예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays help for the LuaPackageDescriptor to the output window.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">The package to display help for.</param>
        public void DisplayPackageHelp(LuaPackageDescriptor package)
            IDictionaryEnumerator functions = package.Functions.GetEnumerator();

            string[] results = new string[package.Functions.Count];
            int      counter = 0;

            txtResult.Text += package.PackageName + ":\n";

            for (int i = 0; i <= package.PackageName.Length; i++)
                txtResult.Text += "=";

            txtResult.Text += "\n" + package.PackageDocumentation + "\n\n" + "Available commands:\n";

            // Display functions within the package
            while (functions.MoveNext())
                results[counter] = ((LuaFunctionDescriptor)functions.Value).FunctionHeader;


            for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
                txtResult.Text += results[i] + "\n";

            txtResult.Text += "\n";
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays help for the LuaPackageDescriptor to the output window.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="package">The package to display help for.</param>
        public void DisplayPackageHelp( LuaPackageDescriptor package )
            IDictionaryEnumerator functions = package.Functions.GetEnumerator();
            string[] results = new string[package.Functions.Count];
            int counter = 0;

            txtResult.Text += package.PackageName + ":\n";

            for ( int i = 0; i <= package.PackageName.Length; i++ )
                txtResult.Text += "=";

            txtResult.Text += "\n" + package.PackageDocumentation + "\n\n" + "Available commands:\n";

            // Display functions within the package
            while ( functions.MoveNext() )
                results[counter] = ( (LuaFunctionDescriptor) functions.Value ).FunctionHeader;

            Array.Sort( results );

            for ( int i = 0; i < counter; i++ )
                txtResult.Text += results[i] + "\n";

            txtResult.Text += "\n";
예제 #3
        public void Help()
            string[] results;
            int      counter;

            // Display stand-alone commands
            if (_lua.Functions.Count > 0)
                results = new string[_lua.Functions.Count];
                counter = 0;

                txtResult.Text += "HELP:\n=====\nCommands and packages available through Lua interface.\n" +
                                  "\nAvailable commands:\n";

                IDictionaryEnumerator funcs = _lua.Functions.GetEnumerator();

                while (funcs.MoveNext())
                    results[counter] = ((LuaFunctionDescriptor)funcs.Value).FunctionHeader;


                for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
                    txtResult.Text += results[i] + "\n";

            // Display packages
            if (_lua.Packages.Count > 0)
                results = new string[_lua.Packages.Count];
                counter = 0;

                txtResult.Text += "\nAvailable packages:\n";

                IDictionaryEnumerator pkgs = _lua.Packages.GetEnumerator();

                while (pkgs.MoveNext())
                    LuaPackageDescriptor desc = (LuaPackageDescriptor)pkgs.Value;

                    results[counter] += desc.PackageName + " - " + desc.PackageDocumentation;


                for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
                    txtResult.Text += results[i] + "\n";

            txtResult.Text += "\n";
예제 #4
 public static void registerLuaFunctions(string strPackage, object pTarget, string strPkgDoc)
     if (((pLuaVM != null) && (pLuaFuncs != null)) && (pLuaPackages != null))
         LuaPackageDescriptor descriptor = null;
         if (strPackage != null)
             pLuaVM.DoString(strPackage + " = {}");
             descriptor = new LuaPackageDescriptor(strPackage, strPkgDoc);
         Type type = pTarget.GetType();
         foreach (MethodInfo info in type.GetMethods())
             foreach (Attribute attribute in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(info))
                 if (attribute.GetType() == typeof(AttrLuaFunc))
                     AttrLuaFunc     func         = (AttrLuaFunc)attribute;
                     ArrayList       strParams    = new ArrayList();
                     ArrayList       strParamDocs = new ArrayList();
                     string          strFuncName  = func.getFuncName();
                     string          strFuncDoc   = func.getFuncDoc();
                     string[]        strArray     = func.getFuncParams();
                     ParameterInfo[] parameters   = info.GetParameters();
                     if ((strArray != null) && (parameters.Length != strArray.Length))
                         Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(new object[] { "Function ", info.Name, " (exported as ", strFuncName, ") argument number mismatch. Declared ", strArray.Length, " but requires ", parameters.Length, "." }));
                     for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                     LuaFuncDescriptor pFunc = new LuaFuncDescriptor(strFuncName, strFuncDoc, strParams, strParamDocs);
                     if (descriptor != null)
                         pLuaVM.RegisterFunction(strPackage + strFuncName, pTarget, info);
                         pLuaVM.DoString(strPackage + "." + strFuncName + " = " + strPackage + strFuncName);
                         pLuaVM.DoString(strPackage + strFuncName + " = nil");
                         pLuaFuncs.Add(strFuncName, pFunc);
                         pLuaVM.RegisterFunction(strFuncName, pTarget, info);
         if (descriptor != null)
             pLuaPackages.Add(strPackage, descriptor);
예제 #5
 public void help(string strCmd)
     if (pLuaFuncs.ContainsKey(strCmd))
     else if (strCmd.IndexOf(".") == -1)
         if (pLuaPackages.ContainsKey(strCmd))
             Console.WriteLine("No such function or package: " + strCmd);
         string[] strArray = strCmd.Split(new char[] { '.' });
         if (!pLuaPackages.ContainsKey(strArray[0]))
             Console.WriteLine("No such function or package: " + strCmd);
             LuaPackageDescriptor descriptor3 = (LuaPackageDescriptor)pLuaPackages[strArray[0]];
             if (!descriptor3.HasFunc(strArray[1]))
                 Console.WriteLine("Package " + strArray[0] + " doesn't have a " + strArray[1] + " function.");
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the Lua-attributed functions in the target object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">The target to load Lua-attributed functions from.</param>
        /// <param name="package">The package to register the functions under.</param>
        /// <param name="packageDocumentation">The documentation for the package.</param>
        public void RegisterLuaFunctions( object target, string package, string packageDocumentation )
            // Sanity checks
            if ( target == null || _lua == null || _functions == null || _packages == null )

                LuaPackageDescriptor pPackage = null;

                Console.WriteLine("Loading Lua library: " + target.ToString());

                if ( package != null )
                    // Check if the package already exists
                    if ( !_packages.ContainsKey( "package" ) )
                        // Create a new package
                        _lua.DoString( package + " = {}" );
                        pPackage = new LuaPackageDescriptor( package, packageDocumentation );
                    else	// Access the old package
                        pPackage = (LuaPackageDescriptor) _packages["package"];

                // Get the target type
                Type targetType = target.GetType();

                // ... and simply iterate through all its methods
                foreach ( MethodInfo info in targetType.GetMethods() )
                    // ... then through all this method's attributes
                    foreach ( Attribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes( info ) )
                        // ... and if they happen to be one of our LuaFunctionAttribute attributes
                        if ( attr.GetType() == typeof( LuaFunctionAttribute ) )
                            LuaFunctionAttribute luaAttr = (LuaFunctionAttribute) attr;
                            ArrayList paramList = new ArrayList();
                            ArrayList paramDocs = new ArrayList();

                            // Get the desired function name and doc string, along with parameter info
                            string fName = luaAttr.FunctionName;
                            string fDoc = luaAttr.FunctionDocumentation;
                            string[] pDocs = luaAttr.FunctionParameters;

                            // Now get the expected parameters from the MethodInfo object
                            ParameterInfo[] pInfo = info.GetParameters();

                            // If they don't match, someone forgot to add some documentation to the
                            // attribute, complain and go to the next method
                            if ( pDocs != null && ( pInfo.Length != pDocs.Length ) )
                                Console.WriteLine( "Function " + info.Name + " (exported as " +
                                    fName + ") argument number mismatch. Declared " +
                                    pDocs.Length + " but requires " + pInfo.Length + "." );


                            // Build a parameter <-> parameter doc hashtable
                            for ( int i = 0; i < pInfo.Length; i++ )
                                paramList.Add( pInfo[i].Name );
                                paramDocs.Add( pDocs[i] );

                            // Get a new function descriptor from this information
                            LuaFunctionDescriptor func = new LuaFunctionDescriptor( fName, fDoc, paramList,
                                paramDocs );

                            if ( pPackage != null )
                                // Check if the package already contains the function
                                if ( !pPackage.Functions.ContainsKey( fName ) )
                                    // Add the new package function
                                    pPackage.AddFunction( func );
                                    _lua.RegisterFunction( package + fName, target, info );
                                    _lua.DoString( package + "." + fName + " = " + package + fName );
                                    _lua.DoString( package + fName + " = nil" );
                                // Check if the function has already been loaded
                                if ( !_functions.ContainsKey( fName ) )
                                    // Add it to the global hashtable
                                    _functions.Add( fName, func );

                                    // And tell the VM to register it
                                    _lua.RegisterFunction( fName, target, info );

                if ( pPackage != null && !_packages.ContainsKey( package ) )
                    _packages.Add( package, pPackage );
            catch ( Exception e )
예제 #7
        public void Help(string command)
            // Check if the command is a function name
            if (_lua.Functions.Contains(command))
                LuaFunctionDescriptor func = (LuaFunctionDescriptor)_lua.Functions[command];

                // Display basic help message
                txtResult.Text += "Help for " + command + ":\n=========";

                for (int i = 0; i <= command.Length; i++)
                    txtResult.Text += "=";

                txtResult.Text += "\n" + func.FunctionFullDocumentation + "\n\n";


            // Check if the command is a package name
            if (command.IndexOf(".") == -1)
                // Check if the package exists
                if (_lua.Packages.ContainsKey(command))
                    LuaPackageDescriptor pkg = (LuaPackageDescriptor)_lua.Packages[command];


                    txtResult.Text += "No such function or package: " + command + "\n\n";


            // Determine the path to the function name
            string[] parts = command.Split('.');

            // Check if the package exists
            if (!_lua.Packages.ContainsKey(parts[0]))
                txtResult.Text += "No such function or package: " + command + "\n\n";


            LuaPackageDescriptor desc = (LuaPackageDescriptor)_lua.Packages[parts[0]];

            // Check if the function exists within the package
            if (!desc.HasFunction(parts[1]))
                txtResult.Text += "Package " + parts[0] + " doesn't have a " + parts[1] + " function.\n\n";


            // Display basic help message
            txtResult.Text += "Help for " + command + ":\n=========";

            for (int i = 0; i <= command.Length; i++)
                txtResult.Text += "=";

            txtResult.Text += "\n" + desc.PackageName + "." + desc.WriteHelp(parts[1]) + "\n\n";