public virtual K OnExecu <T, K>(T o, BConfig x) where T : ExternalReqBase where K : ExternalResBase { try { using (var dbContext = new DbContextContainer(DbName.HCDb)._DataAccess) { var dynamicSql = @"SELECT * FROM AT_RegDev WHERE AuthorizeHospitalCode = '" + x.HCode + "' " + "AND RegDevCode = 'Conlin'"; var dbRegDev = dbContext.Database.Connection.QueryFirstOrDefault <Db_RegDev>(dynamicSql); o.ReqHeader = new ReqHeader(dbRegDev, x.BCode, x.TCode, x.OCode); var s = String.Empty; var v = _ESBClient.ReqBusiness(o.ReqHeader.ReqHospitalCode, o.ReqHeader.ReqCompanyCode, x.TKind, OnEntry(o, x).ToJson(), ref s); return(OnExits(s, x).ToEntity <K>()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogModule.Info("执行ESB请求异常:", ex); throw ex; } }
protected override void LoadEffect(Tab_Effect effectData, PlayEffectDelegate delPlayEffect, object param) { if (effectData == null) { return; } if (m_effectBindPointCache == null) { return; } GameObject effectParentObj = null; if (m_effectBindPointCache.ContainsKey(effectData.ParentName) && m_effectBindPointCache[effectData.ParentName] != null) { effectParentObj = m_effectBindPointCache[effectData.ParentName]; } if (effectParentObj != null) { AddEffect(effectParentObj, effectData, delPlayEffect, param); } else { if (m_BaseEffectBindPoint != null) { AddEffect(m_BaseEffectBindPoint.gameObject, effectData, delPlayEffect, param); } else { LogModule.ErrorLog("find bind point failed!, id {0} bindPoint {1}", effectData.EffectID, effectData.ParentName); } } }
bool ProcessInput() { if (m_SocketInputStream == null) { return(false); } if (m_Socket.IsCanReceive() == false) { return(true); } uint nSizeBefore = m_SocketInputStream.Length(); uint ret = m_SocketInputStream.Fill(); uint nSizeAfter = m_SocketInputStream.Length(); if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR) { LogModule.WarningLog("send packet fail"); m_Socket.close(); ConnectLost(); return(false); } //收包统计 if (nSizeAfter > nSizeBefore) { if (NetWorkLogic.s_nReceiveCount < 0) { NetWorkLogic.s_nReceiveCount = 0; } NetWorkLogic.s_nReceiveCount += (int)(nSizeAfter - nSizeBefore); } return(true); }
public void OnTabTableau(TabButton button) { if (null == button) { LogModule.ErrorLog("OnTabTableau::button is null"); return; } else if ( == m_TabWindows[(int)Tab_Index.Tab_HongBao].name) { if (GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.IsShowHongBaoTip == true) { GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.IsShowHongBaoTip = false; UpdateHongBaoTip(); } } else if ( == m_TabWindows[(int)Tab_Index.Tab_Lover_Flower].name) { if (GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.IsShowLoverFlowerTip == true) { GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.IsShowLoverFlowerTip = false; UpdateLoverFlowerTip(); } } else if ( == m_TabWindows[(int)Tab_Index.Tab_Lover_Thing].name) { if (GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.IsShowLoverThingTip == true) { GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.IsShowLoverThingTip = false; UpdateLoverThingTip(); } } }
private void LoadCharmItem() { if (null == m_DynamicItemGrid) { LogModule.ErrorLog("m_DynamicItemGrid id null"); return; } if (null == m_prefItem) { LogModule.ErrorLog("tabCharItem is null"); return; } Utils.CleanGrid(m_DynamicItemGrid.gameObject); int nIndex = 0; bool bCanAddItem = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <Tab_CharmItem> > pair in TableManager.GetCharmItem()) { Tab_CharmItem tabCharItem = pair.Value[0]; if (tabCharItem == null) { continue; } bCanAddItem = false; if (m_Type == ShowType.ALL) { bCanAddItem = true; } else if (m_Type == ShowType.FLOWER) { if (tabCharItem.Type == (int)ShowType.FLOWER) { bCanAddItem = true; } } else if (m_Type == ShowType.EGG) { if (tabCharItem.Type == (int)ShowType.EGG) { bCanAddItem = true; } } if (!bCanAddItem) { continue; } FlowerEggItemSlot oItem = FlowerEggItemSlot.CreateItem(m_DynamicItemGrid.gameObject, m_prefItem, nIndex.ToString(), this); if (oItem != null) { oItem.SetData(tabCharItem); if (m_CurSelect == null) { SelectItem(oItem); } } nIndex++; } m_nItemNum = 1; m_NumInput.value = m_nItemNum.ToString(); }
void OnSceneMapClick() { Vector3 worldPos = UICamera.currentCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(UICamera.lastTouchPosition); Vector3 localPos = m_TextureMap.transform.InverseTransformPoint(worldPos); Vector3 mapPos = MapPosToScenePos(localPos, m_curTabScene); AutoSearchPoint point = new AutoSearchPoint(m_curSceneID, mapPos.x, mapPos.z); if (GameManager.gameManager && GameManager.gameManager.AutoSearch) { if (Singleton <ObjManager> .GetInstance().MainPlayer) { //验证导航是否可达,如果不可达,不进行移动 Vector3 testVec = new Vector3(point.PosX, 0, point.PosZ); testVec = ActiveScene.GetTerrainPosition(testVec); if (!Singleton <ObjManager> .GetInstance().MainPlayer.IsMoveNavAgent(testVec)) { return; } } GameManager.gameManager.AutoSearch.ProcessAutoSearch(point); } if (m_ClickEffectSprite != null && m_ClickEffectTran != null) { m_ClickEffectTran.localPosition = localPos; m_ClickEffectSprite.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { LogModule.ErrorLog("OnSceneMapClick::m_ClickEffectSprite = null || m_ClickEffectTran = null"); } }
void SetCommonData(int nIndex, int nValue) { if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= MAX_CHAR_COMMON_DATA_NUM) { LogModule.DebugLog("SetCommonData: Index out of Range!!!"); return; } int nData = m_CommonData[nIndex]; m_CommonData[nIndex] = nValue; // 特殊添加 其他 更改 加在 OnCommonDataChange()中 if (nIndex == (int)Games.UserCommonData.USER_COMMONDATA.CD_COPYSCENE_CANGJINGGE_SWEEP) { if (ActivityController.Instance() != null) { ActivityController.Instance().UpdateTabTips(); } if (FunctionButtonLogic.Instance()) { FunctionButtonLogic.Instance().UpdateActionButtonTip(); } if (CangJingGeWindow.Instance() != null) { CangJingGeWindow.Instance().UpdateInfo(); if (nData < nValue)//开始扫荡 { CangJingGeWindow.Instance().StartSweep(); } } } // 更新 操作 OnCommonDataChange(nIndex, nValue); }
void OnClickChangeChannel() { if (null == InputChannel) { LogModule.ErrorLog("InputChannel can't find "); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InputChannel.value)) { //MessageBoxLogic.OpenOKBox(1288, 1000); MessageBoxLogic.OpenOKBox(2174, 1000); return; } int nChannelID = -1; if (!int.TryParse(InputChannel.value, out nChannelID)) { MessageBoxLogic.OpenOKBox(2174, 1000); return; } nChannelID = nChannelID - 1; if (nChannelID >= 0 && nChannelID != SceneData.SceneInst && SceneData.SceneInstList.Contains(nChannelID)) { CG_SCENE_CHANGEINST packet = (CG_SCENE_CHANGEINST)PacketDistributed.CreatePacket(MessageID.PACKET_CG_SCENE_CHANGEINST); packet.SetSceneInst(nChannelID); packet.SendPacket(); UIManager.CloseUI(UIInfo.ChannelChange); } else { MessageBoxLogic.OpenOKBox(2174, 1000); } }
public void SetCombatValue() { if (BelleInfoWindow.Instance() != null) { Tab_Belle belleTab = BelleInfoWindow.Instance().CurSellectedBelleData; if (null == belleTab) { LogModule.ErrorLog("BelleInfoWindow.Instance().CurSellectedBelleData is null!"); return; } Belle curBelleData = null; if (BelleData.OwnedBelleMap.ContainsKey(belleTab.Id)) { curBelleData = BelleData.OwnedBelleMap[belleTab.Id]; } if (null == curBelleData) { return; } curBelleData.UpdateAttrMap(); m_battleValue.text = BelleData.GetPowerNum(curBelleData.attrMap).ToString(); } }
public void updateBelleColor() { if (BelleInfoWindow.Instance() != null) { Tab_Belle belleTab = BelleInfoWindow.Instance().CurSellectedBelleData; if (null == belleTab) { LogModule.ErrorLog("BelleInfoWindow.Instance().CurSellectedBelleData is null!"); return; } Belle curBelleData = null; if (BelleData.OwnedBelleMap.ContainsKey(belleTab.Id)) { curBelleData = BelleData.OwnedBelleMap[belleTab.Id]; } if (null == curBelleData) { return; } //品阶 m_curBelleMainColor.text = BelleData.GetBelleDescByColorLevel(curBelleData.colorLevel); m_curBelleMainColorPic.spriteName = BelleData.GetBelleColorPicByColorLevel(curBelleData.colorLevel); m_curBelleSubColor.text = StrDictionary.GetClientDictionaryString("#{10811}", curBelleData.subLevel); m_curBelleMainColor.color = BelleData.GetBelleColorByColorLevel(curBelleData.colorLevel); m_curBelleSubColor.color = BelleData.GetBelleColorByColorLevel(curBelleData.colorLevel); m_belleName.color = BelleData.GetBelleColorByColorLevel(curBelleData.colorLevel); } }
/// <summary> /// 亲密进度条更新 /// </summary> public void UpdateCloseProcessBar() { if (BelleInfoWindow.Instance() != null) { Tab_Belle belleTab = BelleInfoWindow.Instance().CurSellectedBelleData; if (null == belleTab) { LogModule.ErrorLog("BelleInfoWindow.Instance().CurSellectedBelleData is null!"); return; } Belle curBelleData = null; if (BelleData.OwnedBelleMap.ContainsKey(belleTab.Id)) { ; } { curBelleData = BelleData.OwnedBelleMap[belleTab.Id]; } //亲密等级 m_curCloseLevel.text = curBelleData.closeLevel.ToString(); m_nextAddAttrValue.text = Utils.GetAttrTypeString(belleTab.CloseAddAttrType) + curBelleData.nextCloseAttrValue.ToString(); m_curFavorValue.text = curBelleData.favourValue.ToString() + "/" + curBelleData.maxFavourValue.ToString(); m_processBar.fillAmount = curBelleData.maxFavourValue == 0 ? 0f : curBelleData.favourValue * 1.0f / curBelleData.maxFavourValue; } }
// 立即前往 void ButtonGo() { Tab_MissionDictionary DicTab = TableManager.GetMissionDictionaryByID(GlobeVar.PAOSHANG_MISSIONID_H, 0); if (DicTab == null) { LogModule.ErrorLog("Can not find missionDictionary {0}", GlobeVar.PAOSHANG_MISSIONID_H); return; } // 自动寻路 AutoSearchPoint point = new AutoSearchPoint(DicTab.AccepteNpcSceneID, DicTab.AccepteNpcPosX, DicTab.AccepteNpcPosZ); if (GameManager.gameManager && GameManager.gameManager.AutoSearch) { string sAutoSearchTargetName = string.Empty; Tab_RoleBaseAttr RoleBase = TableManager.GetRoleBaseAttrByID(DicTab.AcceptNpcDataID, 0); if (null != RoleBase) { sAutoSearchTargetName = RoleBase.Name; } else { LogModule.ErrorLog("Can not find roleBaseAttr {0}", DicTab.AcceptNpcDataID); } GameManager.gameManager.AutoSearch.ProcessAutoSearch(point, sAutoSearchTargetName, false); } }
public uint Execute(PacketDistributed ipacket) { GC_LOGIN_RET packet = (GC_LOGIN_RET)ipacket; if (null == packet) { return((uint)PACKET_EXE.PACKET_EXE_ERROR); } //enter your logic UnityEngine.Debug.Log("packet.Result : " + packet.Result); switch (packet.Result) { case 1: SetProxy(packet); EventManager.GetInstance().SendEvent(EventId.PlayerProxyUpdate, null); break; case 3: LogModule.ErrorLog("壮哥,3了!"); break; case 8: CG_CREATEROLE p = (CG_CREATEROLE)PacketDistributed.CreatePacket(MessageID.PACKET_CG_CREATEROLE); Random ran = new Random(); int RandKey = ran.Next(1, 999); p.SetName("TestRole" + RandKey); p.SetGender(0); p.SendPacket(); break; } return((uint)PACKET_EXE.PACKET_EXE_CONTINUE); }
public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) { var httpContext = filterContext.HttpContext;//"为所欲为" bool result = false; var xreq = httpContext.Request.Headers.ContainsKey("x-requested-with"); if (xreq) { result = httpContext.Request.Headers["x-requested-with"] == "XMLHttpRequest"; } if (!filterContext.ExceptionHandled) { LogModule.LogError(this.GetLogStr(filterContext.HttpContext, filterContext.Exception)); HttpResponse response = filterContext.HttpContext.Response; response.ContentType = "application/json"; response.StatusCode = -1; response.WriteAsync(new { Result = 0, DebugMessage = filterContext.Exception.Message, RetValue = "", PromptMsg = "发生错误,请联系管理员" }.ToJson()); filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;//已经被我处理了 } }
void SetCommonFlag(int nBits, bool bFlag) { if (nBits < 0 || nBits >= MAX_CHAR_COMMON_FLAG_NUM * 8 * sizeof(int)) { LogModule.DebugLog("SetCommonFlag: Index out of Range!!!"); return; } int nIndex = nBits / (sizeof(int) * 8); if (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < MAX_CHAR_COMMON_FLAG_NUM) { //int nOldBits = nBits; nBits = nBits % (sizeof(int) * 8);// 0-31 if (nBits >= 0 && nBits <= 31) { int nDataValue = m_CommonFlag[nIndex]; if (bFlag != false) { nDataValue |= (1 << nBits); } else { nDataValue &= ~(1 << nBits); } m_CommonFlag[nIndex] = nDataValue; } // 更新后操作 OnCommonFlagChange(nBits); } }
// 开启帮会任务 void OpenGuildMission() { // 没有帮会 PlayerData MyPlayerData = GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool; if (MyPlayerData == null) { return; } if (MyPlayerData.GuildInfo == null) { return; } if (false == MyPlayerData.IsHaveGuild()) { return; } if (false == MyPlayerData.IsGuildChief()) { return; } Tab_GuildMissionGuild guildMisGuild = TableManager.GetGuildMissionGuildByID(MyPlayerData.GuildInfo.GuildLevel, 0); if (guildMisGuild == null) { LogModule.ErrorLog("Can not find guidMissionGuid {0}", MyPlayerData.GuildInfo.GuildLevel); return; } string str = StrDictionary.GetClientDictionaryString("#{5432}", guildMisGuild.ConsumeWealth, guildMisGuild.CanAcceptTimesOnce); MessageBoxLogic.OpenOKCancelBox(str, null, OnOpenGuildMisMessageOK, OnCancelClick); }
public void SwitchToScene(SceneId sceneId, object param = null) { if (sceneId == CurrentSceneId) { LogModule.WarningLog("switch to current scene: " + sceneId); } LogModule.DebugLog("SceneMgr SwitchToScene sceneId:" + sceneId.ToString() + " " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); mParam = param; if (mCurScene != null) { mCurScene.OnWillExit(); //App.EventMgr.Post(EventId.SceneWillExit, mCurScene.Id); } if (mSceneTypeDict.ContainsKey(sceneId)) { mNextScene = Activator.CreateInstance(mSceneTypeDict[sceneId]) as SceneBase; if (mNextScene != null) { mNextScene.OnWillEnter(param); } } if (hdlSceneWillSwitch != null) { hdlSceneWillSwitch.Invoke(mCurrentSceneId, sceneId, param); } SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneId.ToString()); }
// 创建坐骑 public void InitMount(Obj_OtherPlayer PlayerObj, int nMountID) { if (PlayerObj == null) { return; } Tab_MountBase MountBase = TableManager.GetMountBaseByID(nMountID, 0); if (null == MountBase) { LogModule.DebugLog("MountBase.txt has not Line ID=" + nMountID); return; } Tab_CharMount MountTable = TableManager.GetCharMountByID(MountBase.ModelID, 0); if (MountTable == null) { LogModule.DebugLog("CharMount.txt has not Line ID=" + MountBase.ModelID); return; } GameObject Obj = PlayerObj.gameObject; if (Obj == null) { return; } //PlayerObj.MountID = nMountID; m_PlayerObj = PlayerObj; Singleton <ObjManager> .GetInstance().ReloadModel(Obj, MountTable.MountModel, Obj_Mount.OnAsycLoadMount, PlayerObj, MountTable.BindPoint); }
// Use this for initialization void OnEnable() { LogModule.ErrorLog("starting " + name); m_panel = GetComponent <UIDraggablePanel>(); m_uiConnector = Engine.JoyUI.JoyUIConnector.Instance; //Refresh(); }
/// <summary> /// 检查是否可以在密聊频道发送消息 /// </summary> bool CheckIsCanSendTell() { //密聊频道检测一下当前是否有密聊对象 if (CurChannelType != ChatInfoLogic.CHANNEL_TYPE.CHAT_TYPE_TELL) { return(true); } UInt64 tellGuid = GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.LastTellGUID; String tellName = GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.LastTellName; if (tellGuid == GlobeVar.INVALID_GUID || tellName == "") { Obj_MainPlayer _mainPlayer = Singleton <ObjManager> .GetInstance().MainPlayer; if (_mainPlayer == null) { LogModule.DebugLog("_mainPlayer is Null"); return(false); } _mainPlayer.SendNoticMsg(false, "#{11166}"); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 刷脸识别 /// </summary> /// <param name="reqData"></param> /// <returns></returns> public XAIResFind Find(XAIReqFind reqData) { LogModule.Info("XAI->BIDU:Find--->入参:" + reqData.ToJson()); string resJson; try { resJson = client.Search(reqData.Image.Split(new string[] { ";base64," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1], "BASE64", reqData.GroupId).ToJson(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new XAIException(7100, "请求人脸识别服务异常,请重试!" + ex.Message); } LogModule.Info("XAI->BIDU:Find--->出参:" + resJson); var res = resJson.ToEntity <BIDUResponse>(); if (res.error_code != 0) { throw new XAIException(7100, typeof(BIDUErrorCodeEnum).GetEnumName(res.error_code.ToInt())); } res.result.user_list = res.result.user_list.Where(w => w.score > 80).OrderByDescending(o => o.score).ToList(); if (res.result.user_list.Count() == 0) { throw new XAIException(7101, "未识别出有效用户"); } return(new XAIResFind() { UserId = res.result.user_list.OrderByDescending(w => w.score).First().user_id }); }
void WaitPacket() { try { if (!m_Socket.IsValid) { return; } if (!m_Socket.IsConnected #if UNITY_WP8 && !m_Socket.ForceReconnect #endif ) { return; } if (!ProcessInput()) { return; } if (!ProcessOutput()) { return; } ProcessPacket(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { LogModule.ErrorLog(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 刷脸新增 /// </summary> /// <param name="reqData"></param> /// <returns></returns> public XAIResFAdd FAdd(XAIReqFAdd reqData) { LogModule.Info("XAI->BIDU:FAdd--->入参:" + reqData.ToJson()); var options = new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "user_info", reqData.UserInfo.ToJson() } }; string resJson; try { resJson = client.UserAdd(reqData.Image.Split(new string[] { ";base64," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1], "BASE64", reqData.GroupId, reqData.UserId, options).ToJson(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new XAIException(7100, "请求人脸识别服务异常,请重试!" + ex.Message); } LogModule.Info("XAI->BIDU:FAdd--->出参:" + resJson); var res = resJson.ToEntity <BIDUResponse>(); if (res.error_code != 0) { throw new XAIException(7100, typeof(BIDUErrorCodeEnum).GetEnumName(res.error_code.ToInt())); } return(new XAIResFAdd() { AuthId = res.log_id, FaceToken = res.result.face_token, LocationLeft = res.result.location.left.ToString(), LocationTop =, LocationWidth = res.result.location.width.ToString(), LocationHeight = res.result.location.height.ToString(), LocationRotaion = res.result.location.rotation.ToString() }); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Thread For Connect public void ConnectThread() { m_connectStatus = ConnectStatus.CONNECTING; while (true) { m_Socket.close(); Console.WriteLine("connect:" + m_strServerAddr); m_strConnectResult = m_Socket.connect(m_strServerAddr, m_nServerPort); if (m_strConnectResult.Length == 0 && m_Socket.IsValid) { m_SocketInputStream = new SocketInputStream(m_Socket); m_SocketOutputStream = new SocketOutputStream(m_Socket); m_connectStatus = ConnectStatus.CONNECTED; break; } else { LogModule.WarningLog(m_strConnectResult); } m_Socket.close(); Thread.Sleep(m_nConnectSleep); m_connectStatus = ConnectStatus.DISCONNECTED; break; } m_bConnectFinish = true; }
/// <summary> /// 用户查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="reqData"></param> /// <returns></returns> public XAIResFGet FGet(XAIReqFGet reqData) { LogModule.Info("XAI->BIDU:FGet--->入参:" + reqData.ToJson()); string resJson; try { resJson = client.UserGet(reqData.UserId, reqData.GroupId).ToJson(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new XAIException(7100, "请求人脸识别服务异常,请重试!" + ex.Message); } LogModule.Info("XAI->BIDU:FGet--->出参:" + resJson); var res = resJson.ToEntity <BIDUResponse>(); if (res.error_code != 0) { throw new XAIException(7100, typeof(BIDUErrorCodeEnum).GetEnumName(res.error_code.ToInt())); } return(new XAIResFGet() { UserInfo = res.result.user_list.FirstOrDefault()?.user_info.ToEntity <BCL.ToolLibWithApp.XAI.Entity.UserInfo>() }); }
public virtual T OnEntry <T>(T o, BConfig x) where T : class { LogModule.Info("执行ESB请求开始:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); LogModule.Info("执行ESB请求交易:" + x.TKind); LogModule.Info("执行ESB请求入参:" + o.ToJson()); return(o); }
/// <summary> /// 获取用户列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="reqData"></param> /// <returns></returns> public XAIResGetUserList GetUserList(XAIReqGetUserList reqData) { LogModule.Info("XAI->BIDU:GetUserList--->入参:" + reqData.ToJson()); string resJson; try { resJson = client.GroupGetusers(reqData.GroupId).ToJson(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new XAIException(7100, "请求人脸识别服务异常,请重试!" + ex.Message); } LogModule.Info("XAI->BIDU:GetUserList--->出参:" + resJson); var res = resJson.ToEntity <BIDUResponse>(); if (res.error_code != 0) { throw new XAIException(7100, typeof(BIDUErrorCodeEnum).GetEnumName(res.error_code.ToInt())); } return(new XAIResGetUserList() { UserIdList = res.result.user_id_list }); }
public void OnItemClick() { Tab_RestaurantFood curFood = TableManager.GetRestaurantFoodByID(m_foodID, 0); if (null == curFood) { LogModule.ErrorLog("OnItemClick::curTabData is null"); return; } if (null == RestaurantData.m_PlayerRestaurantInfo) { LogModule.ErrorLog("OnItemClick::RestaurantData.m_PlayerRestaurantInfo is null"); return; } if (null == m_parentWindow) { LogModule.ErrorLog("OnItemClick::m_parentWindow is null"); return; } if (curFood.OpenLevel > RestaurantData.m_PlayerRestaurantInfo.m_RestaurantLevel) { return; } m_parentWindow.OnFoodItemClick(this); if (RestaurantController.Instance().NewPlayerGuide_Step == 1 && m_foodID == 0) { RestaurantController.Instance().NewPlayerGuide(2); } }
void LateUpdate() { if (IsMoving) { var ratio = (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - MoveStartTime) / Duration; if (ratio > 1) { IsMoving = false; if (SingleMoveEndAction != null) { var tempAction = SingleMoveEndAction; SingleMoveEndAction = null; tempAction(); } } else if (ratio < 0) { LogModule.ErrorLog("March Move Error, ratio:{0}", ratio); IsMoving = false; } else { transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(MoveStartPos, MoveEndPos, (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - MoveStartTime) / Duration); } } }
private IEnumerator RequestNotice() { WWW wwwNotice = new WWW(""); yield return(wwwNotice); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wwwNotice.error)) { LogModule.ErrorLog("request login notice error" + wwwNotice.error); } else { LogModule.DebugLog(wwwNotice.text); m_text = wwwNotice.text; BoxCollider curCollider = labelText.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); if (null == curCollider) { LogModule.ErrorLog("label not contain collider"); yield break; } m_bReceiveData = true; m_bRequesting = false; DoShowNotice(); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes out a formatted string, using the same semantics as String ..::.Format . /// </summary> /// <param name="module">The owner module.</param> /// <param name="level">Log level.</param> /// <param name="format">The formatting string.</param> /// <param name="parameters">The object array to write into the formatted string.</param> public static void Write(LogModule module, LogLevel level, string format, params object[] parameters) { if (RvLogger.IsPrintable(level)) try { RvLogger.Write(module, level, String.Format(format, parameters)); } catch (Exception ex) { RvLogger.Write(module, level, ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes a string to the log. /// </summary> /// <param name="module">The owner module.</param> /// <param name="level">Log level.</param> /// <param name="text">The string to write.</param> private static void Write(LogModule module, LogLevel level, string text) { lock (RvLogger.theLock) { if (RvLogger._Writer != null && RvLogger.IsPrintable(level)) { using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(text)) { string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) RvLogger._Writer.WriteLine("{0} | {1,9} | {2,11} | {3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.ff"), level.ToString(), module.ToString(), line); } RvLogger._Writer.Flush(); } } }