public virtual IEnumerator ConvertTexturesToReadableFormats(ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo,
                                                             MB3_TextureCombiner.CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult result,
                                                             MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data,
                                                             MB3_TextureCombiner combiner,
                                                             MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods,
                                                             MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL)
     //MakeProceduralTexturesReadable(progressInfo, result, data, combiner, textureEditorMethods, LOG_LEVEL);
     for (int i = 0; i < data.distinctMaterialTextures.Count; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < data.texPropertyNames.Count; j++)
             MeshBakerMaterialTexture ts = data.distinctMaterialTextures[i].ts[j];
             if (!ts.isNull)
                 if (textureEditorMethods != null)
                     Texture       tx     = ts.GetTexture2D();
                     TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.ARGB32;
                     if (progressInfo != null)
                         progressInfo(String.Format("Convert texture {0} to readable format ", tx), .5f);
                     textureEditorMethods.AddTextureFormat((Texture2D)tx, format, data.texPropertyNames[j].isNormalMap);
     yield break;
		//Fills distinctMaterialTextures and usedObjsToMesh
		//If allowedMaterialsFilter is empty then all materials on allObjsToMesh will be collected and usedObjsToMesh will be same as allObjsToMesh
		//else only materials in allowedMaterialsFilter will be included and usedObjsToMesh will be objs that use those materials.
		bool __Step1_CollectDistinctMatTexturesAndUsedObjects(List<GameObject> allObjsToMesh, 
															 List<Material> allowedMaterialsFilter, 
															 List<string> texPropertyNames, 
															 MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods, 
															 List<MB_TexSet> distinctMaterialTextures, //Will be populated
															 List<GameObject> usedObjsToMesh) //Will be populated, is a subset of allObjsToMesh
			// Collect distinct list of textures to combine from the materials on objsToCombine
			bool outOfBoundsUVs = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < allObjsToMesh.Count; i++){
				GameObject obj = allObjsToMesh[i];
				if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug) Debug.Log("Collecting textures for object " + obj);
				if (obj == null){
					Debug.LogError("The list of objects to mesh contained nulls.");
					return false;
				Mesh sharedMesh = MB_Utility.GetMesh(obj);
				if (sharedMesh == null){
					Debug.LogError("Object " + + " in the list of objects to mesh has no mesh.");				
					return false;
				Material[] sharedMaterials = MB_Utility.GetGOMaterials(obj);
				if (sharedMaterials == null){
					Debug.LogError("Object " + + " in the list of objects has no materials.");
					return false;				
				for(int matIdx = 0; matIdx < sharedMaterials.Length; matIdx++){
					Material mat = sharedMaterials[matIdx];
					//check if this material is in the list of source materaials
					if (allowedMaterialsFilter != null && !allowedMaterialsFilter.Contains(mat)){
					Rect uvBounds = new Rect();
					bool mcOutOfBoundsUVs = MB_Utility.hasOutOfBoundsUVs(sharedMesh,ref uvBounds,matIdx);
					outOfBoundsUVs = outOfBoundsUVs || mcOutOfBoundsUVs;					
					if ("(Instance)")){
						Debug.LogError("The sharedMaterial on object " + + " has been 'Instanced'. This was probably caused by a script accessing the meshRender.material property in the editor. " +
							           " The material to UV Rectangle mapping will be incorrect. To fix this recreate the object from its prefab or re-assign its material from the correct asset.");	
						return false;
					if (fixOutOfBoundsUVs){
						if (!MB_Utility.validateOBuvsMultiMaterial(sharedMaterials)){
							if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn) Debug.LogWarning("Object " + + " uses the same material on multiple submeshes. This may generate strange resultAtlasesAndRects especially when used with fix out of bounds uvs. Try duplicating the material.");		
					//collect textures scale and offset for each texture in objects material
					MeshBakerMaterialTexture[] mts = new MeshBakerMaterialTexture[texPropertyNames.Count];
					for (int j = 0; j < texPropertyNames.Count; j++){
						Texture2D tx = null;
						Vector2 scale =;
						Vector2 offset =;
						Vector2 obUVscale =;
						Vector2 obUVoffset =; 
						if (mat.HasProperty(texPropertyNames[j])){
							Texture txx = mat.GetTexture(texPropertyNames[j]);
							if (txx != null){
								if (txx is Texture2D){
									tx = (Texture2D) txx;
									TextureFormat f = tx.format;
									bool isNormalMap = false;
									if (!Application.isPlaying && textureEditorMethods != null) isNormalMap = textureEditorMethods.IsNormalMap(tx);
									if ((f == TextureFormat.ARGB32 ||
										f == TextureFormat.RGBA32 ||
										f == TextureFormat.BGRA32 ||
										f == TextureFormat.RGB24  ||
										f == TextureFormat.Alpha8) && !isNormalMap) //DXT5 does not work
									} else {
										//TRIED to copy texture using tex2.SetPixels(tex1.GetPixels()) but bug in 3.5 means DTX1 and 5 compressed textures come out skewed
										//MB2_Log.Log(MB2_LogLevel.warn, + " in the list of objects to mesh uses Texture "" uses format " + f + " that is not in: ARGB32, RGBA32, BGRA32, RGB24, Alpha8 or DXT. These formats cannot be resized. MeshBaker will create duplicates.");
										//tx = createTextureCopy(tx);
										if (!Application.isPlaying){
											//Debug.LogWarning("Object " + + " in the list of objects to mesh uses Texture "" uses format " + f + " that is not in: ARGB32, RGBA32, BGRA32, RGB24, Alpha8 or DXT. These textures cannot be resized. Try changing texture format. If format says 'compressed' try changing it to 'truecolor'");													
											if (textureEditorMethods != null) textureEditorMethods.AddTextureFormat(tx, isNormalMap);
											tx = (Texture2D) mat.GetTexture(texPropertyNames[j]);
										} else {
											Debug.LogError("Object " + + " in the list of objects to mesh uses Texture "" uses format " + f + " that is not in: ARGB32, RGBA32, BGRA32, RGB24, Alpha8 or DXT. These textures cannot be resized at runtime. Try changing texture format. If format says 'compressed' try changing it to 'truecolor'" );																						
											return false;
								} else {
									Debug.LogError("Object " + + " in the list of objects to mesh uses a Texture that is not a Texture2D. Cannot build atlases.");				
									return false;
							offset = mat.GetTextureOffset(texPropertyNames[j]);
							scale = mat.GetTextureScale(texPropertyNames[j]);
						if (tx == null){
							if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn) Debug.LogWarning("No texture selected for " + texPropertyNames[j] + " in object " + allObjsToMesh[i].name + ". A 2x2 clear texture will be generated and used in the atlas.");
						if (mcOutOfBoundsUVs){
							obUVscale = new Vector2(uvBounds.width,uvBounds.height);
							obUVoffset = new Vector2(uvBounds.x,uvBounds.y);
						mts[j] = new MeshBakerMaterialTexture(tx,offset,scale,obUVoffset,obUVscale);
					//Add to distinct set of textures if not already there
					MB_TexSet setOfTexs = new MB_TexSet(mts);
					MB_TexSet setOfTexs2 = distinctMaterialTextures.Find(x => x.IsEqual(setOfTexs,fixOutOfBoundsUVs));
					if (setOfTexs2 != null){
						setOfTexs = setOfTexs2;
					} else {
					if (!setOfTexs.mats.Contains(mat)){
					if (!setOfTexs.gos.Contains(obj)){
						if (!usedObjsToMesh.Contains(obj)) usedObjsToMesh.Add(obj);
			return true;
예제 #3
		//Fills distinctMaterialTextures and usedObjsToMesh
		//If allowedMaterialsFilter is empty then all materials on allObjsToMesh will be collected and usedObjsToMesh will be same as allObjsToMesh
		//else only materials in allowedMaterialsFilter will be included and usedObjsToMesh will be objs that use those materials.
		bool __Step1_CollectDistinctMatTexturesAndUsedObjects(List<GameObject> allObjsToMesh, 
															 List<Material> allowedMaterialsFilter, 
															 List<ShaderTextureProperty> texPropertyNames, 
															 MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods, 
															 List<MB_TexSet> distinctMaterialTextures, //Will be populated
															 List<GameObject> usedObjsToMesh) //Will be populated, is a subset of allObjsToMesh
			System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
			// Collect distinct list of textures to combine from the materials on objsToCombine
			bool outOfBoundsUVs = false;
			Dictionary<int,MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[]> meshAnalysisResultsCache = new Dictionary<int, MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[]>(); //cache results
			for (int i = 0; i < allObjsToMesh.Count; i++){
				GameObject obj = allObjsToMesh[i];
				if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug) Debug.Log("Collecting textures for object " + obj);
				if (obj == null){
					Debug.LogError("The list of objects to mesh contained nulls.");
					return false;
				Mesh sharedMesh = MB_Utility.GetMesh(obj);
				if (sharedMesh == null){
					Debug.LogError("Object " + + " in the list of objects to mesh has no mesh.");				
					return false;
				Material[] sharedMaterials = MB_Utility.GetGOMaterials(obj);
				if (sharedMaterials == null){
					Debug.LogError("Object " + + " in the list of objects has no materials.");
					return false;				

				//analyze mesh or grab cached result of previous analysis
				MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[] mar;
				if (!meshAnalysisResultsCache.TryGetValue(sharedMesh.GetInstanceID(),out mar)){
					mar = new MB_Utility.MeshAnalysisResult[sharedMesh.subMeshCount];
					for (int j = 0; j < sharedMesh.subMeshCount; j++){
						Rect outOfBoundsUVRect = new Rect();
						MB_Utility.hasOutOfBoundsUVs(sharedMesh,ref outOfBoundsUVRect,ref mar[j], j);

				for(int matIdx = 0; matIdx < sharedMaterials.Length; matIdx++){
					Material mat = sharedMaterials[matIdx];
					//check if this material is in the list of source materaials
					if (allowedMaterialsFilter != null && !allowedMaterialsFilter.Contains(mat)){
					//Rect uvBounds = mar[matIdx].uvRect;
					outOfBoundsUVs = outOfBoundsUVs || mar[matIdx].hasOutOfBoundsUVs;					
					if ("(Instance)")){
						Debug.LogError("The sharedMaterial on object " + + " has been 'Instanced'. This was probably caused by a script accessing the meshRender.material property in the editor. " +
							           " The material to UV Rectangle mapping will be incorrect. To fix this recreate the object from its prefab or re-assign its material from the correct asset.");	
						return false;
					if (_fixOutOfBoundsUVs){
						if (!MB_Utility.AreAllSharedMaterialsDistinct(sharedMaterials)){
							if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn) Debug.LogWarning("Object " + + " uses the same material on multiple submeshes. This may generate strange resultAtlasesAndRects especially when used with fix out of bounds uvs. Try duplicating the material.");		
					//collect textures scale and offset for each texture in objects material
					MeshBakerMaterialTexture[] mts = new MeshBakerMaterialTexture[texPropertyNames.Count];
					for (int j = 0; j < texPropertyNames.Count; j++){
						Texture2D tx = null;
						Vector2 scale =;
						Vector2 offset =;
						Vector2 obUVscale =;
						Vector2 obUVoffset =;
						Color colorIfNoTexture = Color.clear;
						Color tintColor = GetColorIfNoTexture(mat,texPropertyNames[j]);
						if (mat.HasProperty(texPropertyNames[j].name)){
							Texture txx = mat.GetTexture(texPropertyNames[j].name);
							if (txx != null){
								if (txx is Texture2D){
									tx = (Texture2D) txx;
									TextureFormat f = tx.format;
									bool isNormalMap = false;
									if (!Application.isPlaying && textureEditorMethods != null) isNormalMap = textureEditorMethods.IsNormalMap(tx);
									if ((f == TextureFormat.ARGB32 ||
										f == TextureFormat.RGBA32 ||
										f == TextureFormat.BGRA32 ||
										f == TextureFormat.RGB24  ||
										f == TextureFormat.Alpha8) && !isNormalMap) //DXT5 does not work
									} else {
										//TRIED to copy texture using tex2.SetPixels(tex1.GetPixels()) but bug in 3.5 means DTX1 and 5 compressed textures come out skewed
										//MB2_Log.Log(MB2_LogLevel.warn, + " in the list of objects to mesh uses Texture "" uses format " + f + " that is not in: ARGB32, RGBA32, BGRA32, RGB24, Alpha8 or DXT. These formats cannot be resized. MeshBaker will create duplicates.");
										//tx = createTextureCopy(tx);
										if (Application.isPlaying && _packingAlgorithm != MB2_PackingAlgorithmEnum.MeshBakerTexturePacker_Fast) {
											Debug.LogError("Object " + + " in the list of objects to mesh uses Texture "" uses format " + f + " that is not in: ARGB32, RGBA32, BGRA32, RGB24, Alpha8 or DXT. These textures cannot be resized at runtime. Try changing texture format. If format says 'compressed' try changing it to 'truecolor'" );																						
											return false;
										} else {
                                            //only want to do this if we are saving the atlases to project
											if (textureEditorMethods != null &&
                                                (_packingAlgorithm != MB2_PackingAlgorithmEnum.MeshBakerTexturePacker_Fast ||
												textureEditorMethods.AddTextureFormat(tx, isNormalMap);
											tx = (Texture2D) mat.GetTexture(texPropertyNames[j].name);
								} else {
									Debug.LogError("Object " + + " in the list of objects to mesh uses a Texture that is not a Texture2D. Cannot build atlases.");				
									return false;
							} else { 
								//has texture property but no texture try to set a resonable color from the other texture properties
								colorIfNoTexture = tintColor;
							offset = mat.GetTextureOffset(texPropertyNames[j].name);
							scale = mat.GetTextureScale(texPropertyNames[j].name);
						} else {
                            colorIfNoTexture = tintColor;
						if (mar[matIdx].hasOutOfBoundsUVs){
							obUVscale = new Vector2(mar[matIdx].uvRect.width,mar[matIdx].uvRect.height);
							obUVoffset = new Vector2(mar[matIdx].uvRect.x,mar[matIdx].uvRect.y);
						mts[j] = new MeshBakerMaterialTexture(tx,offset,scale,obUVoffset,obUVscale,colorIfNoTexture,tintColor);
					//Add to distinct set of textures if not already there
					MB_TexSet setOfTexs = new MB_TexSet(mts);
					MB_TexSet setOfTexs2 = distinctMaterialTextures.Find(x => x.IsEqual(setOfTexs,_fixOutOfBoundsUVs));
					if (setOfTexs2 != null){
						setOfTexs = setOfTexs2;
					} else {
					if (!setOfTexs.mats.Contains(mat)){
					if (!setOfTexs.gos.Contains(obj)){
						if (!usedObjsToMesh.Contains(obj)) usedObjsToMesh.Add(obj);
			if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug) Debug.Log ("Total time Step1_CollectDistinctTextures " + (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds).ToString("f5"));
			return true;
        internal static bool ConvertTexturesToReadableFormat(TexturePropertyData texturePropertyData,
                                                             MB_AtlasesAndRects[] resultAtlasesAndRectSlices,
                                                             bool[] hasTexForProperty, List <ShaderTextureProperty> textureShaderProperties,
                                                             MB3_TextureCombiner combiner,
                                                             MB2_LogLevel logLevel,
                                                             List <Texture2D> createdTemporaryTextureAssets,
                                                             MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods)
            for (int propIdx = 0; propIdx < hasTexForProperty.Length; propIdx++)
                if (!hasTexForProperty[propIdx])

                TextureFormat format = texturePropertyData.formats[propIdx];

                if (!textureEditorMethods.TextureImporterFormatExistsForTextureFormat(format))
                    Debug.LogError("Could not find target importer format matching " + format);

                int numSlices    = resultAtlasesAndRectSlices.Length;
                int targetWidth  = (int)texturePropertyData.sizes[propIdx].x;
                int targetHeight = (int)texturePropertyData.sizes[propIdx].y;
                for (int sliceIdx = 0; sliceIdx < numSlices; sliceIdx++)
                    Texture2D sliceTex = resultAtlasesAndRectSlices[sliceIdx].atlases[propIdx];

                    Debug.Assert(sliceTex != null, "sliceIdx " + sliceIdx + " " + propIdx);
                    if (sliceTex != null)
                        if (!MBVersion.IsTextureReadable(sliceTex))
                            textureEditorMethods.SetReadWriteFlag(sliceTex, true, true);

                        bool isAsset = textureEditorMethods.IsAnAsset(sliceTex);
                        if (logLevel >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
                            Debug.Log("Considering format of texture: " + sliceTex + " format:" + sliceTex.format);
                        if ((sliceTex.width != targetWidth || sliceTex.height != targetHeight) ||
                            (!isAsset && sliceTex.format != format))
                            // Do this the horrible hard way. It is only possible to resize textures in TrueColor formats,
                            // And only possible to switch formats using the Texture importer.
                            // Create a resized temporary texture asset in ARGB32 format. Then set its texture format and reimport
                            resultAtlasesAndRectSlices[sliceIdx].atlases[propIdx] = textureEditorMethods.CreateTemporaryAssetCopy(sliceTex, targetWidth, targetHeight, format, logLevel);
                        else if (sliceTex.format != format)
                            textureEditorMethods.AddTextureFormat(sliceTex, format, textureShaderProperties[propIdx].isNormalMap);

                    if (resultAtlasesAndRectSlices[sliceIdx].atlases[propIdx].format != format)
                        Debug.LogError("Could not convert texture to format " + format +
                                       ". This can happen if the target build platform in build settings does not support textures in this format." +
                                       " It may be necessary to switch the build platform in order to build texture arrays in this format.");
