/// <summary>
                /// Makes the specified node the most recently accessed one by moving it to the front of the LRU list.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="node">The node that was most recently accessed.</param>
                private void MostRecent(ILruCacheEntry <WeakReference <T>, R> node)
                    // NB: We opted for a linked list approach for the LRU cache to have constant overhead for memoized function
                    //     invocation, with a minor increment upon cache pruning. Alternatively, we could sort entries by their
                    //     last access time, having less overhead during a lookup (just store the new access time) but at the
                    //     expensive of having to sort the entries in the Trim procedure. That'd cause a hiccup in lookup times.
                    // NB: If a ranking based eviction is desirable, resulting in higher lookup speeds but lower pruning speeds,
                    //     one can use the CreateEvictedBy* methods on WeakMemoizationCacheFactory.
                        while (_lruList.Last != null && !_lruList.Last.Key.TryGetTarget(out _))
                            LruLinkedList.RemoveLast(ref _lruList);
                            Interlocked.Decrement(ref _count);

                        LruLinkedList.MoveFirst(ref _lruList, node);
                /// <summary>
                /// Trims the LRU cache if needed.
                /// </summary>
                private void Trim()
                    // NB: We can have temporary oversubscription during concurrent accesses because we avoid to enter the write lock
                    //     until absolutely necessary, so _cache.Count can be a dirty read.
                    if (_count >= _maxCapacity)
                                var entry = _lruList.Last;

                                if (entry.Key.TryGetTarget(out T key))

                                LruLinkedList.RemoveLast(ref _lruList);
                                Interlocked.Decrement(ref _count);
                                _lastEvicted = entry;
                            } while (_count >= _maxCapacity);
                /// <summary>
                /// Trims the LRU cache if needed.
                /// </summary>
                private void Trim()
                    while (_cache.Count >= _maxCapacity)
                        var entry = _lruList.Last;
                        LruLinkedList.RemoveLast(ref _lruList);
                        _lastEvicted = entry;