static void Main() { var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); _input = File.ReadAllText("../../../input.txt").ParseLongs(); _pointCache = new Dictionary <Point, bool>(); var computer = LongCodeComputer.FromFile(@"../../../input.txt"); var sum = 0; for (int y = 0; y < 50; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 50; x++) { var inBeam = getPoint(x, y); sum += inBeam ? 1 : 0; Console.Write(inBeam ? '#' : '.'); } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine($"Part 1: {sum}"); var probe = new Point(0, 10); var diagMove = new Size(1, -1); var topLeft = Point.Empty; while (topLeft == Point.Empty) { while (!getPoint(probe)) { probe = probe.MoveTo(Direction.Right); } var diagonal = new BinarySearchInt(dx => getPoint(probe + (diagMove * dx))).FindLast(); if (diagonal >= 98) { var rect = new Rectangle(probe.X, probe.Y - 99, 100, 100); if (allPointsInBeam(rect)) { topLeft = rect.Location; break; } } probe = probe.MoveTo(Direction.Down); } Console.WriteLine($"Part 2: topleft point is at {topLeft} => answer = {topLeft.X * 10000 + topLeft.Y}"); //Console.WriteLine("15231022"); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Solving took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms."); _ = Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main() { var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); //var input = File.ReadAllText("../../../input.txt").ParseLongs(); var c = LongCodeComputer.FromFile(@"../../../input.txt"); c.Store(0, 2); var path = "R8L12R8R8L12R8L10L10R8L12L12L10R10L10L10R8L12L12L10R10L10L10R8R8L12R8L12L12L10R10R8L12R8"; var segments = new Stack <(char name, string value)>(); _ = FindPathFunctions(path, segments); foreach (var func in segments) { Console.WriteLine($"Function {} should be {func.value}"); } Console.ReadLine(); Console.WindowHeight = Math.Max(Console.WindowHeight, 40); Queue(c, "A,A,B,C,B,C,B,A,C,A\n"); Queue(c, "R,8,L,12,R,8\n"); Queue(c, "L,10,L,10,R,8\n"); Queue(c, "L,12,L,12,L,10,R,10\n"); Queue(c, "Y\n"); c.RunForOutputs(2167); Console.Clear(); c.Outputs.Clear(); while (c.RunForOutputs(2101)) { Paint(c.Outputs); c.Outputs.Clear(); } var collectedDust = c.Outputs.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine($"Part 2: {collectedDust} dust collected."); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Solving took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms."); _ = Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main() { var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); var c = LongCodeComputer.FromFile(@"../../../input.txt"); var allCommands = new List <string>(); if (File.Exists(@"../../../commands.txt")) { allCommands = File.ReadAllLines(@"../../../commands.txt").ToList(); foreach (var item in allCommands) { c.QueueInput(item); } } _ = c.RunUntilInputRequired(); PrintOutputs(c); var items = new string[] { "asterisk", "ornament", "cake", "space heater", "festive hat", "semiconductor", "food ration", "sand" }; TryAllCombinations(c, items); while (c.RunUntilInputRequired()) { PrintOutputs(c); var cmd = Console.ReadLine(); allCommands.Add(cmd); c.QueueInput(cmd); } PrintOutputs(c); Console.WriteLine($"Part 1: "); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Save commands?"); if (Console.ReadLine() == "y") { File.WriteAllLines(@"../../../commands.txt", allCommands); } Console.WriteLine($"Solving took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms."); _ = Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main() { var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); var computers = new LongCodeComputer[50]; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { computers[i] = LongCodeComputer.FromFile(@"../../../input.txt"); computers[i].Inputs.Enqueue(i); computers[i].DefaultInput = -1; } Packet?natPacket = null; Packet?lastNatPacket = null; Packet?firstNatPacket = null; var idlePeriod = 0; var runNetwork = true; while (runNetwork) { foreach (var c in computers) { c.Run(2); } var packets = computers.SelectMany(c => CollectPackets(c)).ToList(); if (packets.Any()) { idlePeriod = 0; foreach (var p in packets) { if (p.addr == 255) { natPacket = p; } else { QueuePacket(computers[p.addr], p); } } } else { idlePeriod++; } if (idlePeriod > 1000 && natPacket.HasValue) { // Send packet to fight network idling QueuePacket(computers[0], natPacket.Value); idlePeriod = 0; firstNatPacket ??= natPacket; Console.WriteLine($"Sent packet {natPacket.Value.y}"); if (lastNatPacket.HasValue && lastNatPacket.Value.y == natPacket.Value.y) { Console.WriteLine($"Duplicate y! {natPacket.Value.y}"); runNetwork = false; } lastNatPacket = natPacket; natPacket = null; } } // 19420 is too high Console.WriteLine($"Part 1: santa packet has y value {firstNatPacket.Value.y}"); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Solving took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms."); _ = Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main() { var sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); var c = LongCodeComputer.FromFile(@"../../../input.txt"); Console.WindowHeight = Math.Max(Console.WindowHeight, 40); c.QueueInput("NOT A J"); c.QueueInput("NOT B T"); c.QueueInput("OR T J"); c.QueueInput("NOT C T"); c.QueueInput("OR T J"); c.QueueInput("AND D J"); c.QueueInput("WALK"); Console.Clear(); c.Outputs.Clear(); c.Run(); if (c.Outputs.Last() < 256) { Console.WriteLine($"Bad code!"); Paint(c.Outputs); _ = Console.ReadLine(); return; } var shipDamage = c.Outputs.Last(); Console.WriteLine($"Part 1: damage = {shipDamage}"); c = LongCodeComputer.FromFile(@"../../../input.txt"); c.QueueInput("NOT A J"); c.QueueInput("NOT B T"); c.QueueInput("OR T J"); c.QueueInput("NOT C T"); c.QueueInput("OR T J"); c.QueueInput("AND D J"); c.QueueInput("NOT E T"); c.QueueInput("NOT T T"); c.QueueInput("OR H T"); c.QueueInput("AND T J"); c.QueueInput("RUN"); c.Outputs.Clear(); c.Run(); if (c.Outputs.Last() < 256) { Console.WriteLine($"Bad code!"); Paint(c.Outputs); _ = Console.ReadLine(); return; } shipDamage = c.Outputs.Last(); Console.WriteLine($"Part 2: damage = {shipDamage}"); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Solving took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms."); _ = Console.ReadLine(); }