isDynamic = dn_nCloth.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nCloth_isDynamic); MPlug plug_currentTime = dn_nCloth.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nCloth_currentTime); if (plug_isDynamic != null && plug_currentTime != null) { MPlugArray inputArr_currentTime = new MPlugArray(); plug_currentTime.connectedTo(inputArr_currentTime, true, false); MFnDependencyNode dn_time = new MFnDependencyNode(inputArr_currentTime[0].node); BindAttr.ProjectPlug(plug_isDynamic, dn_time.findPlug(ConstantValue.plugName_nClothTime_nodeState), 0, 1, (int)ConstantValue.TimeNodeState.Stuck, (int)ConstantValue.TimeNodeState.Normal); } BasicFunc.ConnectPlug(ctlNewAttrPlug, plug_isDynamic); }, MFn.Type.kNCloth, selecteList); //List<string> nclothNameList = new List<string>(); //foreach (MDagPath dag in nclothList.DagPaths()) //{ // nclothNameList.Add() //} }
static bool CopyShaderParam(MPlug from, MPlug to, ShaderParamType spt = ShaderParamType.Color) { if (from == null || to == null) { return(false); } MPlugArray plugArr = new MPlugArray(); from.connectedTo(plugArr, true, false); if (plugArr.length == 0) { switch (spt) { case ShaderParamType.Color: { to.child(0).setFloat(from.child(0).asFloat()); to.child(1).setFloat(from.child(1).asFloat()); to.child(2).setFloat(from.child(2).asFloat()); break; } case ShaderParamType.Float: { to.setFloat(from.asFloat()); break; } } } else { MDGModifier dGModifier = new MDGModifier(); Debug.Log(from.source.partialName(true)); dGModifier.connect(from.source, to); dGModifier.doIt(); } return(true); }
public void Load(string name, SKLFile skl = null) { MIntArray polygonIndexCounts = new MIntArray((uint)this.Indices.Count / 3); MIntArray polygonIndices = new MIntArray((uint)this.Indices.Count); MFloatPointArray vertices = new MFloatPointArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); MFloatArray arrayU = new MFloatArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); MFloatArray arrayV = new MFloatArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); MVectorArray normals = new MVectorArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); MIntArray normalIndices = new MIntArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); MFnMesh mesh = new MFnMesh(); MDagPath meshDagPath = new MDagPath(); MDGModifier modifier = new MDGModifier(); MFnSet set = new MFnSet(); for (int i = 0; i < this.Indices.Count / 3; i++) { polygonIndexCounts[i] = 3; } for (int i = 0; i < this.Indices.Count; i++) { polygonIndices[i] = this.Indices[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < this.Vertices.Count; i++) { SKNVertex vertex = this.Vertices[i]; vertices[i] = new MFloatPoint(vertex.Position.X, vertex.Position.Y, vertex.Position.Z); arrayU[i] = vertex.UV.X; arrayV[i] = 1 - vertex.UV.Y; normals[i] = new MVector(vertex.Normal.X, vertex.Normal.Y, vertex.Normal.Z); normalIndices[i] = i; } //Assign mesh data mesh.create(this.Vertices.Count, this.Indices.Count / 3, vertices, polygonIndexCounts, polygonIndices, arrayU, arrayV, MObject.kNullObj); mesh.setVertexNormals(normals, normalIndices); mesh.getPath(meshDagPath); mesh.assignUVs(polygonIndexCounts, polygonIndices); //Set names mesh.setName(name); MFnTransform transformNode = new MFnTransform(mesh.parent(0)); transformNode.setName("transform_" + name); //Get render partition MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Searching for Render Partition"); MItDependencyNodes itDependencyNodes = new MItDependencyNodes(MFn.Type.kPartition); MFnPartition renderPartition = new MFnPartition(); bool foundRenderPartition = false; for (; !itDependencyNodes.isDone; { renderPartition.setObject(itDependencyNodes.thisNode); MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Iterating through partition: " + + " IsRenderPartition: " + renderPartition.isRenderPartition); if ( == "renderPartition" && renderPartition.isRenderPartition) { MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Found render partition"); foundRenderPartition = true; break; } } //Create Materials for (int i = 0; i < this.Submeshes.Count; i++) { MFnDependencyNode dependencyNode = new MFnDependencyNode(); MFnLambertShader lambertShader = new MFnLambertShader(); SKNSubmesh submesh = this.Submeshes[i]; MObject shader = lambertShader.create(true); lambertShader.setName(submesh.Name); lambertShader.color = MaterialProvider.GetMayaColor(i); MObject shadingEngine = dependencyNode.create("shadingEngine", submesh.Name + "_SG"); MObject materialInfo = dependencyNode.create("materialInfo", submesh.Name + "_MaterialInfo"); if (foundRenderPartition) { MPlug partitionPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).findPlug("partition"); MPlug setsPlug = MayaHelper.FindFirstNotConnectedElement(renderPartition.findPlug("sets")); modifier.connect(partitionPlug, setsPlug); } else { MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Load - Couldn't find Render Partition for mesh: " + name + "." + submesh.Name); } MPlug outColorPlug = lambertShader.findPlug("outColor"); MPlug surfaceShaderPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).findPlug("surfaceShader"); modifier.connect(outColorPlug, surfaceShaderPlug); MPlug messagePlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shadingEngine).findPlug("message"); MPlug shadingGroupPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(materialInfo).findPlug("shadingGroup"); modifier.connect(messagePlug, shadingGroupPlug); modifier.doIt(); MFnSingleIndexedComponent component = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject faceComponent = component.create(MFn.Type.kMeshPolygonComponent); MIntArray groupPolygonIndices = new MIntArray(); uint endIndex = (submesh.StartIndex + submesh.IndexCount) / 3; for (uint j = submesh.StartIndex / 3; j < endIndex; j++) { groupPolygonIndices.append((int)j); } component.addElements(groupPolygonIndices); set.setObject(shadingEngine); set.addMember(meshDagPath, faceComponent); } if (skl == null) { mesh.updateSurface(); } else { MFnSkinCluster skinCluster = new MFnSkinCluster(); MSelectionList jointPathsSelectionList = new MSelectionList(); jointPathsSelectionList.add(meshDagPath); for (int i = 0; i < skl.Influences.Count; i++) { short jointIndex = skl.Influences[i]; SKLJoint joint = skl.Joints[jointIndex]; jointPathsSelectionList.add(skl.JointDagPaths[jointIndex]); MGlobal.displayInfo(string.Format("SKNFile:Load:Bind - Added joint [{0}] {1} to binding selection", joint.ID, joint.Name)); } MGlobal.selectCommand(jointPathsSelectionList); MGlobal.executeCommand("skinCluster -mi 4 -tsb -n skinCluster_" + name); MPlug inMeshPlug = mesh.findPlug("inMesh"); MPlugArray inMeshConnections = new MPlugArray(); inMeshPlug.connectedTo(inMeshConnections, true, false); if (inMeshConnections.length == 0) { MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Load:Bind - Failed to find the created Skin Cluster"); throw new Exception("SKNFile:Load:Bind - Failed to find the created Skin Cluster"); } MPlug outputGeometryPlug = inMeshConnections[0]; MDagPathArray influencesDagPaths = new MDagPathArray(); skinCluster.setObject(outputGeometryPlug.node); skinCluster.influenceObjects(influencesDagPaths); MIntArray influenceIndices = new MIntArray((uint)skl.Influences.Count); for (int i = 0; i < skl.Influences.Count; i++) { MDagPath influencePath = skl.JointDagPaths[skl.Influences[i]]; for (int j = 0; j < skl.Influences.Count; j++) { if (influencesDagPaths[j].partialPathName == influencePath.partialPathName) { influenceIndices[i] = j; MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNReader:Load:Bind - Added Influence Joint: " + i + " -> " + j); break; } } } MFnSingleIndexedComponent singleIndexedComponent = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject vertexComponent = singleIndexedComponent.create(MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent); MIntArray groupVertexIndices = new MIntArray((uint)this.Vertices.Count); for (int i = 0; i < this.Vertices.Count; i++) { groupVertexIndices[i] = i; } singleIndexedComponent.addElements(groupVertexIndices); MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("setAttr {0}.normalizeWeights 0",; MDoubleArray weights = new MDoubleArray((uint)(this.Vertices.Count * skl.Influences.Count)); for (int i = 0; i < this.Vertices.Count; i++) { SKNVertex vertex = this.Vertices[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { double weight = vertex.Weights[j]; int influence = vertex.BoneIndices[j]; if (weight != 0) { weights[(i * skl.Influences.Count) + influence] = weight; } } } skinCluster.setWeights(meshDagPath, vertexComponent, influenceIndices, weights, false); MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("setAttr {0}.normalizeWeights 1",; MGlobal.executeCommand(string.Format("skinPercent -normalize true {0} {1}",,; mesh.updateSurface(); } }
public void Create(SKLFile skl) { MSelectionList currentSelection = MGlobal.activeSelectionList; MItSelectionList currentSelectionIterator = new MItSelectionList(currentSelection, MFn.Type.kMesh); MDagPath meshDagPath = new MDagPath(); if (currentSelectionIterator.isDone) { MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - No mesh selected!"); throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - No mesh selected!"); } else { currentSelectionIterator.getDagPath(meshDagPath);; if (!currentSelectionIterator.isDone) { MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - More than one mesh selected!"); throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - More than one mesh selected!"); } } MFnMesh mesh = new MFnMesh(meshDagPath); //Find Skin Cluster MPlug inMeshPlug = mesh.findPlug("inMesh"); MPlugArray inMeshConnections = new MPlugArray(); inMeshPlug.connectedTo(inMeshConnections, true, false); if (inMeshConnections.length == 0) { MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - Failed to find Skin Cluster!"); throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - Failed to find Skin Cluster!"); } MPlug outputGeometryPlug = inMeshConnections[0]; MFnSkinCluster skinCluster = new MFnSkinCluster(outputGeometryPlug.node); MDagPathArray influenceDagPaths = new MDagPathArray(); uint influenceCount = skinCluster.influenceObjects(influenceDagPaths); MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Create - Influence Count: " + influenceCount); //Get SKL Influence Indices MIntArray sklInfluenceIndices = new MIntArray(influenceCount); for (int i = 0; i < influenceCount; i++) { MDagPath jointDagPath = influenceDagPaths[i]; MGlobal.displayInfo(jointDagPath.fullPathName); //Loop through Joint DAG Paths, if we find a math for the influence, write the index for (int j = 0; j < skl.JointDagPaths.Count; j++) { if (jointDagPath.equalEqual(skl.JointDagPaths[j])) { MGlobal.displayInfo("Found coresponding DAG path"); sklInfluenceIndices[i] = j; break; } } } //Add Influence indices to SKL File MIntArray maskInfluenceIndex = new MIntArray(influenceCount); for (int i = 0; i < influenceCount; i++) { maskInfluenceIndex[i] = i; skl.Influences.Add((short)sklInfluenceIndices[i]); } MObjectArray shaders = new MObjectArray(); MIntArray polygonShaderIndices = new MIntArray(); mesh.getConnectedShaders(meshDagPath.isInstanced ? meshDagPath.instanceNumber : 0, shaders, polygonShaderIndices); uint shaderCount = shaders.length; if (shaderCount > 32) //iirc 32 is the limit of how many submeshes there can be for an SKN file { MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - You've exceeded the maximum limit of 32 shaders"); throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - You've exceeded the maximum limit of 32 shaders"); } MIntArray vertexShaders = new MIntArray(); ValidateMeshTopology(mesh, meshDagPath, polygonShaderIndices, ref vertexShaders, shaderCount); //Get Weights MFnSingleIndexedComponent vertexIndexedComponent = new MFnSingleIndexedComponent(); MObject vertexComponent = vertexIndexedComponent.create(MFn.Type.kMeshVertComponent); MIntArray groupVertexIndices = new MIntArray((uint)mesh.numVertices); for (int i = 0; i < mesh.numVertices; i++) { groupVertexIndices[i] = i; } vertexIndexedComponent.addElements(groupVertexIndices); MDoubleArray weights = new MDoubleArray(); uint weightsInfluenceCount = 0; skinCluster.getWeights(meshDagPath, vertexComponent, weights, ref weightsInfluenceCount); //Check if vertices don't have more than 4 influences and normalize weights for (int i = 0; i < mesh.numVertices; i++) { int vertexInfluenceCount = 0; double weightSum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < weightsInfluenceCount; j++) { double weight = weights[(int)(i * weightsInfluenceCount) + j]; if (weight != 0) { vertexInfluenceCount++; weightSum += weight; } } if (vertexInfluenceCount > 4) { MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - Mesh contains a vertex with more than 4 influences"); throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - Mesh contains a vertex with more than 4 influences"); } //Normalize weights for (int j = 0; j < weightsInfluenceCount; j++) { weights[(int)(i * influenceCount) + j] /= weightSum; } } List <MIntArray> shaderVertexIndices = new List <MIntArray>(); List <List <SKNVertex> > shaderVertices = new List <List <SKNVertex> >(); List <MIntArray> shaderIndices = new List <MIntArray>(); for (int i = 0; i < shaderCount; i++) { shaderVertexIndices.Add(new MIntArray()); shaderVertices.Add(new List <SKNVertex>()); shaderIndices.Add(new MIntArray()); } MItMeshVertex meshVertexIterator = new MItMeshVertex(meshDagPath); for (meshVertexIterator.reset(); !meshVertexIterator.isDone; { int index = meshVertexIterator.index(); int shader = vertexShaders[index]; if (shader == -1) { MGlobal.displayWarning("SKNFile:Create - Mesh contains a vertex with no shader"); continue; } MPoint pointPosition = meshVertexIterator.position(MSpace.Space.kWorld); Vector3 position = new Vector3((float)pointPosition.x, (float)pointPosition.y, (float)pointPosition.z); MVectorArray normals = new MVectorArray(); MIntArray uvIndices = new MIntArray(); Vector3 normal = new Vector3(); byte[] weightIndices = new byte[4]; float[] vertexWeights = new float[4]; meshVertexIterator.getNormals(normals); //Normalize normals for (int i = 0; i < normals.length; i++) { normal.X += (float)normals[i].x; normal.Y += (float)normals[i].y; normal.Z += (float)normals[i].z; } normal.X /= normals.length; normal.Y /= normals.length; normal.Z /= normals.length; //Get Weight Influences and Weights int weightsFound = 0; for (int j = 0; j < weightsInfluenceCount && weightsFound < 4; j++) { double weight = weights[(int)(index * weightsInfluenceCount) + j]; if (weight != 0) { weightIndices[weightsFound] = (byte)maskInfluenceIndex[j]; vertexWeights[weightsFound] = (float)weight; weightsFound++; } } //Get unique UVs meshVertexIterator.getUVIndices(uvIndices); if (uvIndices.length != 0) { List <int> seen = new List <int>(); for (int j = 0; j < uvIndices.length; j++) { int uvIndex = uvIndices[j]; if (!seen.Contains(uvIndex)) { seen.Add(uvIndex); float u = 0; float v = 0; mesh.getUV(uvIndex, ref u, ref v); SKNVertex vertex = new SKNVertex(position, weightIndices, vertexWeights, normal, new Vector2(u, 1 - v)); vertex.UVIndex = uvIndex; shaderVertices[shader].Add(vertex); shaderVertexIndices[shader].append(index); } } } else { MGlobal.displayError("SKNFile:Create - Mesh contains a vertex with no UVs"); throw new Exception("SKNFile:Create - Mesh contains a vertex with no UVs"); } } //Convert from Maya indices to data indices int currentIndex = 0; MIntArray dataIndices = new MIntArray((uint)mesh.numVertices, -1); for (int i = 0; i < shaderCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < shaderVertexIndices[i].length; j++) { int index = shaderVertexIndices[i][j]; if (dataIndices[index] == -1) { dataIndices[index] = currentIndex; shaderVertices[i][j].DataIndex = currentIndex; } else { shaderVertices[i][j].DataIndex = dataIndices[index]; } currentIndex++; } this.Vertices.AddRange(shaderVertices[i]); } MItMeshPolygon polygonIterator = new MItMeshPolygon(meshDagPath); for (polygonIterator.reset(); !polygonIterator.isDone; { int polygonIndex = (int)polygonIterator.index(); int shaderIndex = polygonShaderIndices[polygonIndex]; MIntArray indices = new MIntArray(); MPointArray points = new MPointArray(); polygonIterator.getTriangles(points, indices); if (polygonIterator.hasUVsProperty) { MIntArray vertices = new MIntArray(); MIntArray newIndices = new MIntArray(indices.length, -1); polygonIterator.getVertices(vertices); for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) { int dataIndex = dataIndices[vertices[i]]; int uvIndex; polygonIterator.getUVIndex(i, out uvIndex); if (dataIndex == -1 || dataIndex >= this.Vertices.Count) { MGlobal.displayError("SKNFIle:Create - Data Index outside of range"); throw new Exception("SKNFIle:Create - Data Index outside of range"); } for (int j = dataIndex; j < this.Vertices.Count; j++) { if (this.Vertices[j].DataIndex != dataIndex) { MGlobal.displayError("SKNFIle:Create - Can't find corresponding face vertex in data"); throw new Exception("SKNFIle:Create - Can't find corresponding face vertex in data"); } else if (this.Vertices[j].UVIndex == uvIndex) { for (int k = 0; k < indices.length; k++) { if (indices[k] == vertices[i]) { newIndices[k] = j; } } break; } } } for (int i = 0; i < newIndices.length; i++) { shaderIndices[shaderIndex].append(newIndices[i]); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { shaderIndices[shaderIndex].append(dataIndices[indices[i]]); } } } uint startIndex = 0; uint startVertex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < shaderCount; i++) { MPlug shaderPlug = new MFnDependencyNode(shaders[i]).findPlug("surfaceShader"); MPlugArray plugArray = new MPlugArray(); shaderPlug.connectedTo(plugArray, true, false); string name = new MFnDependencyNode(plugArray[0].node).name; uint indexCount = shaderIndices[i].length; uint vertexCount = shaderVertexIndices[i].length; //Copy indices to SKLFile for (int j = 0; j < indexCount; j++) { this.Indices.Add((ushort)shaderIndices[i][j]); } this.Submeshes.Add(new SKNSubmesh(name, startVertex, vertexCount, startIndex, indexCount)); startIndex += indexCount; startVertex += vertexCount; } MGlobal.displayInfo("SKNFile:Create - Created SKN File"); }
public Material MakeMaterial(MFnMesh fnMesh) { MaterialGroup matGroup = new MaterialGroup(); MObjectArray shaders = new MObjectArray(); MIntArray indices = new MIntArray(); fnMesh.getConnectedShaders(0, shaders, indices); for (int i = 0; i < shaders.length; i++) { MFnDependencyNode shaderGroup = new MFnDependencyNode(shaders [i]); MPlug shaderPlug = shaderGroup.findPlug("surfaceShader"); MPlugArray connections = new MPlugArray(); shaderPlug.connectedTo(connections, true, false); for (int u = 0; u < connections.length; u++) { MFnDependencyNode depNode = new MFnDependencyNode(connections [u].node); //MPlug colorPlug =depNode.findPlug ("color") ; //MColor mcolor =new MColor () ; ///*MPlugArray cc =new MPlugArray () ; //colorPlug.connectedTo (cc, true , false) ; //if ( cc.length > 0 ) { // // Plug is driven by an input connection. // for ( int v =0 ; v < cc.length ; v++ ) { // MPlug color2Plug =cc [v] ; // Console.WriteLine (color2Plug.numChildren) ; // color2Plug.child (0).getValue (mcolor.r) ; // color2Plug.child (1).getValue (mcolor.g) ; // color2Plug.child (2).getValue (mcolor.b) ; // //color2Plug.child (3).getValue (mcolor.a) ; // } //} else {*/ // mcolor.r =colorPlug.child (0).asFloat () ; // mcolor.g =colorPlug.child (1).asFloat () ; // mcolor.b =colorPlug.child (2).asFloat () ; // //colorPlug.child (3).getValue (mcolor.a) ; ////} //MPlug trPlug =depNode.findPlug ("transparency") ; //float transparency =1.0f - trPlug.child (0).asFloat () ; ////return new DiffuseMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (transparency, mcolor.r, mcolor.g, mcolor.b))) ; //DiffuseMaterial diffuse =new DiffuseMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (transparency, mcolor.r, mcolor.g, mcolor.b))) ; //colorPlug =depNode.findPlug ("ambientColor") ; //mcolor.r =colorPlug.child (0).asFloat () ; //mcolor.g =colorPlug.child (1).asFloat () ; //mcolor.b =colorPlug.child (2).asFloat () ; //diffuse.AmbientColor =Color.FromScRgb (transparency, mcolor.r, mcolor.g, mcolor.b) ; //matGroup.Children.Add (diffuse) ; //colorPlug =depNode.findPlug ("specularColor") ; //mcolor.r =colorPlug.child (0).asFloat () ; //mcolor.g =colorPlug.child (1).asFloat () ; //mcolor.b =colorPlug.child (2).asFloat () ; //MPlug powerPlug =depNode.findPlug ("cosinePower") ; //SpecularMaterial specular =new SpecularMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f, mcolor.r, mcolor.g, mcolor.b)), powerPlug.asDouble ()) ; //matGroup.Children.Add (specular) ; //EmissiveMaterial emissive =new EmissiveMaterial () ; //matGroup.Children.Add (emissive) ; try { MFnLambertShader lambert = new MFnLambertShader(connections [u].node); SolidColorBrush brush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromScRgb(1.0f - lambert.transparency.r, lambert.color.r, lambert.color.g, lambert.color.b)); brush.Opacity = 1.0f - lambert.transparency.r; DiffuseMaterial diffuse = new DiffuseMaterial(brush); diffuse.AmbientColor = Color.FromScRgb(1.0f - lambert.ambientColor.a, lambert.ambientColor.r, lambert.ambientColor.g, lambert.ambientColor.b); // no more attributes matGroup.Children.Add(diffuse); // No specular color EmissiveMaterial emissive = new EmissiveMaterial(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromScRgb(1.0f - lambert.incandescence.a, lambert.incandescence.r, lambert.incandescence.g, lambert.incandescence.b))); // no more attributes matGroup.Children.Add(emissive); } catch { } //try { // MFnReflectShader reflect =new MFnReflectShader (connections [u].node) ; // SpecularMaterial specular =new SpecularMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - reflect.specularColor.a, reflect.specularColor.r, reflect.specularColor.g, reflect.specularColor.b)), reflect.cosPower) ; // // no more attributes // matGroup.Children.Add (specular) ; //} catch { //} try { MFnPhongShader phong = new MFnPhongShader(connections [u].node); //See Lambert //SolidColorBrush brush =new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.transparency.r, phong.color.r, phong.color.g, phong.color.b)) ; //brush.Opacity =1.0f - phong.transparency.r ; //DiffuseMaterial diffuse =new DiffuseMaterial (brush) ; //diffuse.AmbientColor =Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.ambientColor.a, phong.ambientColor.r, phong.ambientColor.g, phong.ambientColor.b) ; //// no more attributes //matGroup.Children.Add (diffuse) ; SpecularMaterial specular = new SpecularMaterial(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromScRgb(1.0f - phong.specularColor.a, phong.specularColor.r, phong.specularColor.g, phong.specularColor.b)), phong.cosPower); // no more attributes matGroup.Children.Add(specular); //See Lambert //EmissiveMaterial emissive =new EmissiveMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.incandescence.a, phong.incandescence.r, phong.incandescence.g, phong.incandescence.b))) ; //// no more attributes //matGroup.Children.Add (emissive) ; } catch { } // todo //try { // MFnBlinnShader phong =new MFnBlinnShader (connections [u].node) ; // //See Lambert // //SolidColorBrush brush =new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.transparency.r, phong.color.r, phong.color.g, phong.color.b)) ; // //brush.Opacity =1.0f - phong.transparency.r ; // //DiffuseMaterial diffuse =new DiffuseMaterial (brush) ; // //diffuse.AmbientColor = Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.ambientColor.a, phong.ambientColor.r, phong.ambientColor.g, phong.ambientColor.b) ; // //// no more attributes // //matGroup.Children.Add (diffuse) ; // //See Lambert // //EmissiveMaterial emissive =new EmissiveMaterial (new SolidColorBrush (Color.FromScRgb (1.0f - phong.incandescence.a, phong.incandescence.r, phong.incandescence.g, phong.incandescence.b))) ; // //// no more attributes // //matGroup.Children.Add (emissive) ; //} catch { //} } } // Default to Blue if (matGroup.Children.Count == 0) { matGroup.Children.Add(new DiffuseMaterial(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 255)))); } return(matGroup); }
override public void doIt(MArgList args) { MArgDatabase argData; MPxCommandSyntaxFlagAttribute MyAttribute = (MPxCommandSyntaxFlagAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(NodeInfoCmd), typeof(MPxCommandSyntaxFlagAttribute)); MSyntax syntax = new MSyntax(); if (MyAttribute != null) { syntax.addFlag(MyAttribute.ShortFlag, MyAttribute.LongFlag); } else { syntax.addFlag(kQuietFlag, kQuietFlagLong); } try { argData = new MArgDatabase(syntax, args); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MGlobal.displayInfo(ex.Message); } MSelectionList selectList = MGlobal.activeSelectionList; foreach (MObject node in selectList.DependNodes()) { MFnDependencyNode depFn = new MFnDependencyNode(); depFn.setObject(node); string nodename =; nodename += ":"; printType(node, nodename); MPlugArray connectedPlugs = new MPlugArray(); try { depFn.getConnections(connectedPlugs); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MGlobal.displayInfo(ex.Message); } uint numberOfPlugs = connectedPlugs.length; string msgFmt = MStringResource.getString(NodeInfoCmd.rConnFound); MGlobal.displayInfo(String.Format(msgFmt, Convert.ToString(numberOfPlugs))); string pInfoMsg = MStringResource.getString(NodeInfoCmd.rPlugInfo); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPlugs; i++) { MPlug plug = connectedPlugs[i]; string pInfo =; MGlobal.displayInfo(pInfoMsg + pInfo); MPlugArray array = new MPlugArray(); plug.connectedTo(array, true, false); string dInfoMsg = MStringResource.getString(rPlugDestOf); for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++) { MObject mnode = array[j].node; printType(mnode, dInfoMsg); } } } return; }