public MetalKitEssentialsSubmesh(MTKSubmesh mtkSubmesh, MDLSubmesh mdlSubmesh, IMTLDevice device)
            materialUniforms = device.CreateBuffer((nuint)Marshal.SizeOf <MaterialUniforms> (), MTLResourceOptions.CpuCacheModeDefault);
            var uniforms = Marshal.PtrToStructure <MaterialUniforms> (materialUniforms.Contents);

            submesh = mtkSubmesh;

            for (nuint i = 0; i < mdlSubmesh.Material.Count; i++)
                MDLMaterialProperty property = ObjectAtIndexedSubscript(mdlSubmesh.Material, i);

                if (property == null)

                if (property.Name == "baseColorMap")
                    if (property.Type != MDLMaterialPropertyType.String)

                    var textureURL    = new NSUrl(string.Format("file://{0}", property.StringValue));
                    var textureLoader = new MTKTextureLoader(device);

                    NSError error;
                    diffuseTexture = textureLoader.FromUrl(textureURL, null, out error);

                    if (diffuseTexture == null)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Diffuse texture load: {0}", error.LocalizedDescription));
                else if (property.Name == "BlinnSpecularColor")
                    if (property.Type == MDLMaterialPropertyType.Float4)
                        uniforms.specularColor = property.Float4Value;
                    else if (property.Type == MDLMaterialPropertyType.Float3)
                        uniforms.specularColor = new Vector4(property.Float3Value);
                else if (property.Name == "emission")
                    if (property.Type == MDLMaterialPropertyType.Float4)
                        uniforms.emissiveColor = property.Float4Value;
                    else if (property.Type == MDLMaterialPropertyType.Float3)
                        uniforms.emissiveColor = new Vector4(property.Float3Value);

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(uniforms, materialUniforms.Contents, true);
예제 #2
 public void Copy()
     TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion(8, 0);
     using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion)) {
예제 #3
        public void Setup()
            if (!UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(9, 0))
                Assert.Ignore("Requires iOS9+");

            if (Runtime.Arch == Arch.SIMULATOR && IntPtr.Size == 4)
                // There's a bug in the i386 version of objc_msgSend where it doesn't preserve SIMD arguments
                // when resizing the cache of method selectors for a type. So here we call all selectors we can
                // find, so that the subsequent tests don't end up producing any cache resize (radar #21630410).
                object dummy;
                using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion)) {
                    dummy = obj.Color;
                    dummy = obj.Float2Value;
                    dummy = obj.Float3Value;
                    dummy = obj.Float4Value;
                    dummy = obj.FloatValue;
                    dummy = obj.Matrix4x4;
                    dummy = obj.Name;
                    dummy = obj.Semantic;
                    obj.SetProperties(new MDLMaterialProperty("foo", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion));
                    dummy = obj.StringValue;
                    dummy = obj.TextureSamplerValue;
                    dummy = obj.Type;
                    dummy = obj.UrlValue;
                using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, Vector3.Zero)) {
                using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, new MDLTextureSampler())) {
                using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, "string value")) {
                using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, new NSUrl(""))) {
                using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, Matrix4.Identity)) {
                using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, Vector4.Zero)) {
                using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, UIColor.Black.CGColor)) {
                using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, Vector2.Zero)) {
                using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, 1.23f)) {
예제 #4
        public void Ctors()
            Vector2           V2;
            Vector3           V3;
            Vector4           V4;
            Matrix4           M4;
            MDLTextureSampler tsv;
            NSUrl             url;

            using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion)) {
                Assert.AreEqual(MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, obj.Semantic, "1 Semantic");
                Assert.IsNull(obj.Color, "1 Color");
                Asserts.AreEqual(Vector2.Zero, obj.Float2Value, "1 Float2Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(Vector3.Zero, obj.Float3Value, "1 Float3Value");
                Asserts.AreEqual(Vector4.Zero, obj.Float4Value, "1 Float4Value");
                Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, obj.FloatValue, "1 FloatValue");
                Asserts.AreEqual(Matrix4.Identity, obj.Matrix4x4, "1 Matrix4x4");
                Assert.AreEqual("name", obj.Name, "1 Name");
                Assert.IsNull(obj.StringValue, "1 StringValue");
                Assert.IsNull(obj.TextureSamplerValue, "1 TextureSamplerValue");
                Assert.AreEqual(MDLMaterialPropertyType.Float, obj.Type, "1 Type");
                Assert.IsNull(obj.UrlValue, "1 UrlValue");

                V2  = new Vector2(1, 2);
                V3  = new Vector3(3, 4, 5);
                V4  = new Vector4(6, 7, 8, 9);
                M4  = new Matrix4(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16);
                tsv = new MDLTextureSampler();
                url = new NSUrl("");

                obj.Semantic = MDLMaterialSemantic.Anisotropic;
                Assert.AreEqual(MDLMaterialSemantic.Anisotropic, obj.Semantic, "2 Semantic");

                obj.Color = UIColor.Blue.CGColor;
                Assert.AreEqual(UIColor.Blue.CGColor.ToString(), obj.Color.ToString(), "2 Color");

                obj.Float2Value = V2;
                Asserts.AreEqual(V2, obj.Float2Value, "2 Float2Value");

                obj.Float3Value = V3;
                Asserts.AreEqual(V3, obj.Float3Value, "2 Float3Value");

                obj.Float4Value = V4;
                Asserts.AreEqual(V4, obj.Float4Value, "2 Float4Value");

                obj.FloatValue = 3.14f;
                Assert.AreEqual(3.14f, obj.FloatValue, "2 FloatValue");

                obj.Matrix4x4 = M4;
                // It looks like the Matrix4 setter is ignored, assigning a matrix
                // doesn't work in Xcode either.
                Asserts.AreEqual(Matrix4.Identity, obj.Matrix4x4, "2 Matrix4x4");

                obj.Name = "new name";
                Assert.AreEqual("new name", obj.Name, "2 Name");

                obj.StringValue = "string value";
                Assert.AreEqual("string value", obj.StringValue, "2 StringValue");

                obj.TextureSamplerValue = tsv;
                Assert.AreEqual(tsv.Handle, obj.TextureSamplerValue.Handle, "2 TextureSamplerValue");

                Assert.AreEqual(MDLMaterialPropertyType.Texture, obj.Type, "2 Type");

                // Looks like the URLValue can't change after construction
                obj.UrlValue = url;
                Assert.IsNull(obj.UrlValue, "2 UrlValue");

            using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, url)) {
                Assert.AreEqual(url.Handle, obj.UrlValue.Handle, "3 UrlValue");

            using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, V3)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(V3, obj.Float3Value, "4 Float3Value");

            using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, tsv)) {
                Assert.AreEqual(tsv.Handle, obj.TextureSamplerValue.Handle, "5 TextureSamplerValue");

            using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, "string value")) {
                Assert.AreEqual("string value", obj.StringValue, "6 StringValue");

            using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, M4)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(M4, obj.Matrix4x4, "7 Matrix4x4");

            using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, V4)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(V4, obj.Float4Value, "8 Float4Value");

            using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, UIColor.Red.CGColor)) {
                Assert.AreEqual(UIColor.Blue.CGColor.ToString(), obj.Color.ToString(), "9 Color");

            using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, V2)) {
                Asserts.AreEqual(V2, obj.Float2Value, "10 Float2Value");

            using (var obj = new MDLMaterialProperty("name", MDLMaterialSemantic.AmbientOcclusion, 3.1415f)) {
                Assert.AreEqual(3.1415f, obj.FloatValue, "11 FloatValue");