public List<string> getAutoSuggestLocation(string strCountryCode, string strSearchString, LocationSearchSource provider) { //DataTable dtLoc = new DataTable(); //dtLoc = locDA.getAutoSuggestLocation(strCountryCode, strSearchString, provider); //return dtLoc; return locDA.getAutoSuggestLocation(strCountryCode, strSearchString, provider); }
/// <summary> /// Method to fetch the country name and AredId to populate the country dropdown /// </summary> //public DataTable getCountry(string strCountryCodes) //{ // return locDA.getCountry(strCountryCodes); //} public List<Location> getLocationDetails(string strName, string strCountry, LocationSearchSource eProvider, double lat, double lang, string culture) { return locDA.getLocationDetails(strName, strCountry, eProvider, lat, lang, culture); }
//public DataTable getFavorites() //{ // string strConn = objDB.getConnectionString("AgriCoreDBConnectionString"); // SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn); // try // { // //Create sql command // SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); // cmd.Connection = conn; // cmd.Connection.Open(); // cmd.CommandText = "SELECT sh_fav_name,sh_fav_placename,sh_fav_moduleid,sh_fav_id FROM WHERE sh_fav_f_user_id=19377 AND ( sh_fav_moduleid='globalsetting' OR sh_fav_moduleid='weathercast' OR sh_fav_moduleid='mySyngenta_Home') ORDER BY sh_fav_name"; // cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); // da.Fill(dt); // if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) // { // conn.Close(); // } // return dt; // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw (new Exception("Cannot get favorites.", ex)); // } // finally // { // conn.Dispose(); // } //} //public void updateFavorite(string strNewFavName, int intFavId) //{ // string strConn = objDB.getConnectionString("AgriCoreDBConnectionString"); // SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn); // try // { // ////Create sql command // SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); // cmd.Connection = conn; // cmd.Connection.Open(); // cmd.CommandText = "update sh_favorites set sh_fav_name =" + "'" + strNewFavName + "' where sh_fav_id =" + intFavId; // cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // int ret; // ret = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) // { // conn.Close(); // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw (new Exception("Cannot update favorites.", ex)); // } // finally // { // conn.Dispose(); // } //} //public DataSet getCountry() //public DataTable getCountry(string strCountryCodes) //{ // //Setting connection string value // string strConn = objDB.getConnectionString("LocationDBConnectionString"); // SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn); // try // { // //Create sql command // SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); // cmd.Connection = conn; // cmd.Connection.Open(); // cmd.CommandText = "Select code,dbo.ReturnStrName(la.Area_Name,la.Native_Area_Name) AS Name FROM Location_Areas LA inner join [ISOCountryCodes] c on la.areaid=c.AreaID WHERE la.areaid in(" + strCountryCodes + ") ORDER BY Name"; // cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // DataTable dt = new DataTable(); // SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); // da.Fill(dt); // if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) // { // conn.Close(); // } // return dt; // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw (new Exception("Cannot get country list.", ex)); // } // finally // { // conn.Dispose(); // } //} public List<Location> getLocationDetails(string strName, string strCountry, LocationSearchSource eProvider, double lat, double lang, string culture) { /*INCIDENT IM02468422 - //overwrite - Changes the Token in Application - BEGIN */ //var result = LocationSearchConsumer.GenerateLocationObj(strCountry, strName, eProvider, culture, "New Agricast", "getLocationDetails"); var result = LocationSearchConsumer.GenerateLocationObj(strCountry, strName, eProvider, culture, "FBF9DCA5-849E-4B0F-AE51-DD64F7614A16", "getLocationDetails"); /*INCIDENT IM02468422 - //overwrite - Changes the Token in Application - BEGIN */ Regex rx = new Regex(@"^[0-9]+$"); if (rx.IsMatch(strName)) { if (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["AuditData"] != null) { IDictionary dict = (IDictionary)HttpContext.Current.Session["AuditData"]; dict["locSearchStringType"] = "Postal Code"; HttpContext.Current.Session["AuditData"] = dict; } } return result; }
//public DataSet getLocationDetails(string strName, string strCountry, string strProvider, double lat, double lang, string culture) //{ // var output = getLocationDetails(strName, strCountry, strProvider, lat, lang, culture, 1); // DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // DataSet dsLocation = new DataSet(); // bool isPostalCode = false; // //If the user enter the coordinates // if (strName.IndexOf(',') > 0 && strName.Split(',')[0] != null) // { // double.TryParse(strName.Split(',')[0], out lat); // double.TryParse(strName.Split(',')[1], out lang); // } // else // { // Regex rx = new Regex(@"^[0-9]+$"); // //If the user enters the location name // //Condition to check for Postal code // if (rx.IsMatch(strName)) // { // lat = 0.00; // isPostalCode = true; // if (HttpContext.Current != null) // { // if (HttpContext.Current.Session["AuditData"] != null) // { // IDictionary dict = (IDictionary)HttpContext.Current.Session["AuditData"]; // dict["locSearchStringType"] = "Postal Code"; // HttpContext.Current.Session["AuditData"] = dict; // } // } // } // else // { // lat = 0.00; // } // } // if (culture.Length > 2) // { // CultureInfo cult = new CultureInfo(culture); // culture = cult.TwoLetterISOLanguageName; // } // //if (lat == 0.00) // //{ // if (strProvider.Contains("geoname")) // { // string proxyName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["proxyName"]; // WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); // webClient.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; // XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument(); // string username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UserName"]; // string domain = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Domain"]; // string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"]; // webClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password, domain); // webClient.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, "test"); // WebProxy proxy = new WebProxy(proxyName, true); // proxy.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password, domain); // webClient.Proxy = proxy; // string xml; // //Condition to check for postal code and to fetch the records accordingly // if (isPostalCode) // { // xml = webClient.DownloadString("" + strName + "&country=" + strCountry); // } // else // { // xml = webClient.DownloadString("" + strName + "&country=" + strCountry); // } // xdoc.LoadXml(xml); // ds.ReadXml(new XmlNodeReader(xdoc)); // if (Int32.Parse(ds.Tables["geonames"].Rows[0]["TotalResultsCount"].ToString()) > 0 && !isPostalCode) // { // ds.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Add("AlternatePlaceName"); // foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["alternateName"].Rows) // { // if (dr["lang"].ToString().ToLower() == culture.ToLower()) // { // foreach (DataRow drow in ds.Tables["geoname"].Rows) // { // if (drow["geoname_id"].ToString() == dr["geoname_id"].ToString()) // drow["AlternatePlaceName"] = dr["alternateName_Text"]; // } // //break; // } // } // DataView view = new DataView(ds.Tables["geoname"]); // string[] columnNames = { "name", "lat", "lng", "geonameID", "countryCode", "countryName", "adminName1", "adminName2", "AlternatePlaceName" }; // DataTable dtGeoname = view.ToTable(true, columnNames); // dtGeoname.TableName = "geoname"; // DataView view1 = new DataView(ds.Tables["geonames"]); // string[] columnNames1 = { "totalResultsCount", "geonames_Id" }; // DataTable dtGeonames = view1.ToTable(true, columnNames1); // dtGeonames.TableName = "geonames"; // dsLocation.Tables.Add(dtGeonames); // dsLocation.Tables.Add(dtGeoname); // //DataTable dtGeoname = new DataTable(); // //var geoname = from DataRow row in ds.Tables["geoname"].AsEnumerable() // // select new // // { // // name = row.Field<string>("name"), // // lat = row.Field<double>("lat"), // // lng = row.Field<double>("lng"), // // geonameID = row.Field<string>("geonameID"), // // countryCode = row.Field<string>("countryCode"), // // countryName = row.Field<string>("countryName"), // // adminName1 = row.Field<string>("adminName1"), // // adminName2 = row.Field<string>("adminName2") // // }; // //IEnumerable<DataRow> query = ds.Tables["geoname"].Select( // // delegate (ds.Tables["geoname"] detail) // //{ // // var newRow = ds1.tbl2.Newtbl2Row(); // // newRow.BalancelDue = detail.BalancelDue; // // newRow.ShipToFax = detail.ShipToFax; // // return newRow; // //}); // //((DataRow[])geoname.ToList()[0][0]).CopyToDataTable(dtGeoname, LoadOption.PreserveChanges); // //geoname.CopyToDataTable(dtGeoname, LoadOption.PreserveChanges); // // DataTable dtGeonames = new DataTable(); // //var geonames = from row in ds.Tables["geonames"].AsEnumerable() // // select new // // { // // totalResultsCount = row.Field<int>("name"), // // geonames_Id = row.Field<double>("lat") // // }; // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("toponymName"); // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("fcl"); // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("fcode"); // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("fclName"); // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("fcodeName"); // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("population"); // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("alternateNames"); // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("elevation"); // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("continentCode"); // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("adminCode1"); // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("adminCode2"); // //dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Columns.Remove("adminCode3"); // //dsLocation.Relations.Clear(); // //dsLocation.Tables["alternateName"].ChildRelations.Clear(); // //// dsLocation.Tables["geoname"].Constraints.Remove("ForeignKeyConstraint geoname_alternateName"); // //dsLocation.Tables["alternateName"].Clear(); // //// dsLocation.Tables.Remove("alternateName"); // dsLocation.AcceptChanges(); // } // else if (Int32.Parse(ds.Tables["geonames"].Rows[0]["TotalResultsCount"].ToString()) > 0 && isPostalCode) // { // ds.Tables["code"].Columns.Remove("adminCode1"); // ds.Tables["code"].Columns.Remove("adminCode2"); // ds.Tables["code"].Columns.Remove("adminCode3"); // ds.AcceptChanges(); // dsLocation = ds; // } // } // else // { // string strConn = objDB.getConnectionString("LocationDBConnectionString"); // SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn); // try // { // SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); // cmd.Connection = conn; // cmd.CommandText = "dbo.AgriWeb_LocationSearch"; // cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ISOCode", strCountry); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@searchStr", strName); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@maxRows", 50); // cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@debug", 0); // conn.Open(); // SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); // da.Fill(dsLocation); // if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) // { // conn.Close(); // } // if (dsLocation.Tables.Count > 0 && dsLocation.Tables[0].Columns.Contains("LocationName")) // { // dsLocation.Tables[0].Columns["LocationName"].ColumnName = "name"; // dsLocation.Tables[0].Columns["Lat"].ColumnName = "lat"; // dsLocation.Tables[0].Columns["Long"].ColumnName = "lng"; // dsLocation.Tables[0].Columns.Add("adminName1").DefaultValue = ""; // dsLocation.Tables[0].Columns.Add("adminName2").DefaultValue = ""; // foreach (DataRow dr in dsLocation.Tables[0].Rows) // { // if (dr["name"].ToString().Contains(",")) // { // dr["adminName1"] = dr["name"].ToString().Split(',')[1]; // if (dr["name"].ToString().Substring(dr["name"].ToString().IndexOf(',') + 1).Contains(',')) // dr["adminName2"] = dr["name"].ToString().Split(',')[2]; // dr["name"] = dr["name"].ToString().Split(',')[0]; // } // } // dsLocation.Tables[0].AcceptChanges(); // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw (new Exception("Cannot get Location data.", ex)); // } // finally // { // conn.Dispose(); // } // } // //} // //else // //{ // // //Setting connection string value // // string strConn = objDB.getConnectionString("P2_ForecastDBConnectionString"); // // SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConn); // // try // // { // // //Create sql command // // SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); // // cmd.Connection = conn; // // cmd.Connection.Open(); // // cmd.CommandText = "SELECT Top 1 StationProviderID AS Station_ID, REPLACE(Name, '_', ' ') as Station_Name, DistanceKm As StaDist,TimezoneID AS TZone_ID," + // // "Altitude AS STATION_ALTITUDE,Longitude AS STATION_LONGITUDE,Latitude AS STATION_LATITUDE,TimezoneOffset,DstOn," + "ProviderName FROM " + // // "Agricast_StationDetails_Location(" + lat + "," + lang + ")"; // // cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // // SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); // // da.Fill(dsLocation); // // if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) // // { // // conn.Close(); // // } // // } // //catch (Exception ex) // //{ // // throw (new Exception("Cannot get Location data.", ex)); // //} // //finally // //{ // // conn.Dispose(); // //} // //} // return dsLocation; //} //Method to get locations for autosuggestion public List<string> getAutoSuggestLocation(string strCountryCode, string strSearchString, LocationSearchSource provider) { List<string> names = new List<string>(); List<Location> locations = getLocationDetails(strSearchString, strCountryCode, provider, 0, 0, "en-GB"); if (locations != null && locations.Count > 0) { /*IM01246266 - New Agricast - can't save a favourite - BEGIN*/ var AllRecords = from row in locations.AsEnumerable() select ( //string.Format("{0},{1},{2}|{3}", row.Field<string>("name"), row.Field<string>("adminName1"), row.Field<string>("adminName2"), row["lat"].ToString() + "," + row["lng"].ToString()).TrimEnd(',') string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", row.Name, row.AdminName1, row.AdminName2).TrimEnd(',') + string.Format("|{0}", row.Latitude.ToString() + "," + row.Longitude.ToString()).TrimEnd(',') + string.Format("|{0}", row.PlaceId.ToString()) ); /*IM01246266 - New Agricast - can't save a favourite - END*/ //var Top10Records = AllRecords.Take(10); //DataRow[] AllRecords = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(item => item["name"] + "," + item["adminName1"] + "," + item["adminName2"]).Take(10); names = AllRecords.Take(10).ToList(); return names; } else return names; }
public List<Location> getLocationDetails(string strPlaceName, string strCountry, string strCultureCode, LocationSearchSource eProvider) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
//Method to fetch location details public List<Location> getLocationDetails(string strPlaceName, string strCountry, string strCultureCode, LocationSearchSource strProvider) { double lat = 0.00; double lang = 0.00; locPre = new locSearchPresenter(this); try { //locPre.getLocationDetails(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(strPlaceName), HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(strCountry), HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(strProvider), lat, lang, HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(strCultureCode)); } catch (Exception ex) { AgriCastException currEx = new AgriCastException(GetServiceDetails(), ex); AgriCastLogger.Publish(currEx, AgriCastLogger.LogType.Error); // HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorMessage"] = objComUtil.getTransText(Constants.WS_GETSVCDATA_FAILURE) + " : " + ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { IDictionary dictAudit = new Hashtable(); dictAudit["userIP"] = "";// HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; dictAudit["userID"] = ""; dictAudit["token"] = ""; dictAudit["referrer"] = "none"; dictAudit["entrancePath"] = HttpContext.Current!=null?"EmbeddedJS":"WebService"; dictAudit["culture"] = strCultureCode; dictAudit["sessionID"] = "";// HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID; dictAudit["service"] = "LocSearchWebService"; dictAudit["module"] = ""; dictAudit["locSearchType"] = ""; dictAudit["locSearchStringType"] = ""; dictAudit["locSearchString"] = strPlaceName; dictAudit["locSearchDatasource"] = strProvider; dictAudit["numOfLocs"] = 0; if(lat==0) dictAudit["searchLat"] = DBNull.Value; else dictAudit["searchLat"] = lat; if (lang == 0) dictAudit["searchLong"] = DBNull.Value; else dictAudit["searchLong"] =lang; dictAudit["countryName"] = strCountry; dictAudit["locName"] = ""; dictAudit["weatherDatasource"] = ""; dictAudit["weatherLat"] = DBNull.Value; dictAudit["weatherLong"] = DBNull.Value; dictAudit["weatherDateFrom"] = ""; dictAudit["weatherDateTo"] = ""; dictAudit["weatherSeries"] = ""; dictAudit["weatherParams"] = ""; objSvcPre.SaveServiceAuditData(dictAudit); } return null; }
public void getLocationDetails(string strName, string strCountry, LocationSearchSource eProvider, double lat, double lang, string culture) { try { ILocation.LocationList = locSvc.getLocationDetails(strName, strCountry, eProvider, lat, lang,culture); } catch (Exception ex) { AgriCastException currEx = new AgriCastException(objSvcPre.GetServiceDetails(), ex); AgriCastLogger.Publish(currEx, AgriCastLogger.LogType.Error); HttpContext.Current.Session["ErrorMessage"] = objComUtil.getTransText(Constants.LS_FETCH_LOCATION_FAILURE) + ex.Message.ToString(); return; } }