protected void CreateOutputNode(
            IMFStreamDescriptor pSourceSD,
            out IMFTopologyNode ppNode
            IMFTopologyNode     pNode             = null;
            IMFMediaTypeHandler pHandler          = null;
            IMFActivate         pRendererActivate = null;

            Guid    guidMajorType = Guid.Empty;
            MFError throwonhr;

            // Get the stream ID.
            int streamID = 0;

                HResult hr;

                hr = pSourceSD.GetStreamIdentifier(out streamID); // Just for debugging, ignore any failures.
                if (MFError.Failed(hr))
                    //TRACE("IMFStreamDescriptor::GetStreamIdentifier" + hr.ToString());

                // Get the media type handler for the stream.
                throwonhr = pSourceSD.GetMediaTypeHandler(out pHandler);

                // Get the major media type.
                throwonhr = pHandler.GetMajorType(out guidMajorType);

                // Create a downstream node.
                throwonhr = MFExtern.MFCreateTopologyNode(MFTopologyType.OutputNode, out pNode);

                // Create an IMFActivate object for the renderer, based on the media type.
                if (MFMediaType.Audio == guidMajorType)
                    // Create the audio renderer.
                    //TRACE(string.Format("Stream {0}: audio stream", streamID));
                    throwonhr = MFExtern.MFCreateAudioRendererActivate(out pRendererActivate);

                    // Set the IActivate object on the output node.
                    throwonhr = pNode.SetObject(pRendererActivate);
                else if (MFMediaType.Video == guidMajorType)
                    // Create the video renderer.
                    //TRACE(string.Format("Stream {0}: video stream", streamID));
                    //throwonhr = MFExtern.MFCreateVideoRendererActivate(m_hwndVideo, out pRendererActivate);

                    mIMFTopologyNode.GetObject(out pRendererActivate);

                    throwonhr = pNode.SetObject(pRendererActivate);
                    //TRACE(string.Format("Stream {0}: Unknown format", streamID));
                    //throw new COMException("Unknown format", (int)HResult.E_FAIL);

                // Return the IMFTopologyNode pointer to the caller.
                ppNode = pNode;
                // If we failed, release the pNode
                // Clean up.
예제 #2
    // Strings in icy-metaint format.  This method called asynchronously by
    // DoRead().
    private void LoadValues(byte[] bData)
        // This horrific bit of code is intended to allow for foreign language
        // character sets.  icy provides no way of handling (say) Thai
        // characters in song titles (and yes, it happens).  But you can
        // set BYTEADJUSTMENT to 0x0e00 and we'll add it to the bytes here.
        // There's GOT to be a better way...
        int     byteadjustment;
        HResult hr = GetUINT32(BYTEADJUSTMENT, out byteadjustment);

        if (MFError.Failed(hr))
            byteadjustment = 0;

        // They're really just bytes.  I could just as well use ASCII here.
        string sData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bData);

        // Strings are of the form:
        //      StreamTitle ='something';StreamUrl='somethingelse';
        // Assume no spaces around = or ;
        // Note that there can be (unescaped) embedded ' marks in the
        // something.  Yeah, really.

        int iPos = sData.IndexOf('=');

        while (iPos > 0)
            // I'm not sure there's any standardization about the case of
            // property names, so I'm forcing them all to lc.
            string sKey = FixName(sData.Substring(0, iPos).Trim().ToLower());

            iPos++; // skip past equal

            // I can't think of a more generic way to search
            // for this.  Since ' can be "embedded" in the
            // string, how do you know where the end of the
            // string is?
            int iEnd = sData.IndexOf("';", iPos);

            // Discard open and close quote
            string        sValue = sData.Substring(iPos + 1, iEnd - iPos - 1).Trim();
            StringBuilder value;
            value = new StringBuilder(sValue);

            if (byteadjustment != 0)
                for (int x = 0; x < value.Length; x++)
                    value[x] += (char)byteadjustment;

            // Add (or update) the key/value.
            MFError throwonerror = m_MetaData.SetProperty(
                sKey, new PropVariant(value.ToString()));

            // Skip past ' and ;
            sData = sData.Substring(iEnd + 1 + 1);

            iPos = sData.IndexOf('=');

        // Let anyone who's listening know that there's new metadata.