예제 #1
        protected void GetCodes()
            string       lkpField = Request.Form[LookupCodeFieldName];
            LookupCodeDa da       = new LookupCodeDa();
            DataTable    dt       = da.GetLookupsByFieldName(lkpField).Tables[0];
            string       codes    = "{ \"codes\": " + GetOutputArray(dt) + " }";

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function used to create child records for projects based on lookup codes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentBizo"></param>
        /// <param name="childBizo"></param>
        /// <param name="parentBizoNameField"></param>
        /// <param name="childBizoNameField"></param>
        /// <param name="PARENT_LKP_FIELD_TYPE"></param>
        /// <param name="CHILD_LKP_FIELD_TYPE"></param>
        /// <param name="validate">Whether to check if parent has child records before inserting</param>
        /// <param name="doSave">true if to save populated biz objects before returning </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static List <BusinessObject> CreateChildRecordByBizLkpCodes(BusinessObject parentBizo, BusinessObject childBizo, string parentBizoNameField, string childBizoNameField, string PARENT_LKP_FIELD_TYPE, string CHILD_LKP_FIELD_TYPE, bool validate, bool doSave)
            List <BusinessObject> childBizList = new List <BusinessObject>();
            int    bizPriKey    = int.Parse(parentBizo[parentBizo.PrimaryKeyName].ToString());
            string bizNameField = parentBizo[parentBizoNameField].ToString();

            // Check child Bizo to ensure no records have been created

            //BusinessObject checker = BusinessObjectFactory.BuildBusinessObject(childBizo.TableName);
            //if (checker.RecordCount > 0 && validate)
            //    return childBizList;

            if (validate)
                string tablename     = childBizo.TableName;
                string parentKeyName = BusinessObject.GetParentKeyName(tablename);
                var    criteria      = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { parentKeyName, bizPriKey }

                if (BusinessObject.Exists(tablename, criteria))

            LookupCodeDa da = new LookupCodeDa();

            DataRow[] lkpRecords = da.GetLookupsByFieldName(PARENT_LKP_FIELD_TYPE).Tables[0].Select("", LKP_SORT_ORDER);

            foreach (DataRow lkpRecord in lkpRecords)
                string lkpCode = lkpRecord[LookupCode.LkpCode].ToString();
                if (lkpCode == bizNameField)
                    int       lkpCodeId       = int.Parse(lkpRecord[LookupCode.LookupCodeId].ToString());
                    DataRow[] childLkpRecords = da.GetChildCodesByLookupIdAndChildLookupName(lkpCodeId, CHILD_LKP_FIELD_TYPE).Select("", LKP_SORT_ORDER);
                    foreach (DataRow childLkpRecord in childLkpRecords)
                        string         childLkpCode = childLkpRecord[LookupCode.LkpCode].ToString();
                        BusinessObject childBiz     = BusinessObjectFactory.BuildBusinessObject(childBizo.TableName);
                        childBiz[childBiz.ParentKeyName] = bizPriKey;
                        childBiz[childBizoNameField]     = childLkpCode;

예제 #3
        protected override void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool requestFromMetaDataPage = false;

            // if page is launched from meta data page populate with lookup code values based on query string
            if (Request.QueryString["lookupCodeValue"] != null)
                requestFromMetaDataPage = true;
                fieldName.SelectedValue = Request.QueryString["lookupCodeValue"].ToString();

            lkpName.Disabled = true;

            if (Page.IsPostBack || requestFromMetaDataPage)
                //get look up codes for posted field name
                if (fieldName.SelectedValue != null && fieldName.SelectedValue.Length > 0)
                    lkpName.Value = fieldName.SelectedValue;

                    LookupCodeDa lkpDa = new LookupCodeDa();
                    DataSet      lkpDs = lkpDa.GetLookupsByFieldName(fieldName.SelectedValue);

                    if (lkpDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        //show repeater table
                        repeaterDiv.Visible = true;
                        //hide table
                        tableDiv.Visible = false;
                        addBtn.Visible   = true;

                        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                    repeaterDiv.Visible = false;
                    tableDiv.Visible    = false;
                    addBtn.Visible      = false;
                repeaterDiv.Visible = false;
                tableDiv.Visible    = false;

                //populate the lookup field name drop down
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the datasoruce for the lookup code, with the Lookup order sorted
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lkpFieldName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DataView GetSortedGridDataSource(string lkpFieldName)
            DataTable  dt             = da.GetLookupsByFieldName(lkpFieldName).Tables[0];
            string     sortHelperName = "_lookupSortHelper";
            DataColumn sortHelperCol  = new DataColumn(sortHelperName);

            sortHelperCol.DefaultValue = 0;

            DataRow[] lkpOrderRows = dt.Select(LookupCode.LkpOrder + " IS NOT NULL");
            foreach (DataRow lkpOrderRow in lkpOrderRows)
                lkpOrderRow[sortHelperCol] = 1;

            string   sortExpr       = sortHelperName + " DESC, " + LookupCode.LkpOrder + " ASC";
            DataView gridDataSource = dt.DefaultView;

            gridDataSource.Sort = sortExpr;
예제 #5
        protected void BuildFilterByParentLkpCodes(object sender, EventArgs e)

            string lkpField = FilterByParentLkpFieldNames.Value;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lkpField))
                LookupCodeDa da       = new LookupCodeDa();
                var          lkpCodes = da.GetLookupsByFieldName(lkpField).Tables[0].DefaultView;
                FilterByParentLkpCodes.DataSource = lkpCodes;
예제 #6
        protected void BindLookupCodesGrid()
            string selectedFieldName = fieldName.SelectedValue;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedFieldName))
                LookupCodeDa lkpDa = new LookupCodeDa();
                DataSet      lkpDs = lkpDa.GetLookupsByFieldName(selectedFieldName);
                DataView     view  = lkpDs.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                // Add empty rows
                for (int i = 0; i < BLANK_LOOKUPCODE_ROWS; i++)
                LookupCodeGrid.DataSource = view;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds checkbox matrix to allow selecting organizations and stages
        /// </summary>
        private void BuildCheckBoxMatrix()
            LookupCodeDa lookupDa = new LookupCodeDa();

            // Set Global Organization List (controls columns)
            organizationListDataView = da.GetAllOrganizationsByProjectId(projectId).DefaultView;
            allProjectStageEvents    = da.GetStageEventsByProject(projectId).DefaultView;

            // Determine if we need to filter organization
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrganizationId))
                organizationListDataView.RowFilter = ProjectOrganization.OrganizationId + " = " + OrganizationId;

            // Gets all Stage names based on Lookup Codes
            DataTable stagesLkpCodes = lookupDa.GetLookupsByFieldName("ProjectStages").Tables[0];

            // Bind Organization Header Items
            OrgListRptr.DataSource = organizationListDataView;

            // Bind Stages
            //ProjectStage projectStages = new ProjectStage();
            //orgStageRecords = projectStages.DataSourceView;

            orgStageRecords = BusinessObject.GetByParentAsDataView <ProjectStage>(projectId);

            if (orgStageRecords.Count == 0)
                //orgStageRecords = projectStages.DataSourceView;

                orgStageRecords = BusinessObject.GetByParentAsDataView <ProjectStage>(projectId);

            orgStageRecords.RowFilter = ProjectStage.OrganizationId + " IS NULL";

            //StagesRptr.DataSource = stagesLkpCodes;
            StagesRptr.DataSource = orgStageRecords;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the selected ProjectType needs an approval record, else false.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool FormNeedsApprovalStep(string projectType)
            LookupCodeDa da = new LookupCodeDa();
            // LookupCode ProjectApprovalType should contain a single lookup value
            // used to link child codes as needing approval step.
            DataTable dt = da.GetLookupsByFieldName("ProjectApprovalType").Tables[0];

            DataRow[] singleType = dt.Select("LkpCode = 'ProjectApprovalType'");
            if (singleType.Length > 0)
                int parentCodeId = int.Parse(singleType[0]["LookupCodeId"].ToString());
                // Get all the ProjectTypes which need approval
                DataTable childCodes = da.GetChildCodesByLookupIdAndChildLookupName(parentCodeId, "ProjectType");
                // If projectType is in this list, we need an approval step
                if (childCodes.Select("LkpCode = '" + PageUtil.EscapeSingleQuotesForSql(projectType) + "'").Length > 0)
        protected override void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            base.Page_Load(sender, e);
            string parentCodeId    = Request.QueryString["lookupCodeId"];
            string childLookupType = Request.QueryString["childLookupType"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentCodeId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(childLookupType))
                LookupCodeDa da            = new LookupCodeDa();
                DataTable    myChildCodes  = da.GetChildCodesByLookupIdAndChildLookupName(int.Parse(parentCodeId), childLookupType);
                DataTable    allChildCodes = da.GetLookupsByFieldName(childLookupType).Tables[0];

                foreach (DataRow row in myChildCodes.Rows)
                    string lkpCode = row["LkpCode"].ToString();
                    if (myChildCodes.Select("LkpCode = '" + PageUtil.EscapeSingleQuotesForSql(lkpCode) + "'").Length == 0)
                        Response.Write(lkpCode + ",");
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a DataTable of lookupcodes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lkpCode"></param>
        /// <param name="isDistinct"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private DataTable GetLookupCodes(string lkpCode, bool isDistinct)
            DataTable dataSourceTable         = new DataTable();
            string    LookupColumn            = LookupCode.LkpCode;
            string    LookupDescriptionColumn = LookupCode.LkpDescription;

            if (isDistinct)
                string[] lookupDistinctVals = lkpCode.Split(new char[] { ';' });
                string   tablename          = lookupDistinctVals[0].Trim();
                string   valuefield         = lookupDistinctVals[1].Trim();
                string   textfield          = lookupDistinctVals[2].Trim();
                string   restriction        = null;
                string   order = null;

                if (lookupDistinctVals.Length >= 4)
                    restriction = lookupDistinctVals[3].Trim();
                    System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState tempSession = Page.Session;
                    if (restriction.Contains("@PatientId") && tempSession != null && tempSession[SessionKey.PatientId] != null)
                        restriction = restriction.Replace("@PatientId", tempSession[SessionKey.PatientId].ToString());

                    if (restriction.Contains("@UserName"))
                        Caisis.Security.SecurityController sc = new Caisis.Security.SecurityController();
                        restriction = restriction.Replace("@UserName", String.Format("'{0}'", sc.GetUserName()));

                    if (lookupDistinctVals.Length >= 5)
                        order = lookupDistinctVals[4].Trim();

                dataSourceTable = LookupCodeDa.GetLookupData(tablename, valuefield, textfield, restriction, order).Table;
                LookupColumn    = "DropDownText";
                string[] specialLkpCode = lkpCode.Split(';');
                if (specialLkpCode.Length == 3)
                    LookupCodeDa da                 = new LookupCodeDa();
                    string       childLkpCode       = specialLkpCode[0];
                    string       parentLkpCode      = specialLkpCode[1];
                    string       parentLkpCodeValue = specialLkpCode[2];

                    DataTable parentLkpCodes = da.GetLookupsByFieldName(parentLkpCode).Tables[0];
                    DataRow[] results        = parentLkpCodes.Select("LkpCode = '" + parentLkpCodeValue + "'");
                    if (results.Length > 0)
                        int lkpCodeId = int.Parse(results[0][LookupCode.LookupCodeId].ToString());
                        dataSourceTable = da.GetChildCodesByLookupIdAndChildLookupName(lkpCodeId, childLkpCode);
                    dataSourceTable = CacheManager.GetLookupCodeList(lkpCode);
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates child ProjectStage, ProjectStageEvents and ProjectEventAttributes records
        /// based off of child/parent Lookup scheme.
        /// NOTE: Child records will not be created if any ProjectStage records exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="biz"></param>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        public static void CreateProjectStagesRecords(Project biz, DataTable dt)
            // bas: Does a Project have existing children (ProjectStages)?
            var criteria = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { Project.ProjectId, (int)biz[Project.ProjectId] }
            bool childRecordsExist = BusinessObject.Exists <ProjectStage>(criteria);

            //BusinessObject parentBiz = biz;
            //BusinessObject childBiz = new ProjectStage();
            //ProjectStage projectStage = new ProjectStage();

            //if (projectStage.DataSourceView.Count == 0)

            if (!childRecordsExist)
                LookupCodeDa da                = new LookupCodeDa();
                string       projectType       = biz[Project.Type].ToString();
                DataTable    projectCodes      = da.GetLookupsByFieldName("ProjectType").Tables[0];
                DataRow[]    projectTypesFound = projectCodes.Select(LookupCode.LkpCode + " = '" + projectType.Replace("'", "''") + "'");
                if (projectTypesFound.Length > 0)
                    int       projectTypeLkpId = int.Parse(projectTypesFound[0][LookupCode.LookupCodeId].ToString());
                    DataRow[] stagesCodes      = da.GetChildCodesByLookupIdAndChildLookupName(projectTypeLkpId, PROJECT_STAGE_TYPE_CODE).Select("", LKP_SORT_ORDER);

                    // Get Color Attribute (should be 1 row)
                    DataTable colorAttributes  = da.GetLookupAttributeByName("Color");
                    DataTable allStagesColors  = null;
                    int       colorAttributeId = -1;
                    if (colorAttributes.Rows.Count > 0)
                        colorAttributeId = int.Parse(colorAttributes.Rows[0][LookupAttribute.AttributeId].ToString());
                        allStagesColors  = da.GetLookupCodeAttributesByAttributeId(colorAttributeId);

                    foreach (DataRow stageCode in stagesCodes)
                        ProjectStage stageBiz = new ProjectStage();
                        stageBiz[ProjectStage.ProjectId] = biz[Project.ProjectId].ToString();
                        stageBiz[ProjectStage.Name]      = stageCode[LookupCode.LkpCode].ToString();

                        // Get color atttibute for this Stage lookup code, if any
                        int stageLkpId = int.Parse(stageCode[LookupCode.LookupCodeId].ToString());
                        if (colorAttributeId > -1 && allStagesColors != null)
                            // See if there is a color attribute value for this by attribute id and lookup code id
                            DataRow[] stageColors = allStagesColors.Select(LookupCodeAttribute.AttributeId + " = " + colorAttributeId + " AND LookupCodeId = " + stageLkpId);
                            if (stageColors.Length > 0)
                                stageBiz[ProjectStage.ColorCode] = stageColors[0][LookupCodeAttribute.AttributeValue].ToString();
