예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Check through the mappings for any location that is represented by vanilla location item(since that is the key used to uniquely identify locations).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vanillaLocationItem">EItem being used to look up location.</param>
        /// <param name="locationFromItem">Out parameter used to return the location found.</param>
        /// <returns>true if location was found, otherwise false(location item will be null in this case)</returns>
        public bool IsLocationRandomized(EItems vanillaLocationItem, out LocationRO locationFromItem)
            bool isLocationRandomized = false;

            locationFromItem = null;

            //We'll check through notes first
            foreach (RandoItemRO note in RandomizerConstants.GetNotesList())
                if (note.Item.Equals(vanillaLocationItem))
                    locationFromItem = new LocationRO(note.Name);

                    if (CurrentLocationToItemMapping.ContainsKey(locationFromItem))
                        isLocationRandomized = true;
                        //Then we know for certain it was not randomized. No reason to continue.
                        locationFromItem = null;

            //If it wasn't a note we'll look through the rest of the items
            if (!isLocationRandomized)
                //Real quick, check Climbing Claws because it is special
                if (EItems.CLIMBING_CLAWS.Equals(vanillaLocationItem))
                    locationFromItem = new LocationRO("Climbing_Claws");

                foreach (RandoItemRO item in RandomizerConstants.GetRandoItemList())
                    if (item.Item.Equals(vanillaLocationItem))
                        locationFromItem = new LocationRO(item.Name);

                        if (CurrentLocationToItemMapping.ContainsKey(locationFromItem))
                            isLocationRandomized = true;
                            //Then we know for certain it was not randomized.
                            locationFromItem = null;

            //Return whether we found it or not.
예제 #2
        void ProgressionManager_SetChallengeRoomAsCompleted(On.ProgressionManager.orig_SetChallengeRoomAsCompleted orig, ProgressionManager self, string roomKey)
            //if this is a rando file, go ahead and give the item we expect to get
            if (randoStateManager.IsRandomizedFile)
                LocationRO powerSealLocation = null;
                foreach (LocationRO location in RandomizerConstants.GetAdvancedRandoLocationList())
                    if (location.LocationName.Equals(roomKey))
                        powerSealLocation = location;

                if (powerSealLocation == null)
                    throw new RandomizerException($"Challenge room with room key '{roomKey}' was not found in the list of locations. This will need to be corrected for this challenge room to work.");

                RandoItemRO challengeRoomRandoItem = RandomizerStateManager.Instance.CurrentLocationToItemMapping[powerSealLocation];

                Console.WriteLine($"Challenge room '{powerSealLocation.PrettyLocationName}' completed. Providing rando item '{challengeRoomRandoItem}'.");
                //Handle timeshards
                if (EItems.TIME_SHARD.Equals(challengeRoomRandoItem.Item))
                    Manager <InventoryManager> .Instance.CollectTimeShard(1);

                    //Set this item to have been collected in the state manager
                    //Before adding the item to the inventory, add this item to the override
                    Manager <InventoryManager> .Instance.AddItem(challengeRoomRandoItem.Item, 1);

                    //Now remove the override

                //I want to try to have a dialog popup say what the player got.
                DialogSequence challengeSequence = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <DialogSequence>();
                challengeSequence.dialogID = "RANDO_ITEM";
                challengeSequence.name     = challengeRoomRandoItem.Item.ToString();
                challengeSequence.choices  = new List <DialogSequenceChoice>();
                AwardItemPopupParams challengeAwardItemParams = new AwardItemPopupParams(challengeSequence, true);
                Manager <UIManager> .Instance.ShowView <AwardItemPopup>(EScreenLayers.PROMPT, challengeAwardItemParams, true);

            //For now calling the orig method once we are done so the game still things we are collecting seals. We can change this later.
            orig(self, roomKey);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the mappings string from the seed to create the mappings collection for this seed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="seed">Seed whos mappings we wish to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of mappings.</returns>
        public static Dictionary <LocationRO, RandoItemRO> ParseLocationToItemMappings(SeedRO seed)
            Dictionary <LocationRO, RandoItemRO> mappings          = new Dictionary <LocationRO, RandoItemRO>();
            Dictionary <string, LocationRO>      officialLocations = new Dictionary <string, LocationRO>();
            Dictionary <string, RandoItemRO>     officialItems     = new Dictionary <string, RandoItemRO>();

            //Fill official collections for easy searching
            foreach (LocationRO location in RandomizerConstants.GetRandoLocationList())
                officialLocations.Add(location.LocationName, location);

            foreach (RandoItemRO item in RandomizerConstants.GetRandoItemList())
                officialItems.Add(item.Name, item);

            foreach (RandoItemRO item in RandomizerConstants.GetNotesList())
                officialItems.Add(item.Name, item);

            //loading for advanced seeds
            if (seed.Settings[SettingType.Difficulty].Equals(SettingValue.Advanced))
                foreach (LocationRO location in RandomizerConstants.GetAdvancedRandoLocationList())
                    officialLocations.Add(location.LocationName, location);
                foreach (RandoItemRO item in RandomizerConstants.GetAdvancedRandoItemList())
                    officialItems.Add(item.Name, item);

            //Split up all the mappings
            string[] mappingsArr = seed.MappingInfo.Split(',');

            foreach (string mappingStr in mappingsArr)
                //Split off the location and item string
                string[]    mappingArr = mappingStr.Split('~');
                LocationRO  location   = null;
                RandoItemRO item       = new RandoItemRO();

                //Get the LocationRO and RandoItemRO from the list of known items
                if (officialLocations.ContainsKey(mappingArr[0]))
                    location = officialLocations[mappingArr[0]];
                    //If for some reason something that could not be mapped to an official location, let's fail for now.
                    throw new RandomizerException($"Location named '{mappingArr[0]}' could not be located in collection of official locations.");

                if (officialItems.ContainsKey(mappingArr[1]))
                    item = officialItems[mappingArr[1]];
                    //If for some reason something that could not be mapped to an official location, let's fail for now.
                    throw new RandomizerException($"Item named '{mappingArr[1]}' could not be located in collection of official items.");

                //We get here, then we are good. Save off this mapping and move on.
                mappings.Add(location, item);

            Console.WriteLine("Mapping parsed successfully!");
예제 #4
        public void TestIsSeedBeatablePredeterminedBadSeed()
            EItems[] noAdditionalRequirements = { EItems.NONE };
            EItems[] additionalRequirements   = { EItems.DEMON_KING_CROWN, EItems.FAIRY_BOTTLE };

            //Create location with no requirments
            LocationRO locationNoRequirements = new LocationRO("No requirements location", "No requirements location", noAdditionalRequirements, false, false, false);

            //Create location with Ropedart requirements
            LocationRO locationRopedartRequirements = new LocationRO("Ropedart location", "Ropedart location", noAdditionalRequirements, false, true, false);

            //Create location with Wingsuit requirements
            LocationRO locationWingsuitRequirements = new LocationRO("Wingsuit location", "Wingsuit location", noAdditionalRequirements, true, false, false);

            //Create location with Ninja Tabi requirements
            LocationRO locationTabiRequirements = new LocationRO("Ninja Tabi location", "Ninja Tabi location", noAdditionalRequirements, false, false, true);

            //Create location with either ropedart or wingsuit requirements
            LocationRO locationRopedartOrWingsuitRequirements = new LocationRO("Ropedart or Wingsuit location", "Ropedart or Wingsuit location", noAdditionalRequirements, false, false, false, true);

            //Create location with ropedart and wingsuit requirements
            LocationRO locationRopedartAndWingsuitRequirements = new LocationRO("Ropedart and Wingsuit location", "Ropedart and Wingsuit location", noAdditionalRequirements, true, true, false);

            //Create location with all key requirements
            LocationRO locationAllKeyRequirements  = new LocationRO("All key location", "All key location", noAdditionalRequirements, true, true, true);
            LocationRO locationAllKeyRequirements2 = new LocationRO("All key location2", "All key location2", noAdditionalRequirements, true, true, true);
            LocationRO locationAllKeyRequirements3 = new LocationRO("All key location3", "All key location3", noAdditionalRequirements, true, true, true);
            LocationRO locationAllKeyRequirements4 = new LocationRO("All key location4", "All key location4", noAdditionalRequirements, true, true, true);

            //Create location with only some additional requirements
            LocationRO locationAdditionalRequirements = new LocationRO("Additional location", "Additional location", additionalRequirements, false, false, false);

            //Create location with a key requirement and some additional requirements
            LocationRO locationKeyAndAdditionalRequirements = new LocationRO("Key and Additional location", "Key and Additional location", additionalRequirements, true, false, false);

            //Load up the mappings
            Dictionary <LocationRO, RandoItemRO> mappings = new Dictionary <LocationRO, RandoItemRO>();

            mappings.Add(locationRopedartRequirements, new RandoItemRO("Seashell", EItems.SEASHELL));
            mappings.Add(locationWingsuitRequirements, new RandoItemRO("Rope Dart", EItems.GRAPLOU));
            mappings.Add(locationRopedartOrWingsuitRequirements, new RandoItemRO("Ninja Tabi", EItems.MAGIC_BOOTS));
            mappings.Add(locationRopedartAndWingsuitRequirements, new RandoItemRO("Demon Crown", EItems.DEMON_KING_CROWN));
            mappings.Add(locationAllKeyRequirements, new RandoItemRO("Fairy", EItems.FAIRY_BOTTLE));
            mappings.Add(locationAdditionalRequirements, new RandoItemRO("KEY_OF_CHAOS", EItems.KEY_OF_CHAOS));
            mappings.Add(locationKeyAndAdditionalRequirements, new RandoItemRO("KEY_OF_COURAGE", EItems.KEY_OF_COURAGE));
            mappings.Add(locationTabiRequirements, new RandoItemRO("KEY_OF_HOPE", EItems.KEY_OF_HOPE));
            mappings.Add(locationAllKeyRequirements2, new RandoItemRO("KEY_OF_LOVE", EItems.KEY_OF_LOVE));
            mappings.Add(locationAllKeyRequirements3, new RandoItemRO("KEY_OF_STRENGTH", EItems.KEY_OF_STRENGTH));
            mappings.Add(locationAllKeyRequirements4, new RandoItemRO("KEY_OF_SYMBIOSIS", EItems.KEY_OF_SYMBIOSIS));

            Console.WriteLine($"\nStatic Bad Seed. Mappings are as follows:\n");

            foreach (LocationRO location in mappings.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine($"Location '{location.PrettyLocationName}' contains item '{mappings[location]}'");

            //Validate that this seed is not beatable