예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 投注记录
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult LotteryListNew(string account = "", int lottype = -1, string expect = "", int roomtype = -1, int vip = -1, int bttype = -1, int pageSize = 15, int pageNumber = 1)
            StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder();

            strb.Append(" where 1=1");
            if (account != "")
                strb.Append(" and rtrim(b.mobile)='" + account + "'");
            if (lottype != -1)
                strb.Append(" and a.lotteryid=" + lottype);
            if (expect != "")
                strb.Append(" and a.lotterynum='" + expect + "'");
            if (roomtype != -1)
                strb.Append(" and a.roomid=" + roomtype);
            if (vip != -1)
                strb.Append(" and a.vipid=" + vip);
            if (bttype != -1)
                strb.Append(" and c.type=" + bttype);

            DataTable        dt   = Lottery.GetBettListGpByNum(pageNumber, pageSize, strb.ToString());
            LotteryListModel list = new LotteryListModel
                account   = account,
                lottype   = lottype,
                expect    = expect,
                roomtype  = roomtype,
                vip       = vip,
                bttype    = bttype,
                PageModel = new PageModel(pageSize, pageNumber, dt.Rows.Count > 0 ? int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["TotalCount"].ToString()) : 0),

            ViewData["lot"] = dt;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 投注记录
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult LotteryList(string account = "", int lottype = -1, string expect = "", int roomtype = -1, int vip = -1, int bttype = -1, int pageSize = 15, int pageNumber = 1)
            StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder();

            strb.Append(" where 1=1");
            if (account != "")
                strb.Append(" and rtrim(b.mobile)='" + account + "'");
            if (lottype != -1)
                strb.Append(" and a.lotteryid=" + lottype);
            if (expect != "")
                strb.Append(" and a.lotterynum='" + expect + "'");
            if (roomtype != -1)
                strb.Append(" and a.roomid=" + roomtype);
            if (vip != -1)
                strb.Append(" and a.vipid=" + vip);
            if (bttype != -1)
                strb.Append(" and c.type=" + bttype);

            List <MD_Bett>   btlist = Lottery.GetBettList(pageNumber, pageSize, strb.ToString());
            LotteryListModel list   = new LotteryListModel
                account   = account,
                lottype   = lottype,
                expect    = expect,
                roomtype  = roomtype,
                vip       = vip,
                bttype    = bttype,
                PageModel = new PageModel(pageSize, pageNumber, btlist.Count > 0 ? btlist[0].TotalCount : 0),
                bettList  = btlist
