protected override void OnSuccesAction(MegaSDK api, MRequest request) { App.LinkInformation.ActiveLink = request.getLink(); MNode publicNode = App.LinkInformation.PublicNode = request.getPublicMegaNode(); if (publicNode != null) { // Save the handle of the last public node accessed (Task #10800) SettingsService.SaveLastPublicNodeHandle(publicNode.getHandle()); #if WINDOWS_PHONE_80 // Detect if is an image to allow directly download to camera albums bool isImage = false; if (publicNode.isFile()) { FileNodeViewModel node = new FileNodeViewModel(api, null, publicNode, ContainerType.PublicLink); isImage = node.IsImage; } #endif Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { try { #if WINDOWS_PHONE_80 DialogService.ShowOpenLink(publicNode, _folderViewModel, isImage); #elif WINDOWS_PHONE_81 DialogService.ShowOpenLink(publicNode, _folderViewModel); #endif } catch (Exception e) { new CustomMessageDialog( ErrorMessageTitle, String.Format(ErrorMessage, e.Message), App.AppInformation, MessageDialogButtons.Ok).ShowDialog(); } }); } else { Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { new CustomMessageDialog( ErrorMessageTitle, AppMessages.AM_ImportFileFailedNoErrorCode, App.AppInformation, MessageDialogButtons.Ok).ShowDialog(); }); } }