public static void AddRequest(string products, string qty, int id) { string[] productArr = products.Split(',').ToArray(); int[] qtyArr = qty.Split(',').Select(n => Convert.ToInt32(n)).ToArray(); DateTime reqTime = DateTime.Now; using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { string DeptId = db.DepartmentStaff.Where(x => x.StaffId == id).Select(x => x.DeptId).FirstOrDefault(); string DeptName = db.Department.Where(x => x.DeptId == DeptId).Select(x => x.DeptName).FirstOrDefault(); Request request = new Request(); request.StaffId = id; request.DeptId = DeptId; //request.RequestFormId = DeptId + "/"; //request.FavRequest = (save == "yes") ? true : false; request.ReqDate = reqTime; request.Status = status.Pending.ToString(); db.Request.Add(request); db.SaveChanges(); for (int i = 0; i < productArr.Length; i++) { string des = productArr[i]; string productId = db.Product.Where(x => x.Description == des).Select(x => x.ProductId).SingleOrDefault(); RequestDetail rd = new RequestDetail(); rd.ProductId = productId; rd.ReqQty = qtyArr[i]; rd.RequestId = request.RequestId; db.RequestDetail.Add(rd); } db.SaveChanges(); Request r = db.Request.Find(request.RequestId); r.RequestFormId = DeptId + "/" + "R0" + r.RequestId + "-" + DeptName; db.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void AddRequest(string products, string qty, int id, string nameId) { string[] productArr = products.Split(',').ToArray(); int[] qtyArr = qty.Split(',').Select(n => Convert.ToInt32(n)).ToArray(); using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { string DeptId = db.DepartmentStaff.Where(x => x.StaffId == id).Select(x => x.DeptId).FirstOrDefault(); string DeptName = db.Department.Where(x => x.DeptId == DeptId).Select(x => x.DeptName).FirstOrDefault(); FavOrder request = new FavOrder(); request.StaffId = id; request.DeptId = DeptId; request.FavOrderName = nameId; db.FavOrder.Add(request); db.SaveChanges(); for (int i = 0; i < productArr.Length; i++) { string des = productArr[i]; string productId = db.Product.Where(x => x.Description == des).Select(x => x.ProductId).FirstOrDefault(); FavOrderDetails rd = new FavOrderDetails(); rd.ProductId = productId; rd.FavQty = qtyArr[i]; rd.FavOrderId = request.FavOrderId; db.FavOrderDetails.Add(rd); } db.SaveChanges(); FavOrder r = db.FavOrder.Find(request.FavOrderId); r.FavFormId = DeptId + "/" + "F0" + r.FavOrderId + "-" + DeptName; db.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult SetDisbursementList(int id, string status, string deptId) { string[] productIds = Request.Form.GetValues("productId"); string[] requestedQtys = Request.Form.GetValues("requestedQty"); string[] receivedQtys = Request.Form.GetValues("receivedQty"); string[] remarks = Request.Form.GetValues("remarks"); int storeStaffId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form.Get("creatorId")); //Update the item quantities && Set Disburesment status to delivered disbursementDAO.SaveDisbursement(id, status, receivedQtys, remarks, storeStaffId); DepartmentStaff rep = departmentStaffDAO.getDeptRep(deptId); //Set all the orders status to Delivered. Not DAO-ed using (db = new LogicEntities()) { var resultSet = from r in db.Request where r.DeptId == deptId select r; List <Request> requests = resultSet.ToList(); foreach (Request req in requests) { req.Status = "Delivered"; db.Entry(req).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } //if Qty received < Qty Requested, Generate outstanding order in requests Request outstanding = new Request { DeptId = deptId, ReqDate = DateTime.Now, Remark = "Outstanding Order, " + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("d"), Status = "Outstanding", StaffId = rep.StaffId }; List <RequestDetail> outstandingDetails = new List <RequestDetail>(); for (int x = 0; x < requestedQtys.Length; x++) { if (requestedQtys[x] != receivedQtys[x]) { RequestDetail rd = new RequestDetail { ProductId = productIds[x], RequestId = outstanding.RequestId, ReqQty = Convert.ToInt32(requestedQtys[x]) - Convert.ToInt32(receivedQtys[x]), ReceivedQty = 0, //Shouldn't be needed... }; outstandingDetails.Add(rd); } } if (outstandingDetails.Count != 0) { db.Request.Add(outstanding); db.RequestDetail.AddRange(outstandingDetails); db.SaveChanges(); } } return(RedirectToAction("FindDisbursementList")); }
public ActionResult CreateProduct([Bind(Include = "ProductId,Category,Description,Bin,Unit,Qty,ReorderLevel,ReorderQty")] Product product) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Product.Add(product); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("ProductDetails", new { category = product.Category })); } return(View(product)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "DeptId,DeptName,ContactName,PhNo,FaxNo,EmailAddr,HeadId,CollectionPt,RepId")] Department department) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(department).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.CollectionPt = new SelectList(db.CollectionPoint, "CollectionPtId", "CollectionPt", department.CollectionPt); return(View(department)); }
public int SaveNewPO(string supplierId, string[] productIds, string[] requiredQty, int id) { List <PurchaseOrderDetail> purchaseOrderDetails = new List <PurchaseOrderDetail>(); PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder { OrderDate = DateTime.Now, ApprovedDate = null, StaffId = id, //To get this information from the session object Status = "Pending", SupplierId = supplierId, }; for (int x = 0; x < productIds.Length; x++) { PurchaseOrderDetail pod = new PurchaseOrderDetail { OrderId = po.OrderId, ProductId = productIds[x], ReqQty = Convert.ToInt32(requiredQty[x]), }; purchaseOrderDetails.Add(pod); } using (db = new LogicEntities()) { db.PurchaseOrder.Add(po); db.PurchaseOrderDetail.AddRange(purchaseOrderDetails); db.SaveChanges(); } return(po.OrderId); }
public ActionResult AppointStaff(string staffname, DateTime getStartDate, DateTime getEndDate) { var result = db.DepartmentStaff.SingleOrDefault(b => b.StaffName == staffname); var resultStaffId = result.StaffId; string resultDeptId = result.DeptId; var list = db.Authorization.Where(x => x.DeptId == resultDeptId && x.EndDate >= getStartDate && x.StartDate <= getEndDate).ToList(); if (list.Count > 0) { return(Json(new { isok = false, message = "Authorization Unsuccessful" })); } using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { var authorization = db.Set <logicProject.Models.EF.Authorization>(); authorization.Add(new logicProject.Models.EF.Authorization { DeptId = resultDeptId, StaffId = resultStaffId, StartDate = getStartDate, EndDate = getEndDate }); db.SaveChanges(); } List <string> email = new List <string>(); email.Add(result.StaffEmail); string message = Utility.EmailBody.HeadBody + getStartDate.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy") + " and will expired on " + getEndDate.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy"); Utility.EmailService.SendEmail(email, Utility.EmailBody.HeadSubject, message); return(Json(new { isok = true, message = "Authorization Successful", redirect = "/DeptHead/AuthorizeStaff" })); }
public ActionResult AppointStaffApi(string staffname, string getStartDate, string getEndDate) { var result = db.DepartmentStaff.SingleOrDefault(b => b.StaffName == staffname); var resultStaffId = result.StaffId; string resultDeptId = result.DeptId; DateTime fromDate = DateTime.ParseExact(getStartDate, "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); DateTime toDate = DateTime.ParseExact(getEndDate, "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { var authorization = db.Set <logicProject.Models.EF.Authorization>(); authorization.Add(new logicProject.Models.EF.Authorization { DeptId = resultDeptId, StaffId = resultStaffId, StartDate = fromDate, EndDate = toDate }); db.SaveChanges(); } List <string> email = new List <string>(); email.Add(result.StaffEmail); string message = Utility.EmailBody.HeadBody + getStartDate + " and will expired on " + getEndDate; Utility.EmailService.SendEmail(email, Utility.EmailBody.HeadSubject, message); return(Json(new { isok = true, message = "Authorization Successful" })); }
public ActionResult addnew(AdjustmentDetail form_detail_obj) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(form_detail_obj.ProductId)) { return(RedirectToAction("addcart")); } using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { List <AdjustmentDetail> temp = db.AdjustmentDetail.ToList(); int form_details_num = (db.AdjustmentDetail.AsEnumerable().ToList().Count == 0) ? 1 : (db.AdjustmentDetail.AsEnumerable().Max(p => p.AdjustmentDetailId)) + 1; AdjustmentDetail old_rec_to_update = (from f in db.AdjustmentDetail where f.ProductId == form_detail_obj.ProductId && f.AdjustmentId == form_detail_obj.AdjustmentId select f).FirstOrDefault(); if (old_rec_to_update != null) { old_rec_to_update.Qty += form_detail_obj.Qty; } else { //Debug.WriteLine("____________" + form_details_num + "##" + form_detail_obj.AdjustmentId); db.AdjustmentDetail.Add(new AdjustmentDetail { AdjustmentDetailId = form_details_num, AdjustmentId = form_detail_obj.AdjustmentId, ProductId = form_detail_obj.ProductId, Qty = Convert.ToInt32(form_detail_obj.Qty), UnitPrice = form_detail_obj.UnitPrice, TotalPrice = form_detail_obj.TotalPrice, reason = form_detail_obj.reason }); } db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("addcart")); }
public void WithdrawManyItems(string[] itemCodes, string[] retrievedQtys) { List <StockTransaction> stockTransactions = new List <StockTransaction>(); using (db = new LogicEntities()) { for (int x = 0; x < itemCodes.Length; x++) { Product p = db.Product.Find(itemCodes[x]); if (-1 * Convert.ToInt32(retrievedQtys[x]) > p.Qty) { //Throw an error //Not used due to modification made to view validation } else { StockTransaction stockTransaction = new StockTransaction { ProductId = itemCodes[x], Qty = -1 * Convert.ToInt32(retrievedQtys[x]), TranDate = DateTime.Now, Remarks = "Inventory Withdrawal, Date: " + DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("d"), TotalBalance = p.Qty - Convert.ToInt32(retrievedQtys[x]) }; stockTransactions.Add(stockTransaction); } } db.StockTransaction.AddRange(stockTransactions); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void SaveDisbursement(int id, string status, string[] receivedQtys, string[] remarks, int storestaffId) { using (db = new LogicEntities()) { var result = from d in db.Disbursement where d.DisId == id select d; Disbursement dis = result.First(); dis.Status = status; dis.StoreStaffId = storestaffId; var resultSet = from dd in db.DisbursementDetail where dd.DisId == id select dd; List <DisbursementDetail> disbursementDetails = resultSet.ToList(); int x = 0; foreach (DisbursementDetail disd in disbursementDetails) { disd.ReceivedQty = Convert.ToInt32(receivedQtys[x]); disd.Remarks = remarks[x]; x++; } dis.DisbursementDetails = disbursementDetails; db.Entry(dis).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult AppointRep(string staffname) { var result = db.DepartmentStaff.SingleOrDefault(x => x.StaffName == staffname); if (result != null) { var resultId = result.StaffId; var deptId = result.DeptId; Department d = db.Department.Where(x => x.DeptId == deptId).SingleOrDefault(); d.RepId = result.StaffId; db.SaveChanges(); List <string> email = new List <string>(); email.Add(result.StaffEmail); Utility.EmailService.SendEmail(email, Utility.EmailBody.RepresentativeSubject, Utility.EmailBody.RepresentatvieBody); return(Json(new { isok = true, message = "Appointment Successful.", redirect = "/DeptHead/AppointRepresentative" })); } return(Json(new { isok = false, message = "Appointment Unsuccessful.", redirect = "/DeptHead/AppointRepresentative" })); }
public void CreateDisbursements(List <Disbursement> d, List <DisbursementDetail> dd) { using (db = new LogicEntities()) { db.Disbursement.AddRange(d); db.DisbursementDetail.AddRange(dd); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult StoreLogin(string username, string password) { string session = (string)Session["StoreSession"]; if (session != null) { //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Inventory"); } if (username == null || password == null) { return(View()); } StoreStaff user = db.StoreStaff.Where(x => x.Username == username && x.Password == password).SingleOrDefault(); if (user == null) { return(View()); } string sessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (user != null) { user.SessionId = sessionId; db.SaveChanges(); } Session["StoreSession"] = sessionId; Session["StoreStaff"] = user; if (user.StaffType == "Clerk") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Inventory")); } else if (user.StaffType == "Supervisor") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Supervisor")); } else if (user.StaffType == "Manager") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Manager")); } else { return(View()); } }
public void UpdateItemQty(string productId, int qty) { using (db = new LogicEntities()) { Product p = db.Product.Find(productId); p.Qty = p.Qty + qty; db.Entry(p).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } }
//public ActionResult OutstandingDisbursementList() //{ // DateTime cutoff = DateTime.Now.Date; // List<Department> departments = new List<Department>(); // departments = departmentDAO.GetDepartmentsWithOutstandingOrders(cutoff); // ViewData["departments"] = departments; // return View(); //} public ActionResult GenerateDisbursementLists() { DateTime cutoff = DateTime.Now.Date; //Ensures that orders only up to yesterday 2359 is taken into consideration List <Department> departments = departmentDAO.GetDepartmentsWithOutstandingOrders(cutoff); List <DisbursementDetailViewModel> consolidatedOrders = new List <DisbursementDetailViewModel>(); foreach (Department d in departments) { DepartmentStaff rep = departmentStaffDAO.getDeptRep(d.DeptId); using (db = new LogicEntities()) { var resultSet = from rd in db.RequestDetail from r in db.Request where (r.Status.Contains("New") || r.Status.Contains("Outstanding")) && r.RequestId == rd.RequestId && r.DeptId == d.DeptId && r.ReqDate < cutoff group rd by new { rd.ProductId, r.DeptId } into g select new DisbursementDetailViewModel //Note to self: Groupby only works with enums or primitive data types { ProductId = g.Key.ProductId, DepartmentId = g.Key.DeptId, Quantity = g.Sum(x => x.ReqQty) }; consolidatedOrders = resultSet.ToList(); Disbursement dis = new Disbursement { DisDate = DateTime.Now, Status = "Pending", DeptId = d.DeptId, StoreStaffId = null, ReceiveStaffId = rep.StaffId, CollectionPointId = d.CollectionPt }; List <DisbursementDetail> disbursementdetails = new List <DisbursementDetail>(); foreach (DisbursementDetailViewModel p in consolidatedOrders) { DisbursementDetail dd = new DisbursementDetail { ProductId = p.ProductId, RequiredQty = p.Quantity, ReceivedQty = 0, DisId = dis.DisId }; disbursementdetails.Add(dd); } db.Disbursement.Add(dis); db.DisbursementDetail.AddRange(disbursementdetails); db.SaveChanges(); } } return(RedirectToAction("FindDisbursementList")); }
public ActionResult ViewLowStock() { List <Product> items; using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { items = db.Product.Where(item => item.Qty < item.ReorderLevel).ToList(); db.SaveChanges(); } ViewData["items"] = items; return(View()); }
public ActionResult ViewVoucherList() { List <Adjustment> cart_list; using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { cart_list = db.Database.SqlQuery <Adjustment>("select distinct a.* from Adjustments a join AdjustmentDetails ad on a.AdjustmentId=ad.AdjustmentId where (select sum(x.TotalPrice) from AdjustmentDetails x where x.AdjustmentId=a.AdjustmentId group by x.AdjustmentId) > 250").ToList(); db.SaveChanges(); } ViewData["cart_list"] = cart_list; return(View()); }
public ActionResult GetLocationAsync(int locationId) { DepartmentStaff ds = Session["DeptStaff"] as DepartmentStaff; string DeptId = ds.DeptId; Department d = db.Department.Where(x => x.DeptId == DeptId).SingleOrDefault(); d.CollectionPt = locationId; db.SaveChanges(); List <String> list = db.StoreStaff.Select(x => x.StaffEmail).ToList(); string message = Utility.EmailBody.CollectionSubject + "\n" + "By " + d.DeptName; Utility.EmailService.SendEmail(list, Utility.EmailBody.CollectionSubject, message); //await e.SendEmailAsync("*****@*****.**", "hello", "das"); return(Json(new { isok = true, message = "Collection Point is set.", redirect = "/Departments/Dashboard", locationId = locationId })); }
public ActionResult CreateSupplier([Bind(Include = "SupplierId,SupplierName,GSTRegNo,ContactName,FaxNo,PhNo,Address")] Supplier supplier) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Supplier.Add(supplier); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("SupplierList")); } return(View(supplier)); }
public void SetPOStatus(string status, string remarks, int id) { using (db = new LogicEntities()) { var result = from po in db.PurchaseOrder where po.OrderId == id select po; PurchaseOrder p = result.First(); p.Status = status; p.ApprovedDate = DateTime.Now; p.Remarks = remarks; //Additional remarks column for po needed, must be able to be null db.Entry(p).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); } }
//public ActionResult EditDepartmentDetails(string id) //{ // if (id == null) // { // return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); // } // Department department = db.Department.Find(id); // if (department == null) // { // return HttpNotFound(); // } // ViewBag.CollectionPt = new SelectList(db.CollectionPoint, "CollectionPtId", "CollectionPt", department.CollectionPt); // return View(department); //} //[HttpPost] //[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] //public ActionResult EditDepartmentDetails([Bind(Include = "DeptId,DeptName,ContactName,PhNo,FaxNo,EmailAddr,HeadId,CollectionPt,RepId")] Department department) //{ // if (ModelState.IsValid) // { // db.Entry(department).State = EntityState.Modified; // db.SaveChanges(); // return RedirectToAction("DepartmentDetails"); // } // ViewBag.CollectionPt = new SelectList(db.CollectionPoint, "CollectionPtId", "CollectionPt", department.CollectionPt); // return View(department); //} //Code from Antonio ends here //Code by Uday begins below public ActionResult ApproveForm(int id) { List <AdjustmentDetail> cart_list; using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { cart_list = db.AdjustmentDetail.Where(item => item.AdjustmentId == id).ToList(); Adjustment req = db.Adjustment.Where(x => x.AdjustmentId == id).SingleOrDefault(); ViewData["cart_list"] = cart_list; ViewData["adjustment"] = req; db.SaveChanges(); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult AppointStaff(string staffname) { //Debug.WriteLine("name=" +staffname); var result = db.DepartmentStaff.SingleOrDefault(x => x.StaffName == staffname); if (result != null) { var resultId = result.StaffId; var deptId = result.DeptId; //Debug.WriteLine("Result/StaffId" + resultId); //Debug.WriteLine("DeptID" + deptId); Department d = db.Department.Where(x => x.DeptId == deptId).SingleOrDefault(); d.RepId = result.StaffId; db.SaveChanges(); } return(Json(new { isok = true, message = "Appointment Successful" })); }
public ActionResult AppointStaff(string staffname, DateTime getStartDate, DateTime getEndDate) { var result = db.DepartmentStaff.SingleOrDefault(b => b.StaffName == staffname); var resultStaffId = result.StaffId; var resultDeptId = int.Parse(result.DeptId); //Debug.WriteLine("staff id is:" + resultId); using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { //DateTime now = DateTime.Now; var authorization = db.Set <Authorization>(); authorization.Add(new Authorization { AuthNo = 1, DeptId = resultDeptId, StaffId = resultStaffId, StartDate = getStartDate, EndDate = getEndDate }); db.SaveChanges(); } return(Json(new { isok = true, message = "Authorization Successful" })); }
public ActionResult submitrequest() { int emp_id = int.Parse(Request.Form["emp_id"]); int form_number = int.Parse(Request.Form["form_number"]); using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { Adjustment old_rec_to_update = (from f in db.Adjustment where f.StaffId == emp_id && f.AdjustmentId == form_number && f.Status == "temp" select f).FirstOrDefault(); if (old_rec_to_update != null) { old_rec_to_update.Status = "Pending"; } db.SaveChanges(); } //Send email to either manager/supervisor return(View("index")); }
public void UpdateItemQty(string[] productIds, string[] qtys, bool isAdd) { using (db = new LogicEntities()) { for (int x = 0; x < productIds.Length; x++) { Product p = db.Product.Find(productIds[x]); if (isAdd) { p.Qty = p.Qty + Convert.ToInt32(qtys[x]); } else { p.Qty = p.Qty - Convert.ToInt32(qtys[x]); } db.Entry(p).State = EntityState.Modified; } db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void UpdateQuantityOneItem(string itemCode, string purpose, int qty, DateTime date, string transactionDetails) { if (purpose == "Withdrawal") { qty = -qty; } using (db = new LogicEntities()) { Product p = db.Product.Find(itemCode); StockTransaction st = new StockTransaction { ProductId = itemCode, TranDate = date, Qty = qty, TotalBalance = p.Qty + qty, Remarks = purpose + " " + transactionDetails //Need an additional remarks field }; db.StockTransaction.Add(st); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void AddManyItems(string[] itemCodes, string[] receivedQtys, DateTime date, string supplierId, string comments) { List <StockTransaction> stockTransactions = new List <StockTransaction>(); using (db = new LogicEntities()) { for (int x = 0; x < itemCodes.Length; x++) { Product p = db.Product.Find(itemCodes[x]); StockTransaction stockTransaction = new StockTransaction { ProductId = itemCodes[x], Qty = Convert.ToInt32(receivedQtys[x]), TranDate = date, Remarks = "Inventory Received, Date: " + date.Date.ToString("d") + " " + supplierId + " " + comments, TotalBalance = p.Qty + Convert.ToInt32(receivedQtys[x]) }; stockTransactions.Add(stockTransaction); } db.StockTransaction.AddRange(stockTransactions); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult ApproveForm(string approve, string reject, string remarks, int id) { using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { Adjustment rd = db.Adjustment.Find(id); StoreStaff staff = db.StoreStaff.Find(rd.StaffId); List <string> emails = new List <string>(); emails.Add(staff.StaffEmail); string subj = "Status - Adjustment Form: " + rd.AdjustmentId; if (approve == "Approve") { rd.Status = approve; rd.Remark = remarks; db.SaveChanges(); List <AdjustmentDetail> adjustmentDetails = db.AdjustmentDetail.Where(x => x.AdjustmentId == id).ToList(); foreach (var detail in adjustmentDetails) { var res = db.Product.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == detail.ProductId); //var res2 = db.StockTransaction.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == detail.ProductId); if (res != null) { res.Qty += detail.Qty; db.SaveChanges(); } StockTransaction st = new StockTransaction { TranDate = DateTime.Now, ProductId = detail.ProductId, Qty = detail.Qty, Remarks = "Inventory Adjustment: " + detail.reason, TotalBalance = res.Qty }; db.StockTransaction.Add(st); db.SaveChanges(); //if (res2 != null) //{ // res2.Qty += detail.Qty; // db.SaveChanges(); //} } //Send email to notify that adjustment voucher has been approved string msg = "Dear " + staff.StaffName + ",\n Your Adjustment voucher has been approved."; EmailService.SendEmail(emails, subj, msg); } else if (reject == "Reject") { rd.Status = reject; rd.Remark = remarks; db.SaveChanges(); //Send email to notify that adjustment has been rejected string msg = "Dear " + staff.StaffName + ",\n Your Adjustment voucher has been rejected."; EmailService.SendEmail(emails, subj, msg); } } return(RedirectToAction("ViewVoucherList")); }
public ActionResult create_form() { StoreStaff user = new StoreStaff(); user = (StoreStaff)Session["StoreStaff"]; using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { db.Adjustment.RemoveRange(db.Adjustment.Where(x => x.Status == "temp").ToList()); db.SaveChanges(); } int form_number = 1; using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { if (db.Adjustment.AsEnumerable().ToList().Count != 0) { form_number = db.Adjustment.AsEnumerable().Max(p => p.AdjustmentId); //Debug.WriteLine("***************** before" + form_number); form_number = form_number + 1; //Debug.WriteLine("***************** after" + form_number); } else { form_number = 1; } } //Debug.WriteLine("*****************" + form_number); using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { db.Adjustment.Add(new Adjustment { AdjustmentId = form_number, Remark = "--", AdjustedDate = DateTime.Now.Date, StaffId = user.StaffId, Status = "temp" }); db.SaveChanges(); } List <ProductViewModel> items; int num_new; using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { //items = db.Product.Select(p => new Product //{ // ProductId = p.ProductId, // Category = p.Category, // Description = p.Description, // Qty = p.Qty //}).ToList(); //items = db.Product.ToList(); items = getProducts(db); num_new = db.Adjustment.AsEnumerable().Max(p => p.AdjustmentId); } ViewData["form_number"] = num_new; ViewData["items"] = items; ViewData["msg"] = num_new.ToString(); return(View()); }