예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// This coroutine will fade out the view, perform the teleport, and then fade the view
    /// back in.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    protected IEnumerator BlinkCoroutine()
        LocomotionTeleport.IsTransitioning = true;
        float elapsedTime  = 0;
        var   teleportTime = TransitionDuration * TeleportDelay;
        var   teleported   = false;

        while (elapsedTime < TransitionDuration)
            yield return(null);

            elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
            if (!teleported && elapsedTime >= teleportTime)
                teleported = true;
            float fadeLevel = FadeLevels.Evaluate(elapsedTime / TransitionDuration);
            GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>().SetFadeLevel(fadeLevel);

        GetComponent <OVRScreenFade>().SetFadeLevel(0);

        LocomotionTeleport.IsTransitioning = false;
예제 #2
 protected virtual void OnDisable()
     LocomotionTeleport = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// This method will be called while the LocmotionTeleport component is in the aiming state, once for each
    /// line segment that the targeting beam requires.
    /// The function should return true whenever an actual target location has been selected.
    /// </summary>
    protected override bool ConsiderTeleport(Vector3 start, ref Vector3 end)
        // If the ray hits the world, consider it valid and update the aimRay to the end point.
        if (!LocomotionTeleport.AimCollisionTest(start, end, AimCollisionLayerMask | TeleportLayerMask, out AimData.TargetHitInfo))
        TeleportPoint tp = AimData.TargetHitInfo.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <TeleportPoint>();

        if (tp == null)

        // The targeting test discovered a valid teleport node. Now test to make sure there is line of sight to the
        // actual destination. Since the teleport destination is expected to be right on the ground, use the LOSOffset
        // to bump the collision check up off the ground a bit.
        var dest      = tp.destTransform.position;
        var offsetEnd = new Vector3(dest.x, dest.y + LOSOffset, dest.z);

        if (LocomotionTeleport.AimCollisionTest(start, offsetEnd, AimCollisionLayerMask & ~TeleportLayerMask, out AimData.TargetHitInfo))

        end = dest;
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// OnEnable is virtual so that derived classes can set up references to objects before
 /// AddEventHandlers is called, as is required by TeleportSupport derivations.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void OnEnable()
     LocomotionTeleport = GetComponent <LocomotionTeleport>();
예제 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// This coroutine will fade out the view, perform the teleport, and then fade the view
    /// back in.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    protected IEnumerator BlinkCoroutine()
        LocomotionTeleport.IsTransitioning = true;
        float elapsedTime  = 0;
        var   teleportTime = TransitionDuration * TeleportDelay;
        var   teleported   = false;

        while (elapsedTime < TransitionDuration)
            yield return(null);

            elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
            if (!teleported && elapsedTime >= teleportTime)
                teleported = true;
            //float fadeLevel = FadeLevels.Evaluate(elapsedTime / TransitionDuration);


        LocomotionTeleport.IsTransitioning = false;
예제 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// This version of ConsiderDestination will only return a valid location if the pathing system is able to find a route
    /// from the current position to the candidate location.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="location"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public override Vector3?ConsiderDestination(Vector3 location)
        var result = base.ConsiderDestination(location);

        if (result.HasValue)
            Vector3 start = LocomotionTeleport.GetCharacterPosition();
            Vector3 dest  = result.GetValueOrDefault();
    /// <summary>
    /// This method will be called while the LocmotionTeleport component is in the aiming state, once for each
    /// line segment that the targeting beam requires.
    /// The function should return true whenever an actual target location has been selected.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="start"></param>
    /// <param name="end"></param>
    protected override bool ConsiderTeleport(Vector3 start, ref Vector3 end)
        // If the ray hits the world, consider it valid and update the aimRay to the end point.
        if (LocomotionTeleport.AimCollisionTest(start, end, AimCollisionLayerMask, out AimData.TargetHitInfo))
            var d = (end - start).normalized;

            end = start + d * AimData.TargetHitInfo.distance;
예제 #8
	/// <summary>
	/// This coroutine will be active during the teleport transition and will move the camera 
	/// according to the PositionLerp curve.
	/// </summary>
	/// <returns></returns>
	IEnumerator DoWarp()
		LocomotionTeleport.IsTransitioning = true;
		var startPosition = LocomotionTeleport.GetCharacterPosition();  
		float elapsedTime = 0;
		while (elapsedTime < TransitionDuration)
			elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
			var t = elapsedTime / TransitionDuration;
			var pLerp = PositionLerp.Evaluate(t);
			LocomotionTeleport.DoWarp(startPosition, pLerp);
			yield return null;
		LocomotionTeleport.DoWarp(startPosition, 1.0f);
		LocomotionTeleport.IsTransitioning = false;
    protected override void UpdateTeleportDestination()
        // Only update the orientation during preteleport, or if configured to do updates during aim.
        if (AimData.Destination.HasValue && (UpdateOrientationDuringAim || LocomotionTeleport.CurrentState == LocomotionTeleport.States.PreTeleport))
            var t           = LocomotionTeleport.LocomotionController.CameraRig.centerEyeAnchor;
            var destination = AimData.Destination.GetValueOrDefault();

            // create a plane that contains the destination, with the normal pointing to the HMD.
            var plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, destination);

            // find the point on the plane that the HMD is looking at.
            float d;
            bool  hit = plane.Raycast(new Ray(t.position, t.forward), out d);
            if (hit)
                var target = t.position + t.forward * d;
                var local  = target - destination;
                local.y = 0;
                var distance = local.magnitude;
                if (distance > AimDistanceThreshold)

                    // Some debug draw code to visualize what the math is doing.

                    //OVRDebugDraw.AddCross(target, 0.2f, 0.01f, Color.yellow, 0.1f);
                    //OVRDebugDraw.AddCross(destination + new Vector3(local.x, 0, local.z), 0.2f, 0.01f, Color.blue, 0.1f);

                    //OVRDebugDraw.AddLine(t.position + new Vector3(0, 0.1f, 0), target, 0.01f, Color.yellow, 1.0f);
                    //OVRDebugDraw.AddLine(target + new Vector3(0, 1f, 0), target - new Vector3(0, 1f, 0), 0.01f, Color.blue, 1.0f);

                    var rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(local.x, 0, local.z), Vector3.up);
                    _initialRotation = rot;

                    if (AimDistanceMaxRange > 0 && distance > AimDistanceMaxRange)
                        AimData.TargetValid = false;

                    LocomotionTeleport.OnUpdateTeleportDestination(AimData.TargetValid, AimData.Destination, rot, GetLandingOrientation(OrientationMode, rot));
        LocomotionTeleport.OnUpdateTeleportDestination(AimData.TargetValid, AimData.Destination, _initialRotation, GetLandingOrientation(OrientationMode, _initialRotation));
    /// <summary>
    /// This version of ConsiderDestination will only return a valid location if the pathing system is able to find a route
    /// from the current position to the candidate location.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="location"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public override Vector3?ConsiderDestination(Vector3 location)
        var result = base.ConsiderDestination(location);

        if (result.HasValue)
            Vector3 start = LocomotionTeleport.GetCharacterPosition();
            Vector3 dest  = result.GetValueOrDefault();
            UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.CalculatePath(start, dest, NavMeshAreaMask, _path);

            if (_path.status == UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete)
    protected override void UpdateTeleportDestination()
        var direction = OVRInput.Get(Thumbstick == Thumbsticks.LeftThumbstick
                        ? OVRInput.RawAxis2D.LThumbstick
                        : OVRInput.RawAxis2D.RThumbstick);

        if (!AimData.TargetValid)
            _lastValidDirection = new Vector2();

        var length = direction.magnitude;

        if (length < RotateStickThreshold)
            direction = _lastValidDirection;
            length    = direction.magnitude;

            if (length < RotateStickThreshold)
                _initialRotation = LocomotionTeleport.GetHeadRotationY();
                direction.x      = 0;
                direction.y      = 1;
            _lastValidDirection = direction;

        var tracking = LocomotionTeleport.LocomotionController.CameraRig.trackingSpace.rotation;

        if (length > RotateStickThreshold)
            direction /= length;             // normalize the vector
            var rot = _initialRotation * Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(direction.x, 0, direction.y), Vector3.up);
            _currentRotation = tracking * rot;
            _currentRotation = tracking * LocomotionTeleport.GetHeadRotationY();

        LocomotionTeleport.OnUpdateTeleportDestination(AimData.TargetValid, AimData.Destination, _currentRotation, GetLandingOrientation(OrientationMode, _currentRotation));
예제 #12
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        _locomotionBehaviors = LocomotionController.GetComponents <MonoBehaviour>();

        AddLabel("Input Handler");
        _toggleAvatarTouch = SetupToggle <TeleportInputHandler, TeleportInputHandlerAvatarTouch>("Avatar Touch");
        _toggleGenericHMD  = SetupToggle <TeleportInputHandler, TeleportInputHandlerHMD>("Generic HMD");

        AddLabel("Aim Handler");
        _toggleLaser     = SetupToggle <TeleportAimHandler, TeleportAimHandlerLaser>("Laser");
        _toggleParabolic = SetupToggle <TeleportAimHandler, TeleportAimHandlerParabolic>("Parabolic");

        AddLabel("Target Handler");
        _toggleNavMesh      = SetupToggle <TeleportTargetHandler, TeleportTargetHandlerNavMesh>("Nav Mesh");
        _toggleTeleportNode = SetupToggle <TeleportTargetHandler, TeleportTargetHandlerNode>("Teleport Node");
        _toggleGeometry     = SetupToggle <TeleportTargetHandler, TeleportTargetHandlerPhysical>("Geometry");

        AddLabel("Orientation Handler");
        _toggle360 = SetupToggle <TeleportOrientationHandler, TeleportOrientationHandler360>("360");
        _toggleHMD = SetupToggle <TeleportOrientationHandler, TeleportOrientationHandlerHMD>("HMD");
        _toggleThumbstickRelative = SetupToggle <TeleportOrientationHandler, TeleportOrientationHandlerThumbstick>("Thumbstick Head Relative", TeleportOrientationHandler.OrientationModes.HeadRelative);
        _toggleThumbstickForward  = SetupToggle <TeleportOrientationHandler, TeleportOrientationHandlerThumbstick>("Thumbstick Forward Facing", TeleportOrientationHandler.OrientationModes.ForwardFacing);

        _toggleInstant = SetupToggle <TeleportTransition, TeleportTransitionInstant>("Instant");
        _toggleBlink   = SetupToggle <TeleportTransition, TeleportTransitionBlink>("Blink");
        _toggleWarp    = SetupToggle <TeleportTransition, TeleportTransitionWarp>("Warp (no orientation)");

        AddLabel("Enable Linear Motion During Teleport States");
        _teleportController             = LocomotionController.GetComponent <LocomotionTeleport>();
        _toggleLinearMotionReady        = SetupToggle("Ready State Motion", ToggleReadyStateMotion);
        _toggleLinearMotionAim          = SetupToggle("Aim State Motion", ToggleAimStateMotion);
        _toggleLinearMotionPreTeleport  = SetupToggle("PreTeleport State Motion", TogglePreTeleportStateMotion);
        _toggleLinearMotionPostTeleport = SetupToggle("PostTeleport State Motion", TogglePostTeleportStateMotion);

        AddLabel("Enable Rotation During Teleport States");
        _teleportController         = LocomotionController.GetComponent <LocomotionTeleport>();
        _toggleRotationReady        = SetupToggle("Ready State Rotation", ToggleReadyStateRotation);
        _toggleRotationAim          = SetupToggle("Aim State Rotation", ToggleAimStateRotation);
        _toggleRotationPreTeleport  = SetupToggle("PreTeleport State Rotation", TogglePreTeleportStateRotation);
        _toggleRotationPostTeleport = SetupToggle("PostTeleport State Rotation", TogglePostTeleportStateRotation);

예제 #13
    /// <summary>
    /// This coroutine is active while the teleport system is in the aiming state.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerator TargetAimCoroutine()
        // While the teleport system is in the aim state, perform the aim logic and consider teleporting.
        while (LocomotionTeleport.CurrentState == LocomotionTeleport.States.Aim)
            // With each targeting test, we need to reset the AimData to clear the point list and reset flags.

            // Start the testing with the character's current position to the aiming origin to ensure they
            // haven't just stuck their hand through something that should have prevented movement.
            // The first test won't be added to the aim data results because the visual effects should be from
            // the aiming origin.

            var current = LocomotionTeleport.transform.position;

            // Enumerate through all the line segments provided by the aim handler, checking for a valid target on each segment,
            // stopping at the first valid target or when the enumerable runs out of line segments.

            for (int i = 0; i < _aimPoints.Count; i++)
                var adjustedPoint = _aimPoints[i];
                AimData.TargetValid = ConsiderTeleport(current, ref adjustedPoint);
                if (AimData.TargetValid)
                    AimData.Destination = ConsiderDestination(adjustedPoint);
                    AimData.TargetValid = AimData.Destination.HasValue;
                current = _aimPoints[i];
            yield return(null);
예제 #14
 protected override void OnDisable()
     LocomotionTeleport = null;
    protected override void UpdateTeleportDestination()
        float   magnitude;
        Vector2 direction;

        if (Thumbstick == OVRInput.Controller.Touch)
            Vector2 leftDir  = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis2D.LThumbstick);
            Vector2 rightDir = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis2D.RThumbstick);
            float   leftMag  = leftDir.magnitude;
            float   rightMag = rightDir.magnitude;
            if (leftMag > rightMag)
                magnitude = leftMag;
                direction = leftDir;
                magnitude = rightMag;
                direction = rightDir;
            if (Thumbstick == OVRInput.Controller.LTouch)
                direction = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis2D.LThumbstick);
                direction = OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.RawAxis2D.RThumbstick);
            magnitude = direction.magnitude;

        if (!AimData.TargetValid)
            _lastValidDirection = new Vector2();

        if (magnitude < RotateStickThreshold)
            direction = _lastValidDirection;
            magnitude = direction.magnitude;

            if (magnitude < RotateStickThreshold)
                _initialRotation = LocomotionTeleport.GetHeadRotationY();
                direction.x      = 0;
                direction.y      = 1;
            _lastValidDirection = direction;

        var tracking = LocomotionTeleport.LocomotionController.CameraRig.trackingSpace.rotation;

        if (magnitude > RotateStickThreshold)
            direction /= magnitude;             // normalize the vector
            var rot = _initialRotation * Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(direction.x, 0, direction.y), Vector3.up);
            _currentRotation = tracking * rot;
            _currentRotation = tracking * LocomotionTeleport.GetHeadRotationY();

        LocomotionTeleport.OnUpdateTeleportDestination(AimData.TargetValid, AimData.Destination, _currentRotation, GetLandingOrientation(OrientationMode, _currentRotation));
 protected override void InitializeTeleportDestination()
     _initialRotation    = LocomotionTeleport.GetHeadRotationY();
     _currentRotation    = _initialRotation;
     _lastValidDirection = new Vector2();
예제 #17
 protected override void OnEnable()
     LocomotionTeleport = GetComponent <LocomotionTeleport>();
예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// When the teleport state is entered, simply move the player to the new location
 /// without any delay or other side effects.
 /// </summary>
 protected override void LocomotionTeleportOnEnterStateTeleporting()
예제 #19
 protected override void UpdateTeleportDestination()
     LocomotionTeleport.OnUpdateTeleportDestination(AimData.TargetValid, AimData.Destination, null, null);