public static bool SendGeneralEmail( string toEmail, bool sendCopyToAdmin, string subject, string htmlBodyNoHeader, LogForEmailSend log) { try { string error; return(Send( EMailCredentials.GetSupport(), toEmail, sendCopyToAdmin ? throw new NotImplementedException("not suitable for publication!") : (string)null, subject, htmlBodyNoHeader, out error, log, subject)); } catch (SystemException ex) { log.Log.Error("SystemException: " + ex.Message); } return(false); }
public MessageProcessing_TrayFrom(NiceSystemInfo niceSystem, d_OnScreenShot onScreenshot, IMyLog trayLog, LogForEmailSend log4Email) { this.onScreenshot = onScreenshot; this.trayLog = trayLog; this.log4Email = log4Email; this.niceSystem = niceSystem; }
public static bool SendJustActivated(Data_AppUserFile user, LogForEmailSend log) { try { string to = user.Email; string subject = "Register with"; Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string htmlBodyNoHeader = new StreamReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("NiceApiLibrary.Embedded.JustActivated.txt")).ReadToEnd(); htmlBodyNoHeader = htmlBodyNoHeader .Replace("{Name}", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(user.UserName)) .Replace("{Email}", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(user.Email)) .Replace("{Password}", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(user.Password)) .Replace("{APIId}", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(user.ApiGuId)) .Replace("{Mobile1}", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(user.MobileNumberX(0))) .Replace("{Mobile2}", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(user.MobileNumberX(1))) .Replace("{Mobile3}", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(user.MobileNumberX(2))) .Replace("{Mobile4}", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(user.MobileNumberX(3))) .Replace("{Mobile5}", System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(user.MobileNumberX(4))); string error; return(Send(EMailCredentials.GetSupport(), to, subject, htmlBodyNoHeader, out error, log, "JustActivated")); } catch (SystemException) { } return(false); }
public static string SendTestMail(LogForEmailSend log) { string to = throw new NotImplementedException("not suitable for publication!"); string subject = "Test Mail"; string error; if (Send(EMailCredentials.GetSupport(), to, subject, "htmlBodyNoHeader", out error, log, "TestMail")) { return("OK"); } return(error); }
public static bool SendAdminNotification(string htmlBodyNoHeader, LogForEmailSend log) { try { string to = throw new NotImplementedException("not suitable for publication!"); string subject = "AdminNotification"; string error; return(Send(EMailCredentials.GetSupport(), to, subject, htmlBodyNoHeader, out error, log, "AdminNotification")); } catch (SystemException) { } return(false); }
protected void CreateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Page.Validate(); if (Page.IsValid) { IMyLog log = MyLog.GetLogger("Register"); LogForEmailSend log4Email = new LogForEmailSend(MyLog.GetLogger("Email")); MessageProcessing_API api = new MessageProcessing_API(null); bool fileArleadyUsed; api.Process_Registration( NiceSystemInfo.DEFAULT, out fileArleadyUsed, true, UserName.Text, Tel1.Text + Tel2.Text + Tel3.Text + Tel4.Text + Tel5.Text, Email.Text, Password.Text, GetIPAddress(), WhereHeard.Text, log, log4Email); if (fileArleadyUsed) { SessionData sd = ConstantStrings.GetSessionData(Session); sd.QuickMessage = "Your registratin failed. Please try again later."; sd.QuickMessageGood = false; Response.Redirect("~/Register.aspx"); } else { // ok SessionData sd = ConstantStrings.GetSessionData(Session); sd.QuickMessage = "Verify your email: We sent a verification email to " + Email.Text + " .Click the link in the email to get started!"; sd.QuickMessageGood = true; Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } } } catch (DataUnavailableException) { DSSwitch.OnDataUnavailableException(this); } }
public static bool SendRegisterActivation(Data_AppUserFile user, LogForEmailSend log) { try { string to = user.Email; string subject = "Register with"; string htmlBodyNoHeader = EMail_Data.GetRegistrationEmailBody("" + Base64_URLEncoding(user.ApiGuId)); string error; bool ret = Send(EMailCredentials.GetSupport(), to, subject, htmlBodyNoHeader, out error, log, "Verify Please"); return(ret); } catch (SystemException) { } return(false); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // This come from an anonymous browser try { Page.MetaKeywords = "Register, Send Whatsapp message, Free"; Page.MetaDescription = "Register to use the service."; NiceASP.KeywordLoader.Load(this, NiceASP.KeywordLoader.Which.Register); string query = Request.QueryString["ApiGuId"]; IMyLog log = MyLog.GetLogger("Register"); LogForEmailSend log4Email = new LogForEmailSend(MyLog.GetLogger("Email")); if (query != null) { // email validation callback query = EMail.Base64_URLDecoding(query); MessageProcessing_API api = new MessageProcessing_API(query); bool good; api.Process_Registration_JustVerified(NiceSystemInfo.DEFAULT, out good, false, true, log, log4Email); if (good) { // good, SessionData sd = ConstantStrings.GetSessionData(Session); sd.QuickMessage = "Your email is now verified. Please wait 48 hour for your account to become active."; sd.QuickMessageGood = true; Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } else { // bad SessionData sd = ConstantStrings.GetSessionData(Session); sd.QuickMessage = "This token is expired."; sd.QuickMessageGood = false; Response.Redirect("~/"); } } } catch (DataUnavailableException) { DSSwitch.OnDataUnavailableException(this); } }
public static bool SendUpgradeRequestOnHighPercent(Data_AppUserFile user, LogForEmailSend log) { try { string to = user.Email; string subject = "Your account usage"; Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string htmlBodyNoHeader = new StreamReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("NiceApiLibrary.Embedded.UpgradeEmail.txt")).ReadToEnd(); htmlBodyNoHeader = doFieldReplacement(htmlBodyNoHeader, user); string error; return(Send(EMailCredentials.GetSupport(), to, subject, htmlBodyNoHeader, out error, log, subject)); } catch (SystemException) { } return(false); }
public static bool SendUpgrade032018(Data_AppUserFile user, LogForEmailSend log) { try { string to = user.Email; string subject = "Hardware upgrade"; Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string htmlBodyNoHeader = new StreamReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("NiceApiLibrary.Embedded.ServerMove032018EmialText.txt")).ReadToEnd(); htmlBodyNoHeader = doFieldReplacement(htmlBodyNoHeader, user); string error; return(Send(EMailCredentials.GetSupport(), to, subject, htmlBodyNoHeader, out error, log, "Upgrade032018")); } catch (SystemException) { } return(false); }
public static bool SendWrongTelRegistered(Data_AppUserFile user, LogForEmailSend log) { try { string to = user.Email; string subject = "Your registration with with"; Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string htmlBodyNoHeader = new StreamReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("NiceApiLibrary.Embedded.Reg_TelWrong_EmailText.txt")).ReadToEnd(); htmlBodyNoHeader = doFieldReplacement(htmlBodyNoHeader, user); string error; return(Send(EMailCredentials.GetSupport(), to, subject, htmlBodyNoHeader, out error, log, "WrongTelRegistered")); } catch (SystemException) { } return(false); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // This comes from the TrayApp IMyLog trayLog = MyLog.GetLogger("TrayApp"); LogForEmailSend log4Email = new LogForEmailSend(MyLog.GetLogger("Email")); try { // 1) read in incoming object //log.Info("incoming msg"); Data_Net_Tray2ASP fromTray = new Data_Net_Tray2ASP(); Stream streamB64 = Request.InputStream; if (streamB64.Length == 0) { using (DataFile_Loopback ld = new DataFile_Loopback(DataFile_Base.OpenType.ForUpdate_CreateIfNotThere)) { ld.GetEntry_CreateIfNotThere(NiceSystemInfo.DEFAULT_STR).debugStr = "Zero is nice at " + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToUkTime(false); } Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write("Zero is nice!"); return; } BinBase64StreamHelper.Tray2ASP_FromB64Stream(ref fromTray, streamB64); ASPTray_ObjectList.Counters fromTrayCounter = fromTray.GetCounters(); if (fromTrayCounter.Total_Results() != 0) { trayLog.Debug("X " + fromTrayCounter.Total_ResultsString()); } //trayLog.Debug("TrayApp request from " + fromTray.TrayType); NiceSystemInfo subSystem = fromTray.TrayType.GetSystemInfoFromTrayType(); if (subSystem == null) { using (DataFile_Loopback ld = new DataFile_Loopback(DataFile_Base.OpenType.ForUpdate_CreateIfNotThere)) { ld.LastError = string.Format("incomming subSystem '{0}' not recognised. {1}", fromTray.TrayType, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToUkTime(false)); } throw new SystemException("Unknown System: " + fromTray.TrayType); } //trayLog.Debug("TrayApp loaded " + subSystem.Name); // Update loopback file (with the data from the incoming object) using (DataFile_Loopback ld = new DataFile_Loopback(DataFile_Base.OpenType.ForUpdate_CreateIfNotThere)) { DataFile_Loopback_Entry sub = ld.GetEntry_CreateIfNotThere(subSystem.Name); sub.lastTrayConnection = DateTime.UtcNow; sub.lastTrayId = fromTrayCounter.Total_ResultsString(); sub.trayTypeAndIp = fromTray.TrayType + " - " + Request.UserHostAddress + " - " + (Request.IsSecureConnection ? "https" : "httpONLY"); } // 3) Process each file from the incoming object MessageProcessing_TrayFrom proc = new MessageProcessing_TrayFrom(subSystem, onScreenshot, trayLog, log4Email); proc.Process_TrayFrom(fromTray, true); // 5) prepare the object to be sent Data_Net_ASP2Tray toTray = new Data_Net_ASP2Tray(); DateTime dtGo = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(3); while ((toTray.ObjectList.Count == 0) && (dtGo > DateTime.UtcNow)) { // no data yet to send and no timeout toTray.ObjectList = MessageProcessing_TrayTo.GetFilesToSendToTray_ConsiderPriority(subSystem, 5, trayLog); if (toTray.ObjectList.Count == 0) { Thread.Sleep(500); } } // 6) update the loopback file with the sent date ASPTray_ObjectList.Counters toTrayCounter = toTray.GetCounters(); using (DataFile_Loopback ld = new DataFile_Loopback(DataFile_Base.OpenType.ForUpdate_CreateIfNotThere)) { DataFile_Loopback_Entry sub = ld.GetEntry_CreateIfNotThere(subSystem.Name); sub.lastToTray = DateTime.UtcNow; sub.lastToTrayData = "FilesToProcess: " + toTrayCounter.Total_RequestsString(); } // 7) send the object to be sent // Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; BinBase64StreamHelper.ASP2Tray_ToB64Stream(ref toTray, Response.OutputStream); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { trayLog.Debug("ThreadAbortException"); } catch (Exception se) { trayLog.Error("TrayApp " + se.Message + " " + se.ToString()); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write("Exception"); Response.Write(se.Message); Response.Write(se.ToString()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // This comes from the Android direct IMyLog trayLog = MyLog.GetLogger("TrayApp"); trayLog.Info("Incoming 17:00"); string inBody = "notSet"; try { LogForEmailSend log4Email = new LogForEmailSend(MyLog.GetLogger("Email")); Stream inStream = Request.InputStream; if (inStream.Length == 0) { Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write("DirectTel: Zero!"); return; } DirectTel_InJson inJson = null; using (var sr = new StreamReader(inStream)) { inBody = sr.ReadToEnd(); inJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DirectTel_InJson>(inBody); } trayLog.Debug("In Json: "); trayLog.Debug(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(inJson)); DirectTel_OutJson outJson = DirectTel_Processing.ProcessDirectTel(inJson, trayLog, log4Email, delegate(NiceSystemInfo subSystem) { //OnGet // Update loopback file (with the data from the incoming object) using (DataFile_Loopback ld = new DataFile_Loopback(DataFile_Base.OpenType.ForUpdate_CreateIfNotThere)) { DataFile_Loopback_Entry sub = ld.GetEntry_CreateIfNotThere(subSystem.Name); sub.lastDirectTelGet = DateTime.UtcNow; } }, delegate(NiceSystemInfo subSystem) { //OnAck // Update loopback file (with the data from the incoming object) using (DataFile_Loopback ld = new DataFile_Loopback(DataFile_Base.OpenType.ForUpdate_CreateIfNotThere)) { DataFile_Loopback_Entry sub = ld.GetEntry_CreateIfNotThere(subSystem.Name); sub.lastDirectTelAck = DateTime.UtcNow; } }); trayLog.Debug("Out Json: "); trayLog.Debug(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(outJson)); Tx(outJson); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { trayLog.Debug("ThreadAbortException"); } catch (Exception se) { trayLog.Error("DirectTel " + se.Message + " " + se.ToString()); trayLog.Error("DirectTel " + inBody); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write("Exception"); Response.Write(se.Message); Response.Write(se.ToString()); } }
public OnProcessedHandler(int noOfBytes, LogForEmailSend emailLog, bool updateCounters) { this.noOfBytes = noOfBytes; this.emailLog = emailLog; this.updateCounters = updateCounters; }
public string Process_Registration_JustVerified(NiceSystemInfo niceSystem, out bool ok, bool sendAdminNotification, bool sendAdminNotificationToWhatsapp, IMyLog log, LogForEmailSend log4Email) { StringBuilder sbInfo = new StringBuilder(); string telToCheck = null; ok = false; string friendlyEmail = null; bool okIntern = false; try { timeNow = DateTime.UtcNow; // 1 extract (check) input data if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(APIId)) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId missing"); } // 2 load user file and check guid string email = Data_AppUserFile.API_IdToEmail(APIId); if (email == null) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } DSSwitch.appUser().Update_General(email, delegate(Data_AppUserFile user, Object args) { if (user == null) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } if (user.ApiGuId != APIId) { throw new ArgumentException("X-APIId unknown"); } if (user.AccountStatus != Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.email_sent_for_verification) { throw new ArgumentException("AccountStatus is wrong"); } // 3 action, produce telCheck file and update AccountStatus user.AccountStatus = Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.verified_checkingTelNumbers; telToCheck = user.MobileNumbers_AllConfirmed__.getVal + user.MobileNumbers_AllUnConfirmed__.getVal; friendlyEmail = user.Email; okIntern = true; }, null, delegate(Object args) { // post process if (log != null) { log.Info(friendlyEmail + " just verified his email"); } if (sendAdminNotification) { EMail.SendAdminNotification(friendlyEmail + " just verified his email", log4Email); } if (sendAdminNotificationToWhatsapp) { NotificationInfo notificationInfo = DSSwitch.full().GetNotificationInfo(); NiceSystemInfo notifyToUse = DSSwitch.full().GetSystems(false).FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == notificationInfo.Name); if (notifyToUse != null) { Data_Net__00NormalMessage msg = new Data_Net__00NormalMessage( Data_AppUserFile.API_IdToEmail(notifyToUse.APIId), "zapi_" + notificationInfo.RxTel, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks, friendlyEmail + " just verified his email", 0, 10, true); DSSwitch.msgFile00().Store(notifyToUse, msg, Data_Net__00NormalMessage.eLocation.Queued, log); } } Data_Net__04CheckTelNumbers _04 = new Data_Net__04CheckTelNumbers(friendlyEmail, timeNow.Ticks, telToCheck, ""); DSSwitch.msgFile04().Store(niceSystem, _04, log); }, log); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { sbInfo.Append(ae.Message); } catch (Exception) { sbInfo.Append("ERROR"); } ok = okIntern; return(sbInfo.ToString()); }
public string Process_Registration(NiceSystemInfo niceSystem, out bool fileArleadyUsed, bool sendActivationEmail, string UserName, string MoblieAllNumbers, string Email, string Password, string CreationIp, string WhereHeardText, IMyLog log, LogForEmailSend log4Email) { StringBuilder sbInfo = new StringBuilder(); fileArleadyUsed = true; try { timeNow = DateTime.UtcNow; Data_AppUserFile ud = Data_AppUserFile.Create( UserName, true, MoblieAllNumbers, Email, Password, CreationIp); sbInfo.Append(ud.ApiGuId); DSSwitch.appUser().StoreNew(ud, out fileArleadyUsed, log); if (!fileArleadyUsed) { if (sendActivationEmail) { EMail.SendRegisterActivation(ud, log4Email); } if (log != null) { log.Info(ud.Email + " account created"); } if (log != null) { log.Info("WhereHeard " + WhereHeardText); } } } catch (ArgumentException ae) { sbInfo.Append(ae.Message); } catch (Exception) { sbInfo.Append("ERROR"); } return(sbInfo.ToString()); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // This comes from the Admin User (protected) NiceASP.SessionData.LoggedOnOrRedirectToRoot(Session, Response, true); if (!IsPostBack) { IMyLog logInTest = MyLog.GetLogger("Test"); LogForEmailSend log4Email = new LogForEmailSend(MyLog.GetLogger("Email")); string user = null; Data_AppUserFile userF = null; string sVal = Request.QueryString["Id"]; switch (sVal) { case "ShowRecentMessages": Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write("ShowRecentMessages:\r\n"); int Days = 5; if (Request.QueryString["Days"] != null) { Days = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["Days"]); } DateTime pivTime = DateTime.UtcNow; pivTime = pivTime.AddDays(-1 * Days); DSSwitch.msgFile00().ForEach( NiceASP.SessionData.SessionsSystem_Get(Session), pivTime, null, Data_Net__00NormalMessage.eLocation.Processed, logInTest, delegate(Data_Net__00NormalMessage _00) { if (!_00.NoCounterUpdate) { Response.Write(_00.DestMobile + "\r\n".PadLeft(40, '*')); Response.Write(_00.UserId + "\r\n"); Response.Write(_00.MsgTicks.ToUkTime(true) + "\r\n"); if (_00.FailedCounter != 0) { Response.Write(String.Format("FailedCounter: {0} / {1}\r\n", _00.FailedCounter, _00.DisposeAfterNFailed)); } Response.Write(_00.Msg + "\r\n\r\n"); } }); break; case "ShowSentMessages": Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write("ShowSentMessages:\r\n"); user = Request.QueryString["u"]; Response.Write(user + ":\r\n"); DSSwitch.msgFile00().ForEach(NiceASP.SessionData.SessionsSystem_Get(Session), DateTime.MinValue, user, Data_Net__00NormalMessage.eLocation.Processed, logInTest, delegate(Data_Net__00NormalMessage _00) { Response.Write(_00.DestMobile + "\r\n"); Response.Write(_00.MsgTicks.ToUkTime(true) + "\r\n"); Response.Write(String.Format("FailedCounter: {0} / {1}\r\n", _00.FailedCounter, _00.DisposeAfterNFailed)); Response.Write("NoCounterUpdate: " + _00.NoCounterUpdate.ToString() + "\r\n"); Response.Write(_00.Msg + "\r\n\r\n"); }); break; case "ShowUsers": bool filterOut_email_sent_for_verification = false; bool filterOut_verified_welcome_No_sent = false; bool filterOut_verified_welcome_queued = false; bool filterOut_verified_checkingTelNumbers = false; bool filterOut_blocked = false; bool filterOut_free_account = false; bool filterOut_commercial_monthly = false; bool filterOut_commercial_payassent = false; bool filterOut_commercial_systemDuplication = false; switch (Request.QueryString["Filter"]) { case "OnlyInteresting": filterOut_email_sent_for_verification = true; filterOut_blocked = true; break; case "OnlyCommercial": filterOut_verified_checkingTelNumbers = true; filterOut_verified_welcome_No_sent = true; filterOut_verified_welcome_queued = true; filterOut_email_sent_for_verification = true; filterOut_blocked = true; filterOut_free_account = true; break; } Data_AppUserFile.SortType sortType = Data_AppUserFile.SortType.State; switch (Request.QueryString["Sort"]) { case "Date": sortType = Data_AppUserFile.SortType.Date; break; case "State": sortType = Data_AppUserFile.SortType.State; break; case "Email": sortType = Data_AppUserFile.SortType.Email; break; case "Usage": sortType = Data_AppUserFile.SortType.Usage; break; } showUsers_tableHeader(DSSwitch.appUser().GetInfo()); int count = 0; DSSwitch.appUser().RetrieveAll(sortType, delegate(Data_AppUserFile d) { if (count++ > 1000) { // limit to 1000 results return; } switch (d.AccountStatus) { case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.email_sent_for_verification: if (!filterOut_email_sent_for_verification) { showUsers_tableEntry(d, Data_AppUserFile.EmailSaveChars(d.Email)); } break; case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.verified_welcome_No_sent: if (!filterOut_verified_welcome_No_sent) { showUsers_tableEntry(d, Data_AppUserFile.EmailSaveChars(d.Email)); } break; case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.verified_welcome_queued: if (!filterOut_verified_welcome_queued) { showUsers_tableEntry(d, Data_AppUserFile.EmailSaveChars(d.Email)); } break; case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.verified_checkingTelNumbers: if (!filterOut_verified_checkingTelNumbers) { showUsers_tableEntry(d, Data_AppUserFile.EmailSaveChars(d.Email)); } break; case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.blocked: if (!filterOut_blocked) { showUsers_tableEntry(d, Data_AppUserFile.EmailSaveChars(d.Email)); } break; case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.free_account: if (!filterOut_free_account) { showUsers_tableEntry(d, Data_AppUserFile.EmailSaveChars(d.Email)); } break; case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.commercial_monthly: case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.commercial_monthlyDifPrice: if (!filterOut_commercial_monthly) { showUsers_tableEntry(d, Data_AppUserFile.EmailSaveChars(d.Email)); } break; case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.commercial_payassent: if (!filterOut_commercial_payassent) { showUsers_tableEntry(d, Data_AppUserFile.EmailSaveChars(d.Email)); } break; case Data_AppUserFile.eUserStatus.commercial_systemDuplication: if (!filterOut_commercial_systemDuplication) { showUsers_tableEntry(d, Data_AppUserFile.EmailSaveChars(d.Email)); } break; } }, logInTest); showUsers_tableFooter(); break; //case "CopyAppUsersToDB": // int count = 0; // DSSwitch.appUser().RetrieveAll( // Data_AppUserFile.SortType.State, // delegate(Data_AppUserFile d) // { // bool fileArleadyUsed; // DSSwitch.appUser_DB().StoreNew(d, out fileArleadyUsed, logInTest); // count++; // }, // logInTest); // Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; // Response.Write("Done " + count.ToString()); // break; case "SendWelcomeSMS": Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; user = Request.QueryString["u"]; userF = DSSwitch.appUser().RetrieveOne(user, logInTest); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; foreach (string tel1 in userF.MobileNumberArray()) { string additionalInfo; Response.Write(tel1 + " " + (new APIActualSending(NiceASP.SessionData.SessionsSystem_Get(Session)).SendWhatsApp( userF.ApiGuId, tel1, "Welcome to\r\n", true, logInTest, out additionalInfo))); Response.Write(" " + additionalInfo); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); Response.Write(" slept\r\n"); } break; case "SendJustActivated": user = Request.QueryString["u"]; userF = DSSwitch.appUser().RetrieveOne(user, logInTest); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write(sVal + ( EMail.SendJustActivated(userF, log4Email) ? " ok" : " failed")); break; case "ResendVerifyMail": user = Request.QueryString["u"]; userF = DSSwitch.appUser().RetrieveOne(user, logInTest); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write(sVal + ( EMail.SendRegisterActivation(userF, log4Email) ? " ok" : " failed")); break; case "Queue": doQueue(logInTest); break; case "Log": logInTest.Info("A test msg from Test.Log"); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.Write("Log done"); break; case "null": userF = null; user = userF.UserName; // simulate bad code break; default: throw new ArgumentNullException("only a test"); } } }
public static DirectTel_OutJson ProcessDirectTel(DirectTel_InJson inJson, IMyLog trayLog, LogForEmailSend log4Email, dOnAction onGet, dOnAction onAck) { trayLog.Debug("DirectTel: Loading " + inJson.SubSystem); NiceSystemInfo subSystem = inJson.SubSystem.GetSystemInfoFromTrayType(); if (subSystem == null) { throw new Exception("subSystem == null"); } switch (inJson.Inst) { case "Get": { // Update loopback file (with the data from the incoming object) if (onGet != null) { onGet(subSystem); } // Prepare the object to be sent ASPTrayBase trayBase = MessageProcessing_TrayTo.GetFilesToSendToTray_ConsiderPriority(subSystem, 1, trayLog).FirstOrDefault(); if (trayBase == null) { // nothing, so just wait return(new DirectTel_OutJson() { WaitSec = 10, }); } if (trayBase is Data_Net__00NormalMessage) { Data_Net__00NormalMessage _00 = trayBase as Data_Net__00NormalMessage; return(new DirectTel_OutJson() { Id = "00" + _00.GetFileName(), Zapi = _00.DestMobile.Replace("+", ""), Text = _00.Msg, IsAddTelOnly = false, WaitSec = 1, }); } if (trayBase is Data_Net__04CheckTelNumbers) { Data_Net__04CheckTelNumbers _04 = trayBase as Data_Net__04CheckTelNumbers; MobileNoHandler h = new MobileNoHandler(_04.TelList); string firstTel = h.MobileNumberX_AsZapi(0); return(new DirectTel_OutJson() { Id = "04" + _04.GetFileName(), Zapi = firstTel, Text = null, IsAddTelOnly = true, WaitSec = 1, }); } } break; case "Ack": // Update loopback file (with the data from the incoming object) if (onAck != null) { onAck(subSystem); } MessageProcessing_TrayFrom proc = new MessageProcessing_TrayFrom(subSystem, null, trayLog, log4Email); Data_Net_Tray2ASP helper = new Data_Net_Tray2ASP(); if (inJson.Id.StartsWith("00")) { inJson.Id = inJson.Id.Substring(2); Data_Net__01NormalMessageResult _01 = new Data_Net__01NormalMessageResult(inJson.Id, true); helper.ObjectList.Add(_01); proc.Process_TrayFrom(helper, true); return(new DirectTel_OutJson()); } else if (inJson.Id.StartsWith("04")) { inJson.Id = inJson.Id.Substring(2); Data_Net__05CheckTelNumbersResult _05 = new Data_Net__05CheckTelNumbersResult(inJson.Id, null, null, null); helper.ObjectList.Add(_05); proc.Process_TrayFrom(helper, true); return(new DirectTel_OutJson()); } else { } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown inst"); } return(null); }
public static bool Send(EMailCredentials from, string to, string bcc, string subject, string htmlBodyNoHeader, out string errorText, LogForEmailSend log, string logId) { EMailCredentials cred = from; errorText = ""; if ((to == null) && (bcc != null)) { // no to set but a bcc, so swap to = bcc; bcc = null; } MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); mail.To.Add(to); if (bcc != null) { mail.Bcc.Add(bcc); } mail.From = cred.From; mail.Subject = subject; mail.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; mail.Body = EMail_Data.GetHeaderHtml() + htmlBodyNoHeader + EMail_Data.GetFooterHtml(); mail.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; mail.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.Priority = MailPriority.High; if ("SendEmailToDataport".IsAppSettingsTrue()) { using (MemoryStream ms = mail.RawMessage()) { CSC.DataLoggerAccess.Send(ms.ToArray()); } return(true); } else { SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); client.Credentials = cred.NetCredential; client.Port = cred.Port; client.Host = cred.Host; client.EnableSsl = cred.EnableSsl; try { client.Send(mail); log.Log.Info(logId + " to " + to); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(ex.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(ex.Message); Exception ex2 = ex; while (ex2 != null) { sb.AppendLine(ex2.ToString()); ex2 = ex2.InnerException; } errorText = sb.ToString(); log.Log.Error(logId + " to " + to + " " + errorText); } } return(false); }
public static bool Send(EMailCredentials from, string to, string subject, string htmlBodyNoHeader, out string errorText, LogForEmailSend log, string logId) { return(Send(from, to, null, subject, htmlBodyNoHeader, out errorText, log, logId)); }