public static string AddressForLocation(LocationPart location) { var addressBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.Name)) { addressBuilder.AppendLine(location.Name); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.Company)) { addressBuilder.AppendLine(location.Company); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.UnitApartment)) { addressBuilder.AppendLine(location.UnitApartment); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.NameOrNumber)) { addressBuilder.Append(location.NameOrNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.Street)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.NameOrNumber)) { addressBuilder.Append(" "); } addressBuilder.AppendLine(location.Street); } else { addressBuilder.AppendLine(); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.Town)) { addressBuilder.AppendLine(location.Town); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.Postcode)) { addressBuilder.AppendLine(location.Postcode); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.CountyState)) { addressBuilder.AppendLine(location.CountyState); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.Country)) { addressBuilder.AppendLine(location.Country); } return(addressBuilder.ToString()); }
public static Bic Create( string institutionCode, string countryCode, string locationCode, string branchCode, BicVersion version) { Require.NotNull(institutionCode, nameof(institutionCode)); Require.NotNull(countryCode, nameof(countryCode)); Require.NotNull(locationCode, nameof(locationCode)); Require.NotNull(branchCode, nameof(branchCode)); Require.True(InstitutionPart.Validate(institutionCode, version), nameof(institutionCode)); Require.True(CountryPart.Validate(countryCode), nameof(countryCode)); Require.True(LocationPart.Validate(locationCode), nameof(locationCode)); Require.True(BranchPart.Validate(branchCode), nameof(branchCode)); return(new Bic(institutionCode, countryCode, locationCode, branchCode)); }
public string GetMapUrl(LocationPart part) { if (part == null) { return(null); } if (part.Latitude.HasValue && part.Longitude.HasValue) { return($"{part.Latitude.Value.ToString("0.000000")},{part.Longitude.Value.ToString("0.000000")}"); } var address = LocationUtilities.AddressForLocation(part).Replace(Environment.NewLine, ","); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address)) { return($"{address}"); } return(null); }
// makes sence when there're cut locations parts outside of the grid // (location part width and height != cell width and height) private IEnumerator UpdateOutsideLocationParts (LocationDataVector partData, LocationData locData, List <RectTransform> lpTransforms) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); // disable grid layout group _glgContent.enabled = false; // update outside (right and bottom because grid begins from left top) location parts to the right size for (int i = 0; i <= partData.y; i++) { int listIndex = partData.x * (i < 0? 1 : i + 1) + i; LocationPart locationPart = locData.List[listIndex]; RectTransform locationPartTransform = lpTransforms[listIndex]; locationPartTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(locationPart.Width * 100, locationPartTransform.sizeDelta.y); //print(_scrollViewContent.sizeDelta.x - locationPart.Width * 100 / 2); float locationPartXLocalPosition = _scrollViewContent.sizeDelta.x / 2 - locationPart.Width * 100 / 2; locationPartTransform.localPosition = new Vector2(locationPartXLocalPosition, locationPartTransform.localPosition.y); } }
public static Outcome <Bic> TryParse(string value, BicVersion version) { if (value == null || !CheckLength(value)) { return(Outcome <Bic> .FromError(Format.Current(Strings.InvalidBicValue, value))); } string institutionCode = InstitutionPart.FromBic(value, version); if (institutionCode == null) { return(Outcome <Bic> .FromError(Format.Current(Strings.InvalidInput_InstitutionCode, value))); } string countryCode = CountryPart.FromBic(value); if (countryCode == null) { return(Outcome <Bic> .FromError(Format.Current(Strings.InvalidInput_CountryCode, value))); } string locationCode = LocationPart.FromBic(value); if (locationCode == null) { return(Outcome <Bic> .FromError(Format.Current(Strings.InvalidInput_LocationCode, value))); } string branchCode = BranchPart.FromBic(value); if (branchCode == null) { return(Outcome <Bic> .FromError(Format.Current(Strings.InvalidInput_BranchCode, value))); } return(Outcome.Of(new Bic(institutionCode, countryCode, locationCode, branchCode, value))); }
public static Bic?Parse(string value, BicVersion version) { if (value == null || !CheckLength(value)) { return(null); } string institutionCode = InstitutionPart.FromBic(value, version); if (institutionCode == null) { return(null); } string countryCode = CountryPart.FromBic(value); if (countryCode == null) { return(null); } string locationCode = LocationPart.FromBic(value); if (locationCode == null) { return(null); } string branchCode = BranchPart.FromBic(value); if (branchCode == null) { return(null); } return(new Bic(institutionCode, countryCode, locationCode, branchCode, value)); }
public LocationPart GeocodeIfRequired(LocationPart part) { if (part == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetApiKey())) { return(part); } // Don't geocode if we already have coordinate values if (part.Latitude.HasValue && part.Longitude.HasValue) { return(part); } var address = LocationUtilities.AddressForLocation(part); var results = Geocode(address); if (!results.Any()) { return(part); } var result = results.First(); part.Latitude = result.Latitude; part.Longitude = result.Longitude; return(part); }
public Location(LocationPart locationPart) : this(locationPart.Record) { }
public static string AddressForLocationWeb(LocationPart location) { var address = AddressForLocation(location); return(address.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br/>")); }
/// <summary> /// Create and spawn location grid. /// </summary> public void Create(LocationData locationData) { // location grid always have to be [X x Y] // get last list element to get grid = [maxX; maxY] LocationPart lastElement = locationData.List[locationData.List.Count - 1]; LocationDataVector partData = new LocationDataVector(-1); foreach (string part in lastElement.Id.Split('_')) { int number; if (int.TryParse(part, out number)) { if (partData.y == -1) { partData.y = number; } else { partData.x = number; } } } // get full width and height of location container float width = 0, height = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= partData.x; i++) { width += _locationGridCellSize; } for (int i = 0; i <= partData.y; i++) { height += _locationGridCellSize; } // set location container width, height and local position (left top) _scrollViewContent.sizeDelta = new Vector2(width, height); _scrollViewContent.localPosition = new Vector3(_scrollViewContent.sizeDelta.x / 2, -_scrollViewContent.sizeDelta.y / 2); // set grid layout group cell size and fixed column count _glgContent.cellSize = new Vector2(_locationGridCellSize, _locationGridCellSize); _glgContent.constraint = GridLayoutGroup.Constraint.FixedColumnCount; _glgContent.constraintCount = partData.x + 1; // load location parts sprites List <RectTransform> locationPartsTransforms = new List <RectTransform>(); for (int i = 0; i < locationData.List.Count; i++) { string spritePath = _locationPath + locationData.List[i].Id; Sprite locationPartSprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(spritePath); RectTransform locationPart = Instantiate(_locationPartPrefab, _scrollViewContent.transform); locationPart.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = locationPartSprite; locationPartsTransforms.Add(locationPart); } // update container to the right size float newWidth = width - 512 + lastElement.Width * 100; float newHeight = height - 512 + lastElement.Height * 100; _scrollViewContent.sizeDelta = new Vector2(newWidth, newHeight); // update location parts data after grid creation with saved grid elements position StartCoroutine(UpdateOutsideLocationParts(partData, locationData, locationPartsTransforms)); }