public static void LumiCaptureProcess(byte[] snapShot24bppPointer, byte[] template1Pointer, ref uint templateSize1, uint width, uint height, LumiSDKWrapper.LumiPreviewCallbackDelegate callbackFunc) { try { byte[] snapShot = new byte[width * height]; // Array to hold raw data 8 bpp format int spoof = 0; _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiCaptureEx(_hHandle, snapShot, template1Pointer, ref templateSize1, ref spoof, callbackFunc); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("ERROR: lumiCaptureProcess rc = " + _rc); } else { _statusMessage += "PASS: lumiCaptureProcess rc = " + _rc + " spoof = " + spoof + "\r\n"; } ConvertRawImageTo24bpp(snapShot24bppPointer, snapShot, snapShot.Length); } catch (Exception err) { _statusMessage += "An Error occured: " + err.ToString() + "\r\n"; //CloseScanner(); throw err; } finally { } }
public LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus EnrollImage(byte[] snapShot, byte[] snapShot24bppPointer, byte[] template1Pointer, ref uint templateSize, uint width, uint height, ref int spoof, LumiSDKWrapper.LumiPresenceDetectCallbackDelegate callbackFunc, ref uint nNFIQ) { try { //byte[] snapShot = new byte[width * height]; // Array to hold raw data 8 bpp format // Make sure Presence Detection is on. // Because we need another definition for LumiSetOption, we call the SetPresenceDetectionMode // static method on the object LumiSDKLumiSetOption. This is because the LumiSDKWrapper // has the LumiSetOption defined to take the LumiPresenceDetectCallbackDelegate argument while for // setting PD mode, we need it to take an integer pointer argument instead. if (m_form.m_bSensorTriggerArmed) { LumiSDKLumiSetOption.SetPresenceDetectionMode(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_PRES_DET_MODE.LUMI_PD_ON); } else { LumiSDKLumiSetOption.SetPresenceDetectionMode(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_PRES_DET_MODE.LUMI_PD_OFF); } // Set the address of the presence detection callback function IntPtr prtDel = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(callbackFunc); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetOption(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_OPTIONS.LUMI_OPTION_SET_PRESENCE_DET_CALLBACK, prtDel, (uint)IntPtr.Size); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { return(_rc); } _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetDCOptions(_hHandle, m_form.m_debugFolder, 0); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { return(_rc); } _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiCaptureEx(_hHandle, snapShot, template1Pointer, ref templateSize, ref spoof, null); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { return(_rc); } else { _statusMessage += "PASS: lumiCaptureProcess rc = " + _rc + " spoof = " + spoof + "\r\n"; } GetNISTScore(snapShot, ref nNFIQ); LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetOption(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_OPTIONS.LUMI_OPTION_SET_PRESENCE_DET_CALLBACK, IntPtr.Zero, (uint)IntPtr.Size); // size of int is 4 ConvertRawImageTo24bpp(snapShot24bppPointer, snapShot, snapShot.Length); return(_rc); } catch (Exception err) { _statusMessage += "An Error occured: " + err + "\r\n"; throw err; } finally { } }
public static void Match(byte[] template1Pointer, ref uint nTemp1Len, byte[] template2Pointer, ref uint nTemp2Len, ref uint score, ref int spoof) { try { List <byte[]> templates = new List <byte[]>(); templates.Add(template1Pointer); templates.Add(template2Pointer); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiMatch(_hHandle, (byte [])templates[0], ref nTemp1Len, (byte[])templates[1], ref nTemp2Len, ref score, ref spoof); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("ERROR: lumiMatch rc = " + _rc); } else { _statusMessage += "PASS: lumiMatch rc = " + _rc + "\r\n"; _statusMessage += "PASS: Match Score = " + score + "\r\n"; _statusMessage += "PASS: Match Spoof Score = " + spoof + " (should be -1) \r\n"; } } catch (Exception err) { _statusMessage += "An Error occured: " + err.ToString() + "\r\n"; //CloseScanner(); throw err; } finally { } }
public static bool ExtractTemplateAvailable() { try { LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_DEVICE_CAPS dCaps = new LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_DEVICE_CAPS(); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiGetDeviceCaps(_hHandle, ref dCaps); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("FAIL: LumiGetDeviceCaps"); } if ((int)dCaps.bExtract == 0) { return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception err) { _statusMessage += "An Error occured: " + err.ToString() + "\r\n"; //CloseScanner(); throw err; } finally { } }
public void GetNISTScore(byte[] pImage, ref uint nNFIQ) { uint nBPP = 0, nDPI = 0; uint nWidth = 0; uint nHeight = 0; _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiGetImageParams(_hHandle, ref nWidth, ref nHeight, ref nBPP, ref nDPI); LumiInOpAPIWrapper.LumiInOpAPIWrapper.LumiStatus rc; rc = LumiInOpAPIWrapper.LumiInOpAPIWrapper.LumiComputeNFIQFromImage(pImage, nWidth, nHeight, nBPP, nDPI, ref nNFIQ); }
public void ForceFingerLift() { LumiSDKWrapper.LumiAcqStatusCallbackDelegate del = _form.AcquStatusCallback; LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_ACQ_STATUS nStatus = LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_ACQ_STATUS.LUMI_ACQ_BUSY; LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiDetectFinger(_hHandle, ref nStatus, del); if (rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { } }
public static void SetConfig(LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_CONFIG config) { try { _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetConfig(_hHandle, config); } catch (Exception err) { _statusMessage += "An Error occured: " + err.ToString() + " _rc = " + _rc + "\r\n"; throw err; } finally { } }
public void CloseScanner() { try { _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiClose(_hHandle); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiExit(); } catch (Exception err) { _statusMessage += "An Error occured: " + err + " _rc = " + _rc + "\r\n"; throw err; } finally { } }
public static void LumiCaptureWithPresenceDetectionFeedback(byte[] snapShot24bppPointer, byte[] template1Pointer, ref uint templateSize1, uint width, uint height, LumiSDKWrapper.LumiPresenceDetectCallbackDelegate callbackFunc) { try { byte[] snapShot = new byte[width * height]; // Array to hold raw data 8 bpp format int spoof = 0; // Make sure Presence Detection is on. // Because we need another definition for LumiSetOption, we call the SetPresenceDetectionMode // static method on the object LumiSDKLumiSetOption. This is because the LumiSDKWrapper // has the LumiSetOption defined to take the LumiPresenceDetectCallbackDelegate argument while for // setting PD mode, we need it to take an integer pointer argument instead. LumiSDKLumiSetOption.SetPresenceDetectionMode(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_PRES_DET_MODE.LUMI_PD_ON); // Set the address of the presence detection callback function IntPtr prtDel = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(callbackFunc); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetOption(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_OPTIONS.LUMI_OPTION_SET_PRESENCE_DET_CALLBACK, prtDel, GetIntPtrSz()); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetDCOptions(_hHandle, "C:/Temp/", 0); LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_PROCESSING_MODE procMode; procMode.bExtract = 1; procMode.bLatent = 0; procMode.bSpoof = 1; _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.SetProcessingMode(_hHandle, procMode); procMode.bExtract = 0; _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.GetProcessingMode(_hHandle, ref procMode); //_rc = LumiCapture(_hHandle, snapshotPointer, &spoof, null); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiCaptureEx(_hHandle, snapShot, template1Pointer, ref templateSize1, ref spoof, null); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("ERROR: lumiCaptureProcess rc = " + _rc); } else { _statusMessage += "PASS: lumiCaptureProcess rc = " + _rc + " spoof = " + spoof + "\r\n"; } LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetOption(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_OPTIONS.LUMI_OPTION_SET_PRESENCE_DET_CALLBACK, IntPtr.Zero, GetIntPtrSz()); // size of int is 4 ConvertRawImageTo24bpp(snapShot24bppPointer, snapShot, snapShot.Length); } catch (Exception err) { _statusMessage += "An Error occured: " + err.ToString() + "\r\n"; //CloseScanner(); throw err; } finally { } }
public void GetWidthAndHeight(ref uint width, ref uint height) { try { uint nBPP = 0, nDPI = 0; _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiGetImageParams(_hHandle, ref width, ref height, ref nBPP, ref nDPI); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("FAIL: lumiGetImageSize"); } _statusMessage += "PASS: Image Size = " + width + " X " + height + "\r\n"; } catch (Exception err) { _statusMessage += "An Error occured: " + err + "\r\n"; throw err; } finally { } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SDKBiometrics functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void OpenScanner() { try { uint nNumDevices = 0; _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiQueryNumberDevices(ref nNumDevices, _ipAddress); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("Failed to query number of devices. _rc = " + _rc); } if (nNumDevices == 0) { throw new Exception("There are no Lumidigm 1s connected to the PC.\r\nPlease close the application and connect a Lumidigm Sensor."); } dev = new LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_DEVICE(); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiQueryDevice(0, ref dev); // Query the first device if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("Failed to query scanner. _rc = " + _rc + "\r\n"); } uint tmpHandle = 0; _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiInit(dev.hDevHandle, ref tmpHandle); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("Failed to init scanner. _rc = " + _rc + "\r\n"); } _hHandle = tmpHandle; } catch (Exception err) { throw err; } finally { } }
public void Run() { uint width = 0, height = 0; int nSpoof = 0; GetWidthAndHeight(ref width, ref height); byte[] snapShot24bpp = new byte[width * height * 3]; // multiply by 3 to get 24bppRgb format byte[] template1 = new byte[5000]; //array to hold the template uint templateLen1 = 0; uint nMatchScore1 = 0; int nSpoofScore = 0; LumiSDKWrapper.LumiPresenceDetectCallbackDelegate del = m_form.PresenceDetectionCallback; m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Place finger down for verification", m_form.Blue); //////////////////////////// LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_PROCESSING_MODE processingMode; processingMode.bExtract = 0; processingMode.bLatent = 0; processingMode.bSpoof = 0; LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus pStatus = LumiSDKWrapper.GetProcessingMode(_hHandle, ref processingMode); if (pStatus != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Enrollment failed. Unable to Set the Spoof detection mode", m_form.Red); return; } processingMode.bSpoof = m_form.m_bSpoofEnabled ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; pStatus = LumiSDKWrapper.SetProcessingMode(_hHandle, processingMode); if (pStatus != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Enrollment failed. Unable to Set the Spoof detection mode", m_form.Red); return; } ////////////////////////////////// if (EnrollAndDisplay(snapShot24bpp, template1, ref templateLen1, width, height, ref nSpoof, del) == false) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_VerifyThreadFinished); return; } if (m_form.m_bClosingApp) { CloseScanner(); return; } /*int index; * index = m_form.m_currentSubject.fingers.IndexOf(m_form.m_CurrentHotSpot); * uint templatelength = (uint)m_form.m_currentSubject.templateLengths[index]; * * LumiSDKWrapper.LumiMatch(_hHandle, template1, ref templateLen1, (byte[])m_form.m_currentSubject.templates[index], ref templatelength, ref nMatchScore1, ref nSpoofScore); * if (m_form.m_bSpoofEnabled&&(nSpoof != -1)) * { * if (nMatchScore1 > m_form.m_MatchThreshold && nSpoof <= m_form.m_SpoofThreshold) * { * m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Match Score = " + nMatchScore1 + "\nSpoof Score = " + nSpoof + "\nVerification Successful", m_form.Blue); * } * * else * { * m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Match Score = " + nMatchScore1 + "\nSpoof Score = " + nSpoof + "\nVerification Failed", m_form.Red); * * } * } * else * { * if (nMatchScore1 > m_form.m_MatchThreshold) * { * m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Match Score = " + nMatchScore1 + "\nVerification Successful", m_form.Blue); * } * * else * { * m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Match Score = " + nMatchScore1 + "\nVerification Failed", m_form.Red); * * } * }*/ m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_VerifyThreadFinished); }
public static void TestAPI(ImageFrm form) { try { LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus _rc; StringBuilder _ipAddress = new StringBuilder(""); //uint _hHandle = 0; form.DisableControls(); //get sensor type switch (dev.SensorType) { case LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_SENSOR_TYPE.VENUS: form.AddResults("V30X Initialized\n"); break; case LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_SENSOR_TYPE.V31X: form.AddResults("V31X Initialized\n"); break; case LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_SENSOR_TYPE.M300: form.AddResults("M30X Initialized\n"); break; case LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_SENSOR_TYPE.M31X: form.AddResults("M31X Initialized\n"); break; case LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_SENSOR_TYPE.M32X: form.AddResults("M32X Initialized\n"); break; default: throw new Exception("Unrecognized Sensor Type"); } //get version info LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_VERSION ver = new LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_VERSION(); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiGetVersionInfo(_hHandle, ref ver); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("Failed to get version info. _rc = " + _rc + "\r\n"); } form.PrintVersion(ver); // GET DEVICECAPS LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_DEVICE_CAPS sysCaps = new LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_DEVICE_CAPS(); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiGetDeviceCaps(_hHandle, ref sysCaps); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("Failed to get device capabilities. _rc = " + _rc + "\r\n"); } form.PrintDeviceCaps(sysCaps); //set PD callback off LumiSDKWrapper.LumiPresenceDetectCallbackDelegate del = new LumiSDKWrapper.LumiPresenceDetectCallbackDelegate(form.PresenceDetectionCallback); IntPtr prtDel = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(del); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetOption(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_OPTIONS.LUMI_OPTION_SET_PRESENCE_DET_CALLBACK, prtDel, GetIntPtrSz()); //get processing mode LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_PROCESSING_MODE procMode = new LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_PROCESSING_MODE(); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.GetProcessingMode(_hHandle, ref procMode); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK && (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_ERROR_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED)) { throw new Exception("Failed to get processing mode. _rc = " + _rc + "\r\n"); } //set DC options folder _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetDCOptions(_hHandle, "C:\\BAD_FOLDER\\", 1); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_INVALID_FOLDER) { form.AddResults("Didn't recognize bad folder\n"); } //set DC options folder _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetDCOptions(_hHandle, "C:\\", 1); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Didn't set good folder\n"); } //try out V series options if (dev.SensorType == LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_SENSOR_TYPE.VENUS) { // SET OPTION - Turn off hearbeat IntPtr pHeartbeat = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(int));// int *HeartBeat = new int; Marshal.WriteInt32(pHeartbeat, 1); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetOption(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_OPTIONS.LUMI_OPTION_SET_OVERRIDE_HEARTBEAT_DISPLAY, pHeartbeat, sizeof(int)); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("Failed to override heartbeat display. _rc = " + _rc + "\r\n"); } form.AddResults("Flashing LEDs\n"); //Turn Red LED ON _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetLED(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_LED_CONTROL.LUMI_VENUS_RED_ON); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Could not set Venus red LED to on\n"); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); //Turn Red LED OFF _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetLED(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_LED_CONTROL.LUMI_VENUS_RED_OFF); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Could not set Venus red LED to off\n"); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); //Turn Green LED ON _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetLED(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_LED_CONTROL.LUMI_VENUS_GREEN_ON); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Could not set Venus green LED to on\n"); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); //Turn GREEN LED OFF _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetLED(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_LED_CONTROL.LUMI_VENUS_GREEN_OFF); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Could not set Venus green LED to off\n"); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); //Turn back on the hearbeat Marshal.WriteInt32(pHeartbeat, 0); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetOption(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_OPTIONS.LUMI_OPTION_SET_OVERRIDE_HEARTBEAT_DISPLAY, pHeartbeat, sizeof(int)); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { throw new Exception("Failed to override heartbeat display. _rc = " + _rc + "\r\n"); } } // Set Option – Acq Status Callback form.AddResults("Calling LumiSetOption... Acq status callback\n"); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Could not set ACQ status callback\n"); } uint nW = 0, nH = 0, nDPI = 0, nBPP = 0, nTemplateLength1 = 0, nTemplateLength2 = 0, nScore = 0; int nSpoof = 0; ////Turn off video Mode _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiGetImageParams(_hHandle, ref nW, ref nH, ref nBPP, ref nDPI); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Could not get image params\n"); } else { form.AddResults("Width: " + nW + " Height: " + nH); form.AddResults("\r\nBPP: " + nBPP + " DPI: " + nDPI + "\r\n"); } //Quality Map byte[] QualityMap = new byte[nW * nH]; _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiGetQualityMap(_hHandle, QualityMap); if (dev.SensorType == LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_SENSOR_TYPE.VENUS) { // Try to get Quality Map before capture or verify - should return LUMI_STATUS_QUALITY_MAP_NOT_GENERATED if (_rc == LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_QUALITY_MAP_NOT_GENERATED) { form.AddResults("Could not get quality map. This is expected.\n"); } } else { // Try to get Quality Map with Mercury - should return LUMI_STATUS_ERROR_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED form.AddResults("Non V30x device. Return Code: " + _rc + "\r\n"); } //Capture form.AddResults("Place Your Finger\n"); byte[] pImage = new byte[nW * nH]; byte[] pTemplate1 = new byte[5000]; byte[] pTemplate2 = new byte[5000]; _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiCapture(_hHandle, pImage, ref nSpoof, null); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Could not capture\n"); } form.AddResults("Spoof: " + nSpoof + "\n"); //check sensor health _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetOption(_hHandle, LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_OPTIONS.LUMI_OPTION_CHECK_SENSOR_HEALTH, IntPtr.Zero, 0); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Could not set option\n"); } // SAVE LAST CAPTURE WITH BAD FOLDER form.AddResults("Saving Last Capture with bad folder...\n"); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSaveLastCapture(_hHandle, "User1", 5, 1); form.AddResults("Results: " + _rc + "\n"); // Expecting LUMI_STATUS_DC_OPTIONS_NOT_SET to be returned // SET DC OPTIONS WITH GOOD FOLDER form.AddResults("Saving Last Capture with good folder...\n"); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSetDCOptions(_hHandle, "C:\\", 1);// 1 for true, 0 for false form.AddResults("Results: " + _rc + "\n"); //CaptureEX test for invalid parameter form.AddResults("CaptureEX with null parameter...\n"); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiCaptureEx(_hHandle, pImage, null, ref nTemplateLength1, ref nSpoof, null); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER) { form.AddResults("CaptureEX didn't return invalid parameter with a null template\n"); } //And were done! form.EnableControls(); // Capture Ex form.AddResults("CaptureEX...\n"); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiCaptureEx(_hHandle, pImage, pTemplate1, ref nTemplateLength1, ref nSpoof, null); form.AddResults("Results: " + _rc + "\n"); if ((_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) && (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_CANCELLED_BY_USER)) { form.AddResults("Capture failed\n"); } form.AddResults("...Spoof " + nSpoof + "\n"); //Quality Map _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiGetQualityMap(_hHandle, QualityMap); if (dev.SensorType == LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_SENSOR_TYPE.VENUS) { // Try to get Quality Map before capture or verify - should return LUMI_STATUS_QUALITY_MAP_NOT_GENERATED if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Could not get quality map\n"); } else { //save Quality map as bitmap int newSize = QualityMap.Length * 3; byte[] rgb = new byte[newSize];//24bpp for (int i = 0; i < QualityMap.Length; i++) { rgb[i * 3] = QualityMap[i]; rgb[i * 3 + 1] = QualityMap[i]; rgb[i * 3 + 2] = QualityMap[i]; } Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap((int)nW, (int)nH, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); BitmapData bmpData = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)nW, (int)nH), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, bmp.PixelFormat); IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0; Marshal.Copy(rgb, 0, bmpData.Scan0, newSize); bmp.UnlockBits(bmpData); bmp.Save("QualityMap2.bmp"); } } else { //should return LUMI_STATUS_ERROR_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED form.AddResults("Non V30x device. Return Code: " + _rc + "\r\n"); } // save last capture form.AddResults("Saving Last Capture with good folder...\n"); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiSaveLastCapture(_hHandle, "User1", 5, 1); form.AddResults("Results: " + _rc + "\n"); //capture again form.AddResults("CaptureEX...\n"); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiCaptureEx(_hHandle, pImage, pTemplate2, ref nTemplateLength2, ref nSpoof, null); form.AddResults("Results: " + _rc + "\n"); if ((_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) && (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_CANCELLED_BY_USER)) { form.AddResults("Capture failed\n"); } form.AddResults("...Spoof " + nSpoof + "\n"); //verify form.AddResults("Verify...\n"); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiVerify(_hHandle, pTemplate2, nTemplateLength2, ref nSpoof, ref nScore); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Verify failed\n"); } else { form.AddResults("Verify Complete. Score " + nScore + ". Spoof " + nSpoof + "\n"); } //match form.AddResults("Match...\n"); _rc = LumiSDKWrapper.LumiMatch(_hHandle, pTemplate1, ref nTemplateLength1, pTemplate2, ref nTemplateLength2, ref nScore, ref nSpoof); if (_rc != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { form.AddResults("Match failed\n"); } else { form.AddResults("Match Complete. Score " + nScore + "\n"); } form.AddResults("API Test Complete \n"); } catch (Exception err) { throw err; } finally { } }
public void Run() { try { var sensorid = (Sensor)m_form.SensorList[(int)m_form.m_nSelectedSensorID]; _hHandle = sensorid.handle; uint width = 0, height = 0; int nSpoof = 0; GetWidthAndHeight(ref width, ref height); byte[] snapShot24bpp = new byte[width * height * 3]; // multiply by 3 to get 24bppRgb format byte[] template = new byte[5000]; //array to hold the template uint templateLen = 0; uint nNFIQ = 0; // Assign the main form's PresenceDetectionCallback method to the LumiPresenceDetectCallbackDelegate LumiSDKWrapper.LumiPresenceDetectCallbackDelegate del = m_form.PresenceDetectionCallback; byte[] snapShot = new byte[width * height]; // raw 8 bpp image buffer //////////////////// if (sensorid.SensorType == LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_SENSOR_TYPE.M32X) { Bitmap bitmap1 = Resources.CaptureInProgress_M320_resized; BitmapData bmpData = bitmap1.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap1.Width, bitmap1.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, bitmap1.PixelFormat); byte[] snapShot24 = new byte[bitmap1.Width * bitmap1.Height * 3]; // multiply by 3 to get 24bppRgb format Marshal.Copy(bmpData.Scan0, snapShot24, 0, bitmap1.Width * bitmap1.Height * 3); m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateSetImage, snapShot, snapShot24, (uint)bitmap1.Width, (uint)bitmap1.Height, template, templateLen, -1); } ///////////////////// ///////////////// LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_PROCESSING_MODE processingMode; processingMode.bExtract = 0; processingMode.bLatent = 0; processingMode.bSpoof = 0; LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus pStatus = LumiSDKWrapper.GetProcessingMode(_hHandle, ref processingMode); if (pStatus != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Capture failed. Unable to Set the Spoof detection mode", m_form.Red); return; } if (m_form.m_bSpoofEnabled) { processingMode.bSpoof = 1; } else { processingMode.bSpoof = 0; } pStatus = LumiSDKWrapper.SetProcessingMode(_hHandle, processingMode); if (pStatus != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Capture failed. Unable to Set the Spoof detection mode", m_form.Red); return; } //////////////// LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus Status = CaptureImage(snapShot, snapShot24bpp, template, ref templateLen, width, height, ref nSpoof, del, ref nNFIQ); if (m_form.m_bClosingApp) { CloseScanner(); return; } if (m_form.m_bNISTQuality) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateNISTStatus, "NIST Quality = " + nNFIQ, m_form.Blue); m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateSetNISTImage, nNFIQ); } else { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateNISTStatus, "", m_form.Blue); } if (Status == LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_CANCELLED_BY_USER) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateCaptureCancelled); m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Capture Cancelled by User", m_form.Red); //throw new Exception(); return; } if (Status == LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_ERROR_TIMEOUT) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateCaptureTimeOut); m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Sensor Time Out.", m_form.Red); return; } if (Status == LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_ERROR_TIMEOUT_LATENT) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateCaptureTimeOut); m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Sensor Time Out.", m_form.Red); return; } if (Status == LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_ERROR_SENSOR_COMM_TIMEOUT) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateComTimeOut); m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Sensor Communication Time Out.\n Please re-connect the device and restart the application", m_form.Red); return; } m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateSetImage, snapShot, snapShot24bpp, width, height, template, templateLen, -1); GC.KeepAlive(del); if (Status == LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { if (m_form.m_bSpoofEnabled && (nSpoof != -1)) { if (nSpoof <= m_form.m_SpoofThreshold) { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Capture Complete\r\nSpoofScore = " + nSpoof + ": It is a Real Finger", m_form.Blue); } else { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Capture Complete\r\nSpoofScore = " + nSpoof + ": It is a Spoof", m_form.Red); } } else { m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Capture Complete", m_form.Blue); } } } catch (Exception err) { string str = err.ToString(); m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, ("Error occured. Restart your application"), m_form.Red); } m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_CaptureThreadFinished); }
public void Run() { uint width = 0, height = 0; int nSpoof = 0; GetWidthAndHeight(ref width, ref height); byte[] snapShot24bpp = new byte[width * height * 3]; // multiply by 3 to get 24bppRgb format byte[] template1 = new byte[5000]; //array to hold the template byte[] template2 = new byte[5000]; //array to hold the template byte[] template3 = new byte[5000]; //array to hold the template uint templateLen1 = 0; uint templateLen2 = 0; uint templateLen3 = 0; uint nMatchScore1 = 0; uint nMatchScore2 = 0; uint nMatchScore3 = 0; int nSpoofScore = 0; LumiSDKWrapper.LumiPresenceDetectCallbackDelegate del = _form.PresenceDetectionCallback; //////////////////////////// LumiSDKWrapper.LUMI_PROCESSING_MODE processingMode; processingMode.bExtract = 0; processingMode.bLatent = 0; processingMode.bSpoof = 0; LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus pStatus = LumiSDKWrapper.GetProcessingMode(_hHandle, ref processingMode); if (pStatus != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Enrollment failed. Unable to Set the Spoof detection mode", _form.Red); return; } processingMode.bSpoof = _form.m_bSpoofEnabled ? (byte)1 : (byte)0; pStatus = LumiSDKWrapper.SetProcessingMode(_hHandle, processingMode); if (pStatus != LumiSDKWrapper.LumiStatus.LUMI_STATUS_OK) { _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Enrollment failed. Unable to Set the Spoof detection mode", _form.Red); return; } ////////////////////////////////// _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Place finger down for first insertion", _form.Blue); if (EnrollAndDisplay(0, snapShot24bpp, template1, ref templateLen1, width, height, ref nSpoof, del) == false) { _form.Invoke(_form.m_EnrollThreadFinished); return; } if (_form.m_bClosingApp) { CloseScanner(); return; } ///////////// if (_form.m_bSpoofEnabled) { if (nSpoof > 1050) { _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Enrollment failed. Please enroll with real finger", _form.Red); _form.Invoke(_form.m_EnrollThreadFinished); return; } } // Force Finger Lift between enrollment insertions _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Please lift finger and place again", _form.Red); ForceFingerLift(); _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Place finger down for second insertion", _form.Blue); if (EnrollAndDisplay(1, snapShot24bpp, template2, ref templateLen2, width, height, ref nSpoof, del) == false) { _form.Invoke(_form.m_EnrollThreadFinished); return; } if (_form.m_bClosingApp) { CloseScanner(); return; } if (_form.m_bSpoofEnabled) { if (nSpoof > 1050) { _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Enrollment failed. Please enroll with real finger", _form.Red); _form.Invoke(_form.m_EnrollThreadFinished); return; } } // Force Finger Lift between enrollment insertions _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Please lift finger and place again", _form.Red); ForceFingerLift(); _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Place finger down for third insertion", _form.Blue); if (EnrollAndDisplay(2, snapShot24bpp, template3, ref templateLen3, width, height, ref nSpoof, del) == false) { _form.Invoke(_form.m_EnrollThreadFinished); return; } if (_form.m_bClosingApp) { CloseScanner(); return; } if (_form.m_bSpoofEnabled) { if (nSpoof > 1050) { _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Enrollment failed. Please enroll with real finger", _form.Red); _form.Invoke(_form.m_EnrollThreadFinished); return; } } /////////////// /* * LumiSDKWrapper.LumiMatch(_hHandle, template2, ref templateLen2, template3, ref templateLen3, ref nMatchScore2, ref nSpoofScore); * * if (nMatchScore2 < _form.m_MatchThreshold) * { * _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Enrollment failed. Please use the same finger for enrollment", _form.Red); * _form.Invoke(_form.m_EnrollThreadFinished); * return; * } * LumiSDKWrapper.LumiMatch(_hHandle, template1, ref templateLen1, template3, ref templateLen3, ref nMatchScore3, ref nSpoofScore); * * FileStream stream; * BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter(); * * if (_form.m_newSubjID) * { * stream = File.Create(_form.m_sFolderPath + "\\Database\\" + _form.m_sEnrollSubjID + ".bin"); * } * else * { * stream = File.Open(_form.m_sFolderPath + "\\Database\\" + _form.m_sEnrollSubjID + ".bin", FileMode.Open); * } * * * _form.m_currentSubject.deleteData(_form.m_CurrentHotSpot); * * if(nMatchScore1>nMatchScore2) * { * if (nMatchScore1 > nMatchScore3) * { * if (nMatchScore2 > nMatchScore3) * { * _form.m_currentSubject.addData(template2, templateLen2, _form.m_CurrentHotSpot); * * } * else * { * _form.m_currentSubject.addData(template1, templateLen1, _form.m_CurrentHotSpot); * * } * * } * else * { * _form.m_currentSubject.addData(template1, templateLen1, _form.m_CurrentHotSpot); * } * * } * else * { * if (nMatchScore2 > nMatchScore3) * { * if (nMatchScore1 > nMatchScore3) * { * _form.m_currentSubject.addData(template2, templateLen2, _form.m_CurrentHotSpot); * } * else * { * _form.m_currentSubject.addData(template3, templateLen3, _form.m_CurrentHotSpot); * } * } * else * { * _form.m_currentSubject.addData(template3, templateLen3, _form.m_CurrentHotSpot); * } * * } * * bformatter.Serialize(stream, _form.m_currentSubject); * stream.Close();*/ _form.Invoke(_form.m_DelegateErrorMessage, "Enrollment successful", _form.Blue); _form.Invoke(_form.m_EnrollThreadFinished); }