private void GetFriendsListResponse(LogEventResponse response) { ClearFriendsList(); var friendsListData = response.ScriptData.BaseData; UpdateFriendsListUI(friendsListData); }
public static MarketUsersReply LogEventToMarketUsersReply(LogEventResponse eventResponse) { MarketUsersReply reply = new MarketUsersReply(true); List <object> users = eventResponse.ScriptData.GetObjectList("marketUsers"); foreach (Dictionary <string, object> user in users) { MarketUsersReply.User marketUser = new MarketUsersReply.User(); = user["_id"].ToString(); = user["name"].ToString(); marketUser.gender = ((Dictionary <string, object>)user["profile"])["gender"].ToString(); long birthdate = long.Parse(((Dictionary <string, object>)user["profile"])["birthdate"].ToString()); marketUser.birthdate = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1) + new TimeSpan(birthdate * 10000); marketUser.price = long.Parse(((Dictionary <string, object>)user["stats"])["price"].ToString()); = user["online"].ToString() != "0"; marketUser.recentlyJoined = user["recentlyJoined"].ToString() != "0"; reply.Users.Add(marketUser); } return(reply); }
private void WinnedTeamSubmissionCallback(LogEventResponse response) { if (response.HasErrors) { Debug.Log("GameSparksManager: Error: " + response.Errors.JSON); } }
public static StardomAPIReply LogEventErrorToAPIReply(LogEventResponse eventResponse) { bool success = eventResponse.ScriptData.GetBoolean("success").Value; string errorMsg = eventResponse.ScriptData.GetString("errorMsg"); return(new StardomAPIReply(success, errorMsg)); }
private void SearchForFriendsResponse(LogEventResponse response) { ClearSearchForFriendsList(); var friendsSearchListData = response.ScriptData.BaseData; UpdateSearchForFriendsUI(friendsSearchListData); }
private void TeamScoreCallback(LogEventResponse response) { if (response.HasErrors) { Debug.Log("GameSparksManager: Error: " + response.Errors.JSON); } else { GSData dataCola = response.ScriptData.GetGSData("ColaData"); GSData dataPepsi = response.ScriptData.GetGSData("PepsiData"); int counterCola = 0; if (dataCola.ContainsKey("count")) { counterCola = dataCola.GetInt("count").Value; } int counterPepsi = 0; if (dataPepsi.ContainsKey("count")) { counterPepsi = dataPepsi.GetInt("count").Value; } ManagersController.Message(Message.Create(this, MessageData.EVENT_GET_TEAMS_SCORE, counterCola, counterPepsi)); } }
private void OnAcceptFriendRequestResult(LogEventResponse response) { if (!response.HasErrors) { // remove pending request from list GameObject.Destroy(GameObject.Find(playerID + "pending")); FriendsPanel friendsPanelScript = GetComponentInParent <FriendsPanel>(); friendsPanelScript.GetPendingFriendsList(); } }
private void ProcessPosting(LogEventResponse response) { if (!response.HasErrors) { Debug.Log("Score Posted Successfully..." + finalScore); } else { Debug.Log("Error Posting Score..."); } }
private void SetLastLoginTimeResponse(LogEventResponse response) { if (!response.HasErrors) { Debug.Log("LoginSet correctly"); } else { Debug.Log("Error while getting the update version... \n " + response.Errors.JSON.ToString()); } }
private void ScoreSubmissionCallback(LogEventResponse response) { if (response.HasErrors) { Debug.Log("GameSparksManager: Error: " + response.Errors.JSON); } else { //Update leaderboard LeaderboardRequest(); } }
private void OnFriendRequestResponse(LogEventResponse response) { UnityEngine.UI.Text[] friendResultObjectTexts = GameObject.Find(playerID + "search").GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(); Text friendResultText = friendResultObjectTexts[0]; if (!response.HasErrors) { // Change text of button friendResultText.text = "Request Sent!"; } else { friendResultText.text = "Request Already Sent!"; } }
private void ProcessDownloadBundleListResponse(LogEventResponse response, System.Action <bool> callback) { IsBundleListDownloading = false; if (response == null || response.ScriptData == null || response.HasErrors) { if (callback != null) { callback(false); } return; } var bundles = response.ScriptData.GetGSDataList("bundles"); if (bundles == null || bundles.Count == 0) { if (callback != null) { callback(false); } return; } List <RemoteBundleData> bundles_data = new List <RemoteBundleData>(); foreach (var item in bundles) { var shortCode = item.GetString("shortCode"); var crc = item.GetString("crc"); var bundleId = item.GetString("bundleId"); var remote_bundle_data = new RemoteBundleData(shortCode, crc, bundleId); bundles_data.Add(remote_bundle_data); } lock (m_remoteBundleListLock) m_remoteBundleList = bundles_data.ToArray(); if (callback != null) { callback(true); } }
public static UserProfileReply UserProfileResponseToUserProfileReply(LogEventResponse profileResponse) { UserProfileReply reply = new UserProfileReply(true); = profileResponse.ScriptData.GetString("id"); reply.fbid = profileResponse.ScriptData.GetString("fbid"); = profileResponse.ScriptData.GetString("name"); GSData profile = profileResponse.ScriptData.GetObject("profile"); GSData stats = profileResponse.ScriptData.GetObject("stats"); reply.countryCode = profile.GetString("country"); reply.mood = profile.GetInt("mood").Value; reply.price = stats.GetInt("price").Value; reply.status = profile.GetString("status"); = profile.GetStringList("pics"); reply.videos = profile.GetStringList("videos"); return(reply); }
public void CheckForUpdatesResponse(LogEventResponse response) { if (!response.HasErrors) { float versionNumber = response.ScriptData.GetFloat("versionNumber").Value; bool invasive = response.ScriptData.GetBoolean("invasive").Value; if (float.Parse(Application.version) < versionNumber) { updateButton.SetActive(true); if (invasive) { updatePanel.SetActive(true); } } } else { Debug.Log("Error while getting the update version... \n " + response.Errors.JSON.ToString()); } }
public void GettingTournamentData2(LogEventResponse response) { var res1 = new GSData(); var res2 = new GSData(); Dictionary <string, string> dicBoost = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var cursor = response.ScriptData.BaseData; res1 = null; res2 = null; foreach (var c in cursor) { res1 = response.ScriptData.GetGSData(c.Key); foreach (var k in res1.BaseData) { if (k.Key == "trackName") { } if (k.Key == "timeTaken") { } if (k.Key == "ghostData") { res2 = (GSData)k.Value; foreach (var tt in res2.BaseData) { if (tt.Key == "Tour") { Tournament.tournament.TypeTourString[0] = tt.Value.ToString(); } if (tt.Key == "TypeTour") { Tournament.tournament.TypeTourString[1] = tt.Value.ToString(); } } } } } }
public void GettingTournamentData(LogEventResponse response) { var res1 = new GSData(); var res2 = new GSData(); //Debug.Log("Getting Keys"); Dictionary <string, string> dicBoost = new Dictionary <string, string>(); bool SendMail = false; bool SpendMail = false; var cursor = response.ScriptData.BaseData; if (cursor == null) { Debug.Log("notdata"); return; } res1 = null; res2 = null; foreach (var c in cursor) { //Debug.Log(c.Key.ToString()); if (PortalNetwork.THIS.IsYou(c.Key.ToString())) {// if (!OpenAppLevel.THIS.onf7) { Tournament.joined = true; } string idtime = "5be8b796fc37de04ee99c3ca"; //Debug.Log(c.Key.ToString()); //Debug.Log(c.Key.ToString()); res1 = response.ScriptData.GetGSData(idtime);// foreach (var k in res1.BaseData) { if (k.Key == "trackName") { } if (k.Key == "timeTaken") { //Debug.Log(k.Value.ToString()); //TimeParse(k.Value.ToString());// } if (k.Key == "timeEnd") { //TimeParse3(k.Value.ToString()); } if (k.Key == "ghostData") { string outTime = k.Value.ToString();// } if (k.Key == "Name") { //TounamentLB.THIS.playerNames.Add(k.Value.ToString()); //Debug.Log(k.Value.ToString()); } } } else { } } }
//Post Score Sucessful public void OnSucessPostScore(LogEventResponse pEventResponse) { Debug.Log("Sucess Post"); }
//Post Score Error public void OnErrorPostScore(LogEventResponse pEventResponse) { Debug.Log("Error on post"); }
private void OnGetNewGuestUserSuccess(LogEventResponse message) { Debug.Log("New guest user successful"); adminLogin = false; }
private void OnPlayAgainError(LogEventResponse response) { print(response.Errors.JSON.ToString()); }
private void OnPlayAgainSuccess(LogEventResponse response) { print(response.JSONString); }