예제 #1
파일: SLMedia.cs 프로젝트: thakgit/StiLib
        /// <summary>
        /// Resize video
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int ResizeVideo(short width, short height)
            TRACE(string.Format("ResizeVideo: {0}x{1}", width, height));

            int hr = S_Ok;

            if (m_pVideoDisplay != null)
                    MFRect rcDest = new MFRect();
                    MFVideoNormalizedRect nRect = new MFVideoNormalizedRect();

                    nRect.left    = 0;
                    nRect.right   = 1;
                    nRect.top     = 0;
                    nRect.bottom  = 1;
                    rcDest.left   = 0;
                    rcDest.top    = 0;
                    rcDest.right  = width;
                    rcDest.bottom = height;

                    m_pVideoDisplay.SetVideoPosition(nRect, rcDest);
                catch (Exception e)
                    hr = Marshal.GetHRForException(e);

예제 #2
    public HResult ResizeVideo(short width, short height)
        HResult hr = HResult.S_OK;

        TRACE(string.Format("ResizeVideo: {0}x{1}", width, height));

        if (m_pVideoDisplay != null)
                MFRect rcDest = new MFRect();
                MFVideoNormalizedRect nRect = new MFVideoNormalizedRect();

                nRect.left    = 0;
                nRect.right   = 1;
                nRect.top     = 0;
                nRect.bottom  = 1;
                rcDest.left   = 0;
                rcDest.top    = 0;
                rcDest.right  = width;
                rcDest.bottom = height;

                hr = m_pVideoDisplay.SetVideoPosition(nRect, rcDest);
            catch (Exception ce)
                hr = (HResult)Marshal.GetHRForException(ce);

예제 #3
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle size changed events on this control
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="errMsg">the error message</param>
        /// <param name="ex">the exception. Can be null</param>
        /// <history>
        ///    01 Nov 18  Cynic - Originally Written
        /// </history>
        private void ctlTantaEVRStreamDisplay_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

            HResult hr;

            if (evrVideoDisplay == null)

                // we are going to use the size changed event to reset the size of the video on the display.
                // This is controlled by two windows.

                // The source window determines which portion of the video is displayed. It is specified in
                // normalized coordinates. In other words, a value between 0 and 1. To display the entire video
                // image we would set the source rectangle to { 0, 0, 1, 1}. To display the bottom right quarter
                // we would set it to { 0.75f, 0.75f, 1, 1}. The default source rectangle is { 0, 0, 1, 1}.

                // The destination rectangle defines a rectangle within the clipping window (the video surface) where the video appears.
                // in this control this is the surface of a child panel control. This values is specified in pixels, relative to
                // the client area of the control. To fill the entire control, set the destination rectangle to { 0, 0, width, height},
                // where width and height are dimensions of the window client area.

                MFRect destinationRect           = new MFRect();
                MFVideoNormalizedRect sourceRect = new MFVideoNormalizedRect();

                // populate a MFVideoNormalizedRect structure that specifies the source rectangle.
                // This parameter can be NULL. If this parameter is NULL, the source rectangle does not change.
                sourceRect.left   = 0;
                sourceRect.right  = 1;
                sourceRect.top    = 0;
                sourceRect.bottom = 1;

                // populate the destination rectangle. This parameter can be NULL. If this parameter is NULL,
                // the destination rectangle does not change.
                destinationRect.left   = 0;
                destinationRect.top    = 0;
                destinationRect.right  = panelDisplayPanel.Width;
                destinationRect.bottom = panelDisplayPanel.Height;

                // now set the video display coordinates
                hr = evrVideoDisplay.SetVideoPosition(sourceRect, destinationRect);
                if (hr != HResult.S_OK)
                    throw new Exception("ctlTantaEVRStreamDisplay_SizeChanged failed. Err=" + hr.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogMessage("ctlTantaEVRStreamDisplay_SizeChanged failed exception happened. ex=" + ex.Message);
                //        NotifyPlayerErrored(ex.Message, ex);
예제 #4
        public bool HitTest(Point pt)
            if (m_pMapper == null)
                throw new COMException("null mapper", MFError.MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST);

            int  hr   = 0;
            bool bHit = false;

            float x = -1, y = -1;

            // Normalize the coordinates (ie, calculate them as a percentage of
            // the video window's entire client area).
            Rectangle r  = m_hwndVideo.ClientRectangle;
            MFRect    rc = new MFRect(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom);

            float x1 = (float)pt.X / rc.right;
            float y1 = (float)pt.Y / rc.bottom;

            // Map these coordinates into the coordinate space of the substream.
                x1, y1,      // Output coordinates
                0,           // Output stream (the mixer only has one)
                1,           // Input stream (1 = substream)
                out x, out y // Receives the normalized input coordinates.

            // If the mapped coordinates fall within [0-1], it's a hit.
            if (Succeeded(hr))
                bHit = ((x >= 0) && (x <= 1) && (y >= 0) && (y <= 1));

            if (bHit)
                // Store the hit point.
                // We adjust the hit point by the substream scaling factor, so that the
                // hit point is now scaled to the reference stream.

                // Example:
                // - The hit point is (0.5,0.5), the center of the image.
                // - The scaling factor is 0.5, so the substream image is 50% the size
                //   of the reference stream.
                // The adjusted hit point is (0.25,0.25) FROM the origin of the substream
                // rectangle but IN units of the reference stream. See DShowPlayer::Track
                // for where this is used.

                m_ptHitTrack = new PointF(x * m_fScale, y * m_fScale);

            return(bHit ? true : false);
예제 #5
        // SetDestinationRect
        // Sets the region within the video window where the video is drawn.

        public void SetDestinationRect(MFRect rcDest)
            if (!m_rcDestRect.Equals(rcDest))
                lock (this)
                    m_rcDestRect.left   = rcDest.left;
                    m_rcDestRect.right  = rcDest.right;
                    m_rcDestRect.top    = rcDest.top;
                    m_rcDestRect.bottom = rcDest.bottom;

예제 #6
        void VideoInternalWindow_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int top    = 0;
            int left   = 0;
            int width  = this.Width;
            int height = this.Height;

            if (_detachedWindow != null)
                top    = _detachedWindow.ClientRectangle.Top;
                left   = _detachedWindow.ClientRectangle.Left;
                width  = _detachedWindow.ClientRectangle.Width;
                height = _detachedWindow.ClientRectangle.Height;

            if (_isInit)
                if (_vw != null)
                    _vw.SetWindowPosition(top, left, width, height);
                else if (_evr != null & !_delayedInit)
                        MFRect rcDest = new MFRect();
                        MFVideoNormalizedRect nRect = new MFVideoNormalizedRect();

                        nRect.left    = 0;
                        nRect.right   = 1;
                        nRect.top     = 0;
                        nRect.bottom  = 1;
                        rcDest.left   = top;
                        rcDest.top    = left;
                        rcDest.right  = width;
                        rcDest.bottom = height;

                        _evr.SetVideoPosition(nRect, rcDest);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Failed to set EVR Window Position");
예제 #7
        protected IDirect3DSurface9 m_pSurfaceRepaint;       // Surface for repaint requests.


        public D3DPresentEngine()
            m_iFrames = 0;

            m_hwnd             = IntPtr.Zero;
            m_DeviceResetToken = 0;
            m_pD3D9            = null;
            m_pDevice          = null;
            m_pDeviceManager   = null;
            m_pSurfaceRepaint  = null;

            m_rcDestRect  = new MFRect();
            m_DisplayMode = new D3DDISPLAYMODE();


예제 #8
        // UpdateDestRect
        // Updates the target rectangle by clipping it to the video window's client
        // area.
        // Called whenever the application sets the video window or the destination
        // rectangle.

        protected void UpdateDestRect()
            if (m_hwnd != IntPtr.Zero)
                MediaFoundation.Misc.MFRect rcView = new MFRect();
                GetClientRect(m_hwnd, rcView);

                // Clip the destination rectangle to the window's client area.
                if (m_rcDestRect.right > rcView.right)
                    m_rcDestRect.right = rcView.right;

                if (m_rcDestRect.bottom > rcView.bottom)
                    m_rcDestRect.bottom = rcView.bottom;
예제 #9
 protected static extern bool GetClientRect(
     IntPtr hwnd,    // handle to a window
     [Out] MFRect r  // determine return value
예제 #10
        private void InitializeEVR(IBaseFilter pEVR, int dwStreams, out IMFVideoDisplayControl ppDisplay)
            IMFVideoRenderer       pRenderer;
            IMFVideoDisplayControl pDisplay;
            IEVRFilterConfig       pConfig;
            IMFVideoPresenter      pPresenter;

            // Before doing anything else, set any custom presenter or mixer.

            // Presenter?
            if (m_clsidPresenter != Guid.Empty)
                Type type = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(m_clsidPresenter);

                // An error here means that the custom presenter sample from
                // http://mfnet.sourceforge.net hasn't been installed or
                // registered.
                pPresenter = (IMFVideoPresenter)Activator.CreateInstance(type);

                    pRenderer = (IMFVideoRenderer)pEVR;

                    pRenderer.InitializeRenderer(null, pPresenter);

            // Continue with the rest of the set-up.

            // Set the video window.
            object        o;
            IMFGetService pGetService = null;

            pGetService = (IMFGetService)pEVR;
            pGetService.GetService(MFServices.MR_VIDEO_RENDER_SERVICE, typeof(IMFVideoDisplayControl).GUID, out o);

                pDisplay = (IMFVideoDisplayControl)o;

                // Set the number of streams.

                if (dwStreams > 1)
                    pConfig = (IEVRFilterConfig)pEVR;

                // Set the display position to the entire window.
                Rectangle r  = m_hwndVideo.ClientRectangle;
                MFRect    rc = new MFRect(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom);

                pDisplay.SetVideoPosition(null, rc);

                // Return the IMFVideoDisplayControl pointer to the caller.
                ppDisplay = pDisplay;
            m_pMixer = null;
예제 #11
        public void Track(Point pt)
            if (m_pMixer == null || m_pMapper == null)
                throw new COMException("null mixer or mapper", MFError.MF_E_INVALIDREQUEST);

            Rectangle r  = m_hwndVideo.ClientRectangle;
            MFRect    rc = new MFRect(r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom);

            // x, y: Mouse coordinates, normalized relative to the composition rectangle.
            float x = (float)pt.X / rc.right;
            float y = (float)pt.Y / rc.bottom;

            // Map the mouse coordinates to the reference stream.
                x, y,        // Output coordinates
                0,           // Output stream (the mixer only has one)
                0,           // Input stream (0 = ref stream)
                out x, out y // Receives the normalized input coordinates.

            // Offset by the original hit point.
            x -= m_ptHitTrack.X;
            y -= m_ptHitTrack.Y;

            float max_offset = 1.0f - m_fScale; // Maximum left and top positions for the substream.

            MFVideoNormalizedRect nrcDest = new MFVideoNormalizedRect();

            if (x < 0)
                nrcDest.left  = 0;
                nrcDest.right = m_fScale;
            else if (x > max_offset)
                nrcDest.right = 1;
                nrcDest.left  = max_offset;
                nrcDest.left  = x;
                nrcDest.right = x + m_fScale;

            if (y < 0)
                nrcDest.top    = 0;
                nrcDest.bottom = m_fScale;
            else if (y > max_offset)
                nrcDest.bottom = 1;
                nrcDest.top    = max_offset;
                nrcDest.top    = y;
                nrcDest.bottom = y + m_fScale;

            // Set the new position.
            m_pMixer.SetStreamOutputRect(1, nrcDest);
예제 #12
        private void SetVideoPositions()
            var hiddenWindowContentSize = _hiddenWindow.ContentPixelSize;

            var screenWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(hiddenWindowContentSize.Width));
            var screenHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(hiddenWindowContentSize.Height));

            _logger.Info("window content width: {0}, window height: {1}", screenWidth, screenHeight);

            // Set the display position to the entire window.
            var rc = new MFRect(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);

            _mPDisplay.SetVideoPosition(null, rc);

            // Get Aspect Ratio
            int aspectX;
            int aspectY;

            decimal heightAsPercentOfWidth = 0;

            var basicVideo2 = (IBasicVideo2)m_graph;

            basicVideo2.GetPreferredAspectRatio(out aspectX, out aspectY);

            var sourceHeight = 0;
            var sourceWidth  = 0;

            _basicVideo.GetVideoSize(out sourceWidth, out sourceHeight);

            if (aspectX == 0 || aspectY == 0 || sourceWidth > 0 || sourceHeight > 0)
                aspectX = sourceWidth;
                aspectY = sourceHeight;

            if (aspectX > 0 && aspectY > 0)
                heightAsPercentOfWidth = decimal.Divide(aspectY, aspectX);

            // Adjust Video Size
            var iAdjustedHeight = 0;

            if (aspectX > 0 && aspectY > 0)
                var adjustedHeight = Convert.ToDouble(heightAsPercentOfWidth * screenWidth);
                iAdjustedHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(adjustedHeight));

            if (screenHeight >= iAdjustedHeight && iAdjustedHeight > 0)
                double totalMargin = (screenHeight - iAdjustedHeight);
                var    topMargin   = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(totalMargin / 2));

                _basicVideo.SetDestinationPosition(0, topMargin, screenWidth, iAdjustedHeight);
            else if (screenHeight < iAdjustedHeight && iAdjustedHeight > 0)
                var adjustedWidth = Convert.ToDouble(screenHeight / heightAsPercentOfWidth);

                var iAdjustedWidth = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(adjustedWidth));

                if (iAdjustedWidth == 1919)
                    iAdjustedWidth = 1920;

                double totalMargin = (screenWidth - iAdjustedWidth);
                var    leftMargin  = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(totalMargin / 2));

                _basicVideo.SetDestinationPosition(leftMargin, 0, iAdjustedWidth, screenHeight);
            _videoWindow.SetWindowPosition(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight);