public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication uiApplication, NSDictionary launchOptions) { //Xamarin.Calabash.Start(); #if ENABLE_TEST_CLOUD // requires Xamarin Test Cloud Agent Xamarin.Calabash.Start(); #endif var normalTextAttributes = new UITextAttributes(); normalTextAttributes.Font = UIFont.FromName("Roboto-Bold", 16.0f); // -- Unselected normalTextAttributes.TextColor = Color.FromHex("#174163").ToUIColor(); UINavigationBar.Appearance.SetTitleTextAttributes(normalTextAttributes); UINavigationBar.Appearance.BarTintColor = Color.FromHex("#eff9ff").ToUIColor(); UINavigationBar.Appearance.TintColor = Color.FromHex("#174163").ToUIColor(); UINavigationBar.Appearance.SetBackgroundImage(new UIImage(), UIBarPosition.Any, UIBarMetrics.Default); UINavigationBar.Appearance.ShadowImage = new UIImage(); global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(); MessagingCenter.Subscribe <StartLongRunningTaskMessage>(this, "StartLongRunningTaskMessage", async message => { upload_task = new LongRunningTask(new UploadLongRunningTask()); await upload_task.Start(); }); MessagingCenter.Subscribe <StopLongRunningTaskMessage>(this, "StopLongRunningTaskMessage", message => { upload_task.Stop(); }); //DependencyService.Register<IProgressHUD, IOSProgressHUD>(); App.ScreenSize = new Size(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Height); var fr = new CultureInfo("fr-FR"); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = fr; PopolLib.iOS.Renderers.FastListView.FastListViewRenderer.Init(); LoadApplication(new App()); // -- Liste des Fonts dans l'application //var fontList = new StringBuilder(); //var familyNames = UIFont.FamilyNames; //foreach (var familyName in familyNames) //{ // fontList.Append(String.Format("Family: {0}\n", familyName)); // Console.WriteLine("Family: {0}\n", familyName); // var fontNames = UIFont.FontNamesForFamilyName(familyName); // foreach (var fontName in fontNames) // { // Console.WriteLine("\tFont: {0}\n", fontName); // fontList.Append(String.Format("\tFont: {0}\n", fontName)); // } //}; //Console.WriteLine(fontList.ToString()); return(base.FinishedLaunching(uiApplication, launchOptions)); }
public virtual void Start() { if (IsRunning) { return; } lock (_stateLock) { if (IsRunning) { return; } Log.Log(LogCatagory.Info, "Starting {0}. . .", ModuleName); LongRunningTask = new LongRunningTask(AttendIncomingQueue); LongRunningTask.Start(); OnStart(); Log.Log(LogCatagory.Info, "{0} started.", ModuleName); IsRunning = true; } }
private void DoWork() { try { Resources.InitUpdaterDirectories(); if (_frameworkUpdate != null) { string frameworkFile = Path.Combine(Resources.DownloadsDir, ""); try { lock (_lock) { Logger.Current.Write(LogInfoLevel.Info, "Downloading framework update..."); _currentDownloader = new FileDownloader(_frameworkUpdate, frameworkFile, _frameworkUpdateHash, null); _currentTask = _currentDownloader; View.Invoke(() => { View.Details = "Downloading MGDF framework update..."; View.AllowCancel = true; }); } var result = _currentDownloader.Start(); lock (_lock) { _currentDownloader = null; View.Invoke(() => View.AllowCancel = false); } if (result == LongRunningTaskResult.Cancelled) { _workerThread = null; View.Invoke(CloseView); return; } else if (result == LongRunningTaskResult.Error) { //show an error message, though we may still be able to download a game update, so don't bail out yet. ShowError("Download failed", "Failed to download MGDF framework update"); } else { lock (_lock) { Logger.Current.Write(LogInfoLevel.Info, "Installing framework update..."); //success, now try to install the downloaded update View.Invoke(() => View.Details = "Installing MGDF framework update..."); _currentTask = new FrameworkUpdater(frameworkFile); } result = _currentTask.Start(); if (result == LongRunningTaskResult.Error) { //show an error message, though we may still be able to download a game update, so don't bail out yet. ShowError("Install failed", "Failed to install MGDF framework update"); } else { View.Invoke(() => View.Details = "Installing framework dependencies..."); DependencyInstaller.Install(); } } } finally { var file = FileSystem.Current.GetFile(frameworkFile); if (file.Exists) { file.DeleteWithTimeout(); } } } if (_gameUpdate != null) { string gameUpdateFile = Path.Combine(Resources.DownloadsDir, ""); try { lock (_lock) { Logger.Current.Write(LogInfoLevel.Info, "Downloading game update..."); _currentDownloader = new GameDownloader(Game.Current, _gameUpdate, gameUpdateFile, _gameUpdateHash, GetUpdateCredentials); _currentTask = _currentDownloader; View.Invoke(() => { View.Details = "Downloading " + Game.Current.Name + " update..."; View.AllowCancel = true; }); } var result = _currentDownloader.Start(); lock (_lock) { _currentDownloader = null; View.Invoke(() => View.AllowCancel = false); } if (result == LongRunningTaskResult.Cancelled) { _workerThread = null; View.Invoke(CloseView); return; } else if (result == LongRunningTaskResult.Error) { ShowError("Download failed", "Failed to download " + Game.Current.Name + " update"); _workerThread = null; View.Invoke(CloseView); return; } else { using (var gameInstall = new GameInstall(gameUpdateFile)) { lock (_lock) { Logger.Current.Write(LogInfoLevel.Info, "Installing " + Game.Current.Name + " update..."); //success, now try to apply the downloaded update View.Invoke(() => View.Details = "Installing " + Game.Current.Name + " update..."); _currentTask = new GameUpdater(gameInstall); } result = _currentTask.Start(); if (result == LongRunningTaskResult.Error) { ShowError("Install failed", "Failed to install " + Game.Current.Name + " update"); } } //now if we're auto installing on update, update the registry/desktop icons etc.. if (Config.Current.AutoRegisterOnUpdate) { lock (_lock) { Logger.Current.Write(LogInfoLevel.Info, "Registering game update..."); _currentTask = new GameRegistrar(true, Game.Current); } result = _currentTask.Start(); if (result == LongRunningTaskResult.Error) { ShowError("Registration failed", "Failed to register " + Game.Current.Name + " update"); } } } } finally { var file = FileSystem.Current.GetFile(gameUpdateFile); if (file.Exists) { file.DeleteWithTimeout(); } } } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } catch (Exception ex) { View.Invoke(() => Program.ShowUnhandledError(ex)); } _workerThread = null; View.Invoke(CloseView); }