public string UpdateLotEx(LotsExtended lotsExtended) { if (DataManager.UpdateLotsExtended(lotsExtended) == 1) { return("Данные успешно сохранены"); } else { return("Ошибка при сохранении"); } }
public static List <LotsExtended> ParseTechSpec(string sourceFileName, string lotCode) { // Open file in excel IExcelService excel = new ExcelService(sourceFileName); // Check for right data structure excel.SetSheetByIndex(1); var procTest = excel.FindRow("Поручение"); if (procTest == 0) { return(null); } // Get sheets count int sheetsCount = excel.GetSheetsCount(); List <LotsExtended> lotExList = new List <LotsExtended>(); // Parse tables for getting data for (var curSheet = 2; curSheet == sheetsCount; curSheet++) { excel.SetSheetByIndex(curSheet); var lotTest = excel.FindRow(lotCode); if (lotTest != 0) { int rowCount = 4; while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "A"))) { LotsExtended lotExItem = new LotsExtended() { serialnumber = Convert.ToInt32(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "A")), name = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "B"), unit = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "C"), quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "D")), price = Convert.ToDecimal(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "E")), sum = Convert.ToDecimal(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "F")), country = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "G"), techspec = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "H"), terms = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "I"), paymentterm = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "J"), dks = Convert.ToInt32(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "K")), contractnumber = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "L"), endprice = Convert.ToDecimal(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "M")), endsum = Convert.ToDecimal(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "N")) }; lotExList.Add(lotExItem); rowCount++; } } } // Close excel excel.CloseWorkbook(); excel.CloseExcel(); return(lotExList); }
public override Order UpdateOrder(Order order) { if (order == null) { return(null); } // Get start params about excel file int sheetsAllCount = excel.GetSheetsCount(); int sheetsVisCount = excel.GetSheetsCount(false); // Open sheet with order & parse them into orderBO int orderIndex = 0; for (var i = 1; i < sheetsAllCount + 1; i++) { excel.SetSheetByIndex(i); if (excel.CheckSheetVisibility()) { orderIndex = i; break; } } if (excel.IsSheetOpened()) { order.Initiator = excel.GetLabelValue("Полное наименование Заказчика"); var brokerCode = excel.GetLabelValue("Код Брокера Заказчика"); brokerCode = brokerCode.ToUpper().Replace("К", "K").Replace("А", "A"); switch (brokerCode.ToLower().Substring(0, 4)) { case "altk": order.Auction.Broker = new Broker(brokerCode, "ТОО «Альта и К», Андреев В.И., Директор Казахстан, 050064, г.Алматы, мкрн.Думан - 2, дом 18, кв. 55 тел.: +7(727) 390 - 43 - 02 e - mail: info"); break; case "alta": order.Auction.Broker = new Broker("ALTA", "ТОО «Альтаир Нур»"); break; } order.Auction.ExchangeProvisionSize = excel.GetLabelValue("Размер Гарантийного обеспечения"); var regex = new Regex(@"[^\d,\.]*"); order.Auction.ExchangeProvisionSize = regex.Replace(order.Auction.ExchangeProvisionSize, "").Replace(".", ","); lotName = Regex.Replace(excel.GetLabelValue("Наименование товара"), @"[Лл]от\s*№\d*:\s*", ""); } // Open sheet(-s) with tech spec & parse them into orderBO int lotCount = sheetsVisCount - 2; int lotTechSpec = orderIndex + 1; for (var i = 1; i < lotCount + 1; i++) { for (var iLot = lotTechSpec; iLot < sheetsAllCount + 1; iLot++) { excel.SetSheetByIndex(iLot); if (excel.CheckSheetVisibility()) { lotTechSpec = iLot + 1; break; } } if (excel.IsSheetOpened()) { // Change title var titleTechRowWord = excel.FindRow(DocumentTypeEnum.TechSpecs.GetName() + " к Ло"); if (titleTechRowWord != 0) { excel.SetCells(titleTechRowWord, "A", "Техническая спецификация к Лоту №" + i); } // Delete not needed header rows if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCell(1, 1))) { for (var iRow = 1; iRow < 5; iRow++) { excel.DeleteRow(1); } } // Delete not needed footer rows and find sum var rowsCount = excel.GetRowsCount(); var row = 0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCell(excel.GetRowsCount(), "F"))) { for (var iRow = rowsCount; iRow > 0; iRow--) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCell(iRow, "F"))) { row = iRow; lotStartPrice = excel.GetCell(iRow, "F"); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCell(iRow - 1, "K"))) { lotMinRequerments = excel.GetCell(iRow - 1, "K"); } else { lotMinRequerments = excel.GetCell(iRow - 2, "K"); } } catch { lotMinRequerments = excel.GetCell(iRow - 2, "K"); } break; } } for (var iRow = row + 1; iRow < rowsCount + 1; iRow++) { excel.DeleteRow(row + 1); } } else { lotStartPrice = excel.GetCell(excel.GetRowsCount(), "F"); } // Create lot item var lot = new Lot { Number = i.ToString(), Name = lotName, MinRequerments = lotMinRequerments, StartPrice = lotStartPrice }; if (order.Auction.Lots == null) { order.Auction.Lots = new ObservableCollection <Lot>(); } order.Auction.Lots.Add(lot); // For Creating LotsExtended var iRowNum = excel.FindRow("Наименование"); bool isBusy = true; int iCount = 1; if (order.Auction.Lots[i - 1].LotsExtended == null) { order.Auction.Lots[i - 1].LotsExtended = new ObservableCollection <LotsExtended>(); } while (isBusy) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 1))) { LotsExtended lotEx = new LotsExtended(); lotEx.serialnumber = iCount; = excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 2); lotEx.unit = excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 3); lotEx.quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 4).Replace(".", ",")); lotEx.price = Convert.ToDecimal(excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 5).Replace(".", ",")); lotEx.sum = Convert.ToDecimal(excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 6).Replace(".", ",")); = excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 7); lotEx.techspec = excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 8); lotEx.terms = excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 9); lotEx.paymentterm = excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 10); try { lotEx.dks = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 11).Replace("%", ""), "[^0-9]", "")); } catch (Exception) { lotEx.dks = 0; } lotEx.contractnumber = excel.GetCell(iRowNum + iCount, 12); order.Auction.Lots[i - 1].LotsExtended.Add(lotEx); } else { isBusy = false; } iCount++; } } } order.Warranty = WARRANTY_LETER; return(order); }
public static Order ParseKaspiOrder(string fileName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return(null); } var excel = new ExcelService(fileName); if (excel == null) { return(null); } Order order = new Order(); order.Auction = new Auction(); order.Auction.Lots = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <Lot>(); order.Auction.Lots.Add(new Lot() { LotsExtended = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <LotsExtended>() }); bool result; DateTime dateTime; decimal decimalNumber; double doubleNumber; int intNumber; try { order.Organizer = excel.GetCell("5", "D"); order.Initiator = excel.GetCell("6", "D"); order.Auction.Lots[0].Name = excel.GetCell("7", "D"); order.Auction.Type = excel.GetCell("8", "D"); result = decimal.TryParse(excel.GetCell("14", "D"), out decimalNumber); order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity = result ? decimalNumber : 0; order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit = excel.GetCell("15", "D"); result = decimal.TryParse(excel.GetCell("16", "D"), out decimalNumber); order.Auction.Lots[0].Price = result ? decimalNumber : 0; order.Auction.Comments = excel.GetCell("17", "D"); // currency result = decimal.TryParse(excel.GetCell("18", "D"), out decimalNumber); order.Auction.Lots[0].Step = result ? decimalNumber : 0; order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryPlace = excel.GetCell("19", "D"); order.Auction.Lots[0].PaymentTerm = excel.GetCell("21", "D"); order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryTime = excel.GetCell("22", "D"); result = DateTime.TryParse(excel.GetCell("23", "D"), out dateTime); order.Auction.Date = result ? dateTime : DateTime.Now; result = decimal.TryParse(excel.GetCell("25", "D"), out decimalNumber); order.Auction.Lots[0].Sum = result ? decimalNumber : 0; result = double.TryParse(excel.GetCell("26", "D"), out doubleNumber); order.Auction.InvoicePercent = result ? doubleNumber : 0; int rowCount = 31; while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "B")) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "D"))) { LotsExtended lotsExtended = new LotsExtended(); result = Int32.TryParse(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "B"), out intNumber); lotsExtended.serialnumber = result ? intNumber : 0; = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "C"); lotsExtended.unit = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "D"); result = decimal.TryParse(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "E"), out decimalNumber); lotsExtended.quantity = result ? decimalNumber : 0; result = decimal.TryParse(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "F"), out decimalNumber); lotsExtended.price = result ? decimalNumber : 0; lotsExtended.sum = lotsExtended.quantity * lotsExtended.price; lotsExtended.marka = excel.GetCell("9", "D"); lotsExtended.gost = excel.GetCell("10", "D"); lotsExtended.codeTNVD = excel.GetCell("11", "D"); = excel.GetCell("12", "D"); lotsExtended.factory = excel.GetCell("13", "D"); lotsExtended.terms = excel.GetCell("20", "D"); order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended.Add(lotsExtended); } } catch { return(null); } finally { if (excel.IsWorkbookOpened()) { excel.CloseWorkbook(); } if (excel.IsExcelOpened()) { excel.CloseExcel(); } } return(order); }
public static ObservableCollection <LotsExtended> ParseKaspiTechSpec(string fileName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return(null); } var excel = new ExcelService(fileName); if (excel == null) { return(null); } ObservableCollection <LotsExtended> lotsExtendedList = new ObservableCollection <LotsExtended>(); bool result; decimal decimalNumber; int intNumber; try { var rowCount = excel.FindRow("Наименование товара"); if (rowCount == null || rowCount == 0) { throw new Exception(); } rowCount += 2; while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "C")) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "E"))) { LotsExtended lotsExtended = new LotsExtended(); result = Int32.TryParse(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "C"), out intNumber); lotsExtended.serialnumber = result ? intNumber : 0; = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "D"); lotsExtended.unit = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "E"); result = decimal.TryParse(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "F"), out decimalNumber); lotsExtended.quantity = result ? decimalNumber : 0; result = decimal.TryParse(excel.GetCell(rowCount, "H"), out decimalNumber); lotsExtended.price = result ? decimalNumber : 0; lotsExtended.sum = lotsExtended.quantity * lotsExtended.price; lotsExtended.terms = excel.GetCell(rowCount, "K"); lotsExtendedList.Add(lotsExtended); rowCount += 1; } } catch { return(null); } finally { if (excel.IsWorkbookOpened()) { excel.CloseWorkbook(); } if (excel.IsExcelOpened()) { excel.CloseExcel(); } } return(lotsExtendedList); }