// when doc type = Warehouse Order / Credit Order / POS Order / Prepay order --- and payment term is advance -- then system return false public bool checkAdvancePaymentTerm(Ctx ctx, string fields) { string[] paramValue = fields.Split(','); bool isAdvancePayTerm = true; int documnetType_Id = 0, PaymentTerm_Id = 0; documnetType_Id = Util.GetValueOfInt(paramValue[0]); PaymentTerm_Id = Util.GetValueOfInt(paramValue[1]); // when document type is not -- Warehouse Order / Credit Order / POS Order / Prepay order, then true MDocType doctype = MDocType.Get(ctx, documnetType_Id); if (!(doctype.GetDocSubTypeSO() == X_C_DocType.DOCSUBTYPESO_PrepayOrder || doctype.GetDocSubTypeSO() == X_C_DocType.DOCSUBTYPESO_OnCreditOrder || doctype.GetDocSubTypeSO() == X_C_DocType.DOCSUBTYPESO_WarehouseOrder || doctype.GetDocSubTypeSO() == X_C_DocType.DOCSUBTYPESO_POSOrder)) { isAdvancePayTerm = true; } // check payment term is Advance, then return False else if (Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT VA009_Advance FROM C_PaymentTerm WHERE C_PaymentTerm_ID = " + PaymentTerm_Id, null, null)).Equals("Y")) { isAdvancePayTerm = false; } // check any payment term schedule is Advance, then return False else if (Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM C_PaySchedule WHERE VA009_Advance = 'Y' AND C_PaymentTerm_ID = " + PaymentTerm_Id, null, null)) > 0) { isAdvancePayTerm = false; } return(isAdvancePayTerm); }
/// Get Payment Base Type /// </summary> /// <param name="ctx"></param> /// <param name="fields"></param> /// <returns>Dictionary</returns> public Dictionary <String, object> GetPayBaseType(Ctx ctx, string fields) { if (fields != null) { Dictionary <String, object> retDic = null; string[] paramValue = fields.ToString().Split(','); //Assign parameter value int C_DocType_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(paramValue[0].ToString()); //End Assign parameter MDocType _doctype = new MDocType(ctx, C_DocType_ID, null); if (_doctype != null) { retDic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); retDic["DocBaseType"] = _doctype.GetDocBaseType(); return(retDic); } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } }
public void CreateCashLine(MInvoice invoice, int C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID, decimal amt) { SetC_Invoice_ID(invoice.GetC_Invoice_ID()); SetC_InvoicePaySchedule_ID(C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID); SetCashType(CASHTYPE_Invoice); SetC_BPartner_ID(invoice.GetC_BPartner_ID()); SetC_Currency_ID(invoice.GetC_Currency_ID()); // Amount MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), invoice.GetC_DocType_ID()); if (MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE.Equals(dt.GetDocBaseType()) || MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_ARCREDITMEMO.Equals(dt.GetDocBaseType())) { amt = Decimal.Negate(amt); SetVSS_PAYMENTTYPE("P"); } else { SetVSS_PAYMENTTYPE("R"); } SetAmount(amt); // SetDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO); SetWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO); SetIsGenerated(true); _invoice = invoice; }
public String PrepareIt() { MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), GetC_DocType_ID()); if (!MPeriod.IsOpen(GetCtx(), GetDateAcct(), dt.GetDocBaseType())) { _processMsg = "@PeriodClosed@"; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } // is Non Business Day? if (MNonBusinessDay.IsNonBusinessDay(GetCtx(), GetDateAcct())) { _processMsg = VAdvantage.Common.Common.NONBUSINESSDAY; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } if (IsVA027_MultiCheque()) { if (Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("Select Count(*) From VA027_ChequeDetails Where VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID=" + GetVA027_PostDatedCheck_ID(), null, Get_Trx())) <= 0) { _processMsg = "@NoLinesFound@"; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } } return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INPROGRESS); }
} // prepare /// <summary> /// Perrform Process. /// </summary> /// <returns>Message </returns> protected override String DoIt() { log.Info("M_Warehouse_ID=" + _M_Warehouse_ID + ", C_BPartner_ID=" + _C_BPartner_ID + " - ReplenishmentCreate=" + _ReplenishmentCreate + ", C_DocType_ID=" + _C_DocType_ID); if (_ReplenishmentCreate != null && _C_DocType_ID == 0 || _C_DocType_ID == -1) { throw new Exception("@FillMandatory@ @C_DocType_ID@"); } MWarehouse wh = MWarehouse.Get(GetCtx(), _M_Warehouse_ID); if (wh.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new Exception("@FillMandatory@ @M_Warehouse_ID@"); } if (wh.GetM_WarehouseSource_ID() > 0) { _M_WareSource = "M_WarehouseSource_ID = " + Util.GetValueOfString(wh.GetM_WarehouseSource_ID()); } else { _M_WareSource = null; } // PrepareTable(); FillTable(wh); // if (_ReplenishmentCreate == null) { return("OK"); } // MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), _C_DocType_ID); if (!dt.GetDocBaseType().Equals(_ReplenishmentCreate)) { throw new Exception("@C_DocType_ID@=" + dt.GetName() + " <> " + _ReplenishmentCreate); } // if (_ReplenishmentCreate.Equals("POO")) { CreatePO(); } else if (_ReplenishmentCreate.Equals("POR")) { CreateRequisition(); } else if (_ReplenishmentCreate.Equals("MMM")) { CreateMovements(); } return(_info); } // doIt
/// <summary> /// Process /// </summary> /// <returns>message</returns> protected override String DoIt() { MPeriod period = new MPeriod(GetCtx(), _C_Period_ID, Get_Trx()); // Get all Document type related to Tenant MDocType[] types = MDocType.GetOfClient(GetCtx()); int count = 0; List <String> baseTypes = new List <String>(); ValueNamePair vp = null; // Split multiselected organizations to get array if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orgs)) { _AD_Org_ID = orgs.Split(','); } for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) { MDocType type = types[i]; String docBaseType = type.GetDocBaseType(); if (baseTypes.Contains(docBaseType)) { continue; } // loop on multiple selected organizations for (int j = 0; j < _AD_Org_ID.Length; j++) { MPeriodControl pc = new MPeriodControl(period, docBaseType); pc.SetAD_Org_ID(Util.GetValueOfInt(_AD_Org_ID[j])); if (pc.Save()) { count++; } else { vp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (vp != null) { log.Severe(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "PeriodCtlNotSaved") + ", " + vp.GetName()); } else { log.Severe(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "PeriodCtlNotSaved")); } } } baseTypes.Add(docBaseType); } log.Fine("PeriodControl #" + count); return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "PeriodControlGenerated")); }
public static void CreateDocumentTypes(Ctx ctx, int AD_Client_ID, SvrProcess sp, Trx trxName) { _log.Info("AD_Client_ID=" + AD_Client_ID); String sql = "SELECT rl.Value, rl.Name " + "FROM AD_Ref_List rl " + "WHERE rl.AD_Reference_ID=183" + " AND rl.IsActive='Y' AND NOT EXISTS " + " (SELECT * FROM C_DocType dt WHERE dt.AD_Client_ID='" + AD_Client_ID + "' AND rl.Value=dt.DocBaseType)"; IDataReader idr = null; try { idr = DataBase.DB.ExecuteReader(sql, null); while (idr.Read()) { String name = idr[1].ToString(); String value = idr[0].ToString(); _log.Config(name + "=" + value); MDocType dt = new MDocType(ctx, value, name, trxName); if (dt.Save()) { if (sp != null) { sp.AddLog(0, null, null, name); } else { _log.Fine(name); } } else { if (sp != null) { sp.AddLog(0, null, null, "Not created: " + name); } else { _log.Warning("Not created: " + name); } } } idr.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } _log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } } // createDocumentTypes
/// <summary> /// Get DocType Detail /// </summary> /// <param name="ctx"></param> /// <param name="fields"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Dictionary <string, string> GetDocType(Ctx ctx, string fields) { string[] paramValue = fields.Split(','); int C_DocType_ID; //Assign parameter value C_DocType_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(paramValue[0].ToString()); //End Assign parameter MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(ctx, C_DocType_ID); Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>(); result["IsSOTrx"] = dt.IsSOTrx().ToString(); return(result); }
/** * Set Invoice - no discount * @param invoice invoice */ public void SetInvoiceMultiCurrency(MInvoice invoice, Decimal Amt, int C_Currency_ID) { SetC_Invoice_ID(invoice.GetC_Invoice_ID()); SetCashType(CASHTYPE_Invoice); SetC_Currency_ID(C_Currency_ID); // Amount MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), invoice.GetC_DocType_ID()); Decimal amt = Amt; if (MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APINVOICE.Equals(dt.GetDocBaseType()) || MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_ARCREDITMEMO.Equals(dt.GetDocBaseType())) { amt = Decimal.Negate(amt); } SetAmount(amt); // SetDiscountAmt(Env.ZERO); SetWriteOffAmt(Env.ZERO); SetIsGenerated(true); _invoice = invoice; }
protected override bool BeforeSave(bool newRecord) { //JID_1292: Cheque Date must be greater than Account Date if (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("VA027_CheckDate") || Is_ValueChanged("IsActive")) { // not to check in case of Reverse if (!(GetVA027_Description() != null && GetVA027_Description().Contains("{->"))) { // can be check when Multi cheque is False if (Util.GetValueOfString(Get_Value("VA027_MultiCheque")) == "False") { if (GetVA027_CheckDate().Value.Date <= GetDateAcct().Value.Date) { log.SaveError("", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_CheckDateCanbeGreaterSys")); // Cheque Date must be greater than Account Date return(false); } } } } //if charge is not selected then set the tax_id=0 if (GetC_Charge_ID() == 0) { SetC_Tax_ID(0); } else { sql = "SELECT COUNT(VA027_CheckAllocate_ID) FROM VA027_CheckAllocate i INNER JOIN VA027_ChequeDetails ii " + "ON i.VA027_ChequeDetails_ID = ii.VA027_ChequeDetails_ID INNER JOIN VA027_PostDatedCheck iii " + "ON ii.VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID = iii.VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID " + "WHERE iii.VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID = " + GetVA027_PostDatedCheck_ID(); if (Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(sql, null, Get_TrxName())) > 0) { log.SaveError("", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_DeleLineFirst")); return(false); } } // Validate -- if check detail recotd exisy then not able to chage document type Account, Bank and Multicheck checkbox if (Util.GetValueOfString(Get_ValueOld("VA027_MultiCheque")) == "True") { if (Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VA027_ChequeDetails WHERE VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID = " + GetVA027_PostDatedCheck_ID(), null, Get_Trx())) > 0) { if (Is_ValueChanged("C_DocType_ID") || Is_ValueChanged("VA027_MultiCheque") || Is_ValueChanged("C_BankAccount_ID")) { SetVA027_CheckNo(""); log.SaveError("", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_RecordExistnotChange")); return(false); } } SetVA027_CheckNo(""); } // validate when we giving check (Payable) MDocType docType = new MDocType(GetCtx(), GetC_DocType_ID(), Get_Trx()); if (docType.GetDocBaseType() != "PDR") { // Validate Unique entry based on bank and Check No if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetVA027_CheckNo()) && Util.GetValueOfString(Get_Value("VA027_MultiCheque")) == "False") && (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("VA027_CheckNo") || Is_ValueChanged("IsActive") || Is_ValueChanged("C_DocType_ID") || Is_ValueChanged("C_BankAccount_ID"))) { string sql = null; // check on Cheque Detail Tab sql = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VA027_ChequeDetails cd INNER JOIN VA027_PostDatedCheck pdc ON pdc.VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID = cd.VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID INNER JOIN C_BankAccount ba ON ba.C_BankAccount_ID = pdc.C_BankAccount_ID INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON b.C_Bank_ID = ba.C_Bank_ID INNER JOIN C_DocType dt ON dt.C_DocType_ID = pdc.C_DocType_ID WHERE cd.IsActive = 'Y' AND pdc.IsActive = 'Y' AND pdc.VA027_MultiCheque = 'Y' AND pdc.DocStatus NOT IN ('RE', 'VO') AND b.C_Bank_ID = (SELECT C_Bank_ID FROM c_bankaccount WHERE C_BankAccount_ID =" + GetC_BankAccount_ID() + @" ) AND cd.VA027_CheckNo = '" + GetVA027_CheckNo() + @"' AND dt.DocBaseType <> 'PDR'"; int count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(sql, null, Get_Trx())); if (count > 0) { log.SaveError("", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_Bank_ChequeNoNotSame")); return(false); } else { // check independently on Post Dated check table count = 0; if (newRecord) { sql = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VA027_PostDatedCheck pdc INNER JOIN C_BankAccount ba ON ba.C_BankAccount_ID = pdc.C_BankAccount_ID INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON b.C_Bank_ID = ba.C_Bank_ID INNER JOIN C_DocType dt ON dt.C_DocType_ID = pdc.C_DocType_ID WHERE pdc.IsActive = 'Y' AND pdc.DocStatus NOT IN ('RE', 'VO') AND dt.DocBaseType <> 'PDR' AND b.C_Bank_ID = (SELECT C_Bank_ID FROM c_bankaccount WHERE C_BankAccount_ID =" + GetC_BankAccount_ID() + @" ) AND pdc.VA027_CheckNo = '" + GetVA027_CheckNo() + @"'"; } else { sql = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VA027_PostDatedCheck pdc INNER JOIN C_BankAccount ba ON ba.C_BankAccount_ID = pdc.C_BankAccount_ID INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON b.C_Bank_ID = ba.C_Bank_ID INNER JOIN C_DocType dt ON dt.C_DocType_ID = pdc.C_DocType_ID WHERE pdc.IsActive = 'Y' AND pdc.DocStatus NOT IN ('RE', 'VO') AND dt.DocBaseType <> 'PDR' AND b.C_Bank_ID = (SELECT C_Bank_ID FROM c_bankaccount WHERE C_BankAccount_ID =" + GetC_BankAccount_ID() + @" ) AND pdc.VA027_CheckNo = '" + GetVA027_CheckNo() + @"' AND pdc.VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID <> " + GetVA027_PostDatedCheck_ID(); } count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(sql, null, Get_Trx())); if (count > 0) { log.SaveError("", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_Bank_ChequeNoNotSame")); return(false); } } // check Payment Table count = 0; sql = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM C_Payment pdc INNER JOIN C_BankAccount ba ON ba.C_BankAccount_ID = pdc.C_BankAccount_ID INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON b.C_Bank_ID = ba.C_Bank_ID INNER JOIN C_DocType dt ON dt.C_DocType_ID = pdc.C_DocType_ID WHERE pdc.IsActive = 'Y' AND b.C_Bank_ID = (SELECT C_Bank_ID FROM c_bankaccount WHERE C_BankAccount_ID =" + GetC_BankAccount_ID() + @" ) AND pdc.CheckNo = '" + GetVA027_CheckNo() + @"' AND DocStatus NOT IN ('RE', 'VO') AND dt.DocBaseType <> 'ARR'"; count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(sql, null, Get_Trx())); if (count > 0) { log.SaveError("", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_Bank_ChequeNoNotSameOnPay")); return(false); } } } // End return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Create Invoice. /// </summary> /// <returns>document no</returns> protected override String DoIt() { //log.info("M_InOut_ID=" + _M_InOut_ID // + ", M_PriceList_ID=" + _M_PriceList_ID // + ", InvoiceDocumentNo=" + _InvoiceDocumentNo); // Message Display Wrong Done Vikas and Assigned by Gurinder int count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(" SELECT Count(*) FROM M_Inout WHERE ISSOTRX='Y' AND M_Inout_ID=" + GetRecord_ID())); MInOut ship = null; if (count > 0) { if (_M_InOut_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No Shipment"); } // ship = new MInOut(GetCtx(), _M_InOut_ID, Get_Trx()); if (ship.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Shipment not found"); } if (!MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Completed.Equals(ship.GetDocStatus())) { throw new ArgumentException("Shipment not completed"); } } else { if (_M_InOut_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No Material Receipt"); } // ship = new MInOut(GetCtx(), _M_InOut_ID, Get_Trx()); if (ship.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Material Receipt not found"); } if (!MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Completed.Equals(ship.GetDocStatus())) { throw new ArgumentException("Material Receipt not completed"); } } //***********************END*****************************// MInvoice invoice = new MInvoice(ship, null); //-------------Column Added by Anuj---------------------- //int _CountVA009 = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(AD_MODULEINFO_ID) FROM AD_MODULEINFO WHERE PREFIX='VA009_' AND IsActive = 'Y'")); int _CountVA009 = Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA009_") ? 1 : 0; // Code by Mohit Amortization process //int _CountVA038 = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(AD_MODULEINFO_ID) FROM AD_MODULEINFO WHERE PREFIX='VA038_' AND IsActive = 'Y'")); int _CountVA038 = Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA038_") ? 1 : 0; // End Amortization Code if (_CountVA009 > 0) { int _PaymentMethod_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("Select VA009_PaymentMethod_ID From C_Order Where C_Order_ID=" + ship.GetC_Order_ID())); if (_PaymentMethod_ID > 0) { invoice.SetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID(_PaymentMethod_ID); } } //-------------Column Added by Anuj---------------------- // added by Amit 26-may-2016 //int _CountVA026 = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(AD_MODULEINFO_ID) FROM AD_MODULEINFO WHERE PREFIX='VA026_' AND IsActive = 'Y'")); int _CountVA026 = Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA026_") ? 1 : 0; if (_CountVA026 > 0) { MOrder order = new MOrder(GetCtx(), ship.GetC_Order_ID(), Get_Trx()); if (order != null && order.GetC_Order_ID() > 0) { invoice.SetVA026_LCDetail_ID(order.GetVA026_LCDetail_ID()); } } //end if (ship.IsReturnTrx()) { if (!ship.IsSOTrx()) { // Purchase Return // set target document from documnet type window -- based on documnet type available on material receipt / return to vendor if (invoice.GetC_DocTypeTarget_ID() == 0) { int C_DocTypeTarget_ID = DB.GetSQLValue(null, "SELECT C_DocTypeInvoice_ID FROM C_DocType WHERE C_DocType_ID=@param1", ship.GetC_DocType_ID()); if (C_DocTypeTarget_ID >= 0) { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(C_DocTypeTarget_ID); } else { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(ship.IsSOTrx() ? MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_ARCREDITMEMO : MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APCREDITMEMO); } } invoice.SetIsReturnTrx(ship.IsReturnTrx()); invoice.SetIsSOTrx(ship.IsSOTrx()); } else { // Sales Return if (ship.GetC_Order_ID() >= 0) { MOrder order = new MOrder(GetCtx(), ship.GetC_Order_ID(), Get_Trx()); MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), order.GetC_DocType_ID()); if (dt.GetC_DocTypeInvoice_ID() != 0) { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(dt.GetC_DocTypeInvoice_ID(), true); } else { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(ship.IsSOTrx() ? MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_ARCREDITMEMO : MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APCREDITMEMO); } } else { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(ship.IsSOTrx() ? MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_ARCREDITMEMO : MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APCREDITMEMO); } } } if (_M_PriceList_ID != 0) { invoice.SetM_PriceList_ID(_M_PriceList_ID); } if (_InvoiceDocumentNo != null && _InvoiceDocumentNo.Length > 0) { invoice.SetDocumentNo(_InvoiceDocumentNo); } // Added by Bharat on 30 Jan 2018 to set Inco Term from Order if (invoice.Get_ColumnIndex("C_IncoTerm_ID") > 0) { invoice.SetC_IncoTerm_ID(ship.GetC_IncoTerm_ID()); } if (!invoice.Save()) { //SI_0708 - message was not upto the mark ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice. " + pp.GetName()); } throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice"); //return GetReterivedError(invoice, "Cannot save Invoice"); } MInOutLine[] shipLines = ship.GetLines(false); DateTime? AmortStartDate = null; DateTime? AmortEndDate = null; count = 0; DataSet ds = null; for (int i = 0; i < shipLines.Length; i++) { MInOutLine sLine = shipLines[i]; // Changes done by Bharat on 06 July 2017 restrict to create invoice if Invoice already created against that for same quantity string sql = @"SELECT ml.QtyEntered - SUM(COALESCE(li.QtyEntered,0)) as QtyEntered, ml.MovementQty-SUM(COALESCE(li.QtyInvoiced,0)) as QtyInvoiced FROM M_InOutLine ml INNER JOIN C_InvoiceLine li ON li.M_InOutLine_ID = ml.M_InOutLine_ID INNER JOIN C_Invoice ci ON ci.C_Invoice_ID = li.C_Invoice_ID WHERE ci.DocStatus NOT IN ('VO', 'RE') AND ml.M_InOutLine_ID =" + sLine.GetM_InOutLine_ID() + " GROUP BY ml.MovementQty, ml.QtyEntered"; ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql, null, Get_Trx()); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { decimal qtyEntered = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); decimal qtyInvoiced = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1]); if (qtyEntered <= 0) { ds.Dispose(); log.Info("Invoice Line already exist for Receipt Line ID - " + sLine.GetM_InOutLine_ID()); continue; } else { MInvoiceLine line = new MInvoiceLine(invoice); line.SetShipLine(sLine); //line.SetQtyEntered(sLine.GetQtyEntered()); //line.SetQtyInvoiced(sLine.GetMovementQty()); line.SetQtyEntered(qtyEntered); line.SetQtyInvoiced(qtyInvoiced); // Change By Mohit Amortization process ------------- if (_CountVA038 > 0) { if (line.GetM_Product_ID() > 0) { MProduct pro = new MProduct(GetCtx(), sLine.GetM_Product_ID(), Get_TrxName()); if (Util.GetValueOfInt(pro.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID")) > 0) { line.Set_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID", Util.GetValueOfInt(pro.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); DataSet amrtDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT VA038_AmortizationType,VA038_AmortizationPeriod,VA038_TermSource,VA038_PeriodType,Name FROM VA038_AmortizationTemplate WHERE IsActive='Y' AND VA038_AMORTIZATIONTEMPLATE_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(pro.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); AmortStartDate = null; AmortEndDate = null; if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "A") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateAcct(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "T") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateInvoiced(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "M") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddMonths(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "Y") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddYears(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } line.Set_Value("FROMDATE", AmortStartDate); line.Set_Value("EndDate", AmortEndDate); if (amrtDS != null) { amrtDS.Dispose(); } } } if (line.GetC_Charge_ID() > 0) { MCharge charge = new MCharge(GetCtx(), sLine.GetC_Charge_ID(), Get_TrxName()); if (Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID")) > 0) { line.Set_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID", Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); DataSet amrtDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT VA038_AmortizationType,VA038_AmortizationPeriod,VA038_TermSource,VA038_PeriodType,Name FROM VA038_AmortizationTemplate WHERE IsActive='Y' AND VA038_AMORTIZATIONTEMPLATE_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); AmortStartDate = null; AmortEndDate = null; if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "A") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateAcct(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "T") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateInvoiced(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "M") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddMonths(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "Y") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddYears(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } line.Set_Value("FROMDATE", AmortStartDate); line.Set_Value("EndDate", AmortEndDate); if (amrtDS != null) { amrtDS.Dispose(); } } } } // End Change Amortization process-------------- if (!line.Save()) { //return GetReterivedError(line, "Cannot save Invoice Line"); //SI_0708 - message was not upto the mark ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line. " + pp.GetName()); } throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line"); } count++; } ds.Dispose(); } else { MInvoiceLine line = new MInvoiceLine(invoice); line.SetShipLine(sLine); line.SetQtyEntered(sLine.GetQtyEntered()); line.SetQtyInvoiced(sLine.GetMovementQty()); line.Set_ValueNoCheck("IsDropShip", sLine.Get_Value("IsDropShip")); //Arpit Rai 20-Sept-2017 // Change By Mohit Amortization process ------------- if (_CountVA038 > 0) { if (line.GetM_Product_ID() > 0) { MProduct pro = new MProduct(GetCtx(), sLine.GetM_Product_ID(), Get_TrxName()); if (Util.GetValueOfInt(pro.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID")) > 0) { line.Set_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID", Util.GetValueOfInt(pro.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); DataSet amrtDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT VA038_AmortizationType,VA038_AmortizationPeriod,VA038_TermSource,VA038_PeriodType,Name FROM VA038_AmortizationTemplate WHERE IsActive='Y' AND VA038_AMORTIZATIONTEMPLATE_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(pro.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); AmortStartDate = null; AmortEndDate = null; if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "A") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateAcct(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "T") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateInvoiced(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "M") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddMonths(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "Y") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddYears(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } line.Set_Value("FROMDATE", AmortStartDate); line.Set_Value("EndDate", AmortEndDate); if (amrtDS != null) { amrtDS.Dispose(); } } } if (line.GetC_Charge_ID() > 0) { MCharge charge = new MCharge(GetCtx(), sLine.GetC_Charge_ID(), Get_TrxName()); if (Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID")) > 0) { line.Set_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID", Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); DataSet amrtDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT VA038_AmortizationType,VA038_AmortizationPeriod,VA038_TermSource,VA038_PeriodType,Name FROM VA038_AmortizationTemplate WHERE IsActive='Y' AND VA038_AMORTIZATIONTEMPLATE_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); AmortStartDate = null; AmortEndDate = null; if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "A") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateAcct(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "T") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateInvoiced(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "M") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddMonths(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "Y") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddYears(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } line.Set_Value("FROMDATE", AmortStartDate); line.Set_Value("EndDate", AmortEndDate); if (amrtDS != null) { amrtDS.Dispose(); } } } } // End Change Amortization process-------------- if (!line.Save()) { //return GetReterivedError(line, "Cannot save Invoice Line"); //SI_0708 - message was not upto the mark ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line. " + pp.GetName()); } throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line"); } count++; } } #region [Enhancement for Charges Distribution/Generation by Sukhwinder on 13 December 2017] if (_GenerateCharges && count > 0) { StringBuilder OrderSql = new StringBuilder(); OrderSql.Append(" SELECT CO.C_ORDER_ID, " + " SUM(ML.QTYENTERED) AS MRLINEQTY, " + " SUM(OL.QTYENTERED) AS ORDERQTY, " + " SUM(OL.QTYENTERED *OL.PRICEENTERED) AS LINEAMT, " + " SUM(ML.QTYENTERED*OL.PRICEENTERED) AS MRLINEVALUE " + " FROM M_INOUTLINE ML " + " INNER JOIN C_ORDERLINE OL " + " ON OL.C_ORDERLINE_ID = ML.C_ORDERLINE_ID " + " INNER JOIN C_ORDER CO " + " ON CO.C_ORDER_ID = OL.C_ORDER_ID " + " WHERE ML.M_INOUT_ID = " + _M_InOut_ID + " AND (OL.C_CHARGE_ID IS NULL " + " OR OL.C_CHARGE_ID = 0) " + " GROUP BY CO.C_ORDER_ID "); DataSet OrderDS = DB.ExecuteDataset(OrderSql.ToString(), null, Get_Trx()); if (OrderDS != null && OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { StringBuilder ChargesSql = new StringBuilder(); for (int index = 0; index < OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; index++) { ds = null; ChargesSql.Clear(); ChargesSql.Append(" SELECT C_CHARGE_ID, " + " C_ORDERLINE_ID, " + " C_ORDER_ID, " + " C_CURRENCY_ID, " + " PRICEENTERED, " + " PRICEACTUAL, " + " LINENETAMT, " + " QTYENTERED, " + " C_UOM_ID, " + " C_Tax_ID, " + " IsDropShip " + " FROM C_ORDERLINE " + " WHERE C_ORDER_ID IN " + " ( " + Util.GetValueOfInt(OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows[index]["C_ORDER_ID"]) + " ) " + " AND C_CHARGE_ID IS NOT NULL " + " AND C_CHARGE_ID > 0 "); ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(ChargesSql.ToString(), null, Get_Trx()); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { MInvoiceLine line = new MInvoiceLine(invoice); line.SetQty(1); line.SetQtyEntered(1); line.SetQtyInvoiced(1); line.SetOrderLine(new MOrderLine(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["C_ORDERLINE_ID"]), Get_Trx())); line.SetC_Charge_ID(Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["C_CHARGE_ID"])); line.SetC_UOM_ID(Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["C_UOM_ID"])); line.SetC_Tax_ID(Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["C_TAX_ID"])); decimal SumOfQty = 0; decimal SumOfvalue = 0; decimal sototval = 0; string sql = "SELECT SUM(OL.QTYENTERED *OL.PRICEENTERED) AS LINEAMT from C_ORDER CO,C_ORDERLINE OL WHERE CO.C_ORDER_ID=OL.C_ORDER_ID AND (OL.C_CHARGE_ID IS NULL OR OL.C_CHARGE_ID = 0) and CO.C_ORDER_ID =" + ship.GetC_Order_ID(); sototval = VAdvantage.Utility.Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(sql)); if (Util.GetValueOfInt(OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows[index]["ORDERQTY"]) == 0) { SumOfQty = 1; } else { SumOfQty = Util.GetValueOfInt(OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows[index]["ORDERQTY"]); SumOfvalue = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows[index]["LINEAMT"]); } //decimal amt = (Util.GetValueOfDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["LINENETAMT"]) / SumOfQty) * Util.GetValueOfInt(OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows[index]["MRLINEQTY"]); decimal amt = (Util.GetValueOfDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["LINENETAMT"]) / sototval) * Util.GetValueOfInt(OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows[index]["MRLINEVALUE"]); line.SetPrice(Decimal.Round(amt, 3)); line.SetPriceActual(Decimal.Round(amt, 3)); line.SetPriceEntered(Decimal.Round(amt, 3)); line.SetLineNetAmt(Decimal.Round(amt, 3)); line.Set_ValueNoCheck("IsDropShip", Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ISDROPSHIP"])); if (_CountVA038 > 0) { if (line.GetC_Charge_ID() > 0) { MCharge charge = new MCharge(GetCtx(), line.GetC_Charge_ID(), Get_TrxName()); if (Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID")) > 0) { line.Set_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID", Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); DataSet amrtDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT VA038_AmortizationType,VA038_AmortizationPeriod,VA038_TermSource,VA038_PeriodType,Name FROM VA038_AmortizationTemplate WHERE IsActive='Y' AND VA038_AMORTIZATIONTEMPLATE_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); AmortStartDate = null; AmortEndDate = null; if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "A") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateAcct(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "T") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateInvoiced(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "M") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddMonths(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "Y") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddYears(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } line.Set_Value("FROMDATE", AmortStartDate); line.Set_Value("EndDate", AmortEndDate); if (amrtDS != null) { amrtDS.Dispose(); } } } } if (!line.Save()) { //return GetReterivedError(line, "Cannot save Invoice Line"); //SI_0708 - message was not upto the mark ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line. " + pp.GetName()); } throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line"); } } } } } } #endregion if (count > 0) { return(invoice.GetDocumentNo()); } else { Get_Trx().Rollback(); return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "InvoiceExist")); } }
/// <summary> /// Create Shipment /// </summary> /// <returns>info</returns> protected override String DoIt() { //log.info("C_Invoice_ID=" + _C_Invoice_ID // + ", M_Warehouse_ID=" + _M_Warehouse_ID // + ", C_DocType_ID=" + _C_DocType_ID); if (_C_Invoice_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("@NotFound@ @C_Invoice_ID@"); } if (_M_Warehouse_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("@NotFound@ @M_Warehouse_ID@"); } // MInvoice invoice = new MInvoice(GetCtx(), _C_Invoice_ID, Get_Trx()); if (invoice.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("@NotFound@ @C_Invoice_ID@"); } if (!MInvoice.DOCSTATUS_Completed.Equals(invoice.GetDocStatus())) { throw new ArgumentException("@InvoiceCreateDocNotCompleted@"); } MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), _C_DocType_ID); if (invoice.IsSOTrx() != dt.IsSOTrx() || invoice.IsReturnTrx() != dt.IsReturnTrx()) { throw new ArgumentException("@C_DocType_ID@ <> @C_Invoice_ID@"); } //*****************************Vikas 1 Dec 2015 ********************************* //Case Msg Not Showing Proper MInOut ship = null; MOrder ord = new MOrder(GetCtx(), invoice.GetC_Order_ID(), null); if (ord.GetC_BPartner_ID() > 0) { ship = new MInOut(invoice, _C_DocType_ID, null, _M_Warehouse_ID); // Change by Mohit Asked by Amardeep sir 02/03/2016 ship.SetPOReference(invoice.GetPOReference()); // End if (!ship.Save()) { return(GetRetrievedError(ship, "@SaveError@ Receipt")); // throw new ArgumentException("@SaveError@ Receipt"); } } else { return(GetRetrievedError(ship, "InvoiceNotLinkedWithPO")); //throw new ArgumentException("@InvoiceNotLinkedWithPO@"); } /* * MInOut ship = new MInOut(invoice, _C_DocType_ID, null, _M_Warehouse_ID); * if (!ship.Save()) * { * throw new ArgumentException("@SaveError@ Receipt"); * } */ //************************END***************************************** MInvoiceLine[] invoiceLines = invoice.GetLines(false); for (int i = 0; i < invoiceLines.Length; i++) { MInvoiceLine invoiceLine = invoiceLines[i]; MProduct product = invoiceLine.GetProduct(); // Nothing to Deliver // Get the lines of Invoice based on the setting taken on Tenant to allow non item Product if (Util.GetValueOfString(GetCtx().GetContext("$AllowNonItem")).Equals("N") && ((product != null && product.GetProductType() != MProduct.PRODUCTTYPE_Item) || invoiceLine.GetC_Charge_ID() != 0)) { continue; } MInOutLine sLine = new MInOutLine(ship); //JID_1679 Generate Receipt from Invoice(Vendor) for remaining quantity //decimal movementqty = 0; //if (invoiceLine.GetC_OrderLine_ID() != 0) //{ // decimal? res = 0; // movementqty = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(DB.ExecuteScalar(@" select (QtyOrdered-sum(MovementQty)) from C_OrderLine ol Inner join M_InOutLine il on il.C_orderline_ID= ol.C_Orderline_Id " // + " WHERE il.C_OrderLine_ID =" + invoiceLine.GetC_OrderLine_ID() + "group by QtyOrdered", null, Get_Trx())); // // in case of partial receipt // if (invoiceLine.GetQtyInvoiced() > movementqty && movementqty != 0) // { // if (product.GetC_UOM_ID() != invoiceLine.GetC_UOM_ID()) // { // res = MUOMConversion.ConvertProductTo(GetCtx(), product.GetM_Product_ID(), invoiceLine.GetC_UOM_ID(), movementqty); // } // sLine.SetInvoiceLine(invoiceLine, 0, // Locator // invoice.IsSOTrx() ? (movementqty) : Env.ZERO); // sLine.SetQtyEntered(res == 0 ? (movementqty) : res); // sLine.SetMovementQty(movementqty); // } // // if QtyInvoiced is less or No Material receipt is found against the order // else // { // sLine.SetInvoiceLine(invoiceLine, 0, // Locator // invoice.IsSOTrx() ? invoiceLine.GetQtyInvoiced() : Env.ZERO); // sLine.SetQtyEntered(invoiceLine.GetQtyEntered()); // sLine.SetMovementQty(invoiceLine.GetQtyInvoiced()); // } //} //else //{ sLine.SetInvoiceLine(invoiceLine, 0, // Locator invoice.IsSOTrx() ? invoiceLine.GetQtyInvoiced() : Env.ZERO); sLine.SetQtyEntered(invoiceLine.GetQtyEntered()); sLine.SetMovementQty(invoiceLine.GetQtyInvoiced()); //} if (invoice.IsCreditMemo()) { sLine.SetQtyEntered(Decimal.Negate(sLine.GetQtyEntered())); //.negate()); sLine.SetMovementQty(Decimal.Negate(sLine.GetMovementQty())); //.negate()); } if (!sLine.Save()) { ship.Get_Trx().Rollback(); //if (movementqty == 0) //{ // _processMsg += ", LineNo: " + invoiceLine.GetLine() + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "MRIsAlreadyCreated"); // return _processMsg; //} //else //{ return(GetRetrievedError(sLine, "@SaveError@ @M_InOutLine_ID@")); //} // throw new ArgumentException("@SaveError@ @M_InOutLine_ID@"); } invoiceLine.SetM_InOutLine_ID(sLine.GetM_InOutLine_ID()); // _processMsg+= ", LineNo: "+invoiceLine.GetLine()+Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "MRCreatedWithDocNo" + ship.GetDocumentNo()); if (!invoiceLine.Save()) { return(GetRetrievedError(invoiceLine, "@SaveError@ @C_InvoiceLine_ID@")); //throw new ArgumentException("@SaveError@ @C_InvoiceLine_ID@"); } } return(ship.GetDocumentNo()); }
/// <summary> /// Create Invoice. /// </summary> /// <returns>document no</returns> protected override String DoIt() { StringBuilder invDocumentNo = new StringBuilder(); int count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(" SELECT Count(*) FROM M_Inout WHERE ISSOTRX='Y' AND M_Inout_ID=" + GetRecord_ID())); MInOut ship = null; bool isAllownonItem = Util.GetValueOfString(GetCtx().GetContext("$AllowNonItem")).Equals("Y"); if (count > 0) { if (_M_InOut_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No Shipment"); } // ship = new MInOut(GetCtx(), _M_InOut_ID, Get_Trx()); if (ship.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Shipment not found"); } if (!MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Completed.Equals(ship.GetDocStatus())) { // JID_0750: done by Bharat on 05 Feb 2019 if Customer Return document and status is not complete it should give message "Customer Return Not Completed". if (ship.IsReturnTrx()) { throw new ArgumentException("Customer Return Not Completed"); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Shipment Not Completed"); } } } else { if (_M_InOut_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No Material Receipt"); } // ship = new MInOut(GetCtx(), _M_InOut_ID, Get_Trx()); if (ship.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Material Receipt not found"); } if (!MInOut.DOCSTATUS_Completed.Equals(ship.GetDocStatus())) { // JID_0750: done by Bharat on 05 Feb 2019 if Return to vendor document and status is not complete it should give message "Return To Vendor Not Completed". if (ship.IsReturnTrx()) { throw new ArgumentException("Return To Vendor Not Completed"); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Material Receipt Not Completed"); } } } // When record contain more than single order and order having different Payment term or Price List then not to generate invoices // JID_0976 - For conversion Type if (ship.GetC_Order_ID() > 0 && Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c_order.m_pricelist_id) + count(distinct c_order.c_paymentterm_id) + count(distinct COALESCE( c_order.C_ConversionType_ID , " + MConversionType.GetDefault(GetAD_Client_ID()) + @")) as recordcount FROM m_inoutline INNER JOIN c_orderline ON m_inoutline.c_orderline_id = c_orderline.c_orderline_id INNER JOIN c_order ON c_order.c_order_id = c_orderline.c_order_id WHERE m_inoutline.m_inout_id = " + _M_InOut_ID + @" GROUP BY m_inoutline.m_inout_id ", null, Get_Trx())) > 3) { if (ship.IsSOTrx()) { //Different Payment Terms, Price list found against the selected orders, use "Generate Invoice" process to create multiple invoices. throw new ArgumentException(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_SoDifferentPayAndPrice")); } else { //Different Payment Terms, Price list found against the selected orders throw new ArgumentException(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_DifferentPayAndPrice")); } } // Create Invoice Header MInvoice invoice = new MInvoice(ship, null); //Payment Management int _CountVA009 = Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA009_") ? 1 : 0; // Amortization int _CountVA038 = Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA038_") ? 1 : 0; if (_CountVA009 > 0) { int _PaymentMethod_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("Select VA009_PaymentMethod_ID From C_Order Where C_Order_ID=" + ship.GetC_Order_ID(), null, Get_Trx())); // during consolidation, payment method need to set that is defined on selected business partner. // If not defined on BP then it will set from order int bpPamentMethod_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT " + (ship.IsSOTrx() ? " VA009_PaymentMethod_ID " : " VA009_PO_PaymentMethod_ID ") + @" FROM C_BPartner WHERE C_BPartner_ID = " + ship.GetC_BPartner_ID(), null, Get_Trx())); if (bpPamentMethod_ID != 0) { _PaymentMethod_ID = bpPamentMethod_ID; } if (_PaymentMethod_ID > 0) { invoice.SetVA009_PaymentMethod_ID(_PaymentMethod_ID); } } // Letter Of Credit int _CountVA026 = Env.IsModuleInstalled("VA026_") ? 1 : 0; if (_CountVA026 > 0) { int VA026_LCDetail_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("Select VA026_LCDetail_ID From C_Order Where C_Order_ID=" + ship.GetC_Order_ID(), null, Get_Trx())); if (VA026_LCDetail_ID > 0) { invoice.SetVA026_LCDetail_ID(VA026_LCDetail_ID); } } //end if (ship.IsReturnTrx()) { if (!ship.IsSOTrx()) { // Purchase Return // set target document from documnet type window -- based on documnet type available on material receipt / return to vendor // JID_0779: Create AP Credit memo if we run the Generate TO process from Returm to Vendor window. //if (invoice.GetC_DocTypeTarget_ID() == 0) //{ if (_C_DocType_ID > 0) { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(_C_DocType_ID); } else { int C_DocTypeTarget_ID = DB.GetSQLValue(null, "SELECT C_DocTypeInvoice_ID FROM C_DocType WHERE C_DocType_ID=@param1", ship.GetC_DocType_ID()); if (C_DocTypeTarget_ID > 0) { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(C_DocTypeTarget_ID); } else { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(ship.IsSOTrx() ? MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_ARCREDITMEMO : MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APCREDITMEMO); } } invoice.SetIsReturnTrx(ship.IsReturnTrx()); invoice.SetIsSOTrx(ship.IsSOTrx()); } else { // Sales Return if (_C_DocType_ID > 0) { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(_C_DocType_ID); } else { if (ship.GetC_Order_ID() >= 0) { int C_DocType_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("Select C_DocType_ID From C_Order Where C_Order_ID=" + ship.GetC_Order_ID(), null, Get_Trx())); MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), C_DocType_ID); if (dt.GetC_DocTypeInvoice_ID() != 0) { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(dt.GetC_DocTypeInvoice_ID(), true); } else { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(ship.IsSOTrx() ? MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_ARCREDITMEMO : MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APCREDITMEMO); } } else { invoice.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(ship.IsSOTrx() ? MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_ARCREDITMEMO : MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APCREDITMEMO); } } } } if (_M_PriceList_ID != 0) { invoice.SetM_PriceList_ID(_M_PriceList_ID); } //Set InvoiceDocumentNo to InvoiceReference if (_InvoiceDocumentNo != null && _InvoiceDocumentNo.Length > 0) { invoice.Set_Value("InvoiceReference", _InvoiceDocumentNo); } //Set TargetDoctype if (_C_DocType_ID > 0 && !ship.IsReturnTrx()) { invoice.Set_Value("C_DocTypeTarget_ID", _C_DocType_ID); } // Added by Bharat on 30 Jan 2018 to set Inco Term from Order if (invoice.Get_ColumnIndex("C_IncoTerm_ID") > 0) { invoice.SetC_IncoTerm_ID(ship.GetC_IncoTerm_ID()); } //To get Payment Rule and set the Payment method if (invoice.GetPaymentRule() != "") { invoice.SetPaymentMethod(invoice.GetPaymentRule()); } if (!invoice.Save()) { //SI_0708 - message was not upto the mark ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice. " + pp.GetName()); } throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice"); } MInOutLine[] shipLines = ship.GetLines(false); DateTime? AmortStartDate = null; DateTime? AmortEndDate = null; count = 0; DataSet ds = null; DataSet dsDoc = null; for (int i = 0; i < shipLines.Length; i++) { MInOutLine sLine = shipLines[i]; // Changes done by Bharat on 06 July 2017 restrict to create invoice if Invoice already created against that for same quantity string sql = @"SELECT ml.QtyEntered - SUM(COALESCE(li.QtyEntered,0)) as QtyEntered, ml.MovementQty- SUM(COALESCE(li.QtyInvoiced, 0)) as QtyInvoiced" + " FROM M_InOutLine ml INNER JOIN C_InvoiceLine li ON li.M_InOutLine_ID = ml.M_InOutLine_ID INNER JOIN C_Invoice ci ON ci.C_Invoice_ID = li.C_Invoice_ID " + " WHERE ci.DocStatus NOT IN ('VO', 'RE') AND ml.M_InOutLine_ID =" + sLine.GetM_InOutLine_ID() + " GROUP BY ml.MovementQty, ml.QtyEntered"; ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql, null, Get_Trx()); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { decimal qtyEntered = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["QtyEntered"]); decimal qtyInvoiced = Util.GetValueOfDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["QtyInvoiced"]); if (qtyEntered <= 0) { // Getting document number Count if Invoice already generated for Material Receipt string StrSql = "SELECT ci.DocumentNo,li.M_InOutLine_ID FROM C_InvoiceLine li INNER JOIN C_Invoice ci ON ci.C_Invoice_ID = li.C_Invoice_ID " + " WHERE ci.DocStatus NOT IN ('VO', 'RE') AND li.M_InOutLine_ID = " + sLine.GetM_InOutLine_ID(); dsDoc = DB.ExecuteDataset(StrSql, null, Get_Trx()); if (dsDoc != null && dsDoc.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < dsDoc.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++) { // JID_1358: Need to show document number in message if Invoice already generated for Material Receipt string no = invDocumentNo.ToString(); if (invDocumentNo.Length > 0 && no != Util.GetValueOfString(dsDoc.Tables[0].Rows[j]["DocumentNo"])) { invDocumentNo.Append(", " + Util.GetValueOfString(dsDoc.Tables[0].Rows[j]["DocumentNo"])); } else { invDocumentNo.Clear(); invDocumentNo.Append(Util.GetValueOfString(dsDoc.Tables[0].Rows[j]["DocumentNo"])); } ds.Dispose(); log.Info("Invoice Line already exist for Receipt Line ID - " + sLine.GetM_InOutLine_ID()); continue; } dsDoc.Dispose(); } } else { MInvoiceLine line = new MInvoiceLine(invoice); line.SetShipLine(sLine); line.SetQtyEntered(qtyEntered); line.SetQtyInvoiced(qtyInvoiced); // Change By Mohit Amortization process ------------- if (_CountVA038 > 0) { if (line.GetM_Product_ID() > 0) { //MProduct pro = new MProduct(GetCtx(), sLine.GetM_Product_ID(), Get_TrxName()); int VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID FROM M_Product WHERE M_Product_ID = " + sLine.GetM_Product_ID(), null, Get_Trx())); if (VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID > 0) { line.Set_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID", VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID); DataSet amrtDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT VA038_AmortizationType,VA038_AmortizationPeriod,VA038_TermSource,VA038_PeriodType,Name FROM VA038_AmortizationTemplate WHERE IsActive='Y' AND VA038_AMORTIZATIONTEMPLATE_ID=" + VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID); AmortStartDate = null; AmortEndDate = null; if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "A") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateAcct(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "T") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateInvoiced(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "M") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddMonths(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "Y") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddYears(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } line.Set_Value("FROMDATE", AmortStartDate); line.Set_Value("EndDate", AmortEndDate); if (amrtDS != null) { amrtDS.Dispose(); } } } if (line.GetC_Charge_ID() > 0) { //MCharge charge = new MCharge(GetCtx(), sLine.GetC_Charge_ID(), Get_TrxName()); int VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID FROM C_Charge WHERE C_Charge_ID = " + sLine.GetC_Charge_ID(), null, Get_Trx())); if (VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID > 0) { line.Set_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID", VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID); DataSet amrtDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT VA038_AmortizationType,VA038_AmortizationPeriod,VA038_TermSource,VA038_PeriodType,Name FROM VA038_AmortizationTemplate WHERE IsActive='Y' AND VA038_AMORTIZATIONTEMPLATE_ID=" + VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID); AmortStartDate = null; AmortEndDate = null; if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "A") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateAcct(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "T") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateInvoiced(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "M") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddMonths(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "Y") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddYears(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } line.Set_Value("FROMDATE", AmortStartDate); line.Set_Value("EndDate", AmortEndDate); if (amrtDS != null) { amrtDS.Dispose(); } } } } // End Change Amortization process-------------- if (!line.Save()) { //SI_0708 - message was not upto the mark ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line. " + pp.GetName()); } throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line"); } count++; } ds.Dispose(); } else { MInvoiceLine line = new MInvoiceLine(invoice); // JID_1850 Avoid the duplicate charge line if (sLine.GetC_Charge_ID() > 0 && (!isAllownonItem || _GenerateCharges)) { continue; } line.SetShipLine(sLine); line.SetQtyEntered(sLine.GetQtyEntered()); line.SetQtyInvoiced(sLine.GetMovementQty()); line.Set_ValueNoCheck("IsDropShip", sLine.Get_Value("IsDropShip")); //Arpit Rai 20-Sept-2017 // Change By Mohit Amortization process ------------- if (_CountVA038 > 0) { if (line.GetM_Product_ID() > 0) { //MProduct pro = new MProduct(GetCtx(), sLine.GetM_Product_ID(), Get_TrxName()); int VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID FROM M_Product WHERE M_Product_ID = " + sLine.GetM_Product_ID(), null, Get_Trx())); if (VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID > 0) { line.Set_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID", VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID); DataSet amrtDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT VA038_AmortizationType,VA038_AmortizationPeriod,VA038_TermSource,VA038_PeriodType,Name FROM VA038_AmortizationTemplate WHERE IsActive='Y' AND VA038_AMORTIZATIONTEMPLATE_ID=" + VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID); AmortStartDate = null; AmortEndDate = null; if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "A") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateAcct(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "T") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateInvoiced(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "M") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddMonths(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "Y") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddYears(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } line.Set_Value("FROMDATE", AmortStartDate); line.Set_Value("EndDate", AmortEndDate); if (amrtDS != null) { amrtDS.Dispose(); } } } if (line.GetC_Charge_ID() > 0) { //MCharge charge = new MCharge(GetCtx(), sLine.GetC_Charge_ID(), Get_TrxName()); int VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(@"SELECT VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID FROM C_Charge WHERE C_Charge_ID = " + sLine.GetC_Charge_ID(), null, Get_Trx())); if (VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID > 0) { line.Set_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID", VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID); DataSet amrtDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT VA038_AmortizationType,VA038_AmortizationPeriod,VA038_TermSource,VA038_PeriodType,Name FROM VA038_AmortizationTemplate WHERE IsActive='Y' AND VA038_AMORTIZATIONTEMPLATE_ID=" + VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID); AmortStartDate = null; AmortEndDate = null; if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "A") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateAcct(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "T") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateInvoiced(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "M") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddMonths(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "Y") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddYears(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } line.Set_Value("FROMDATE", AmortStartDate); line.Set_Value("EndDate", AmortEndDate); if (amrtDS != null) { amrtDS.Dispose(); } } } } // End Change Amortization process-------------- if (!line.Save()) { //SI_0708 - message was not upto the mark ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line. " + pp.GetName()); } throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line"); } count++; } } #region [Enhancement for Charges Distribution/Generation by Sukhwinder on 13 December 2017] if (_GenerateCharges && count > 0) { StringBuilder OrderSql = new StringBuilder(); OrderSql.Append(" SELECT CO.C_ORDER_ID, " + " SUM(ML.QTYENTERED) AS MRLINEQTY, " + " SUM(OL.QTYENTERED) AS ORDERQTY " + " FROM M_INOUTLINE ML " + " INNER JOIN C_ORDERLINE OL " + " ON OL.C_ORDERLINE_ID = ML.C_ORDERLINE_ID " + " INNER JOIN C_ORDER CO " + " ON CO.C_ORDER_ID = OL.C_ORDER_ID " + " WHERE ML.M_INOUT_ID = " + _M_InOut_ID + " AND (OL.C_CHARGE_ID IS NULL " + " OR OL.C_CHARGE_ID = 0) " + " GROUP BY CO.C_ORDER_ID "); DataSet OrderDS = DB.ExecuteDataset(OrderSql.ToString(), null, Get_Trx()); if (OrderDS != null && OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { StringBuilder ChargesSql = new StringBuilder(); for (int index = 0; index < OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; index++) { ds = null; ChargesSql.Clear(); ChargesSql.Append(" SELECT C_CHARGE_ID, " + " C_ORDERLINE_ID, " + " C_ORDER_ID, " + " C_CURRENCY_ID, " + " PRICEENTERED, " + " PRICEACTUAL, " + " LINENETAMT, " + " QTYENTERED, " + " C_UOM_ID, " + " C_Tax_ID, " + " IsDropShip " + " FROM C_ORDERLINE " + " WHERE C_ORDER_ID IN " + " ( " + Util.GetValueOfInt(OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows[index]["C_ORDER_ID"]) + " ) " + " AND C_CHARGE_ID IS NOT NULL " + " AND C_CHARGE_ID > 0 "); ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(ChargesSql.ToString(), null, Get_Trx()); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { MInvoiceLine line = new MInvoiceLine(invoice); line.SetQty(1); line.SetQtyEntered(1); line.SetQtyInvoiced(1); line.SetOrderLine(new MOrderLine(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["C_ORDERLINE_ID"]), Get_Trx())); line.SetC_Charge_ID(Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["C_CHARGE_ID"])); line.SetC_UOM_ID(Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["C_UOM_ID"])); line.SetC_Tax_ID(Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["C_TAX_ID"])); decimal SumOfQty = 0; if (Util.GetValueOfInt(OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows[index]["ORDERQTY"]) == 0) { SumOfQty = 1; } else { SumOfQty = Util.GetValueOfInt(OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows[index]["ORDERQTY"]); } decimal amt = (Util.GetValueOfDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["LINENETAMT"]) / SumOfQty) * Util.GetValueOfInt(OrderDS.Tables[0].Rows[index]["MRLINEQTY"]); line.SetPrice(Decimal.Round(amt, 3)); line.SetPriceActual(Decimal.Round(amt, 3)); line.SetPriceEntered(Decimal.Round(amt, 3)); line.SetLineNetAmt(Decimal.Round(amt, 3)); line.Set_ValueNoCheck("IsDropShip", Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ISDROPSHIP"])); if (_CountVA038 > 0) { if (line.GetC_Charge_ID() > 0) { MCharge charge = new MCharge(GetCtx(), line.GetC_Charge_ID(), Get_TrxName()); if (Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID")) > 0) { line.Set_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID", Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); DataSet amrtDS = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT VA038_AmortizationType,VA038_AmortizationPeriod,VA038_TermSource,VA038_PeriodType,Name FROM VA038_AmortizationTemplate WHERE IsActive='Y' AND VA038_AMORTIZATIONTEMPLATE_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(charge.Get_Value("VA038_AmortizationTemplate_ID"))); AmortStartDate = null; AmortEndDate = null; if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "A") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateAcct(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_TermSource"]) == "T") { AmortStartDate = invoice.GetDateInvoiced(); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "M") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddMonths(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } if (Util.GetValueOfString(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_PeriodType"]) == "Y") { AmortEndDate = AmortStartDate.Value.AddYears(Util.GetValueOfInt(amrtDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VA038_AmortizationPeriod"])); } line.Set_Value("FROMDATE", AmortStartDate); line.Set_Value("EndDate", AmortEndDate); if (amrtDS != null) { amrtDS.Dispose(); } } } } if (!line.Save()) { //SI_0708 - message was not upto the mark ValueNamePair pp = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError(); if (pp != null) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line. " + pp.GetName()); } throw new ArgumentException("Cannot save Invoice Line"); } } } } } } #endregion if (count > 0) { return(invoice.GetDocumentNo()); } else { //Get_Trx().Rollback(); throw new ArgumentException(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "InvoiceExist") + ": " + invDocumentNo.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Create Shipment /// </summary> /// <returns>info</returns> protected override String DoIt() { //log.info("C_Invoice_ID=" + _C_Invoice_ID // + ", M_Warehouse_ID=" + _M_Warehouse_ID // + ", C_DocType_ID=" + _C_DocType_ID); if (_C_Invoice_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("@NotFound@ @C_Invoice_ID@"); } if (_M_Warehouse_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("@NotFound@ @M_Warehouse_ID@"); } // MInvoice invoice = new MInvoice(GetCtx(), _C_Invoice_ID, null); if (invoice.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("@NotFound@ @C_Invoice_ID@"); } if (!MInvoice.DOCSTATUS_Completed.Equals(invoice.GetDocStatus())) { throw new ArgumentException("@InvoiceCreateDocNotCompleted@"); } MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), _C_DocType_ID); if (invoice.IsSOTrx() != dt.IsSOTrx() || invoice.IsReturnTrx() != dt.IsReturnTrx()) { throw new ArgumentException("@C_DocType_ID@ <> @C_Invoice_ID@"); } //*****************************Vikas 1 Dec 2015 ********************************* //Case Msg Not Showing Proper MInOut ship = null; MOrder ord = new MOrder(GetCtx(), invoice.GetC_Order_ID(), null); if (ord.GetC_BPartner_ID() > 0) { ship = new MInOut(invoice, _C_DocType_ID, null, _M_Warehouse_ID); // Change by Mohit Asked by Amardeep sir 02/03/2016 ship.SetPOReference(invoice.GetPOReference()); // End if (!ship.Save()) { return(GetRetrievedError(ship, "@SaveError@ Receipt")); // throw new ArgumentException("@SaveError@ Receipt"); } } else { return(GetRetrievedError(ship, "InvoiceNotLinkedWithPO")); //throw new ArgumentException("@InvoiceNotLinkedWithPO@"); } /* * MInOut ship = new MInOut(invoice, _C_DocType_ID, null, _M_Warehouse_ID); * if (!ship.Save()) * { * throw new ArgumentException("@SaveError@ Receipt"); * } */ //************************END***************************************** MInvoiceLine[] invoiceLines = invoice.GetLines(false); for (int i = 0; i < invoiceLines.Length; i++) { MInvoiceLine invoiceLine = invoiceLines[i]; MProduct product = invoiceLine.GetProduct(); // Nothing to Deliver // Get the lines of Invoice based on the setting taken on Tenant to allow non item Product if (Util.GetValueOfString(GetCtx().GetContext("$AllowNonItem")).Equals("N") && ((product != null && product.GetProductType() != MProduct.PRODUCTTYPE_Item) || invoiceLine.GetC_Charge_ID() != 0)) { continue; } MInOutLine sLine = new MInOutLine(ship); sLine.SetInvoiceLine(invoiceLine, 0, // Locator invoice.IsSOTrx() ? invoiceLine.GetQtyInvoiced() : Env.ZERO); sLine.SetQtyEntered(invoiceLine.GetQtyEntered()); sLine.SetMovementQty(invoiceLine.GetQtyInvoiced()); if (invoice.IsCreditMemo()) { sLine.SetQtyEntered(Decimal.Negate(sLine.GetQtyEntered())); //.negate()); sLine.SetMovementQty(Decimal.Negate(sLine.GetMovementQty())); //.negate()); } if (!sLine.Save()) { return(GetRetrievedError(sLine, "@SaveError@ @M_InOutLine_ID@")); //throw new ArgumentException("@SaveError@ @M_InOutLine_ID@"); } // invoiceLine.SetM_InOutLine_ID(sLine.GetM_InOutLine_ID()); if (!invoiceLine.Save()) { return(GetRetrievedError(invoiceLine, "@SaveError@ @C_InvoiceLine_ID@")); //throw new ArgumentException("@SaveError@ @C_InvoiceLine_ID@"); } } return(ship.GetDocumentNo()); }
} // doIt /// <summary> /// Create GL Journal /// </summary> /// <returns>document info</returns> private String CreateGLJournal() { List <X_T_InvoiceGL> list = new List <X_T_InvoiceGL>(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM T_InvoiceGL " + "WHERE AD_PInstance_ID=" + GetAD_PInstance_ID() + " ORDER BY AD_Org_ID"; IDataReader idr = null; try { idr = DataBase.DB.ExecuteReader(sql, null, Get_TrxName()); while (idr.Read()) { list.Add(new X_T_InvoiceGL(GetCtx(), idr, Get_TrxName())); } idr.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (idr != null) { idr.Close(); } log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } if (list.Count == 0) { return(" - No Records found"); } // MAcctSchema aas = MAcctSchema.Get(GetCtx(), _C_AcctSchema_ID); MAcctSchemaDefault asDefaultAccts = MAcctSchemaDefault.Get(GetCtx(), _C_AcctSchema_ID); MGLCategory cat = MGLCategory.GetDefaultSystem(GetCtx()); if (cat == null) { MDocType docType = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), _C_DocTypeReval_ID); cat = MGLCategory.Get(GetCtx(), docType.GetGL_Category_ID()); } // MJournalBatch batch = new MJournalBatch(GetCtx(), 0, Get_TrxName()); batch.SetDescription(GetName()); batch.SetC_DocType_ID(_C_DocTypeReval_ID); batch.SetDateDoc(DateTime.Now);// new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); batch.SetDateAcct(_DateReval); batch.SetC_Currency_ID(aas.GetC_Currency_ID()); if (!batch.Save()) { return(GetRetrievedError(batch, "Could not create Batch")); //return " - Could not create Batch"; } // MJournal journal = null; Decimal? drTotal = Env.ZERO; Decimal? crTotal = Env.ZERO; int AD_Org_ID = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { X_T_InvoiceGL gl = list[i];//.get(i); if (Env.Signum(gl.GetAmtRevalDrDiff()) == 0 && Env.Signum(gl.GetAmtRevalCrDiff()) == 0) { continue; } MInvoice invoice = new MInvoice(GetCtx(), gl.GetC_Invoice_ID(), null); if (invoice.GetC_Currency_ID() == aas.GetC_Currency_ID()) { continue; } // if (journal == null) { journal = new MJournal(batch); journal.SetC_AcctSchema_ID(aas.GetC_AcctSchema_ID()); journal.SetC_Currency_ID(aas.GetC_Currency_ID()); journal.SetC_ConversionType_ID(_C_ConversionTypeReval_ID); MOrg org = MOrg.Get(GetCtx(), gl.GetAD_Org_ID()); journal.SetDescription(GetName() + " - " + org.GetName()); journal.SetGL_Category_ID(cat.GetGL_Category_ID()); if (!journal.Save()) { return(GetRetrievedError(journal, "Could not create Journal")); //return " - Could not create Journal"; } } // MJournalLine line = new MJournalLine(journal); line.SetLine((i + 1) * 10); line.SetDescription(invoice.GetSummary()); // MFactAcct fa = new MFactAcct(GetCtx(), gl.GetFact_Acct_ID(), null); line.SetC_ValidCombination_ID(MAccount.Get(fa)); Decimal?dr = gl.GetAmtRevalDrDiff(); Decimal?cr = gl.GetAmtRevalCrDiff(); drTotal = Decimal.Add(drTotal.Value, dr.Value); crTotal = Decimal.Add(crTotal.Value, cr.Value); line.SetAmtSourceDr(dr.Value); line.SetAmtAcctDr(dr.Value); line.SetAmtSourceCr(cr.Value); line.SetAmtAcctCr(cr.Value); line.Save(); // if (AD_Org_ID == 0) // invoice org id { AD_Org_ID = gl.GetAD_Org_ID(); } // Change in Org if (AD_Org_ID != gl.GetAD_Org_ID()) { CreateBalancing(asDefaultAccts, journal, drTotal.Value, crTotal.Value, AD_Org_ID, (i + 1) * 10); // AD_Org_ID = gl.GetAD_Org_ID(); drTotal = Env.ZERO; crTotal = Env.ZERO; journal = null; } } CreateBalancing(asDefaultAccts, journal, drTotal.Value, crTotal.Value, AD_Org_ID, (list.Count + 1) * 10); return(" - " + batch.GetDocumentNo() + " #" + list.Count); } // createGLJournal
/** * Create Difference Document * @param inout shipment/receipt * @param confirm confirm line * @return true if created */ private bool CreateDifferenceDoc(MInOut inout, MInOutLineConfirm confirm) { if (_processMsg == null) { _processMsg = ""; } else if (_processMsg.Length > 0) { _processMsg += "; "; } // Credit Memo if linked Document if (Env.Signum(confirm.GetDifferenceQty()) != 0 && !inout.IsSOTrx() && !inout.IsReturnTrx() && inout.GetRef_InOut_ID() != 0) { log.Info("Difference=" + confirm.GetDifferenceQty()); if (_creditMemo == null) { _creditMemo = new MInvoice(inout, null); _creditMemo.SetDescription(Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "M_InOutConfirm_ID") + " " + GetDocumentNo()); _creditMemo.SetC_DocTypeTarget_ID(MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_APCREDITMEMO); if (!_creditMemo.Save(Get_TrxName())) { _processMsg += "Credit Memo not created"; return(false); } SetC_Invoice_ID(_creditMemo.GetC_Invoice_ID()); } MInvoiceLine line = new MInvoiceLine(_creditMemo); line.SetShipLine(confirm.GetLine()); line.SetQty(confirm.GetDifferenceQty()); // Entered/Invoiced if (!line.Save(Get_TrxName())) { _processMsg += "Credit Memo Line not created"; return(false); } confirm.SetC_InvoiceLine_ID(line.GetC_InvoiceLine_ID()); } // Create Inventory Difference if (Env.Signum(confirm.GetScrappedQty()) != 0) { log.Info("Scrapped=" + confirm.GetScrappedQty()); if (_inventory == null) { MWarehouse wh = MWarehouse.Get(GetCtx(), inout.GetM_Warehouse_ID()); _inventory = new MInventory(wh); _inventory.SetDescription(Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "M_InOutConfirm_ID") + " " + GetDocumentNo()); //vikas new 13 jan 2016 1 _inventory.SetIsInternalUse(true); if (_inventory.GetC_DocType_ID() == 0) { MDocType[] types = MDocType.GetOfDocBaseType(GetCtx(), MDocBaseType.DOCBASETYPE_MATERIALPHYSICALINVENTORY); if (types.Length > 0) { // Get Internal Use Inv Doc Type for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) { int _count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT Count(*) FROM C_DocType WHERE IsActive='Y' AND IsInternalUse='Y' AND C_DocType_ID=" + types[i].GetC_DocType_ID())); if (_count > 0) { _inventory.SetC_DocType_ID(types[i].GetC_DocType_ID()); break; } } } else { log.SaveError("Error", Msg.ParseTranslation(GetCtx(), "@NotFound@ @C_DocType_ID@")); return(false); } } // 13 jan End if (!_inventory.Save(Get_TrxName())) { _processMsg += "Inventory not created"; return(false); } SetM_Inventory_ID(_inventory.GetM_Inventory_ID()); } MInOutLine ioLine = confirm.GetLine(); MInventoryLine line = new MInventoryLine(_inventory, ioLine.GetM_Locator_ID(), ioLine.GetM_Product_ID(), ioLine.GetM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(), confirm.GetScrappedQty(), Env.ZERO); //new 15 jan line.SetQtyInternalUse(line.GetQtyBook()); line.SetQtyBook(0); line.SetIsInternalUse(true); Tuple <String, String, String> mInfo = null; if (Env.HasModulePrefix("DTD001_", out mInfo)) { int _charge = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT C_Charge_ID FROM C_Charge WHERE isactive='Y' AND DTD001_ChargeType='INV'")); line.SetC_Charge_ID(_charge); } // End if (!line.Save(Get_TrxName())) { _processMsg += "Inventory Line not created"; return(false); } confirm.SetM_InventoryLine_ID(line.GetM_InventoryLine_ID()); } // if (!confirm.Save(Get_TrxName())) { _processMsg += "Confirmation Line not saved"; return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Create Shipment /// </summary> /// <returns>info</returns> protected override String DoIt() { //log.info("C_Invoice_ID=" + _C_Invoice_ID // + ", M_Warehouse_ID=" + _M_Warehouse_ID // + ", C_DocType_ID=" + _C_DocType_ID); if (_C_Invoice_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("@NotFound@ @C_Invoice_ID@"); } if (_M_Warehouse_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("@NotFound@ @M_Warehouse_ID@"); } // MInvoice invoice = new MInvoice(GetCtx(), _C_Invoice_ID, null); if (invoice.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("@NotFound@ @C_Invoice_ID@"); } if (!MInvoice.DOCSTATUS_Completed.Equals(invoice.GetDocStatus())) { throw new ArgumentException("@InvoiceCreateDocNotCompleted@"); } MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), _C_DocType_ID); if (invoice.IsSOTrx() != dt.IsSOTrx() || invoice.IsReturnTrx() != dt.IsReturnTrx()) { throw new ArgumentException("@C_DocType_ID@ <> @C_Invoice_ID@"); } // MInOut ship = new MInOut(invoice, _C_DocType_ID, null, _M_Warehouse_ID); if (!ship.Save()) { throw new ArgumentException("@SaveError@ Receipt"); } // MInvoiceLine[] invoiceLines = invoice.GetLines(false); for (int i = 0; i < invoiceLines.Length; i++) { MInvoiceLine invoiceLine = invoiceLines[i]; MInOutLine sLine = new MInOutLine(ship); sLine.SetInvoiceLine(invoiceLine, 0, // Locator invoice.IsSOTrx() ? invoiceLine.GetQtyInvoiced() : Env.ZERO); sLine.SetQtyEntered(invoiceLine.GetQtyEntered()); sLine.SetMovementQty(invoiceLine.GetQtyInvoiced()); if (invoice.IsCreditMemo()) { sLine.SetQtyEntered(Decimal.Negate(sLine.GetQtyEntered())); //.negate()); sLine.SetMovementQty(Decimal.Negate(sLine.GetMovementQty())); //.negate()); } if (!sLine.Save()) { throw new ArgumentException("@SaveError@ @M_InOutLine_ID@"); } // invoiceLine.SetM_InOutLine_ID(sLine.GetM_InOutLine_ID()); if (!invoiceLine.Save()) { throw new ArgumentException("@SaveError@ @C_InvoiceLine_ID@"); } } return(ship.GetDocumentNo()); }
public bool ReverseCorrectIt() { try { MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), GetC_DocType_ID()); if (!MPeriod.IsOpen(GetCtx(), GetDateAcct(), dt.GetDocBaseType())) { _processMsg = "@PeriodClosed@"; return(false); } // is Non Business Day? if (MNonBusinessDay.IsNonBusinessDay(GetCtx(), GetDateAcct())) { _processMsg = VAdvantage.Common.Common.NONBUSINESSDAY; return(false); } //commented by arpit //if (!IsVA027_PaymentGenerated()) //{ // _processMsg = "Payment Not Generated Yet"; // Get_Trx().Rollback(); // return false; //} //end here if (GetC_Payment_ID() > 0) { MPayment pay = new MPayment(GetCtx(), GetC_Payment_ID(), Get_Trx()); if (pay.GetDocStatus() != "RE" && pay.GetDocStatus() != "VO") { _processMsg = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_PaymentNotVoid"); Get_Trx().Rollback(); return(false); } } MVA027PostDatedCheck reversal = new MVA027PostDatedCheck(GetCtx(), 0, Get_Trx()); CopyValues(this, reversal); reversal.SetClientOrg(this); reversal.SetVA027_PayAmt(Decimal.Negate(reversal.GetVA027_PayAmt())); reversal.SetDocumentNo(GetDocumentNo() + REVERSE_INDICATOR); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetVA027_CheckNo())) { reversal.SetVA027_CheckNo(GetVA027_CheckNo() + REVERSE_INDICATOR); } reversal.SetDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Drafted); reversal.SetDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete); reversal.SetProcessed(false); reversal.SetProcessing(false); reversal.SetPosted(false); reversal.SetVA027_Description(GetVA027_Description()); reversal.AddDescription("{->" + GetDocumentNo() + ")"); if (reversal.Save(Get_Trx())) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds = DB.ExecuteDataset("Select * from VA027_CHEQUEDETAILS Where VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID=" + GetVA027_PostDatedCheck_ID(), null, Get_Trx()); if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (Int32 i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { MVA027ChequeDetails original = new MVA027ChequeDetails(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["VA027_CHEQUEDETAILS_ID"]), Get_Trx()); MVA027ChequeDetails cd = new MVA027ChequeDetails(GetCtx(), 0, Get_Trx()); if (original.GetC_Payment_ID() > 0) { MPayment payment = new MPayment(GetCtx(), original.GetC_Payment_ID(), Get_Trx()); if (payment.GetDocStatus() != "RE" && payment.GetDocStatus() != "VO") { _processMsg = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_PaymentNotVoid"); Get_Trx().Rollback(); return(false); } } cd.SetAD_Client_ID(original.GetAD_Client_ID()); cd.SetAD_Org_ID(original.GetAD_Org_ID()); cd.SetVA027_AccountName(original.GetVA027_AccountName()); cd.SetLineNo(original.GetLineNo()); cd.SetVA027_PostDatedCheck_ID(reversal.GetVA027_PostDatedCheck_ID()); cd.SetVA027_AccountNo(original.GetVA027_AccountNo()); cd.SetVA027_CheckDate(original.GetVA027_CheckDate()); cd.SetVA027_CheckNo(original.GetVA027_CheckNo() + REVERSE_INDICATOR); cd.SetVA027_ChequeAmount(Decimal.Negate(original.GetVA027_ChequeAmount())); cd.SetVA027_MICR(original.GetVA027_MICR()); cd.SetVA027_PaymentStatus("3"); cd.SetVA027_ValidMonth(original.GetVA027_ValidMonth()); cd.SetProcessed(true); cd.Save(Get_Trx()); } } } if (!reversal.ProcessIt(DocActionVariables.ACTION_COMPLETE)) { _processMsg = "Reversal ERROR: " + reversal.GetProcessMsg(); return(false); } reversal.CloseIt(); _processMsg = reversal.GetDocumentNo(); reversal.SetVA027_PaymentStatus("3"); reversal.SetDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Reversed); reversal.SetDocAction(DOCACTION_None); reversal.Save(Get_Trx()); this.AddDescription("(" + GetDocumentNo() + "<-)"); SetDocStatus(DOCSTATUS_Reversed); SetDocAction(DOCACTION_None); SetProcessed(true); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Severe(ex.ToString()); log.Severe("Error in Reverse."); } return(true); }
/** * Complete Document * @return new status (Complete, In Progress, Invalid, Waiting ..) */ public String CompleteIt() { // Re-Check if (!_justPrepared) { String status = PrepareIt(); if (!DocActionVariables.STATUS_INPROGRESS.Equals(status)) { return(status); } } // Implicit Approval if (!IsApproved()) { ApproveIt(); } log.Info(ToString()); // MInOut inout = new MInOut(GetCtx(), GetM_InOut_ID(), Get_TrxName()); MInOutLineConfirm[] lines = GetLines(false); /* created by sunil 19/9/2016*/ if (Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AD_ModuleInfo WHERE Prefix = 'DTD001_'")) > 0) { MPackage package = new MPackage(GetCtx(), inout.GetM_Package_ID(), Get_Trx()); if (inout.GetM_Package_ID() > 0 && !package.IsDTD001_IsPackgConfirm()) { _processMsg = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "PleaseConfirmPackage"); return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } } //End // Check if we need to split Shipment if (IsInDispute()) { MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), inout.GetC_DocType_ID()); if (dt.IsSplitWhenDifference()) { if (dt.GetC_DocTypeDifference_ID() == 0) { _processMsg = "No Split Document Type defined for: " + dt.GetName(); return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } SplitInOut(inout, dt.GetC_DocTypeDifference_ID(), lines); _lines = null; } } // All lines for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { MInOutLineConfirm confirmLine = lines[i]; confirmLine.Set_TrxName(Get_TrxName()); if (!confirmLine.ProcessLine(inout.IsSOTrx(), GetConfirmType())) { _processMsg = "ShipLine not saved - " + confirmLine; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } if (confirmLine.IsFullyConfirmed()) { confirmLine.SetProcessed(true); confirmLine.Save(Get_TrxName()); } else { if (CreateDifferenceDoc(inout, confirmLine)) { confirmLine.SetProcessed(true); confirmLine.Save(Get_TrxName()); } else { log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Scrapped=" + confirmLine.GetScrappedQty() + " - Difference=" + confirmLine.GetDifferenceQty()); return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } } } // for all lines if (_creditMemo != null) { _processMsg += " @C_Invoice_ID@=" + _creditMemo.GetDocumentNo(); } if (_inventory != null) { // _processMsg += " @M_Inventory_ID@=" + _inventory.GetDocumentNo(); //new 13 jan _processMsg += " Internal.Inventory= " + _inventory.GetDocumentNo(); } // User Validation String valid = ModelValidationEngine.Get().FireDocValidate(this, ModalValidatorVariables.DOCTIMING_AFTER_COMPLETE); if (valid != null) { _processMsg = valid; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } SetProcessed(true); if (!Save(Get_Trx())) { Get_Trx().Rollback(); _processMsg = "Ship/Receipt Confirmation Not saved"; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } // Created By Sunil 17/9/2016 // Complete Shipment MInOut io = new MInOut(GetCtx(), GetM_InOut_ID(), Get_TrxName()); var Status = io.CompleteIt(); if (Status == "CO") { io.SetProcessed(true); io.SetDocStatus(DocActionVariables.STATUS_COMPLETED); io.SetDocAction(DocActionVariables.ACTION_CLOSE); io.Save(); } else if (Status == "IN") { Get_Trx().Rollback(); _processMsg = "Shipment Not Completed"; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } //end //SetProcessed(true); SetDocAction(DOCACTION_Close); return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_COMPLETED); }
protected override bool BeforeSave(bool newRecord) { //JID_1292: Cheque Date must be greater than Account Date MVA027PostDatedCheck pdc = new MVA027PostDatedCheck(GetCtx(), GetVA027_PostDatedCheck_ID(), Get_Trx()); if (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("VA027_CheckDate") || Is_ValueChanged("IsActive")) { if (!(pdc.GetVA027_Description() != null && pdc.GetVA027_Description().Contains("{->"))) { if (GetVA027_CheckDate().Value.Date <= pdc.GetDateAcct().Value.Date) { log.SaveError("", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_CheckDateCanbeGreaterSys")); return(false); } } } // validate when we giving check (Payable) MDocType docType = new MDocType(GetCtx(), pdc.GetC_DocType_ID(), Get_Trx()); if (docType.GetDocBaseType() != "PDR") { // Validate Unique entry based on bank Account and Check No if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetVA027_CheckNo())) && (newRecord || Is_ValueChanged("VA027_CheckNo"))) { string sql = null; // check on cheque detail tab if (newRecord) { sql = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VA027_ChequeDetails cd INNER JOIN VA027_PostDatedCheck pdc ON pdc.VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID = cd.VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID INNER JOIN C_BankAccount ba ON ba.C_BankAccount_ID = pdc.C_BankAccount_ID INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON b.C_Bank_ID = ba.C_Bank_ID INNER JOIN C_DocType dt ON dt.C_DocType_ID = pdc.C_DocType_ID WHERE cd.IsActive = 'Y' AND pdc.IsActive = 'Y' AND pdc.DocStatus NOT IN ('RE', 'VO') AND dt.DocBaseType <> 'PDR' AND b.C_Bank_ID = (SELECT C_Bank_ID FROM c_bankaccount WHERE C_BankAccount_ID =" + pdc.GetC_BankAccount_ID() + @" ) AND cd.VA027_CheckNo = '" + GetVA027_CheckNo() + @"'"; } else { sql = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VA027_ChequeDetails cd INNER JOIN VA027_PostDatedCheck pdc ON pdc.VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID = cd.VA027_PostDatedCheck_ID INNER JOIN C_BankAccount ba ON ba.C_BankAccount_ID = pdc.C_BankAccount_ID INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON b.C_Bank_ID = ba.C_Bank_ID INNER JOIN C_DocType dt ON dt.C_DocType_ID = pdc.C_DocType_ID WHERE cd.IsActive = 'Y' AND pdc.IsActive = 'Y' AND pdc.DocStatus NOT IN ('RE', 'VO') AND dt.DocBaseType <> 'PDR' AND b.C_Bank_ID = (SELECT C_Bank_ID FROM c_bankaccount WHERE C_BankAccount_ID =" + pdc.GetC_BankAccount_ID() + @" ) AND cd.VA027_CheckNo = '" + GetVA027_CheckNo() + @"' AND cd.VA027_ChequeDetails_ID <> " + GetVA027_ChequeDetails_ID(); } int count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(sql, null, Get_Trx())); if (count > 0) { log.SaveError("Error", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_Bank_ChequeNoNotSame")); return(false); } else { // check independently on Post Dated check table count = 0; sql = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VA027_PostDatedCheck pdc INNER JOIN C_BankAccount ba ON ba.C_BankAccount_ID = pdc.C_BankAccount_ID INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON b.C_Bank_ID = ba.C_Bank_ID INNER JOIN C_DocType dt ON dt.C_DocType_ID = pdc.C_DocType_ID WHERE pdc.IsActive = 'Y' AND pdc.VA027_MultiCheque = 'N' AND dt.DocBaseType <> 'PDR' AND b.C_Bank_ID = (SELECT C_Bank_ID FROM c_bankaccount WHERE C_BankAccount_ID =" + pdc.GetC_BankAccount_ID() + @" ) AND pdc.VA027_CheckNo = '" + GetVA027_CheckNo() + @"' AND pdc.DocStatus NOT IN ('RE', 'VO')"; count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(sql, null, Get_Trx())); if (count > 0) { log.SaveError("Error", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_Bank_ChequeNoNotSame")); return(false); } } // check Payment Table count = 0; sql = @"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM C_Payment pdc INNER JOIN C_BankAccount ba ON ba.C_BankAccount_ID = pdc.C_BankAccount_ID INNER JOIN C_Bank b ON b.C_Bank_ID = ba.C_Bank_ID INNER JOIN C_DocType dt ON dt.C_DocType_ID = pdc.C_DocType_ID WHERE pdc.IsActive = 'Y' AND b.C_Bank_ID = (SELECT C_Bank_ID FROM c_bankaccount WHERE C_BankAccount_ID =" + pdc.GetC_BankAccount_ID() + @" ) AND pdc.CheckNo = '" + GetVA027_CheckNo() + @"' AND DocStatus NOT IN ('RE', 'VO') AND dt.DocBaseType <> 'ARR'"; count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(sql, null, Get_Trx())); if (count > 0) { log.SaveError("Error", Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VA027_Bank_ChequeNoNotSameOnPay")); return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Perform Process. /// </summary> /// <returns>Message (text with variables)</returns> protected override String DoIt() { log.Info("M_DistributionRun_ID=" + _M_DistributionRun_ID + ", C_DocType_ID=" + _C_DocType_ID + ", DatePromised=" + _DatePromised + ", Test=" + _IsTest); // Distribution Run if (_M_DistributionRun_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No Distribution Run ID"); } _run = new MDistributionRun(GetCtx(), _M_DistributionRun_ID, Get_TrxName()); if (_run.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new Exception("Distribution Run not found - M_DistributionRun_ID=" + _M_DistributionRun_ID); } _runLines = _run.GetLines(true); if (_runLines == null || _runLines.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("No active, non-zero Distribution Run Lines found"); } // Document Type if (_C_DocType_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No Document Type ID"); } _docType = new MDocType(GetCtx(), _C_DocType_ID, null); // outside trx if (_docType.Get_ID() == 0) { throw new Exception("Document Type not found - C_DocType_ID=" + _C_DocType_ID); } // //_DateOrdered = Utility.Util.GetValueOfDateTime(new DateTime(CommonFunctions.CurrentTimeMillis())); _DateOrdered = Utility.Util.GetValueOfDateTime(DateTime.Now.Date); if (_DatePromised == null) { _DatePromised = _DateOrdered; } // Create Temp Lines if (InsertDetails() == 0) { throw new Exception("No Lines"); } // Order By Distribution Run Line _details = MDistributionRunDetail.Get(GetCtx(), _M_DistributionRun_ID, false, Get_TrxName()); // First Run -- Add & Round AddAllocations(); // Do Allocation int loops = 0; while (!IsAllocationEqTotal()) { AdjustAllocation(); AddAllocations(); if (++loops > 10) { throw new Exception("Loop detected - more than 10 Allocation attempts"); } } // Order By Business Partner _details = MDistributionRunDetail.Get(GetCtx(), _M_DistributionRun_ID, true, Get_TrxName()); // Create Orders CreateOrders(); return("@Created@ #" + _counter); } // doIt
} // invalidateIt /// <summary> /// Prepare Document /// </summary> /// <returns>new status (In Progress or Invalid) </returns> public String PrepareIt() { log.Info(ToString()); m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.Get().FireDocValidate(this, ModalValidatorVariables.DOCTIMING_BEFORE_PREPARE); if (m_processMsg != null) { return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), GetC_DocType_ID()); // Get Period MPeriod period = MPeriod.Get(GetCtx(), GetDateAcct()); if (period == null) { log.Warning("No Period for " + GetDateAcct()); m_processMsg = "@PeriodNotFound@"; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } // Standard Period if (period.GetC_Period_ID() != GetC_Period_ID() && period.IsStandardPeriod()) { m_processMsg = "@PeriodNotValid@"; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } Boolean open = period.IsOpen(dt.GetDocBaseType()); if (!open) { log.Warning(period.GetName() + ": Not open for " + dt.GetDocBaseType() + " (" + GetDateAcct() + ")"); m_processMsg = "@PeriodClosed@"; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } // JID_0521 - Restrict if debit and credit amount is not equal.-Mohit-12-jun-2019. if (GetTotalCr() != GetTotalDr()) { m_processMsg = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DBAndCRAmtNotEqual"); return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } // Lines MJournalLine[] lines = GetLines(true); if (lines.Length == 0) { m_processMsg = "@NoLines@"; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } //Manish 18/7/2016 .. Because if line dimention (Amount) column sum is not equals to debit or credit value complete process will not done. int journalDRAndCR = 0; string getlinevalues = "SELECT NVL(ElementType,null) AS ElementType,AmtSourceDr,AmtAcctCr,AmtSourceCr,GL_JournalLine_ID FROM GL_JournalLine where GL_Journal_ID=" + Get_Value("GL_Journal_ID"); DataSet dts = DB.ExecuteDataset(getlinevalues, null, null); if (dts != null && dts.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dts.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { journalDRAndCR = 0; if (dts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ElementType"].ToString() == "") { continue; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AmtSourceDr"]) > 0) { journalDRAndCR = Convert.ToInt32(dts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AmtSourceDr"]); } else { if (Convert.ToInt32(dts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AmtSourceCr"]) > 0) { journalDRAndCR = Convert.ToInt32(dts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AmtSourceCr"]); } } string getlineval = "SELECT SUM(amount) FROM gl_linedimension where GL_JournalLine_ID=" + Convert.ToInt32(dts.Tables[0].Rows[i]["GL_JournalLine_ID"]); int count = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar(getlineval)); if (journalDRAndCR != count) { m_processMsg = "@AmountNotMatch@"; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } } } // Add up Amounts Decimal AmtSourceDr = Env.ZERO; Decimal AmtSourceCr = Env.ZERO; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { MJournalLine line = lines[i]; if (!IsActive()) { continue; } // if (line.IsDocControlled()) { m_processMsg = "@DocControlledError@ - @Line@=" + line.GetLine() + " - " + line.GetAccountElementValue(); return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } // AmtSourceDr = Decimal.Add(AmtSourceDr, line.GetAmtAcctDr()); AmtSourceCr = Decimal.Add(AmtSourceCr, line.GetAmtAcctCr()); } SetTotalDr(AmtSourceDr); SetTotalCr(AmtSourceCr); // Control Amount if (Env.ZERO.CompareTo(GetControlAmt()) != 0 && GetControlAmt().CompareTo(GetTotalDr()) != 0) { m_processMsg = "@ControlAmtError@"; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } // Unbalanced Jornal & Not Suspense if (AmtSourceDr.CompareTo(AmtSourceCr) != 0) { MAcctSchemaGL gl = MAcctSchemaGL.Get(GetCtx(), GetC_AcctSchema_ID()); if (gl == null || !gl.IsUseSuspenseBalancing()) { m_processMsg = "@UnbalancedJornal@"; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INVALID); } } if (!DOCACTION_Complete.Equals(GetDocAction())) { SetDocAction(DOCACTION_Complete); } m_justPrepared = true; return(DocActionVariables.STATUS_INPROGRESS); } // prepareIt
} // toString /// <summary> /// Get Document Info /// </summary> /// <returns>document info (untranslated)</returns> public String GetDocumentInfo() { MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), GetC_DocType_ID()); return(dt.GetName() + " " + GetDocumentNo()); } // getDocumentInfo
protected override string DoIt() { try { if (order_ID == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("No Order"); } MOrder from = new MOrder(GetCtx(), order_ID, Get_TrxName()); // Check Validity date of Blanket Order. if (from.GetOrderValidTo() < DateTime.Now.Date) { return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_BlanketNotValid")); } MDocType dt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), from.GetC_DocType_ID()); //Document Type against Release Order if (dt.GetDocumentTypeforReleases() == 0) { return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_ReleaseDocumentnotFound")); } if (from.GetDocStatus() == MOrder.DOCSTATUS_Drafted || from.GetDocStatus() == MOrder.DOCSTATUS_InProgress || from.GetDocStatus() == MOrder.DOCSTATUS_Voided || from.GetDocStatus() == MOrder.DOCSTATUS_Reversed) { throw new Exception("Order Not Valid"); } //Document Type against Release Order //MDocType dtt = MDocType.Get(GetCtx(), dt.GetDocumentTypeforReleases()); //if (dtt == null) //{ // throw new Exception(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_ReleaseDocumentnotFound")); //} // JID_1474 if full quantity of all lines are released from blanket order and user run Release order process then system will not allow to create // Release order and give message: 'All quantity are released'. if (Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT SUM(qtyentered) FROM C_OrderLine WHERE C_Order_ID = " + GetRecord_ID(), null, Get_TrxName())) == 0) { return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_AllQtyReleased")); } //Creating Release PO/SO against blanket Orders MOrder rposo = MOrder.CopyFrom(from, from.GetDateAcct(), dt.GetDocumentTypeforReleases(), false, true, Get_TrxName(), false); rposo.SetPOReference(Util.GetValueOfString(from.GetDocumentNo())); rposo.Set_Value("IsBlanketTrx", false); // JID_0890: On Blanket Sales/Purchase Order, Create Release Purchase/Sales Order Process was not working. //rposo.SetOrig_Order_ID(order_ID); rposo.SetC_Order_Blanket(GetRecord_ID()); //Set Blanket Order ID to release SO/PO rposo.SetIsSOTrx(dt.IsSOTrx()); //Set Same Document Sequence FROM Document type-- for Document is Number Controlled //Commented because its creating same document no //if (dtt.IsDocNoControlled() && dtt.GetDocNoSequence_ID() > 0) //{ // MSequence seq = new MSequence(GetCtx(), dtt.GetDocNoSequence_ID(), Get_TrxName()); // rposo.SetDocumentNo(Util.GetValueOfString(seq.GetCurrentNext())); //} if (!rposo.Save(Get_TrxName())) { ValueNamePair pp = VLogger.RetrieveError(); throw new Exception("Could not create new Release Order. " + (pp != null ? pp.GetName() : "")); } string msg = Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "OrderCreatedSuccessfully"); return(msg + ":" + rposo.GetDocumentNo()); } catch (Exception e) { //JID_1474 : if exception is found then we have to rollback and return that exception as suggested by Puneet and Gagandeep kaur Get_TrxName().Rollback(); _log.SaveError("Could not create new Release Order", e); return(e.Message); } }