예제 #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Converts the native TabletDeviceStatesListNative structure into an array of TabletState structures.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="deviceStatesNative">The retrieved TabletDeviceStatesListNative structure.</param>
            /// <returns>Returns an array of TabletState structures.</returns>
            public static MLInput.TabletState[] DeviceStatesToArray(TabletDeviceStatesListNative deviceStatesNative)
                MLInput.TabletState[] deviceStates = new MLInput.TabletState[deviceStatesNative.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < (int)deviceStatesNative.Count; i++)
                    deviceStates[i] = Marshal.PtrToStructure <NativeBindings.TabletDeviceStateNative>(deviceStatesNative.Data + (i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(NativeBindings.TabletDeviceStateNative)))).Data;

예제 #2
        private void HandleOnTabletPenTouch(byte tabletId, MLInput.TabletState tabletState)
            // Set the location of the pen.
            _pen.localPosition = new Vector3(tabletState.PenTouchPosAndForce.x / -7.75f, tabletState.PenDistance / 100, tabletState.PenTouchPosAndForce.y / 13.25f);

            // Set the rotation of the pen.
            if (tabletState.ValidityCheck.HasFlag(MLInput.TabletDeviceStateMask.HasAdditionalPenTouchData))
                _pen.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(-90, 0, 0) * Quaternion.Euler(tabletState.AdditionalPenTouchData[1], tabletState.AdditionalPenTouchData[0] * -1, 0);

            // Only draw when the pen is touching.
            if (tabletState.IsPenTouchActive)
                // Determine the hit location on the canvas from the location of the pen.
                if (Physics.Raycast(new Ray(_pen.transform.position + (_pen.transform.forward * 0.0025f), _canvasRenderer.transform.up * -1), out _pixelHit))
                    // Confirm the correct object is being hit.
                    if (_pixelHit.collider.gameObject == _canvasRenderer.gameObject)
                        // Only draw the pixel if it doesn't match what was detected.
                        if (_pixelPoint != _pixelHit.lightmapCoord)
                            _pixelPoint = _pixelHit.lightmapCoord;

                            _pixelPoint.y *= RESOLUTION;
                            _pixelPoint.x *= RESOLUTION;

                            // Check if the tool type is set to erase, or if the user is pressing the erase button.
                            bool erase = (tabletState.ToolType == MLInput.TabletDeviceToolType.Eraser || ButtonErase);

                            DrawTexture(_canvas, _pixelPoint.x, _pixelPoint.y, tabletState.PenTouchPosAndForce.z, erase);

            // Update our last state, used for on-screen information.
            LastPositionAndForce = tabletState.PenTouchPosAndForce;
            LastDistance         = tabletState.PenDistance;

            // Pen tilt information.
            if (tabletState.ValidityCheck.HasFlag(MLInput.TabletDeviceStateMask.HasAdditionalPenTouchData))
                LastTilt = new Vector2(tabletState.AdditionalPenTouchData[0], tabletState.AdditionalPenTouchData[1]);

            LastIsTouching = tabletState.IsPenTouchActive;
            LastToolType   = tabletState.ToolType;