/// <summary> /// Creates the <see cref="Panel"/> when <see cref="ApplyTemplate"/> is called for the first /// time. /// </summary> protected virtual void CreatePanel() { Panel = ItemsPanel.Build(); Panel.SetValue(TemplatedParentProperty, TemplatedParent); LogicalChildren.Clear(); VisualChildren.Clear(); LogicalChildren.Add(Panel); VisualChildren.Add(Panel); _createdPanel = true; INotifyCollectionChanged incc = Items as INotifyCollectionChanged; if (incc != null) { incc.CollectionChanged += ItemsCollectionChanged; } ItemsChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the <see cref="Panel"/> when <see cref="ApplyTemplate"/> is called for the first /// time. /// </summary> private void CreatePanel() { Panel = ItemsPanel.Build(); Panel.SetValue(TemplatedParentProperty, TemplatedParent); LogicalChildren.Clear(); VisualChildren.Clear(); LogicalChildren.Add(Panel); VisualChildren.Add(Panel); _createdPanel = true; if (!IsHosted && _itemsSubscription == null && Items is INotifyCollectionChanged incc) { _itemsSubscription = incc.WeakSubscribe(ItemsCollectionChanged); } PanelCreated(Panel); ItemsChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the <see cref="Children"/> collection changes. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The event args.</param> protected virtual void ChildrenChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { List <Control> controls; switch (e.Action) { case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: controls = e.NewItems.OfType <Control>().ToList(); LogicalChildren.InsertRange(e.NewStartingIndex, controls); VisualChildren.InsertRange(e.NewStartingIndex, e.NewItems.OfType <Visual>()); break; case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move: LogicalChildren.MoveRange(e.OldStartingIndex, e.OldItems.Count, e.NewStartingIndex); VisualChildren.MoveRange(e.OldStartingIndex, e.OldItems.Count, e.NewStartingIndex); break; case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: controls = e.OldItems.OfType <Control>().ToList(); LogicalChildren.RemoveAll(controls); VisualChildren.RemoveAll(e.OldItems.OfType <Visual>()); break; case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace: for (var i = 0; i < e.OldItems.Count; ++i) { var index = i + e.OldStartingIndex; var child = (IControl)e.NewItems[i]; LogicalChildren[index] = child; VisualChildren[index] = child; } break; case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: throw new NotSupportedException(); } InvalidateMeasure(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the <see cref="Panel"/> when <see cref="ApplyTemplate"/> is called for the first /// time. /// </summary> private void CreatePanel() { Panel = ItemsPanel.Build(); Panel.SetValue(TemplatedParentProperty, TemplatedParent); if (!Panel.IsSet(KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigationProperty)) { KeyboardNavigation.SetDirectionalNavigation( (InputElement)Panel, KeyboardNavigationMode.Contained); } LogicalChildren.Clear(); VisualChildren.Clear(); LogicalChildren.Add(Panel); VisualChildren.Add(Panel); KeyboardNavigation.SetTabNavigation( (InputElement)Panel, KeyboardNavigation.GetTabNavigation(this)); _createdPanel = true; CreateItemsAndListenForChanges(Items); }
protected virtual void LayoutChildren(double x, double y, double width, double height) { var area = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); Rectangle originalArea = area; if (_containerAreaSet) { area = ContainerArea; area.X += Padding.Left; area.Y += Padding.Right; area.Width -= Padding.HorizontalThickness; area.Height -= Padding.VerticalThickness; area.Width = Math.Max(0, area.Width); area.Height = Math.Max(0, area.Height); } List <Element> elements = LogicalChildren.ToList(); foreach (Element element in elements) { var child = element as VisualElement; if (child == null) { continue; } var page = child as Page; if (page != null && page.IgnoresContainerArea) { Maui.Controls.Layout.LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion(child, originalArea); } else { Maui.Controls.Layout.LayoutChildIntoBoundingRegion(child, area); } } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the <see cref="Child"/> control based on the control's <see cref="Content"/>. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Usually the <see cref="Child"/> control is created automatically when /// <see cref="ApplyTemplate"/> is called; however for this to happen, the control needs to /// be attached to a logical tree (if the control is not attached to the logical tree, it /// is reasonable to expect that the DataTemplates needed for the child are not yet /// available). This method forces the <see cref="Child"/> control's creation at any point, /// and is particularly useful in unit tests. /// </remarks> public void UpdateChild() { var content = Content; var oldChild = Child; var newChild = content as IControl; if (content != null && newChild == null) { // We have content and it isn't a control, so first try to recycle the existing // child control to display the new data by querying if the template that created // the child can recycle items and that it also matches the new data. if (oldChild != null && _dataTemplate != null && _dataTemplate.SupportsRecycling && _dataTemplate.Match(content)) { newChild = oldChild; } else { // We couldn't recycle an existing control so find a data template for the data // and use it to create a control. _dataTemplate = this.FindDataTemplate(content, ContentTemplate) ?? FuncDataTemplate.Default; newChild = _dataTemplate.Build(content); // Try to give the new control its own name scope. var controlResult = newChild as Control; if (controlResult != null) { NameScope.SetNameScope(controlResult, new NameScope()); } } } else { _dataTemplate = null; } // Remove the old child if we're not recycling it. if (oldChild != null && newChild != oldChild) { VisualChildren.Remove(oldChild); } // Set the DataContext if the data isn't a control. if (!(content is IControl)) { DataContext = content; } // Update the Child. if (newChild == null) { Child = null; } else if (newChild != oldChild) { ((ISetInheritanceParent)newChild).SetParent(this); Child = newChild; if (oldChild?.Parent == this) { LogicalChildren.Remove(oldChild); } if (newChild.Parent == null) { var templatedLogicalParent = TemplatedParent as ILogical; if (templatedLogicalParent != null) { ((ISetLogicalParent)newChild).SetParent(templatedLogicalParent); } else { LogicalChildren.Add(newChild); } } VisualChildren.Add(newChild); } _createdChild = true; }
internal bool IsTopMost(Window window) { int index = LogicalChildren.IndexOf(window); return(index >= 0 && index == LogicalChildren.Count - 1); }
protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize) { int firstRow = Cells.GetInitialRow(); foreach (var cell in Cells.GetVisibleCells()) { double width = AccumulatedColumnWidths[cell.Column.Index + 1] - AccumulatedColumnWidths[cell.Column.Index] - GridControl.VerticalLinesThickness; cell.Arrange(new Rect(AccumulatedColumnWidths[cell.Column.Index], AccumulatedRowHeights[cell.Row - firstRow], width, cell.DesiredSize.Height)); } UpdateGridLines(); ScrollBar.Arrange(new Rect(finalSize.Width - ScrollBar.Width, 0.0, ScrollBar.Width, finalSize.Height)); return(finalSize); void UpdateGridLines() { int lastAccumulatedColumnWidthsIndex = AccumulatedColumnWidths.Count - 1; while (ColumnLines.Count > lastAccumulatedColumnWidthsIndex) { var columnLine = ColumnLines[ColumnLines.Count - 1]; ColumnLines.Remove(columnLine); LogicalChildren.Remove(columnLine); VisualChildren.Remove(columnLine); } while (lastAccumulatedColumnWidthsIndex > ColumnLines.Count) { Line columnLine = new Line(); columnLine.Stroke = GridControl.VerticalLinesBrush; columnLine.StrokeThickness = GridControl.VerticalLinesThickness; ColumnLines.Add(columnLine); LogicalChildren.Add(columnLine); VisualChildren.Add(columnLine); } int lastAccumulatedRowHeightsIndex = AccumulatedRowHeights.Count(rh => !Double.IsNaN(rh)) - 1; while (RowLines.Count > lastAccumulatedRowHeightsIndex) { var rowLine = RowLines[RowLines.Count - 1]; RowLines.Remove(rowLine); LogicalChildren.Remove(rowLine); VisualChildren.Remove(rowLine); } while (lastAccumulatedRowHeightsIndex > RowLines.Count) { Line rowLine = new Line(); rowLine.Stroke = GridControl.HorizontalLinesBrush; rowLine.StrokeThickness = GridControl.HorizontalLinesThickness; RowLines.Add(rowLine); LogicalChildren.Add(rowLine); VisualChildren.Add(rowLine); } for (int i = 0; i < RowLines.Count; i++) { double y = AccumulatedRowHeights[i + 1] - GridControl.HorizontalLinesThickness / 2.0; RowLines[i].StartPoint = new Point(0.0, y); RowLines[i].EndPoint = new Point(AccumulatedColumnWidths[lastAccumulatedColumnWidthsIndex], y); } for (int i = 0; i < ColumnLines.Count; i++) { double x = AccumulatedColumnWidths[i + 1] - GridControl.VerticalLinesThickness / 2.0; ColumnLines[i].StartPoint = new Point(x, 0.0); ColumnLines[i].EndPoint = new Point(x, AccumulatedRowHeights[lastAccumulatedRowHeightsIndex]); } foreach (var line in RowLines.Concat(ColumnLines)) { line.InvalidateMeasure(); line.Measure(Size.Infinity); } } }