public override IEnumerator Upload(byte[] data, bool openLink, bool copyLink, string rawData)
        string url = "";

        WWW www = new WWW(url, data);

        yield return(www);

        if (www.error == null)
            // example result
            // {"key":"oxekofidik"}

            string key = www.text;
            key = key.Substring(0, key.Length - 2);
            key = key.Substring(key.LastIndexOf("\"") + 1);
            string rawUrl = "" + key;

            Debug.Log("[LogfileHotkey] Hastebin: paste now available at " + rawUrl);

            string analysisUrl = LogUploadUtils.LogAnalyzerFor(rawUrl);

            if (openLink)

            if (copyLink)
            Debug.Log("[LogfileHotkey] Error uploading to Hastebin: " + www.error);
            LogfileUploader.Instance.Notifier.Error("Error: Couldn't Upload to Hastebin", www.error);

        yield break;
    public override IEnumerator Upload(byte[] data, bool openLink, bool copyLink, string stringData)
        string url = "";

        var formData = new List <IMultipartFormSection> {
            new MultipartFormFileSection("log", stringData, null, "output_log.txt"),
            new MultipartFormDataSection("noredirect", "1", Encoding.UTF8, "text/plain")

        UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post(url, formData);

        yield return(www.Send());

        if (www.isNetworkError || www.isHttpError)
            Debug.Log("[LogfileHotkey] Error uploading to Repository of Manual Pages: " + www.error + " (" + www.responseCode + ")");
            LogfileUploader.Instance.Notifier.Error("Error: Couldn't Upload to Repository of Manual Pages", www.error + " (" + www.responseCode + ")");
            LogfileUploader.Instance.uploadError = true;
            string rawUrl = www.downloadHandler.text;

            Debug.Log("[LogfileHotkey] Repository of Manual Pages: log now available at " + rawUrl);

            if (openLink)

            if (copyLink)

        yield break;