private void PageView_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { if (CurrentPage == null) { return; } e.Graphics.Transform = Context.LastMatrix; Context.g = e.Graphics; Context.CurrentPage = CurrentPage; Context.drawSelectionMarks = false; Context.ViewController = ViewController; CurrentPage.PaintBackground(Context); CurrentPage.Paint(Context, false); CurrentPage.Paint(Context, true); //Debugger.Log(0, "", "Size of text with font size 24: " + e.Graphics.MeasureString("M", new Font("Times", 24f, FontStyle.Regular)) + "\n"); if (CurrentPage.ShowMessageAlways) { Context.PaintMessageBox(false); } if (p_displayedMenu != null) { p_displayedMenu.Paint(Context); } else if (Context.messageBox.Visible && !CurrentPage.ShowMessageAlways) { Context.PaintMessageBox(true); } else { // painting dragged item switch (MouseContext.DragType) { case SMDragResponse.Drag: PaintDraggedItem(Context, MouseContext); break; case SMDragResponse.Line: e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, MouseContext.startPoint, MouseContext.lastPoint); PaintDraggedItem(Context, MouseContext); break; default: break; } } }
private void PageView_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { if (CurrentPage == null) { return; } e.Graphics.Transform = Context.LastMatrix; Rectangle Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height); double ratio = (double)Width / (double)Height; SMScreen currentScreen = SMScreen.Screen_1024_768__4_3; if (ratio < 1.0 && CurrentPage.HasDimension(SMScreen.Screen_768_1024__3_4)) { currentScreen = SMScreen.Screen_768_1024__3_4; } else if (ratio >= 16.0 / 9.0 && CurrentPage.HasDimension(SMScreen.Screen_1376_774__16_9)) { currentScreen = SMScreen.Screen_1376_774__16_9; } else if (ratio >= 3.0 / 2.0 && CurrentPage.HasDimension(SMScreen.Screen_1152_768__3_2)) { currentScreen = SMScreen.Screen_1152_768__3_2; } this.CurrentScreen = currentScreen; Size screenSize = SMRectangleArea.GetPageSize(currentScreen); Context.PageWidth = screenSize.Width; Context.PageHeight = screenSize.Height; double scale = Math.Min(Bounds.Width / (double)screenSize.Width, Bounds.Height / (double)screenSize.Height); int drawingWidthP = Convert.ToInt32(scale * screenSize.Width); int drawingHeightP = Convert.ToInt32(scale * screenSize.Height); int leftMarginP = (Bounds.Width - drawingWidthP) / 2; int rightMarginP = leftMarginP; int leftMarginL = (int)(leftMarginP / scale); int rightMarginL = (int)(rightMarginP / scale); Context.TopRectL = new Rectangle(-leftMarginL, 0, screenSize.Width + leftMarginL + rightMarginL, 64); Context.SideRectLeftL = new Rectangle(-leftMarginL, 0, leftMarginL, screenSize.Height); Context.SideRectRightL = new Rectangle(screenSize.Width, 0, rightMarginL, screenSize.Height); Context.BackButtonRectL = new Rectangle(-leftMarginL, 0, 64, 64); // context.TopRectL.Left, context.PageHeight / 2 - 100, 80, 200 Context.BackAreaRectL = new Rectangle(-leftMarginL, screenSize.Height / 2 - 100, 80, 200); Context.MenuButtonRectL = new Rectangle(-leftMarginL + 64, 0, 64, 64); Context.FwdButtonRectL = new Rectangle(screenSize.Width - 64 + rightMarginL, 0, 64, 64); Context.FwdAreaRectL = new Rectangle(screenSize.Width - 80 + rightMarginL, screenSize.Height / 2 - 100, 80, 200); Context.HelpButtonRectL = new Rectangle(screenSize.Width - 128 + rightMarginL, 0, 64, 64); Context.AudioButtonRectL = new Rectangle(screenSize.Width - 192 + rightMarginL, 0, 64, 64); Context.xoffset = leftMarginP; Context.yoffset = 0; Context.zoom = (float)scale; //e.Graphics.Offset((float)(leftMarginP * scale), 0); //e.Graphics.ScaleCTM((float)scale, (float)scale); Context.g = e.Graphics; Context.CurrentPage = CurrentPage; Context.drawSelectionMarks = false; Context.ViewController = ViewController; //eGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, 0, 1024, 768); //eGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 1024, 0, 0, 768); //eGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, 0, 0, 1024, 768); //AppDelegate.Log("Rectangle for paint: {0},{1},{2},{3}\n", rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height); CurrentPage.CurrentScreenDimension = currentScreen; //---- CurrentPage.PaintBackground(Context); CurrentPage.Paint(Context, false); CurrentPage.Paint(Context, true); if (CurrentPage.ShowMessageAlways) { Context.PaintMessageBox(false); } if (p_displayedMenu != null) { p_displayedMenu.Paint(Context); } else if (Context.messageBox.Visible && !CurrentPage.ShowMessageAlways) { Context.PaintMessageBox(true); } else { // painting dragged item switch (MouseContext.DragType) { case SMDragResponse.Drag: PaintDraggedItem(Context, MouseContext); break; case SMDragResponse.Line: e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, MouseContext.startPoint, MouseContext.lastPoint); PaintDraggedItem(Context, MouseContext); break; default: break; } } // draw side rect if screen ratio is not 4:3 if (Context.SideRectLeftL.Width != 0) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(CurrentPage.BackgroundBrush, Context.SideRectLeftL); } if (Context.SideRectRightL.Width != 0) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(CurrentPage.BackgroundBrush, Context.SideRectRightL); } CurrentPage.PaintUserControls(Context); }