internal static IEnumerator _CreateAtlasesCoroutineTextureArray(MB3_TextureBaker tb, MB3_TextureCombiner combiner, ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo, MB3_TextureBaker.CreateAtlasesCoroutineResult coroutineResult, bool saveAtlasesAsAssets = false, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface editorMethods = null, float maxTimePerFrame = .01f) { MB_TextureArrayResultMaterial[] bakedMatsAndSlices = null; // Validate the formats if (tb.textureArrayOutputFormats == null || tb.textureArrayOutputFormats.Length == 0) { Debug.LogError("No Texture Array Output Formats. There must be at least one entry."); coroutineResult.isFinished = true; yield break; } for (int i = 0; i < tb.textureArrayOutputFormats.Length; i++) { if (!tb.textureArrayOutputFormats[i].ValidateTextureImporterFormatsExistsForTextureFormats(editorMethods, i)) { Debug.LogError("Could not map the selected texture format to a Texture Importer Format. Safest options are ARGB32, or RGB24."); coroutineResult.isFinished = true; yield break; } } for (int resMatIdx = 0; resMatIdx < tb.resultMaterialsTexArray.Length; resMatIdx++) { MB_MultiMaterialTexArray textureArraySliceConfig = tb.resultMaterialsTexArray[resMatIdx]; if (textureArraySliceConfig.combinedMaterial == null) { Debug.LogError("Material is null for Texture Array Slice Configuration: " + resMatIdx + "."); coroutineResult.isFinished = true; yield break; } List <MB_TexArraySlice> slices = textureArraySliceConfig.slices; for (int sliceIdx = 0; sliceIdx < slices.Count; sliceIdx++) { for (int srcMatIdx = 0; srcMatIdx < slices[sliceIdx].sourceMaterials.Count; srcMatIdx++) { MB_TexArraySliceRendererMatPair sourceMat = slices[sliceIdx].sourceMaterials[srcMatIdx]; if (sourceMat.sourceMaterial == null) { Debug.LogError("Source material is null for Texture Array Slice Configuration: " + resMatIdx + " slice: " + sliceIdx); coroutineResult.isFinished = true; yield break; } if (slices[sliceIdx].considerMeshUVs) { if (sourceMat.renderer == null) { Debug.LogError("Renderer is null for Texture Array Slice Configuration: " + resMatIdx + " slice: " + sliceIdx + ". If considerUVs is enabled then a renderer must be supplied for each source material. The same source material can be used multiple times."); coroutineResult.isFinished = true; yield break; } } else { // TODO check for duplicate source mats. } } } } for (int resMatIdx = 0; resMatIdx < tb.resultMaterialsTexArray.Length; resMatIdx++) { MB_MultiMaterialTexArray textureArraySliceConfig = tb.resultMaterialsTexArray[resMatIdx]; } // initialize structure to store results. For texture arrays the structure is two layers deep. // First layer is resultMaterial / submesh (each result material can use a different shader) // Second layer is a set of TextureArrays for the TextureProperties on that result material. int numResultMats = tb.resultMaterialsTexArray.Length; bakedMatsAndSlices = new MB_TextureArrayResultMaterial[numResultMats]; for (int resMatIdx = 0; resMatIdx < bakedMatsAndSlices.Length; resMatIdx++) { bakedMatsAndSlices[resMatIdx] = new MB_TextureArrayResultMaterial(); int numSlices = tb.resultMaterialsTexArray[resMatIdx].slices.Count; MB_AtlasesAndRects[] slices = bakedMatsAndSlices[resMatIdx].slices = new MB_AtlasesAndRects[numSlices]; for (int j = 0; j < numSlices; j++) { slices[j] = new MB_AtlasesAndRects(); } } // Some of the slices will be atlases (more than one atlas per slice). // Do the material combining for these. First loop over the result materials (1 per submeshes). for (int resMatIdx = 0; resMatIdx < bakedMatsAndSlices.Length; resMatIdx++) { yield return(_CreateAtlasesCoroutineSingleResultMaterial(resMatIdx, bakedMatsAndSlices[resMatIdx], tb.resultMaterialsTexArray[resMatIdx], tb, combiner, progressInfo, coroutineResult, saveAtlasesAsAssets, editorMethods, maxTimePerFrame)); if (!coroutineResult.success) { yield break; } } if (coroutineResult.success) { // Save the results into the TextureBakeResults. tb.unpackMat2RectMap(bakedMatsAndSlices); tb.textureBakeResults.resultType = MB2_TextureBakeResults.ResultType.textureArray; tb.textureBakeResults.resultMaterials = new MB_MultiMaterial[0]; tb.textureBakeResults.resultMaterialsTexArray = tb.resultMaterialsTexArray; if (tb.LOG_LEVEL >= { Debug.Log("Created Texture2DArrays"); } } else { if (tb.LOG_LEVEL >= { Debug.Log("Failed to create Texture2DArrays"); } } }
private static IEnumerator _CreateAtlasesCoroutineSingleResultMaterial(int resMatIdx, MB_TextureArrayResultMaterial bakedMatsAndSlicesResMat, MB_MultiMaterialTexArray resMatConfig, MB3_TextureBaker tb, MB3_TextureCombiner combiner, ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo, MB3_TextureBaker.CreateAtlasesCoroutineResult coroutineResult, bool saveAtlasesAsAssets = false, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface editorMethods = null, float maxTimePerFrame = .01f) { MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL = tb.LOG_LEVEL; MB_TextureArrayFormatSet[] textureArrayOutputFormats = tb.textureArrayOutputFormats; MB_MultiMaterialTexArray[] resultMaterialsTexArray = tb.resultMaterialsTexArray; List <ShaderTextureProperty> customShaderProperties = tb.customShaderProperties; if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug) { Debug.Log("Baking atlases for result material " + resMatIdx + " num slices:" + resMatConfig.slices.Count); } // Each result material can be one set of slices per textureProperty. Each slice can be an atlas. // Create atlases for each slice. List <MB3_TextureCombiner.TemporaryTexture> generatedTemporaryAtlases = new List <MB3_TextureCombiner.TemporaryTexture>(); { combiner.saveAtlasesAsAssets = false; // Don't want generated atlas slices to be assets List <MB_TexArraySlice> slicesConfig = resMatConfig.slices; for (int sliceIdx = 0; sliceIdx < slicesConfig.Count; sliceIdx++) { Material resMatToPass = null; List <MB_TexArraySliceRendererMatPair> srcMatAndObjPairs = slicesConfig[sliceIdx].sourceMaterials; if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace) { Debug.Log(" Baking atlases for result material:" + resMatIdx + " slice:" + sliceIdx); } resMatToPass = resMatConfig.combinedMaterial; combiner.fixOutOfBoundsUVs = slicesConfig[sliceIdx].considerMeshUVs; MB3_TextureCombiner.CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult coroutineResult2 = new MB3_TextureCombiner.CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult(); MB_AtlasesAndRects sliceAtlasesAndRectOutput = bakedMatsAndSlicesResMat.slices[sliceIdx]; List <Material> usedMats = new List <Material>(); slicesConfig[sliceIdx].GetAllUsedMaterials(usedMats); yield return(combiner.CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutine(progressInfo, sliceAtlasesAndRectOutput, resMatToPass, slicesConfig[sliceIdx].GetAllUsedRenderers(tb.objsToMesh), usedMats, editorMethods, coroutineResult2, maxTimePerFrame, onlyPackRects: false, splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig: false)); coroutineResult.success = coroutineResult2.success; if (!coroutineResult.success) { coroutineResult.isFinished = true; yield break; } // Track which slices are new generated texture instances. Atlases could be original texture assets (one tex per atlas) or temporary texture instances in memory that will need to be destroyed. { for (int texPropIdx = 0; texPropIdx < sliceAtlasesAndRectOutput.atlases.Length; texPropIdx++) { Texture2D atlas = sliceAtlasesAndRectOutput.atlases[texPropIdx]; if (atlas != null) { bool atlasWasASourceTexture = false; for (int srcMatIdx = 0; srcMatIdx < srcMatAndObjPairs.Count; srcMatIdx++) { Material srcMat = srcMatAndObjPairs[srcMatIdx].sourceMaterial; if (srcMat.HasProperty(sliceAtlasesAndRectOutput.texPropertyNames[texPropIdx]) && srcMat.GetTexture(sliceAtlasesAndRectOutput.texPropertyNames[texPropIdx]) == atlas) { atlasWasASourceTexture = true; break; } } if (!atlasWasASourceTexture) { generatedTemporaryAtlases.Add(new MB3_TextureCombiner.TemporaryTexture(sliceAtlasesAndRectOutput.texPropertyNames[texPropIdx], atlas)); } } } } // end visit slices Debug.Assert(combiner._getNumTemporaryTextures() == 0, "Combiner should have no temporary textures."); } combiner.saveAtlasesAsAssets = saveAtlasesAsAssets; // Restore original setting. } // Generated atlas textures are temporary for texture arrays. They exist only in memory. Need to be cleaned up after we create slices. for (int i = 0; i < generatedTemporaryAtlases.Count; i++) { combiner.AddTemporaryTexture(generatedTemporaryAtlases[i]); } List <ShaderTextureProperty> texPropertyNames = new List <ShaderTextureProperty>(); MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline._CollectPropertyNames(texPropertyNames, customShaderProperties, resMatConfig.combinedMaterial, LOG_LEVEL); // The slices are built from different source-material-lists. Each slice can have different sets of texture properties missing (nulls). // Build a master list of texture properties. bool[] hasTexForProperty = MB_TextureArrays.DetermineWhichPropertiesHaveTextures(bakedMatsAndSlicesResMat.slices); List <Texture2D> temporaryTextureAssets = new List <Texture2D>(); try { MB_MultiMaterialTexArray resMaterial = resMatConfig; Dictionary <string, MB_TexArrayForProperty> resTexArraysByProperty = new Dictionary <string, MB_TexArrayForProperty>(); { // Initialize so I don't need to check if properties exist later. for (int propIdx = 0; propIdx < texPropertyNames.Count; propIdx++) { if (hasTexForProperty[propIdx]) { resTexArraysByProperty[texPropertyNames[propIdx].name] = new MB_TexArrayForProperty(texPropertyNames[propIdx].name, new MB_TextureArrayReference[textureArrayOutputFormats.Length]); } } } MB3_TextureCombinerNonTextureProperties textureBlender = null; textureBlender = new MB3_TextureCombinerNonTextureProperties(LOG_LEVEL, tb.considerNonTextureProperties); textureBlender.LoadTextureBlendersIfNeeded(resMatConfig.combinedMaterial); textureBlender.AdjustNonTextureProperties(resMatConfig.combinedMaterial, texPropertyNames, editorMethods); // Vist each TextureFormatSet for (int texFormatSetIdx = 0; texFormatSetIdx < textureArrayOutputFormats.Length; texFormatSetIdx++) { MB_TextureArrayFormatSet textureArrayFormatSet = textureArrayOutputFormats[texFormatSetIdx]; editorMethods.Clear(); MB_TextureArrays.TexturePropertyData texPropertyData = new MB_TextureArrays.TexturePropertyData(); MB_TextureArrays.FindBestSizeAndMipCountAndFormatForTextureArrays(texPropertyNames, tb.maxAtlasSize, textureArrayFormatSet, bakedMatsAndSlicesResMat.slices, texPropertyData); // Create textures we might need if they don't exist. { for (int propIdx = 0; propIdx < hasTexForProperty.Length; propIdx++) { if (hasTexForProperty[propIdx]) { TextureFormat format = texPropertyData.formats[propIdx]; int numSlices = bakedMatsAndSlicesResMat.slices.Length; int targetWidth = (int)texPropertyData.sizes[propIdx].x; int targetHeight = (int)texPropertyData.sizes[propIdx].y; for (int sliceIdx = 0; sliceIdx < numSlices; sliceIdx++) { if (bakedMatsAndSlicesResMat.slices[sliceIdx].atlases[propIdx] == null) { Texture2D sliceTex = new Texture2D(targetWidth, targetHeight, format, texPropertyData.doMips[propIdx]); Color col = textureBlender.GetColorForTemporaryTexture(resMatConfig.slices[sliceIdx].sourceMaterials[0].sourceMaterial, texPropertyNames[propIdx]); MB_Utility.setSolidColor(sliceTex, col); bakedMatsAndSlicesResMat.slices[sliceIdx].atlases[propIdx] = editorMethods.CreateTemporaryAssetCopy(sliceTex, targetWidth, targetHeight, format, LOG_LEVEL); temporaryTextureAssets.Add(bakedMatsAndSlicesResMat.slices[sliceIdx].atlases[propIdx]); MB_Utility.Destroy(sliceTex); } } } } } if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug) { Debug.Log("Converting source textures to readable formats."); } if (MB_TextureArrays.ConvertTexturesToReadableFormat(texPropertyData, bakedMatsAndSlicesResMat.slices, hasTexForProperty, texPropertyNames, combiner, LOG_LEVEL, temporaryTextureAssets, editorMethods)) { // We now have a set of slices (one per textureProperty). Build these into Texture2DArray's. if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug) { Debug.Log("Creating texture arrays"); } if (LOG_LEVEL >= { Debug.Log("THERE MAY BE ERRORS IN THE CONSOLE ABOUT 'Rebuilding mipmaps ... not supported'. THESE ARE PROBABLY FALSE POSITIVES AND CAN BE IGNORED."); } Texture2DArray[] textureArrays = MB_TextureArrays.CreateTextureArraysForResultMaterial(texPropertyData, bakedMatsAndSlicesResMat.slices, hasTexForProperty, combiner, LOG_LEVEL); // Now have texture arrays for a result material, for all props. Save it. for (int propIdx = 0; propIdx < textureArrays.Length; propIdx++) { if (hasTexForProperty[propIdx]) { MB_TextureArrayReference texRef = new MB_TextureArrayReference(, textureArrays[propIdx]); resTexArraysByProperty[texPropertyNames[propIdx].name].formats[texFormatSetIdx] = texRef; if (saveAtlasesAsAssets) { editorMethods.SaveTextureArrayToAssetDatabase(textureArrays[propIdx], textureArrayFormatSet.GetFormatForProperty(texPropertyNames[propIdx].name), bakedMatsAndSlicesResMat.slices[0].texPropertyNames[propIdx], propIdx, resMaterial.combinedMaterial); } } } } } // end vist format set resMaterial.textureProperties = new List <MB_TexArrayForProperty>(); foreach (MB_TexArrayForProperty val in resTexArraysByProperty.Values) { resMaterial.textureProperties.Add(val); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace.ToString()); coroutineResult.isFinished = true; coroutineResult.success = false; } finally { editorMethods.RestoreReadFlagsAndFormats(progressInfo); combiner._destroyAllTemporaryTextures(); for (int i = 0; i < temporaryTextureAssets.Count; i++) { editorMethods.DestroyAsset(temporaryTextureAssets[i]); } temporaryTextureAssets.Clear(); } }