예제 #1
        public static string findBeat(double lat, double lon)
            string beatName = "NOT FOUND";

                foreach (beatInformation bi in beatInfos)
                    var bsFound = from bs in BeatSegments.bsPolyList
                                  where bi.beatSegmentList.Contains(bs.segmentID)
                                  select bs;
                    foreach (beatSegmentPolygonData bsd in bsFound)
                        if (lat >= bsd.minLat && lon <= bsd.maxLat && lon >= bsd.minLon && lon <= bsd.maxLat)
                            int i;
                            int j = bsd.geoFence.Count - 1;
                            for (i = 0; i < bsd.geoFence.Count; i++)
                                if (bsd.geoFence[i].lon < lon && bsd.geoFence[j].lon >= lon ||
                                    bsd.geoFence[j].lon < lon && bsd.geoFence[i].lon >= lon)
                                    if (bsd.geoFence[i].lat + (lon - bsd.geoFence[i].lon) / (bsd.geoFence[j].lon - bsd.geoFence[i].lon) * (bsd.geoFence[j].lat - bsd.geoFence[i].lat) < lat)
                                        beatInformation biRet = (beatInformation)bsFound;
                                        beatName = biRet.BeatName;
                                j = i;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.EventLogger logger = new Logging.EventLogger();
                logger.LogEvent(ex.ToString(), true);
예제 #2
        public static bool checkBeatIntersect(double lat, double lon, string beatID)
            bool inPoly = false;

            try {
                var found = from bi in beatInfos
                            where bi.BeatID == beatID
                            select bi;
                foreach (beatInformation bi in found)
                    var bsFound = from bs in BeatSegments.bsPolyList
                                  where bi.beatSegmentList.Contains(bs.segmentID)
                                  select bs;
                    foreach (beatSegmentPolygonData bsd in bsFound)
                        if (lat >= bsd.minLat && lon <= bsd.maxLat && lon >= bsd.minLon && lon <= bsd.maxLat)
                            int i;
                            int j = bsd.geoFence.Count - 1;
                            for (i = 0; i < bsd.geoFence.Count; i++)
                                if (bsd.geoFence[i].lon < lon && bsd.geoFence[j].lon >= lon ||
                                    bsd.geoFence[j].lon < lon && bsd.geoFence[i].lon >= lon)
                                    if (bsd.geoFence[i].lat + (lon - bsd.geoFence[i].lon) / (bsd.geoFence[j].lon - bsd.geoFence[i].lon) * (bsd.geoFence[j].lat - bsd.geoFence[i].lat) < lat)
                                        inPoly = !inPoly;
                                j = i;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Logging.EventLogger logger = new Logging.EventLogger();
                logger.LogEvent(ex.ToString(), true);
예제 #3
        private void UDPListenThread()
            logger = new Logging.EventLogger(); //for the initial dev phase we're going to log a lot, disable this before
            //rolling out to production
            udpListener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
            IPEndPoint ourEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 9017);
            IPEndPoint end         = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 9017);
            EndPoint   Identifier  = (EndPoint)end;


            while (true)
                string message = null;;
                    bool fwdThisMessage = true;
                    int  length         = udpListener.ReceiveFrom(data, ref Identifier);
                    message = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, length);
                    string _ipaddr = ((IPEndPoint)Identifier).Address.ToString();
                    if (message.Contains("<FWD>"))
                        //it's a forwarded message, remove the <FWD> tags and find the specified IPAddress
                        //then treat it like a normal packet
                        message = message.Replace("<FWD>", "");
                        int firstLT = message.IndexOf('<');
                        _ipaddr        = message.Substring(0, firstLT);
                        message        = message.Replace(_ipaddr + "</FWD>", "");
                        fwdThisMessage = false;
                        //done, let it move on
                    //JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    TowTruck.TowTruck thisTruck;
                    thisTruck = DataClasses.GlobalData.FindTowTruck(_ipaddr);
                    string type = "";
                        if (message.Contains("<GPS>"))
                            type = "GPS";
                            if (forward == true && fwdThisMessage == true)
                                string fwdMsg = "<FWD>" + _ipaddr + "</FWD>" + message;
                                foreach (string s in OtherServers)
                                    udpSend.ForwardMessage(fwdMsg, s);
                    { }
                        if (message.Contains("<State>"))
                            type = "State";
                            if (forward == true && fwdThisMessage == true)
                                string fwdMsg = "<FWD>" + _ipaddr + "</FWD>" + message;
                                foreach (string s in OtherServers)
                                    udpSend.ForwardMessage(fwdMsg, s);
                    { }
                        if (message.Contains("<IPHistory>"))
                            type = "IPHistory";
                            if (forward == true && fwdThisMessage == true)
                                string fwdMsg = "<FWD>" + _ipaddr + "</FWD>" + message;
                                foreach (string s in OtherServers)
                                    udpSend.ForwardMessage(fwdMsg, s);
                    { }

                     * string[] splitMsg = message.Split('|');
                     * string type = splitMsg[0].ToString();
                     * string msg = splitMsg[1].ToString();
                     * */
                    TowTruck.GPS       thisGPS   = null;
                    TowTruck.State     thisState = null;
                    TowTruck.IPHistory history   = null;
                    if (type == "GPS")
                        //thisGPS = js.Deserialize<TowTruck.GPS>(msg);
                        XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TowTruck.GPS));
                        StringReader  rdr = new StringReader(message);
                        thisGPS = (TowTruck.GPS)ser.Deserialize(rdr);
                        SqlGeographyBuilder builder = new SqlGeographyBuilder();
                        builder.BeginFigure(thisGPS.Lat, thisGPS.Lon);
                        thisGPS.Position = builder.ConstructedGeography;
                    else if (type == "State")
                        XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TowTruck.State));
                        //testing, this was causing an error on parse, but couldn't find a reason why
                        message = message.Replace(" xmlns=''", "");
                        StringReader rdr = new StringReader(message);
                        thisState = (TowTruck.State)ser.Deserialize(rdr);
                    else if (type == "IPHistory")
                        XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TowTruck.IPHistory));
                        StringReader  rdr = new StringReader(message);
                        history = (TowTruck.IPHistory)ser.Deserialize(rdr);
                    if (thisTruck != null)
                            thisTruck.LastMessage.LastMessageReceived = DateTime.Now;
                            DataClasses.GlobalData.UpdateTowTruck(_ipaddr, thisTruck);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thisTruck.Extended.TruckNumber))
                                SQL.SQLCode mySQL = new SQL.SQLCode();
                                TowTruck.TowTruckExtended thisExtended = mySQL.GetExtendedData(thisTruck.Identifier);
                                thisTruck.Extended    = thisExtended;
                                thisTruck.TruckNumber = thisExtended.TruckNumber;

                            /*if (thisTruck.assignedBeat.Loaded == false)  //
                             * {
                             *  SQL.SQLCode mySQL = new SQL.SQLCode();
                             *  TowTruck.AssignedBeat thisAssignedBeat = mySQL.GetAssignedBeat(thisTruck.Extended.FleetVehicleID);
                             *  if (thisAssignedBeat != null)
                             *  {
                             *      thisTruck.assignedBeat = thisAssignedBeat;
                             *  }
                             * }*/
                        catch { }
                            thisTruck = new TowTruck.TowTruck(_ipaddr);
                            SQL.SQLCode mySQL = new SQL.SQLCode();
                            TowTruck.TowTruckExtended thisExtended = mySQL.GetExtendedData(thisTruck.Identifier);
                            thisTruck.Extended             = thisExtended;
                            thisTruck.TruckNumber          = thisExtended.TruckNumber;
                            thisTruck.Status.StatusStarted = DateTime.Now;
                        catch { }
                    if (type == "GPS")
                    if (type == "State")
                    if (type == "IPHistory")
                        if (thisTruck.State != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(thisTruck.State.IPList))
                            thisTruck.State.IPList += history.IP;
                        else if (thisTruck.State != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(thisTruck.State.IPList))
                            thisTruck.State.IPList += "," + history.IP;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.LogEvent(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Error in UDP Listening Thread" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString() +
                                    Environment.NewLine + "Original Message:" + Environment.NewLine + message, true);
예제 #4
        void dumpTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
                if (DataClasses.GlobalData.currentTrucks.Count > 0)
                    Guid     _beatID       = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");
                    string[] srvListString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OtherServers"].ToString().Split('|');
                    //List<TowTruck.TowTruck> allTrucks = new List<TowTruck.TowTruck>();
                    List <srSecondaryService.CopyTruck> ctList = new List <srSecondaryService.CopyTruck>();
                    foreach (TowTruck.TowTruck t in DataClasses.GlobalData.currentTrucks)
                        if (t.assignedBeat.BeatID != null && t.assignedBeat.BeatID != new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"))
                            _beatID = t.GPSPosition.BeatID;
                        srSecondaryService.CopyTruck newTruck = new srSecondaryService.CopyTruck();
                        newTruck.Status     = new srSecondaryService.CopyStatus();
                        newTruck.Driver     = new srSecondaryService.CopyDriver();
                        newTruck.Extended   = new srSecondaryService.CopyExtended();
                        newTruck.Identifier = t.Identifier;
                        newTruck.BeatID     = t.assignedBeat.BeatID;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.assignedBeat.BeatNumber))
                            newTruck.BeatNumber = t.assignedBeat.BeatNumber;
                            newTruck.BeatNumber = "UNASSIGNED";
                        //set up Status
                        newTruck.Status.SpeedingAlarm           = t.Status.SpeedingAlarm;
                        newTruck.Status.SpeedingValue           = t.Status.SpeedingValue;
                        newTruck.Status.SpeedingTime            = t.Status.SpeedingTime;
                        newTruck.Status.OutOfBoundsAlarm        = t.Status.OutOfBoundsAlarm;
                        newTruck.Status.OutOfBoundsMessage      = t.Status.OutOfBoundsMessage;
                        newTruck.Status.OutOfBoundsTime         = t.Status.OutOfBoundsTime;
                        newTruck.Status.OutOfBoundsStartTime    = t.Status.OutOfBoundsStartTime;
                        newTruck.Status.VehicleStatus           = t.Status.VehicleStatus;
                        newTruck.Status.StatusStarted           = t.Status.StatusStarted;
                        newTruck.Status.LogOnAlarm              = t.Status.LogOnAlarm;
                        newTruck.Status.LogOnAlarmTime          = t.Status.LogOnAlarmTime;
                        newTruck.Status.LogOnAlarmCleared       = t.Status.LogOnAlarmCleared;
                        newTruck.Status.LogOnAlarmExcused       = t.Status.LogOnAlarmExcused;
                        newTruck.Status.LogOnAlarmComments      = t.Status.LogOnAlarmComments;
                        newTruck.Status.RollOutAlarm            = t.Status.RollOutAlarm;
                        newTruck.Status.RollOutAlarmTime        = t.Status.RollOutAlarmTime;
                        newTruck.Status.RollOutAlarmCleared     = t.Status.RollOutAlarmCleared;
                        newTruck.Status.RollOutAlarmExcused     = t.Status.RollOutAlarmExcused;
                        newTruck.Status.RollOutAlarmComments    = t.Status.RollOutAlarmComments;
                        newTruck.Status.OnPatrolAlarm           = t.Status.OnPatrolAlarm;
                        newTruck.Status.OnPatrolAlarmTime       = t.Status.OnPatrolAlarmTime;
                        newTruck.Status.OnPatrolAlarmCleared    = t.Status.OnPatrolAlarmCleared;
                        newTruck.Status.OnPatrolAlarmExcused    = t.Status.OnPatrolAlarmExcused;
                        newTruck.Status.OnPatrolAlarmComments   = t.Status.OnPatrolAlarmComments;
                        newTruck.Status.RollInAlarm             = t.Status.RollInAlarm;
                        newTruck.Status.RollInAlarmTime         = t.Status.RollInAlarmTime;
                        newTruck.Status.RollInAlarmCleared      = t.Status.RollInAlarmCleared;
                        newTruck.Status.RollInAlarmExcused      = t.Status.RollInAlarmExcused;
                        newTruck.Status.RollInAlarmComments     = t.Status.RollInAlarmComments;
                        newTruck.Status.LogOffAlarm             = t.Status.LogOffAlarm;
                        newTruck.Status.LogOffAlarmTime         = t.Status.LogOffAlarmTime;
                        newTruck.Status.LogOffAlarmCleared      = t.Status.LogOffAlarmCleared;
                        newTruck.Status.LogOffAlarmExcused      = t.Status.LogOffAlarmExcused;
                        newTruck.Status.LogOffAlarmComments     = t.Status.LogOffAlarmComments;
                        newTruck.Status.IncidentAlarm           = t.Status.IncidentAlarm;
                        newTruck.Status.IncidentAlarmTime       = t.Status.IncidentAlarmTime;
                        newTruck.Status.IncidentAlarmCleared    = t.Status.IncidentAlarmCleared;
                        newTruck.Status.IncidentAlarmExcused    = t.Status.IncidentAlarmExcused;
                        newTruck.Status.IncidentAlarmComments   = t.Status.IncidentAlarmComments;
                        newTruck.Status.GPSIssueAlarm           = t.Status.GPSIssueAlarm;      //handles NO GPS
                        newTruck.Status.GPSIssueAlarmStart      = t.Status.GPSIssueAlarmStart; //handles NO GPS
                        newTruck.Status.GPSIssueAlarmCleared    = t.Status.GPSIssueAlarmCleared;
                        newTruck.Status.GPSIssueAlarmExcused    = t.Status.GPSIssueAlarmExcused;
                        newTruck.Status.GPSIssueAlarmComments   = t.Status.GPSIssueAlarmComments;
                        newTruck.Status.StationaryAlarm         = t.Status.StationaryAlarm;      //handles no movement, speed = 0
                        newTruck.Status.StationaryAlarmStart    = t.Status.StationaryAlarmStart; //handles no movement, speed = 0
                        newTruck.Status.StationaryAlarmCleared  = t.Status.StationaryAlarmCleared;
                        newTruck.Status.StationaryAlarmExcused  = t.Status.StationaryAlarmExcused;
                        newTruck.Status.StationaryAlarmComments = t.Status.StationaryAlarmComments;
                        //update driver
                        newTruck.Driver.DriverID        = t.Driver.DriverID;
                        newTruck.Driver.LastName        = t.Driver.LastName;
                        newTruck.Driver.FirstName       = t.Driver.FirstName;
                        newTruck.Driver.TowTruckCompany = t.Driver.TowTruckCompany;
                        newTruck.Driver.FSPID           = t.Driver.FSPID;
                        newTruck.Driver.AssignedBeat    = t.Driver.AssignedBeat;
                        newTruck.Driver.BeatScheduleID  = t.Driver.BeatScheduleID;
                        newTruck.Driver.BreakStarted    = t.Driver.BreakStarted;
                        newTruck.Driver.LunchStarted    = t.Driver.LunchStarted;
                        //Extended data
                        newTruck.Extended.ContractorName         = t.Extended.ContractorName;
                        newTruck.Extended.ContractorID           = t.Extended.ContractorID;
                        newTruck.Extended.TruckNumber            = t.Extended.TruckNumber;
                        newTruck.Extended.FleetNumber            = t.Extended.FleetNumber;
                        newTruck.Extended.ProgramStartDate       = t.Extended.ProgramStartDate;
                        newTruck.Extended.VehicleType            = t.Extended.VehicleType;
                        newTruck.Extended.VehicleYear            = t.Extended.VehicleYear;
                        newTruck.Extended.VehicleMake            = t.Extended.VehicleMake;
                        newTruck.Extended.VehicleModel           = t.Extended.VehicleModel;
                        newTruck.Extended.LicensePlate           = t.Extended.LicensePlate;
                        newTruck.Extended.RegistrationExpireDate = t.Extended.RegistrationExpireDate;
                        newTruck.Extended.InsuranceExpireDate    = t.Extended.InsuranceExpireDate;
                        newTruck.Extended.LastCHPInspection      = t.Extended.LastCHPInspection;
                        newTruck.Extended.ProgramEndDate         = t.Extended.ProgramEndDate;
                        newTruck.Extended.FAW            = t.Extended.FAW;
                        newTruck.Extended.RAW            = t.Extended.RAW;
                        newTruck.Extended.RAWR           = t.Extended.RAWR;
                        newTruck.Extended.GVW            = t.Extended.GVW;
                        newTruck.Extended.GVWR           = t.Extended.GVWR;
                        newTruck.Extended.Wheelbase      = t.Extended.Wheelbase;
                        newTruck.Extended.Overhang       = t.Extended.Overhang;
                        newTruck.Extended.MAXTW          = t.Extended.MAXTW;
                        newTruck.Extended.MAXTWCALCDATE  = t.Extended.MAXTWCALCDATE;
                        newTruck.Extended.FuelType       = t.Extended.FuelType;
                        newTruck.Extended.FleetVehicleID = t.Extended.FleetVehicleID;

                    for (int i = 0; i < srvListString.Count(); i++)
                        srSecondaryService.TowTruckServiceClient sr = new srSecondaryService.TowTruckServiceClient();
                        sr.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("http://" + srvListString[i].ToString() + ":9007/TowTruckService.svc"));
                        foreach (srSecondaryService.CopyTruck t in ctList)
            catch (Exception ex)
                evtLog = new Logging.EventLogger();
                evtLog.LogEvent("Error dumping trucks to secondary service" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString(), true);
                logger.writeToLogFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Error dumping trucks to secondary service" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +
예제 #5
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * Open connection to DB
            String ConnStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FSPdb"].ToString();
            string txtInstaller, txtVehicleID, txtIPAddress, txtSSN, txtIDate, txtUSpeed, txtDspeed, txtTTC, txtSSC;
            bool   txtSecure, txtCell, txtPower, txtRouterSecure, txtMoisture, txtSpeedTest, txtGPS;

            int[] check;
            check = new int[16];
            bool clicked = true;

            if (clicked == true)
                txtInstaller = installerName.Text;
                if (txtInstaller.Equals(""))
                    iName.InnerText = "*";
                    check[0]        = 1;
                    iName.InnerText = "";
                    check[0]        = 0;
                txtVehicleID = vID.Text;
                if (txtVehicleID.Equals(""))
                    VehID.InnerText = "*";
                    check[1]        = 1;
                    VehID.InnerText = "";
                    check[1]        = 0;
                txtIPAddress = IPAdd.Text;
                if (txtIPAddress.Equals(""))
                    IPA.InnerText = "*";
                    check[2]      = 1;
                    IPA.InnerText = "";
                    check[2]      = 0;
                txtSSN = sysSerNumber.Text;
                if (txtSSN.Equals(""))
                    S.InnerText = "*";
                    check[3]    = 1;
                    S.InnerText = "";
                    check[3]    = 0;
                txtIDate = installDate.Text;
                if (txtIDate.Equals(""))
                    ID.InnerText = "*";
                    check[4]     = 1;
                    ID.InnerText = "";
                    check[4]     = 0;
                txtUSpeed = UploadSpeed.Text;
                if (txtUSpeed.Equals(""))
                    US.InnerText = "*";
                    check[5]     = 1;
                    US.InnerText = "";
                    check[5]     = 0;
                txtDspeed = DownloadSpeed.Text;
                if (txtDspeed.Equals(""))
                    DS.InnerText = "*";
                    check[6]     = 1;
                    DS.InnerText = "";
                    check[6]     = 0;
                txtTTC = towTruckCompany.Text;
                if (txtTTC.Equals(""))
                    tTC.InnerText = "*";
                    check[7]      = 1;
                    tTC.InnerText = "";
                    check[7]      = 0;
                //Check box checking
                txtSecure = Secure.Checked;
                if (txtSecure == false)
                    Sec.InnerHtml = "*";
                    check[8]      = 1;
                    Sec.InnerHtml = "";
                    check[8]      = 0;
                txtCell = Cell.Checked;
                if (txtCell == false)
                    Ce.InnerHtml = "*";
                    check[9]     = 1;
                    Ce.InnerHtml = "";
                    check[9]     = 0;
                txtPower = Power.Checked;
                if (txtPower == false)
                    Pow.InnerHtml = "*";
                    check[10]     = 1;
                    Pow.InnerHtml = "";
                    check[10]     = 0;
                txtRouterSecure = routerSecure.Checked;
                if (txtRouterSecure == false)
                    RoutSec.InnerHtml = "*";
                    check[11]         = 1;
                    RoutSec.InnerHtml = "";
                    check[11]         = 0;
                txtMoisture = Moisture.Checked;
                if (txtMoisture == false)
                    Moist.InnerHtml = "*";
                    check[12]       = 1;
                    Moist.InnerHtml = "";
                    check[12]       = 0;
                txtSpeedTest = SpeedTest.Checked;
                if (txtSpeedTest == false)
                    SpeedT.InnerHtml = "*";
                    check[13]        = 1;
                    SpeedT.InnerHtml = "";
                    check[13]        = 0;
                txtGPS = GPS.Checked;
                if (txtGPS == false)
                    G.InnerHtml = "*";
                    check[14]   = 1;
                    G.InnerHtml = "";
                    check[14]   = 0;
                txtSSC = ddlContractors.Text;
                if (txtSSC.Equals(""))
                    Cont.InnerHtml = "*";
                    check[15]      = 1;
                    Cont.InnerHtml = "";
                    check[15]      = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < check.Length; i++)
                    if (check[i] == 1)
                        emsg.InnerText = "* Indicates a required field.";
                if (check[0] == 0 &&
                    check[1] == 0 &&
                    check[2] == 0 &&
                    check[3] == 0 &&
                    check[4] == 0 &&
                    check[5] == 0 &&
                    check[6] == 0 &&
                    check[7] == 0 &&
                    check[8] == 0 &&
                    check[9] == 0 &&
                    check[10] == 0 &&
                    check[11] == 0 &&
                    check[12] == 0 &&
                    check[13] == 0 &&
                    check[14] == 0 &&
                    check[15] == 0)

                    emsg.InnerText = "";
                SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnStr);
                    String     SQL  = "LogTowTruckSetup";
                    String     SQL2 = "FixTruckNumber";
                    SqlCommand cmd  = new SqlCommand(SQL, conn);
                    SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand(SQL2, conn);
                    cmd.CommandType  = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ParameterName", "ParameterValue");
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MountedSecurely", Secure.Checked);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ConnectedToCell", Cell.Checked);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DCPowerConnected", Power.Checked);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RouterUnitMountedSecurely", routerSecure.Checked);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MoistureFree", Moisture.Checked);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Speedtest", SpeedTest.Text);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@GPSSentProperly", GPS.Checked);
                    //Text Box input
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@InstallerName", installerName.Text);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TowTruckCompany", towTruckCompany.Text);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@VehicleID", vID.Text);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SystemSerialNumber", sysSerNumber.Text);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IPAddress", IPAdd.Text);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UploadSpeed", UploadSpeed.Text);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DownloadSpeed", DownloadSpeed.Text);
                    cmd = null;

                    cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IPAddress", IPAdd.Text);
                    cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ContractorID", ddlContractors.Text);
                    cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@VehicleNumber", vID.Text);
                    cmd2 = null;
            }catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.EventLogger logger = new Logging.EventLogger();
                logger.LogEvent(DateTime.Now.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Error uploading TowTruck CheckList" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString(), true);
                Response.Write("The following error has occured" + ex);

            installerName.Text   = "";
            installDate.Text     = "";
            towTruckCompany.Text = "";
            vID.Text             = "";
            sysSerNumber.Text    = "";
            IPAdd.Text           = "";
            UploadSpeed.Text     = "";
            DownloadSpeed.Text   = "";
            Secure.Checked       = false;
            Cell.Checked         = false;
            Power.Checked        = false;
            routerSecure.Checked = false;
            Moisture.Checked     = false;
            SpeedTest.Checked    = false;
            GPS.Checked          = false;

             * Checks for filled out text boxes
             * if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(installerName.Text))
             * {
             *  Response.Write("Please fill out the Installer Name");
             *  return;
             * }
             * if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vehicleIDDescription.Text))
             * {
             *  Response.Write("Please enter Vehicle ID/Description");
             * }
             * if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IPAddress.Text))
             * {
             *  Response.Write("Please enter an IP Address");
             * }
             * if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sysSerialNumber.Text))
             * {
             *  Response.Write("Please enter a System Serial Number");
             * }
             * if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(installationDate.Text))
             * {
             *  Response.Write("Please fill out the Installation Date");
             * }
             * if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qualityAssurInspectDate.Text))
             * {
             *  Response.Write("Please fill out the Quality Assurance Inspection Date");
             * }
             *              */
             * Checks for checked boxes
             * if(Secure.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Is the Roof Antenna Mounted Securely?");
             * }
             * if (Sealed.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Is the Roof Antenna Sealed with Silicone Sealant?");
             * }
             * if (Cell.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Is the Roof Antenna Connected to \"Cell\" on the Router?");
             * }
             * if (GPS.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Is the Roof Antenna Connected to \"GPS\" on the Router?");
             * }
             * if (Wifi.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Is the roof Antenna Connected to \"WIFI\" on the Router?");
             * }
             * if (Power.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Is the DC Power Connected Properly to the Vehicle?");
             * }
             * if (Moisture.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Is the Router Unit Mounted Securely and Free from Moisture?");
             * }
             * if (SSID.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Is the Wireless SSID \"OCTAWIFI\" visible from test laptop?");
             * }
             * if (Browse.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Are You Able to Browse to ______?");
             * }
             * if (Setup.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Input Information on Tow Truck Setup?");
             * }
             * if (Google.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Are You Able to Browse to www.google.com?");
             * }
             * if (Browse2.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Are You Able to Browse to other Websites?");
             * }
             * if (Speed.Checked.Equals(false))
             * {
             * Response.Write("Successful Speed Test? (Please Record Kbits/s)");
             * }
             *                  */
             * Checks for signature on setup sheet
             * if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(signature.Text))
             * {
             *  Response.Write("Please Sign at the Bottom of the Setup Sheet");
             * }
             *              */
예제 #6
        public static void LoadBeats() //Load all the beat data in the feature layer
                qt    = new QueryTask(url);
                query = new Query();
                query.ReturnGeometry = true;
                query.Where = "1=1";
                foreach (Graphic resultFeature in qt.LastResult.Features)
                    string bID   = string.Empty;
                    string bDesc = string.Empty;
                    System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary <string, object> allAttributes = resultFeature.Attributes;
                    foreach (string theKey in allAttributes.Keys)
                        if (theKey == "BEAT_ID_1")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                bID = theValue.ToString();
                                bID = "NO BEAT ID";
                        if (theKey == "BeatDescript")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                bDesc = theValue.ToString();
                                bDesc = "NO DESCRIPTION";

                    esriBeat eb = new esriBeat();
                    eb.BeatID          = bID;
                    eb.BeatDescription = bDesc;
                    eb.beatData        = resultFeature;
                    //check for min/max lat/lon and log it
                    //init vars so we can test each point in the polygon against something other than 0.0

                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon p = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon)eb.beatData.Geometry;
                    foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection points in p.Rings)
                        eb.maxLat = points[0].Y;
                        eb.maxLon = points[0].X;
                        eb.minLat = points[0].Y;
                        eb.minLon = points[0].X;

                    foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection points in p.Rings)
                        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++)
                            //start setting min/max points
                            if (points[i].X > eb.maxLon)
                                eb.maxLon = points[i].X;
                            if (points[i].Y > eb.maxLat)
                                eb.maxLat = points[i].Y;
                            if (points[i].X < eb.minLon)
                                eb.minLon = points[i].X;
                            if (points[i].Y < eb.minLat)
                                eb.minLat = points[i].Y;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.EventLogger log = new Logging.EventLogger();
                log.LogEvent(ex.ToString(), true);
예제 #7
        public static void LoadYards() //Load the segment data into memory for faster querying
                qt = new QueryTask(url);
                Query query = new Query();
                query.ReturnGeometry = true;
                query.Where = "1=1";
                foreach (Graphic resultFeature in qt.LastResult.Features)
                    string BeatID     = string.Empty;
                    string Contractor = string.Empty;
                    string Desc       = string.Empty;
                    string Address    = string.Empty;
                    string City       = string.Empty;
                    string Zip        = string.Empty;
                    string Phone      = string.Empty;
                    string ObjectID   = string.Empty;
                    System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary <string, object> allAttributes = resultFeature.Attributes;
                    foreach (string theKey in allAttributes.Keys)
                        if (theKey == "ID_1")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                BeatID = theValue.ToString();
                        if (theKey == "Contract_1")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                Contractor = theValue.ToString();
                        if (theKey == "Address_1")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                Address = theValue.ToString();
                        if (theKey == "City_1_1")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                City = theValue.ToString();
                        if (theKey == "Zip_1")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                Zip = theValue.ToString();
                        if (theKey == "Phone1")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                Phone = theValue.ToString();
                        if (theKey == "OBJECTID")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                ObjectID = theValue.ToString();

                    esriYard ey = new esriYard();
                    ey.YardID     = ObjectID;
                    ey.BeatID     = BeatID;
                    ey.Contractor = Contractor;
                    ey.yardData   = resultFeature;
                    ey.Address    = Address;
                    ey.City       = City;
                    ey.Zip        = Zip;
                    ey.Phone      = Phone;
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon p = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon)ey.yardData.Geometry;
                    foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection points in p.Rings)
                        ey.maxLat = points[0].Y;
                        ey.maxLon = points[0].X;
                        ey.minLat = points[0].Y;
                        ey.minLon = points[0].X;

                    foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection points in p.Rings)
                        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++)
                            //start setting min/max points
                            if (points[i].X > ey.maxLon)
                                ey.maxLon = points[i].X;
                            if (points[i].Y > ey.maxLat)
                                ey.maxLat = points[i].Y;
                            if (points[i].X < ey.minLon)
                                ey.minLon = points[i].X;
                            if (points[i].Y < ey.minLat)
                                ey.minLat = points[i].Y;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.EventLogger log = new Logging.EventLogger();
                log.LogEvent(ex.ToString(), true);
예제 #8
파일: EsriSegments.cs 프로젝트: XenaMac/MTC
        public static void LoadSegments() //Load the segment data into memory for faster querying
                qt = new QueryTask(url);
                Query query = new Query();
                query.ReturnGeometry = true;
                //query.OutFields.AddRange(new string[] { "SegmentID", "BeatID", "SegmentDescription" }); //for beats
                query.Where = "1=1";
                foreach (Graphic resultFeature in qt.LastResult.Features)
                    string BeatID    = string.Empty;
                    string SegmentID = string.Empty;
                    string SegDesc   = string.Empty;
                    System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary <string, object> allAttributes = resultFeature.Attributes;
                    foreach (string theKey in allAttributes.Keys)
                        if (theKey == "BeatID")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                BeatID = theValue.ToString();
                        if (theKey == "BEAT_ID_1")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                BeatID = theValue.ToString();
                        if (theKey == "Beatsegmen")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                SegmentID = theValue.ToString();

                        if (theKey == "BeatSegmen")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                SegDesc = theValue.ToString();

                        if (theKey == "BeatSegeme")
                            object theValue = allAttributes[theKey];
                            if (theValue != null)
                                SegDesc = theValue.ToString();

                    esriSegment es = new esriSegment();
                    es.BeatID             = BeatID;
                    es.SegmentID          = SegmentID;
                    es.SegmentDescription = SegDesc;
                    es.segmentData        = resultFeature;

                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon p = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Polygon)es.segmentData.Geometry;
                    foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection points in p.Rings)
                        es.maxLat = points[0].Y;
                        es.maxLon = points[0].X;
                        es.minLat = points[0].Y;
                        es.minLon = points[0].X;

                    foreach (ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.PointCollection points in p.Rings)
                        for (int i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++)
                            //start setting min/max points
                            if (points[i].X > es.maxLon)
                                es.maxLon = points[i].X;
                            if (points[i].Y > es.maxLat)
                                es.maxLat = points[i].Y;
                            if (points[i].X < es.minLon)
                                es.minLon = points[i].X;
                            if (points[i].Y < es.minLat)
                                es.minLat = points[i].Y;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logging.EventLogger log = new Logging.EventLogger();
                log.LogEvent(ex.ToString(), true);
예제 #9
파일: TruckDumper.cs 프로젝트: XenaMac/MTC
 void dumpTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
     //throw new NotImplementedException();
          * if (DataClasses.GlobalData.currentTrucks.Count > 0)
          * {
          *  Guid _beatID = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");
          *  string[] srvListString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OtherServers"].ToString().Split('|');
          *  //List<TowTruck.TowTruck> allTrucks = new List<TowTruck.TowTruck>();
          *  List<srSecondaryService.CopyTruck> ctList = new List<srSecondaryService.CopyTruck>();
          *  foreach (TowTruck.TowTruck t in DataClasses.GlobalData.currentTrucks)
          *  {
          *      if (t.assignedBeat.BeatID != null && t.assignedBeat.BeatID != new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"))
          *      {
          *          _beatID = t.GPSPosition.BeatID;
          *      }
          *      TowTruck.AlarmTimer alarmSpd = t.tta.truckAlarms.Find(delegate(TowTruck.AlarmTimer findSpd) { return findSpd.alarmName == "Speeding"; });
          *      TowTruck.AlarmTimer alarmOB = t.tta.truckAlarms.Find(delegate(TowTruck.AlarmTimer findOB) { return findOB.alarmName == "OffBeat"; });
          *      TowTruck.AlarmTimer alarmOP = t.tta.truckAlarms.Find(delegate(TowTruck.AlarmTimer findOP) { return findOP.alarmName == "OnPatrol"; });
          *      TowTruck.AlarmTimer alarmInc = t.tta.truckAlarms.Find(delegate(TowTruck.AlarmTimer findInc) { return findInc.alarmName == "Incident"; });
          *      TowTruck.AlarmTimer alarmSta = t.tta.truckAlarms.Find(delegate(TowTruck.AlarmTimer findSta) { return findSta.alarmName == "OnPatrol"; });
          *      TowTruck.AlarmTimer alarmGPS = t.tta.truckAlarms.Find(delegate(TowTruck.AlarmTimer findGPS) { return findGPS.alarmName == "GPSIssue"; });
          *      bool _HasAlarms = false;
          *      t.tta.checkAlarms();
          *      if (t.tta.hasAlarms)
          *      {
          *          _HasAlarms = true;
          *      }
          #region " Speeding "
          *      bool speedingAlarm = false;
          *      string speedingValue = "NA";
          *      DateTime speedingTime = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      if (alarmSpd != null)
          *      {
          *          speedingAlarm = alarmSpd.hasAlarm;
          *          speedingValue = alarmSpd.alarmValue;
          *          speedingTime = alarmSpd.alarmStart;
          *      }
          #region " Off Beat "
          *      bool obAlarm = false;
          *      string obMessage = "NA";
          *      DateTime obTime = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      DateTime obCleared = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      DateTime obExcused = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      if (alarmOB != null)
          *      {
          *          obAlarm = alarmOB.hasAlarm;
          *          obMessage = alarmOB.alarmValue;
          *          obTime = alarmOB.alarmStart;
          *          obExcused = alarmOB.alarmExcused;
          *          obCleared = alarmOB.alarmExcused;
          *      }
          #region " On Patrol "
          *      bool opAlarm = false;
          *      DateTime opTime = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      DateTime opCleared = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      DateTime opExcused = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      string opComments = "NA";
          *      if (alarmOP != null)
          *      {
          *          opAlarm = alarmOP.hasAlarm;
          *          opTime = alarmOP.GetStartDateTime();
          *          opCleared = alarmOP.alarmCleared;
          *          opExcused = alarmOP.alarmExcused;
          *          opComments = alarmOP.alarmValue;
          *      }
          #region " Incident "
          *      bool incAlarm = false;
          *      DateTime incTime = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      DateTime incCleared = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      DateTime incExcused = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      string incComments = "NA";
          *      if (alarmInc != null)
          *      {
          *          incAlarm = alarmInc.hasAlarm;
          *          incTime = alarmInc.GetStartDateTime();
          *          incCleared = alarmInc.alarmCleared;
          *          incExcused = alarmInc.alarmExcused;
          *          incComments = alarmInc.alarmValue;
          *      }
          #region " GPS "
          *      bool gpsAlarm = false;
          *      DateTime gpsTime = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      DateTime gpsCleared = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      DateTime gpsExcused = Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2001 00:00:00");
          *      string gpsComments = "NA";
          *      if (alarmGPS != null)
          *      {
          *          gpsAlarm = alarmGPS.hasAlarm;
          *          gpsTime = alarmGPS.GetStartDateTime();
          *          gpsCleared = alarmGPS.alarmCleared;
          *          gpsExcused = alarmGPS.alarmExcused;
          *          gpsComments = alarmGPS.alarmValue;
          *      }
          #region " Stationary "
          *      bool staAlarm = false;
          *      DateTime staTime = alarmSta.GetStartDateTime();
          *      DateTime staCleared = alarmSta.alarmCleared;
          *      DateTime staExcused = alarmSta.alarmExcused;
          *      string staComments = alarmSta.alarmValue;
          *  }
          *  for (int i = 0; i < srvListString.Count(); i++)
          *  {
          *      srSecondaryService.TowTruckServiceClient sr = new srSecondaryService.TowTruckServiceClient();
          *      sr.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("http://" + srvListString[i].ToString() + ":9007/TowTruckService.svc"));
          *      foreach (srSecondaryService.CopyTruck t in ctList)
          *      {
          *          sr.SingleTruckDump(t);
          *      }
          *      //sr.TruckDump(ctList.ToArray());
          *  }
          * }*/
     catch (Exception ex)
         evtLog = new Logging.EventLogger();
         evtLog.LogEvent("Error dumping trucks to secondary service" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString(), true);
         logger.writeToLogFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Error dumping trucks to secondary service" + Environment.NewLine + ex.ToString() + Environment.NewLine +