예제 #1
        public override ToolPart[] GetToolParts()
            ToolPart[] allToolsParts = new ToolPart[3];
                WebPartToolPart        standardToolParts = new WebPartToolPart();
                CustomPropertyToolPart customToolParts   = new CustomPropertyToolPart();

                allToolsParts[0] = standardToolParts;
                allToolsParts[1] = customToolParts;
                allToolsParts[2] = new SimpleListToolPart();
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogEngine.Log(ex, "Accessible Lists");

        protected override void CreateChildControls()
                Table table = new Table();

                this.webPart     = (SimpleListView)this.ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart;
                lblListToDisplay = new Label();
                lblViewerPageUrl = new Label();

                if (SPContext.Current.Web.Url.ToLower().Contains("/eng/"))
                    lblListToDisplay.Text = "List to Display:";
                    lblViewerPageUrl.Text = "Url of the Item Viewer Page:";
                    lblListToDisplay.Text = "Liste à afficher:";
                    lblViewerPageUrl.Text = "Url de la page de visionneur d'item:";

                    if (webPart.ListId != null)
                        using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
                            using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webPart.ListWebId))
                                SPList selList = web.Lists[webPart.ListId];
                                txtListTitle.Text = selList.Title;

                                ddlViews = new DropDownList();
                                foreach (SPView view in selList.Views)
                                    ListItem item = new ListItem(view.Title);

                                    if (webPart.ViewName != string.Empty && view.Title.Equals(webPart.ViewName))
                                        item.Selected = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogEngine.Log(ex, "Accessible Lists");

                lblListToDisplay.Font.Bold = true;
                lblViewerPageUrl.Font.Bold = true;

                toolPartPanel = new Panel();

                this.txtListTitle.ID       = "txtEntityPath";
                this.txtListTitle.CssClass = "UserInput";
                this.txtListTitle.Style.Add("margin", "4px 0 0 0");

                btnList               = new Button();
                btnList.CssClass      = "UserButton";
                btnList.OnClientClick = String.Format("LaunchPickerTreeDialog('CbqPickerSelectListTitle','CbqPickerSelectListText','{0}','', '{1}', null,'','','/_layouts/images/smt_icon.gif','', callback, ''); return false;", "listsOnly", SPContext.Current.Web.Url);
                btnList.Text          = "...";

                txtItemViewerUrl = new TextBox();
                if (webPart.ItemViewerUrl != null)
                    txtItemViewerUrl.Text = webPart.ItemViewerUrl;

                TableRow  row  = new TableRow();
                TableCell cell = new TableCell();

                cell = new TableCell();

                if (ddlViews != null)
                    row  = new TableRow();
                    cell = new TableCell();
                    cell = new TableCell();

                row  = new TableRow();
                cell = new TableCell();

                cell = new TableCell();
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogEngine.Log(ex, "Accessible Lists");
예제 #3
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            string CAMLQuery             = null;

                if (this._listId != null && this._viewName != null)
                    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
                        using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(this.ListWebId))
                            SPList selectedList        = web.Lists[this._listId];
                            SPListItemCollection items = selectedList.Items;
                            SPView defaultView         = selectedList.Views[this._viewName];
                            uint   itemsPerPage        = defaultView.RowLimit;

                            SPViewFieldCollection fields = defaultView.ViewFields;
                            System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection stringCol = fields.ToStringCollection();

                            if (Page.Request.QueryString != null && Page.Request.QueryString.Count > 0)
                                FilterEngine filterEngine = new FilterEngine(Page.Request.QueryString, selectedList);
                                CAMLQuery = filterEngine.CAMLQuery;

                            // Nik20121105 - Write the table headers;
                            sb.AppendLine("<table class=\"wet-boew-zebra\">");
                            foreach (string field in stringCol)
                                sb.Append("<th>" + selectedList.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(field).Title + "</th>");

                            if (CAMLQuery == null)
                                CAMLQuery = "";

                            SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
                            query.Query    = CAMLQuery;
                            query.RowLimit = itemsPerPage;
                            items          = selectedList.GetItems(query);

                            if (Page.Request.QueryString["p_ID"] != null)
                                string prev = "";
                                if (Page.Request.QueryString["PagedPrev"] == "TRUE")
                                    prev = "&PagedPrev=TRUE";
                                SPListItemCollectionPosition position = new SPListItemCollectionPosition("Paged=TRUE&p_ID=" + Page.Request.QueryString["p_ID"] + prev);
                                query.ListItemCollectionPosition = position;

                            string lastId = "";
                            foreach (SPListItem item in items)
                                bool firstCol = true;
                                foreach (string field in stringCol)
                                    if (firstCol)
                                        firstCol = false;

                                        string  itemUrl = string.Empty;
                                        SPField test    = item.Fields.TryGetFieldByStaticName("BdcIdentity");

                                        if (test != null)
                                            itemUrl = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(this._listWeb + "/_layouts/listform.aspx?PageType=4&ListId={" + this._listId.ToString() + "}&ID=" + item["BdcIdentity"].ToString());
                                            itemUrl = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(this._listWeb + "/_layouts/listform.aspx?PageType=4&ListId={" + this._listId.ToString() + "}&ID=" + item.ID.ToString());

                                        string renderedField = string.Empty;
                                        if (item[field] != null)
                                            renderedField = item[field].ToString();

                                        sb.AppendLine("<td><a href=\"" + this.ItemViewerUrl + "?ItemUrl=" + itemUrl + "\">" + renderedField.Replace("string;#", "").Replace("datetime;#", "").Replace("number;#", "") + "</a></td>");
                                        string renderedField = string.Empty;
                                        if (item[field] != null)
                                            renderedField = FieldRenderer.RenderField(item[field].ToString(), item.Fields.GetFieldByInternalName(field));
                                        sb.AppendLine("<td>" + renderedField + "</td>");
                                lastId = item.ID.ToString();


                            string curUrl     = Page.Request.Url.OriginalString;
                            string forwardUrl = curUrl.Replace("p_ID=" + Page.Request.QueryString["p_ID"], "p_ID=" + lastId).Replace("&PagedPrev=TRUE", "");
                            string prevUrl    = curUrl.Replace("p_ID=" + Page.Request.QueryString["p_ID"], "p_ID=" + items[0].ID.ToString());

                            if (forwardUrl.IndexOf("p_ID") < 0)
                                if (!forwardUrl.Contains("?"))
                                    forwardUrl += "?p_ID=" + lastId;
                                    forwardUrl += "&p_ID=" + lastId;

                            if (prevUrl.IndexOf("p_ID") < 0)
                                if (!prevUrl.Contains("?"))
                                    prevUrl += "?p_ID=" + items[0].ID.ToString();
                                    prevUrl += "&p_ID=" + items[0].ID.ToString();

                            if (!prevUrl.Contains("PagedPrev"))
                                prevUrl += "&PagedPrev=TRUE";

                            if (CAMLQuery != null)
                                SPQuery newQuery = new SPQuery();
                                newQuery.Query = CAMLQuery;
                                if (items[0].ID != selectedList.GetItems(newQuery)[0].ID)
                                    sb.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + prevUrl + "\">< Previous</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;");
                            else if (items[0].ID != selectedList.Items[0].ID)
                                sb.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + prevUrl + "\">< Previous</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;");

                            if ((int.Parse(lastId) + itemsPerPage) < selectedList.Items.Count)
                                sb.AppendLine("<a href=\"" + forwardUrl + "\">Next ></a>");
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogEngine.Log(ex, "Accessible Lists");
        /// <summary>
        /// Render cleaned up code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="writer"></param>
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            // extract all html
            if (SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser != null)
                    // Nik20130116 - Check to see if the current user is part of the Draft Reviewers Group;
                    bool   isDraftReviewer = false;
                    string siteUrl         = SPContext.Current.Web.Url;
                    string userName        = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName;
                    bool   groupExists     = false;
                            using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteUrl))
                                using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                                    foreach (SPGroup group in web.Groups)
                                        if (group.Name.Equals("Draft Reviewers"))
                                            groupExists = true;

                                    if (groupExists)
                                        SPGroup draftRevGroup = web.Groups["Draft Reviewers"];
                                        foreach (SPUser user in draftRevGroup.Users)
                                            if (user.LoginName == userName && userName != @"SHAREPOINT\system")
                                                // Draft Reviewers must not be part of any other group
                                                if (user.Groups.Count > 1)
                                                    Control placeholder = FindChildControlRecursive("PlaceHolderMain", this.Page);
                                                    if (placeholder != null)
                                                        Panel pnlAlert = new Panel()
                                                            CssClass = "module-alert span-6",

                                                        LiteralControl litTitle = new LiteralControl("<h3><span class=\"color-dark\">Warning:</span> Draft reviewer mode disabled</h3>");

                                                        StringBuilder strBody = new StringBuilder();
                                                        strBody.AppendFormat("<p style='margin:0 10px;'>You (<strong>{0}</strong>) are currently a member of the <strong>Draft Reviewers</strong> group. Draft reviewers must not be part of any other group.</p>", SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName);
                                                        strBody.Append("<p style='margin:0 10px;'>Please ask the site administrator to be removed from the following groups:<ul>");
                                                        foreach (SPGroup g in SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.Groups)
                                                            if (g.Name != "Draft Reviewers")
                                                                strBody.AppendFormat("<li>{0}</li>", g.Name);

                                                        LiteralControl litBody = new LiteralControl(strBody.ToString());

                                                        placeholder.Controls.AddAt(0, pnlAlert);
                                                    isDraftReviewer = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogEngine.Log(ex, "Master Page");

                    // Hide scrollbar for non-anonymous
                    LiteralControl style;
                    if (isDraftReviewer)
                        style = new LiteralControl("<style type=\"text/css\">#s4-workspace { overflow-y: hidden !important; }</style>");
                        style = new LiteralControl("<style type=\"text/css\">html { overflow-y: hidden !important; }</style>");

                    // Nik20130116 - Get the page's mode (edit or display);
                    Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPControlMode pageMode = SPContext.Current.FormContext.FormMode;

                    // Nik20130116 - If the current user is part of the Draft Reviewer group, and the page is trying to access the Edit mode, then block page's load;
                    if (pageMode == Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPControlMode.Edit && isDraftReviewer && groupExists)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogEngine.Log(ex, "Master Pages - Publishing Master - Code Behind");
                System.IO.StringWriter str = new System.IO.StringWriter();
                HtmlTextWriter         wrt = new HtmlTextWriter(str);

                // render html
                string html = str.ToString();

                // find all script tags
                Regex           scriptRegex   = new Regex("<script[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches = scriptRegex.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    // identify script tags with no type attribute
                    if (scriptMatches[i].ToString().IndexOf("type") < 0)
                        // add type attribute after script opening tag
                        html = html.Insert(scriptMatches[i].Index + 7, " type=\"text/javascript\"");

                // find all uppercase script tags
                Regex           scriptRegex1   = new Regex("<script[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches1 = scriptRegex1.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches1.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript' >", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">");

                // find all language=javascript tags
                Regex           scriptRegex2   = new Regex("<script[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches2 = scriptRegex2.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches2.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(" language=\"javascript\"", "");

                // find all language=JavaScript tags
                Regex           scriptRegex3   = new Regex("<script[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches3 = scriptRegex3.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches3.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(" language=\"JavaScript\"", "");

                // find all defer tags
                // DEFER version 1
                Regex           scriptRegex4   = new Regex("<script[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches4 = scriptRegex4.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches4.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(" defer", "");
                    html = html.Replace("=\"defer\"", "");

                // find form name tag
                Regex           scriptRegex5   = new Regex("<form[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches5 = scriptRegex5.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches5.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(" name=\"aspnetForm\"", "");

                // find all uppercase script tags
                Regex           scriptRegex7   = new Regex("</SCRIPT[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches7 = scriptRegex7.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches7.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace("SCRIPT", "script");

                // find __expr-val-dir tags
                Regex           scriptRegex8   = new Regex("<html[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches8 = scriptRegex8.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches8.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(" __expr-val-dir=\"ltr\"", "");
                    //html = html.Replace("lang=\"en\"", "xml:lang=\"en\"");

                // find tables tags
                Regex           scriptRegex9   = new Regex("<table[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches9 = scriptRegex9.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches9.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(" TOPLEVEL", "");
                    html = html.Replace("vAlign", "valign");
                    //html = html.Replace("width=\"100%\"", "");

                // find tables tags
                Regex           scriptRegex10   = new Regex("<td[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches10 = scriptRegex10.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches10.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace("Modified By", "ModifiedBy");

                // find hidden div
                Regex           scriptRegex11   = new Regex("<menu[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches11 = scriptRegex11.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches11.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace("<ie:menuitem", "<li");
                    html = html.Replace("</ie:menuitem>", "</li>");
                    html = html.Replace("onmenuclick", "onclick");
                    //html = html.Replace("text","Title");
                    html = html.Replace("iconsrc=", "style='background:url(");
                    html = html.Replace("style=\"display:none\"", "");

                Regex           scriptRegex12   = new Regex("<menu[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches12 = scriptRegex12.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches12.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace("<menu", "<ul");
                    html = html.Replace("</menu>", "</ul>");
                    html = html.Replace("HelpIcon.gif\"", "HelpIcon.gif\");display:none;'");
                    html = html.Replace("text=\"Help\"", "");
                    html = html.Replace("type=\"option\"", "");

                Regex           scriptRegex13   = new Regex("<input type='hidden' id='_wpcmWpid' name='_wpcmWpid' value=''[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches13 = scriptRegex13.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches13.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace("<input type='hidden' id='_wpcmWpid' name='_wpcmWpid' value='' />", "<p><input type='hidden' id='_wpcmWpid' name='_wpcmWpid' value='' /></p>");

                Regex           scriptRegex14   = new Regex("<input type='hidden' id='wpcmVal' name='wpcmVal' value=''[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches14 = scriptRegex14.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches14.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace("<input type='hidden' id='wpcmVal' name='wpcmVal' value=''/>", "<p><input type='hidden' id='wpcmVal' name='wpcmVal' value='' /></p>");

                Regex           scriptRegex15   = new Regex("<div[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches15 = scriptRegex15.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches15.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    // the following line has been commented out because it prevents postbacks when anonymous browsing
                    //html = html.Replace("ID", "id");
                    html = html.Replace("aria-labelledby=\"ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_ctl00_label\"", "");
                    html = html.Replace("aria-labelledby=\"ctl00_PlaceHolderMainRight_ContentRight_label\"", "");
                    html = html.Replace("aria-labelledby=\"ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_label\"", "");

                Regex           scriptRegex16   = new Regex("<div[^>]*");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches16 = scriptRegex16.Matches(html);

                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches16.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace("aria-labelledby=\"ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_ctl00_label\"", "");

                // find and remove the alt tag from input search box
                // for all matches... replace with class=\"ms-sbplain\"
                Regex           scriptRegex17   = new Regex("class=\"ms-sbplain\" alt=\"[^\"]*\"");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches17 = scriptRegex17.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches17.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches17[i].Value, "class=\"ms-sbplain\"");

                // fix the onmouseover onmouseout to include onblur and onfocus for the small search box
                // Richard Dufour - 4/24/2012
                //  Not Required... corected the link for the search buttons... this will put the magnifined glass back in
                string          scriptRegex18String = "onmouseover=\"[^\"]*\" onmouseout=\"[^\"]*\" class=\"srch-gosearchimg\"";
                Regex           scriptRegex18       = new Regex(scriptRegex18String);
                MatchCollection scriptMatches18     = scriptRegex18.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches18.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    string scriptRegex18ReplaceString = scriptMatches18[i].Value + " " + scriptMatches18[i].Value.Replace("class=\"srch-gosearchimg\"", "").Replace("onmouseover", "onfocus").Replace("onmouseout", "onblur");

                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches18[i].Value, scriptRegex18ReplaceString);

                // convert ccedil to &#231;
                Regex           scriptRegex19   = new Regex("&ccedil;");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches19 = scriptRegex19.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches19.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches19[i].Value, "&#231;");

                // strip out the class="s4-wpTopTable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" from the searchbox
                Regex           scriptRegex20   = new Regex("class=\"s4-wpTopTable\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches20 = scriptRegex20.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches20.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches20[i].Value, "class=\"s4-wpTopTable\"");

                // strip out the s4-search" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" from the searchbox
                Regex           scriptRegex21   = new Regex("s4-search\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\"");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches21 = scriptRegex21.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches21.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches21[i].Value, "s4-search\"");

                // convert <td valign="top"> to <td style="vertical-align: top !important;">
                Regex           scriptRegex22   = new Regex("<td valign=\"top\">");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches22 = scriptRegex22.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches22.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches22[i].Value, "<td style=\"vertical-align: top !important;\">");

                // strip out the other format of s4-search" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" from the searchbox
                Regex           scriptRegex23   = new Regex("s4-search\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches23 = scriptRegex23.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches23.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches23[i].Value, "s4-search\"");

                // clean the span outputted by SP when adding breadcrumbs <div id="cn-bc-inner"><span><ol> and </span></div><!-- cn-bc-inner -->
                Regex           scriptRegex24   = new Regex("<div id=\"gcwu-bc-in\"><span><ol>");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches24 = scriptRegex24.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches24.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches24[i].Value, "<div id=\"gcwu-bc-in\"><ol>");

                // clean the span outputted by SP when adding breadcrumbs <div id="cn-bc-inner"><span><ol> and </span></div><!-- cn-bc-inner -->
                Regex           scriptRegex25   = new Regex("</span></div>");
                MatchCollection scriptMatches25 = scriptRegex25.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches25.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches25[i].Value, "</div>");

                // small search web part extras
                // clean out WebPartid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" HasPers="true" id="WebPartWPQ1"  class="noindex" OnlyForMePart="true" allowDelete="false"
                Regex           scriptRegex26   = new Regex("WebPartid=\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\" HasPers=\"true\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                MatchCollection scriptMatches26 = scriptRegex26.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches26.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches26[i].Value, "");
                Regex           scriptRegex27   = new Regex("OnlyForMePart=\"true\" allowDelete=\"false\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                MatchCollection scriptMatches27 = scriptRegex27.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches27.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches27[i].Value, "");

                Regex           scriptRegex28   = new Regex("<div id=\"ECBItems[^>]*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                MatchCollection scriptMatches28 = scriptRegex28.Matches(html);
                // go through matches in reverse
                for (int i = scriptMatches28.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches28[i].Value, scriptMatches28[i].Value + " style=\"display:none;\"");

                // uncomment this to have the tables removed
                // </?table[^>]*>|</?tr[^>]*>|</?td[^>]*>|</?thead[^>]*>|</?th[^>]*>|</?tfoot[^>]*>|</?tbody[^>]*>
                //Regex scriptRegex28 = new Regex("</?table[^>]*>|</?tr[^>]*>|</?td[^>]*>|</?thead[^>]*>|</?th[^>]*>|</?tfoot[^>]*>|</?tbody[^>]*>");
                //MatchCollection scriptMatches28 = scriptRegex28.Matches(html);
                //// go through matches in reverse
                //for (int i = scriptMatches28.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                //    html = html.Replace(scriptMatches28[i].Value, "");

                // write the 'clean' html to the page