예제 #1
            /// <summary>
            /// gets a subgrid of width <paramref name="FieldWidth"/>, around level set No. <paramref name="levSetIdx"/>;
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// In contrast to <see cref="SubGrid"/>'s, <see cref="CellMask"/>'s are not MPI-collective, and should therefore be preferred.
            /// </remarks>
            public SubGrid GetNearFieldSubgrid4LevSet(int levSetIdx, int FieldWidth)

                if (FieldWidth > m_owner.m_NearRegionWidth)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Near-" + FieldWidth + " cannot be acquired, because this tracker is set to detect at most Near-" + m_owner.m_NearRegionWidth + ".", "FieldWidth");
                if (levSetIdx < 0 || levSetIdx >= this.m_owner.NoOfLevelSets)
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

                if (m_NearField4LevelSet == null || m_NearField4LevelSet.GetLength(1) != this.m_owner.m_NearRegionWidth)
                    m_NearField4LevelSet = new SubGrid[this.m_owner.NoOfLevelSets, this.m_owner.m_NearRegionWidth + 1];

                if (m_NearField4LevelSet[levSetIdx, FieldWidth] == null)
                    // create subgrid
                    m_NearField4LevelSet[levSetIdx, FieldWidth] = new SubGrid(GetNearMask4LevSet(levSetIdx, FieldWidth));

                return(m_NearField4LevelSet[levSetIdx, FieldWidth]);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// ctor
 /// </summary>
 public PARDISOSolver()
     csMPI.Raw.Comm_Rank(csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD, out rank);
     //if (rank == 0)
     //    Debugger.Launch();
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// accumulates the derivative of DG field <paramref name="f"/>
        /// (along the <paramref name="d"/>-th axis) times <paramref name="alpha"/>
        /// to this field, i.e. <br/>
        /// this = this + <paramref name="alpha"/>* \f$ \frac{\partial}{\partial x_d} \f$ <paramref name="f"/>;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        /// <param name="d">
        /// 0 for the x-derivative, 1 for the y-derivative, 2 for the z-derivative
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="alpha">
        /// scaling of <paramref name="f"/>;
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="em">
        /// An optional restriction to the domain in which the derivative is computed (it may, e.g.
        /// be only required in boundary cells, so a computation over the whole domain
        /// would be a waste of computation power. A proper execution mask for this case would be e.g.
        /// <see cref="BoSSS.Foundation.Grid.GridData.BoundaryCells"/>.)<br/>
        /// if null, the computation is carried out in the whole domain
        /// </param>
        override public void Derivative(double alpha, DGField f, int d, CellMask em)
            using (var tr = new FuncTrace()) {

                if (this.Basis.Degree < f.Basis.Degree - 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("cannot compute derivative because of incompatible basis functions.", "f");
                if (f.Basis.GetType() != this.Basis.GetType())
                    throw new ArgumentException("cannot compute derivative because of incompatible basis functions.", "f");

                int D = GridDat.SpatialDimension;
                if (d < 0 || d >= D)
                    throw new ArgumentException("spatial dimension out of range.", "d");

                Quadrature.EdgeQuadratureScheme _qInsEdge;
                Quadrature.CellQuadratureScheme _qInsVol;
                    _qInsEdge = (new Quadrature.EdgeQuadratureScheme(false, EdgeMask.GetEmptyMask(this.GridDat)));
                    _qInsVol  = (new Quadrature.CellQuadratureScheme(true, em));

                var op = (new BrokenDerivativeForm(d)).Operator(1, g => _qInsEdge, g => _qInsVol);

                op.Evaluate(alpha, 1.0, f.Mapping, null, this.Mapping);
예제 #4
            /// <summary>
            /// gets a subgrid of width <paramref name="FieldWidth"/>, around any level set
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// In contrast to <see cref="SubGrid"/>'s, <see cref="CellMask"/>'s are not MPI-collective, and should therefore be preferred.
            /// </remarks>
            public SubGrid GetNearFieldSubgrid(int FieldWidth)

                if (FieldWidth > m_owner.m_NearRegionWidth)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Near-" + FieldWidth + " cannot be acquired, because this tracker is set to detect at most Near-" + m_owner.m_NearRegionWidth + ".", "FieldWidth");

                if (m_owner.NoOfLevelSets == 1)
                    // if there is only one Level Set, no need to separate between
                    // cells-cut-by-any-level-set and cells-cut-by-a-specific-level-set
                    return(GetNearFieldSubgrid4LevSet(0, FieldWidth));

                if (m_NearField == null)
                    m_NearField = new SubGrid[m_owner.m_NearRegionWidth + 1];

                if (m_NearField[FieldWidth] == null)
                    m_NearField[FieldWidth] = new SubGrid(GetNearFieldMask(FieldWidth));

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the admissible step-size within
        /// <paramref name="subGrid"/> by calling
        /// <see cref="GetLocalStepSize"/> for all contiguous chunks of cells.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subGrid">
        /// The sub-grid for which the step size shall be determined. If null
        /// is given, the full domain will be considered.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The maximum step size dictated by the CFL restriction in the given
        /// <paramref name="subGrid"/>.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This is a collective call which requires all processes to
        /// synchronize.
        /// </remarks>
        public double GetGloballyAdmissibleStepSize(SubGrid subGrid = null)
            subGrid = subGrid ?? new SubGrid(CellMask.GetFullMask(gridData));

            double maxTimeStep = double.MaxValue;
            double globalMaxTimeStep;

            System.Exception e = null;
            try {
                foreach (Chunk chunk in subGrid.VolumeMask)
                    maxTimeStep = Math.Min(
                        GetLocalStepSize(chunk.i0, chunk.Len));
            } catch (System.Exception ee) {
                e = ee;


            return(dtFraction * globalMaxTimeStep);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// accumulates the derivative of DG field <paramref name="f"/>
        /// (along the <paramref name="d"/>-th axis) times <paramref name="alpha"/>
        /// to this field, i.e. <br/>
        /// this = this + <paramref name="alpha"/>* \f$ \frac{\partial}{\partial x_d} \f$ <paramref name="f"/>;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        /// <param name="d">
        /// 0 for the x-derivative, 1 for the y-derivative, 2 for the
        /// z-derivative
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="alpha">
        /// scaling of <paramref name="f"/>;
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="optionalSubGrid">
        /// An optional restriction to the domain in which the derivative is
        /// computed (it may, e.g. be only required in boundary cells, so a
        /// computation over the whole domain would be a waste of computational
        /// power. A proper execution mask would be see e.g.
        /// <see cref="GridData.BoundaryCells"/>.)
        /// <br/>
        /// if null, the computation is carried out in the whole domain.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="bndMode">
        /// if a sub-grid is provided, this determines how the sub-grid
        /// boundary should be treated.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The derivative is calculated using Riemann flux functions
        /// (central difference);<br/>
        /// In comparison to
        /// <see cref="Derivative(double, DGField, int, CellMask)"/>, this method
        /// should be slower, but produce more sane results, especially for
        /// fields of low polynomial degree (0 or 1);
        /// </remarks>
        virtual public void DerivativeByFlux(double alpha, DGField f, int d, SubGrid optionalSubGrid = null, SubGridBoundaryModes bndMode = SubGridBoundaryModes.OpenBoundary)
            int D = this.Basis.GridDat.SpatialDimension;

            if (d < 0 || d >= D)
                throw new ArgumentException("spatial dimension out of range.", "d");

            EdgeMask emEdge = (optionalSubGrid != null) ? optionalSubGrid.AllEdgesMask : null;
            CellMask emVol  = (optionalSubGrid != null) ? optionalSubGrid.VolumeMask : null;

            SpatialOperator d_dx = new SpatialOperator(1, 1, QuadOrderFunc.Linear(), "in", "out");

            d_dx.EdgeQuadraturSchemeProvider   = g => new Quadrature.EdgeQuadratureScheme(true, emEdge);
            d_dx.VolumeQuadraturSchemeProvider = g => new Quadrature.CellQuadratureScheme(true, emVol);
            var flux = CreateDerivativeFlux(d, f.Identification);


            var ev = d_dx.GetEvaluatorEx(
                new CoordinateMapping(f), null, this.Mapping);

            if (optionalSubGrid != null)
                ev.ActivateSubgridBoundary(optionalSubGrid.VolumeMask, bndMode);

            ev.Evaluate <CoordinateVector>(alpha, 1.0, this.CoordinateVector);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// integrates this field over the domain specified in <paramref name="volumemask"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="volumemask">
        /// an optional volume mask; if null, the whole grid is taken;
        /// </param>
        public double IntegralOver(CellMask volumemask)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {

                if (volumemask == null)
                    volumemask = CellMask.GetFullMask(Basis.GridDat);

                double acc = 0;
                foreach (var chunk in volumemask)
                    int iE = chunk.i0 + chunk.Len;
                    for (int j = chunk.i0; j < iE; j++)
                        double mv  = GetMeanValue(j);
                        double vol = Basis.GridDat.iLogicalCells.GetCellVolume(j);
                        acc += mv * vol;

                double accglob = double.NaN;
                unsafe {
                    csMPI.Raw.Allreduce((IntPtr)(&acc), (IntPtr)(&accglob), 1, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.DOUBLE, csMPI.Raw._OP.SUM, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// ctor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_MPI_comm">the MPI communicator for this messenger (see <see cref="MPI_comm"/>);</param>
        public SerialisationMessenger(MPI_Comm _MPI_comm)

            m_MPI_comm = _MPI_comm;
            csMPI.Raw.Comm_Rank(_MPI_comm, out m_Rank);
            csMPI.Raw.Comm_Size(_MPI_comm, out m_Size);

            m_MyCommPaths        = new byte[m_Size];
            m_AllCommPaths       = new byte[m_Size, m_Size];
            m_ReceiveObjectSizes = new int[m_Size];
            m_SendObjectSizes    = new int[m_Size];
            m_Requests           = new MPI_Request[m_Size * 4];
            m_TransmittCalled    = new BitArray(m_Size, false);

            unsafe {
                int myTag = TagCnt;
                TagCnt += 13;

                if (m_Rank == 0)
                    m_MyTagOffset = myTag;

                csMPI.Raw.Bcast((IntPtr)(&myTag), 1, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.INT, 0, m_MPI_comm);

                if (m_Rank > 0)
                    m_MyTagOffset = myTag;
예제 #9
 void CheckIfSuitableForSaving(IGrid grid)
     if (grid.ID.Equals(Guid.Empty))
         throw new ApplicationException("cannot save grid with empty Guid (Grid Guid is " + Guid.Empty.ToString() + ");");
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the number of non-zero elements in the matrix
        /// (on the current MPI process);
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public int GetTotalNoOfNonZeros(this IMutableMatrixEx M)
            int odnz        = M.GetTotalNoOfNonZerosPerProcess();
            int odnz_global = odnz.MPISum(M.MPI_Comm);

예제 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// converts <paramref name="M"/> into suitable structures for PARDISO;
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="M"></param>
 public void DefineMatrix(IMutableMatrixEx M)
     if (m_OrgMatrix != null)
         throw new ApplicationException("matrix is already defined. 'DefineMatrix'-method can be invoked only once in the lifetime of this object.");
     m_MpiRank   = M.RowPartitioning.MpiRank;
     m_OrgMatrix = M;
예제 #12
파일: SubGrid.cs 프로젝트: xyuan/BoSSS
 /// <summary>
 /// ctor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="volMask">
 /// volume mask for those cells which should be contained in the subgrid
 /// </param>
 public SubGrid(CellMask volMask)
     if (volMask.MaskType != MaskType.Logical)
         throw new ArgumentException();
     this.m_VolumeMask = volMask;
     m_GridData        = volMask.GridData;
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// L-infinity - norm of this field;<br/>
        /// This is a collective call, it must be invoked by all
        /// MPI processes within the communicator; internally, it invokes MPI_Allreduce;
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// on all invoking MPI processes, the L-inv norm of
        /// this field (over all processors);
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// to find the maximum value, this field is evaluated on each vertex and the center of the simplex.
        /// </remarks>
        public double LinfNorm(CellMask cm = null)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                double Min, Max;
                int    j, k;
                GetExtremalValues(out Min, out Max, out j, out k, cm);

                return(Math.Max(Math.Abs(Max), Math.Abs(Min)));
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// computes the L2 - norm based on Parceval's equality, for a specific
        /// polynomial degree <paramref name="deg"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// exploiting Parcevals equality for orthonormal systems, this
        /// function is (should be?) much faster than
        /// <see cref="DGField.L2Norm(CellMask)"/>
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual double L2NormPerMode(int deg, CellMask _cm = null)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                var DGCoordinates      = this.Coordinates;
                IEnumerable <Chunk> cm = _cm;
                if (cm == null)
                    cm = new Chunk[] { new Chunk()
                                           i0 = 0, Len = GridDat.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells
                                       } }

                if (this.Basis.IsOrthonormal == false)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported for non-orthonormal basis.");

                var polys = this.Basis.Polynomials;

                double nrm2_2 = 0;

                int N = this.m_Basis.MaximalLength;

                foreach (Chunk c in cm)
                    int JE = c.Len + c.i0;

                    for (int j = c.i0; j < JE; j++)
                        int iKref = this.GridDat.iGeomCells.GetRefElementIndex(j);

                        int N0 = polys[iKref].FirstPolynomialIndexforDegree(deg);
                        int NE = N0 + polys[iKref].NoOfPolynomialsPerDegree(deg);

                        for (int n = N0; n < NE; n++)
                            double k = DGCoordinates[j, n];
                            nrm2_2 += k * k;

                double nrmtot = 0;
                    csMPI.Raw.Allreduce((IntPtr)(&nrm2_2), (IntPtr)(&nrmtot), 1, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.DOUBLE, csMPI.Raw._OP.SUM, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// This call computes an integral measure which may depend on
        /// this <see cref="DGField"/> an the given <paramref name="function"/>;
        /// This is a collective call, it must be invoked by all
        /// MPI processes within the communicator; internally, it invokes MPI_Allreduce;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="function"></param>
        /// <param name="rule">
        /// composite quadrature rule.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Map">
        /// Arbiter mapping applied to the values of this field and
        /// <paramref name="function"/> at some point, which is finally integrated.
        /// E.g., the mapping for an L2-error would be \f$ (\vec{x},a,b) => (a - b)^2 \f$,
        /// where \f$ a \f$ is the value of this field at some point \f$ \vec{x} \f$ and
        /// \f$ b \f$ is the value of <paramref name="function"/> at \f$ \vec{x} \f$.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// on all invoking MPI processes, the L2 norm of
        /// this field minus <paramref name="function"/>
        /// </returns>
        public double LxError(ScalarFunctionEx function, Func <double[], double, double, double> Map, ICompositeQuadRule <QuadRule> rule)

            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                LxNormQuadrature l2nq = new LxNormQuadrature(this, function, Map, rule);

                double nrmtot = l2nq.LxNorm.MPISum();
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimates the cost imbalance between all processes using the given
        /// <paramref name="estimator"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="estimator"></param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A number between 0 and 1 which represents an estimate of the load
        /// imbalance in percent
        /// </returns>
        public static double ImbalanceEstimate(this ICellCostEstimator estimator)

            double localCost = estimator.EstimatedLocalCost;

            double[] allCosts = localCost.MPIAllGather();

            double minCost   = allCosts.Min();
            double maxCost   = allCosts.Max();
            double imbalance = (maxCost - minCost) / Math.Max(double.Epsilon, maxCost);

예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// computes the L2 - norm based on Parceval's equality
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// exploiting Parcevals equality for orthonormal systems, this
        /// function is (should be?) much faster than
        /// <see cref="DGField.L2Norm(CellMask)"/>
        /// </remarks>
        public override double L2Norm(CellMask cm)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                var DGCoordinates = this.Coordinates;

                double nrm2_2 = 0;
                if (cm == null)
                    int J = GridDat.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
                    int N = this.m_Basis.MaximalLength;

                    for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                        for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                            double k = DGCoordinates[j, n];
                            nrm2_2 += k * k;
                    int N = this.m_Basis.MaximalLength;

                    foreach (var c in cm)
                        int JE = c.Len + c.i0;

                        for (int j = c.i0; j < JE; j++)
                            for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                                double k = DGCoordinates[j, n];
                                nrm2_2 += k * k;

                double nrmtot = 0;
                    csMPI.Raw.Allreduce((IntPtr)(&nrm2_2), (IntPtr)(&nrmtot), 1, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.DOUBLE, csMPI.Raw._OP.SUM, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);
예제 #18
            /// <summary>
            /// Equivalent to <see cref="GetSpeciesSubGrid(string)"/>
            /// </summary>
            public SubGrid GetSpeciesSubGrid(SpeciesId specId)

                if (m_SpeciesSubGrids == null)
                    m_SpeciesSubGrids = new Dictionary <SpeciesId, SubGrid>();

                if (!m_SpeciesSubGrids.ContainsKey(specId))
                    CellMask cm = GetSpeciesMask(specId);
                    m_SpeciesSubGrids.Add(specId, new SubGrid(cm));
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes <see cref="SubgridIndex2LocalCellIndex"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int[] ComputeSubgridIndex2LocalCellIndex()
            CellMask msk = m_VolumeMask;

            int[] subgridIndex2LocalCellIndex = new int[msk.NoOfItemsLocally_WithExternal];
            int   jj = 0;

            foreach (Chunk c in msk.GetEnumerableWithExternal())
                for (int k = 0; k < c.Len; k++)
                    subgridIndex2LocalCellIndex[jj] = c.i0 + k;
예제 #20
파일: CellMask.cs 프로젝트: xyuan/BoSSS
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a bitmask that contains also information about external/ghost cells.
        /// </summary>
        public BitArray GetBitMaskWithExternal()
            if (base.MaskType != MaskType.Logical)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            int JE      = this.GridData.iLogicalCells.Count;
            int J       = this.GridData.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
            int MpiSize = this.GridData.CellPartitioning.MpiSize;


            if (MpiSize > 1)
                // more than one MPI process
                // +++++++++++++++++++++++++

                if (m_BitMaskWithExternal == null)
                    m_BitMaskWithExternal = new BitArray(JE, false);

                    // inner cells
                    foreach (Chunk c in this)
                        for (int i = 0; i < c.Len; i++)
                            m_BitMaskWithExternal[i + c.i0] = true;


                // single - processor mode
                // +++++++++++++++++++++++
예제 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// computes the inner product of fields <paramref name="a"/> and <paramref name="b"/>
        /// </summary>
        static public double InnerProduct(DGField a, DGField b, CellQuadratureScheme quadScheme = null)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(a.GridDat, b.GridDat))
                    throw new ApplicationException("fields must be defined on the same grid.");

                InnerProductQuadrature ipq = new InnerProductQuadrature(a, b, quadScheme, a.Basis.Degree + b.Basis.Degree);
                unsafe {
                    double innerProdTot = double.NaN;
                    double InnerProdLoc = ipq.m_InnerProd;
                    csMPI.Raw.Allreduce((IntPtr)(&InnerProdLoc), (IntPtr)(&innerProdTot), 1, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.DOUBLE, csMPI.Raw._OP.SUM, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);
예제 #22
            /// <summary>
            /// returns the subgrid containing all cells in which the sign of the level set function #<paramref name="LevelSetIndex"/>
            /// is at least in one point equal to <paramref name="sign"/>.
            /// </summary>
            public SubGrid GetLevelSetWing(int LevelSetIndex, double sign)
                if (sign == 0.0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("must be either positive or negative");
                if (LevelSetIndex < 0 || LevelSetIndex >= m_owner.m_LevelSetHistories.Count)
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("invalid level set index");

                int _sign = Math.Sign(sign);
                int iwing = _sign * (LevelSetIndex + 1);

                if (m_LevelSetWings == null)
                    m_LevelSetWings = new SortedDictionary <int, SubGrid>();

                if (!m_LevelSetWings.ContainsKey(iwing))
                    int      J    = m_owner.GridDat.Cells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
                    BitArray mask = new BitArray(J);
                    for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                        int dist = DecodeLevelSetDist(m_LevSetRegions[j], LevelSetIndex);
                        mask[j] = (dist * _sign >= 0);

                    SubGrid LevelSetWing = new SubGrid(new CellMask(m_owner.GridDat, mask));
                    m_LevelSetWings.Add(iwing, LevelSetWing);

예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// constructs a 1D-grid consisting of multiple (not connected) segments
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeSets">
        /// a collection of node segments;
        /// if running with more than one MPI process, only the input on rank 0 is considered
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="periodic"></param>
        static public Grid1D LineGrid(ICollection <double[]> nodeSets, bool periodic = false)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {

                int size, rank;
                csMPI.Raw.Comm_Size(csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD, out size);
                csMPI.Raw.Comm_Rank(csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD, out rank);

                // Don't forget minus one (sets contain _nodes_, not cells)!
                int globalNumberOfCells = nodeSets.Select(s => s.Length - 1).Sum();

                int globalIndexFirstLocalCell    = globalNumberOfCells * rank / size;
                int globalIndexFirstExternalCell = globalNumberOfCells * (rank + 1) / size;

                Grid1D grid = new Grid1D();

                if (Math.Abs(globalIndexFirstLocalCell - globalIndexFirstExternalCell) <= 0)
                    // No cells on current rank (too few cells?)

                int localNoOfCells = globalIndexFirstExternalCell - globalIndexFirstLocalCell;
                grid.Cells = new Cell[localNoOfCells];

                byte periodicTag = 0;
                if (periodic)
                    double[][] left  = { new double[] { nodeSets.First().First() } };
                    double[][] right = { new double[] { nodeSets.Last().Last() } };
                        right, new double[] { 1.0 }, left, new double[] { 1.0 }, out periodicTag);
                    grid.EdgeTagNames.Add(periodicTag, "Periodic-X");

                int globalCellIndex = -1;
                int localCellIndex  = 0;
                foreach (double[] nodesInSegment in nodeSets)
                    int noOfCellsInSegment = nodesInSegment.Length - 1;

                    for (int i = 0; i < noOfCellsInSegment; i++)

                        // Handled on other processor
                        if (globalCellIndex < globalIndexFirstLocalCell)
                        else if (globalCellIndex >= globalIndexFirstExternalCell)

                        if (nodesInSegment[i] >= nodesInSegment[i + 1])
                            throw new ArgumentException(
                                      "Nodes must be provided in strictly ascending order");

                        Cell cell = new Cell();
                        cell.GlobalID = globalCellIndex;
                        cell.Type     = CellType.Line_2;

                        cell.TransformationParams       = MultidimensionalArray.Create(2, 1);
                        cell.TransformationParams[0, 0] = nodesInSegment[i];
                        cell.TransformationParams[1, 0] = nodesInSegment[i + 1];

                        cell.NodeIndices = new int[] {
                            globalCellIndex + 1

                        if (periodic)
                            if (globalCellIndex == 0)
                                (new CellFaceTag()
                                    EdgeTag = periodicTag,
                                    PeriodicInverse = true,
                                    ConformalNeighborship = true,
                                    FaceIndex = (int)Line.Edge.Left,
                                    NeighCell_GlobalID = globalNumberOfCells - 1
                                }).AddToArray(ref cell.CellFaceTags);
                            else if (globalCellIndex == globalNumberOfCells - 1)
                                (new CellFaceTag()
                                    EdgeTag = periodicTag,
                                    PeriodicInverse = false,
                                    ConformalNeighborship = true,
                                    FaceIndex = (int)Line.Edge.Right,
                                    NeighCell_GlobalID = 0
                                }).AddToArray(ref cell.CellFaceTags);

                        grid.Cells[localCellIndex] = cell;


예제 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Polynomial extrapolation between cells.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ExtrapolateTo">contains all cells for which extrapolated values should be computed</param>
        /// <param name="ExtrapolateFrom">contains all cells with "known values"</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The number of cells (locally) for which the algorithm was not able to extrapolate a value
        /// </returns>
        virtual public int CellExtrapolation(CellMask ExtrapolateTo, CellMask ExtrapolateFrom)
            int J = this.GridDat.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;
            int NoOfNeigh;

            int[]   NeighIdx;
            int[][] CN = this.GridDat.iLogicalCells.CellNeighbours;

            // mark all cells in which species 'Id' is known
            // ---------------------------------------------
            BitArray ValueIsKnown    = ExtrapolateFrom.GetBitMaskWithExternal().CloneAs();
            CellMask _ExtrapolateTo  = ExtrapolateTo.Except(ExtrapolateFrom);
            BitArray NeedToKnowValue = _ExtrapolateTo.GetBitMask();


            // repeat until (for species 'Id' the DOF' of) all cells
            // that contain (at least a fraction of) species 'Id' are known...
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------
            int NoOfCells_ToExtrapolate       = _ExtrapolateTo.NoOfItemsLocally;
            int NoOfCells_ExtrapolatedInSweep = 1;
            int sweepcnt = 0;

            List <double> scaling            = new List <double>();
            List <int[]>  CellPairs          = new List <int[]>();
            BitArray      cells_mod_in_sweep = new BitArray(J);

            while (true)
                // MPI-parallel evaluation of termination criterion
                // ------------------------------------------------

                int bool_LocalRun  = ((NoOfCells_ToExtrapolate > 0) && (NoOfCells_ExtrapolatedInSweep > 0)) ? 1 : 0;
                int bool_GlobalRun = 0;
                    csMPI.Raw.Allreduce((IntPtr)(&bool_LocalRun), (IntPtr)(&bool_GlobalRun), 1, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.INT, csMPI.Raw._OP.MAX, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);

                if (bool_GlobalRun <= 0)
                    // finished on all MPI processors

                // MPI-update before local sweep: necessary for consistent result of alg.
                if (sweepcnt > 0)

                // local work
                // ----------
                if (bool_LocalRun > 0)
                    NoOfCells_ExtrapolatedInSweep = 0;



                    for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                        // determine whether there is something to do for cell 'j' or not ...
                        bool needToKnowSpecies   = NeedToKnowValue[j];
                        bool _mustbeExtrapolated = needToKnowSpecies && !ValueIsKnown[j];

                        if (_mustbeExtrapolated)
                            // continuation for this cell is needed
                            // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                            // try to find a neighbour
                            NeighIdx  = CN[j].CloneAs();
                            NoOfNeigh = NeighIdx.Length;
                            int FoundNeighs = 0;
                            for (int nn = 0; nn < NoOfNeigh; nn++)
                                if (ValueIsKnown[NeighIdx[nn]])
                                    // bingo
                                    NeighIdx[nn] = -1; // not usable

                            if (FoundNeighs <= 0)
                                // hope for better luck in next sweep

                            //Array.Clear(u2, 0, N);

                            for (int nn = 0; nn < NoOfNeigh; nn++)
                                if (NeighIdx[nn] < 0)

                                int _2 = j;            // cell to extrapolate TO
                                int _1 = NeighIdx[nn]; // cell to extrapolate FROM

                                CellPairs.Add(new int[] { _1, _2 });
                                double ooFoundNeighs = 1.0 / (double)FoundNeighs;

                            cells_mod_in_sweep[j] = true;

                    int E = CellPairs.Count;
                    int[,] _CellPairs = new int[E, 2];
                    for (int e = 0; e < E; e++)
                        _CellPairs.SetRow(e, CellPairs[e]);

                    double[] preScale = new double[scaling.Count];

                    this.CellExtrapolation(_CellPairs, scaling, preScale);

                    for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                        if (cells_mod_in_sweep[j] == true)
                            ValueIsKnown[j] = true;

                    NoOfCells_ToExtrapolate -= NoOfCells_ExtrapolatedInSweep;

            // return
            // ------

예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Like <see cref="Evaluate(double, IEnumerable{DGField}, MultidimensionalArray, double, MultidimensionalArray, BitArray, int[])"/>,
        /// but with MPI-Exchange
        /// </summary>
        public int EvaluateParallel(double alpha, IEnumerable <DGField> Flds, MultidimensionalArray Points, double beta, MultidimensionalArray Result, BitArray UnlocatedPoints = null)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {

                int L       = Points != null ? Points.NoOfRows : 0;
                int MPIsize = m_Context.MpiSize;
                int D       = m_Context.SpatialDimension;

                if (UnlocatedPoints != null)
                    if (UnlocatedPoints.Length != L)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Length mismatch");

                // evaluate locally
                // ================
                var unlocated = new System.Collections.BitArray(L);
                int NoOfUnlocated;
                if (L > 0)
                    NoOfUnlocated = this.Evaluate(alpha, Flds, Points, beta, Result, unlocated);
                    NoOfUnlocated = 0;

                // return, if there are no unlocalized points
                // ==========================================

                int TotNoOfUnlocated = NoOfUnlocated.MPISum();
                if (TotNoOfUnlocated <= 0)
                    if (UnlocatedPoints != null)


                // copy unlocalized to separate array
                // ==================================
                double[,] localUnlocated = new double[NoOfUnlocated, D]; // MultidimensionalArray does not allow zero length -- so use double[,] instead
                int[] IndexToOrgIndex = new int[NoOfUnlocated];
                int   u = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                    if (unlocated[i])
                        localUnlocated.SetRowPt(u, Points.GetRowPt(i));
                        IndexToOrgIndex[u] = i;
                Debug.Assert(u == NoOfUnlocated);

                // collect on all ranks -- this won't scale well, but it may work
                // ==============================================================
                MultidimensionalArray globalUnlocated;
                int[] WhoIsInterestedIn; // index: point index, corresponds with 'globalUnlocated' rows; content: rank which needs the result
                int[] OriginalIndex;     // index: detto; content: index which the point had on the processor that sent it.
                double[][,] __globalUnlocated;
                int LL;
                    __globalUnlocated = localUnlocated.MPIAllGatherO();
                    Debug.Assert(__globalUnlocated.Length == MPIsize);
                    Debug.Assert(__globalUnlocated.Select(aa => aa.GetLength(0)).Sum() == TotNoOfUnlocated);
                    Debug.Assert(__globalUnlocated[m_Context.MpiRank].GetLength(0) == NoOfUnlocated);
                    LL = TotNoOfUnlocated - NoOfUnlocated;
                    if (LL > 0)
                        globalUnlocated = MultidimensionalArray.Create(LL, D);
                        globalUnlocated = null;
                    WhoIsInterestedIn = new int[LL];
                    OriginalIndex     = new int[LL];
                    int g = 0;
                    for (int r = 0; r < MPIsize; r++)  // concat all point arrays from all processors
                        if (r == m_Context.MpiRank)

                        double[,] __globalPart = __globalUnlocated[r];
                        int Lr = __globalPart.GetLength(0);
                        if (Lr > 0)
                            globalUnlocated.ExtractSubArrayShallow(new[] { g, 0 }, new[] { g + Lr - 1, D - 1 }).Acc2DArray(1.0, __globalPart);
                        for (int i = 0; i < Lr; i++)
                            WhoIsInterestedIn[i + g] = r;
                            OriginalIndex[i + g]     = i;
                        g += Lr;

                // try to evaluate the so-far-unlocalized points
                // ---------------------------------------------

                var unlocated2     = new System.Collections.BitArray(LL);
                var Result2        = LL > 0 ? MultidimensionalArray.Create(LL, Flds.Count()) : null;
                int NoOfUnlocated2 = LL > 0 ? this.Evaluate(1.0, Flds, globalUnlocated, 0.0, Result2, unlocated2) : 0;

                // backward MPI sending
                // --------------------
                IDictionary <int, EvaluateParallelHelper> resultFromOtherProcs;
                    var backSend = new Dictionary <int, EvaluateParallelHelper>();
                    for (int ll = 0; ll < LL; ll++)
                        if (!unlocated2[ll])
                            int iTarget = WhoIsInterestedIn[ll];
                            Debug.Assert(iTarget != m_Context.MpiRank);
                            if (!backSend.TryGetValue(iTarget, out EvaluateParallelHelper eph))
                                eph = new EvaluateParallelHelper();
                                backSend.Add(iTarget, eph);


                    resultFromOtherProcs = SerialisationMessenger.ExchangeData(backSend);

                // fill the results from other processors
                // ======================================
                foreach (var res in resultFromOtherProcs.Values)
                    int K = res.OriginalIndices.Count();
                    Debug.Assert(res.OriginalIndices.Count == res.Results.Count);

                    for (int k = 0; k < K; k++)
                        int iOrg = IndexToOrgIndex[res.OriginalIndices[k]];
                        if (unlocated[iOrg] == true)
                        unlocated[iOrg] = false;

                        Result.AccRow(iOrg, alpha, res.Results[k]);

                // Return
                // ======
                if (UnlocatedPoints != null)
                    for (int l = 0; l < L; l++)
                        UnlocatedPoints[l] = unlocated[l];

예제 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// constructor
 /// </summary>
 protected Solver()
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// ctor.
 /// </summary>
 internal XQuadSchemeHelper(XDGSpaceMetrics __XDGSpaceMetrics)
     this.XDGSpaceMetrics = __XDGSpaceMetrics;
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// creates a HYPRE solver
 /// </summary>
 public Solver()
예제 #29
 /// <summary>
 /// ctor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="volMask">
 /// volume mask for those cells which should be contained in the subgrid
 /// </param>
 public SubGrid(CellMask volMask)
     this.m_VolumeMask = volMask;
     m_GridData        = volMask.GridData;
예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the minimum and the maximum value of the DG field
        /// This is a collective call, it must be invoked by all
        /// MPI processes within the communicator; internally, it invokes MPI_Allreduce;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="max">
        /// on all invoking MPI processes, the maximum value (over all processors) of
        /// this field;
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="min">
        /// on all invoking MPI processes, the minimum value (over all processors) of
        /// this field;
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// to find the maximum value, this field is evaluated on each vertex and the center of the simplex.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="cm">
        /// optional domain restriction
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="jMaxGlob">
        /// global cell index in which the maximum value <paramref name="max"/> was found
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="jMinGlob">
        /// global cell index in which the maximum value <paramref name="min"/> was found
        /// </param>
        public void GetExtremalValues(out double min, out double max, out int jMinGlob, out int jMaxGlob, CellMask cm = null)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                int J = Basis.GridDat.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;

                // find maximum on this processor
                // ------------------------------

                // create node set

                // vectorisation of this method
                int VectorSize = -1;
                int N0         = m_ExtremalProbeNS[0].GetLength(0); // number of nodes
                MultidimensionalArray fieldValues = new MultidimensionalArray(2);

                IEnumerable <Chunk> all_chunks;
                if (cm == null)
                    var _ch = new Chunk[1];
                    _ch[0].i0  = 0;
                    _ch[0].Len = J;
                    all_chunks = _ch;
                    all_chunks = cm;

                double LocMax = -double.MaxValue, LocMin = double.MaxValue;
                int    jMinLoc = int.MaxValue, jMaxLoc = int.MaxValue;
                foreach (Chunk chk in all_chunks)
                    VectorSize = this.GridDat.iGeomCells.GetNoOfSimilarConsecutiveCells(CellInfo.RefElementIndex_Mask, chk.i0, Math.Min(100, chk.Len)); // try to be a little vectorized;

                    int _J = chk.Len + chk.i0;
                    for (int j = chk.i0; j < _J; j += VectorSize)
                        if (j + VectorSize > _J)
                            VectorSize = _J - j;
                        int iKref = Basis.GridDat.iGeomCells.GetRefElementIndex(j);
                        int N     = m_ExtremalProbeNS[iKref].GetLength(0);

                        if (fieldValues.GetLength(0) != VectorSize || fieldValues.GetLength(1) != N)
                            fieldValues = MultidimensionalArray.Create(VectorSize, N);

                        this.Evaluate(j, VectorSize, m_ExtremalProbeNS[iKref], fieldValues, 0.0);

                        // loop over cells ...
                        for (int jj = j; jj < j + VectorSize; jj++)
                            // loop over nodes ...
                            for (int n = 0; n < N; n++)
                                double vel = 0;
                                vel = fieldValues[jj - j, n];
                                if (vel > LocMax)
                                    LocMax  = vel;
                                    jMaxLoc = jj;
                                if (vel < LocMin)
                                    LocMin  = vel;
                                    jMinLoc = jj;

                // find the maximum over all processes via MPI and return
                // ------------------------------------------------------
                if (Basis.GridDat.CellPartitioning.MpiSize > 1)
                    double[] total = new double[2];
                    double[] local = new double[] { LocMax, -LocMin };
                        fixed(double *ploc = local, ptot = total)
                            csMPI.Raw.Allreduce((IntPtr)ploc, (IntPtr)ptot, 2, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.DOUBLE, csMPI.Raw._OP.MAX, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);

                    max = total[0];
                    min = -total[1];

                    int   i0    = Basis.GridDat.CellPartitioning.i0;
                    int[] jGlob = new int[2];
                    if (max == LocMax)
                        // (at least one) global maximum on this processor
                        jGlob[0] = jMaxLoc + i0;
                        // maximum on some other processor
                        jGlob[0] = int.MaxValue;

                    if (min == LocMin)
                        // (at least one) global minimum on this processor
                        jGlob[1] = jMinLoc + i0;
                        // minimum on some other processor
                        jGlob[1] = int.MaxValue;

                    // in case of multiple global minimums/maximums, e.g. for a constant field, we return the lowest (jMaxGlob,jMinGlob)
                    int[] jGlobM = new int[2];
                        fixed(int *ploc = jGlob, ptot = jGlobM)
                            csMPI.Raw.Allreduce((IntPtr)ploc, (IntPtr)ptot, 2, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.INT, csMPI.Raw._OP.MIN, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);
                    jMaxGlob = jGlob[0];
                    jMinGlob = jGlob[1];
                    min = LocMin;
                    max = LocMax;

                    jMaxGlob = jMaxLoc;
                    jMinGlob = jMinLoc;