private void TryToTakeAction(MLAction action) { if (IsPerformingMove()) { return; } if (isAnim) { return; } if (MLActionFactory.IsPunch(action)) { if (punchAction.IsOnCooldown()) { return; } punchAction.Run(action == MLAction.PUNCH_LEFT ? Direction.LEFT : Direction.RIGHT); } if (MLActionFactory.IsDodge(action)) { if (dodgeAction.IsOnCooldown()) { return; } dodgeAction.Run(action == MLAction.DODGE_LEFT ? Direction.LEFT : Direction.RIGHT); } }
/// <summary> /// Take an action /// </summary> /// <param name="vectorAction">The action to take</param> /// <param name="textAction">The name of the action</param> public override void AgentAction(float[] vectorAction, string textAction) { base.AgentAction(vectorAction, textAction); lastActions = vectorAction; lastLoss = MLActionFactory.GetLoss(vectorAction); if (!isFighting) { return; } // Only perform confident moves var confidence = MLActionFactory.GetProbabilityFromVector(MLActionFactory.GetAction(vectorAction), vectorAction); if (!Mathf.Approximately(confidence, 0) && confidence < minConfidence) { return; } // Try to perform action TryToTakeAction(MLActionFactory.GetAction(vectorAction)); // Interrupt dodges early if (endDodgeEarly && MLActionFactory.IsDodge(currentAction)) { if (MLActionFactory.IsPunch(lastEnemyState) && !MLActionFactory.IsPunch(opponent.GetCurrentAction())) { // Opponent finished punching, so stop dodging dodgeAction.Interrupt(); } } lastEnemyState = opponent.GetCurrentAction(); }
private bool IsGoodMove() { if (opponent == null) { return(false); } var opponentMove = opponent.GetCurrentAction(); var myMove = MLActionFactory.GetAction(lastActions); if (myMove == MLAction.NOTHING) { return(true); } if (MLActionFactory.IsPunch(opponentMove) && !MLActionFactory.IsDodge(myMove)) { return(false); } if (!MLActionFactory.IsPunch(opponentMove) && MLActionFactory.IsDodge(myMove)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private MLAction runMoves(List <float> vectorObs, MLAction[] moves) { MLInput input = new MLInput(vectorObs.ToArray()); var currentMove = moves[moveIdx]; if (currentMove == MLAction.NOTHING && Time.time - nothingStartTime >= nothingDuration) { // Doing nothing ended return(runNextMove(moves, input)); } else if (didAction && MLActionFactory.IsPunch(currentMove) && input.GetMyMove() == MLAction.NOTHING) { // Punch ended return(runNextMove(moves, input)); } else if (didAction && MLActionFactory.IsDodge(currentMove) && input.GetMyMove() == MLAction.NOTHING) { // Dodge ended return(runNextMove(moves, input)); } if (!didAction && MLActionFactory.IsPunch(currentMove)) { didAction = input.IsPunchReady(); } else if (!didAction && MLActionFactory.IsDodge(currentMove)) { didAction = input.IsDodgeReady(); } return(moves[moveIdx]); }
private MLAction runNextMove(MLAction[] moves, MLInput input) { didAction = false; nothingStartTime = Time.time; moveIdx = (moveIdx + 1) % moves.Length; MLAction nextMove = moves[moveIdx]; if (MLActionFactory.IsPunch(nextMove)) { didAction = input.IsPunchReady(); } else if (MLActionFactory.IsDodge(nextMove)) { didAction = input.IsDodgeReady(); } return(nextMove); }
/// <summary> /// Collect the observations (internal punch) /// </summary> public override void CollectObservations() { AddVectorObs(!punchAction.IsOnCooldown() && !punchAction.IsRunning()); AddVectorObs(!dodgeAction.IsOnCooldown() && !dodgeAction.IsRunning()); bool[] move; int opponentComboState = 0; if (opponent != null) { move = new bool[] { opponent.currentAction == MLAction.PUNCH_RIGHT, opponent.currentAction == MLAction.PUNCH_LEFT, opponent.currentAction == MLAction.DODGE_LEFT, opponent.currentAction == MLAction.DODGE_RIGHT }; opponentComboState = opponent.comboTracker.GetState(); } else { move = new bool[] { false, false, false, false }; opponentComboState = 0; } AddVectorObs(Encoder.encodeInt(comboTracker.GetState(), 0, comboTracker.GetTotalStates())); foreach (var m in move) { AddVectorObs(m); } AddVectorObs(currentAction == MLAction.PUNCH_LEFT); AddVectorObs(currentAction == MLAction.PUNCH_RIGHT); AddVectorObs(currentAction == MLAction.DODGE_LEFT); AddVectorObs(currentAction == MLAction.DODGE_RIGHT); if (bufferSize >= maxBufferSize) { SetTextObs((isTeacher && isFighting && MLActionFactory.GetAction(lastActions) != MLAction.NOTHING) + "," + true); bufferSize = 0; } else { if (MLActionFactory.IsPunch(MLActionFactory.GetAction(lastActions))) { punchCount++; } else if (MLActionFactory.IsDodge(MLActionFactory.GetAction(lastActions))) { dodgeCount++; } if (isTeacher) { //Debug.Log(punchCount + ", " + dodgeCount); } var training = isTeacher && isFighting && (MLActionFactory.GetAction(lastActions) != MLAction.NOTHING || nothingBuffer < nothingBufferSize) && IsGoodMove(); if (training) { bufferSize++; } if (MLActionFactory.GetAction(lastActions) == MLAction.NOTHING) { nothingBuffer++; } SetTextObs(training + "," + false); } }