예제 #1
        public byte[] GenerateMAVLinkPacket10(MAVLINK_MSG_ID messageType, object indata, byte sysid = 255, byte compid = (byte)MAV_COMPONENT.MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER, int sequence = -1)
            byte[] data;

            data = MavlinkUtil.StructureToByteArray(indata);

            byte[] packet = new byte[data.Length + 6 + 2];

            packet[0] = MAVLINK_STX_MAVLINK1;
            packet[1] = (byte)data.Length;
            packet[2] = (byte)packetcount;
            if (sequence != -1)
                packet[2] = (byte)sequence;


            packet[3] = sysid; // this is always 255 - MYGCS
            packet[4] = compid;
            packet[5] = (byte)messageType;

            int i = 6;

            foreach (byte b in data)
                packet[i] = b;

            ushort checksum = MavlinkCRC.crc_calculate(packet, packet[1] + 6);

            checksum = MavlinkCRC.crc_accumulate(MAVLINK_MESSAGE_INFOS.GetMessageInfo((uint)messageType).crc, checksum);

            byte ck_a = (byte)(checksum & 0xFF); ///< High byte
            byte ck_b = (byte)(checksum >> 8);   ///< Low byte

            packet[i] = ck_a;
            i        += 1;
            packet[i] = ck_b;
            i        += 1;

예제 #2
        public byte[] GenerateMAVLinkPacket20(MAVLINK_MSG_ID messageType, object indata, bool sign = false, byte sysid = 255, byte compid = (byte)MAV_COMPONENT.MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER, int sequence = -1)
            byte[] data;

            data = MavlinkUtil.StructureToByteArray(indata);

            MavlinkUtil.trim_payload(ref data);

            int extra = 0;

            if (sign)
                extra = MAVLINK_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_LEN;

            byte[] packet = new byte[data.Length + MAVLINK_NUM_NON_PAYLOAD_BYTES + extra];

            packet[0] = MAVLINK_STX;
            packet[1] = (byte)data.Length;
            packet[2] = 0;//incompat  signing
            if (sign)
                packet[2] |= MAVLINK_IFLAG_SIGNED;
            packet[3] = 0;//compat
            packet[4] = (byte)packetcount;
            if (sequence != -1)
                packet[4] = (byte)sequence;

            packet[5] = sysid;
            packet[6] = compid;
            packet[7] = (byte)((UInt32)messageType);
            packet[8] = (byte)((UInt32)messageType >> 8);
            packet[9] = (byte)((UInt32)messageType >> 16);

            int i = MAVLINK_NUM_HEADER_BYTES;

            foreach (byte b in data)
                packet[i] = b;

            ushort checksum = MavlinkCRC.crc_calculate(packet, data.Length + MAVLINK_NUM_HEADER_BYTES);

            checksum = MavlinkCRC.crc_accumulate(MAVLINK_MESSAGE_INFOS.GetMessageInfo((uint)messageType).crc, checksum);

            byte ck_a = (byte)(checksum & 0xFF); ///< High byte
            byte ck_b = (byte)(checksum >> 8);   ///< Low byte

            packet[i] = ck_a;
            i        += 1;
            packet[i] = ck_b;
            i        += 1;

            if (sign)

                 * 8 bits of link ID
                 * 48 bits of timestamp
                 * 48 bits of signature

                // signature = sha256_48(secret_key + header + payload + CRC + link-ID + timestamp)

                var timestamp = (UInt64)((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds * 100);

                if (timestamp == lasttimestamp)

                lasttimestamp = timestamp;

                var timebytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(timestamp);

                var sig = new byte[7];               // 13 includes the outgoing hash
                sig[0] = sendlinkid;
                Array.Copy(timebytes, 0, sig, 1, 6); // timestamp

                //Console.WriteLine("gen linkid {0}, time {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}", sig[0], sig[1], sig[2], sig[3], sig[4], sig[5], sig[6], timestamp);

                if (signingKey == null || signingKey.Length != 32)
                    signingKey = new byte[32];

                using (SHA256 signit = SHA256.Create())
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    ms.Write(signingKey, 0, signingKey.Length);
                    ms.Write(packet, 0, i);
                    ms.Write(sig, 0, sig.Length);

                    var ctx = signit.ComputeHash(ms.GetBuffer());
                    // trim to 48
                    Array.Resize(ref ctx, 6);

                    foreach (byte b in sig)
                        packet[i] = b;

                    foreach (byte b in ctx)
                        packet[i] = b;

예제 #3
        public MAVLinkMessage ReadPacket(Stream BaseStream)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[MAVLink.MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN];

            DateTime packettime = DateTime.MinValue;

            if (hasTimestamp)
                byte[] datearray = new byte[8];

                int tem = BaseStream.Read(datearray, 0, datearray.Length);


                DateTime date1 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

                UInt64 dateint = BitConverter.ToUInt64(datearray, 0);

                if ((dateint / 1000 / 1000 / 60 / 60) < 9999999)
                    date1 = date1.AddMilliseconds(dateint / 1000);

                    packettime = date1.ToLocalTime();

            int readcount = 0;

            while (readcount <= MAVLink.MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN)
                // read STX byte
                ReadWithTimeout(BaseStream, buffer, 0, 1);

                if (buffer[0] == MAVLink.MAVLINK_STX || buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX_MAVLINK1)


            if (readcount >= MAVLink.MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN)

                throw new InvalidDataException("No header found in data");

            var headerlength    = buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX ? MAVLINK_CORE_HEADER_LEN : MAVLINK_CORE_HEADER_MAVLINK1_LEN;
            var headerlengthstx = headerlength + 1;

            // read header
            try {
                ReadWithTimeout(BaseStream, buffer, 1, headerlength);
            catch (EndOfStreamException)

            // packet length
            int lengthtoread = 0;

            if (buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX)
                lengthtoread = buffer[1] + headerlengthstx + 2 - 2; // data + header + checksum - magic - length
                if ((buffer[2] & MAVLINK_IFLAG_SIGNED) > 0)
                    lengthtoread += MAVLINK_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_LEN;
                lengthtoread = buffer[1] + headerlengthstx + 2 - 2; // data + header + checksum - U - length

                //read rest of packet
                ReadWithTimeout(BaseStream, buffer, headerlengthstx, lengthtoread - (headerlengthstx - 2));
            catch (EndOfStreamException)

            // resize the packet to the correct length
            Array.Resize <byte>(ref buffer, lengthtoread + 2);

            MAVLinkMessage message = new MAVLinkMessage(buffer, packettime);

            // calc crc
            ushort crc = MavlinkCRC.crc_calculate(buffer, buffer.Length - 2);

            // calc extra bit of crc for mavlink 1.0+
            if (message.header == MAVLINK_STX || message.header == MAVLINK_STX_MAVLINK1)
                crc = MavlinkCRC.crc_accumulate(MAVLINK_MESSAGE_INFOS.GetMessageInfo(message.msgid).crc, crc);

            // check crc
            if ((message.crc16 >> 8) != (crc >> 8) ||
                (message.crc16 & 0xff) != (crc & 0xff))
                // crc fail

예제 #4
        public MAVLinkMessage ReadPacket(byte[] buffer)
            int readcount = 0;

            while (readcount <= MAVLink.MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN)
                // read STX byte

                if (buffer[0] == MAVLink.MAVLINK_STX || buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX_MAVLINK1)


            if (readcount >= MAVLink.MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN)
                throw new InvalidDataException("No header found in data");

            var headerlength    = buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX ? MAVLINK_CORE_HEADER_LEN : MAVLINK_CORE_HEADER_MAVLINK1_LEN;
            var headerlengthstx = headerlength + 1;

            // read header

            // packet length
            int lengthtoread = 0;

            if (buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX)
                lengthtoread = buffer[1] + headerlengthstx + 2 - 2; // data + header + checksum - magic - length
                if ((buffer[2] & MAVLINK_IFLAG_SIGNED) > 0)
                    lengthtoread += MAVLINK_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_LEN;
                lengthtoread = buffer[1] + headerlengthstx + 2 - 2; // data + header + checksum - U - length

            //read rest of packet

            // resize the packet to the correct length
            Array.Resize <byte>(ref buffer, lengthtoread + 2);

            MAVLinkMessage message = new MAVLinkMessage(buffer);

            // calc crc
            ushort crc = MavlinkCRC.crc_calculate(buffer, buffer.Length - 2);

            // calc extra bit of crc for mavlink 1.0+
            if (message.header == MAVLINK_STX || message.header == MAVLINK_STX_MAVLINK1)
                crc = MavlinkCRC.crc_accumulate(MAVLINK_MESSAGE_INFOS.GetMessageInfo(message.msgid).crc, crc);

            // check crc
            if ((message.crc16 >> 8) != (crc >> 8) ||
                (message.crc16 & 0xff) != (crc & 0xff))
                // crc fail

        public MAVLinkMessage ReadPacket(Stream BaseStream)
            byte[] buffer = new byte[270];

            int readcount = 0;

            while (readcount < 200)
                // read STX byte
                ReadWithTimeout(BaseStream, buffer, 0, 1);

                if (buffer[0] == MAVLink.MAVLINK_STX || buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX_MAVLINK1)


            var headerlength    = buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX ? MAVLINK_CORE_HEADER_LEN : MAVLINK_CORE_HEADER_MAVLINK1_LEN;
            var headerlengthstx = headerlength + 1;

            // read header
            ReadWithTimeout(BaseStream, buffer, 1, headerlength);

            // packet length
            int lengthtoread = 0;

            if (buffer[0] == MAVLINK_STX)
                lengthtoread = buffer[1] + headerlengthstx + 2 - 2; // data + header + checksum - magic - length
                if ((buffer[2] & MAVLINK_IFLAG_SIGNED) > 0)
                    lengthtoread += MAVLINK_SIGNATURE_BLOCK_LEN;
                lengthtoread = buffer[1] + headerlengthstx + 2 - 2; // data + header + checksum - U - length

            //read rest of packet
            ReadWithTimeout(BaseStream, buffer, 6, lengthtoread - (headerlengthstx - 2));

            // resize the packet to the correct length
            Array.Resize <byte>(ref buffer, lengthtoread + 2);

            MAVLinkMessage message = new MAVLinkMessage(buffer);

            // calc crc
            ushort crc = MavlinkCRC.crc_calculate(buffer, buffer.Length - 2);

            // calc extra bit of crc for mavlink 1.0+
            if (message.header == MAVLINK_STX || message.header == MAVLINK_STX_MAVLINK1)
                crc = MavlinkCRC.crc_accumulate(MAVLINK_MESSAGE_INFOS.GetMessageInfo(message.msgid).crc, crc);

            // check crc
            if ((message.crc16 >> 8) != (crc >> 8) ||
                (message.crc16 & 0xff) != (crc & 0xff))
                // crc fail

예제 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate a Mavlink Packet and write to serial
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="messageType">type number = MAVLINK_MSG_ID</param>
    /// <param name="indata">struct of data</param>
    public static byte[] GeneratePacket(IDrone drone, int messageType, object indata, bool forcemavlink2 = false, bool forcesigning = false)
        lock (objLock)
            var data   = MavlinkUtil.StructureToByteArray(indata);
            var packet = new byte[0];
            int i      = 0;

            // are we mavlink2 enabled for this sysid/compid
            if (!drone.MavLink2 && messageType < 256 && !forcemavlink2)
                var info = MAVLink.MAVLINK_MESSAGE_INFOS.SingleOrDefault(p => p.MsgId == messageType);
                if (data.Length != info.minlength)
                    Array.Resize(ref data, (int)info.minlength);

                //Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " PC Doing req "+ messageType + " " + this.BytesToRead);
                packet = new byte[data.Length + 6 + 2];

                packet[0] = MAVLINK1_STX;
                packet[1] = (byte)data.Length;
                packet[2] = (byte)_packetCount;


                packet[3] = gcssysid;
                packet[4] = (byte)MAV_COMPONENT.MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER;
                packet[5] = (byte)messageType;

                i = 6;
                foreach (byte b in data)
                    packet[i] = b;

                ushort checksum = MavlinkCRC.crc_calculate(packet, packet[1] + 6);

                checksum = MavlinkCRC.crc_accumulate(MAVLINK_MESSAGE_INFOS.GetMessageInfo((uint)messageType).crc, checksum);

                byte ck_a = (byte)(checksum & 0xFF); ///< High byte
                byte ck_b = (byte)(checksum >> 8);   ///< Low byte

                packet[i] = ck_a;
                i        += 1;
                packet[i] = ck_b;
                i        += 1;
                // trim packet for mavlink2
                MavlinkUtil.TrimePayload(ref data);


                packet[0] = MAVLINK2_STX;
                packet[1] = (byte)data.Length;
                packet[2] = 0;                     // incompat
                if (drone.Signing || forcesigning) // current mav
                    packet[2] |= MAVLINK_IFLAG_SIGNED;
                packet[3] = 0; // compat
                packet[4] = (byte)_packetCount;


                packet[5] = gcssysid;
                packet[6] = (byte)MAV_COMPONENT.MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER;
                packet[7] = (byte)(messageType & 0xff);
                packet[8] = (byte)((messageType >> 8) & 0xff);
                packet[9] = (byte)((messageType >> 16) & 0xff);

                i = 10;
                foreach (byte b in data)
                    packet[i] = b;

                ushort checksum = MavlinkCRC.crc_calculate(packet, packet[1] + MAVLINK_NUM_HEADER_BYTES);

                checksum = MavlinkCRC.crc_accumulate(MAVLINK_MESSAGE_INFOS.GetMessageInfo((uint)messageType).crc, checksum);

                byte ck_a = (byte)(checksum & 0xFF); ///< High byte
                byte ck_b = (byte)(checksum >> 8);   ///< Low byte

                packet[i] = ck_a;
                i        += 1;
                packet[i] = ck_b;
                i        += 1;

                if (drone.Signing || forcesigning)

                     * 8 bits of link ID
                     * 48 bits of timestamp
                     * 48 bits of signature

                    // signature = sha256_48(secret_key + header + payload + CRC + link-ID + timestamp)

                    var timestamp = (UInt64)((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(2015, 1, 1)).TotalMilliseconds * 100);

                    if (timestamp == drone.TimeStamp)

                    drone.TimeStamp = timestamp;

                    var timebytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(timestamp);

                    var sig = new byte[7];               // 13 includes the outgoing hash
                    sig[0] = drone.SendLinkId;
                    Array.Copy(timebytes, 0, sig, 1, 6); // timestamp

                    //Console.WriteLine("gen linkid {0}, time {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}", sig[0], sig[1], sig[2], sig[3], sig[4], sig[5], sig[6], timestamp);

                    var signingKey = drone.SigningKey;

                    if (signingKey == null || signingKey.Length != 32)
                        signingKey = new byte[32];

                    using (SHA256Managed signit = new SHA256Managed())
                        signit.TransformBlock(signingKey, 0, signingKey.Length, null, 0);
                        signit.TransformBlock(packet, 0, i, null, 0);
                        signit.TransformFinalBlock(sig, 0, sig.Length);
                        var ctx = signit.Hash;
                        // trim to 48
                        Array.Resize(ref ctx, 6);

                        foreach (byte b in sig)
                            packet[i] = b;

                        foreach (byte b in ctx)
                            packet[i] = b;
