/* * If in auto-update, the function just assigns current filtered value to local position. * Otherwise it inputs the current mouse position to the filter and then assigns filtered value to local position. */ void Update() { if (shouldUseComponent) { if (a != Parameters.a) { a = Parameters.a; mouseControl.SetA(a); } transform.localPosition = mouseControl.Get(); } else { if (a != Parameters.a) { a = Parameters.a; lowPassFilter.A = a; } lowPassFilter.Append(MousePositionWithOffset.GetOffsetMousePosition()); transform.localPosition = lowPassFilter.Get(); // or simply: // transform.localPosition = lowPassFilter.Append(MousePositionWithOffset.GetOffsetMousePosition()); } }
/* * If in auto-update, the function just assigns current filtered value to local position. * Otherwise it inputs the current value to the filter and then assigns filtered value to local position. */ void Update() { if (shouldUseComponent) { transform.localPosition = accelerometerControl.Get(); } else { lowPassFilter.Append(AccelerometerWithOffset.GetOffsetAccelerometerData()); transform.localPosition = lowPassFilter.Get(); // or simply: // transform.localPosition = lowPassFilter.Append(AccelerometerWithOffset.GetOffsetAccelerometerData()); } }
/* * This is the getter for the current filtered value. * It returns value from the filter. */ public T Get() { return(lowPassFilter.Get()); }