private void StrategyRouteFollowing()
            LocationWp nextWp = _routePlanner.mission.nextTargetWp;

            FollowDirectionTargetDistanceToGoalMeters = 0.0d;

            if (nextWp != null)
                Direction dirToWp = nextWp.directionToWp(_mapperVicinity.robotPosition, _mapperVicinity.robotDirection);

                Distance distToWp = nextWp.distanceToWp(_mapperVicinity.robotPosition);

                if (distToWp.Meters < 2.0d)
                    nextWp.waypointState = WaypointState.Passed;     // will be ignored on the next cycle
                    Talker.Say(10, "Waypoint " + nextWp.number + " passed");
                else if (nextWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.HasValue && (DateTime.Now - nextWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.Value).TotalSeconds > WAYPOINT_CANTREACH_SECONDS)
                    nextWp.waypointState = WaypointState.CouldNotReach;     // will be ignored on the next cycle
                    Talker.Say(10, "Waypoint " + nextWp.number + " could not reach");
                    FollowDirectionMaxVelocityMmSec = Math.Min(distToWp.Meters > 3.0d ? MaximumForwardVelocityMmSec : ModerateForwardVelocityMmSec,
                                                               _state.collisionState.canMoveForwardSpeedMms);      // mm/sec

                    Tracer.Trace(string.Format("IP: distToWp.Meters= {0}, FollowDirectionMaxVelocityMmSec={1}", distToWp.Meters, FollowDirectionMaxVelocityMmSec));

                    if (!nextWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.HasValue && FollowDirectionMaxVelocityMmSec != 0.0d)
                        nextWp.waypointState = WaypointState.SelectedAsTarget;
                        double timeToReachSec = (distToWp.Meters * 1000.0d) / (FollowDirectionMaxVelocityMmSec);        // mm/sec
                        nextWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(timeToReachSec);

                    // choose current tactics:
                    _mapperVicinity.robotState.robotTacticsType = RobotTacticsType.FollowDirection;
                Talker.Say(10, "Last Waypoint " + nextWp.number + " passed, stopping");
                // choose current tactics - we are done, stop:
                _mapperVicinity.robotState.robotTacticsType = RobotTacticsType.None;
                _mapperVicinity.robotDirection.bearing      = null;
예제 #2
        private void drawMission(List <UIElement> relList, List <UIElement> unrotatedList)
            if (_currentRoutePlanner != null && _currentRoutePlanner.mission != null && _currentRoutePlanner.mission.waypoints.Any())
                    double frameWidth  = canvasRel.ActualWidth;
                    double frameHeight = canvasRel.ActualHeight;

                    double metersPerPixelX = MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters / (frameWidth / mapperVicinity.RelMapWidth);
                    double metersPerPixelY = MapperSettings.elementSizeMeters / (frameHeight / mapperVicinity.RelMapHeight);

                    double latitudeFactor = Math.Cos(mapperVicinity.robotPosition.Y);
                    double xMeters        = Distance.METERS_PER_DEGREE * latitudeFactor;

                    int i = 0;

                    LocationWp prevWp = null;
                    double     xPixPrev = 0, yPixPrev = 0;

                    foreach (LocationWp curWp in _currentRoutePlanner.mission.waypoints)
                        Color wpColor;
                        switch (curWp.waypointState)
                        case WaypointState.None:
                            wpColor = Colors.Blue;

                        case WaypointState.SelectedAsTarget:
                            wpColor = Colors.Orange;

                        case WaypointState.Passed:
                            wpColor = Colors.Green;

                        case WaypointState.CouldNotReach:
                            wpColor = Colors.Red;

                        DetectedObjectViewControl dovc = new DetectedObjectViewControl()
                            color = wpColor, size = curWp.isHome ? 121 : 41

                        Direction dirToWp = curWp.directionToWp(mapperVicinity.robotPosition, mapperVicinity.robotDirection);

                        Distance distToWp = curWp.distanceToWp(mapperVicinity.robotPosition);

                        double metersToWaypoint = Math.Round(distToWp.Meters, 1);

                        distToWp /= 10.0d;     // fit to small scale vicinity map

                        RelPosition pos = new RelPosition(dirToWp, distToWp);

                        double distXmeters = pos.X;
                        double distYmeters = pos.Y;

                        double xPix = frameWidth / 2.0d + distXmeters / metersPerPixelX;
                        double yPix = frameHeight / 2.0d - distYmeters / metersPerPixelY;

                        dovc.Margin = new Thickness(xPix, yPix, 0, 0);


                        string wptCommand = == MAV_CMD.WAYPOINT ? (curWp.isHome ? "HOME" : string.Empty) :;

                        string strSecToWp = string.Empty;

                        if (curWp.waypointState == WaypointState.SelectedAsTarget && curWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.HasValue)
                            strSecToWp = string.Format(" {0:#} sec", (curWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.Value - DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds);

                        Label labelWp = new Label()
                            Content    = string.Format("WPT{0}: {1} m {2} deg {3}{4}", curWp.number, metersToWaypoint, Math.Round((double)dirToWp.bearingRelative, 1), wptCommand, strSecToWp),
                            Margin     = new Thickness(xPix + 10, yPix + 10, 0, 0),
                            FontSize   = 14,
                            FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold


                        if (prevWp != null)
                            //Line lineToWp = new Line() { X1 = xPixPrev, Y1 = yPixPrev, X2 = xPix, Y2 = yPix, Stroke=Brushes.Red, StrokeThickness = 4.0d, StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Triangle };

                            Brush  brush     = Brushes.Blue;
                            double thickness = 4.0d;

                            if (prevWp.waypointState == WaypointState.Passed && curWp.waypointState == WaypointState.Passed)
                                // leg has been traveled:
                                brush = Brushes.Green;
                            else if (curWp.waypointState == WaypointState.SelectedAsTarget)
                                // current leg:
                                brush     = Brushes.OrangeRed;
                                thickness = 6.0d;

                            relList.Add(LineArrowHelper.DrawLinkArrow(new Point(xPixPrev, yPixPrev), new Point(xPix, yPix), brush, thickness));

                        prevWp   = curWp;
                        xPixPrev = xPix;
                        yPixPrev = yPix;
                catch { }