private void PostFileList(string targetFolder, string executable, MOG_PropertiesIni files) { string fileListName = mSourceBinaries + "\\" + targetFolder + "\\" + mArchiveVersion + "\\FileList.ini"; StreamWriter fileList = new StreamWriter(fileListName); if (fileList != null) { fileList.WriteLine("[" + targetFolder + "]"); fileList.WriteLine("exe=" + executable); fileList.WriteLine(""); fileList.WriteLine("[FILES]"); if (files.SectionExist("FILES")) { for (int i = 0; i < files.CountKeys("FILES"); i++) { string file = files.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("FILES", i); fileList.WriteLine(file); } } fileList.Close(); } }
private void PropertyNameWizardPage_ShowFromNext(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Always reset our tree TreeNode root = PropertyContextMenuTreeView.Nodes[0]; root.Nodes.Clear(); // We need to initialize any previously existing menu if (mProperties.PropertyMenu.Length != 0) { string PropertyMenuFullName = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString(mProperties.PropertyMenu, MOG_Tokens.GetProjectTokenSeeds(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject())); // Make sure we got a filename with a full path, if we didn't it is probably a relational path if (!Path.IsPathRooted(PropertyMenuFullName)) { PropertyMenuFullName = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetProjectToolsPath() + "\\" + PropertyMenuFullName; } // Find and open the menu if (DosUtils.FileExist(PropertyMenuFullName)) { MOG_PropertiesIni ripMenu = new MOG_PropertiesIni(PropertyMenuFullName); if (ripMenu.SectionExist("Property.Menu")) { string property = ""; // Create the sub menu CreateChangePropertiesSubMenu(property, PropertyContextMenuTreeView.Nodes[0], "Property.Menu", ripMenu); } } } }
private void CreateChangePropertiesMenuItem(string propertyPath, TreeNode parentNode, string section, string itemName, MOG_PropertiesIni ripMenu) { string command = ripMenu.GetPropertyString(section, "MenuItem", itemName); // Check to see if this command is another sub menu if (ripMenu.SectionExist(command)) { TreeNode propertyMenuItem = CreatePropertyMenuNode(parentNode, itemName); CreateChangePropertiesSubMenu(propertyPath, propertyMenuItem, command, ripMenu); } else { string globalSection, propertySection, key, val; string[] leftParts = command.Split("=".ToCharArray()); if (leftParts.Length < 2) { string title = "Change Properties Failed"; string message = "Invalid property format specified.\n" + "Specified Format: " + command + "\n" + " Proper Format: [Section]{PropertyGroup}PropertyName=PropertyValue"; MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage(title, message); return; } else { string[] testParts = leftParts[0].Split("[]{}".ToCharArray()); if (testParts.Length != 5) { string title = "Change Properties Failed"; string message = "Invalid property format specified.\n" + "Specified Format: " + command + "\n" + " Proper Format: [Section]{PropertyGroup}PropertyName=PropertyValue"; MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage(title, message); return; } else { try { globalSection = testParts[1]; propertySection = testParts[3]; key = testParts[4]; val = command.Substring(command.IndexOf("=") + 1); } catch { string title = "Change Properties Failed"; string message = "Invalid property format specified.\n" + "Specified Format: " + command + "\n" + " Proper Format: [Section]{PropertyGroup}PropertyName=PropertyValue"; MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage(title, message); return; } } CreatePropertyNode(parentNode, itemName, globalSection, propertySection, key, val); } } }
public void Load(string section) { if (mSkinDef != null) { if (mSkinDef.SectionExist(section)) { ArrayList SkinNames = new ArrayList(); ArrayList Skins = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < mSkinDef.CountKeys(section); i++) { string label = mSkinDef.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW(section, i); string file = mSkinDef.GetKeyByIndexSLOW(section, i); string fullFilename = ""; if (Path.IsPathRooted(file)) { fullFilename = file; } else { fullFilename = MOG.MOG_Main.GetExecutablePath() + "\\" + file; } LoadImage: if (string.Compare(file, "none", true) != 0) { if (DosUtils.FileExist(fullFilename)) { // Get the group image Image myImage = new Bitmap(fullFilename); // Add the image and the type to the arrayLists Skins.Add(myImage); SkinNames.Add(label); } else { switch (MOG_Prompt.PromptResponse("Custom skin", "Skin label:\n" + label + "\nSkin bitmap:\n" + fullFilename + "+\nCould not be found or is missing! This image will be nullified.", MOGPromptButtons.RetryCancel)) { case MOGPromptResult.Retry: goto LoadImage; } } } } mSections.Add(SkinNames); mSectionNames.Add(section); mSkins.Add(Skins); mSkinNames.Add(SkinNames); } } }
public static bool SettingExist(string p, string p_2, string p_3) { bool exist = false; if (Settings != null) { exist = Settings.PropertyExist(p, p_2, p_3); if (!exist) { if (Settings.SectionExist(p) == false) { Debug.WriteLine("Section(" + p + ") does not exist while looking up property(" + p_2 + ")", p_3); } else { Debug.WriteLine("Property(" + p_2 + ") does not exist within section(" + p + ")", p_3); } } } return(exist); }
public void LoadTabs() { // Clear out any previous web tabs ClearWebTabs(); MOG_PropertiesIni project = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetConfigFile(); if (project.SectionExist("WebTabs")) { SortedList <int, webtab> list = new SortedList <int, webtab>(); for (int i = 0; i < project.CountKeys("WebTabs"); i++) { string section = "WebTab_" + project.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("WebTabs", i); // Upgrade old tabs to new format if (project.SectionExist(section) == false && project.SectionExist(project.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("WebTabs", i)) == true && string.Compare(project.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("WebTabs", i), "Project", true) != 0) { project.RenameSection(project.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("WebTabs", i), section); } // Load Tab information if (project.SectionExist(section)) { webtab tab = new webtab(); tab.title = "WebTab"; tab.url = ""; tab.position = 0; // Get custom title if (project.KeyExist(section, "TITLE")) { tab.title = project.GetString(section, "TITLE"); } // Get custom url if (project.KeyExist(section, "URL")) { tab.url = project.GetString(section, "URL"); } // Get position if (project.KeyExist(section, "POSITION")) { tab.position = Convert.ToInt32(project.GetString(section, "POSITION")); } list.Add(tab.position, tab); } } foreach (webtab newtab in list.Values) { // Create the tab TabPage tab = CreateWebTab(newtab.title, newtab.url); // Add it to our main tab control mainForm.MOGTabControl.TabPages.Add(tab); } } }
public void InitializeListView() { WebTabTabsListView.Items.Clear(); MOG_PropertiesIni project = MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetConfigFile(); if (project.SectionExist("WebTabs")) { SortedList <int, webtab> list = new SortedList <int, webtab>(); for (int i = 0; i < project.CountKeys("WebTabs"); i++) { string section = "WebTab_" + project.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("WebTabs", i); // Upgrade old tabs to new format if (project.SectionExist(section) == false && project.SectionExist(project.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("WebTabs", i)) == true && string.Compare(project.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("WebTabs", i), "Project", true) != 0) { project.RenameSection(project.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("WebTabs", i), section); } // Load Tab information if (project.SectionExist(section)) { webtab tab = new webtab(); tab.title = "WebTab"; tab.url = ""; tab.position = 0; // Get custom title if (project.KeyExist(section, "TITLE")) { tab.title = project.GetString(section, "TITLE"); } // Get custom url if (project.KeyExist(section, "URL")) { tab.url = project.GetString(section, "URL"); } // Get position if (project.KeyExist(section, "POSITION")) { tab.position = Convert.ToInt32(project.GetString(section, "POSITION")); } list.Add(tab.position, tab); } } foreach (webtab newtab in list.Values) { ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(newtab.title); item.SubItems.Add(newtab.url); item.SubItems.Add(newtab.position.ToString()); WebTabTabsListView.Items.Add(item); } } }
private MOG_PropertiesIni Post(string targetFolder, MOG_PropertiesIni fileList) { bool title = false; MOG_PropertiesIni copiedFiles = new MOG_PropertiesIni(); string fullTargetPath = mSourceBinaries + "\\" + targetFolder + "\\" + mArchiveVersion; Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Create " + targetFolder + " VERSION: " + mArchiveVersion); // Make our target directory DosUtils.DirectoryCreate(fullTargetPath); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Posting new " + targetFolder + " version"); Console.WriteLine("---------------------------"); if (fileList.SectionExist("Files")) { for (int i = 0; i < fileList.CountKeys("Files"); i++) { string label = fileList.GetKeyByIndexSLOW("Files", i); string filename = fileList.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("Files", i); string path = MOG_Tokens.GetFormattedString(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), "{BuildType}=" + mBuildType); string file = Path.GetFileName(filename); if (!title && mVerbose) { Console.WriteLine(label); title = true; } // Copy the files foreach (FileInfo fileHandle in DosUtils.FileGetList(path, file)) { if (!title && !mVerbose) { Console.WriteLine(label); title = true; } try { fileHandle.CopyTo(fullTargetPath + "\\" + fileHandle.Name, true); copiedFiles.PutSectionString("FILES", fullTargetPath + "\\" + fileHandle.Name); Console.WriteLine(" POSTED: " + "<" + fileHandle.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString().ToString() + " " + fileHandle.LastWriteTime.ToShortTimeString().ToString() + ">\t" + fileHandle.Name); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(" ERROR POSTING: " + fileHandle.Name); Console.WriteLine(" ERROR MESSAGE: "+ e.Message); } } title = false; Console.WriteLine(""); } } return(copiedFiles); }